Spelling suggestions: "subject:"annexin V"" "subject:"innexin V""
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Induzierbare Sauerstoffradikalbildung von neutrophilen Granulozyten bei Patienten während und nach einem septischen Schock - Assoziation mit der durch Annexin V erfaßten ApoptoseKredel, Markus. January 2001 (has links)
Ulm, Univ., Diss., 2001.
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Analys av apoptos hos Docetaxel- och manganbehandlade prostatacancercellerHolmquist, Markus January 2017 (has links)
Prostatacancer är idag den vanligaste cancerformen i Sverige, och drygt 10 000 män årligen blir diagnosticerade med sjukdomen. En obotlig variant med dödlig utgång är kastrationsresistent prostatacancer som behandlas primärt med Docetaxel. Tumörcellerna utvecklar dock med tiden resistens mot cytostatikan, och det föreligger därför ett stort behov av att utveckla kombinationsbehandlingar med Docetaxel som grund. Mangan har i flera studier visat sig kunna inducera apoptos hos olika celltyper, och är därför intressant som ett möjligt komplement till Docetaxelbehandling. Syftet med studien var att analysera apoptos hos prostatacancerceller från cellinjen PC3 som exponerats för Docetaxel i kombination med mangan. Cellerna odlades och behandlades med Docetaxel i kombination med mangan under 24, 48 och 72 timmar. Analys av apoptos utfördes med flödescytometer efter infärgning med Annexin V och propidiumjodid. Beroende på cellernas tillstånd färgas de in i olika kombinationer och kan därmed detekteras som tidigt respektive sent apoptotiska, eller som nekrotiska. Resultaten visade på en ökning av apoptos hos kombinationsbehandlade celler, men ingen signifikant skillnad förelåg i jämförelse med obehandlade celler. Ytterligare försök bör därför upprepas med ökad koncentration av Docetaxel i kombination med olika koncentrationer av mangan, och även med andra prostatacancer cellinjer såsom DU145 och LnCaP. Dessutom bör analyser av apoptotiska markörer genomföras, i syfte att bekräfta apoptos.
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Analyse der Proteinexpression zur Untersuchung der physiologischen Funktion des zellulären Prionproteins (PrPc) / Analysis of the protein expression to investigate the physiological funktion of the cellular prion protein (PrPc)Weiß, Eva Annabelle 10 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Differenzierung von Alzheimerdemenz und vaskulärer Demenz anhand immunologischer BlutparameterLindner, Jochen 17 January 2024 (has links)
Demenzformen sind in Deutschland und in der Welt eine der verbreitetsten Erkrankungen der Bevölkerung des hohen Alters, welche mit hohem medizinischem Aufwand und hohen Kosten verbunden sind sowie mit einer hohen psychischen Belastung sowohl für die Patienten als auch für deren Angehörigen und des betreuenden medizinischen Personals einher geht. Daher ist eine schnelle und zuverlässige Diagnosestellung wichtig, wofür Testverfahren mit hoher Sensitivität und Spezifität erforderlich sind. Es muss eine klare Differenzierung zwischen den Demenzarten wie des Alzheimertyps, des vaskulären Typs, des Mischformtyps und weiteren Formen sowie den sekundären Demenztypen möglich sein. Die klinisch relevanten Methoden zur Erfassung der Demenz sind neben der Erhebung einer spezifischen Anamnese und des klinisch neurologischen Status, bildgebenden Verfahren und die Anwendung neuropsychologischer Testverfahren. Des Weiteren gehören Blut- und Liquoruntersuchungen zum Diagnostikspektrum. Der MMSE unterscheidet signifikant zwischen dementen und nicht dementen Patienten, daher musste eine vorgesehene Kontrollgruppe negiert werden, da kein signifikanter Unterschied des Demenzschweregrads zu den eingeschlossenen dementen Patienten bestand. In dieser retrospektiv ausgewerteten, anonymisierten Studie wurden immunologische Blutparameter untersucht, die eine Differenzierung zwischen der Alzheimer-Demenz, der vaskulären Demenz und dem Mischtyp ermöglichen sollten. Zur Überprüfung des Ergebnisses ist der HIS sehr gut
geeignet, da er signifikant zwischen den drei Demenzformen separiert. In der Bildgebung finden sich signifikante Unterschiede zwischen der vaskulären Demenz zur Alzheimerdemenz bezogen auf ausgeprägte Stenose in arteriellen Gefäßen und daraus resultierende mikro-/makropathische Veränderungen und dadurch sich entwickelnde fokalneurologische Defizite sowie Schlaganfälle. Wohingegen eine Kombination aus allgemeiner und regionaler Atrophie signifikant häufiger bei Patienten mit Alzheimer- auftreten als bei Patienten mit vaskulärer Demenz. Die grundlegende Hypothese bestand darin, dass aktivierte autoreaktive T-Zellen die BlutHirn-Schranke passieren können und die Mikroglia aktivieren und damit eine immunotoxische Immunantwort erzeugen. Dies führt zu einer überschießenden Apoptose mit dadurch bedingtem Zelluntergang. Für den Nachweis einer entsprechenden Immunreaktion wurden die Moleküle CD 25, CD 54, CD 95 und das Annexin-V im peripheren Blut bestimmt und mit den üblichen Demenzdiagnostikverfahren verglichen. Dabei ist eine signifikante Trennung zwischen den Patienten mit Alzheimer Demenz bezogen auf das CD 25 und das Verhältnis CD25*10/CD95*10 gegenüber der vaskulären Demenz zu sehen. Die Lymphozyten 95 kommen signifikant häufiger im Blut der Patienten mit vaskulärer Demenz vor gegenüber der AD. Bei den anderen Parametern finden sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Mittels der genannten Punkte lässt sich eine gute Differenzierung zwischen Alzheimerdemenz und vaskulärer Demenz vornehmen. Dies muss mittels weiterer Studien und einer größeren Patientenzahl sowie Kontrollgruppe validiert werden.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis 5
1. Wissenschaftliche Aufgabenstellung und Zielsetzung 12
2. Einführung zur Thematik 13
2.1 Epidemiologie 13
2.2 Diagnostik 23
2.3 Therapie 42
3. Problemstellung 47
3.1 Immunologische Testmethodik 47
4. Material und Methoden der Patienten 59
4.1 Statistische Grundlagen 60
5. Ergebnisse 63
5.1 Patienten und klinische Diagnosezuordnung 63
5.2 Diagnosegruppen 64
5.3 Immunologischer Bluttest 80
5.4 Modell Alzheimer- zu vaskulärer Demenz 90
5.5 Zusammenfassung Blutuntersuchung 92
5.6 Zusammenfassende Ergebnisstabelle 93
6. Diskussion 95
6.1 Demographischen Variablen 95
6.2 Klinik 96
6.3 Neuropsychologische Testverfahren 97
6.4 Apparative Diagnostik (Ultraschall, CT, MRT, PET) 97
6.5 Immunologie 99
7. Zusammenfassung 103
8. Summary 105
9. Abbildungsverzeichnis 106
10. Tabellenverzeichnis 108
11. Literaturverzeichnis 110
12. Danksagung 128
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Reconstituição da Anexina V em sistemas de lipossomos: associação com a fosfatase alcalina e correlação com estudos de biomineralização / Reconstitution of Annexin V in liposome systems: association with Alkaline Phosphatase and correlation with biomineralization studiesBolean, Maytê 25 April 2014 (has links)
A biomineralização óssea é um processo complexo e multifatorial sendo um grande desafio para a ciência à compreensão dos seus mecanismos regulatórios. Este processo é mediado pela liberação de vesículas da matriz (MVs), as quais surgem das superfícies de osteoblastos e são secretadas no local específico do início da biomineralização. MVs têm a capacidade de acumular altas concentrações de íons Ca2+ e fosfato (Pi), proporcionando um microambiente adequado para a formação inicial e propagação dos cristais de hidroxiapatita. Especial atenção deve ser dada a duas proteínas: Anexina V (AnxA5) e Fosfatase Alcalina (TNAP). As anexinas são as proteínas mais abundantes detectadas nas MVs e responsáveis pela formação de canais de cálcio. TNAP apresenta atividade fosfomonohidrolítica, produzindo Pi a partir, principalmente, de pirofosfato (PPi) e ATP. O enfoque deste projeto foi produzir e caracterizar proteolipossomos com diferentes composições lipídicas de dipalmitoil fosfatidilcolina (DPPC) e dipalmitoil fosfatidilserina (DPPS) contendo TNAP e AnxA5, e manter a funcionalidade das proteínas após incorporação nos sistemas miméticos. Foi possível incorporar AnxA5 em DPPC-proteolipossomos (11,64 µg/mL), mas na presença de DPPS houve um aumento significativo de AnxA5 incorporada (25,79 µg/mL) a DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteolipossomos (razão molar). A presença das proteínas nos proteolipossomos compostos por DPPC e DPPC:DPPS 5, 10 e 15% (razão molar) foi confirmada por SDS-PAGE e Immunoblotting. Melhores rendimentos de incorporação das duas proteínas foram obtidos quando ambas foram incorporadas concomitantemente. DPPC-proteolipossomos e DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteoliposomos revelaram conter 75% de AnxA5 e 25% de TNAP em concentração de proteína. A presença de DPPS não afetou significativamente as porcentagens de proteínas incorporadas. Os parâmetros cinéticos da TNAP na hidrólise de diferentes substratos fisiológicos (ATP, ADP e PPi) foram determinados na presença e ausência de AnxA5, em pH fisiológico, e para os diversos sistemas lipídicos. A melhor eficiência catalítica da enzima foi obtida para sistemas contendo 10% de DPPS (razão molar) (kcat/K0.5= 183,02; 776,06 e 657,08 M-1.s-1, respectivamente). A TNAP apresentou maior especificidade para a hidrólise de PPi quando comparado com ATP e ADP. Estudos utilizando Calorimetria Diferencial de Varredura (DSC) mostraram que o aumento da concentração de DPPS em DPPC-lipossomos proporcionou um progressivo alargamento no pico de transição de fase, diminuição na t1/2 e H. A pré-transição de fase só foi detectada até a concentração de 15% de DPPS em DPPC. Para 20% de DPPS e acima, observou-se uma segregação lateral de fase com a formação de possíveis microdomínios ricos em DPPS. A interação da AnxA5 com DPPC-lipossomos e DPPC:DPPS 10%-lipossomos resultou em uma redução nos valores de H (de 8,73 para 5,68 e 8,43 para 5,37 Kcal.mol-1, respectivamente). Quando a TNAP está presente nos proteolipossomos, este efeito é ainda maior. A AnxA5 incorporada em DPPC-proteolipossomos e DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteolipossomos (razão molar) foi capazes de mediar o influxo de 45Ca2+ para dentro das vesículas (~ 800 nmol Ca2+) quando utilizados faixas de concentração de cálcio em níveis fisiológicos (~2 mM). A presença da TNAP nos proteolipossomos não afetou o influxo de Ca2+ mediado pela AnxA5. Entretanto, a presença da AnxA5 afetou significativamente os parâmetros cinéticos da TNAP para os diferentes substratos. Estudos com vesículas unilamelares gigantes (GUVs) também confirmaram a inserção funcional da AnxA5 em vesículas constituídos de dioleoil fosfatidilcolina (DOPC) e DOPC:DPPS 10% (razão molar). O principal efeito causado pela AnxA5 na morfologia das GUVs foi a perda de contraste óptico devido a formação de poros nas membranas das vesículas. Neste caso, a presença de DPPS não proporcionou mudanças significativas para a incorporação da AnxA5. TNAP quando inserida em GUVs provocou intensa flutuação e excesso de área das vesículas com formação de filamentos. A presença do DPPS provavelmente dificulta a inserção da TNAP à membrana das GUVs. Quando há microdomínios lipídicos heterogêneos na composição de GUVs compostas por DOPC:Colesterol:Esfingomielina (8:1:1) e DOPC:Colesterol:Esfingomielina:Gangliosídeo (7:1:1:1) (razão molar), a inserção da TNAP provocou uma maior segregação lateral de fase evidenciada por imagens com fluorescência. A presença da TNAP e AnxA5 em DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteolipossomos proporcionou mudanças significativas nas propriedades mecânicas visco-elásticas dos proteolipossomos detectadas por imagens de Microscopia de Força Atômica. Assim, no presente trabalho foi possível obter uma inédita metodologia para a formação de proteolipossomos contendo TNAP e AnxA5 concomitantemente, os quais apresentaram uma reconstituição funcional das proteínas, apresentando capacidade de captar Ca2+ para dentro das vesículas e habilidade de hidrolisar fosfosubstratos em sua superfície. / Bone biomineralization is a multifactorial and complex process, being a challenge for the science the understanding of their regulatory mechanisms. This process is mediated by the release of matrix vesicles (MVs), structures which arise by budding from osteoblast and chondroblast surface and are secreted in the specific site where biomineralization begins. MVs have the ability of accumulating high concentrations of Ca2+ and Pi ions, providing an adequate microenvironment for the initial formation and propagation of hydroxyapatite crystals. Two protein families present in MVs merit special attention: Annexins and Phosphatases. The annexins were the most abundant proteins detected in MVs and are responsible for the Ca2+-channels formation (especially AnxA5). Tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) exhibits phosphomonohydrolytic activity, producing Pi mainly from PPi and ATP. Such proteins regulate the formation of calcium phosphate crystals, acting directly in the bone mineralization process. The goal of this project was to produce and characterize proteoliposomes with different lipid compositions of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine (DPPS) harboring TNAP and AnxA5, keeping the functions of both proteins after their incorporation into the mimetic systems. AnxA5 was able to incorporate into DPPC-proteoliposomes (11.64 µg/mL), but the presence of DPPS increased significantly the AnxA5 incorporation (25.79 µg/mL) into DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteoliposomes. The presence of both proteins into DPPC and DPPC:DPPS 5, 10 and 15% (molar ratios) proteoliposomes was confirmed by SDS-PAGE and Immunoblotting analysis. Better yield of TNAP and AnxA5 incorporation was observed when both proteins were reconstituted simultaneously. DPPC-proteoliposomes and DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteoliposomes (molar ratio) incorporated about 75% of AnxA5 and 25% of TNAP (protein concentration). DPPS presence did not affect significantly the yield of incorporation of both proteins. The kinetic parameters for the hydrolysis of different physiological substrates (ATP, ADP and PPi) by TNAP were determined in the presence and absence of AnxA5, at physiological pH, for the different systems. The best catalytic efficiencies were achieved with proteoliposomes containing DPPS 10% (molar ratio) (kcat/K0.5= 183.02; 776.06 and 657.08 M-1.s-1 for ATP, ADP and PPi, respectively), condition that also favored PPi hydrolysis by TNAP when compared to ATP and ADP hydrolysis. Studies by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) showed that the increasing DPPS concentrations in the DPPC-liposomes resulted in a progressive broadening of the phase transition peaks and decreased t1/2 and H values. The pre-transition was detected only in concentrations up to DPPS 15% in DPPC. Phase lateral segregation can be observed for DPPS 20% and above, suggesting the formation of DPPS-rich microdomains. The interaction of AnxA5 with DPPC and DPPC:DPPS 10%-liposomes resulted in a decrease of H values (from 8.73 to 5.68 and from 8.43 to 5.37 Kcal.mol-1, respectively). When TNAP was present in the proteoliposomes, this effect was even greater. AnxA5 incorporated into DPPC and DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteoliposomes (molar ratio) was able to mediate 45Ca2+-influx (~ 800 nmol Ca2+) into the vesicles at physiological Ca2+-concentrations (~ 2 mM), and this process was not affected by the presence of TNAP in the systems. However, AnxA5 affected significantly the hydrolysis of substrates by TNAP. Studies with Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) also confirmed the functional reconstitution of AnxA5 in dioleoylphosphocholine (DOPC) and DOPC:DPPS 10% (molar ratio) vesicles. The main effect caused by AnxA5 in the GUVs morphology was the formation of pores in the vesicles membrane. In this case, DPPS presence did not affect the AnxA5 incorporation. The presence of TNAP in GUVs caused a several fluctuation, indicating that the vesicles acquired an excess of area and undergoes sequential budding transitions. It is suggested that the presence of DPPS makes the TNAP insertion into the GUVs membrane difficult. With the presence of heterogeneous lipid microdomains in GUVs composed of DOPC, Cholesterol (Chol), Sphingomyelin (SM) and Ganglioside (GM1) in the proportions DOPC:Chol:SM 8:1:1 and DOPC:Chol:SM:GM1 7:1:1:1 (molar ratios), the TNAP insertion caused a greater phase lateral segregation, evidenced by fluorescence analysis. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) analysis indicated that the presence of both proteins into DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteoliposomes (molar ratio) caused significant changes in the visco-elastic mechanical properties of the vesicles. In conclusion, the present work describes the synthesis of proteoliposomes harboring TNAP and AnxA5 concomitantly, with the functional reconstitution of both proteins, with the ability to transport Ca2+ into the vesicles and hydrolyze phosphosubstrates on their surface.
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Reconstituição da Anexina V em sistemas de lipossomos: associação com a fosfatase alcalina e correlação com estudos de biomineralização / Reconstitution of Annexin V in liposome systems: association with Alkaline Phosphatase and correlation with biomineralization studiesMaytê Bolean 25 April 2014 (has links)
A biomineralização óssea é um processo complexo e multifatorial sendo um grande desafio para a ciência à compreensão dos seus mecanismos regulatórios. Este processo é mediado pela liberação de vesículas da matriz (MVs), as quais surgem das superfícies de osteoblastos e são secretadas no local específico do início da biomineralização. MVs têm a capacidade de acumular altas concentrações de íons Ca2+ e fosfato (Pi), proporcionando um microambiente adequado para a formação inicial e propagação dos cristais de hidroxiapatita. Especial atenção deve ser dada a duas proteínas: Anexina V (AnxA5) e Fosfatase Alcalina (TNAP). As anexinas são as proteínas mais abundantes detectadas nas MVs e responsáveis pela formação de canais de cálcio. TNAP apresenta atividade fosfomonohidrolítica, produzindo Pi a partir, principalmente, de pirofosfato (PPi) e ATP. O enfoque deste projeto foi produzir e caracterizar proteolipossomos com diferentes composições lipídicas de dipalmitoil fosfatidilcolina (DPPC) e dipalmitoil fosfatidilserina (DPPS) contendo TNAP e AnxA5, e manter a funcionalidade das proteínas após incorporação nos sistemas miméticos. Foi possível incorporar AnxA5 em DPPC-proteolipossomos (11,64 µg/mL), mas na presença de DPPS houve um aumento significativo de AnxA5 incorporada (25,79 µg/mL) a DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteolipossomos (razão molar). A presença das proteínas nos proteolipossomos compostos por DPPC e DPPC:DPPS 5, 10 e 15% (razão molar) foi confirmada por SDS-PAGE e Immunoblotting. Melhores rendimentos de incorporação das duas proteínas foram obtidos quando ambas foram incorporadas concomitantemente. DPPC-proteolipossomos e DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteoliposomos revelaram conter 75% de AnxA5 e 25% de TNAP em concentração de proteína. A presença de DPPS não afetou significativamente as porcentagens de proteínas incorporadas. Os parâmetros cinéticos da TNAP na hidrólise de diferentes substratos fisiológicos (ATP, ADP e PPi) foram determinados na presença e ausência de AnxA5, em pH fisiológico, e para os diversos sistemas lipídicos. A melhor eficiência catalítica da enzima foi obtida para sistemas contendo 10% de DPPS (razão molar) (kcat/K0.5= 183,02; 776,06 e 657,08 M-1.s-1, respectivamente). A TNAP apresentou maior especificidade para a hidrólise de PPi quando comparado com ATP e ADP. Estudos utilizando Calorimetria Diferencial de Varredura (DSC) mostraram que o aumento da concentração de DPPS em DPPC-lipossomos proporcionou um progressivo alargamento no pico de transição de fase, diminuição na t1/2 e H. A pré-transição de fase só foi detectada até a concentração de 15% de DPPS em DPPC. Para 20% de DPPS e acima, observou-se uma segregação lateral de fase com a formação de possíveis microdomínios ricos em DPPS. A interação da AnxA5 com DPPC-lipossomos e DPPC:DPPS 10%-lipossomos resultou em uma redução nos valores de H (de 8,73 para 5,68 e 8,43 para 5,37 Kcal.mol-1, respectivamente). Quando a TNAP está presente nos proteolipossomos, este efeito é ainda maior. A AnxA5 incorporada em DPPC-proteolipossomos e DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteolipossomos (razão molar) foi capazes de mediar o influxo de 45Ca2+ para dentro das vesículas (~ 800 nmol Ca2+) quando utilizados faixas de concentração de cálcio em níveis fisiológicos (~2 mM). A presença da TNAP nos proteolipossomos não afetou o influxo de Ca2+ mediado pela AnxA5. Entretanto, a presença da AnxA5 afetou significativamente os parâmetros cinéticos da TNAP para os diferentes substratos. Estudos com vesículas unilamelares gigantes (GUVs) também confirmaram a inserção funcional da AnxA5 em vesículas constituídos de dioleoil fosfatidilcolina (DOPC) e DOPC:DPPS 10% (razão molar). O principal efeito causado pela AnxA5 na morfologia das GUVs foi a perda de contraste óptico devido a formação de poros nas membranas das vesículas. Neste caso, a presença de DPPS não proporcionou mudanças significativas para a incorporação da AnxA5. TNAP quando inserida em GUVs provocou intensa flutuação e excesso de área das vesículas com formação de filamentos. A presença do DPPS provavelmente dificulta a inserção da TNAP à membrana das GUVs. Quando há microdomínios lipídicos heterogêneos na composição de GUVs compostas por DOPC:Colesterol:Esfingomielina (8:1:1) e DOPC:Colesterol:Esfingomielina:Gangliosídeo (7:1:1:1) (razão molar), a inserção da TNAP provocou uma maior segregação lateral de fase evidenciada por imagens com fluorescência. A presença da TNAP e AnxA5 em DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteolipossomos proporcionou mudanças significativas nas propriedades mecânicas visco-elásticas dos proteolipossomos detectadas por imagens de Microscopia de Força Atômica. Assim, no presente trabalho foi possível obter uma inédita metodologia para a formação de proteolipossomos contendo TNAP e AnxA5 concomitantemente, os quais apresentaram uma reconstituição funcional das proteínas, apresentando capacidade de captar Ca2+ para dentro das vesículas e habilidade de hidrolisar fosfosubstratos em sua superfície. / Bone biomineralization is a multifactorial and complex process, being a challenge for the science the understanding of their regulatory mechanisms. This process is mediated by the release of matrix vesicles (MVs), structures which arise by budding from osteoblast and chondroblast surface and are secreted in the specific site where biomineralization begins. MVs have the ability of accumulating high concentrations of Ca2+ and Pi ions, providing an adequate microenvironment for the initial formation and propagation of hydroxyapatite crystals. Two protein families present in MVs merit special attention: Annexins and Phosphatases. The annexins were the most abundant proteins detected in MVs and are responsible for the Ca2+-channels formation (especially AnxA5). Tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) exhibits phosphomonohydrolytic activity, producing Pi mainly from PPi and ATP. Such proteins regulate the formation of calcium phosphate crystals, acting directly in the bone mineralization process. The goal of this project was to produce and characterize proteoliposomes with different lipid compositions of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine (DPPS) harboring TNAP and AnxA5, keeping the functions of both proteins after their incorporation into the mimetic systems. AnxA5 was able to incorporate into DPPC-proteoliposomes (11.64 µg/mL), but the presence of DPPS increased significantly the AnxA5 incorporation (25.79 µg/mL) into DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteoliposomes. The presence of both proteins into DPPC and DPPC:DPPS 5, 10 and 15% (molar ratios) proteoliposomes was confirmed by SDS-PAGE and Immunoblotting analysis. Better yield of TNAP and AnxA5 incorporation was observed when both proteins were reconstituted simultaneously. DPPC-proteoliposomes and DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteoliposomes (molar ratio) incorporated about 75% of AnxA5 and 25% of TNAP (protein concentration). DPPS presence did not affect significantly the yield of incorporation of both proteins. The kinetic parameters for the hydrolysis of different physiological substrates (ATP, ADP and PPi) by TNAP were determined in the presence and absence of AnxA5, at physiological pH, for the different systems. The best catalytic efficiencies were achieved with proteoliposomes containing DPPS 10% (molar ratio) (kcat/K0.5= 183.02; 776.06 and 657.08 M-1.s-1 for ATP, ADP and PPi, respectively), condition that also favored PPi hydrolysis by TNAP when compared to ATP and ADP hydrolysis. Studies by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) showed that the increasing DPPS concentrations in the DPPC-liposomes resulted in a progressive broadening of the phase transition peaks and decreased t1/2 and H values. The pre-transition was detected only in concentrations up to DPPS 15% in DPPC. Phase lateral segregation can be observed for DPPS 20% and above, suggesting the formation of DPPS-rich microdomains. The interaction of AnxA5 with DPPC and DPPC:DPPS 10%-liposomes resulted in a decrease of H values (from 8.73 to 5.68 and from 8.43 to 5.37 Kcal.mol-1, respectively). When TNAP was present in the proteoliposomes, this effect was even greater. AnxA5 incorporated into DPPC and DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteoliposomes (molar ratio) was able to mediate 45Ca2+-influx (~ 800 nmol Ca2+) into the vesicles at physiological Ca2+-concentrations (~ 2 mM), and this process was not affected by the presence of TNAP in the systems. However, AnxA5 affected significantly the hydrolysis of substrates by TNAP. Studies with Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) also confirmed the functional reconstitution of AnxA5 in dioleoylphosphocholine (DOPC) and DOPC:DPPS 10% (molar ratio) vesicles. The main effect caused by AnxA5 in the GUVs morphology was the formation of pores in the vesicles membrane. In this case, DPPS presence did not affect the AnxA5 incorporation. The presence of TNAP in GUVs caused a several fluctuation, indicating that the vesicles acquired an excess of area and undergoes sequential budding transitions. It is suggested that the presence of DPPS makes the TNAP insertion into the GUVs membrane difficult. With the presence of heterogeneous lipid microdomains in GUVs composed of DOPC, Cholesterol (Chol), Sphingomyelin (SM) and Ganglioside (GM1) in the proportions DOPC:Chol:SM 8:1:1 and DOPC:Chol:SM:GM1 7:1:1:1 (molar ratios), the TNAP insertion caused a greater phase lateral segregation, evidenced by fluorescence analysis. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) analysis indicated that the presence of both proteins into DPPC:DPPS 10%-proteoliposomes (molar ratio) caused significant changes in the visco-elastic mechanical properties of the vesicles. In conclusion, the present work describes the synthesis of proteoliposomes harboring TNAP and AnxA5 concomitantly, with the functional reconstitution of both proteins, with the ability to transport Ca2+ into the vesicles and hydrolyze phosphosubstrates on their surface.
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Effect of Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali) on the prostate cancer cell line LNCaPAbouhamraa, Hamza January 2013 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / Eurycoma Longfolia Jack, also known as Tongkat Ali (TA) is a tropical plant
belonging to the family of Simaroubaceae is widely distributed in South East Asian countries. The extracts of TA have been proven to have cytotoxicity, anti-proliferative and aphrodisiac properties. In vitro assays revealed cytotoxicity toward human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7, KB, CaOV-3, RD, DU-145and HepG2 human liver cancer cells and appear promising as a new chemotherapeutic agent against human cervical carcinoma (HeLa) cells. Although, there are extensive studies reported on its cytotoxicity benefits there are none pertaining to LNCaP human prostate cell line. Therefore, this study aimed at testing the effects of TA on LNCaP cells and prostate
specific antigen (PSA) production. Materials and Methods This study investigated the effect of different concentrations of TA (0.0025, 0.025,
2.5, 25 and 250 g/ml) TA on LNCaP human prostate cancer cell line for 24 and 96 hours. The following parameters were investigated: morphology, cell viability (MTT), testosterone modulation, Annexin V-CY3 binding (Apoptosis), DNA fragmentation (TUNEL), caspase 3/7 activity (apoptosis), and PSA production. Results When observing the morphological changes of LNCaP cells exposed to TA, a clear increase in detachment and cell death via apoptosis as the concentrations of TA increased. The viability decreased significantly in both 24 and 96 hour treatment of TA at higher dosages (25 and 250 g/ml). The significant inhibitory effects on testosterone stimulated cell proliferation were seen at TA concentrations as low as
0.0025 μg/ml TA. At higher concentrations of TA (25 and 250 μg/ml), for all
testosterone dosages a decreasing trend in proliferation was found.
vii Testosterone concentrations of 10 nM showed maximum stimulation of cell proliferation for TA dosages up to 2.5 μg/ml. All concentrations of TA showed significant increase in apoptosis of the cells as dosages increased.
A higher amount of DNA damage found at the highest dosage (250 μg/ml) of TA. The relative caspase 3/7 activation showed significant (P=0.0043) activation at the highest concentration (250 μg/ml) of TA. Relative PSA production resulted only a 5% increase with no significant difference at all doses indicting that TA does not change the cell PSA production and the decline in PSA concentration is due to LNCaP cells dying as a result of this exposure to TA. Conclusion In summary, the major finding of this study is that Tongkat Ali inhibits the viability of prostate cancer cell lines (LNCaP) through caspase-mediated pathway, as well as increased the level of apoptotic such as DNA fragmentation. In addition, Tongkat Alin also inhibited PSA production. In LNCaP cells, testosterone with the addition of TA does not increase the growth of the cells. However, more in-vitro and in-vivo studies are needed to establish the exact constituents of the extracts and their mechanism of action. Thus, this study opens perspectives on the use of Tongkat Ali preparations in the treatment of aging male symptoms, prostate cancer prevention or as additional treatment to standard prostate cancer therapy.
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Role of Membrane Asymmetry in Nanoparticle-Erythrocyte InteractionsBigdelou, Parnian 17 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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液中原子間力顕微鏡を用いた生体分子のナノスケール構造計測およびその表面相互作用評価木南, 裕陽 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21771号 / 工博第4588号 / 新制||工||1715(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 山田 啓文, 教授 川上 養一, 教授 田畑 修 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Examining the Effects of Artemisia annua on Neuro2A CellsLim, Wesley 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Artemisia annua L. is a well-known medicinal herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for many centuries and contains artemisinin, which exhibits antimalarial properties [1] and is a potential treatment for SARS-CoV-2 [2]. However, the neurological effect of A. annua and its compounds are poorly understood. We hypothesize that A. annua extracts and artemisinin will provide protection against oxidative stress in mouse neuronal Neuro2A cells. Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) is an anti-oxidant enzyme that protects against oxidative damage [3]. Growth Arrest and DNA Damage-inducible 45 alpha (Gadd45a) is involved in DNA repair and is a common biomarker for DNA damage[4]. SOD1 and Gadd45a mRNA expression was measured through RT-qPCR and analyzed using the 2-∆∆Ct method. Cell viability was measured using NucBlue, Annexin V, and propidium iodide to differentiate between apoptosis and necrosis. Cell counts were quantified using ImageJ (NIH). Our results showed that lower concentrations of 100 µg/mL A. annua treatment significantly reduced apoptotic cell death during oxidative stress. We also saw a general trend of decreasing Gadd45a mRNA expression at lower concentrations of A. annua treatment and a significant decrease in SOD1 mRNA levels from 0 to 100 µg/mL. This study suggests that lower concentrations of A. annua treatment prior to oxidative stress can increase cell viability and could protect Neuro2A cells from oxidative stress. Further research is needed to elucidate the mechanism of A. annua’s and artemisinin’s medicinal properties and further test their potential neuroprotective effects.
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