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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrutura mista aço-concreto : análise de ponte composta por vigas de alma cheia

Schmitz, Rebeca Jéssica January 2017 (has links)
O emprego de uma estrutura mista de aço – concreto (laje em concreto e vigas em perfis de aço) representa a priori uma solução mais eficiente para estruturas de pontes do que a consideração de uma estrutura toda em concreto ou toda em aço. No entanto para que isto ocorra na prática é necessário um dimensionamento criterioso desta estrutura, o que deve ser feito tendo como apoio softwares de simulação numérica. No CEMACOM tem sido desenvolvidos vários trabalhos nesse tema, os quais resultaram num código computacional com capacidade para simular vigas mistas submetidas a cargas de curta duração ou cargas de longa duração. Em contraponto, nesse trabalho a proposta é customizar um software comercial de elementos finitos (ANSYS) para realizar as mesmas tarefas. Depois do modelo construído tem se vantagens pois se dispõe da plataforma do ANSYS que permite analisar vários problemas associados ao assunto. Fez-se uma proposta de modelo numérico para se analisar vigas mistas no ANSYS. Tendo como ponto de partida os trabalhos de Lazzari (2015) e Lazzari et al. (2016) para a implementação do comportamento do concreto, fez-se algumas implementações numa rotina tipo usermat para fazer análises de cargas de curta duração. Os efeitos de longa duração, fluência e retração, foram implementados na rotina usermat tendo como base os trabalhos de Dias (2013) e Moreno (2016). O código customizado foi comparado contra resultados experimentais e numéricos que demonstraram o adequado funcionamento do mesmo. Finalmente o ANSYS customizado foi aplicado para modelar uma estrutura de ponte que havia sido previamente calculada por Schmitz (2014) empregando procedimentos de projeto normalizados. Os resultados obtidos são comparados contra o processo normalizado e são apresentadas as vantagens deste processo. / The use of composite steel and concrete structures (concrete deck and steel profile beams) represents a priori a more efficient solution for bridges structure than the consideration of a whole structure with concrete or whole with steel. However for this to occur in practice it is necessary a consistent design of this structure, and this should be done with the support of softwares of numerical simulations. In CEMACOM have been developed many works in this theme, which resulted on a computational code with the capacity for simulate composite beams submitted to loads with short duration or loads with long duration. In counterpoint, in this work the proposal was to customize a commercial software of finite elements (ANSYS) to do the same tasks. After the construction of the model it have advantages because it is able to use the ANSYS platform, which permit to analyze various problems associated with this subject. It was done a numerical model for analysis of composite beams in ANSYS. Considering as the start point the works of Lazzari (2015) and Lazzari et al. (2016) for the implementation of concrete behavior, some implementations were done in a routine of the type usermat to make analysis with loads with short duration. The effects of long duration, creep and shrinkage, were implemented on the usermat routine considering the jobs of Dias (2013) and Moreno (2016). The customized code was compared with experimental and numerical results that demonstrated a proper functioning. Finally, the customized ANSYS was applied to modeling a bridge structure, which was previously designed in Schmitz (2014) using standard proceedings. The obtained results are compared with the standard procedure and it is presented the advantages of this more complex proceeding.

Estrutura mista aço-concreto : análise de ponte composta por vigas de alma cheia

Schmitz, Rebeca Jéssica January 2017 (has links)
O emprego de uma estrutura mista de aço – concreto (laje em concreto e vigas em perfis de aço) representa a priori uma solução mais eficiente para estruturas de pontes do que a consideração de uma estrutura toda em concreto ou toda em aço. No entanto para que isto ocorra na prática é necessário um dimensionamento criterioso desta estrutura, o que deve ser feito tendo como apoio softwares de simulação numérica. No CEMACOM tem sido desenvolvidos vários trabalhos nesse tema, os quais resultaram num código computacional com capacidade para simular vigas mistas submetidas a cargas de curta duração ou cargas de longa duração. Em contraponto, nesse trabalho a proposta é customizar um software comercial de elementos finitos (ANSYS) para realizar as mesmas tarefas. Depois do modelo construído tem se vantagens pois se dispõe da plataforma do ANSYS que permite analisar vários problemas associados ao assunto. Fez-se uma proposta de modelo numérico para se analisar vigas mistas no ANSYS. Tendo como ponto de partida os trabalhos de Lazzari (2015) e Lazzari et al. (2016) para a implementação do comportamento do concreto, fez-se algumas implementações numa rotina tipo usermat para fazer análises de cargas de curta duração. Os efeitos de longa duração, fluência e retração, foram implementados na rotina usermat tendo como base os trabalhos de Dias (2013) e Moreno (2016). O código customizado foi comparado contra resultados experimentais e numéricos que demonstraram o adequado funcionamento do mesmo. Finalmente o ANSYS customizado foi aplicado para modelar uma estrutura de ponte que havia sido previamente calculada por Schmitz (2014) empregando procedimentos de projeto normalizados. Os resultados obtidos são comparados contra o processo normalizado e são apresentadas as vantagens deste processo. / The use of composite steel and concrete structures (concrete deck and steel profile beams) represents a priori a more efficient solution for bridges structure than the consideration of a whole structure with concrete or whole with steel. However for this to occur in practice it is necessary a consistent design of this structure, and this should be done with the support of softwares of numerical simulations. In CEMACOM have been developed many works in this theme, which resulted on a computational code with the capacity for simulate composite beams submitted to loads with short duration or loads with long duration. In counterpoint, in this work the proposal was to customize a commercial software of finite elements (ANSYS) to do the same tasks. After the construction of the model it have advantages because it is able to use the ANSYS platform, which permit to analyze various problems associated with this subject. It was done a numerical model for analysis of composite beams in ANSYS. Considering as the start point the works of Lazzari (2015) and Lazzari et al. (2016) for the implementation of concrete behavior, some implementations were done in a routine of the type usermat to make analysis with loads with short duration. The effects of long duration, creep and shrinkage, were implemented on the usermat routine considering the jobs of Dias (2013) and Moreno (2016). The customized code was compared with experimental and numerical results that demonstrated a proper functioning. Finally, the customized ANSYS was applied to modeling a bridge structure, which was previously designed in Schmitz (2014) using standard proceedings. The obtained results are compared with the standard procedure and it is presented the advantages of this more complex proceeding.

Análise probabilística de pilares de concreto armado através do método dos elementos finitos

Barbosa, Paulo Renato de Oliveira January 2017 (has links)
Com a crescente evolução tecnológica dos materiais empregados na construção civil, como o concreto estrutural, que hoje atinge resistências características bastante superiores àquelas utilizadas tradicionalmente pelos projetistas, surge a necessidade de atualização da literatura técnica que fundamenta o tema. Em 2014, a norma brasileira que regulamenta os procedimentos para projeto de estruturas de concreto armado, NBR 6118:2014, passou a incluir os concretos de alta resistência, com resistência característica à compressão simples superior a 50 MPa. Isto posto, o presente estudo objetivou analisar a confiabilidade no projeto de pilares de concreto armado conforme a referida norma. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um modelo de elementos finitos para a análise de pilares de concreto armado através do software ANSYS, sendo o comportamento não-linear do concreto representado através da ferramenta de customização UPF (User Programmable Features), que possibilita a introdução de um novo modelo constitutivo de material programado pelo usuário ao sistema. Este modelo foi representado por uma rotina de cálculo externa, estruturada em linguagem FORTRAN, e teve como base as equações constitutivas apresentadas no Código Modelo fib 2010. Para a validação deste modelo numérico, foram reproduzidas as condições de ensaios experimentais envolvendo pilares de concreto armado. Finalmente, foram modelados pilares projetados de acordo com a norma brasileira, submetidos à flexo compressão normal e oblíqua e, a partir da aplicação do Método de Monte Carlo, através da ferramenta Probabilistic Design do ANSYS, foram determinados os índices de confiabilidade de cada caso, bem como a influência dos diversos parâmetros de projeto nestes índices. Em relação aos pilares submetidos a flexo-compressão normal, a grande maioria apresentou resultados satisfatórios em termos de confiabilidade estrutural, entretanto, tratando-se dos pilares em flexo-compressão oblíqua, quase metade dos projetos não atingiram os índices de confiabilidade alvo estabelecidos neste estudo. / With the increasing technological evolution of the materials used in civil construction, such as structural concrete, which nowadays much higher compressive strenghts than tthose traditionally used by structural designers, there is a need to update the technical literature that underlies the theme. In 2014, the Brazilian standard that regulates the procedures for the design of concrete armament structures, NBR 6118: 2014, introduced considerations concerning high strenght concretes, with compressive strenght above 50 MPa. Therefore, the present study aimed to analyze the reliability of the design of reinforced concrete columns according to the guidelines presented in the mentioned standard. For this, a finite element model was developed for the analysis of reinforced concrete columns through the software ANSYS, with the nonlinear behavior of concrete represented by the software customization tool named UPF (User Programmable Features), which allows the introduction of a new material constitutive model programmed by the user to the main system. This model was represented by an external calculation routine, structured in FORTRAN language, and was based on the constitutive equations presented in fib Model Code 2010. For the validation and calibration of this numerical model, the conditions of experimental tests involving reinforced concrete columns have been reproduced. Finally, models have been created to represent columns designed according to the guidelines of the Brazilian Standard NBR 6118:2014, submitted to normal and oblique flexioncompression and, through the application of the Monte Carlo method using the Probabilistic Design tool of ANSYS, the reliability indexes for each design were determined such as the influence of the various design parameters in these indices. Regarding the abutments submitted to normal flexion-compression, the great majority presented satisfactory results in terms of structural reliability, however, in the case of oblique flexion-compression abutments, almost half of the projects didn't achieve the target reliability indices established in this study.

Mikrogenerátor / Microgenerator

Pospíšil, Kamil January 2008 (has links)
In this master’s thesis gives an overview of the finite element method (FEM) as used in electrotechnical practice. It deals with calculations of electric and magnetic fields. The task can be solved using ANSYS, FemLab, Femm, Quickfield and next software. Femm is the one I have chosen. The programs are described here, and their use is demostrated on examples. The outcome of the project is a calculation of magnetic field of a microgenerator in a stationary and dynamic field.

Holzverbrennung in Kaminöfen mit Keramikfilter - experimentelle Untersuchungen und mathematische Modellierung

Sénéchal, Ulf 03 December 2013 (has links)
Zur Verringerung von Schadstoffemissionen werden in Kaminöfen oft Keramikfilter integriert, die Staub und Ruß aus dem Abgas entfernen sollen. Die Filter beeinflussen jedoch die strömungsmechanischen, energetischen und chemischen Vorgänge im Feuerraum. Für die Auslegung und die praktische Anwendung der Filter ist die Kenntnis der Einflussgrößen und deren Umfang nötig. Mit Hilfe von experimentellen und numerischen Untersuchungen wurden die Stoff- und Energietransportvorgänge von zwei Kaminöfen charakterisiert. Zur Bestimmung der Massenabnahme von Holzscheiten kam eine neue, praktisch leicht umsetzbare Methode, basierend auf einer Schockkühlung mit flüssigem Stickstoff, zum Einsatz. Parallel dazu wurde die Massenabnahme der Holzscheite mit Hilfe einer Online-Massenbestimmung mittels Waage aufgezeichnet und ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Abbrandkinetik entwickelt. Die Schwierigkeiten der messtechnischen Erfassung und Auswertung der instationären Vorgänge wurden dargestellt und diskutiert. Für die zwei Kaminöfen sind numerische Simulationen mit der Software ANSYS CFX erstellt worden, die weitgehend auf realen Geometrien beruhen. Vergleichende null- und eindimensionale Simulationen mit unterschiedlichen Reaktionsmechanismen und gasförmigen Brennstoffen wurden realisiert und hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für die Berechnung von Kaminöfen untersucht. Nach erfolgter Validierung wurde ein parametrisches Simulationsmodell eines Kaminofens erstellt. Mit diesem wurde eine Parameterstudie zur Untersuchung der Veränderung der Zielgrößen Heizleistung, Kohlenmonoxid- und Rußkonzentration sowie Gesamt- und Sekundärluftmassenstrom in Abhängigkeit der Parameter durchgeführt.

Konvergenz eines plastischen Multiphysics-Kontaktes in der Pressschweißsimulation

Kaars, Jonny 07 June 2017 (has links)
Es wird ein Überblick über ein Modell zur Simulation des Punktschweißvorganges in Ansys APDL gegeben, Kernproblem sind darin die reibungsbehafteten Kontaktstellen. Die Aspekte der Kontaktmodellierung werden in Zusammenhang mit den Besonderheiten des Modells gebracht. Es wird auf Möglichkeiten der numerischen Kontaktstabilisierung mit Bordmitteln eingegangen. Ferner wird ein Ansatz einer zusätzlichen Kontaktstabilisierung dargestellt und bewertet.

Neue Schweißfunktionalität in Creo 4 mit den daraus entstehenden Vorteilen zur Simulation: Beurteilung der Schweißnähte nach FKM mit Creo Simulate und Ansys Workbench

Waidmann, Axel 09 June 2017 (has links)
Durch die neue Schweißfunktionalität in Creo 4, welche es ermöglicht Schweißnähte als Volumengeometrie zu modellieren, entstehen viele neue Möglichkeiten zur Berechnung der Spannungen innerhalb der Schweißnähte. Damit einhergehend entstehen neue Möglichkeiten zur Berechnung und Evaluierung dieser Schweißnähte nach den Richtlinien der FKM. Die Berechnung anhand der FKM-Richtlinien soll hierbei anhand der zwei Simulationstools Creo Simulate und Ansys Simulation dargestellt werden.

Understand Your Design!

Brandt, Andreas 25 June 2013 (has links)
Der Vortrag demonstriert am Beispiel eines Designraumes die Kombination aus einem FE-Werkzeug mit parametrischen Untersuchungen.

Mathematical modelling of Degussa Furnace

Faraydoun Muhammed, Rans January 2021 (has links)
The energy demands in the world is rapidly increasing and with this,  a supply nuclear  power  is  of  much  interest.    Nuclear  fuel  is  relatively  efficient  when comparing to power sources like wind­ and hydropower plants. Pellets are used as fuel by many plants however, its main concern is to find maximize cost efficiency and  minimize  fuel­waste.   Studying  how  to  get  the  pellets  to  be  as  optimal  as possible is of massive importance and in huge focus in order to match the worlds power demand. These  pellets  are  sintered  in  a  furnace  type  known  as  ”pusher­type”  furnaces that functions continuously and is incredibly efficient when it comes to its heat transfer capacity and high­performance output.  In this sintering process, a gas­ flow from the opposite side from the pellets interacts with the solid pellets in order to get the desired reaction. However, the turbulence and the nature of the multi­ phase flow problem causes many unknown interactions and the main focus is do create a theoretical model based on the process parameters to understand what is happening in the furnace. In this study, a simplified model of the inside of the furnace chamber was created in order to observe where and when in the furnace a dissociation from CO2 to CO + O2 would occur. Data given by Westinghouse was put into a mathematical model created in MATLAB and parameters given by the thermodynamic model was in turn put in to ANSYS, a program based on Computational Fluid Dynamics for a simulation. The simulation was considered a success when the gas­mix goes from 3% CO2 to 0.4%. The CFD of the model estimates this to happen at 250 seconds, where as the thermodynamic model predicts the exchange time to be about 200 seconds.   This study is a major first step in understanding the dynamics of the furnace. / Energibehovet i världen ökar snabbt och då blir ett stadigt tillförsel av kärnenergi mycket intressant.  Kärnbränsle är relativt effektivt jämfört med kraftkällor som vind­  och  vattenkraftverk.    Pellets  används  som  bränsle  av många  kraftverk och då blir det ett upphov att hitta maximal kostnadseffektivitet och minimera bränsleavfall.  Att forska fram till hur man gör pellets så optimala som möjligt är av enorm betydelse och i stort fokus för att matcha världens energi behov. Dessa pellets sintras i en ugnstyp som kallas ”pusher­type” ugnar som fungerar kontinuerligt och är otroligt effektiva när det gäller dess värmeöverförings-kapacitet och högpresterande effekt.  I denna sintringsprocess startar ett gasflöde från motsatt sida från pelletsen med de fasta pelletsen för att få den önskade reaktionen.  Det blir ett flerfasigt flödesproblem och orsakar många okända interaktioner och huvudfokus är att skapa en teoretisk modell baserad på processparametrarna för att förstå vad som händer i ugnen. I  denna  studie  gjordes  en  förenklad  modell  av  ugnskammarens  insida för  att observera var och när i ugnen en dissociation från CO2 till CO + O2 skulle inträffa. Data från Westinghouse placerades i en matematisk modell skapad i MATLAB och  parametrar  som  gavs  av  den  termodynamiska modellen  lades  i  sin  tur  till ANSYS, ett program baserat på Computational Fluid Dynamics för en simulering. Simuleringen ansågs vara färdig när gasblandningen går från 3% CO2 till 0,4%. CFD:n  för  modellen  uppskattar att  detta  händer  vid  250  sekunder,  där  den termodynamiska modellen förutspår utbytestiden till cirka 200 sekunder. Denna studie är ett stort första steg för att förstå ugnens dynamik.

Komplexe Kontakt- und Materialmodellierung am Beispiel einer Dichtungssimulation

Nagl, Nico 08 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In vielen industriellen Anwendungen sind Dichtungen im Einsatz. Vergleicht man den Preis mit dem eines Gesamtsystems, in denen Dichtungen verwendet werden, so sind Dichtungen verhältnismäßig günstig. Jedoch führt ein Versagen von Dichtungen meist zu schwerwiegenden Konsequenzen. Dichtungen sind komplexe Subsysteme und ihre Auslegung erfordert umfangreiche Kenntnisse im Bereich Materialmodellierung, Belastung und Versagenskriterien. Die heutige Simulationstechnologie ermöglicht einen parametrischen Workflow für die Berechnung des Verhaltens von Dichtungen mit den auftretenden Effekten wie nichtlinearem Materialverhalten, wechselnden Kontaktbedingungen und Flüssigkeitsunterwanderung bei Druck. Als ein führendes Simulationswerkzeug für diese physikalische Fragestellung wird ANSYS Mechanical für die Auslegung herangezogen. Desweiteren kann das Verständnis für das Produkt erhöht werden, was zu einer Verbesserung der Funktionalität und der Zuverlässigkeit führt. Versuchsdaten können als Spannungs-Dehnungskurven in ANSYS importiert werden, welche das Materialverhalten des hyperelastischen Werkstoffs mit traditionellen Materialmodellen wie Mooney Rivlin, Ogden and Yeoh oder einer neueren Formulierung, der Antwortfunktionsmethode, widerspiegeln. Robuste Kontakttechnologien beschleunigen die Simulation und Entwicklungszeit-Berechnungszeiten und gewährleisten ein genaues Verhalten des Simulationsmodells. Insbesondere bei Dichtungen ist die druckbeaufschlagte Fläche in 2D und 3D Anwendungen von Bedeutung. ANSYS berechnet diese automatisch in Abhängigkeit des aktuellen Kontaktzustandes. Diese benutzerfreundliche Unterstützung führt zu einer höheren Genauigkeit des Simulationsergebnisses, da ein manuelles Schätzen der Druckflächen entfällt. Mit einem parametrischen und durchgängigen Ansatz innerhalb von ANSYS Workbench, beginnend bei der CAD-Geometrie, über die Vernetzung, Material- und Randbedingungsdefinition und Lösung. können eine Reihe von Varianten in kurzer Zeit berechnet werden. Neben einem besseren Verständnis für das Produkt hilft dies dem Ingenieur Änderungen vorzunehmen, was zu exakten und aussagekräftigen Ergebnissen führt. Desweiteren kann der Einfluss von Unsicherheiten berücksichtigt werden, sodass der Berechnungsingenieur fernab von idealen Bedingungen robuste und zuverlässige Dichtungen entwickeln kann.

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