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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integration level of equity markets in APEC’s emerging countries: Are emerging markets regionally or globallyintegrated?

Ho Szee Yah, Cynthia, Dinh, Anh Thi Quynh January 2010 (has links)
Supported by the investment barriers removal, financial deregulation and improvedmacroeconomic policies during the last three decades, the process of financial integration inthose markets, emerging markets in general and emerging markets within Asia PacificEconomic Cooperation (APEC) in particular, has been pro-actively accessed these days.Moreover, recent trend in globalization in many APEC countries and especially in theemerging markets has triggered a stronger financial integration progress across countries.Nevertheless, it is surprising to find that these countries not only benefited from regionalfinancial integration but also experienced global financial integration in the same period.Markets over the last two decades, which have been highlighted by financial crises occurredamong those APEC emerging countries in the early of the year 1997, have raised political,social and economic questions. One of prominent questions among them: “Are emergingmarkets in APEC regionally or globally integrated?” has raised our interest in measuring theintegration level in these countries. Our thesis paper, therefore, seeks to answer the questionon the degree of financial integration level in nine APEC emerging countries. Collectingstock indexes from the Chile (Santiago Stock Exchange), China (Shanghai Stock Exchange),Indonesia (Indonesia Stock Exchange), Malaysia (Bursa Malaysia), Mexico (Mexican StockExchange), Philippines (Philippines Stock Exchange), Peru (Lima Stock Exchange), Russia(RTS Russian Stock Exchange), Thailand (Thailand Stock Exchange), we computeempirically the integration scores for these nine countries. We then compare the level ofglobal financial integration and regional financial integration for each market during theexamined time. Results of this study indicate that our nine sampling countries integrated indifferent levels. Not surprisingly when we conclude that the financial integration degree ofthose countries has not been stable over time due to various objective reasons that we alsoexamine through our literature review for individual market.

Trading security : understanding East Asian security-trade linkages in the twenty-first century.

Magcamit, Michael Intal January 2015 (has links)
In the contemporary East Asian security context, free trade is a double-edged sword that simultaneously secures and threatens the primary security referents and interests of periphery and semi-periphery states. This thesis aims to provide a much deeper and comprehensive understanding of the linkages between security and trade by examining the experiences of smaller and weaker countries in East Asia, in particular, Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines and Malaysia. I argue that in their quest to enhance, promote and secure their state-centric (“statist”) and/or people-centric (“humanist”) security referents, these countries have learned to re-imagine and re-invent the utility of free trade at the start of the twenty-first century. Accordingly, trade has become an integral function of national security, particularly for East Asian states that have a marginal geo-economic size and geo-political position. However, to this point very little has been done in explaining the impetus and dynamics behind these linkages based on the overarching assumption of “cohabitative security” or the view that security encompasses both statist and humanist dimensions. Furthermore, there is a dearth of comprehensive theoretical and empirical analyses concerning linking efforts and strategies by the non-major powers in East Asia. This thesis attempts to address those gaps. Using a qualitative comparative method, I analyse both statist and humanist forms of security-trade linkages. On the one hand, I examine how small East Asian countries utilise free trade to promote, enhance and secure the primary referents of their national security policies and strategies. And on the other, I investigate the roles of security issues and threats (traditional and non-traditional) in the continuing relevance and proliferation of free trade in the region. To fulfill these objectives, the thesis performs three main tasks. First, I theoretically reconfigure the security concept by amalgamating the statist and humanist dimensions of security to establish a “cohabitative security” framework that will serve as the operative definition of security for this research. Second, I empirically analyse the linkages between cohabitative security referents (statist and humanist) and various types of free trade (multilateral, minilateral and bilateral). Third, and lastly, I outline three main themes based on the findings generated from the case analyses: (i) high levels of internal and external insecurity; (ii) multidimensional and multidirectional nature of security concepts, contexts, and threats; and (iii) marginal geo-economic size and geopolitical position. The thesis concludes by arguing that free trade is irrefutably being utilised by periphery and semi-periphery countries to promote, enhance and secure their statist and/or humanist security referents and interests. The rationales and motives behind these linkages vary significantly from one country to another. For example, in Taiwan, free trade might be viewed as a sovereignty-upgrading mechanism; in Singapore, a defence-upgrading tool; in the Philippines, a development-upgrading instrument; and in Malaysia, a diversity-upgrading apparatus. However, it is important to note that while the constructed rationales for these linkage efforts usually sound altruistic (that is, to advance national security interests) the real motives behind them are often less than benevolent (that is, to advance a regime, a party or a privileged group’s vested interests). Furthermore, the steady proliferation of preferential bilateral and minilateral trade amid all the difficulties impeding multilateral trade at the WTO has provided small countries in East Asia a strategic platform for pursuing a broad range of security interests – altruistically or otherwise. However, considering that free trade works like a double-edged sword, I make the corollary argument that states attempting to co-habit their security interests and trade agendas are essentially “trading security”. The reason is that for every additional security that a linkage provides, a corresponding insecurity is reflected in other referents. This is clearly illustrated by the four cases examined in the study. With respect to “statist linkages”, Taiwan’s linkage efforts can lead to the island’s complete assimilation with China; while Singapore’s linkage attempts may result in the city-state’s failure to strategically balance conflicting American and Chinese interests in the region. With respect to “humanist linkages”, the Philippines’ linkage attempts have preserved uneven economic development and reinforced the oligarchic system and patronage culture; while Malaysia’s linkage efforts have perpetuated racial inequalities and further legitimised the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional. Finally, in attempts to address both traditional and non-traditional security threats, East Asian countries (via their membership in APEC and ASEAN) have made some noteworthy progress in broadening and widening the respective agendas of these two regional organisations. Despite the limitations of their compliance mechanisms (or lack of them in some issue areas), the fact that both state and human security issues are now being openly discussed vis-à-vis free trade policies underlines the ongoing progress toward East Asian linkages.

Southeast Asia: moving beyond the construction of a mascent security community?

Roberts, Christopher January 2002 (has links)
This study applies Deutsch’s security community framework to the states of Southeast Asia in order to assess whether or not, as at September 2002, there exist dependable expectations of peaceful change. The study has three primary goals. The first is to develop the framework so it may better reflect the realities of interstate and communal relations in Southeast Asia. The second is to assess whether or not Southeast Asia has in fact moved beyond the construction of a nascent security community where there exists adequate empirical evidence to suggest a future sustainable course towards ‘dependable expectations of peaceful change’. The third seeks to analyse the potential for Southeast Asia, as a community of states, to evolve to the higher tiers of integration and be characterised as a mature security community, where disputes between states and state-elites will be resolved without recourse to violence. In investigating these tasks, the dissertation considers a broad range of issues, including (but not limited to): the multilateral security frameworks embracing the region; the impact of ethnic and religious tensions as well as non-traditional security issues (with a focus here on narcotics and piracy); and the impact of terrorism and the recent economic crisis on the normative behaviours and ideologies of state elites throughout the region. It is found that while a substantial degree of interaction, integration and cooperation has developed in Southeast Asia, these developments have been insufficient to alleviate a number of traditional security issues and tensions (such as border and territorial conflicts). Consequently, there exists only a transient sense of expectations of peaceful change throughout Southeast Asia and this level of integration is characterised by the dissertation to represent nothing more than the embryonic phase of a security community’s evolution.

Relação entre genes plasmidiais e virulência e análise do sistema de secreção tipo 6 em isolados de Escherichia coli patogênica aviária (APEC)

Oliveira, Aline Luísa de January 2015 (has links)
Escherichia coli patogênicas aviárias (APEC) causam infecções extraintestinais em aves, que podem ser localizadas ou sistêmicas, denominadas colibacilose. O patotipo de APEC não está definido, mas vários genes de virulência são associados a essas cepas, como os genes plasmidiais iroN, ompT, hlyF, iss e iutA, propostos, em 2008, como preditores da virulência de APEC. Além dos genes de virulência conhecidos, outros fatores podem estar associados à patogenicidade bacteriana, como as maquinarias de secreção protéica denominadas Sistemas de Secreção. O Sistema de Secreção do Tipo 6 (T6SS), descrito em 2006, tem sido associado à virulência de cepas APEC. Este trabalho divide-se em duas partes: a primeira teve como objetivo avaliar a frequência dos genes iroN, ompT, hlyF, iss e iutA em 401 cepas aviárias de E. coli e sua relação com a patogenicidade in vivo dessas cepas. A segunda parte teve como objetivos verificar a frequência de genes componentes do T6SS (clpV, vgrG, icmF e dotU), em uma coleção de 187 cepas APEC; e, em algumas cepas positivas para os genes, verificar a expressão de um fenótipo relacionado ao sistema, bem como a expressão do efetor vgrG e da ATPase do sistema clpV2, além da secreção de proteínas, no meio de cultura e durante contato com células eucarióticas. Os resultados da primeira parte indicam que cepas com dois ou mais dos genes analisados tem maior probabilidade de serem patogênicas do que cepas com apenas um ou nenhum dos genes. Já os da segunda parte mostram que várias cepas apresentaram duas cópias de pelo menos um dos genes testados, e algumas delas apresentaram resistência à predação por D. discoideum. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre a expressão dos genes vgrG (1 e 2) e clpV2 em cultura pura ou em contato com células eucarióticas. Este trabalho apresenta a triagem de genes plasmidiais em uma grande coleção de amostras de Escherichia coli, e a primeira triagem de genes do T6SS em uma coleção de isolados APEC. / Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) causes extraintestinal infections in birds, which can be localized or systemic, known as colibacillosis. The APEC pathotype is still undefined, but several virulence genes are associated with these strains, as the plasmid-linked genes iroN, ompT, hlyF, iss and iutA, proposed in 2008 as APEC virulence predictors. Besides the known virulence genes, other factors may be associated with bacterial pathogenicity, such as the protein secretion machineries called Secretion Systems. Described in 2006, Type 6 Secretion System (T6SS) has been associated with virulence of APEC strains. This work is divided in two parts: the first aimed to evaluate the frequency of iroN, ompT, hlyF, iss and iutA genes in 401 avian strains of E. coli and its relationship with in vivo pathogenicity of these strains. The second part aimed to verify the frequency of T6SS genes (clpV, vgrG, icmF and dotU) in a collection of 187 APEC strains; and verify, in some positive strains, the expression of a phenotype related to the system, as well as the gene expression of effector vgrG and ATPase clpV2, besides the secretion of proteins into the culture medium and during contact with eukaryotic cells. The results of the first part of this study indicate that isolates harboring two or more of the genes analyzed were most likely to be pathogenic than strains harboring only one or none of the genes. The results of the second part show that several strains harbored two copies of at least one of the genes tested, and some of them were resistant to predation by D. discoideum. No differences were found between the expression of genes vgrG (1 and 2) and clpV2 in pure culture or in contact with eukaryotic cells. This work presents the screening of plasmidial genes in a large collection of Escherichia coli isolates, and the first screening of T6SS genes in a collection of APEC isolates.

Abordagem proteômica da interação bactéria-hospedeiro na colibacilose aviária

Reis, Roberta Souza dos January 2011 (has links)
Escherichia coli patogênicas aviárias (APEC) causam infecções extraintestinais em frangos conhecidas como colibacilose. A APEC MT78, ao contrário de outras linhagens APEC, foi capaz de invadir células não-fagocitárias no modelo de fibroblastos aviários (CEC-32). Considerando que as interações patógeno-hospedeiro envolvem modificações na abundância de proteínas e padrões de expressão, principalmente nas proteínas de superfície, nosso objetivo foi comparar o proteoma da MT78 crescida em meio de cultura celular com o proteoma de MT78 isolada de fibroblastos aviários infectados (condição de co-cultura). Desenvolvemos aqui a padronização das etapas de extração de proteínas totais, isolamento de células bacterianas do co-cultivo e análise proteômica de modo a obtermos uma análise proteômica global reprodutível e de qualidade. A análise da interação APEC MT78 e células CEC-32 por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura revelou que essa cepa se associa à célula-alvo em um padrão de adesão localizada. A internalização de APEC MT78 pareceu ocorrer como resultado de uma interação entre bactéria-célula que dispara rearranjos do citoesqueleto de actina da célula-alvo, formando estruturas filo e lamelipodiais que são dependentes da viabilidade bacteriana. O reisolamento de células bacterianas intactas, observadas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, após o co-cultivo com CEC-32 foi obtido através da técnica de solubilização diferencial de membranas. As células bacterianas foram sonicadas e as proteínas digeridas em solução seguida de uma etapa de purificação. Nós identificamos 69 proteínas, distribuídas em 9 classes funcionais, incluindo as proteínas de membrana FimA, OmpA and OmpC. A proteína OmpA já foi associada a invasão do patógeno humano NMEC (neonatal meningitis-associated E. coli) à células HBMEC. Esses experimentos representam a primeira investigação proteômica global em E. coli patogênica aviária. As proteínas identificadas representaram diferentes rotas metabólicas, funções fisiológicas e diferentes localizações subcelulares. / In poultry, Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) cause localized extra- intestinal infections that often become systemic. APEC strain MT78 was able to invade non-phagocytic avian fibroblasts in vitro, raising the possibility that some APEC strains may invade epithelial cells and gain systemic access. Using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, we observed that viable MT78 strain associated with CEC-32 fibroblasts cells in clusters, and following association, MT78 internalization appeared to result from cytoskeleton rearrangements, such as filopodia and lamellipodia, in the eukaryotic membrane. Considering that host-pathogen interactions involve modifications of protein abundance and expression, mainly in surface proteins, we compared the proteome of MT78 harvested from culture medium with the proteome of MT78 isolated from infected avian fibroblasts (co-culture condition). For this purpose, we developed standard analytical procedures for global protein extraction and isolation of bacterial cells from infected CEC-32. Judged by transmission electron microscopy, we successfully reisolated intact APEC MT78 cells from CEC-32 fibroblasts using the differential membrane solubilization method. Bacterial cells were then sonicated and proteins digested in solution following a clean up procedure. We identified 69 proteins, distributed in 9 functional classes, including the membrane proteins FimA, OmpA and OmpC. The OmpA protein was already associated to invasion of the human pathogen called NMEC (neonatal meningitis-associated E. coli) to endothelial cell line HBMEC. Our results represent the first global proteomic investigation in APEC. The proteome of MT78 infecting avian fibroblasts may allow us to identify key proteins linked to the successful adhesion and/or invasion of host cells by APEC and thus throw light into the pathogenesis of avian colibacillosis.

La institucionalización de la perspectiva de género en el Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC): Análisis de los elementos MED y GED que la orientan

Valero Cañas, Lilia Gabriela January 2006 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Estudios de Género y Cultura, mención Ciencas Sociales

Caracterização de Escherichia coli patogênica aviária e Escherichia coli uropatogênica utilizando grupos filogenéticos e a resistência antimicrobiana

Rocha, Daniela Tonini da January 2018 (has links)
O patógeno Escherichia coli pertence ao grupo de cepas que podem causar infecções extraintestinais, designadas como (ExPEC). Existem cepas de E. coli ExPEC, tais como: a E. coli causadora de meningite neonatal (NMEC), a E. coli uropatogênica (UPEC) e a E. coli patogênica para aves (APEC). Na avicultura, esta bactéria é responsável por vários processos patológicos, atuando tanto como agente primário como secundário, sendo responsável por significativas perdas econômicas que ocorrem na produção avícola. Vários trabalhos têm demonstrado que muitos isolados ExPEC de humanos e animais compartilham genes de virulência em comum, sugerindo que ocorra uma troca genética entre essas cepas, e o risco para a saúde humana de tais bactérias ainda é indefinido. Além disto, existe outra preocupação em relação ao fato de estudos sugerirem que a E. coli pode facilmente adquirir resistência a antimicrobianos utilizados por humanos e animais. As aves domésticas são reconhecidas como importante fonte de disseminação de resistência antimicrobiana às amostras de E. coli. O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a caracterização de amostras de Escherichia coli patogênica aviária (APEC) e Escherichia coli uropatogênica (UPEC) através da classificação em grupos filogenéticos e da avaliação da resistência antimicrobiana. Neste trabalho foram utilizados os dados disponíveis referentes a 237 cepas de E. coli isoladas de camas de aviários, lesões de celulite e quadros respiratórios de frangos de corte e 211 amostras de E. coli uropatogênica (UPEC) isoladas de pacientes com infecção urinária. Para verificar se existia diferença significativa entre a resistência antimicrobiana a (ampicilina, gentamicina, norfloxacina, amicacina e cefuroxima) e a origem das amostras, e destes mesmos antimicrobianos em relação aos grupos filogenéticos. As amostras APEC diferiram na resistência antimicrobiana das amostras UPEC para ampicilina, gentamicina, norfloxacina e cefuroxima. O mesmo não foi observado para a amicacina. Nas condições do presente trabalho, estes resultados contrariam, parcialmente, os estudos que sugerem que a resistência antimicrobiana é originária das amostras de origem avícola, já que três dos cinco fármacos testados apresentaram maior resistência nas amostras UPEC que nas APEC. Quando analisada a relação entre os grupos filogenéticos observou-se que o perfil de resistência antimicrobiana foi semelhante em todos os grupos, somente para norfloxacina e ampicilina houve diferença, porém a resistência estava bem distribuída entre os quatro grupos, comprovando que a patogenicidade não se relaciona com a resistência antimicrobiana. Este fato já havia sido caracterizado em trabalho anterior da mesma autora. Estes resultados ressaltam a necessidade de realizar monitorizações rotineiras e constantes visando conhecer as flutuações da patogenicidade e da resistência antimicrobiana, separadamente. / The pathogen Escherichia coli, belongs to the group of strains that can cause extraintestinal infections, designated as (ExPEC). There are strains of extraintestinal E. coli ExPEC as: a E. coli that causes neonatal meningitis (NMEC), a uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and a avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC). In poultry, this bacterium is responsible for several pathological processes, acting as primary agent and secondary as well, and it is also responsible for significant economic losses that occur in poultry production. Several articles show that many ExPEC isolates from humans and animals share common virulence genes, suggesting a genetic exchange between these strains, and the risk to human health of more bacteria is still undefined. In addition, there is another concern about studies which suggest that E. coli can readily acquire antimicrobial resistance when used by animals and humans. Poultry is recognized as an important source of dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in E. coli samples. The objective of the present study was to characterize samples of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) and uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) using phylogenetic groups and antimicrobial resistance. In this study, we used data available on 237 strains of E. coli isolated from avian litter, cellulitis lesions and respiratory lesions of broilers and 211 uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) samples isolated from patients with urinary tract infection. To verify if there was a significant difference between the antimicrobial resistance (ampicillin, gentamicin, norfloxacin, amicacin, cefuroxime) and the origin of the samples, and of these same antimicrobials and phylogenetic groups. The APEC samples differed in antimicrobial resistance of the UPEC for ampicillin, gentamicin, norfloxacin and cefuroxime. The same was not observed for amikacin. Under the conditions of the present study, these results partially contradict the studies which suggest that antimicrobial resistance originates from samples of poultry origin, three of the five drugs tested, presented higher resistance in the UPEC samples than in the APEC. When analyzing the relationship between the phylogenetic groups, it was observed that the antimicrobial resistance profile was similar in all groups, only for norfloxacin and ampicillin there was a difference, but the resistance was well distributed among the four groups, proving that the pathogenicity was not related with antimicrobial resistance. This fact had already been characterized in previous paper by the same author. These results highlight the need to perform routine and constant monitoring in order to know the fluctuations in pathogenicity and antimicrobial resistance, separately.

Caracterização de Escherichia coli patogênica aviária e Escherichia coli uropatogênica utilizando grupos filogenéticos e a resistência antimicrobiana

Rocha, Daniela Tonini da January 2018 (has links)
O patógeno Escherichia coli pertence ao grupo de cepas que podem causar infecções extraintestinais, designadas como (ExPEC). Existem cepas de E. coli ExPEC, tais como: a E. coli causadora de meningite neonatal (NMEC), a E. coli uropatogênica (UPEC) e a E. coli patogênica para aves (APEC). Na avicultura, esta bactéria é responsável por vários processos patológicos, atuando tanto como agente primário como secundário, sendo responsável por significativas perdas econômicas que ocorrem na produção avícola. Vários trabalhos têm demonstrado que muitos isolados ExPEC de humanos e animais compartilham genes de virulência em comum, sugerindo que ocorra uma troca genética entre essas cepas, e o risco para a saúde humana de tais bactérias ainda é indefinido. Além disto, existe outra preocupação em relação ao fato de estudos sugerirem que a E. coli pode facilmente adquirir resistência a antimicrobianos utilizados por humanos e animais. As aves domésticas são reconhecidas como importante fonte de disseminação de resistência antimicrobiana às amostras de E. coli. O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a caracterização de amostras de Escherichia coli patogênica aviária (APEC) e Escherichia coli uropatogênica (UPEC) através da classificação em grupos filogenéticos e da avaliação da resistência antimicrobiana. Neste trabalho foram utilizados os dados disponíveis referentes a 237 cepas de E. coli isoladas de camas de aviários, lesões de celulite e quadros respiratórios de frangos de corte e 211 amostras de E. coli uropatogênica (UPEC) isoladas de pacientes com infecção urinária. Para verificar se existia diferença significativa entre a resistência antimicrobiana a (ampicilina, gentamicina, norfloxacina, amicacina e cefuroxima) e a origem das amostras, e destes mesmos antimicrobianos em relação aos grupos filogenéticos. As amostras APEC diferiram na resistência antimicrobiana das amostras UPEC para ampicilina, gentamicina, norfloxacina e cefuroxima. O mesmo não foi observado para a amicacina. Nas condições do presente trabalho, estes resultados contrariam, parcialmente, os estudos que sugerem que a resistência antimicrobiana é originária das amostras de origem avícola, já que três dos cinco fármacos testados apresentaram maior resistência nas amostras UPEC que nas APEC. Quando analisada a relação entre os grupos filogenéticos observou-se que o perfil de resistência antimicrobiana foi semelhante em todos os grupos, somente para norfloxacina e ampicilina houve diferença, porém a resistência estava bem distribuída entre os quatro grupos, comprovando que a patogenicidade não se relaciona com a resistência antimicrobiana. Este fato já havia sido caracterizado em trabalho anterior da mesma autora. Estes resultados ressaltam a necessidade de realizar monitorizações rotineiras e constantes visando conhecer as flutuações da patogenicidade e da resistência antimicrobiana, separadamente. / The pathogen Escherichia coli, belongs to the group of strains that can cause extraintestinal infections, designated as (ExPEC). There are strains of extraintestinal E. coli ExPEC as: a E. coli that causes neonatal meningitis (NMEC), a uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and a avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC). In poultry, this bacterium is responsible for several pathological processes, acting as primary agent and secondary as well, and it is also responsible for significant economic losses that occur in poultry production. Several articles show that many ExPEC isolates from humans and animals share common virulence genes, suggesting a genetic exchange between these strains, and the risk to human health of more bacteria is still undefined. In addition, there is another concern about studies which suggest that E. coli can readily acquire antimicrobial resistance when used by animals and humans. Poultry is recognized as an important source of dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in E. coli samples. The objective of the present study was to characterize samples of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) and uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) using phylogenetic groups and antimicrobial resistance. In this study, we used data available on 237 strains of E. coli isolated from avian litter, cellulitis lesions and respiratory lesions of broilers and 211 uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) samples isolated from patients with urinary tract infection. To verify if there was a significant difference between the antimicrobial resistance (ampicillin, gentamicin, norfloxacin, amicacin, cefuroxime) and the origin of the samples, and of these same antimicrobials and phylogenetic groups. The APEC samples differed in antimicrobial resistance of the UPEC for ampicillin, gentamicin, norfloxacin and cefuroxime. The same was not observed for amikacin. Under the conditions of the present study, these results partially contradict the studies which suggest that antimicrobial resistance originates from samples of poultry origin, three of the five drugs tested, presented higher resistance in the UPEC samples than in the APEC. When analyzing the relationship between the phylogenetic groups, it was observed that the antimicrobial resistance profile was similar in all groups, only for norfloxacin and ampicillin there was a difference, but the resistance was well distributed among the four groups, proving that the pathogenicity was not related with antimicrobial resistance. This fact had already been characterized in previous paper by the same author. These results highlight the need to perform routine and constant monitoring in order to know the fluctuations in pathogenicity and antimicrobial resistance, separately.

Relação entre genes plasmidiais e virulência e análise do sistema de secreção tipo 6 em isolados de Escherichia coli patogênica aviária (APEC)

Oliveira, Aline Luísa de January 2015 (has links)
Escherichia coli patogênicas aviárias (APEC) causam infecções extraintestinais em aves, que podem ser localizadas ou sistêmicas, denominadas colibacilose. O patotipo de APEC não está definido, mas vários genes de virulência são associados a essas cepas, como os genes plasmidiais iroN, ompT, hlyF, iss e iutA, propostos, em 2008, como preditores da virulência de APEC. Além dos genes de virulência conhecidos, outros fatores podem estar associados à patogenicidade bacteriana, como as maquinarias de secreção protéica denominadas Sistemas de Secreção. O Sistema de Secreção do Tipo 6 (T6SS), descrito em 2006, tem sido associado à virulência de cepas APEC. Este trabalho divide-se em duas partes: a primeira teve como objetivo avaliar a frequência dos genes iroN, ompT, hlyF, iss e iutA em 401 cepas aviárias de E. coli e sua relação com a patogenicidade in vivo dessas cepas. A segunda parte teve como objetivos verificar a frequência de genes componentes do T6SS (clpV, vgrG, icmF e dotU), em uma coleção de 187 cepas APEC; e, em algumas cepas positivas para os genes, verificar a expressão de um fenótipo relacionado ao sistema, bem como a expressão do efetor vgrG e da ATPase do sistema clpV2, além da secreção de proteínas, no meio de cultura e durante contato com células eucarióticas. Os resultados da primeira parte indicam que cepas com dois ou mais dos genes analisados tem maior probabilidade de serem patogênicas do que cepas com apenas um ou nenhum dos genes. Já os da segunda parte mostram que várias cepas apresentaram duas cópias de pelo menos um dos genes testados, e algumas delas apresentaram resistência à predação por D. discoideum. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre a expressão dos genes vgrG (1 e 2) e clpV2 em cultura pura ou em contato com células eucarióticas. Este trabalho apresenta a triagem de genes plasmidiais em uma grande coleção de amostras de Escherichia coli, e a primeira triagem de genes do T6SS em uma coleção de isolados APEC. / Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) causes extraintestinal infections in birds, which can be localized or systemic, known as colibacillosis. The APEC pathotype is still undefined, but several virulence genes are associated with these strains, as the plasmid-linked genes iroN, ompT, hlyF, iss and iutA, proposed in 2008 as APEC virulence predictors. Besides the known virulence genes, other factors may be associated with bacterial pathogenicity, such as the protein secretion machineries called Secretion Systems. Described in 2006, Type 6 Secretion System (T6SS) has been associated with virulence of APEC strains. This work is divided in two parts: the first aimed to evaluate the frequency of iroN, ompT, hlyF, iss and iutA genes in 401 avian strains of E. coli and its relationship with in vivo pathogenicity of these strains. The second part aimed to verify the frequency of T6SS genes (clpV, vgrG, icmF and dotU) in a collection of 187 APEC strains; and verify, in some positive strains, the expression of a phenotype related to the system, as well as the gene expression of effector vgrG and ATPase clpV2, besides the secretion of proteins into the culture medium and during contact with eukaryotic cells. The results of the first part of this study indicate that isolates harboring two or more of the genes analyzed were most likely to be pathogenic than strains harboring only one or none of the genes. The results of the second part show that several strains harbored two copies of at least one of the genes tested, and some of them were resistant to predation by D. discoideum. No differences were found between the expression of genes vgrG (1 and 2) and clpV2 in pure culture or in contact with eukaryotic cells. This work presents the screening of plasmidial genes in a large collection of Escherichia coli isolates, and the first screening of T6SS genes in a collection of APEC isolates.

Abordagem proteômica da interação bactéria-hospedeiro na colibacilose aviária

Reis, Roberta Souza dos January 2011 (has links)
Escherichia coli patogênicas aviárias (APEC) causam infecções extraintestinais em frangos conhecidas como colibacilose. A APEC MT78, ao contrário de outras linhagens APEC, foi capaz de invadir células não-fagocitárias no modelo de fibroblastos aviários (CEC-32). Considerando que as interações patógeno-hospedeiro envolvem modificações na abundância de proteínas e padrões de expressão, principalmente nas proteínas de superfície, nosso objetivo foi comparar o proteoma da MT78 crescida em meio de cultura celular com o proteoma de MT78 isolada de fibroblastos aviários infectados (condição de co-cultura). Desenvolvemos aqui a padronização das etapas de extração de proteínas totais, isolamento de células bacterianas do co-cultivo e análise proteômica de modo a obtermos uma análise proteômica global reprodutível e de qualidade. A análise da interação APEC MT78 e células CEC-32 por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura revelou que essa cepa se associa à célula-alvo em um padrão de adesão localizada. A internalização de APEC MT78 pareceu ocorrer como resultado de uma interação entre bactéria-célula que dispara rearranjos do citoesqueleto de actina da célula-alvo, formando estruturas filo e lamelipodiais que são dependentes da viabilidade bacteriana. O reisolamento de células bacterianas intactas, observadas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, após o co-cultivo com CEC-32 foi obtido através da técnica de solubilização diferencial de membranas. As células bacterianas foram sonicadas e as proteínas digeridas em solução seguida de uma etapa de purificação. Nós identificamos 69 proteínas, distribuídas em 9 classes funcionais, incluindo as proteínas de membrana FimA, OmpA and OmpC. A proteína OmpA já foi associada a invasão do patógeno humano NMEC (neonatal meningitis-associated E. coli) à células HBMEC. Esses experimentos representam a primeira investigação proteômica global em E. coli patogênica aviária. As proteínas identificadas representaram diferentes rotas metabólicas, funções fisiológicas e diferentes localizações subcelulares. / In poultry, Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) cause localized extra- intestinal infections that often become systemic. APEC strain MT78 was able to invade non-phagocytic avian fibroblasts in vitro, raising the possibility that some APEC strains may invade epithelial cells and gain systemic access. Using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, we observed that viable MT78 strain associated with CEC-32 fibroblasts cells in clusters, and following association, MT78 internalization appeared to result from cytoskeleton rearrangements, such as filopodia and lamellipodia, in the eukaryotic membrane. Considering that host-pathogen interactions involve modifications of protein abundance and expression, mainly in surface proteins, we compared the proteome of MT78 harvested from culture medium with the proteome of MT78 isolated from infected avian fibroblasts (co-culture condition). For this purpose, we developed standard analytical procedures for global protein extraction and isolation of bacterial cells from infected CEC-32. Judged by transmission electron microscopy, we successfully reisolated intact APEC MT78 cells from CEC-32 fibroblasts using the differential membrane solubilization method. Bacterial cells were then sonicated and proteins digested in solution following a clean up procedure. We identified 69 proteins, distributed in 9 functional classes, including the membrane proteins FimA, OmpA and OmpC. The OmpA protein was already associated to invasion of the human pathogen called NMEC (neonatal meningitis-associated E. coli) to endothelial cell line HBMEC. Our results represent the first global proteomic investigation in APEC. The proteome of MT78 infecting avian fibroblasts may allow us to identify key proteins linked to the successful adhesion and/or invasion of host cells by APEC and thus throw light into the pathogenesis of avian colibacillosis.

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