Spelling suggestions: "subject:"annan elektroteknik ocho elektronik"" "subject:"annan elektroteknik och3 elektronik""
731 |
In wireless communication there is commonly much unnecessarycommunication made in directions not pointing towards the recipient. Normallyomni directional antennas are being used which sends the same amount ofenergy in all directions equally. This waste of energy reduces the lifetime ofbattery powered units and causes more traffic collisions than necessary. Oneway of minimizing this wasted energy and traffic collisions, is to use anothertype of antenna called “smart antenna”. These antennas can use selectableradiation patterns depending on the situation and thus drastically minimize theunnecessary energy waste. Smart antennas also provide the ability to sense thedirection of incoming signals which is favorable for physical layout mappingsuch as orientation.This thesis presents the prototyping of a new type of smart antenna called theSPIDA smart antenna. This antenna is a cheap to produce smart antennadesigned for the 2.4 GHz frequency band. The SPIDA smart antenna can usesixty-four different signal patterns with the control of six separate directionalmodes, amongst these patterns are six single direction patterns, an omnidirectionalsignal pattern and fifty-six combi-direction patterns. The thesispresents complete building instructions, evaluation data and functional driversfor the SPIDA smart antenna.
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PLC-styrning till Slambehandlingsenhet : Implementering av ett inloggnings- och registreringssystemPersson, Matts, Edin, Magnus January 2018 (has links)
Projektet utfördes på uppdrag av företaget Lackeby Products AB som tillverkarslambehandlingsenheter. Uppdraget bestod av att utveckla och komplettera derasbefintliga slambehandlingsenheter med ett inloggnings- och registreringssystem med hjälp av PLC och RFID-läsare. Syftet var att ta fram en prototyp av styrskåpet med funktioner enligt uppdragsbeskrivningen. Arbetet bestod av att ta fram de komponenter som behövdes för att sedan skapa ett program för processen och bygga ett prototypskåp för utvärdering. Arbetet utfördes med hjälp av underlag från tillverkare och uppdragsgivare samt egna erfarenheter. Resultatet blev en prototyp av ett styrskåp till slambehandlingsenheterna enligt tidigare funktioner utökat med ett inloggnings- och registreringssystem med funktioner enligt uppdragsbeskrivningen. / The project was assigned by the company Lackeby Products AB, which manufactures sludge treatment units. The assignment consisted of developing and supplementing their existing sludge treatment units with a login and registration system using PLC and RFID reader. The purpose was to produce a prototype of the control cabinet with functions according to the assignment description. The work consisted of researching which components that were needed and then create a program for the process and build a prototype cabinet for evaluation. The work was done with basis from manufacturers and the company as well as own experiences. The result became a control cabinet for thesludge treatment units according to previous features, supplemented with a login and registration system with functions as described in the assignment.
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Dynamics and electronics of a manually chargeable quadcopter for steady-state flightKantsaporidis, Ioannis, Al-Attar, Sadeq January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to investigate how the onboard battery of a quadcopter can be charged through manual rotation of its motors, while understanding the resulting aerodynamical forces acting on the rotors during hover, as well as considering the changes in thrust capabilities when the electronic and structural design are altered. A theoretical approach using the momentum theory will present a general understanding of rotor performance whilst describing the correlation between rotor parameters, thrust and mechanical power. Furthermore, the idea of using the motors as generators are put under study to investigate their electrical output and utilize them to recharge the battery. This is done using the counter electromotive force equation, and a sequence of other equations that will present numerical data of actual manual work converted into electrical power. Resulting in the required time to manually recharge the quadcopter subsequently sustaining hover flight for three minutes. It is concluded in this report that manual recharging of the battery using the motors as generators is possible, as well as maintaining its flying ability in case of added weight. Although not deemed practical in commercial use, it is a new methodology with the intention to develop a sustainable quadcopter further expanding its practical applications in both aviation industry and human aid.
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The effect of the update of the European standard EN 50128 : - The management of the safety of the software applications for railway applicationsNordström, Åsa January 2017 (has links)
The European standard EN 50128 "Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Software for railway control and protection systems" is one of the European standards for European Railway systems. It is intended for software aspects, specifying procedures and technical requirements for the development of programmable Electronic systems, which are used in railway control and protection applications. Since 2017- 04-25 the original version EN 50128:2001 has been replaced by the updated new version EN 50128:2011. The update is quite extensive and will effect many parts of the existing Railway systems. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the EN 50128 update. The work for this study includes literature study, document research and interview with the relevant supplies and experts. Qualitative and quantitative methods have been used in the study to reach the possible best results. The effects due to the EN 50128 update have been extensively investigated. The following issues have been addressed: - How can the update of the standard EN 50128 be done smoothly by the companies? - How much money have they spent to update their process to follow the 2011 version? - What parts of the process have been the most extensive and expensive to change due to the standard update? The results of the work are useful for an organized and professional assessor to help and support the companies dealing with this complex software, in order for them to be prepared for the upcoming standard update as well as possible. If the affected companies have been proactive in their own development of their methods/techniques, the 2011 version of the standard will not be a major work to follow for their process. A standard is a guideline and a support in the way to a safer system.
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Integrated Community Energy SystemsKoirala, Binod Prasad January 2017 (has links)
Energy systems across the globe are going through a radical transformation as a result of technological and institutional changes, depletion of fossil fuel resources, and climate change. Accordingly, local energy initiatives are emerging and increasing number of the business models are focusing on the end-users. This requires the present centralized energy systems to be re-organized. In this context, Integrated community energy systems (ICESs) are emerging as a modern development to re-organize local energy systems allowing simultaneous integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) and engagement of local communities. With the emergence of ICESs new roles and responsibilities as well as interactions and dynamics are expected in the energy system. Although local energy initiatives such as ICESs are rapidly emerging due to community objectives, such as cost and emission reductions as well as resiliency, assessment and evaluation of the value that these systems can provide to both local communities and the whole energy system are still lacking. The value of ICESs is also impacted by the institutional settings internal and external to the system. With this background, this thesis aims to understand the ways in which ICESs can contribute to enhancing the energy transition. This thesis utilizes a conceptual framework consisting of institutional and societal levels in order to understand the interaction and dynamics of ICESs implementation. Current energy trends and the associated technological, socio-economic, environmental and institutional issues are reviewed. The developed ICES model performs optimal planning and operation of ICESs and assesses their performance based on economic and environmental metrics. For the considered community size and local conditions, grid-connected ICESs are already beneficial to the alternative of solely being supplied from the grid, both in terms of total energy costs and CO2 emissions, whereas grid-defected systems, although performing very well in terms of CO2 emissions reduction, are still rather expensive. ICESs ensure self-provision of energy and can provide essential system services to the larger energy system. This thesis has demonstrated the added value of ICESs to the individual households, local communities and the society. A comprehensive institutional design considering techno-economic and institutional perspectives is necessary to ensure effective contribution of ICESs in the energy transition. / Energisystem över hela världen går igenom en radikal omvandling till följd av tekniska och institutionella förändringar, utarmning av fossila bränsleresurser och klimatförändringar. Följaktligen växer lokala energiinitiativ fram och ett ökande antal affärsmodeller fokuserar på slutanvändarna. Detta förutsätter att de nuvarande centraliserade energisystemen omorganiseras. I det här sammanhanget utvecklas integrerade samhällsenergisystem (ICES) som en modern utveckling för att omorganisera lokala energisystem som möjliggör samtidig integration av distribuerade energiresurser och engagemang från lokala samhällen. Med framväxten av ICES nya roller och ansvarsområden samt interaktioner och dynamik förväntas i energisystemet. Även om lokala energiinitiativ som ICES snabbt framträder på grund av samhällsmål, såsom kostnad och utsläppsminskningar samt resiliens, bedömning och utvärdering av det värde som dessa system kan ge till både lokala samhällen och hela energisystemet saknas fortfarande. Värdet av ICES-värden påverkas också av de institutionella inställningarna internt och externt för systemet. Med denna bakgrund syftar denna avhandling till att förstå hur ICES kan bidra till att förbättra energiövergången. Denna avhandling använder en konceptuell ram som består av institutionella och samhälleliga nivåer för att förstå samspelet och dynamiken i ICES-genomförandet. Nuvarande energitrender och de därtill hörande tekniska, socioekonomiska, miljömässiga och institutionella frågorna ses över. Den utvecklade ICES-modellen utför optimal planering och drift av ICES och bedömer deras prestanda baserat på ekonomiska och miljömässiga mätvärden. För den ansedda samhällsstorleken och lokala förhållandena är nätanslutna ICES redan fördelaktiga jämfört med alternativet att endast försörjas från nätet, både när det gäller totala energikostnader och koldioxidutsläpp, medan nät-defekterade system, även om de fungerar väldigt bra i termer av minskningen av koldioxidutsläppen fortfarande är ganska dyra. ICES garanterar självförsörjning av energi och kan tillhandahålla viktiga systemtjänster till det större energisystemet. Denna avhandling har visat mervärdet av ICES till de enskilda hushållen, lokalsamhällena och samhället. En omfattande institutionell utformning med hänsyn till de tekno-ekonomiska och institutionella perspektiven är nödvändigt för att säkerställa ett effektivt bidrag från ICES i energiövergången. / Los sistemas energéticos en todo el mundo atraviesan una transformación radical como resultado de cambios tecnológicos e institucionales, el agotamiento de combustibles fósiles y el cambio climático. Por consiguiente, las iniciativas locales de energía están surgiendo y los modelos de negocio se centran cada vez más en los usuarios finales. Esto requiere la reorganización de los actuales sistemas energéticos centralizados. En este contexto, los sistemas integrados de energía comunitaria (ICES, por sus siglas en inglés) están emergiendo como un desarrollo moderno para reorganizar los sistemas energéticos locales, permitiendo la integración simultánea de los recursos energéticos distribuidos y la participación de las comunidades locales. Con la aparición de ICESs se esperan nuevos roles y responsabilidades, así como interacciones y dinámicas, en el sistema energético. Aunque las iniciativas locales en materia de energía, como las ICESs, están surgiendo rápidamente debido a los objetivos de la comunidad, tales como la reducción de costos y emisiones, así como la resiliencia, y la evaluación, siguen careciendo del valor que estos sistemas pueden brindar tanto a las comunidades locales como a todo el sistema energético. El valor de los ICESs también se ve afectado por los entornos institucionales tanto internos como externos al sistema. Con este trasfondo, esta tesis pretende comprender las formas en que los ICESs pueden contribuir a mejorar la transición energética. Esta tesis utiliza un marco conceptual que consiste en niveles institucionales y sociales para comprender la interacción y dinámica de la implementación de los ICESs. Además, esta tesis revisa las tendencias actuales de energía y los problemas tecnológicos, socioeconómicos, ambientales e institucionales asociados. La tesis desarrolla un modelo que optimiza la planificación y el funcionamiento óptimos de ICESs y evalúa su funcionamiento basado en métricas económicas y ambientales. Para el tamaño de la comunidad y las condiciones locales consideradas, los ICESs conectados a la red ya son beneficiosos tanto en términos de costos totales de energía como de emisiones de CO2 comparado con la alternativa de ser suministrados únicamente desde la red, mientras que los sistemas aislados y desconectados de la red, aunque desempeñándose muy bien en términos de reducción emisiones de CO2, siguen siendo bastante más costosos. Los ICESs garantizan el autoabastecimiento de energía y pueden proporcionar servicios esenciales al resto del sistema energético. Esta tesis demuestra el valor añadido de los ICESs a los hogares individuales, las comunidades locales y la sociedad. Un diseño integral que considere las perspectivas tecno-económicas e institucionales es necesario para asegurar la contribución efectiva de los ICESs en la transición energética. / Energiesystemen over de hele wereld gaan door een radicale transformatie als gevolg van technologische en institutionele veranderingen, uitputting van fossiele brandstoffen en klimaatverandering. Bijgevolg komen lokale energie-initiatieven op en richten steeds meer verdienmodellen zich op de eindgebruikers. Dit vereist dat de huidige gecentraliseerde energiesystemen opnieuw worden georganiseerd. In deze context komen geïntegreerde energiegemeenschapssystemen (ICESs) op als een moderne ontwikkeling om lokale energiesystemen te reorganiseren, welke gelijktijdige integratie van lokale energiebronnen en betrokkenheid van lokale gemeenschappen mogelijk maakt. Het wordt verwacht dat de opkomst van ICESs zowel nieuwe rollen en verantwoordelijkheden met zich meebrengt. Hoewel lokale energie-initiatieven zoals ICESs snel opkomen door de doelstellingen van de gemeenschap, zoals kosten- en emissiereducties en veerkracht, schort het nog steeds aan beoordeling en evaluatie van de waarde die deze systemen kunnen hebben voor zowel de lokale gemeenschappen als het hele energiesysteem. De waarde van ICESs wordt ook beïnvloed door de institutionele kenmerken binnen en buiten het systeem. Met deze achtergrond beoogt dit proefschrift te begrijpen op welke manieren de ICESs kunnen bijdragen aan de verbetering van de energietransitie. Dit proefschrift maakt gebruik van een conceptueel raamwerk bestaande uit institutionele en maatschappelijke niveaus om de interactie en dynamiek van de implementatie van de ICES te begrijpen. De huidige energietrends en de bijbehorende technologische, sociaal-economische, milieu- en institutionele problemen worden beoordeeld. Het ontwikkelde ICES-model voert optimale planning en gebruik van ICESs uit en beoordeelt hun prestaties op basis van economische en milieu-indicatoren. Voor de beschouwde gemeenschapsgrootte en lokale omstandigheden zijn op het net aangesloten ICESs al voordelig ten opzichte van het alternatief waarbij uitsluitend vanuit het net wordt geleverd, zowel wat betreft de totale energiekosten als de CO2-uitstoot, terwijl de grid-defected systemen, hoewel heel goed presterend in termen van CO2-emissiereductie, nog steeds vrij duur zijn. ICESs zorgen voor zelfvoorziening van energie en kunnen essentiële systeemdiensten leveren aan het grotere energiesysteem. Dit proefschrift heeft de toegevoegde waarde van ICESs voor de individuele huishoudens, lokale gemeenschappen en de samenleving aangetoond. Een uitgebreid institutioneel ontwerp met inachtneming van techno-economische en institutionele perspectieven is nodig om de effectieve bijdrage van de ICESs in de energietransitie te waarborgen. / <p>QC 20170911</p> / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Strategies
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Magnetic Leakage Fields and End Region Eddy Current Power Losses in Synchronous GeneratorsMarcusson, Birger January 2017 (has links)
The conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy is done mainly with synchronous generators. They are used in hydropower generators and nuclear plants that presently account for about 80% of the electric energy production in Sweden. Because of the dominating role of the synchronous generators, it is important to minimize the power losses for efficient use of natural resources and for the economies of the electric power companies and their customers. For a synchronous machine, power loss means undesired heat production. In electric machines, there are power losses due to windage, friction in bearings, resistance in windings, remagnetization of ferromagnetic materials, and induced voltages in windings, shields and parts that are conductive but ideally should be non-conductive. The subject of this thesis is prediction of end region magnetic leakage fields in synchronous generators and the eddy current power losses they cause. The leakage fields also increase the hysteresis losses in the end regions. Magnetic flux that takes paths such that eddy current power losses increase in end regions of synchronous generators is considered to be leakage flux. Although only a small fraction of the total magnetic flux is end region leakage flux, it can cause hot spots, discoloration and reduce the service life of the insulation on the core laminations. If unattended, damaged insulation could lead to electric contact and eddy currents induced by the main flux between the outermost laminations. That gives further heating and deterioration of the insulation of laminations deeper into the core. In a severe case, the core can melt locally, cause a cavity, buckling and a short circuit of the main conductors. The whole stator may have to be replaced. However, the end region leakage flux primarily causes heating close to the main stator conductors which makes the damage possible to discover by visual inspection before it has become irrepairable.
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Implementation and Evaluation of Architectures for Multi-Stream FIR FilteringJiang, Yang January 2017 (has links)
Digital filters play a key role in many DSP applications and FIR filters are usually selected because of their simplicity and stability against IIR filters.In this thesis eight architectures for multi-stream FIR filtering are studied. Primarily, three kinds of architectures are implemented and evaluated: one-toone mapping, time-multiplexed and pipeline interleaving. During implementation, practical considerations are taken into account such as implementation approach and number representation. Of interest is to see the performance comparison of different architectures, including area and power. The trade-off between area and power is an attractive topic for this work. Furthermore, the impact of the filter order and pipeline interleaving are studied.The result shows that the performance of different architectures differ a lot even with the same sample rate for each stream. It also shows that the performance of different architectures are affected by the filter order differently. Pipeline interleaving improves area utilization at the cost of rapid increment of power. Moreover, it has negative impact on the maximum working frequency.All the FIR filter architectures are synthesized in a 65nm technology.
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Condition measuring and lifetime modelling of disconnectors, circuit breakers and other electrical power transmission equipmentWesterlund, Per January 2017 (has links)
The supply of electricity is important in modern society, so the outages of the electric grid should be few and short, especially for the transmission grid. A summary of the history of the Swedish electrical system is presented. The objective is to be able to plan the maintenance better by following the condition of the equipment. The risk matrix can be used to choose which component to be maintained. The risk matrix is improved by adding a dimension, the uncertainty of the probability. The risk can be reduced along any dimension: better measurements, preventive maintenance or more redundancy. The number of dimensions can be reduced to two by following iso-risk lines calculated for the beta distribution. This thesis lists twenty surveys about circuit breakers and disconnectors, with statistics about the failures and the lifetime. It also presents about forty condition-measuring methods for circuit breakers and disconnectors, mostly applicable to the electric contacts and the mechanical parts. A method for scheduling thermography based on analysis of variance of the current is tried. Its aim is to reduce the uncertainty of thermography and it is able to explain two thirds of the variation using the time of the day, the day of the week and the week number as explanatory variables. However, the main problem remains as the current is in general too low. A system with IR sensors has been installed at the nine contacts of six disconnectors with the purpose of avoiding outages for maintenance if the contacts are in a good condition. The measured temperatures are sent by radio and regressed against the square of the current, the best exponent found. The coefficient of determination $R^2$ is high, greater than 0.9. The higher the regression coefficient is, the more heat is produced at the contact. So this ranks the different contacts. Finally a framework for lifetime modelling and condition measuring is presented. Lifetime modelling consists in associating a distribution of time to failure with each subpopulation. Condition measuring means measuring a parameter and estimating its value in the future. If it exceeds a threshold, maintenance should be carried out. The effect of maintenance of the contacts is shown for four disconnectors. An extension of the risk matrix with uncertainty, a survey of statistics and condition monitoring methods, a system with IR sensors at contacts, a thermography scheduling method and a framework for lifetime modelling and condition measuring are presented. They can improve the planning of outages for maintenance. Finally a framework for lifetime modelling and condition measuring is presented. Lifetime modelling consists in associating a distribution of time to failure with each subpopulation. Condition measuring means measuring a parameter and estimating its value in the future. If it exceeds a threshold, maintenance should be carried out. The effect of maintenance of the contacts is shown for four disconnectors. An extension of the risk matrix with uncertainty, a survey of statistics and condition monitoring methods, a system with IR sensors at contacts, a thermography scheduling method and a framework for lifetime modelling and condition measuring are presented. They can improve the planning of outages for maintenance. / Elförsörjningen är viktig i det moderna samhället, så avbrotten bör vara få och korta, särskilt i stamnätet. En kortfattad historik över det svenska elsystemet presenteras. Målet är att kunna planera avbrotten för underhåll bättre genom att veta mera om apparaternas skick. Det är svårt att planera avbrott för underhåll och utbyggnad. Riskmatrisen är verktyg för att välja vad som ska underhållas och den kan förbättras genom att lägga till en dimension, sannolikhetens osäkerhet. Risken kan minskas längs med varje dimension: bättre mätningar, förebyggande underhåll och mer redundans. Antalet dimensioner kan igen bli två genom att följa linjer med samma risk, som är beräknade för betafördelningen. Denna avhandling tar upp tjugo studier av fel i brytare och frånskiljare med data om felorsak och livslängd. Den har också en översikt av ett fyrtiotal olika metoder för tillståndsmätningar för brytare och frånskiljare, som huvudsakligen rör de elektriska kontakterna och de mekaniska delarna. Ett system med IR sensorer har installerats på de nio kontakterna på sex frånskiljare. Målet är att minska antalet avbrott för underhåll genom att skatta skicket när frånskiljarna är i drift. De uppmätta temperaturerna tas emot genom radio och behandlas genom regression mot kvadraten av strömmen, då den bästa exponenten för strömmen visade sig vara 2,0. Förklaringsfaktorn $R^2$ är hög, över 0,9. För varje kontakt ger det en regressionskoefficient. Ju högre koefficienten är, desto mer värme utvecklas det i kontakten, vilket kan leda till skador på materialet. Koefficienterna ger en rangordning av frånskiljarna. Systemet kan också användas för att minska eller öka den tillåtna strömmen baserat på skicket. Slutligen förklaras ett ramverk för livslängdsmodellering och tillståndsmätning. Livslängdsmodellering innebär att koppla en fördelning för tiden till fel med varje delpopulation. Med tillståndsmätning avses att mäta en parameter och skatta dess värde i framtiden. Om den överskrider en tröskel, måste apparaten underhållas. Effekten av underhåll visas för fyra frånskiljare. En utveckling av riskmatrisen med osäkerheten, en sammanställning av statistik och metoder för tillståndsövervakning, ett system med IR-sensor vid kontakerna, en metod för termografiplanering och ett ramverk för livslängdsmodellering och tillståndsmätningar presenteras. De kan förbättra avbrottsplaneringen. / El suministro de energía eléctrica es importante en la sociedad moderna. Por eso los cortes eléctricos deben ser poco frecuentes y de poca duración, sobre todo en la red de transmisión. Esta tesis resume la historia del sistema eléctrico sueco. El objetivo es planificar los cortes mejor siguiendo la condición de los aparatos. La matriz de riesgo se utiliza muchas veces para escoger en qué aparatos debería realizarse mantenimiento. Esta matriz se puede mejorar añadiendo una dimensión: la incertidumbre de la probabilidad. El riesgo puede ser disminuido siguiendo cada una de las tres dimensiones: mejores mediciones, mantenimiento preventivo y mayor redundancia. El número de dimensiones puede reducirse siguiendo líneas del mismo riesgo calculadas para la distribución beta. Esta tesis presenta veinte estudios de fallos en interruptores y seccionadores con datos sobre la causa y el tiempo hasta la avería. Contiene también una visión general de cuarenta métodos para medir la condición de seccionadores e interruptores, aplicables en su mayoría a los contactos eléctricos y los componentes mecánicos. Se ha instalado un sistema con sensores infrarrojos en los seis contactos de nueve seccionadores. El objetivo es disminuir los cortes de servicio para mantenimiento, estimando la condición con el seccionador en servicio. Las temperaturas son transmitidas por radio y se hace una regresión con el cuadrado de la corriente, ya que el mejor exponente de la corriente resultó ser 2,0. $R^2$ alcanza un valor de 0,9 indicando un buen ajuste de los datos por parte del modelo. Existe un coeficiente de regresión para cada contacto y este sirve para ordenar los contactos según la necesidad de mantenimiento, ya que cuanto mayor sea el coeficiente más calor se produce en el contacto. Finalmente se explica que el modelado de tiempo hasta la avería consiste en asignar una distribución estadística a cada equipo. La monitorización del estado consiste en medir y estimar un parámetro y luego predecir su valor en el futuro. Si va a sobrepasar un cierto límite, el equipo necesitará de mantenimiento. Se presenta el efecto de mantenimiento de cuatro seccionadores. Un desarrollo de la matriz de riesgo, un conjunto de estadísticas y métodos de monitoreo de condición, un sistema de sensores IR situados cerca de los contactos, en método de planificación de termografía y un concepto para explicar la modelización de tiempo hasta la avería y de la monitorización de la condición han sido presentados y hace posible una mejor planificación de los cortes de servicio. / <p>QC 20170928</p>
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Deep Neural Networks and Image Analysis for Quantitative MicroscopySadanandan, Sajith Kecheril January 2017 (has links)
Understanding biology paves the way for discovering drugs targeting deadly diseases like cancer, and microscopy imaging is one of the most informative ways to study biology. However, analysis of large numbers of samples is often required to draw statistically verifiable conclusions. Automated approaches for analysis of microscopy image data makes it possible to handle large data sets, and at the same time reduce the risk of bias. Quantitative microscopy refers to computational methods for extracting measurements from microscopy images, enabling detection and comparison of subtle changes in morphology or behavior induced by varying experimental conditions. This thesis covers computational methods for segmentation and classification of biological samples imaged by microscopy. Recent increase in computational power has enabled the development of deep neural networks (DNNs) that perform well in solving real world problems. This thesis compares classical image analysis algorithms for segmentation of bacteria cells and introduces a novel method that combines classical image analysis and DNNs for improved cell segmentation and detection of rare phenotypes. This thesis also demonstrates a novel DNN for segmentation of clusters of cells (spheroid), with varying sizes, shapes and textures imaged by phase contrast microscopy. DNNs typically require large amounts of training data. This problem is addressed by proposing an automated approach for creating ground truths by utilizing multiple imaging modalities and classical image analysis. The resulting DNNs are applied to segment unstained cells from bright field microscopy images. In DNNs, it is often difficult to understand what image features have the largest influence on the final classification results. This is addressed in an experiment where DNNs are applied to classify zebrafish embryos based on phenotypic changes induced by drug treatment. The response of the trained DNN is tested by ablation studies, which revealed that the networks do not necessarily learn the features most obvious at visual examination. Finally, DNNs are explored for classification of cervical and oral cell samples collected for cancer screening. Initial results show that the DNNs can respond to very subtle malignancy associated changes. All the presented methods are developed using open-source tools and validated on real microscopy images.
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Framtagning av demonstratorerBirkelöf, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
På Alfred Nobelmuseet i Karlskoga finns en avdelning som kallas Fiffiga huset. Där finns många experiment som besökare kan prova på, samt montrar som visar hur olika tekniska och maskinella apparater fungerar. Till utställningen och öppnandet sommaren 2009 ville de ha två nya demonstratorer. I rapporten kallas dem för reaktionstidsväggen och baklängesprataren. Reaktionstidsväggen skulle mäta besökarens reaktionstid genom att tryckknappar, med inbyggda dioder som slumpvis tänds, trycks ned i rätt ordning. Baklängesprataren skulle spela in besökarens tal och sedan spela upp det baklänges. Tanken var att besökaren skulle försöka prata baklänges och få det att låta rätt vid uppspelning. Arbetet gick ut på att bygga dessa demonstratorer och montera dem i Fiffiga huset. Reaktionstidsväggen styrdes med hjälp av en mikroprocessor ATMega16 från Atmel. Dess jobb var att läsa av knapptryckningar samt skicka information till dioder och display. Även baklängesprataren skulle styras med hjälp av mikroprocessorn ATMega16. En enkel mikrofonförstärkare samt filter till högtalarna skulle anslutas till processorn. Det inbyggda minnet skulle inte räcka till så ett extern minne behövde anslutas.Endast reaktionstidsväggen hann bli färdig inom projektets ramar eftersom all gammal elektronik som medföljde från Nobelmuseet var komplex, samt att många kortslutningar och avbrott gjorde felsökning till en tidskrävande procedur.
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