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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diagnostik des chronischen Unterbauchschmerzes

Nagel, Michael, Wehrmann, Ursula, Ringelband, Barbara 19 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Der chronische Unterbauchschmerz stellt den behandelnden Arzt vor erhebliche differentialdiagnostische Probleme. Die vorgestellte Studie soll den Wert der Laparoskopie im diagnostischen Konzept aufzeigen. Dazu führten wir zwischen Oktober 1993 und Juni 1998 bei 100 Patienten mit der klinischen Diagnose «chronischer Unterbauchschmerz» eine Laparoskopie durch. Bei 14 Patienten ließ sich ein morphologisches Korrelat unabhängig von der Appendix finden. 86 Patienten wurden appendektomiert, wobei die histologische Untersuchung des Präparats in 82 Fällen (95,3%) einen pathologischen Befund aufwies. 80 Patienten (93%) blieben auch während der Nachuntersuchungen beschwerdefrei. Die Laparoskopie stellt ein sicheres Verfahren zur Diagnostik und Behandlung chronischer Unterbauchschmerzen dar. Bei fehlendem Korrelat für die Beschwerden sollte in gleicher Sitzung die laparoskopische Appendektomie durchgeführt werden. / The differential diagnosis chronic lower abdominal pain can be problematic, and this symptom may lead to several diagnostic procedures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of laparoscopy in the diagnostic concept. From October 1993 to June 1998 we performed 100 laparoscopies in patients with chronic or recurrent lower abdominal pain. In 14 patients we found a substrate for the reported pain, which was independent of the appendix. In 86 patients we performed an appendectomy. In 62 of the specimens (95.3%) the histological study showed pathological findings. 80 patients (93%) reported no further complaints during follow-up. Laparoscopy is a safe procedure for diagnostics and treatment of patients with chronic lower abdominal pain. If no other explanation for the symptoms is found, laparoscopic appendectomy should be performed. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Radiologic diagnosis of appendicitis in children /

Kaiser, Sylvie, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

An analysis of set time, outcome indicators, and medicines of pediatric patients undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy

Chung, Eric Robert 17 June 2016 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: There currently exists a wide variation in anesthesia perioperative management for pediatric patients undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy. The purpose of this retrospective chart review is to compare outcome indicators by using patient demographics. This study aims to establish evidence based guidelines for safe, efficient and effective anesthetic management for patients undergoing laparoscopic appendectomies by analyzing selected outcome indicators and metrics in relation to Surgical-End-to-Transport (SET) time: defined as the time from the end of surgical time until the patient is ready to exit the operating room. METHODS: After institutional review board approval, all laparoscopic appendectomies performed from 2012 through 2014 (n=790) were queried. Using the median SET time of 14 minutes, two groups were established as follows: Group A (n=431), SET time between 0 and 14 minutes, and Group B (n=338), SET time of 14 minutes and longer. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to compare readmissions by American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status and reports of high pain with PACU (Post-Anesthesia Care Unit) duration, gender, age, and surgical duration using IBM SPSS Statistics (version 21.0, IBM, Armonk, NY). RESULTS: To limit confounding variables, patients over the age of 21 and those assigned an ASA Physical Status Classification 3 or 4 were excluded. Remaining cases (n=769) were then used to calculate readmission incidence. The median SET time for the study population was 14 minutes, while the median surgical and PACU durations were 58 minutes and 59 minutes, respectively. The readmission incidence rate was 300 per 10,000 (n=23, 3%). The study population consisted of 56% males and 44% females. Females had a higher incidence of readmission (n=13, 3.8%) than males (n=10, 2.3%), while males had longer SET times than females (Group A Males 52.33% vs. Group B Males 60.30%, p=0.0276). There was no difference in readmission incidence rates between ASA I (n=473) and ASA II (n=296) patients (ASA I readmits 3.2 % vs. ASA II readmits 2.7%, p=.711). Patients who reported high postoperative pain (n=75) were more than twice as likely to be readmitted than patients who did not report high pain (p=.071). Ethnicity frequencies were collected as follows: 60.3% White, 6.8% Black or African American, 3.6% Asian, and 29.1% Other. DISCUSSION: Males had significantly longer durations in SET times, and they experienced fewer readmissions than females. There were no significant findings related to the ethnic demographics. Further analysis identifying intraoperative and postoperative anesthesia management for both groups will be performed. This study was subject to the following limitations: retrospective design, incomplete data acquisition, and inconsistent EMR documentation. The correlations and results are preliminary in nature and will serve as a framework for future analyses.

Procesní management v lůžkovém zdravotnickém zařízení / Process Management in an In-Patient Department

Stuchlík, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The theoretical part of the diploma thesis explains terms as management, managers, managerial roles, process, costing method, process management, process analysis and its tools. In the practical part a chosen in-patient department and its surgical department are characterized. The general and the supportive processes are mapped and analyzed. In conclusion both economical and medical aspects of appendectomy carried out in classical and laparoscopic way are compared.

A retrospective review of the management and outcome in patients with acuteappendicitis at Karlstad Central Hospital

Eliasson, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Introduction The lifetime risk to develop acute appendicitis is estimated to 7-8%. Even if the condition iscommon and tools for diagnosis are existing, it is challenging to obtain a confident preoperativediagnosis which can explain differences in outcomes and complications. Aim The aim of this study was to analyze and compare differences in management and outcomesbetween patients with acute appendicitis at Karlstad Central Hospital. Methods The study was a retrospective cohort analysis comparing management between pediatric andadult patients and outcomes between patients who developed complications and patients who didnot at Karlstad central hospital between 2020-11-01 and 2021-05-31. Results Ultrasound was more often used in children than adults, 66.7% versus 10.5% (p=0.001), whereascomputed tomography (CT) was more used diagnosing adults, 73.5% versus 0% (p=<0.001). Inyounger adults (17-39) 69% had CT performed versus 96% in patients above 40 (p=<0.00005).Open appendectomy was more common among children, 25% versus 4.6% (p=<0.01) whilstlaparoscopic appendectomy was more common in adults, 90% versus 75% (p=<0.001). A longertime to intervention was seen in the adult complication group (p=0.004). Laparoscopicappendectomy was more common in the adult non-complication group 93.3% versus 78.10%(p=0.037). Conclusion There was a longer duration between admission and surgery and a higher initial CRP amongpatients that developed complications. Furthermore, in younger adults a high percentage of CTswhere performed compared to international guidelines. This indicates that there might be roomfor improvement in the management of appendicitis at CSK.

Procena stepena stresa kod dece nakon laparoskopske apendektomije u različitim vrstama anestezije / Evaluation of stress response in children after laparoscopic appendectomy in different types of anesthesia

Fabri Izabella 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod:Apendicitis je oboljenje, koje se najče&scaron;će javlja u dečjem uzrastu. Poslednjih godina se laparoskopska apendektomija sprovodi sve če&scaron;će u ovom uzrastu, međutim ne postoji jasan konsenzus o optimalnom izboru anestetika za održavanje op&scaron;te anestezije u toku ove hirur&scaron;ke metode u dečjem uzrastu. Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi uticaj vrste anestezije i vrste hirur&scaron;ke procedure na odgovor organizma na hirur&scaron;ki stres tokom operacije crvuljka. Metodologija: Klinički prospektivno istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za dečiju hirurgiju, na Institutu za zdravstvenu za&scaron;titu dece i omladine Vojvodine. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 120 dece, uzrasta od 7 do 17 godina, bez postojećih komorbiditeta, koji su operisani zbog zapaljenja crvuljka. U zavisnosti od vrste operativnog zahvata i vrste primenjene anestezije deca su podeljena u četiri grupe bolesnika. Kod sve četiri ispitivane grupe uzimana je venska i kapilarna krv, nekoliko minuta nakon uvoda u anesteziju, u momentu vađenja crvuljka iz trbuha i 12 časova nakon kraja hirur&scaron;ke intervencije. Laboratorijski su određeni markeri oksidativnog stresa (TBARS), metaboličkog odgovora na hirur&scaron;ki stres (laktat, glikemija), inflamatornog odgovora organizma (IL-6, leukociti), gasne analize, parametri oksigenacije i ventilacije, i hemodinamski parametri ispitanika. Rezultati:U istraživanju je dobijen rezultat da je zapaljenje crvuljka oboljenje koje se če&scaron;će javlja kod dečaka. Tokom apendektomije u dečjem uzrastu, sevofluran je bolje kontrolisao arterijsku tenziju, dok na srčanu frekvencu vrsta anestezije nije imala uticaja. Sevofluran je anestetik tokom čije primene je manji inflamatorni odgovor tokom laparoskospske apendektomije. Propofol deluje suprimirajuće na oksidativni stres, ali nije nađena statistička značajnost u odnosu na vrednosti dobijene analizom uticaja sevoflurana na parametre oksidativnog stresa. Zaključak: Laparoskopska apendektomija u odnosu na laparotomiju nije praćena većim stepenom hirur&scaron;kog stresa, a sevofluran je anestetik koji tokom anestezije za laparoskopsku apendektomiju u dečijem uzrastu daje bolju kontrolu kliničkog, metaboličkog i inflamatornog odgovora.</p> / <p>Introduction: Appendicitis is a disease which appears most commonly in children. In recent years appendectomy in children is performed by laparoscopy, but there is no consensus yet on the optimal choice of anesthetics during general anesthesia for this procedure. Aim: To determine the influence of type of anesthesia and type of surgical procedure for appendectomy, on surgical stress in children. Methodology: A prospective clinical trial in Clinic of pediatric surgery in Novi Sad, Vojvodina. The study included 120 children aged from 7 to 17 years, with no commorbidities, who underwent appendectomy. Children were divided in four groups based on the type of anesthesia and type of surgery they received. In all participants, venous and capillary blood was sampled for analyzis 10 minutes after induction of anesthesia, at the moment of appendix removal and 12 hours after the procedure. The laboratory analysis included markers of oxidative stress (TBARS), metabolic response to surgical stress (lactate, blood glucose), inflammatory response (IL-6, leucocites), bloodgas analyses, parameters of oxygentation and ventilation and haemodynamic parameters of the participants. Results: In the study appendicitis was more common in boys. During laparoscopic appendectomy sevoflurane controlled better the blood pressure, but not the heart rate. Sevoflurane maintained a better control of parameters of the inflammatory response. Propofol decreased the oxidative stress, but there was no statistical difference compared to the effects of sevoflurane on oxidative stress. Conclusion: Laparoscopic appendectomy shoved no difference in the level of surgical stress compared to laparotomy, and sevoflurane appeared as an anaesthetic which had a better control of the metabolic, clinical and inflammatory response.</p>

Diagnostik des chronischen Unterbauchschmerzes

Nagel, Michael, Wehrmann, Ursula, Ringelband, Barbara January 2000 (has links)
Der chronische Unterbauchschmerz stellt den behandelnden Arzt vor erhebliche differentialdiagnostische Probleme. Die vorgestellte Studie soll den Wert der Laparoskopie im diagnostischen Konzept aufzeigen. Dazu führten wir zwischen Oktober 1993 und Juni 1998 bei 100 Patienten mit der klinischen Diagnose «chronischer Unterbauchschmerz» eine Laparoskopie durch. Bei 14 Patienten ließ sich ein morphologisches Korrelat unabhängig von der Appendix finden. 86 Patienten wurden appendektomiert, wobei die histologische Untersuchung des Präparats in 82 Fällen (95,3%) einen pathologischen Befund aufwies. 80 Patienten (93%) blieben auch während der Nachuntersuchungen beschwerdefrei. Die Laparoskopie stellt ein sicheres Verfahren zur Diagnostik und Behandlung chronischer Unterbauchschmerzen dar. Bei fehlendem Korrelat für die Beschwerden sollte in gleicher Sitzung die laparoskopische Appendektomie durchgeführt werden. / The differential diagnosis chronic lower abdominal pain can be problematic, and this symptom may lead to several diagnostic procedures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of laparoscopy in the diagnostic concept. From October 1993 to June 1998 we performed 100 laparoscopies in patients with chronic or recurrent lower abdominal pain. In 14 patients we found a substrate for the reported pain, which was independent of the appendix. In 86 patients we performed an appendectomy. In 62 of the specimens (95.3%) the histological study showed pathological findings. 80 patients (93%) reported no further complaints during follow-up. Laparoscopy is a safe procedure for diagnostics and treatment of patients with chronic lower abdominal pain. If no other explanation for the symptoms is found, laparoscopic appendectomy should be performed. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Übertragbarkeit von laparoskopischen Fertigkeiten unter Einsatz eines Simulators für virtuelle Realität

Kalinitschenko, Uljana 03 January 2023 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die Simulation wichtiger Handgriffe und Techniken in der Chirurgie wurde bereits seit der Antike praktiziert. Pflanzen, Menschen- und Tierkadaver, Puppen sowie Phantome haben seit Jahrhunderten diesem Zweck gedient. Das 21. Jahrhundert ist jedoch von virtueller Realität geprägt und es gibt viele technische Neuerungen in der Chirurgie. Erste virtuelle Simulationsmöglichkeiten tauchten auf dem Markt bereits im 20. Jahrhundert auf. Zuerst nur schwarzweiß, rudimentär und nur andeutungsweise einer echten Situation im OP-Saal ähnlich, überzeugen die heutigen Simulatoren durch schnelle Prozessoren, qualitative graphische Darstellung und haptisches Feedback. Der Simulator selbst wird zum Forschungsobjekt, endlich können in Simulationsbedingungen Fragestellungen untersucht werden, die bisher unter Operationsbedingungen weder ethisch vertretbar noch technisch möglich waren. Fragestellung: Zwischen 2016 und 2017 fand am VTG Klinikum des Universitätsklinikums der TU Dresden Carl Gustav Carus eine Studie am chirurgischen Simulator für virtuelle Realität statt. Die untersuchte Fragestellung war die Übertragbarkeit von Fertigkeiten zwischen zwei laparoskopischen Operationen: Appendektomie und Cholezystektomie. Material und Methode: Es wurden 44 Studierende aus dem 3. bis 6. Studienjahr rekrutiert und in zwei Gruppen rand-omisiert. Beide Gruppen übten zunächst die Basisübungen bis bestimmte Leistungskriterien erfüllt wurden. Danach haben Probanden der ersten Gruppe die virtuelle Appendektomie und im Anschluss die virtuelle Cholezystektomie trainiert. Die zweite Gruppe ging sofort zum Cholezystektomie Training über. In beiden Gruppen wurden zum Schluss jeweils drei Wiederholungen der kompletten Cholezystektomie absolviert. Verglichen wurden Geschwindigkeit, Sicherheitsparameter wie z. B. aufgetretene Komplikationen sowie Motorik-Parameter der Instrumente. Des Weiteren wurde der mögliche Einfluss von Schlafverhalten, Koffeinkonsum und Erfahrung mit Videospielen auf die Leistung am Simulator untersucht. Ergebnisse: In der statistischen Analyse zeigte die erste Gruppe eine signifikante Verbesserung der Moto-rik-Parameter wie Instrumentenbewegungen und -strecke. Andere Werte wie Geschwindigkeit und Sicherheitsparameter waren innerhalb der zwei Gruppen ähnlich. Zwischen Schlaf-verhalten, Koffeinkonsum und Erfahrung mit Videospielen und der Leistung am Simulator konnte kein Zusammenhang festgestellt werden. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Studie ergab nur einen partiellen Übertragungseffekt zwischen laparoskopischer Appendektomie und Cholezystektomie. Die Gründe liegen in den jeweils unterschiedlichen Schlüsselmomenten, die die Beherrschung prozedurspezifischer Techniken erfordern. Diese müssen für jede Prozedur separat geübt werden. Die Verbesserung der feinmotorischen Fähigkeiten spricht jedoch dafür, dass eine Übertragung der Fertigkeiten bis zu einem gewissen Grad dennoch stattfand und durch das Trainieren einer zusätzlichen Modalität Vorteile insbesondere in der Bewegungsökonomie gewonnen werden können.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 3 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 7 1. Einleitung 8 1.1 Einblick in die Geschichte der chirurgischen Simulation 8 1.2 Entwicklung chirurgischer Simulatoren 9 1.3 Einsatz der Laparoskopie-Simulatoren in der heutigen chirurgischen Ausbildung 11 1.4 Übertragbarkeit von Fähigkeiten in der minimal invasiven Chirurgie 13 1.5 Laparoskopische Appendektomie und Cholezystektomie 17 1.5.1 Laparoskopische Appendektomie 17 1.5.2 Laparoskopische Cholezystektomie 18 1.6 Sonstige Aspekte des Trainings 19 1.6.1 Kriterien-basiertes Training 19 1.6.2 Betreuerfeedback 19 1.6.3 Leistung unter Beobachtung 20 1.6.4 Leistung unter Simulationsbedingungen 20 Schlafdauer 20 Kaffeekonsum 21 Motivation 21 Erfahrung mit Videospielen 22 2. Materialen und Methoden 23 2.1 Fragestellung 23 2.2 Ablauf der MIC Studie 24 2.3. Probandenrekrutierung 25 2.4 Lap Mentor von Simbionix (3D Systems) 27 2.5 Trainingsprotokolle am VRT-Simulator 28 2.5.1 Organisatorische Aspekte 28 2.5.2 Leistungsfeedback am VRT-Simulator 28 2.5.3 Training der Basis-Fertigkeiten (Basic Skills Training) 29 Peg Transfer 31 Clipping and Grasping 32 Electrocautery 33 Cutting 34 Pattern Cutting: Training Gauze 35 2.5.4 Training der Appendektomie Prozedur 36 2.5.5 Training der Cholezystektomie Prozedur 39 2.5.6 Subjektiver Schwierigkeitsgrad 43 2.6 Statistische Auswertung 44 3. Ergebnisse 45 3.1. Zusammenfassung der Probandencharakteristiken 45 3.2 Alter und Geschlecht der Probanden 45 3.3 Fragebogen 46 3.3.1 Schlaf 46 3.3.2 Kaffeekonsum 48 3.3.3 Motivation 49 3.3.4 Erfahrung mit Videospielen 50 3.3.5 Einflussfaktoren auf das Basistraining 50 3.4 Allgemeine Ergebnisse des Trainings am VRT Simulator 51 3.5 Ergebnisse des Trainings der Basis-Fertigkeiten 52 3.5.1 Peg Transfer 52 3.5.2 Clipping and Grasping 53 3.5.3 Electrocautery 54 3.5.4 Cutting 55 3.5.5 Pattern Cutting (Test Gauze) 56 3.5.6 Subjektiver Schwierigkeitsgrad für die Basis-Übungen 57 3.5.7. Zeitbedarf für das Erreichen der Könner-Kriterien 59 3.6 Ergebnisse des Appendektomie Trainings 60 3.7 Ergebnisse der Cholezystektomie Komplettprozedur 61 3.7.1 Geschwindigkeit 61 3.7.2 Sicherheitskriterien 62 Anzahl lebensbedrohlicher Komplikationen 62 Sichere Kauterisation 63 Anzahl verlorener Clips 63 Anzahl der Leberperforationen 64 Anzahl nicht kauterisierter Blutungen 64 3.7.3 Effizienz Kriterien 64 Anzahl der Instrumentenbewegungen 64 Gesamtstrecke der Instrumente 65 3.7.4 Subjektiver Schwierigkeitsgrad für die Cholezystektomie 65 3.7.5 Zeit für Basis Training und Cholezystektomie Parameter 65 4. Diskussion 67 4.1 Der Begriff des Übertragungsphänomens in Sportwissenschaften und seine Anwendbarkeit auf die laparoskopischen Fertigkeiten 67 4.2 Übertragbarkeit von Fertigkeiten zwischen virtueller Appendektomie und Cholezystektomie und Vergleich mit anderen Studien 74 4.3 Exploration zweitrangiger Fragestellungen 78 4.4 Vergleich zentraler Tendenzen der Cholezystektomie-Parameter mit Hersteller-Kriterien und externen Studien 79 4.5 Schlussfolgerungen aus dem Training der Basis-Fertigkeiten 81 4.6 Schlussfolgerungen aus dem Appendektomie Training 82 4.7 Schlussfolgerungen aus dem Cholezystektomie Training 83 4.8 Empfehlungen für das Ausbildungscurriculum an einem VR Simulator 85 4.9 Vorschlag für das Anfängertraining an einem VRT Simulator 91 4.10 Limitierungen der Arbeit 92 4.11 Ausblick 93 5. Zusammenfassung 94 5.1 Summary 96 6. Literatur 98 6.1 Abbildungsverzeichnis 106 6.2 Tabellenverzeichnis 108 7. Anhang 109 7.1 Probandenrandomisierung 109 7.2 Probandeninformationsblatt 110 7.3 Einwilligungserklärung 112 7.4 Beispiel Teilnahmebescheinigung 114 7.5 Zusammenfassung der aufgetretenen Softwarefehler am Lap Mentor II 115 8. Danksagung 116 9. Eigenständigkeitserklärung 117 Anlage 1 118 Anlage 2 120 / Background: Simulation of important surgical procedures and techniques has been practiced since ancient times. Plants, human and animal cadavers, dolls and phantoms have served this purpose for hundreds of years. However, the 21st century is characterized by virtual reality and there are also many technical innovations in the field of surgery. The first virtual simulation possibilities appeared on the market in the 20th century. Initially only black and white, rudimentary and only suggestively similar to a real situation in the operating room, today's simulators convince with fast processors, qualitative graphical representation and haptic feedback. The simulator itself becomes an object of research. At last, questions can be investigated in simulation conditions that were previously neither ethically nor technically possible under operating conditions. Hypothesis: Between 2016 and 2017, at the VTG clinic of the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital of the TU Dresden a study using a surgical simulator for virtual reality took place. The question investigated was the transferability of skills between two laparoscopic procedures: appendectomy and cholecystectomy. Methods: 44 students from the 3rd to 6th year of study were recruited and randomly divided into two groups. Both groups initially practiced the basic exercises until certain criteria were met. Afterwards, the first group practiced virtual appendectomy and then virtual cholecystectomy. The second group immediately moved on to cholecystectomy training. In both groups, three repetitions of the complete cholecystectomy were completed in the end. Speed, safety parameters such as complications that occurred and efficiency parameters of the instruments were compared. Furthermore, the possible influence of sleep behavior, caffeine consumption and experience with video games on simulator performance was investigated. Results: In the statistical analysis, the first group showed a significant reduction in the efficiency parameters such as instrument movements and distance travelled. Other values like speed and safety parameters were similar within two groups. There was no correlation between sleep behavior, caffeine consumption and experience with video games and simulator performance. Conclusion: The study showed only a partial skill transfer between laparoscopic appendectomy and cholecystectomy. The reasons are the different key moments that require the mastery of procedure-specific techniques. These must be practiced separately for each procedure. However, the improvement of fine motor skills indicates, that by training an additional modality a skill transfer nevertheless took place to a certain degree and that advantages, especially in the economy of movement, were gained.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 3 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 7 1. Einleitung 8 1.1 Einblick in die Geschichte der chirurgischen Simulation 8 1.2 Entwicklung chirurgischer Simulatoren 9 1.3 Einsatz der Laparoskopie-Simulatoren in der heutigen chirurgischen Ausbildung 11 1.4 Übertragbarkeit von Fähigkeiten in der minimal invasiven Chirurgie 13 1.5 Laparoskopische Appendektomie und Cholezystektomie 17 1.5.1 Laparoskopische Appendektomie 17 1.5.2 Laparoskopische Cholezystektomie 18 1.6 Sonstige Aspekte des Trainings 19 1.6.1 Kriterien-basiertes Training 19 1.6.2 Betreuerfeedback 19 1.6.3 Leistung unter Beobachtung 20 1.6.4 Leistung unter Simulationsbedingungen 20 Schlafdauer 20 Kaffeekonsum 21 Motivation 21 Erfahrung mit Videospielen 22 2. Materialen und Methoden 23 2.1 Fragestellung 23 2.2 Ablauf der MIC Studie 24 2.3. Probandenrekrutierung 25 2.4 Lap Mentor von Simbionix (3D Systems) 27 2.5 Trainingsprotokolle am VRT-Simulator 28 2.5.1 Organisatorische Aspekte 28 2.5.2 Leistungsfeedback am VRT-Simulator 28 2.5.3 Training der Basis-Fertigkeiten (Basic Skills Training) 29 Peg Transfer 31 Clipping and Grasping 32 Electrocautery 33 Cutting 34 Pattern Cutting: Training Gauze 35 2.5.4 Training der Appendektomie Prozedur 36 2.5.5 Training der Cholezystektomie Prozedur 39 2.5.6 Subjektiver Schwierigkeitsgrad 43 2.6 Statistische Auswertung 44 3. Ergebnisse 45 3.1. Zusammenfassung der Probandencharakteristiken 45 3.2 Alter und Geschlecht der Probanden 45 3.3 Fragebogen 46 3.3.1 Schlaf 46 3.3.2 Kaffeekonsum 48 3.3.3 Motivation 49 3.3.4 Erfahrung mit Videospielen 50 3.3.5 Einflussfaktoren auf das Basistraining 50 3.4 Allgemeine Ergebnisse des Trainings am VRT Simulator 51 3.5 Ergebnisse des Trainings der Basis-Fertigkeiten 52 3.5.1 Peg Transfer 52 3.5.2 Clipping and Grasping 53 3.5.3 Electrocautery 54 3.5.4 Cutting 55 3.5.5 Pattern Cutting (Test Gauze) 56 3.5.6 Subjektiver Schwierigkeitsgrad für die Basis-Übungen 57 3.5.7. Zeitbedarf für das Erreichen der Könner-Kriterien 59 3.6 Ergebnisse des Appendektomie Trainings 60 3.7 Ergebnisse der Cholezystektomie Komplettprozedur 61 3.7.1 Geschwindigkeit 61 3.7.2 Sicherheitskriterien 62 Anzahl lebensbedrohlicher Komplikationen 62 Sichere Kauterisation 63 Anzahl verlorener Clips 63 Anzahl der Leberperforationen 64 Anzahl nicht kauterisierter Blutungen 64 3.7.3 Effizienz Kriterien 64 Anzahl der Instrumentenbewegungen 64 Gesamtstrecke der Instrumente 65 3.7.4 Subjektiver Schwierigkeitsgrad für die Cholezystektomie 65 3.7.5 Zeit für Basis Training und Cholezystektomie Parameter 65 4. Diskussion 67 4.1 Der Begriff des Übertragungsphänomens in Sportwissenschaften und seine Anwendbarkeit auf die laparoskopischen Fertigkeiten 67 4.2 Übertragbarkeit von Fertigkeiten zwischen virtueller Appendektomie und Cholezystektomie und Vergleich mit anderen Studien 74 4.3 Exploration zweitrangiger Fragestellungen 78 4.4 Vergleich zentraler Tendenzen der Cholezystektomie-Parameter mit Hersteller-Kriterien und externen Studien 79 4.5 Schlussfolgerungen aus dem Training der Basis-Fertigkeiten 81 4.6 Schlussfolgerungen aus dem Appendektomie Training 82 4.7 Schlussfolgerungen aus dem Cholezystektomie Training 83 4.8 Empfehlungen für das Ausbildungscurriculum an einem VR Simulator 85 4.9 Vorschlag für das Anfängertraining an einem VRT Simulator 91 4.10 Limitierungen der Arbeit 92 4.11 Ausblick 93 5. Zusammenfassung 94 5.1 Summary 96 6. Literatur 98 6.1 Abbildungsverzeichnis 106 6.2 Tabellenverzeichnis 108 7. Anhang 109 7.1 Probandenrandomisierung 109 7.2 Probandeninformationsblatt 110 7.3 Einwilligungserklärung 112 7.4 Beispiel Teilnahmebescheinigung 114 7.5 Zusammenfassung der aufgetretenen Softwarefehler am Lap Mentor II 115 8. Danksagung 116 9. Eigenständigkeitserklärung 117 Anlage 1 118 Anlage 2 120

Klinički značaj minimalno invazivne hirurgije u terapiji akutnog apendicitisa u dečjem uzrastu / Clinical Significance of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of Acute Appendicitis in Children

Antić Jelena 20 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Akutni apendicitis predstavlja jedno od najče&scaron;ćih abdominalnih hirur&scaron;kih oboljenja u dečjem uzrastu. Lečenje je operativno, primenom otvorene hirurgije ili primenom minimalno invazivne hirurgije tj. laparoskopske apendektomije. Iako je laparoskopska apendektomija, zbog svojih prednosti, stekla popularnost kod mnogih hirurga, jo&scaron; uvek nije &scaron;iroko primenjena metoda na na&scaron;im prostorima. Prednost izvođenja laparoskopske apendektomije u odnosu na otvorenu metodu u dečjem uzrastu je i dalje nedovoljno definisana i predmet je mnogih istraživanja. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi da li je dužina hospitalizacije kod dece operisane laparoskopski zbog akutnog apendicitisa kraća u odnosu na otvorenu metodu, kao i da se utvrdi da li postoji razlika u pojavi postoperativnih komplikacija između ove dve hirur&scaron;ke metode. Pored toga, cilj istraživanja je i da se utvrdi uticaj obe metode lečenja na kvalitet života i brzinu uspostavljanja svakodnevnih aktivnosti. Metodologija: Na Klinici za dečju hirurgiju, Instituta za zdravstvenu za&scaron;titu dece i omladine Vojvodine, sprovedena je prospektivna, kontrolisana randomizirana studija, u trajanju od deset meseci, u koju su bili uključeni svi pacijenti sa akutnim apendicitisom, kod kojih je planirana apendektomija, a čiji roditelji su dali pismeni pristanak za uče&scaron;će u istraživanju. Svi ispitanici su podeljeni u dve osnovne grupe u odnosu na operativnu tehniku: otvorena i laparoskopska apendektomija. Potom su svi ispitanici podeljeni u tri podgrupe, u zavisnosti od stepena upaljenosti crvuljka (negativni, nekomplikovani i komplikovani apendicitis). Svaki ispitanik je imao svoj individualni protokol istraživanja gde su preoperativno zabeleženi: uzrast, pol, simptomi (vrsta i dužina), fizikalni pregled, laboratorijske analize (broj leukocita, hematokrit), ultrazvučni nalaz, procena op&scaron;teg stanja, udružena oboljenja, vreme od prijema do operacije, preoperativna antibiotska terapija. Intraoperativno je analizirano: vrsta hirurgije, nalaz na apendiksu, prisustvo peritonitisa, udružena patologija, dužina operacije i trajanje pneumoperitoneuma (kod laparoskopske apendektomije), patohistolo&scaron;ki nalaz apendiksa, bakteriolo&scaron;ki bris abdomena. Postoperativno su analizirani: antibiotska terapija (vrsta i dužina), započinjanje peroralnog unosa, utvrđivanje postoperativnog bola, febrilnost, uspostavljanje peristaltike creva, izgled rane, postoperativne komplikacije (infekcija rane, intraabdominalni apscesi, ileus) i dužina hospitalizacije. Posebno su analizirani kvalitet života pacijenata nakon operacije pomoću modifikovanog upitnika SF 10 za dečji uzrast, kao i uspostavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti pomoću Activity Assessment Scale (AAS), modifikovane za dečji uzrast, nakon svakog postoperativnog dana, prvih sedam dana, nakon mesec dana, tri i &scaron;est meseci od operacije. Svi pacijenti su operisani u uslovima op&scaron;te anestezije. Klasična, otvorena apendektomija je vr&scaron;ena kroz naizmenični rez u desnoj ilijačnoj jami. Po otvaranju peritoneuma, cekum je izvučen i načinjena je klasična apendektomija. Laparoskopska apendektomija je vr&scaron;ena kroz tri 5 mm porta. Pneumoperitoneum je kreiran otvorenom metodom po Hasson-u, kroz infraumbilikalnu inciziju, a preostala dva porta su postavljena desno i levo ilijačno. Mezenteriolum je zbrinut pomoću ultrazvučnih makaza. Postavljene su intrakorporalne ligature i apendiks je odstranjen kroz desni port. Rezultati: Tokom perioda od deset meseci operisano je ukupno 125 pacijenata uzrasta od 2 do 18 godina, zbog akutnog apendicitisa. Laparoskopskom tehnikom je operisano 60 pacijenata (48%), a otvorenom metodom 61 (48,8%). Kod 4 pacijenta je načinjena konverzija, tj. promena operativne tehnike iz laparoskopske u otvorenu metodu. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između terapijskih grupa u odnosu na stepen upaljenosti apendiksa, vrstu i dužinu trajanja simptoma, u dijagnostičkim procedurama, kao ni u vremenu proteklom od prijema u bolnicu do operacije. Srednje operativno vreme je iznosilo 65 minuta (25-185 min) za laparoskopsku grupu i 45,49 minuta (25-90 min) za otvorene apendektomije (razlika je statistički značajna, p&lt;0,001). Crevna peristaltika, kao i započinjanje peroralnog unosa, se statistički značajno ranije uspostavljaju u grupi laparoskopsko operisanih. U grupi laparoskopskih apendektomija, postoperativne komplikacije (infekcija rana i formiranje intraabdominalnih apscesa) su se javile kod 8,33% ispitanika (5/60), a u otvorenoj grupi kod 4.91%, (3/61), &scaron;to nije bilo statistički značajno (c2 = 0,152; df = 1; p = 0,696). Dužina hospitalizacije kod dece operisane laparoskopski je iznosila 5,95 } 1,21 dana, a otvoreno 6,43 } 1,09 dana, &scaron;to je statistički značajna razlika (t = -2,206; p = 0,029). Rezultati Man-Vitnijevog U testa su pokazali statistički značajno bolji ukupni skor svakodnevnih aktivnosti za grupu laparoskopskih apendektomija (Z = -7,608; p = 0,000). U svim ispitivanim indikatorima kvaliteta života, deca laparoskopske grupe su imala veći skor. Deca sa akutnim apendicitisom operisana laparoskopski značajno ranije postižu visok stepen kvaliteta života (t = 2,407; p = 0,018). Zaključak: Prednost minimalno invazivne hirurgije u terapiji akutnog apendicitisa u dečjem uzrastu ogleda se u bržem uspostavljanju ponovnog funkcionisanja gastrointestinalnog trakta, kraćoj hospitalizaciji, a samim tim i bržem sveukupnom oporavku, vraćanju svakodnevnim aktivnostima i dobrom kvalitetu života. Postoperativne komplikacije se podjednako javljaju, kako kod otvorene, tako i kod laparoskopske operativne tehnike.</p> / <p>Introduction: Acute appendicitis is one of the most common abdominal surgical diseases in children. Operative treatment means open surgery or minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic appendectomy). Although laparoscopic appendectomy, gained popularity among many surgeons, it is still not widely accepted in our region. The advantage of laparoscopic appendectomy compared to the open method in children is still not sufficiently defined and is the subject of further research. The aim of the research was to determine whether the length of hospital stay after laparoscopic surgery in children with acute appendicitis is shorter compared to the open method, as well as to determine whether there is a difference in the occurrence of postoperative complications after these two operative techniques. In addition, the aim of the research was to determine the effect of both methods of treatment on quality of life and everyday functioning. Methodology: This prospective, randomized controlled study was performed at the Clinic for Pediatric Surgery, Institute of Children and Youth Healthcare of Vojvodina, during a period of ten months. All patients with acute appendicitis, whose parents have given written consent, were included in research. All patients were divided into two basic groups, in relation to the surgical technique: open or laparoscopic appendectomy. Then, all of them were divided into three groups, depending on the degree of appendicitis (negative, uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis). Each participant had their own individual research protocol where we recorded preoperatively: age, sex, symptoms (type and length), physical examination, laboratory tests (white blood cell count, hematocrit), ultrasound finding, general state (ASA classification), associated diseases, time from admission to surgery, preoperative antibiotic therapy. During the operation we analyzed: type of surgery, degree of the appendicitis, the presence of peritonitis, associated pathology, length of surgery and duration of pneumoperitoneum (in laparoscopic appendectomy), hystopathologic findings of the appendix, a bacteriology. Postoperatively we analyzed: antibiotic therapy (type and length), oral intake, postoperative pain, fever, establishing peristalsis, the appearance of postoperative complications (wound infections, intra-abdominal abscesses, ileus) and length of hospitalization. Especially, we analyzed the quality of life of patients after surgery using the modified questionnaire SF 10 for children; and the establishment of daily activities using Activity Assessment Scale (AAS), modified for children; after each postoperative day, the first seven days, one month, three and six months after surgery. All patients were operated under general anesthesia. Open appendectomy was performed through incision in the right iliac fossa. Peritoneum was opened, the cecum was pulled out and classic appendectomy was made. Laparoscopic appendectomy is performed through three 5 mm ports. Pneumoperitoneum was created by the Hasson techique, through the infraumbilical incision, and the remaining two ports are set at right and left iliac region. Mezenteriolum was ligated by ultrasonic scissors. After putting intracorporal ligature, appendix was removed through the right port. Results: Over a period of ten months we operated 125 patients , aged 2 to 18 years, due to acute appendicitis. Laparoscopic technique was performed in 60 patients (48%), and the open method in 61 (48,8%). In 4 patients the conversion was made (operative technique changed from laparoscopic to open method). There were no statistically significant differences between the treatment groups with respect to the degree of appendix inflammation, the type and duration of symptoms, the diagnostic procedures, as well as the time from hospital admission to the surgery. Medium operative time was 65 minutes (25-185 min.) for laparoscopic group and 45,49 minutes (25-90 min.) for open appendectomy (the difference is statistically significant, p&lt;0,001). Intestinal peristalsis, as well as the initiation of oral intake was significantly sooner established in the laparoscopic group. Postoperative complications (wound infections and intra-abdominal abscess formation In laparoscopic appendectomy) occurred after laparoscopy in 8,33% of patients (5/60), and in the open group in 4,91% (3/61), which was not statistically significant (c2 = 0,152, df = 1; p = 0,696). Length of hospital stay in children operated by laparoscopy was 5,95 } 1,21 days and by open technique 6,43 } 1,09 days, which is significantly longer (t = -2,206; p = 0,029). Results of the Mann-Whitney U test showed significantly better overall record of daily activities for a group of laparoscopic appendectomy (Z = -7,608; p = 0,000). In all tested indicators of quality of life, children from laparoscopic group had a higher score. Children with acute appendicitis treated by laparoscopic surgery achieved a high level of quality of life, significantly earlier (t = 2,407; p = 0,018). Conclusion: The advantage of minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of acute appendicitis in children is reflected in the faster re-establishment of functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, shorter hospitalization and therefore, a faster overall recovery, resuming normal activities and a good quality of life. Postoperative complications occur equally in both, open as well as in laparoscopic operative techniques.</p>

Disruptive Transformations in Health Care: Technological Innovation and the Acute Care General Hospital

Lucas, D. Pulane 24 April 2013 (has links)
Advances in medical technology have altered the need for certain types of surgery to be performed in traditional inpatient hospital settings. Less invasive surgical procedures allow a growing number of medical treatments to take place on an outpatient basis. Hospitals face growing competition from ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). The competitive threats posed by ASCs are important, given that inpatient surgery has been the cornerstone of hospital services for over a century. Additional research is needed to understand how surgical volume shifts between and within acute care general hospitals (ACGHs) and ASCs. This study investigates how medical technology within the hospital industry is changing medical services delivery. The main purposes of this study are to (1) test Clayton M. Christensen’s theory of disruptive innovation in health care, and (2) examine the effects of disruptive innovation on appendectomy, cholecystectomy, and bariatric surgery (ACBS) utilization. Disruptive innovation theory contends that advanced technology combined with innovative business models—located outside of traditional product markets or delivery systems—will produce simplified, quality products and services at lower costs with broader accessibility. Consequently, new markets will emerge, and conventional industry leaders will experience a loss of market share to “non-traditional” new entrants into the marketplace. The underlying assumption of this work is that ASCs (innovative business models) have adopted laparoscopy (innovative technology) and their unification has initiated disruptive innovation within the hospital industry. The disruptive effects have spawned shifts in surgical volumes from open to laparoscopic procedures, from inpatient to ambulatory settings, and from hospitals to ASCs. The research hypothesizes that: (1) there will be larger increases in the percentage of laparoscopic ACBS performed than open ACBS procedures; (2) ambulatory ACBS will experience larger percent increases than inpatient ACBS procedures; and (3) ASCs will experience larger percent increases than ACGHs. The study tracks the utilization of open, laparoscopic, inpatient and ambulatory ACBS. The research questions that guide the inquiry are: 1. How has ACBS utilization changed over this time? 2. Do ACGHs and ASCs differ in the utilization of ACBS? 3. How do states differ in the utilization of ACBS? 4. Do study findings support disruptive innovation theory in the hospital industry? The quantitative study employs a panel design using hospital discharge data from 2004 and 2009. The unit of analysis is the facility. The sampling frame is comprised of ACGHs and ASCs in Florida and Wisconsin. The study employs exploratory and confirmatory data analysis. This work finds that disruptive innovation theory is an effective model for assessing the hospital industry. The model provides a useful framework for analyzing the interplay between ACGHs and ASCs. While study findings did not support the stated hypotheses, the impact of government interventions into the competitive marketplace supports the claims of disruptive innovation theory. Regulations that intervened in the hospital industry facilitated interactions between ASCs and ACGHs, reducing the number of ASCs performing ACBS and altering the trajectory of ACBS volume by shifting surgeries from ASCs to ACGHs.

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