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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimation of electromagnetic material properties with application to high-voltage power cables

Ivanenko, Yevhen January 2017 (has links)
Efficient design of high-voltage power cables is important to achieve an economical delivery of electric power from wind farms and power plants over the very long distances as well as the overseas electric power. The main focus of this thesis is the investigation of electromagnetic losses in components of high-voltage power cables. The objective of the ongoing research is to develop the theory and optimization techniques as tools to make material choices and geometry designs to minimize the high-frequency attenuation and dispersion for HVDC power cables and the power losses associated with HVAC cables. Physical limitations, dispersion relationships and the application of sum rules as well as convex optimization will be investigated to obtain adequate physical insight and a priori modeling information for these problems. For HVAC power cables, the objectives are addressed by performing measurements and estimation of complex valued permeability of cable armour steel in Papers I and II. Efficient analytical solutions for the electromagnetic field generated by helical structures with applications for HVAC power cables have been obtained in Paper III. For HVDC power cables, estimation of insulation characteristics from dielectric spectroscopy data using Herglotz functions, convex optimization and B-splines, has been investigated in Papers V and VI. The unique solution requirements in waveguide problems have been reviewed in Paper IV.

Användande av lokala nollpunktsreaktorer : Hantering av kapacitiva jordfelsströmmar i kabelnät / Using local neutral point reactors : Dealing with capacitive earth fault currents in cable grids

Magnusson, Johan January 2017 (has links)
The rural power grid has traditionally mostly consisted of overhead power lines. In recent years the trend has been to replace the overhead lines with cables instead. The reason is that overhead lines are relatively vulnerable, strong winds and storms can cause trees and branches to fall over the power lines and cause a phase to ground fault. This will then trip the ground fault relays and disconnect the faulty power line. A cable grid is not vulnerable in the same way, and could be considered a solution to make the power grid more reliable. A cable grid does come whit other types of problems instead. It generates about 50 times more phase to ground capacitance compared with the same length of overhead lines. When a phase to ground fault occurs the capacitance in the healthy phases will generate a current to ground and then through the fault. On average a cable grid generates about 2 A per kilometer. Large cable grids can therefore cause very large capacitive currents to flow through the fault.  To counter this, a reactor is placed between the neutral point of the transformer and ground. When a phase to ground fault occurs, the reactor will generate an inductive current which is in the opposite phase compared to the capacitive current. This current will flow through the faulty line and cancel out the capacitive current. In a perfectly tuned power grid the only component left in the fault is a smaller resistive current. Large cable grids will require a large reactor to generate the large inductive current, which might need to flow over a great distance in the grid to reach the fault location. To reduce the inductive current from the central reactor, it is possible to install smaller local reactors in the grid. These will then in the event of a phase to ground fault generate a part of the inductive current, which will reduce the currents from the central reactor. This report will look at the factors related to grounding systems and how these factors affect the ground fault currents. The purpose of the report is to give recommendations to Umeå Energi on where in their grid they should install additional local reactors and also which factors they should consider when doing future expansions and rebuilds of their power grid.

Privacy-by-Design for Cyber-Physical Systems

Li, Zuxing January 2017 (has links)
It is envisioned that future cyber-physical systems will provide a more convenient living and working environment. However, such systems need inevitably to collect and process privacy-sensitive information. That means the benefits come with potential privacy leakage risks. Nowadays, this privacy issue receives more attention as a legal requirement of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. In this thesis, privacy-by-design approaches are studied where privacy enhancement is realized through taking privacy into account in the physical layer design. This work focuses in particular on cyber-physical systems namely sensor networks and smart grids. Physical-layer performance and privacy leakage risk are assessed by hypothesis testing measures. First, a sensor network in the presence of an informed eavesdropper is considered. Extended from the traditional hypothesis testing problems, novel privacy-preserving distributed hypothesis testing problems are formulated. The optimality of deterministic likelihood-based test is discussed. It is shown that the optimality of deterministic likelihood-based test does not always hold for an intercepted remote decision maker and an optimal randomized decision strategy is completely characterized by the privacy-preserving condition. These characteristics are helpful to simplify the person-by-person optimization algorithms to design optimal privacy-preserving hypothesis testing networks. Smart meter privacy becomes a significant issue in the development of smart grid technology. An innovative scheme is to exploit renewable energy supplies or an energy storage at a consumer to manipulate meter readings from actual energy demands to enhance the privacy. Based on proposed asymptotic hypothesis testing measures of privacy leakage, it is shown that the optimal privacy-preserving performance can be characterized by a Kullback-Leibler divergence rate or a Chernoff information rate in the presence of renewable energy supplies. When an energy storage is used, its finite capacity introduces memory in the smart meter system. It is shown that the design of an optimal energy management policy can be cast to a belief state Markov decision process framework. / <p>QC 20170815</p>

Inventering av olika mätare för Stuguns vattenkraftverk

Söder, Peter January 2017 (has links)
Det finns många sensormetoder för vattennivåmätning ute på marknaden idag. Målet för forskningsstudien är att presentera och jämföra några av de mätningsmetoder som finns på marknaden för nivåmätning. I studien jämförs modellerna för trycksensorer, flytsensorer, ultraljudssensor och elektromagnetisk sensor för att sedan se vilken sensor som passar bäst för just mätningar av vattennivåer. Genom, datainsamlingen från sök motorerna Google scholar och Mittuniversitetets egen databas Primo har fakta samlats. Informationen har sedan bearbetas och jämförts mot behoven från Vattenfall som ska göra tre sensorbyten på vattenkraftverket i Stugun. Resultatet av studien visade slutsatsen att utifrån kravspecifikationerna Vattenfall gav så var en trycksensor det bästa alternativet för Stugun. Studien gjorde så att Vattenfall köpte in tre stycken Waterpilot FMX21, 22 mm som sedan sattes på plats och kalibrerades. / There are many sensor methods for water level measurement on the market today. The aim of the research study is to present and compare some of the measurement methods available on the market for level measurement. In the study, the models for pressure sensors, flow sensors, ultrasonic sensors and electromagnetic sensors are compared to see which sensor is most suitable for precise measurements of water levels. Through the data collection from the search engines Google scholar and Mid University of Sweden own database Primo, facts have been gathered. The information has since been processed and compared to the needs of Vattenfall, which will do three sensor changes at the Stugun hydropower plant. The result of the study showed that according to the requirement specifications of Vattenfall, a pressure sensor was the best alternative for Stugun. The study resulted in Vattenfall purchasing three Waterpilot FMX21, 22 mm, which were then put in place and calibrated.

Bildanalys inom Machine Vision : Nyquists samplingsteorem vid digital fotografering

Lindström, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
Inom Machine Vision är det av stor vikt att kameran har möjlighet att detektera de detaljer som eftersöks. Aliasing är ett problem inom all digital fotografering och beror på att kamerans upplösning är för låg i förhållande till de detaljer den försöker fånga. Det här arbetet analyserar kamerans begränsningar och orsaken till dessa. En enkel kamerarigg som används till försök inom Machine Vision konstrueras om från grunden för bättre kontroll och upplösning och en ny styrning skapas till denna efter beställarens specifikationer. Ett testmönster för ISO 12233:2000 fotograferas därefter i denna rigg. Resultatet analyseras och jämförs mot Nyquists samplingsteorem med avseende på digital fotografering. Resultatet visar hur kamerans konstruktion och sätt att registrera färger genom ett filter framför bildsensorn och algoritmer för att beräkna färgen för varje enskild bildpunkt höjer sampelstorleken med en faktor 3 jämfört med det ursprungliga teoremet om dubbla samplingsfrekven-sen. / Within Machine Vision, it is very important that the camera can detect the details requested. Aliasing is a problem in all digital photography, and is because the camera's resolution is too low relative to the details it tries to capture. This work analyzes the camera's limitations and the cause of these. A simple camera rig used for Machine Vision tests is re-designed for better control and resolution, and a new control-system is created to this according to the client's specifications. A test pattern for ISO 12233: 2000 is then photographed in this rig. The result is analyzed and compared to Nyquist sampling theorem regarding digital photography. The result shows how the camera's design and way of registering colors through a filter in front of the image sensor and algorithms to calculate the color for each individual pixel increases the sample size by a factor of 3 compared with the original theorem with double sampling frequency.

Measuring dimensions of goods modules with 2D laser scanners on a conveyor belt / Dimensionsmätning av godsmoduler på ett transportband med 2D-laserskannrar

Strandberg, Filip, Freij, Johan January 2017 (has links)
A company wants to measure and verify the size of goods modules, transported on a conveyor belt, with the help of two 2D laser scanners (LMS100). The resulting measurements will be written to a database whereafter the modules will be moved by an automatic lifting device to a storage. The dimensions and possible any protrusions need to be known to avoid collision. The goal with this project is to write three modular libraries. One library for communicating with the LMS100 scanner, one library for calculating the dimensions of the goods modules and one library for handling the database. A graphical user interface (GUI) was also created which was implemented with an existing graphical library, Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL). A Raspberry Pi 3 has been used as a hardware platform which communicates with two LMS100 via ethernet. All code is written in the programming language C. LMS100 communicates with so called telegrams and the library implements these with TCP sockets. The structure of these can be found in the manufacturer’s datasheet. The calculating library uses trigonometric functions with measurement values from the scanners. The database library uses sqlite3 for a serverless database. The testing of these libraries was first done on a small scale with only one scanner and a small box placed a few decimeters in front of the scanner, to verify the functionality of the libraries. The company later provided a larger test rig with a remote controlled  platform, which drove between the scanners. When measuring objects with this test rig, the system showed an adequate ability to verify the size of the goods module. An inherent measurement error of a few millimeters of the scanners is shown, but this doesn’t affect the functionality in the final product which will measure considerably larger objects. Some functions are prepared for future development but aren’t yet ready for use. The protrusions of the goods modules aren’t yet discovered by the system. The calculating library is prepared to be able to detect these, but the evaluation of them aren’t ready. If the goods module is at an angle, the system measurements will be faulty. For every scanned segment the coordinates are saved and in future development it will be able to detect the angle. / Ett företag vill med hjälp av två stycken 2D-laserskannrar (LMS100) mäta och verifiera storleken på godsmoduler som transporteras på ett transportband. Mätresultatet ska skrivas till en databas varefter modulerna med en automatiskt styrd avlastare förflyttar dem till ett lager. Dimensioner och eventuella utstick på modulen måste vara kända för att undvika kollision. Målet med arbetet är att skriva tre stycken modulära bibliotek. Ett bibliotek för kommunikation med LMS100, ett bibliotek för beräkning av godsmodulens dimensioner och ett bibliotek för databashantering. Till detta skapades även ett grafiskt användargränssnitt (GUI) som implementerades med hjälp av ett färdigt grafikbibliotek, Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL).  En Raspberry Pi 3 har använts som hårdvaruplattform som kommunicerar med två stycken LMS100 via ethernetanslutning. All kod skrivs i programspråket C. LMS100 kommunicerar med s.k. telegram och biblioteket implementerar dessa via TCP sockets. Strukturen på dessa går att läsa i tillverkarens datablad. Beräkningsbiblioteket använder trigonometriska funktioner med mätvärden från skannrarna för beräkning. Databasbiblioteket använder sig av sqlite3 för en serverlös databas. Testning av dessa bibliotek skedde först på en småskalig nivå med endast en skanner och en liten låda placerad några decimeter framför skannern,  för att verifiera funktionaliteten på berörda bibliotek. Företaget bidrog senare med en testrig i större skala med en fjärrstyrd plattform, som körde mellan de två skannrarna. Vid mätning av objekt i denna testrig visade systemet en tillräckligt god förmåga för att kunna verifiera storlek på godsmoduler. Ett medföljt mätfel i millimeterskala finns i skannrarna, men detta påverkar inte funktionaliteten i den slutgiltiga produkten som ska mäta mycket större objekt. Vissa funktioner är förberedda för framtida utveckling men är inte färdiga för användning. Utstick på godsmodulerna upptäcks inte av systemet än. Beräkningsbiblioteket är förberett för att kunna upptäcka dessa, men utvärderingen av dem är inte färdigt. Om godsmodulen är vriden på transportbandet mäter systemet fel. Koordinater finns för varje skannat segment så att man ska kunna upptäcka denna vinkel i framtida utveckling.

Emulation of a manufacturing process : Focusing on maintenance and operator training

Tudero, Aitor, Azkue, Julen January 2017 (has links)
Having well-trained operators is a crucial need for Volvo Group Truck Operations (GTO). Mistakes from the factory staff may cause the production line to stop, and lead to economic losses. For this reason, Volvo GTO has decided to investigate the possibility of creating an emulation model from the production line and using it to train operators and maintenance personnel. The aim of this thesis is to develop an Operator Training Station (OTS) for the OP035 of the Volvo GTO Production Line 6. In the first part, a literature research was conducted, from which the authors gained insight into related fields such as emulation, virtual environments, and operator training. After that, an emulation model of theOP035 was created using some hardware from the factory. The real PLC program was analyzed and then modified in order to implement it to the emulation model. Then, communications were established between the different parts; emulation model and PLC program. Finally, a research of the common failures and problems of the production line was carried out, with the aim of being able to reproduce them in the Operator Training Station. Once the OTS was implemented, several tests had undergone to validate its behavior. These experiments verified that the emulation model was an accurate representation of the real system and validated its appropriateness for the operator training application

Dimensionsmätare : En PLC-baserad mätmetod för att bestämma en brädas dimension

Svensson, Ludvig January 2017 (has links)
I det här projektet har ett mätsystem utvecklats för dimensionsmätning av brädor. Mätsystemet består av ett programmerbart styrsystem (PLC), ett människa-maskin-gränssnitt (HMI), en pulsgivare för breddmätning samt två avståndssensorer för tjockleksmätning. Målet med projektet var att jämföra och välja sensorer som lämpar sig för tjockleksmätning, ta fram konstruktionsunderlag för ett styrskåp samt elscheman för inkoppling av sensorer och pulsgivare, utveckla ett PLC-program som samlar in och bearbetar data från mätningen samt skickar resultat till ett överordnat system, utveckla ett HMI för att visa resultat och göra inställningar samt testa mätsystemet för att verifiera dess mätnoggrannhet. En litteraturstudie utfördes för att öka kunskapen om olika typer av pulsgivare och avståndssensorer. Litteraturstudien visade att det finns två huvudtyper av pulsgivare. Dessa är inkrementell eller absolut, där den inkrementella pulsgivaren genererar en fyrkantsvåg av pulser medan den absoluta genererar ett pulsvärde som motsvarar en absolut position. Lasersensorer som använder sig av time-of-flight (TOF) eller trianguleringsmetoden visade sig ha hög precision och snabb svarstid. TOF-metoden går ut på att mäta tiden det tar för ljuset att studsa mot ett objekt och tillbaka till en mottagare i sensorn medan trianguleringsmetoden går ut på att använda kända avstånd och reflektionsvinklar för att bestämma ett okänt avstånd. Konstruktionsunderlag gjordes i programmet ELPROCAD och tidigare kunskaper låg till grund för hur programmet skulle användas och hur ritningarna skulle konstrueras. En litteraturstudie utfördes för att samla information om olika sensorer och i jämförelsen jämfördes sensorernas pris och prestanda. Ett styrsystem från Siemens valdes och PLC-programmet utvecklades i Simatic Step 7. Det HMI som valdes var Beijer X2 Pro 4” från Beijer Electronics. Mätsystemet klarade med en konfidensgrad på 95 % av att mäta brädor med en noggrannhet på ± 0.3 mm för tjocklek och ± 0.6 mm för bredd. Projektets mål uppfylldes men det finns förbättringsmöjligheter. Det framtida arbete som finns är att utveckla ett filter som filtrerar bort änglavingar samt göra styrning för att med tryckluft blåsa ren sensorerna från smuts med jämna mellanrum. / In this project a measurement system for dimension measurements on boards have been developed. The measurement system consists of a programmable logic controller (PLC), a human-machine-interface (HMI), an encoder for measuring width and two laser distance sensors for measuring thickness. The goal of the project is to compare between different distance sensors suitable for measuring the thickness of a board, to create electrical drawings for the system, to develop a PLC-program which collects and analyzes the measurement data and sends the results to a higher level system, to develop a HMI which will be used for monitoring and to change parameters and settings and test the measurement system at an sawmill in order to determine its accuracy. A literature study was made in order to increase the knowledge of different kinds of encoders and distance sensor. The study showed that there are mainly two kind of encoders, the absolute and the incremental. The incremental encoder generates a square wave signal while the absolute encoder generates a signal that represents the angular position of the encoder. The study also showed that an optical laser sensors based on the time of flight (TOF) or the triangulation principle proved to have high precision and fast response time. The TOF-principle is based on measuring the time it takes for a pulse of laser to travel to an object and reflect back to a receiver. By knowing the time difference between the transmitter and receiver and the speed of light makes it possible to calculate the distance to the object. The triangulation principle is based on using known distances and reflection angles to calculate unknown distances. Electrical drawings was made in ELPROCAD and previous knowledge provided the basis for how the program was used and how the drawings were constructed. A literature study was made to gather information about different types of distance sensors, which was later used to compare price and performance. A PLC-system from Siemens was chosen and the PLC-program was developed in Simatic Step 7. The HMI that was chosen in the project was Beijer X2 Pro 4” from Beijer Electronics. The measurement system was able to measure the thickness with an uncertainty of ± 0.3 mm and the width with an uncertainty of ± 0.6 mm with a confidence level of 95 %. The goal of the project was fulfilled but there is some work left for the future. That is making a filter for removing thin edges on the board and develop a pressurized air system that can clean the sensors from dust in a defined time interval.

Design och konstruktion av roterande LiDAR-system för 360 graders objektdetektering

Ask, Simon, Lindh, Rickard January 2017 (has links)
Although laser rangefinder technologies have been around for decades in military, cartography, building, industrial and research applications it is only in recent years that more generally applicable and cheaper consumer grade laser range finder sensors have become available. This project investigates the possibilities and limitations of creating a mobile 360 degree, two-dimensional obstacle detection system using off-the-shelf available electronic components. Using a Lidar Lite 3 from Garmin Ltd., an Arduino compatible microcontroller based on Atmel 328P, a Raspberry Pi 3 from The Raspberry Pi Foundation and an electronic speed controlled brushless DC motor driving the rotation, it is shown how range data measurements can be collected, communicated, processed and displayed at measurement rates between 500 and 1000 Hz. At 5 Hz update rate of a complete 360-degree data set, this translates to a worst case angular resolution of 2.5 degrees at ranges reaching 10 meters depending on target reflectivity. Configured for these faster measurement rates, at static measurements of a white painted wall, the measurements show a standard deviation of 0.06 m at a five-meter range, going up to 0.19 m at a range of 10 meters. A modular and mobile prototype was designed and built. The modularity allowed testing and verification of two configurations. Configuration A uses a slip ring for power and data transfer to the rotating sensor. Configuration B allows the laser range finder to be stationary and instead rotates a first surface aluminum mirror positioned at 45 degrees above the sensor. The measurement results show that increasing range has a notable adversely effect on the number of successful readings in a setting demanding faster measurement rates of above 500 Hz. The number of successful readings decreases at ranges above 5 meters, and this decrease of successful readings is more pronounced in the configuration using a mirror to reflect the measurement. The mirror reflected version does on the other hand allow an electromechanically simpler, more silent and durable system. Using a density based clustering algorithm it is shown how person sized objects in the point cloud data can be robustly detected at ranges up to 5 meters.

Low-Power Low-Jitter Clock Generation and Distribution

Mesgarzadeh, Behzad January 2008 (has links)
Today’s microprocessors with millions of transistors perform high-complexitycomputing at multi-gigahertz clock frequencies. Clock generation and clockdistribution are crucial tasks which determine the overall performance of amicroprocessor. The ever-increasing power density and speed call for newmethodologies in clocking circuitry, as the conventional techniques exhibit manydrawbacks in the advanced VLSI chips. A significant percentage of the total dynamicpower consumption in a microprocessor is dissipated in the clock distributionnetwork. Also since the chip dimensions increase, clock jitter and skew managementbecome very challenging in the framework of conventional methodologies. In such asituation, new alternative techniques to overcome these limitations are demanded. The main focus in this thesis is on new circuit techniques, which treat thedrawbacks of the conventional clocking methodologies. The presented research in thisthesis can be divided into two main parts. In the first part, challenges in design ofclock generators have been investigated. Research on oscillators as central elements inclock generation is the starting point to enter into this part. A thorough analysis andmodeling of the injection-locking phenomenon for on-chip applications show greatpotential of this phenomenon in noise reduction and jitter suppression. In thepresented analysis, phase noise of an injection-locked oscillator has been formulated.The first part also includes a discussion on DLL-based clock generators. DLLs haverecently become popular in design of clock generators due to ensured stability,superior jitter performance, multiphase clock generation capability and simple designprocedure. In the presented discussion, an open-loop DLL structure has beenproposed to overcome the limitations introduced by DLL dithering around the averagelock point. Experimental results reveals that significant jitter reduction can beachieved by eliminating the DLL dithering. Furthermore, the proposed structuredissipates less power compared to the traditional DLL-based clock generators.Measurement results on two different clock generators implemented in 90-nm CMOSshow more than 10% power savings at frequencies up to 2.5 GHz. In the second part of this thesis, resonant clock distribution networks have beendiscussed as low-power alternatives for the conventional clocking schemes. In amicroprocessor, as clock frequency increases, clock power is going to be thedominant contributor to the total power dissipation. Since the power-hungry bufferstages are the main source of the clock power dissipation in the conventional clock distribution networks, it has been shown that the bufferless solution is the mosteffective resonant clocking method. Although resonant clock distribution shows greatpotential in significant clock power savings, several challenging issues have to besolved in order to make such a clocking strategy a sufficiently feasible alternative tothe power-hungry, but well-understood, conventional clocking schemes. In this part,some of these issues such as jitter characteristics and impact of tank quality factor onoverall performance have been discussed. In addition, the effectiveness of theinjection-locking phenomenon in jitter suppression has been utilized to solve the jitterpeaking problem. The presented discussion in this part is supported by experimentalresults on a test chip implemented in 130-nm CMOS at clock frequencies up to 1.8GHz. / Mikroprocessorer till dagens datorer innehåller hundratals miljoner transistorersom utför åtskilliga miljarder komplexa databeräkningar per sekund. I stort settalla operationer i dagens mikroprocessorer ordnas genom att synkronisera demmed en eller flera klocksignaler. Dessa signaler behöver ofta distribueras överhela chippet och driva alla synkroniseringskretsar med klockfrekvenser pååtskilliga miljarder svängningar per sekund. Detta utgör en stor utmaning förkretsdesigners på grund av att klocksignalerna behöver ha en extremt högtidsnoggranhet, vilket blir svårare och svårare att uppnå då chippen blir större.Idealt ska samma klocksignal nå alla synkroniseringskretsar exakt samtidigt föratt uppnå optimal prestanda, avvikelser ifrån denna ideala funktionalitet innebärlägre prestanda. Ytterliggare utmaningar inom klockning av digitala chip, är atten betydande andel av processorns totala effekt förbrukas i klockdistributionen.Därför krävs nya innovativa kretslösningar för att lösa problemen med bådeonoggrannheten och den växande effektförbrukningen i klockdistributionen. att lösa de problem som finns i dagens konventionella kretslösningar förklocksignaler på chip. I den första delen av denna avhandling presenterasforskningsresultat på oscillatorer vilka utgör mycket viktiga komponenter igeneringen av klocksignalerna på chippen. Teoretiska studier avfaslåsningsfenomen i integrerade klockoscillatorer har presenterats. Studiernahar visat att det finns stor potential för reducering av tidsonoggrannhet iklocksignalerna med hjälp av faslåsning till en annan signal. I avhandlingensförsta del presenteras även en diskussion om klockgeneratorer baserade påfördröjningslåsta element. Dessa fördröjningslåsta elementen, kända som DLLkretsar, har egenskapen att de kan fördröja en klocksignal med en bestämdfördröjning, vilket möjliggör skapandet av multipla klockfaser. En nykretsteknik har introducerats för klockgenerering av multipla klockfaser vilken reducerar effektförbrukningen och onoggranheten i DLL-baseradeklockgeneratorer. I denna teknik används en övervakningskrets vilken ser till attalla delar i klockgeneratorn utnyttjas effektivt och att oanvända kretsarinaktiveras. Baserat på experimentalla mätresultat från tillverkade testkretsar ikisel har en effektbesparing på mer än 10% uppvisats vid klockfrekvenser påupp till 2.5 GHz tillsammans med en betydande ökning av klocknoggranheten. I avhandlingens andra del diskuteras en klockdistributionsteknik som baseraspå resonans, vilken har visat sig vara ett lovande alternativ till konventionllabufferdrivna klockningstekniker när det gäller minskande effektförbrukning.Principen bakom tekniken är att återanvända den energi som utnyttjas till attladda upp klocklasten. Teoretiska resonemang har visat att storaenergibesparingar är möjliga, och praktiska mätningar på tillverkadeexperimentchip har visat att effektförbrukingen kan mer än halveras. Ettproblem med den föreslagna klockningstekniken är att data som används iberäkningarna kretsen direkt påverkar klocklasten, vilket även påverkarnoggranheten på klocksignalen. För att komma till rätta med detta problemetpresenteras en teknik, baserad på forskning inom ovan nämndafaslåsningsfenomen, som kan minska onoggrannheten på klocksignalen medöver 50%. Både effektbesparingen och förbättringen av tidsnoggranheten harverifierats med hjälp av mätningar på tillverkade chip vid frekvenser upp mot1.8 GHz.

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