Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ansys"" "subject:"hysys""
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CFD Results Used in the Design Process of the SEFACE Facility : KTH Master's Thesis ReportTorkelson, Nathaniel January 2022 (has links)
This project uses CFD analysis to make design choices for a facility to test flow accelerated lead corrosion erosion of steel samples. Two conceptual designs are considered and compared through mechanical and physical criteria. The first design uses steel samples on stationary plates next to rotating discs. The second design has the steel samples on the rotating disc. The first design is considered unfeasible due to high pressure gradients in the system and a high power requirement from the motor. The second design removes the issue of high pressure gradients and can decrease the motor requirements. This design is selected for further analysis and discussion of manufacturing. / Detta projekt använder CFD-analys för att göra designval för en anläggning för att testa flödesaccelererad blykorrosionserosion av stålprover. Två konceptuella konstruktioner beaktas och jämförs genom mekaniska och fysiska kriterier. Den första designen använder stålprover på stationära plattor bredvid roterande skivor. Den andra designen har stålproverna på den roterande skivan. Den första konstruktionen anses vara ogenomförbar på grund av höga tryckgradienter i systemet och ett högt effektbehov från motorn. Den andra designen tar bort problemet med höga tryckgradienter och kan minska motorkraven. Denna design är vald för vidare analys och diskussion om tillverkning.
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Численный анализ длины и формы элемента трубопроводной системы, выполненный с целью прогнозирования и исключения возможности возникновения резонансных режимов : магистерская диссертация / Numerical analysis of the length and shape of an element of the pipeline system, designed to predict and exclude the possibility of resonance modesСекачева, А. А., Sekacheva, A. A. January 2017 (has links)
Диссертация посвящена проблеме возникновения шума и вибрации от трубопроводных систем многоэтажных зданий. Предложен способ определения вероятности возникновения повышенных вибраций с помощью модального анализа в программном комплексеANSYS Workbench. Представлены результаты численного анализа влияния длины, диаметра и толщины стенки участка трубопровода на изменение значений частот его собственных колебаний с целью прогноза риска возможных резонансных режимов. Выполнены статистический и регрессионный анализы. / The dissertation discusses the occurrence of noise and vibration from the piping systems of multi-storey buildings. A method for determining the probability of excessive vibrations using modal analysis software complex ANSYS Workbench. The results of the digital analysis of influence of length, diameter and thickness of a wall of the pipeline’s section on change of values of frequencies of its natural oscillations are provided. Statistical and regression analyses are made.
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Конструирование и расчет проходной печи для нагрева заготовок перед прошивкой : магистерская диссертация / Design and calculation of a continuous furnace for heating billets before flashingЩукина, Н. В., Shchukina, N. V. January 2018 (has links)
Master's thesis is devoted to the technical re-equipment of the methodical heating furnace of the TPTs №1 of PJSC "Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant". In the course of the work, the analysis of the thermal work of the methodical heating furnace was made. The drawbacks of the heat operation of the furnace are analyzed, measures are proposed to improve the thermal performance of its operation. A project of technical re-equipment, aimed at improving the operation of the furnace, which will improve the quality of metal heating, along with saving energy resources and increasing productivity, has been proposed. To evaluate the results, the heating of the metal was calculated and the heat balance of the furnace was drawn up after modernization, computer simulation of the gas-dynamic regime in the furnace working space was performed in the ANSYS package. The results of the calculation of the heat and gas-dynamic work of the heating furnace obtained as a result of the writing, as well as the results of the distribution of temperature and gas-dynamic flows showed that at a given furnace output, the billets are heated uniformly and reach the set temperature required for further processing. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена техническому перевооружению методической нагревательной печи ТПЦ №1 ПАО «Челябинский трубопрокатный завод». В ходе работы произведен анализ тепловой работы методической нагревательной печи. Проанализированы недостатки тепловой работы печи, предложены мероприятия по совершенствованию теплотехнических показателей ее работы. Предложен проект технического перевооружения, направленный на улучшение работы печи, который позволит повысить качество нагрева металла, наряду с экономией энергетических ресурсов и повышением производительности. Для оценки результатов сделан расчет нагрева металла и составлен тепловой баланс печи после модернизации, в пакете ANSYS выполнено компьютерное моделирование газодинамического режима в рабочем пространстве печи. Полученные в результате написания работы результаты расчета тепловой и газодинамической работы нагревательной печи, а также результаты распределения температурных и газодинамических потоков показали, что при заданной производительности печи заготовки греются равномерно и на выдаче достигают заданной температуры, необходимой для их дальнейшей технологической обработки.
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Оптимизация толщины изоляции теплопровода при канальной прокладке : магистерская диссертация / Optimization of insulation thickness of the heat pipe laid in the channelОсипов, Р. В., Osipov, R. V. January 2019 (has links)
Диссертация посвящена исследованию проблемы нерационального использования теплоизоляционного слоя при канальной прокладке трубопроводов в непроходных каналах. Определены все термические сопротивления тепловому потоку различных составляющих теплотрассы. Спрогнозированна примерная окупаемость теплоизолируещих слоев различной толщины. Выявлена наиболее оптимальная толщина теплоизолируещего слоя. Для более точного определения теплопотерь трубопроводов в непроходном канале, в программном коплексе ANSYS® построена модель поперечного сечения теплотрассы. Выявлен режим свободной конвекции внутри канала. Смоделированы поля распределения скорости и температуры для сеток различного качества при различных моделях турбулентности. / The thesis is devoted to the study of the problem of the irrational use of the heat-insulating layer in the channel laying of pipelines in impassable channels. All thermal resistance to the heat flux of various components of the heating main are determined. The estimated payback of heat-insulating layers of various thicknesses is predicted. The most optimal thickness of the insulating layer was revealed. To more accurately determine the heat loss of pipelines in a non-passage channel, a cross-sectional model of a heating main has been built in ANSYS®. The mode of free convection inside the channel is revealed. The velocity and temperature distribution fields are simulated for grids of various quality with various turbulence models.
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Development of a Flow Dependent Chemical Reaction Model using CFDÖstman, Martin January 2022 (has links)
In many technical applications chemical reactions are used. One of these is a so called decolorization, in which an ion exchange resin is used to remove a dye from water. To apply this decolorization technique a Rotating Bed Reactor, or RBR for short, can be used. It is filled with the ion exchange resin and spun inside the water. Whilst spinning, the reactor percolates the water, letting it interact with the ion exchange resin and thus removing the dye. This project aims to use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as a tool to create a model for the decolorization process when a RBR is used. The goal is to achieve a reaction model for the process that can be applied to various RBR models, i.e. scaled, to aid for example product development and research. A decolorization process in which methylene blue is removed from deionized water using a SpinChem S2 RBR inside a V2 vessel, using a NRW 1160 ion exchange resin, is investigated. Experiments are conducted where the concentration of methylene blue in deionized water is measured during the decolorization process using a transmittance probe. From the experimental results a linear regression model is fitted to achieve a model for the reaction's rate constant, determining its reaction rate, depending on the fluid velocity inside the RBR and the temperature of the fluid. CFD is used to find the flow field for different rotational speeds of the RBR inside the vessel. Using the steady-state flow field species transport simulations are done using the created reaction model. This is done to compare numerical simulations to experimental results. The results show that the created reaction model can predict the time taken to absorb the methylene blue onto the ion exchange resin. Deviations from the exact decay rate of methylene blue concentration is seen, and are concluded to come from conversion of global reaction rate in the vessel to local reaction rate inside the RBR. The reaction model has not been tested explicitly on other types of RBR, thus nothing can be said about its performance. However, care has been taken to not include any RBR geometry dependent parameters in the model.
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Development of a Low Speed Wind Tunnel Test Campaign / Utveckling av Testkampanj för Vindhastighetstunnel med Låg HastighetSuewatanakul, Siwat January 2021 (has links)
This study was performed to investigate aerodynamic characteristics of the 37.5% scaled down Green Raven MK18 airframe, to evaluate boundary corrections method, and to investigate on support interference. A wind tunnel test was originally planned on June 2021 at a LargeLowSpeed Wind Tunnel at University of Bristol; however, due to COVID19 travel restrictions, the test has been postponed to November 2021. In order to supplement the work and data directly required for the test, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) investigations were performed in free air and in wind tunnel conditions, both with and without support interference, at a Reynolds number of 7E+05. The simulations utilized an incompressible Reynolds-Averaged-Navier.Stokes equation accompanied with k − ω SST for turbulent modelling. Corrections factors were obtained to compensate for wall interference, and results indicate a satisfactory agreement between free air and wind tunnel corrected data for wall interference. The sup port structure interferes with the aerodynamic loads produced by the model. Lift and drag decrease, and pitching moment increases compared to WT without support structure condition. / Denna studie utfördes för att undersöka aerodynamiska egenskaper hos det nedskalade Green Raven MK18flygplanet för 37.5%, för att utvärdera gränskorrigeringsmetoden och för att undersöka stödinterferens. Ett vindtunneltest planerades ursprungligen i juni 2021 vid en storlåghastighets vindtunnel vid University of Bristol. Men på grund av resebegränsningar för covid19 har testet skjutits upp till november 2021. För att komplettera det arbete och de data som direkt krävs för testet, utfördes CFD under sökningar (Computational Fluid Dynamics) i fri luft och i vindtunnelförhållanden, både med och utan supportinterferens, med ett Reynoldstal på 7E+05. Simuleringarna använde en inkompressibel ReynoldsAveragedNavierStokesekvation tillsammans med k − ω SST för turbulent modellering. Korrigeringsfaktorer erhölls för att kom pensera för väggstörningar, och resultaten tyder på en tillfredsställande överensstäm melse mellan frilufts och vindtunnelkorrigerade data för väggstörningar. Stödstruk turen stör de aerodynamiska belastningar som modellen producerar. Lyft och drag minskar och stigningsmomentet ökar jämfört med WT utan stödstruktur.
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Design of flow guiding parts through CFD topology optimisation / Design av flödesstyrande konstruktioner med hjälp av CFD topologi optimeringNarayamparambil, Aby January 2021 (has links)
Scania works continuously to develop internal combustion engines and after treatment systems which can achieve low pollutant emissions and high efficiency. A major principal that Scania adopted for this goal is the Simulation Driven Development (SDD) process. Here computer aided simulations aid to develop designs and improve characteristics all the while reducing the iterative prototyping and testing process. Currently, parametric modelling and Design of Experiments (DoE) is a proven and major mode of exploring designs within the various stakeholder fields of development; namely structural, fluid mechanics and acoustics. Topology optimisation in fluid flow is a new field which promises quick exploration of design spaces. The result of topology optimisation are unintuitive designs that could serve as baseline designs which can further reduce the design process. The objective of the thesis was to explore topology optimisation and investigate a way to incorporate topology optimisation in the design process at Scania CV AB. For this task Tosca Fluid by Dassault Systèmes was chosen for its optimisation capabilities, which uses back-flow as the criteria of optimisation. The case study was conducted based on the MTX diesel one box inlet end-plate which was used as reference. The dimensional constraints of the reference product were used to model and utilise the developed workflow. Since this task involved the use of substrates for exhaust gas filtration, it was imperative to explore uniformity of flow over the substrate as an additional optimisation criterion. The project studied modelling design spaces to satisfy the design criteria and the shortcoming the software currently poses have been documented in this report. The report also mentions the tasks involved in setting up simulation cases to work well with Tosca Fluid. In the current stage of the thesis work it was not possible to incorporate uniformity as an additional criterion and hence fails in using Tosca Fluid to optimise topology for turn volumes involving the use of substrates. / Scania arbetar kontinuerligt med att utveckla förbränningsmotorer och efterbehandlings system som kan uppnå låga föroreningar och hög effektivitet. En viktig princip som Scania antog för detta mål är processen Simulation Driven Development (SDD). Här hjälper datorstödda simuleringar att utveckla mönster och förbättra egenskaper samtidigt som den iterativa prototyp- och testprocessen reduceras. För närvarande är parametrisk modellering och Design of Experiments (DoE) ett beprövat och viktigt sätt att utforska konstruktioner inom de olika intressenternas utvecklingsområden; nämligen konstruktion, fluidmekanik och akustik. Topologioptimering i vätskeflöde är ett nytt område som lovar snabb utforskning av designutrymmen. Resultatet av topologioptimering är icke-intuitiva konstruktioner som kan fungera som baslinjedesigner som ytterligare kan minska designprocessen. Syftet med avhandlingen var att utforska topologioptimering och undersöka ett sätt att integrera topologioptimering i designprocessen på Scania CV AB. För denna uppgift valdes Tosca Fluid av Dassault Systèmes för sina optimeringsmöjligheter, som använder återflöddet som kriterier för optimering. Fallstudien genomfördes baserat på MTX diesel först låda inloppsändplatta som användes som referens. Referensproduktens dimensionella begränsningar användes för att modellera och använda det utvecklade arbetsflödet. Eftersom denna uppgift innebar användning av substrat för avgas filtrering, var det absolut nödvändigt att undersöka flödets enhetlighet som ett ytterligare optimerings kriterium. Projektet studerade modellerings designutrymmen för att uppfylla design kriterierna och den brist programvaran för närvarande har dokumenterats i denna rapport. Rapporten nämner också de uppgifter som är involverade i att skapa simuleringsfall för att fungera bra med Tosca Fluid. I det aktuella skedet av avhandlings arbetet var det inte möjligt att införliva enhetlighet som ett ytterligare kriterium och misslyckas därför med att använda Tosca Fluid för att optimera topologi för sväng volymer som involverar användning av substrat.
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Rapid prototyping with fiber composites - Manufacturing of an amphibious UAV / Rapid prototyping med fiberkompositer - tillverkning utav en amfibisk drönareRamic, Zlatan January 2021 (has links)
Rapid prototyping has in the last few years gained an ever increasing central role in projects thanks to its agile benefits. Because of that, boundaries regarding what can be accomplished can be pushed and new techniques for achieving goals can be explored at a reasonable cost. A challenge that remains though, is to be able to prototype rapidly with advanced materials such as fibre composites, in a cost effective and reliable manner. The Maritime Robotics Laboratory at KTH Royal Institute of Technology is developing an unmanned fixed-wing aerial vehicle that is also submersible and takes off from the water surface. The design for the craft is completely novel in order to meet the necessary requirements. The goal of this master's thesis is to assist with the design of the craft in order to ensure its manufacturability. When the design was finished, a structural analysis of said design was performed, utilizing finite element software. This ensured that the correct amount of material was used, where it was needed. Lastly, and the main scope of this thesis, is the manufacture of the components which make up the craft. Several options were considered during the manufacturing process, like vacuum infusion and prepreg due to the varying size and complexity of all the components which are to be manufactured. More conventional materials (such as medium density fibreboard) was decided upon when manufacturing the molds for the main airframe of the craft due to its sheer size. The method which was decided upon for building all auxiliary components was to use inexpensive 3D-printed polylactic acid molds, coated with glass fibre reinforce adhesive polytetrafluoroethylene film, in conjunction with a low-temperature prepreg. The trials eventually turned out successful and the components which were built using this technique came out according to their specified dimensions that were provided and in accordance to the structural analysis which was conducted. This is promising for rapid prototyping in where only entry-level composites manufacturing equipment is accessible. / "Rapid prototyping" (Snabb prototyptillverkning) har under de senaste åren fått en allt mer central roll i projekt tack vare dess agila fördelar. På grund av detta kan gränser för vad som kan åstadkommas tänjas på och nya tekniker för att uppnå mål kan undersökas till en rimlig kostnad. En utmaning som dock kvarstår är att snabbt kunna ta fram prototyper med avancerade material som fiberkompositer på ett kostnadseffektivt och pålitligt sätt. Maritime Robotics Laboratory vid KTH utvecklar en drönare som är nedsänkbar under vatten och lyfter från vattenytan. Designen för detta är helt ny för att uppfylla den önskade kravspecifikation. Målet med detta examensarbetet är att hjälpa till med utformningen av drönaren för att säkerställa dess tillverkbarhet. Designarbetet omfattar en strukturanalys med användning av finita elementmetoder. Detta för att säkerställa att rätt mängd material används där det behövs. Slutligen, och huvuduppgiften för detta projekt, är tillverkningen av de komponenter som utgör drönaren. Flera alternativ övervägdes under tillverkningsprocessen, som vakuuminjektion och prepreg på grund av den varierande storleken och komplexiteten hos alla komponenter som ska tillverkas. Mer konventionella material (som t.ex. medium density fibre, fiberspånskiva) valdes vid tillverkning av formarna för drönarens skrov på grund av dess stora storlek. Metoden som beslutades för att bygga alla hjälpkomponenter var att använda billiga 3D-printade polylaktid-formar, belagda med glasfiberarmerade självhäftande polytetrafluoreten-film, i kombination med en lågtemperatur prepreg. Försöken blev så småningom framgångsrika och komponenterna som byggdes med dessa metoder blev producerade enligt deras angivna dimensioner som gavs och i enlighet med den strukturella analys som utfördes. Detta är lovande för snabb prototyping där utrustning för produktion med kompositmaterial är begränsad till inträdesnivå.
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Finite element analysis and optimisation of egg-box energy absorbing structuresSanaei, Maryam January 2013 (has links)
This study investigates the mechanical and geometrical attributes of egg–box energy absorbing structures as crash safety barriers in the automotive industry. The research herein was originated from the earlier work of Prof. Shirvani, patented and further investigated by Cellbond Composites Ltd. who has invested in further research, for developing an analytical tool for geometric optimisation as an enhanced resolution to various shapes and materials. Energy absorption in egg-box occurs through plastic deformation of cell walls, examined through non–linear finite element simulations using ANSYS® and ANSYS/LS–DYNA® FE packages. Experimental dynamic crash tests have been designed to verify the validity of the FE simulations. Geometrical models are defined as 3D graphical representations, outlined in detail. Further, the impact behaviour of commercially pure aluminium egg-box energy absorbers is studied to identify the optimum design parameters describing the geometry of the structure. A simulation-based multi-objective optimisation strategy is employed to find a set of Pareto-optimal solutions where each solution represents a trade-off point with respect to the two conflicting objectives: the maximum impact force and the energy absorption capacity of the structure. The aim is to simultaneously minimise the former and maximise the latter, in the attempt to find purpose–specific optimal egg–box geometries. In light of the associated outcomes, it is shown that egg–box geometries with < ω ), thin walls (t < 1mm), short inter–peak distances and small peak diameters. M – < ω ), thin walls (t < 1mm), lengthy inter–peak distances and smaller peak diameters. It is concluded that, egg–box structures combined in the form of sandwich panels can be designed per application to act as optimised energy absorbers. Results of the proposed optimised sandwich structure are verified using analytical techniques.
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Numerical and Experimental Analysis of a TurboPiston PumpKent, Jason A. 14 May 2010 (has links)
The TurboPiston Pump was invented to make use of merits such as, high flow rates often seen in centrifugal pumps and high pressures associated with positive displacement pumps. The objective of this study is to manufacture a plastic model 12†TurboPiston Pump to demonstrate the working principle and a metal prototype for performance testing. In addition, this research includes the study of the discharge valve to estimate the valve closing time and fluid mass being recycled back into the cylinder through hand calculations. Furthermore, a transient simulation was performed in CFD using Fluent to provide a better estimate of what will happen in the actual pump while running. Additionally, an experimental rig was designed to investigate the performance of the first generation valve on the TurboPiston Pump known as the flapper valve. Means to improve the hydrodynamic performance of both valves have been identified for future study.
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