Spelling suggestions: "subject:"approaching"" "subject:"pproaching""
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approaching architectureGardoni, Roberto Carlo 28 April 2000 (has links)
This book presents a project that celebrates a key event in the development of human technology, the first flight of the Wright Brothers in North Carolina. However, this book does not concentrate in a monument or in a building-monument to celebrate the episode but focuses on the process of designing a building.
In fact, as the reader will see, this thesis distinguishes two basic stages of architecture. One, the most relevant in this case, is the process of achieving architecture; the second is the statement of a position in architecture.
Making a statement in architecture refers more to the concrete result of the design, which relies on technical details and precise plans that dissect the object. However, the process of achieving architecture goes beyond the concrete and intends to encompass the more elusive interaction between rational research and sensible exploration. In Roberto's work, sketches, photographs, computer images, rough color papers, and collages are the instruments to express the dynamic pursuit of an architecture that intends to go beyond the evident.
Some could criticize its lack of concretion and its ethereal character; nonetheless it is necessary to understand the final result of February 2000 in relationship with the competition project of May 1999. Both designs, the very exploratory and the very precise, are evidence of concern about the complexity and comprehensiveness of architecture. Moreover, this study of exploration and concretion in architecture seems to be a good transition as the author leaves the university and enters the realm of professional life. From this fact results the name of this book â Approaching Architectureâ that in some sort reminds the patient, gentle, and short yet significant fly that occurred in North Carolina almost one hundred years ago. / Master of Architecture
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Discrimination and stigma – an interview study with nurses concerning persons living with HIV/AIDS in NairobiBekteshi, Doruntina, Sharif, Shukri January 2018 (has links)
Background: There are approximately 1.5 million people living with HIV in Kenya. The prevalence is at a lower level than at the peak of the epidemic because of free antiretroviral treatment, education and new methods to HIV testing. The nurses’ work situation is difficult trying to reach persons living with HIV in a society where stigma is common and therefore we were curious to learn more about nurses’ personal experiences, to get a wider understanding of the situation. Aim: The aim was to describe nurses’ perspective of the complexity of caring for persons with HIV/AIDS in Nairobi, Kenya. Method: The chosen design was a descriptive qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews with eight nurses in Nairobi, Kenya.The material was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Two main categories were identified in this study: Nurses’ strategies and approach to initiate care and Challenges in caring for people with HIV/AIDS. Four sub-categories were then formed out of the main categories: Approaching and building relationships with people that live with HIV/AIDS, strategies for reaching out to people that live with HIV/AIDS, structural barriers among people living with HIV/AIDS and practical obstacles within the healthcare system. Discussion: The discussion addresses difficulties among nurses when it comes to persuading persons living with HIV/AIDS to receive treatment. The nursing role consists of caring for the patient, counseling and giving hope. Nurses are being affected emotionally when approaching persons living with HIV/AIDS since factors like stigma and fear of abandonment stand in the way for reaching out and giving treatment. Lack of resources in healthcare is another factor that causes frustration among nurses.
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Rear Approaching Vehicle Detection with MicrophoneChen, Chengshang January 2013 (has links)
When a cyclist is cycling on a suburban road, it’s a problem to notice fast rear approaching vehicles in some cases. Looking back frequently is not a good idea. Finding some technical way to help cyclist perceiving rear approaching vehicles is quite necessary. This project aims to find some proper sensor to detect rear approaching vehicles. It’s separated into three steps. First, choose the suitable sensor and capture data. Then, find proper analyzing tool to analyze the capture data. Last but not least, draw a conclusion after analyzing contrast. Microphone is chosen as the sensor to recording the sounds form rear approaching vehicles. ”iRig Recorder FREE” is the program to transfer audio format. And the analyzing tool is to be Matlab. Matlab audio analysis makes good frequency spectrum for each piece of audio data. According to the frequency spectrum, the unique amplitude change around 1000 Hz is found when there is a rear approaching vehicle. This change is always distinct with or without noise. After getting the spectrum of different audio sources, the cross-correlation coefficient between 800 Hz and 1200 Hz is computed to see the correlation level. Then according to cross-correlation coefficient between new captured data and knowledge data, we can determine if there is a rear approaching vehicle in the new data or not. So, this project proves that the cross-correlation coefficient of frequency spectrum can determine if there is rear approaching vehicles or not. The future work would be automatic computer detect depending on this method.
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Musik- och Kulturskolans framtid… : En kvalitativ studie om musiklärares och rektorers tankar om dagens och framtidens musik- och kulturskola / The Future of the Community School of Music and Art… : A qualitative study of the views of music teachers and principals on the community school of music and art, today and in the futureNilsson, David January 2011 (has links)
Den här undersökningen syftar till att få en djupare förståelse för hur musik- och kulturskolans verksamhet kan se ut i framtiden. Jag vill få en inblick i vilka faktorer som påverkar utvecklingen av den kommunala musik- och kulturskolan, samt hur musik- och kulturskolan väljer att förhålla sig till dessa faktorer. För att undersöka detta har jag använt mig av kvalitativ intervju som forskningsmetod för att därigenom få fram fyra instrumentallärares och tre musikledares tankar och erfarenheter.Resultatet visar på flera faktorer som påverkar förväntningarna på den kommunala musik- och kulturskolan varav de mest framträdande är media, musikaliska trender, sociala faktorer och elevernas förväntningar på undervisningen. Dessa faktorer påverkar musik- och kulturskolan både som organisation och verksamhet, men också själva undervisningen. Bland annat visar undersökningen att musik- och kulturskolan behöver förhålla sig till att dagens elever har nya uppfattningar om vad det innebär att musicera och att lära sig spela ett instrument. Många lärare beskriver att elever sällan förstår att de måste öva på sina instrument för att lära sig spela. Resultatet visar också att musik- och kulturskolans ledning idag jobbar mer för att skapa en utåtriktad verksamhet, vilket man också sannolikt kommer att behöva göra i framtiden.En slutsats i undersökningen är att musik- och kulturskolans verksamhet idag behöver ha en bred och mångfasetterad verksamhet vad gäller både instrument, repertoar och undervisning för att möta dagens elever. En annan slutas är att grundambitionen att bilda folket i musik, har ändrats till att ge alla barn en möjlighet att utvecklas med musik. / This study aims for a deeper understanding in how the community school of music and art will develop in the future. I would like to decide which factors influence the development of the community school of music and art, and how the school chooses to approach these factors. Four instrumental teachers and three music leaders have been interviewed.The results indicate factors that influence the expectations of the community school of music and art, of which the most prominent are media, musical trends, social factors and the student’s expectations on the education. These factors exert influence on the community school of music and art, both as an organization and as a productive activity, as well as the education. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that the community school of music and art must approach students with new views, on what it means to play and learn an instrument. The teachers point out that the students seldom understand that it is necessary to practice to learn how to play their instruments. The result also shows that management at3the community school of music and art is working to create a more expansive business, which will continue into the future.One conclusion of the study, is that the community school of music and art of today, needs to have a wide productive activity in regard to meeting the students’ need concerning instruments, repertoires and education. Another conclusion is that the basic ambition to educate people in music, has given way to provide all children a possibility to develop through music.
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How the International Primary Curriculum can be used as an approach to achieve Education for Sustainable Development : Concerning the educational vision, educational mission and teachers competencesNieboer, Tine January 2018 (has links)
There is a huge emergence for sustainable change, but there are not many clear approaches for teaches to teach into sustainability. With the proof that the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) can be used up to large extent to provide primary schools from Education to sustainable development (ESD), the aims of ESD can be achieved in great extent, while the IPC is used in over 98 countries. Therefore teacher do not have to be introduced to a new approach; they can continue using the IPC. There is done a literature research about the similarities between the educational vision & mission and practical investigation into the teachers experiences, by the use of a questionnaire, about similarities in the teachers competences between ESD and the IPC. Concerning the research the educational vision of ESD and the IPC are very similar, but in the education mission is a difference in focus. Where ESD wants a behavioural change, is the IPC focusing on improving the learning. However, this different focus is not eliminating the similarities that are shown. Practically seen are teachers who work with the IPC are experiencing a 66.6% match with the teacher competences of ESD. The differences that are found are based on the different educational focuses of ESD and the IPC, but in here the IPC can easily adjust. All together I can state that the IPC can be used as an approach to provide Dutch primary school pupils with ESD from a reasonable up to a pretty large extent, under the condition that the IPC is adapting to the educational mission of the ESD, without letting go of their own educational mission.
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Dinâmica hidrossedimentológica de pequenas bacias hidrográficas florestais / Hidrossedimentology dynamics of small forest watershedsRodrigues, Miriam Fernanda 13 October 2015 (has links)
Areas cultivated with eucalyptus forests have increased in Southern Brazil, and the effects on hydrosedimentological processes are not well known particularly at the watershed scale and in watersheds where land use has been changing. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model has been applied in a few forested watersheds to evaluate and predict effects of commercial forest cultivation or land use change in hydrological processes, whilst erosion processes has not been the main goal. The present study aimed (i) to evaluate the effects of eucalyptus plantation on hydrosedimentological processes, and to evaluate the efficiency and limitations of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to simulate streamflow and sediment yield (daily and monthly) in nested eucalyptus watersheds and in two paired watersheds with eucalyptus and grassland, and (ii) to identify the contribution of the bank channel, unpaved roads and eucalyptus stands sediment-sources for two different size fractions of sediment (< 0.063 mm and 0.063-2 mm) deposited along the drainage network, and suspended sediment collected in the outlet of small watersheds. SWAT was used to evaluate hydrological and erosion processes for two nested forest watersheds (watershed-0.98 km2 and sub-watershed-0.39 km2) and two paired watersheds in Pampa Biome, one with grassland (1.10 km2) and other with eucalyptus (0.83 km2). Measured streamflow and sediment yield at the watersheds outlets was used to evaluate model sensitivity to selected model parameters, and for calibration from 2009 to 2013 for nested watersheds, and from 2009 to 2013 for paired watersheds. Time series plots and standard statistical measures were used to verify model predictions. For nested watersheds, predicted monthly streamflow was very good during calibration for the watershed and for the sub-watershed, respectively. Predicted monthly sediment yield was very good and satisfactory for the watershed, and unsatisfactory for the sub-watershed. Simulations for daily time-scale were satisfactory to predict streamflow and sediment yield for the watershed. For the sub-watershed, predicted streamflow was satisfactory , but sediment yield was unsatisfactory . For paired watersheds, predicted monthly streamflow was good during calibration for the grassland watershed and for the eucalyptus watershed. Predicted monthly sediment yield was satisfactory for the grassland watershed, and very good and satisfactory for eucalyptus watershed. Daily simulations were satisfactory to predict streamflow in both grassland and eucalyptus watersheds. The results suggest that the SWAT model is a promising tool to evaluate hydrological processes in Brazilian watersheds. However, more field work with continuous monitoring is required and empirical equations of SWAT must change to better represent the processes that predominate in each watershed and to represent the hydrological and erosion processes in sub-daily time-scale and, especially, for small watersheds where the time of concentration is less than one day. Sediment-sources was evaluated using geochemical properties, determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence analyses, and the data used to calculate proportional contributions of sediment. Source contributions were determined at points spatially-distributed along the main channel of the watershed. Source determination for in-stream sites was done using samples collected in one spot to evaluate source-contribution of area upstream of this site of interest to indicate how different sources dominate at different downstream locations. To examine whether different size-fractions shared similar origins, two size fractions of both source and suspended samples including fine (<0.063 mm) and coarse (0.063 2 mm) particles were analyzed. Fingerprinting approach indicated particle-size and location of sources within a watershed are major factors affecting the measured contribution of sources for coarse and fine sediments. The closer a sediment sampling site is to a potential source, the more likely this sediment-source will dominate the sampled material, especially for coarse particles. Based on the classification analysis, the relative contribution of each source to eroded sediments was bank channel, i.e. from the stream network. Modeling results and sediment-source identification can provide an improved understanding effect of land use or change in land use on sediment yield in watershed scale, which are useful and may be used as a management tool of natural resources. / Áreas cultivadas com florestas de eucalipto têm aumentado no Sul do Brasil e os efeitos sobre os processos hidrossedimentológicos são pouco conhecidos, especialmente em escala de bacia hidrográfica e para áreas em que ocorreu mudança no uso do solo. O modelo Soil and Water Assesment Tool (SWAT) tem sido utilizado em bacias hidrográficas florestais para avaliar e simular o efeito do cultivo de florestas comerciais ou mudança de uso do solo sobre os processos hidrológicos, mas os processos erosivos não têm sido avaliados. O presente estudo objetivou (i) avaliar os efeitos do plantio de eucalipto sobre os processos hidrossedimentológicos e a eficiência e as limitações do SWAT em simular o escoamento superficial e produção de sedimentos (diários e mensais) em bacias hidrográficas embutidas, ocupadas com eucalipto, e em duas bacias hidrográficas pareadas ocupadas principalmente com eucalipto e com campo natural, e (ii) identificar a contribuição das fontes margem da rede de drenagem, as estradas e os povoamentos de eucalipto na geração de duas diferentes frações de sedimentos (< 0,063 mm e 0,063-2 mm) depositados ao longo da rede de drenagem, e de sedimentos em suspensão coletados no exutório de bacias embutidas. O SWAT foi utilizado para avaliar os processos hidrológicos e de erosão em duas bacias florestais embutidas (bacia-0,94 km2 e sub-bacia-0,39 km2) e em duas bacias hidrográficas pareadas no Bioma Pampa, uma com campo natural (1,10 km2) e outra com eucalipto (0,83 km2). A vazão e a produção de sedimentos medidas nas seções de monitoramento das bacias hidrográficas foram utilizadas para avaliar a sensibilidade dos parâmetros selecionados do modelo e para calibração para as bacias embutidas (2009-2013), e para as bacias pareadas (2009-2013). As séries temporais e os parâmetros estatísticos foram utilizados para avaliar o potencial preditivo do modelo. Para as bacias embutidas, a representação da vazão mensal foi muito boa durante a calibração para a bacia e para a sub-bacia, respectivamente. A representação da produção de sedimentos mensal foi muito boa e satisfatória para a bacia, e insatisfatória para a sub-bacia. As simulações na escala diária foram satisfatórias para a representação da vazão e da produção de sedimentos para a bacia. Para a sub-bacia, a representação da vazão foi satisfatória, mas da produção de sedimentos foi insatisfatória. Para as bacias hidrográficas pareadas, a representação da vazão mensal foi boa durante a calibração para a bacia com pastagem e para a bacia com eucalipto. A representação da produção de sedimentos mensal foi satisfatória para a bacia com pastagem, e muito boa e satisfatória para a bacia com eucalipto. As simulações diárias foram satisfatórias para a vazão em ambas as bacias pareadas. Os resultados sugerem que o modelo SWAT é uma ferramenta promissora para avaliar processos hidrológicos em bacias hidrográficas brasileiras. No entanto, fazem-se necessários mais tempo de monitoramento contínuo das variáveis hidrossedimentológicas e alteração de equações empíricas do SWAT para melhor representar processos erosivos que predominam em cada bacia e para representar os processos hidrológicos e erosivos em escala sub-diária, especialmente para pequenas bacias em que o tempo de concentração é menor do que um dia. As fontes de sedimentos foram avaliadas por meio do uso de propriedades geoquímicas, determinadas por análises de espectrometria de massas com plasma e de fluorescência de raios-X. A contribuição das fontes de sedimentos foi determinada em pontos espacialmente distribuídos ao longo do canal principal da bacia. Amostras de sedimento de um ponto de coleta foram utilizadas para avaliar a contribuição das fontes da área de contribuição à montante desse local de interesse e para indicar o a diferença da contribuição dessas fontes em diferentes localizações à jusante. Para avaliar se as diferentes frações de sedimentos tem origem semelhante, duas frações de tamanho de partículas das fontes e amostras de sedimento fino (< 0,063 mm) e grosso (0,063-2 mm) foram analisadas. A técnica fingerprinting indicou que o tamanho das partículas e localização das fontes dentro da bacia hidrográfica são os principais fatores que afetam a contribuição das fontes para a produção de sedimentos finos e grossos. As fontes mais próximas do local de amostragem são as potenciais fontes de sedimentos, sendo provável que essa fonte de sedimentos será dominante na amostra de sedimentos, principalmente para as frações grossas. Com base na análise de classificação, a contribuição relativa de cada fonte indicou que a principal fonte de sedimentos foi a margem do canal da rede de drenagem. Os resultados da modelagem e identificação das fontes de sedimentos contribuem para uma melhor compreensão do efeito do uso do solo ou da alteração no uso sobre a produção de sedimentos na escala de bacia hidrográfica, que são úteis e podem ser utilizados como ferramenta de gestão dos recursos naturais.
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Om ingenting : Att skriva det oskrivbara genom Maurice Blanchot / Thesis on Nothing : The Writing of the Unwritable Through Maurice BlanchotSedell, Néa January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis I attempt to outline the unwritable foundation of the writing of Maurice Blanchot (1907–2003), through the notion of the disaster. By tracing the writing of the unwritable in L’Écriture du désastre [1980] I argue for the need to return to the late work of Blanchot which has often been left aside, due to its inability to coincide with a fixed position within a theoretical field. This mobility, which situates Blanchot in the gap between philosophy and literature, is traced through an approaching reading that intends to examine how the unwritable unfolds as an understanding that differs from the established narrative of the absolute negativity which is deemed to determine Blanchot’s thinking. Rather my reading emphasizes on the affirmative aspects of writing that emerge in the literary composition of the disaster, through Blanchot’s attempt to write the event that has always already happened and thus exists on the outside of writing. By examining the manner in which this unwritability overlap with the non-diachronic dimensions of the fragmentary writing of Blanchot, I suggest that his notion of writing is constituted by that which cannot be written. This, in turn, eventuates in an affirmation of the very withdrawal which makes writing unwritable. Through Roland Barthes’ idea of the pleasure of the text this affirmative aspect is further demonstrated in order to realize a greater understanding of the relation between writing and the other, philosophy and literature.
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Analysis of Walking and Route-Choice Behavior of Pedestrians inside Public Transfer Stations : A Study on how pedestrians behave in the approaching vicinity of level-change facilities,and how it affects their walking and route-choice behaviorMonte Malveira, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Pedestrian walking and choice behavior presented was first studied by Fruin in 1971, and since then a lot of research have been carried out in order to understand how humans move and what does make them make choices and obtain certain patterns. In relation to pedestrians, a significant bottleneck inside public stations evaluated by research are the level-change facilities, as Stair Walks and Escalators. The aim of this research is studying how pedestrian behave in the vicinity to stairways and escalators, and how does that affect pedestrian choice, speed and acceleration when choosing one of the two facilities. Also, with a need for more data on pedestrian traffic, further data collection is a big requirement to analyze their behavior and use as tools in future measures. At last, how to optimize the movement of pedestrians in relation to level changes, considering the effects of the movements observed. Two case studies were analysed, Stockholm Central Station and Uppsala Central Station.The study compares data collection methods, tracking methods and previous studies to better fit the scope of this research. The data is backed up from previous research and explains which method better fitted the options available. As a result, video data collection was chosen to collect the data, a semi-automatic tracking software called T-analyst was used to extract speed, trajectories and acceleration from the videos, and microsimulation modelling from VISSIM further investigated different design options to optimize the overall performance and improve travel time in the same area. The analysis found out that there was a possibility to increase the overall performance of the location in higher flow levels, where the most significant queues could be seen, since there was the possibility to achieve higher speeds by modifying the width and position of the stair walks, which allow for a smaller queue in both directions.
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海域執法-以海洋巡防總局登船檢查職權為中心 / Maritime law enforcement - the procedure of maritime law enforcement by maritime patrol directorate general曾彥雄 Unknown Date (has links)
海域執法係國家安全的基石,社會及經濟穩定的助力,科技的進步及人權高漲已是國際社會之趨勢。人民對法律執行的要求,已由被動轉而期待法律須符合時代潮流;演變迄今,對法律內容質疑的觀念,執法品質與標準,更而有主動審視能力。依大法官釋字第535 號解釋文要旨,人民對個人擁有基本權利之重視程度,尤其權利限制或禁止,執法人員更應謹慎嚴竣面對及維繋人民擁有之權益。行政院海岸巡防署為我國海域執法專責機構,其執法範圍包括內水、領海、鄰接區、經濟海域、大陸礁層至公海等,兼具國內與國際執法能量的巡防機關。所執行的法律,不僅要迎合國家情勢與社會人民期待,更需要符合國際海洋法所賦予沿海國管轄權利。
海域執法方式亦可分為對人、對物之執法及對船接近權、緊追權、登臨權方式,並討論海域執法方式及海域執法程序,且因海上執法程序包括攔停、登臨及行政檢查等程序,次再探討海域執法與刑事搜索、行政檢查之區別,最後再分析海巡機關執行行政檢查之相關問題點。巡防機關人員職權之行使困難度甚於陸上警察。基此,訂定專屬海岸巡防機關於執法時所依據之職權行使法律,務必能與法定任務相結合,以保障執法人員自身安全與民眾自由權利。 / Maritime law enforcement is the fundamental issue for the national security as well a great component for the social and economic stability. This is the trend of international society, especially on the aspects of the highly advancement of scientific technology and the upward surge of human right. People become non-passive on the carrying-out of .law enforcement without contortion and actively conform to the quality and standard of laws by the institutional performance. It is noted that people have serious considered their individual rights, especially to the limitation or prohibition of their rights after the release of 535 th solution by the grand justice. It is the obligation of law maker or practitioner to carefully examining people’s right.Coast Guard Administration of Executive Yuan is the sole institution responsible for maritime law enforcement. Its maritime law enforcement scope consists of internal waters, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone, the continental shelf and the high seas. The CGA enforce the laws and conform to not only the nation, but also the international jurisdiction rights.
The right of approaching, hot pursuit, boarding and searching are various types of the maritime power’s implementation,that has a affinity with the rights and obligations of people,often aggrieve human essential rights. From the 535th solution released by the grand justice conference, we can see the importance of human essential rights. Therefore, maritime law enforcement workers should face them more carefully and rigorously in order to protect human rights. When people were damaged by illegal or unmerited action of employees from the Coast Guard Administration that should give people chances to relieve.CGA is one domestic and special maritime enforcement institution, which ambit of law enforcement includes internal waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone (EEZ), continental shelf and high sea. Firstly, the methods of maritime law enforcement could be divided into three aspects: for humans, objects, and the boats including the right of approaching, right of hot pursuit, and boarding and inspection. Besides, the procedure of maritime law enforcement includes sea interception, boarding and inspection. Secondly, this study distinguishes among law enforcement, criminal rummage and detainment. Eventually, it analyzes the problems which occur during the task of coast guard institutions enforcing rummage. Overall, coast guard personal executes the task on the sea is certainly full of various risks and harassment which is more difficult than policemen does on land. Therefore, the exclusive laws of duty should be made for coast guard intuitions to obey in law enforcement and as to unify into statutory missions.
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Řešení zastávek MHD na ulici Kounicova v Brně v prostoru křižovatky s ulicí Hrnčířskou / Design of public transport stops at Kounicova street in the area of the junction with the Hrnčířská street in BrnoKolková, Nela January 2014 (has links)
Master's thesis presents design of public transport stops at Kounicova street in the area of the junction with the Hrnčířská street. There are important places of intersts without a direct connection to public transport. Included are three designs that were proposed depending on local conditions. Another part is the vision of a new layout Björnsen's orchard with a little precious trees and unpaved footpath, which is located in the center of academic institutions and therefore should perform representative function. The thesis also addresses the transport connection of the planned undereground garage next tu Björnsen's park.
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