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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of freedom of establishment on private international law for corporations

Paschalidis, Paschalis January 2009 (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with private international law for corporate and insolvency disputes in the context of freedom of establishment. First, it presents the traditional rules of conflict applicable to corporate disputes that have been implemented in some major jurisdictions. Second, it analyses the relevant leading judgments of the European Court of Justice and it demonstrates the way in which, contrary to popular belief, the real seat theory has not been held contrary to freedom of establishment. The thesis then deals with the concept of letter-box companies and examines the limitations that are being placed to the use of freedom of establishment. This is followed by a juxtaposition of the factors that have lead and could lead to regulatory competition for corporate law in the USA and the EU respectively. A modest approach is taken towards the possibility of the latter occurring in the EU. Third, the thesis examines the treatment of insolency disputes in this context. A substantial part of it is dedicated to the definition of the basis for international jurisdiction for the opening of insolvency proceedings, namely the centre of main interests. It argues in favour of an objective test for the identification of the centre of main interests (COMI) and the allocations of certain burdens on both the debtor and the creditors. It then focuses on the treatment of forum shopping in the context on international insolvencies. Based on considerations of consent and economic efficiency, it suggests a definition, according to which certain transfers of the COMI should not amount to forum shopping. Finally, the thesis examines the possibility of a regulatory competition for insolvencies in the EU and seeks to demonstrate that the conditions for such a competition are more analogous between US corporate law and EU insolvency, rather than company, law.

Právní aspekty zajištění závazků v mezinárodním obchodě / Legal aspects of the securing of obligations in international trade

Mišoň, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Legal aspects of the securing of obligations in international trade The securing of obligations in the international trade is recently, possibly more than ever before, very topical issue, and the reason is quite clear - there is a strong need to secure international contractual obligations by effective and reliable securing instruments because of the economic and debt crises which started in 2008 and has been still a very actual problem. This thesis focuses on legal relations arising from the securing of contractual obligations in the international trade. The goal of the thesis is to describe legal aspects of securing obligations considering the determination of an applicable law, under which the securing is governed. Because of the author's long- term working bank experience, the final part of the text deals with a securing by a bank guarantee. In the first part of the thesis there are described legal relations in which an international element appears, and there are also described a purpose, function, categorization and different types of securing instruments respective of the international trade. The second part of the thesis deals with the problem how to determine which law is the applicable one for securing of obligations in the international trade. There are described legal aspects of...

Vybrané otázky kolizní úpravy mezinárodního rodinného práva / Selected issues of conflict of laws in international family law

Birnerová, Nikol January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at specific questions of conflict rules of the international family law. Specifically, it focuses on the conflict law rules of matrimonial law with an international element. It takes into account the domestic, as well as the international regulation and regulation of the European Union. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. It starts with an introduction, which is followed by the second chapter which deals with the concept of international family law and its sources. The third chapter devoted to a general explanation of the conflict rules including the most significant related terms, such as determining factor or public order. The fourth chapter is aimed at the legal regulation of concluding a marriage with respect of the conflict rules determining the law applicable in case of capacity to conclude a marriage, its validity and form. This chapter also deals with consular marriages and marriages concluded abroad in case of threat to life. The fifth chapter contains he conflict rules of personal and property situation of spouses. This chapter at the same time reflects a recent progress in this field as far as European Union law on property situation in marriage is concerned. The sixth chapter is aimed at termination of mixed marriage and primarily at conflict rules of...

Ochrana slabší smluvní strany a mezinárodní právo soukromé / Protection of a Weaker Contract Party and Private International Law

Skalská, Helena January 2019 (has links)
Protection of a Weaker Contract Party and Private International Law The topic of this dissertation thesis is the protection of weaker parties in the context of determination and application of the applicable law. The dissertation seeks anchor and concept of protection of weaker parties in the Rome I Regulation. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part deals with the basis for protection of weaker parties, linking the theoretical and value foundations on which the protection stands with practical implications that ignorance of significantly unequal position might have. For a comprehensive understanding, it is necessary to look at the background of individual legal rules. However, dealing with these issues cannot be viewed solely in the context of private international law. Certain legal institutions of private international law may not be designated solely for the protection of certain categories of weaker parties but may be used to protect a weaker party with regard to the concept of a weaker party and the importance of its protection in substantive law (especially civil law). The second part, which is the focal point of this thesis, consists in the analysis of ways of protecting the weaker parties, both at a more general methodological level and in the form of a more detailed...

O consensualismo e a arbitragem comercial / Consent and Commercial Arbitration

Scaletscky, Fernanda Sirotsky 17 May 2016 (has links)
A arbitragem é um mecanismo consensual de resolução de disputas com vistas à prolação de uma sentença passível de execução. Na arbitragem comercial, a convenção arbitral é considerada a pedra angular do instituto, motivo pelo qual é nela que o presente estudo estará centrado. Sendo a convenção arbitral um negócio jurídico e, considerando que, para a formação de qualquer negócio jurídico requer-se a presença do consenso, segundo o qual o acordo de vontades é suficiente à conclusão da avença, o consentimento mostra-se como um elemento essencial da convenção arbitral, tendo em vista que ela não existe sem acordo de vontades. Nesse sentido, faz-se necessário examinar como o consensualismo se aplica e se manifesta na arbitragem comercial. Para esse fim, devem ser desenvolvidas as questões atinentes à aplicação do consensualismo à validade formal e material da convenção arbitral. Em relação às exigências formais para a validade da convenção arbitral, ver-se-á que mesmo que essas tenham sido relativizadas, sobretudo em relação à arbitragem comercial internacional, muitas questões ainda surgem quanto à necessidade de respeito aos requisitos formais para que uma parte possa ser considerada validamente obrigada pela convenção arbitral, seja no direito brasileiro, seja em outros ordenamentos jurídicos. Em relação à validade substancial da convenção arbitral, serão examinadas outras formas de manifestação do consentimento das partes, tendo em vista que a manifestação de vontade das partes nem sempre se dá pela expressa assinatura na convenção arbitral escrita, podendo os comportamentos adotados pelas partes, do início ao término do contrato, e mesmo durante o procedimento arbitral, ser uma forma de apontar para a sua intenção em relação à arbitragem. Ao final, será feita uma reflexão crítica no sentido de verificar qual a importância que o consentimento tem na prática arbitral atual e se o seu conceito se alterou, para que nele também tenham lugar as novas práticas adotadas pelos agentes do comércio internacional. / Arbitration is a consensual and private dispute resolution mechanism which leads to an enforceable arbitral award. In commercial arbitration the agreement to arbitrate is considered to be the cornerstone of arbitration, and that is why this study will be centered in it. Being the arbitration agreement a contract and considering that for the formation of any valid contract the presence of consent is required, whereby the mutual will of the parties is enough to the conclusion of the contract, the consent shows itself as an essential element of the agreement to arbitrate, since it doesn\'t exist without the mutual will of the parties. In this sense, it is necessary to examine how consent applies and manifests itself in commercial arbitration. To that end, the issues concerning the application of consent in the formal and material validity of the agreement to arbitrate must be developed. With regard to the formal requirements for the validity of the arbitration convention, it will be seen that even if they have been relativized, especially in relation to international commercial arbitration, many questions still arise about the need to respect the formal requirements in order to a party may be considered validly bound by the arbitration agreement, this is so in Brazilian law and in many other jurisdictions. Regarding the substantial validity of the agreement to arbitrate, this study will examine other forms of manifestation of consent, considering that the expression of the will of the parties is not always proven by their express signature in the written arbitration agreement, and the behaviors adopted by the parties, from the beginning to the termination of the contract, and even during the arbitral proceedings, may be a way of pointing to their real intentions in relation to arbitration. In the end, it will be made a critical reflection in order to verify what is the importance of consent in current arbitration practice and if its concept has changed, in order to embrace the new practices adopted by the players of international trade.

Investimento estrangeiro e meio ambiente: uma análise sobre o tratamento das questões ambientais suscitadas nos casos decididos pelo ICSID entre 2000-2013 / Foreign investment and environment: an analisys on the treatment of environmental matters raised in cases decided by ICSID between 2000-2013.

Telli, Isadora Postal 06 February 2015 (has links)
O novo contexto do Direito Internacional tem buscado acomodar interesses econômicos às exigências de proteção ambiental, em linha com o desenvolvimento sustentável. Nesse particular, o investimento estrangeiro é elemento-chave e contribui para a aproximação entre Direito Internacional do Investimento Estrangeiro e Direito Internacional Ambiental, tanto em relação à elaboração de normas substantivas quanto aos processos de adjudicação. Embora já existam diversos trabalhos voltados a demonstrar como os investimentos estrangeiros podem contribuir com a preservação ambiental, pouco se tem escrito sobre os aspectos mais práticos dessa interação. Durante muito tempo, o caráter vago e impreciso da redação dos tratados ambientais dificultava sua aplicação às operações dos investidores. Contudo, a crescente consciência de parcela significativa da população mundial sobre a proteção ao meio ambiente está dando vida a cláusulas com conteúdo ambiental até então dormentes. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar empiricamente qual o tratamento concedido às questões ambientais suscitadas nos casos decididos pelos tribunais do Centro Internacional para Resolução de Disputas de Investimento (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes), o ICSID, no período entre 2000-2013. Para tanto, a pesquisa foi dividida em três partes. A primeira parte é dedicada ao contexto histórico que permitiu a aproximação entre Direito Internacional do Investimento Estrangeiro e do Direito Ambiental Internacional. Na segunda parte o ICSID é apresentado, de modo a compreender sua organização e funcionamento e, principalmente, de que forma as questões ambientais podem ser suscitadas no âmbito das disputas de investimento. E, por fim, os resultados obtidos a partir da pesquisa empírica das decisões proferidas pelos tribunais do ICSID são apresentados, sistematizando os argumentos apresentados pelas partes, bem como aqueles utilizados pelos tribunais ao decidir os litígios de investimento compreendendo a matéria ambiental. / The new context of International Law pursues the accommodation of economic interests to the needs of environmental protection, in line with the sustainable development. To that particular, the foreign investment is a key element and contributes to a closer relation between the Foreign Investment International Law and the Environmental International Law, inasmuch as in relation to the enactment of substantive laws, as towards to enforcement procedures. Although there are several studies aiming at demonstrating how foreign investments may contribute to the environmental protection, few has been written about the most practical aspects of such interaction. For a long time, the vague and imprecise character of the provisions in environmental treaties turn harder their enforcement towards the investment transactions. However, the growth in conscience on environment protection of a substantial portion of the world population has given life to clauses with environmental content that were dormant until recently. In this context, the objective of this study is to make an empiric analysis on the treatment granted to environmental matters raised in cases decided by the tribunals of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, the ICSID, in the period between 2000 and 2013. For that, this research is divided in three parts. The first one is dedicated to the historical context that allowed the approximation between Foreign Investment International Law and Environmental International Law. In the second part the ICSID is presented, to allow a better comprehension of its organization and functioning and, mainly, the forms in which environmental matters can be raised within the scope of investment disputes. And, finally, the results obtained with the empiric research on the decisions enacted by the ICSID tribunals are presented, with a systematization of the arguments used by the involved parties, as well as the arguments adopted by the tribunals to decide the investment disputes comprising environmental matters.

A Aplicação Errônea do Direito Brasileiro pelo Árbitro: Uma Análise à Luz do Direito Comparado / The erroneous application of Brazilian law

Fabiane Verçosa Azevedo Soares 18 March 2010 (has links)
A presente tese versa sobre a aplicação errônea, pelo árbitro, do Direito Brasileiro ao mérito do litígio. Tendo em vista o ineditismo, em nosso País, do estudo das consequências advindas à sentença arbitral prolatada mediante uma aplicação equivocada do Direito que rege o mérito da controvérsia, revelou-se fundamental uma análise de Direito Comparado. Assim, consultou-se o Direito dos Estados Unidos da América, do Reino Unido, da Alemanha, da Itália, da Áustria, da Suíça e da França, a fim de se constatar se é admissível, nos referidos Países, alguma medida judicial contra tal situação. Primeiramente, empreendeu-se um exame das consequências que podem advir, nos 7 (sete) Países citados, a uma sentença arbitral doméstica, assim definida conforme a legislação de cada País. Como a medida habitual para se afastar uma sentença arbitral doméstica é a ação de anulação, buscou-se examinar as hipóteses que ensejam seu ajuizamento em cada País estudado, a fim de se constatar se dentre elas insere-se a aplicação errônea do Direito que rege o fundo da disputa. Ou, em caso negativo, se a violação à ordem pública inclui-se nas hipóteses de anulação. E, por último, se a ofensa à ordem pública compreende a aplicação errônea, pelo árbitro, do Direito de cada País sub examine. Em segundo lugar, examinaram-se as consequências que advêm para uma sentença arbitral estrangeira em que se aplicou erroneamente o Direito que rege o mérito da controvérsia. Como todos os sete Países examinados são Estados-membros da Convenção de Nova Iorque de 10 de junho de 1958 sobre o Reconhecimento e a Execução de Sentenças Arbitrais Estrangeiras, que prevê em seu artigo V, n 2, alínea b, a violação à ordem pública como óbice à homologação da sentença arbitra alienígena, a aplicação do referido dispositivo em cada Estado foi analisado. Tentou-se averiguar se a ofensa à ordem pública consubstanciada na referida Convenção poderia abranger a aplicação errônea do Direito material pelo árbitro. Em seguida, examinou-se a legislação e a doutrina brasileiras tanto no que tange à ação anulatória de laudos arbitrais brasileiros, quanto à homologação dos laudos estrangeiros , a fim de se proporem soluções para esta questão em nosso ordenamento jurídico. Por fim, analisou-se se é possível, no Brasil, homologar uma sentença arbitral estrangeira que tenha sido anulada no País em que foi prolatada com base no argumento da aplicação errônea do Direito do referido Estado ao mérito da arbitragem. / This thesis concerns the erroneous application, by the arbitrator, of Brazilian Law to the merits of the case. Due to the originality in our country of the study of the consequences that arise to the arbitral award issued through an erroneous application of the Law that governs the merits of the dispute, the analysis of Comparative Law was fundamental. Therefore, the Laws of United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and France were analysed, in order to discover whether any legal remedy is available against such situation. First, we examined the consequences that can arise to a domestic arbitral award as defined in the legislation of each country in the seven (7) countries examined. Since the habitual measure to set aside a domestic arbitral award consists in its annulment, we tried to analyse the grounds to set aside such award in each country, so that we could find out whether the erroneous application of the governing law is included therein. Otherwise, we tried to find out whether the violation of public policy constitutes a ground for annulment. Last, we tried to analyse whether the violation of public policy encompasses the erroneous application of the national Law in each country examined. Second, we examined the consequences that arise to a foreign arbitral award in which the governing law was wrongly applied. Once all seven countries are members of New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards dated June 10, 1958, (which stipulates in Article 5, no. 2, b, that the violation of public policy is an obstacle for the recognition of the foreign arbitral award), the application of the latter in each of the seven countries was examined. We tried to find out whether the violation of public policy set forth in the Convention could encompass the erroneous application by the arbitrator of material Law. Afterwards, Brazilian Law and doctrine was examined not only in what relates to the action to set aside Brazilian arbitral awards, but also the recognition of foreign awards in order to suggest solutions to this question in our legal system. Finally, we analysed whether it is possible to recognize in Brazil a foreign arbitral award that has been set aside in the country in which it was rendered due to the erroneous application of the Law of the relevant State to the merits of the dispute.

A Aplicação Errônea do Direito Brasileiro pelo Árbitro: Uma Análise à Luz do Direito Comparado / The erroneous application of Brazilian law

Fabiane Verçosa Azevedo Soares 18 March 2010 (has links)
A presente tese versa sobre a aplicação errônea, pelo árbitro, do Direito Brasileiro ao mérito do litígio. Tendo em vista o ineditismo, em nosso País, do estudo das consequências advindas à sentença arbitral prolatada mediante uma aplicação equivocada do Direito que rege o mérito da controvérsia, revelou-se fundamental uma análise de Direito Comparado. Assim, consultou-se o Direito dos Estados Unidos da América, do Reino Unido, da Alemanha, da Itália, da Áustria, da Suíça e da França, a fim de se constatar se é admissível, nos referidos Países, alguma medida judicial contra tal situação. Primeiramente, empreendeu-se um exame das consequências que podem advir, nos 7 (sete) Países citados, a uma sentença arbitral doméstica, assim definida conforme a legislação de cada País. Como a medida habitual para se afastar uma sentença arbitral doméstica é a ação de anulação, buscou-se examinar as hipóteses que ensejam seu ajuizamento em cada País estudado, a fim de se constatar se dentre elas insere-se a aplicação errônea do Direito que rege o fundo da disputa. Ou, em caso negativo, se a violação à ordem pública inclui-se nas hipóteses de anulação. E, por último, se a ofensa à ordem pública compreende a aplicação errônea, pelo árbitro, do Direito de cada País sub examine. Em segundo lugar, examinaram-se as consequências que advêm para uma sentença arbitral estrangeira em que se aplicou erroneamente o Direito que rege o mérito da controvérsia. Como todos os sete Países examinados são Estados-membros da Convenção de Nova Iorque de 10 de junho de 1958 sobre o Reconhecimento e a Execução de Sentenças Arbitrais Estrangeiras, que prevê em seu artigo V, n 2, alínea b, a violação à ordem pública como óbice à homologação da sentença arbitra alienígena, a aplicação do referido dispositivo em cada Estado foi analisado. Tentou-se averiguar se a ofensa à ordem pública consubstanciada na referida Convenção poderia abranger a aplicação errônea do Direito material pelo árbitro. Em seguida, examinou-se a legislação e a doutrina brasileiras tanto no que tange à ação anulatória de laudos arbitrais brasileiros, quanto à homologação dos laudos estrangeiros , a fim de se proporem soluções para esta questão em nosso ordenamento jurídico. Por fim, analisou-se se é possível, no Brasil, homologar uma sentença arbitral estrangeira que tenha sido anulada no País em que foi prolatada com base no argumento da aplicação errônea do Direito do referido Estado ao mérito da arbitragem. / This thesis concerns the erroneous application, by the arbitrator, of Brazilian Law to the merits of the case. Due to the originality in our country of the study of the consequences that arise to the arbitral award issued through an erroneous application of the Law that governs the merits of the dispute, the analysis of Comparative Law was fundamental. Therefore, the Laws of United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and France were analysed, in order to discover whether any legal remedy is available against such situation. First, we examined the consequences that can arise to a domestic arbitral award as defined in the legislation of each country in the seven (7) countries examined. Since the habitual measure to set aside a domestic arbitral award consists in its annulment, we tried to analyse the grounds to set aside such award in each country, so that we could find out whether the erroneous application of the governing law is included therein. Otherwise, we tried to find out whether the violation of public policy constitutes a ground for annulment. Last, we tried to analyse whether the violation of public policy encompasses the erroneous application of the national Law in each country examined. Second, we examined the consequences that arise to a foreign arbitral award in which the governing law was wrongly applied. Once all seven countries are members of New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards dated June 10, 1958, (which stipulates in Article 5, no. 2, b, that the violation of public policy is an obstacle for the recognition of the foreign arbitral award), the application of the latter in each of the seven countries was examined. We tried to find out whether the violation of public policy set forth in the Convention could encompass the erroneous application by the arbitrator of material Law. Afterwards, Brazilian Law and doctrine was examined not only in what relates to the action to set aside Brazilian arbitral awards, but also the recognition of foreign awards in order to suggest solutions to this question in our legal system. Finally, we analysed whether it is possible to recognize in Brazil a foreign arbitral award that has been set aside in the country in which it was rendered due to the erroneous application of the Law of the relevant State to the merits of the dispute.

Investimento estrangeiro e meio ambiente: uma análise sobre o tratamento das questões ambientais suscitadas nos casos decididos pelo ICSID entre 2000-2013 / Foreign investment and environment: an analisys on the treatment of environmental matters raised in cases decided by ICSID between 2000-2013.

Isadora Postal Telli 06 February 2015 (has links)
O novo contexto do Direito Internacional tem buscado acomodar interesses econômicos às exigências de proteção ambiental, em linha com o desenvolvimento sustentável. Nesse particular, o investimento estrangeiro é elemento-chave e contribui para a aproximação entre Direito Internacional do Investimento Estrangeiro e Direito Internacional Ambiental, tanto em relação à elaboração de normas substantivas quanto aos processos de adjudicação. Embora já existam diversos trabalhos voltados a demonstrar como os investimentos estrangeiros podem contribuir com a preservação ambiental, pouco se tem escrito sobre os aspectos mais práticos dessa interação. Durante muito tempo, o caráter vago e impreciso da redação dos tratados ambientais dificultava sua aplicação às operações dos investidores. Contudo, a crescente consciência de parcela significativa da população mundial sobre a proteção ao meio ambiente está dando vida a cláusulas com conteúdo ambiental até então dormentes. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar empiricamente qual o tratamento concedido às questões ambientais suscitadas nos casos decididos pelos tribunais do Centro Internacional para Resolução de Disputas de Investimento (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes), o ICSID, no período entre 2000-2013. Para tanto, a pesquisa foi dividida em três partes. A primeira parte é dedicada ao contexto histórico que permitiu a aproximação entre Direito Internacional do Investimento Estrangeiro e do Direito Ambiental Internacional. Na segunda parte o ICSID é apresentado, de modo a compreender sua organização e funcionamento e, principalmente, de que forma as questões ambientais podem ser suscitadas no âmbito das disputas de investimento. E, por fim, os resultados obtidos a partir da pesquisa empírica das decisões proferidas pelos tribunais do ICSID são apresentados, sistematizando os argumentos apresentados pelas partes, bem como aqueles utilizados pelos tribunais ao decidir os litígios de investimento compreendendo a matéria ambiental. / The new context of International Law pursues the accommodation of economic interests to the needs of environmental protection, in line with the sustainable development. To that particular, the foreign investment is a key element and contributes to a closer relation between the Foreign Investment International Law and the Environmental International Law, inasmuch as in relation to the enactment of substantive laws, as towards to enforcement procedures. Although there are several studies aiming at demonstrating how foreign investments may contribute to the environmental protection, few has been written about the most practical aspects of such interaction. For a long time, the vague and imprecise character of the provisions in environmental treaties turn harder their enforcement towards the investment transactions. However, the growth in conscience on environment protection of a substantial portion of the world population has given life to clauses with environmental content that were dormant until recently. In this context, the objective of this study is to make an empiric analysis on the treatment granted to environmental matters raised in cases decided by the tribunals of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, the ICSID, in the period between 2000 and 2013. For that, this research is divided in three parts. The first one is dedicated to the historical context that allowed the approximation between Foreign Investment International Law and Environmental International Law. In the second part the ICSID is presented, to allow a better comprehension of its organization and functioning and, mainly, the forms in which environmental matters can be raised within the scope of investment disputes. And, finally, the results obtained with the empiric research on the decisions enacted by the ICSID tribunals are presented, with a systematization of the arguments used by the involved parties, as well as the arguments adopted by the tribunals to decide the investment disputes comprising environmental matters.

La protection du consommateur dans le commerce international passé par Internet: une analyse comparée des systèmes juridiques européen, français, canadien et québécois

Koné, Moriba Alain 08 1900 (has links)
Avec le développement exponentiel de l'Internet et son corollaire l'expansion du commerce en ligne, le sort de la protection du cyberconsommateur devient un sujet préoccupant en ce 21ième siècle. En effet, dans ce monde virtuel où l'on emploie des méthodes et technologies nouvelles et plus encore des clauses abusives dans les contrats unilatéraux, s'installe indubitablement un sentiment de méfiance entre le cyberconsommateur et le cybercommerçant. Pour rétablir cette confiance et favoriser le commerce par Internet, des lois nationales, internationales et des normes communautaires ont été adoptées aux fins de l'encadrement rigoureux du processus contractuel. Toutefois, en raison de la présence fréquente d'éléments d'extranéité dans les contrats de consommation en ligne, la question fondamentale qui vient tout naturellement à l'esprit de tous ceux qui entreprennent des études aujourd'hui, en la matière, est celle de savoir si les règles classiques de droit international privé sont dépassées par le développement trop rapide de ce type de commerce ou si au contraire elles y sont adaptées. On pourrait en outre se demander si l'encadrement juridique offert au cyberconsommateur est à même de lui procurer le même niveau de protection dont il bénéficie dans le commerce traditionnel. La présente étude tente d'apporter certains éléments de réponse en analysant dans un premier temps, le droit substantiel interne de protection du consommateur dans les systèmes juridiques européen, français, canadien et québécois en vu de scruter des zones de conflits susceptibles d'exister dans le cycle de vie de ce contrat. Dans la seconde partie, elle démontre que les méthodes classiques de résolution des conflits de juridiction et des conflits de lois en droit international privé, bien que nécessitant des adaptations, sont effectivement applicables au contexte de l'internet et ce, dans l'objectif privilégié de la protection du cyberconsommateur. Le bilan de l'analyse et de l'appréciation des critères de ces règles de conflits nous conduiront à l'examen des nouvelles mesures qui s'imposent. / With the exponential development of the Internet and the consequent expansion of online commerce, the fate of cyberconsumer protection has become a topic of increasing concern in the 21st century. In fact, in a virtual world where new methods and technologies are used-as are abusive clauses in unilaterally drafted contracts-a feeling of mistrust between cyberconsumer and cybermerchant is certainly setting in. National and international laws and community norms have been adopted in order to rigorously control the contractual process and to thereby re-establish consumer confidence and further Internet commerce. However, due to the frequent presence of foreign elements in on-line commercial contracts, the fundamental question which naturally arises for those who are studying the subject is whether the classic rules of private international law have become outdated by the incredibly rapid development of this type of commerce, or whether such laws are in fact adapted. One can also question whether the legal framework offered to the cyberconsumer is able to procure the same level of protection that a consumer would benefit from in cases of traditional commerce. This study aims to present certain elements of a response, first, by analyzing substantive internal law in the realm of consumer protection in the European, French, Canadian and Quebec legal systems, in order to examine areas of conflict that are likely to exist during the lifespan of this sort of contract. In the second part, this study demonstrates that the classic methods of resolving conflicts of jurisdiction and conflicts of law in private international law, while requiring certain adaptations, can nevertheless be effectively applied to the context of the Internet with the objective of protecting cyberconsumers. The results of this analysis and evaluation of the private international rules of conflict then lead to an assessment of the new measures that are required.

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