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Closure of the Neotethys Ocean in Anatolia : structural, petrologic and geochronologic insights from low-grade high-pressure metasediments, Afyon ZonePourteau, Amaury January 2011 (has links)
The complete consumption of the oceanic domain of a tectonic plate by subduction into the upper mantle results in continent subduction, although continental crust is typically of lower density than the upper mantle. Thus, the sites of former oceanic domains (named suture zones) are generally decorated with stratigraphic sequences deposited along continental passive margins that were metamorphosed under low-grade, high-pressure conditions, i.e., low temperature/depth ratios (< 15°C/km) with respect to geothermal gradients in tectonically stable regions.
Throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic (i.e., since ca. 250 Ma), the Mediterranean realm was shaped by the closure of the Tethyan Ocean, which likely consisted in numerous oceanic domains and microcontinents. However, the exact number and position of Tethyan oceans and continents (i.e., the Tethyan palaeogeography) remains debated. This is particularly the case of Western and Central Anatolia, where a continental fragment was accreted to the southern composite margin of the Eurasia sometime between the Late Cretaceous and the early Cenozoic. The most frontal part of this microcontinent experienced subduction-related metamorphism around 85-80 Ma, and collision-related metamorphism affected more external parts around 35 Ma. This unsually-long period between subduction- and collision-related metamorphisms (ca. 50 Ma) in units ascribed to the same continental edge constitutes a crucial issue to address in order to unravel how Anatolia was assembled.
The Afyon Zone is a tectono-sedimentary unit exposed south and structurally below the front high-pressure belt. It is composed of a Mesozoic sedimentary sequence deposited on top of a Precambrian to Palaeozoic continental substratum, which can be traced from Northwestern to southern Central Anatolia, along a possible Tethyan suture. Whereas the Afyon Zone was defined as a low-pressure metamorphic unit, high-pressure minerals (mainly Fe-Mg-carpholite in metasediments) were recently reported from its central part. These findings shattered previous conceptions on the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Afyon Zone in particular, and of the entire region in general, and shed light on the necessity to revise the regional extent of subduction-related metamorphism by re-inspecting the petrology of poorly-studied metasediments.
In this purpose, I re-evaluated the metamorphic evolution of the entire Afyon Zone starting from field observations. Low-grade, high-pressure mineral assemblages (Fe-Mg-carpholite and glaucophane) are reported throughout the unit. Well-preserved carpholite-chloritoid assemblages are useful to improve our understanding of mineral relations and transitions in the FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system during rocks’ travel down to depth (prograde metamorphism). Inspection of petrographic textures, minute variations in mineral composition and Mg-Fe distribution among carpholite-chloritoid assemblages documents multistage mineral growth, accompanied by a progressive enrichment in Mg, and strong element partitioning. Using an updated database of mineral thermodynamic properties, I modelled the pressure and temperature conditions that are consistent with textural and chemical observations. Carpholite-bearing assemblages in the Afyon Zone account for a temperature increase from 280 to 380°C between 0.9 and 1.1 GPa (equivalent to a depth of 30-35 km).
In order to further constrain regional geodynamics, first radiometric ages were determined in close association with pressure-temperature estimates for the Afyon Zone, as well as two other tectono-sedimentary units from the same continental passive margin (the Ören and Kurudere-Nebiler Units from SW Anatolia). For age determination, I employed 40Ar-39Ar geochronology on white mica in carpholite-bearing rocks. For thermobarometry, a multi-equilibrium approach was used based on quartz-chlorite-mica and quartz-chlorite-chloritoid associations formed at the expense of carpholite-bearing assemblages, i.e., during the exhumation from the subduction zone. This combination allows deciphering the significance of the calculated radiometric ages in terms of metamorphic conditions. Results show that the Afyon Zone and the Ören Unit represent a latest Cretaceous high-pressure metamorphic belt, and the Kurudere-Nebiler Unit was affected by subduction-related metamorphism around 45 Ma and cooled down after collision-related metamorphism around 26 Ma.
The results provided in the present thesis and from the literature allow better understanding continental amalgamation in Western Anatolia. It is shown that at least two distinct oceanic branches, whereas only one was previously considered, have closed during continuous north-dipping subduction between 92 and 45 Ma. Between 85-80 and 70-65 Ma, a narrow continental domain (including the Afyon Zone) was buried into a subduction zone within the northern oceanic strand. Parts of the subducted continent crust were exhumed while the upper oceanic plate was transported southwards. Subduction of underlying lithosphere persisted, leading to the closure of the southern oceanic branch and to subduct the front of a second continental domain (including the Kurudere-Nebiler Unit). This followed by a continental collisional stage characterized by the cease of subduction, crustal thicknening and the detachment of the subducting oceanic slab from the accreted continent lithosphere.
The present study supports that in the late Mesozoic the East Mediterranean realm had a complex tectonic configuration similar to present Southeast Asia or the Caribbean, with multiple, coexisting oceanic basins, microcontinents and subduction zones. / Kontinentale Subduktion resultiert aus dem Abtauchen des ozenanischen Gebiets einer tektonischen Platte in den Oberen Erdmantel. Dies geschieht obwohl die kontinentale Erdkruste normalerweise eine geringere Dichte besitzt als der Obere Erdmantel. Die Lage ehemaliger ozeanischer Gebiete (auch als Suturzonen bezeichnet) ist dementsprechend durch stratigraphische, sedimentäre Gesteinsabfolgen gekennzeichnet, die entlang des passiven Kontinentalrandes abgelagert wurden. Anschließend wurden diese Gesteine unter niedrigen Temperaturen und hohem Druck umgewandelt, auch niedrig-gradige Hochdruckmetamorphose genannt.
Während der gesamten Zeitspanne des Mesozoikums und Känozoikums (seit etwa 250 Millionen Jahren bis heute) wurde der mediterrane Raum durch die kontinuierliche Schließung des Tethyschen Ozeans (dem heutigen Mittelmeer) geprägt, der vermutlich in zahlreichen kleineren Ozeanen und Mikrokontinenten aufgeteilt war. Dennoch bleiben die genaue Anzahl und Lage der tethyschen Ozeane und Kontinente (die Paläogeographie der Tethys) bis heute umstritten. Das ist insbesondere der Fall in West- und Zentral-Anatolien, wo im Zeitraum zwischen der Oberen Kreide (vor 98 bis 65 Mio. J.) und dem unteren Känozoikum (vor 65 bis 40 Mio. J.) ein kontinentales Fragment am südlichen Kontinentalrand der Eurasischen Platte angelagert wurde (auch als Akkretion bezeichnet). Der vorderste Bereich von diesem Fragment erfuhr vor etwa 85-80 Millionen Jahren eine metamorphe Umwandlung, die mit den Prozessen der fortschreitenden Subduktion assoziiert werden können. Hingegen wurden die hinteren Bereiche erst später vor ca. 40-30 Mio. J. durch die Kollison der zwei Platten metamorph überprägt. Die ungewöhnlich lange Zeitspanne von etwa 40-50 Mio. J. zwischen den metamorphen Prozessen der Subduktion und der Kollision, stellt eine entscheidende Frage zum Verständnis der Entstehung von Anatolien dar. Die Afyon Zone repräsentiert hierbei eine tektonisch-beanspruchte sedimentäre Gesteinseinheit, die in einer strukturell tieferen Position bezüglich des frontalen metamorphen Hochdruckgürtels liegt und südlich von ihm anzutreffen ist. Die Afyon Zone besteht aus mesozoischen sedimentären Einheiten (250 bis 65 Mio. J. alt), die auf präkambrischem (älter als 545 Mio. J.) bis paläozoischem Untergrund (bis vor 250 Mio J.) abgelagert wurden, und vom nordwestlichen bis zentralen Anatolien, entlang der vermutlichen Tethys-Suturzone, verfolgt werden können. Obwohl die Afyon-Zone als eine niedrig-temperierte metamorphe Gesteinseinheit bezeichnet wird, wurde in letzter Zeit von Vorkommen von Hochdruckmineralen (v.a. Eisen(Fe)-Magnesium(Mg)-Karpholith in metamorphen Sedimenten) im zentralen Bereich berichtet. Diese neuen Erkenntnisse stellen die bisherigen Interpretationen zur tektonisch-metamorphen Entstehung der gesamten Region in Frage, insbesondere der der Afyon-Zone. Deshalb war eine erneute gründliche Überarbeitung und Untersuchung der wenig studierten metamorph-überprägten Sedimentgesteine in diesem Gebiet notwendig. Deshalb, überarbeitete ich die metamorphe Entwicklung der gesamten Afyon Zone, beginnend mit intensiver Geländearbeit und -beobachtungen. Mineralvergesellschaftungen aus Karpholith und Glaukophan, die unter niedrigen Temperaturen und hohem Druck entstanden sind, wurden in der gesamten Gesteinseinheit gefunden. Guterhaltene Mineralvergesellschaftungen aus Karpholith und Chloritoid sind nützlich für das Verständnis unter welchen Temperatur- und Druck-Bedingungen die Gesteine in die Tiefe gelangen (prograde Metamorphose). Durch die Untersuchungen von Gesteinsgefügen und der Eisen-Magnesium-Verteilung zwischen den Mineralien Karpholith und Chloritoid lassen sich Aussagen zu der Bildungstemperatur und dem Druck dieser Minerale machen. Dafür benutzte ich eine verbesserte Datenbank mit Mineraleigenschaften, die mir die Modellierung von Temperatur und Druck erlaubte und im Einklang mit den chemischen und mikroskopischen Beobachtungen steht. Es ergab sich, dass die Karpholith-haltigen Gesteine in der Afyon-Zone einen Temperaturanstieg von 280 zu 380°C (bei einer Tiefe von 30-35 km) erfahren haben. Um noch bessere Aussagen über die Entstehung zu treffen, wurden auch radiometrische Datierungen an Proben aus der Afyon-Zone, sowie an zwei weiteren Sedimentgesteinseinheiten (Ören- und Kurudere-Nebiler-Einheit aus SW Anatolien) gemacht. Für die Altersbestimmung benutzte ich die weitverbreitete 40Ar-39Ar Datierungsmethode an Hellglimmer-Mineralien in den Karpholith-haltigen Gesteinen. Temperatur und Druck können auch bestimmt werden, wenn man den Übergang von einer Mineralvergesellschaftung zu einer anderen Vergesellschaftung beobachtet. Dies gilt zum Beispiel für den Übergang von einer Karpholith-haltigen Zusammensetzung zu einer Quartz-Chlorit-Glimmer und Quartz-Chlorit-Chloritoid Mineralvergesellschaftung wenn tief subduzierte Gesteine wieder nach oben gelangen (Exhumation). Damit lassen sich die radiometrischen Alter den metamorphen Prozessen zu bestimmten Temperaturen und Drücken zuordnen.
Mit diesen Erkenntnissen lassen sich die Afyon-Zone und die Ören-Einheit einem Hochdruck-Gebirgsgürtel in der späten Kreidezeit zuordnen, während die Kurudere-Nebiler Einheit durch die mit der Subduktion in Verbindung stehende Metamorphose vor ca. 45 Mio. J. beeinflusst wurde. Später wurde diese Einheit durch die Metamorphose, resultierend aus der Kollision vor 26 Mio. J., abgekühlt.
Die Ergebnisse dieser und anderer Arbeiten erlauben es die Anlagerung von Kontinenten in West-Anatolien besser zu verstehen. Es wird gezeigt, dass mindestens zwei (im Gegensatz zu vorher einem) voneinander unabhängige Ozeanarme während der Subduktion von 92 bis 45 Millionen Jahren geschlossen wurden. Zwischen 85-80 und 70-65 Millionen Jahren, wurde ein schmales kontinentales Gebiet (welches die Afyon-Zone beinhaltet) in die Subduktionszone hineingzogen. Teile der subduzierten kontientalen Kruste kamen wieder an die Oberfläche (Exhumation), während die obere ozeanische Platte südwärts transportiert wurde. Die anhaltende Subduktion im oberen Bereich des Erdmantels (Lithosphäre) führte zu der Schließung des südlichen Ozeanarms und zu der Subduktion des zweiten kontinentalen Gebietes (welches die Kurudere-Nebiler-Einheit beinhaltete). Darauf folgte die kontinentale Kollisionsphase unter dem Ausklingen der Prozesse der Subduktion, der Krustenverdickung und der Abtrennung der subduzierten ozeanischen Platte von der akkretionierten kontientalen Lithosphäre (auch als Delamination bezeichnet).
Die hier präsentierte Arbeit unterstüzt die Annahme das während der Oberen Kreidezeit das Ost-Mediterrane Gebiet tektonsich komplex angeordnet war, vergleichbar mit dem heutigen Südost-Asien oder der Karibik, mit ihren vielen gleichzeitig existierenden ozeanischen Becken, Mikrokontinenten und Subduktionszonen.
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Testing and estimating changed segment in autoregressive model / Autoregresinio modelio pasikeitusio segmento testavimas ir vertinimasRastenė, Irma 28 June 2011 (has links)
In the doctoral dissertation, we consider problems of testing and estimating changed segment with unknown starting position and duration of epidemic state in the autoregressive first-order model. The proposed tests are based on partial sums of model residuals and model-parameter partial-estimator polygonal line processes. We derive asymptotic results for these processes in Holder spaces. The behavior of test statistics under the null hypothesis of no change and alternative is provided. Empirical power analysis has shown that tests are more powerful when absolute values of model parameter are quite large or autoregressive process changes from a stationary state to a nonstationary one. We prove the consistency of the least square changed-segment estimators and provide their convergence rates. / Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas pirmos eilės autoregresinio modelio pasikeitusio segmento testavimo ir vertinimo uždavinys. Aprašomo modelio epideminio pasikeitimo pradžia ir ilgis nėra žinomi. Pasiūlyti kriterijai pasikeitusio segmento testavimui, kurie pagrįsti modelio paklaidų įvertinių dalinių sumų ir modelio parametro dalinių įvertinių laužčių procesais. Šiems procesams gautos ribinės teoremos Hiolderio erdvėse. Nurodomas testų statistikų ribinis elgesys esant teisingai nulinei ir alternatyviajai hipotezėms. Iš empirinio kriterijų galios tyrimo rezultatų matyti, kad pasiūlytų testų galia didžiausia aptinkant pasikeitimus iš stacionarios būklės į nestacionarią arba esant artimoms vienetui modelio parametro reikšmėms. Taip pat įrodoma, kad mažiausių kvadratų metodu gauti pasikeitusio segmento pradžios ir ilgio įverčiai bei autoregresinio modelio su pasikeitusiu segmentu parametrų įverčiai yra suderintieji bei pateikiamas jų konvergavimo greitis.
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Autoregresinio modelio pasikeitusio segmento testavimas ir vertinimas / Testing and estimating changed segment in autoregressive modelRastenė, Irma 28 June 2011 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas pirmos eilės autoregresinio modelio pasikeitusio segmento testavimo ir vertinimo uždavinys. Aprašomo modelio epideminio pasikeitimo pradžia ir ilgis nėra žinomi. Pasiūlyti kriterijai pasikeitusio segmento testavimui, kurie pagrįsti modelio paklaidų įvertinių dalinių sumų ir modelio parametro dalinių įvertinių laužčių procesais. Šiems procesams gautos ribinės teoremos Hiolderio erdvėse. Nurodomas testų statistikų ribinis elgesys esant teisingai nulinei ir alternatyviajai hipotezėms. Iš empirinio kriterijų galios tyrimo rezultatų matyti, kad pasiūlytų testų galia didžiausia aptinkant pasikeitimus iš stacionarios būklės į nestacionarią arba esant artimoms vienetui modelio parametro reikšmėms. Taip pat įrodoma, kad mažiausių kvadratų metodu gauti pasikeitusio segmento pradžios ir ilgio įverčiai bei autoregresinio modelio su pasikeitusiu segmentu parametrų įverčiai yra suderintieji bei pateikiamas jų konvergavimo greitis. / In the doctoral dissertation, we consider problems of testing and estimating changed segment with unknown starting position and duration of epidemic state in the autoregressive first-order model. The proposed tests are based on partial sums of model residuals and model-parameter partial-estimator polygonal line processes. We derive asymptotic results for these processes in Holder spaces. The behavior of test statistics under the null hypothesis of no change and alternative is provided. Empirical power analysis has shown that tests are more powerful when absolute values of model parameter are quite large or autoregressive process changes from a stationary state to a nonstationary one. We prove the consistency of the least square changed-segment estimators and provide their convergence rates.
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Magmatic response to the evolving New Zealand Margin of Gondwana during the Mid-Late CretaceousTappenden, Vanessa Elizabeth January 2003 (has links)
The Mount Somers Volcanic Group (MSVG) and Mandamus Igneous Complex (MIC) are the magmatic manifestations of the transition from convergence to extension at the Gondwana margin, which culminated in the separation of New Zealand from Australia and Antarctica. The MIC has been correlated both geochemically and temporally with the Central Marlborough Igneous Province (CMIP). The MSVG and CMIP are located in the Eastern Province of New Zealand. The MSVG is restricted to the Rakaia terrane, whereas the CMIP is restricted to the Pahau terrane. The Rakaia and Pahau terranes are thick accretionary complexes, which were strongly deformed as a result of prolonged subduction at the Gondwana margin. The Pahau terrane is the younger of the two and continued to be deposited and deformed until the abrupt cessation of subduction, which in the Marlborough sedimentary record occurred in the Motuan (100 - 105 Ma). Following the cessation of subduction, after an interval of 2-7 Ma of relative quiescence and subsidence of the Pahau terrane, the MSVG and MIC were erupted/emplaced. The production of MSVG and MIC magmas occurred simultaneously and the activity was of short-lived duration. SHRIMP geochronology yielded crystallisation ages of 97.0 ± 1.5 Ma to 98.0 ± 1.2 Ma from zircons separated from MSVG rhyolites. The SHRIMP ages are within error of the previously published Rb-Sr age for the MIC. The SHRIMP geochronology also confirmed the presence of inherited zircons which yielded ages consistent with their derivation from the Rakaia terrane. Ar-Ar geochronology confirmed the coeval nature of the MSVG and MIC magmatism, but yielded consistently younger ages (94.5 ± 3 Ma for the MSVG and 94.2 ± 1.7 Ma for the MIC). The systematic differences in ages obtained by SHRIMP and Ar-Ar are believed to be method-dependent. The MSVG comprises a calc-alkaline volcanic assemblage, which ranges in composition from basaltic-andesite lavas (SiO₂ = 54.5%) to high-silica rhyolites and ignimbrites (SiO₂ ≤ 78.1%). The MSVG had an original extent of at least 18 000 km². The magmas from the MSVG had high LILE/HFSE, high LILE/REE and moderately high LREE/HFSE which are characteristic of subduction derived magmas. Geochemical modelling suggests that the MSVG magmas were formed from partial melting of a subduction-modified mantle wedge, with high degrees of crustal assimilation. The assimilant had an isotopic composition similar to that of the Rakaia terrane, which is consistent with the geological setting of the MSVG. The MSVG has ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sri from 0.7055 to 0.7100 and ¹⁴³Nd/¹⁴⁴Ndi from 0.51254 to 0.51230 (ɛNd +0.5 to -4.2), which reflects varying degrees of contamination by Rakaia terrane. Radiogenic isotope modelling suggests that the MSVG end-members were derived from the same parent magma, which evolved through AFC processes from basaltic-andesite to rhyolite. The modelling strongly suggests that assimilation played a lesser role in the petrogenesis of the Malvern Hills magmas than in the petrogenesis of the other units. AFC modelling requires the degree of assimilation to increase as the magmas evolved. Oxygen isotope data are consistent with high degrees of crustal assimilation, and may indicate that the assimilant had higher ¹⁸O characteristics than the Rakaia terrane samples analysed. The MIC is an alkaline suite which ranges in composition from basalt and gabbro to syenite, trachyte and phono-tephrite. The MIC is interpreted to have formed from enriched asthenospheric mantle, with a composition similar to HIMU (²⁰⁶Pb/²⁰⁴Pbi ranges from 19.2 to 20.3). The samples range in isotopic composition from ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sri = 0.7030 to 0.7036, ¹⁴³Nd/¹⁴⁴Ndi = 0.51275 to 0.51268 (ɛNd +4.6 to +3.3). The range in isotopic composition is due to varying degrees of contamination by Pahau terrane, which reaches a maximum of 25% but in most samples is < 10%. The MIC is contaminated to a much lesser extent than the MSVG which is interpreted to be related to the thinner nature of the Pahau crust in the mid-Cretaceous. The latest phases of activity in the MIC were subjected to lower degrees of contamination which is interpreted to reflect the passage of magmas through pre-existing pathways. The onset of MSVG and CMIP magmatism coincided with the initiation of major rift-related depositional basins, and the eruption of the MSVG is demonstrably associated with normal faulting. The tectonic trigger responsible for the sudden onset of magmatism and rifting in the Eastern Province terranes was the detachment of the previously subducting slab following the cessation of subduction due to the arrival of the Hikurangi Plateau at the margin and the subsequent stalling of the Pacific spreading centre. The capture of the Gondwana margin led to the propogation of extension into the margin by the divergent Pacific plate. The ensuing extension aided the detachment of the subducting slab beneath the Eastern Province terranes. The slab-detachment promoted decompression melting of the sub-lithospheric mantle wedge to produce the MSVG magmas and triggered the ascent of asthenospheric mantle through the slab window, which melted through decompression to produce the CMIP magmatism. The asthenospheric mantle tapped by the slab detachment episode was highly enriched relative to N-MORB and is akin to the similar age HIMU-OIB affinity melts documented from Antarctica and Australia. The short-lived duration of activity is typical of slab-detachment related magmatism which occurs as a passive response to plate reconfiguration. The similarity in geochemistry of the MIC with OIB-affinity igneous centres in Australia and Antarctica implies an enriched mantle domain of large geographical extent. The distribution of relatively small volumes of OIB magmatism is suggestive of a fossil plume component, which was tapped in response to lithospheric extension producing relatively short-lived HIMU magmatism. The same fossil plume component has previously been implicated in the formation of the Cenozoic West Antarctic Rift System and may be responsible for the late Cretaceous magmatism in the Chatham Islands and Tertiary volcanics of the South Island of New Zealand.
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Exposição pessoal de curto prazo ao material particulado fino e a sua composição química elementar / Short-term personal exposure to fine paticulate matter and their elemental chemical compositionMoreira, Camila Arielle Bufato 09 March 2017 (has links)
Capes; CNPQ / Estudos de exposição pessoal ao material particulado fino são escassos e praticamente inexistentes com avaliação da sua composição química. A exposição humana à poluição do ar ocorre tanto em ambientes externos como internos, sendo dependente do tempo de permanência nesses ambientes, além da proximidade das fontes de poluição e influência das condições meteorológicas. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a exposição pessoal de curto prazo as concentrações de material particulado fino e sua composição química elementar. Desta forma, foram realizadas medidas e coletas de MP2,5 a uma taxa similar a respiração humana (monitor MIE pDR-1500™) em uma amostra de conveniência com 30 voluntários ao longo de um dia típico de trabalho e/ou estudo, sendo essas georreferenciadas (GPS DG-100 Data Logger). Para melhor inferência sobre a exposição durante os deslocamentos foram também realizadas medidas e coletas de MP2,5 em cinco linhas de ônibus e nos períodos de maior e menor fluxo de usuários. As amostragens foram realizadas em triplicatas, com o intuito de caracterizar a real exposição da população durante os percursos diários para trabalho e/ou estudo, seguindo os mesmos parâmetros da amostragem pessoal. Na sequencia foi realizada a determinação da concentração de Black Carbon equivalente (BCe) nos filtros utilizados na amostragem pessoal, seguindo o método de refletância de luz e aplicada à técnica de fluorescência de raios X por dispersão de energia ED-XRF para analisar os filtros de PTFE. As concentrações médias de MP2,5 dos voluntários nos grupos automóvel e ônibus foram de 12,4 μg m-3 e 10,7 μg m-3, respectivamente. Em relação ao BCe, as concentrações médias foram de 4,3 μg m-3 para o grupo dos voluntários que se deslocaram de ônibus e de 4,1 μg m-3 para os voluntários que utilizaram carros. O grupo ônibus apresentou as maiores concentrações médias para os elementos traço Na, S e K, enquanto que para o grupo automóvel foram S, Fe, Na e K. Em termos médios os voluntários do grupo ônibus inalou uma dose de 0,027 µg/kg-h de MP2,5, enquanto o grupo automóvel inalou 0,029 µg/kg-h. Em termos de concentração de massa do MP2,5 e BCe a exposição dos usuários é maior em horário de pico com concentração média com 18,8 µg m-³ e 7,8 µg m-³, respectivamente. Além disso, a exposição dos usuários não é semelhante nas cinco linhas, sugerindo a influência das fontes locais nas rotas de ônibus (industrial, queima de biomassa e resíduos). Os elementos traço que apresentaram as maiores concentrações para o horário de não pico e pico foram aqueles derivados das emissões veiculares, como o S, K e o Na, que foram associados, especificamente o Na, à presença de biodiesel no diesel. Na sequência encontram-se os elementos de origem de suspensão da poeira do solo como Al, Si, Ca, Mg e Fe. A dose média inalada de MP2,5 para o horário de pico foi de 0,05 µg/kg- hora e para o não pico 0,04 µg/kg- hora. Neste estudo, a principal fonte de emissão é o tráfego de veículos, já que a amostragem foi realizada diretamente dentro dos ônibus em rotas urbanas, assim como para os voluntários que em geral estiveram nos deslocamentos ou trabalho expostos a emissões de origem veicular (exaustão, ressuspensão de poeiras, emissões relacionadas ao desgaste dos veículos). Desta forma, pode-se concluir que no meio urbano as emissões de origem veicular são predominantes e que a morfologia urbana pode contribuir para o acúmulo de poluentes aumentando a dose recebida pela população. / Studies of the personal exposures for particulate matter are scarce and practically non-existent with an assessment of their chemistry. The personal exposure to air pollution occurs in indoor and outdoor, being dependent on the time of stay in these environments, in addition to the proximity of pollution sources and influence of the meteorological conditions. This study aimed to assessment the short-term the concentrations of fine particulate matter and the elemental chemical composition. Thus, measurements and PM2.5 collections were carried out at a rate similar to human respiration (MIE monitor pDR-1500 ™) in a convenience sample with 30 volunteers during a typical work and/or study day, which were georeferenced (GPS DG -100 Data Logger). For better inference about the exposure in the displacements were also performed measurements and PM2.5 collections were also carried out in five bus lines and during periods of greater and lesser flow of users. The samplings were carried out in triplicates, in order to characterize the real exposure of the population during the daily journeys for work and/or study, following the same parameters of the personal sampling. The determination of the Black Carbon equivalent (BCe) concentration in the filters used in the personal sampling was carried out, following the light reflectance method and applied to the ED-XRF technique to analyze the PTFE filters.The mean concentrations of PM2.5 of the volunteers in the car and bus groups were 12.4 μg m-3 and 10.7 μg m-3 respectively. In addition, to BCe, mean concentrations were 4.3 μg m-3 for the group of volunteers who traveled by bus and 4.1 μg m-3 for volunteers who used cars. The bus group indicated the highest average concentrations for the trace elements Na, S and K, whereas the car group were S, Fe, Na and K. In average, the volunteers of the bus group inhaled a dose of 0.027 μg / kg-h of PM2.5, while the automobile group inhaled 0.029 μg/kg-hr. In terms of PM2.5 mass concentration and BCe, the exposure of users is greater in the peak with concentration of the 18.8 μg m-3, 7.8 μg m-³ respectively. In addition, the exposure of users is not similar in the five lines, suggesting the influence of local sources on bus routes (industrial, biomass burning and waste).The trace elements that presented the highest concentrations for the non-peak and peak hours were those derived from vehicle emissions, such as S, K and Na, which were associated, specifically Na, to the presence of biodiesel in diesel. Following are the elements from soil dust suspension such as Al, Si, Ca, Mg and Fe. The mean inhaled dose of PM2.5 for the peak was 0.05 μg / kg-hour and for the non-peak 0.04 μg / kg-hour. In this study, the main source of emission is the vehicle traffic, for sampling was performed directly inside the buses, in urban routes, as well as for the volunteers who were generally in the displacements or work exposed to emissions of vehicular origin, resuspension of dust, emissions related to the wear of the vehicles. Therefore, it can be concluded that in the urban environment the emissions of vehicular origin are predominant and that the urban morphology can contribute to the accumulation of pollutants increasing the dose received by the population.
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Estimação das emissões originadas de veículos leves na cidade de São Luís - MACamelo, Gustavo Rossa 25 October 2012 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2011 / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-25T18:26:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
291102.pdf: 2808336 bytes, checksum: d504a071b9dba5e36d29cb703e22427a (MD5) / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo realizar a estimativa das emissões originadas por veículos leves na cidade de São Luís e examinar a eficácia do Programa de Controle da Poluição do Ar por Veículos Automotores para a redução das emissões de poluentes na capital maranhense. Neste estudo foram analisadas as emissões de quatro gases: monóxido de carbono, hidrocarbonetos e os óxidos de nitrogênio - considerados os principais poluentes emitidos por veículos automotores; e o aldeído - poluente exclusivo da combustão do álcool e da gasolina brasileira que possui até 25% de álcool. O cálculo das emissões terá como referência o ano de 2010 e irá considerar as emissões para três tipos de combustíveis: gasolina, álcool e bicombustíveis (flex), que representam aproximadamente 99,9% da frota atual em circulação. Para os cálculos da estimativa de emissões de poluentes originadas de veículos leves em São Luís, foi adotada a metodologia utilizada pela CETESB no desenvolvimento de seus inventários para o estado de São Paulo que, por sua vez, é uma adaptação da metodologia desenvolvida pela EPA/EUA
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Um modelo para a transmissão de doenças em interiores via aerossóis respiratóriosDuarte, Raimundo Nonato Calazans January 2003 (has links)
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-20T19:20:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
209020.pdf: 24136712 bytes, checksum: fc907e87f6a29821430128da6a521565 (MD5) / A qualidade do ar em interiores é um dos temas mais discutidos atualmente em condicionamento de ambientes, principalmente devido ao recrudescimento de diversos problemas a ela relacionados. Neste trabalho, o assunto foi analisado em profundidade, envolvendo aspectos como sua evolução histórica, os problemas mais comuns, as soluções, os métodos de análise e os instrumentos empregados para verificá-la. Através deste conjunto de conhecimentos, identificou-se a poluição biológica do ar ambiente como a linha a ser explorada, com ênfase para a transmissão de doenças infecciosas. Como a maioria dos estudos na área apresenta-se como análises epidemiológicas de casos já diagnosticados e em função da quase completa ausência de ferramentas para previsão do risco de transmissão em ambientes ocupados, propõe-se aqui a simulação numérica como método alternativo para avaliá-lo. Restringindo-se à transmissão de doenças infecciosas do aparelho respiratório, foi realizada uma ampla revisão bibliográfica sobre os processos físicos, químicos e biológicos relacionados ao mesmo. Desta revisão, a tuberculose foi escolhida como alvo de aplicação final do trabalho. Apesar deste direcionamento para a tuberculose, a modelação foi desenvolvida de forma a adaptar-se para o estudo de outras doenças transmitidas pelo ar. Conhecimentos específicos sobre a emissão de aerossóis contaminados, a etiologia das doenças, a aerobiologia de interiores, a microbiologia de espécies patogênicas, o transporte de particulado, a interação aerossol-ar, dentre outros, formam a base teórica do presente modelo. Cada um dos processos envolvidos no ciclo de transmissão da doença (produção de aerossol contaminado, evolução da viabilidade dos microorganismos, transporte partícula-ar, dispersão de partículas contaminadas, escoamento turbulento, transporte de calor e massa em ambientes e deposição de partículas no trato respiratório humano) foi representado por sub-modelos. O trabalho aplica o modelo a uma situação simplificada e apresenta como resultados mais importantes, a previsão do risco de infecção da tuberculose e da influência de alguns parâmetros do problema sobre o mesmo.
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Caracterização mineralógica e química das fontes de poeira e sua influência na atmosfera da região do polo cerâmico de Santa Gertrudes (SP)Oliveira, Meyre [UNESP] 15 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-05T18:29:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2015-05-15. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-02-05T18:33:22Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
000856841.pdf: 3601344 bytes, checksum: c5a2ce8175222e56827b8e4197c9a5e4 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / As reservas de argilas illiticas aflorantes no entorno das cidades de Rio Claro e Santa Gertrudes, foram determinantes para a implantação de um Polo Mineiro Industrial especializado na fabricação de pisos e revestimentos cerâmicos que, atualmente, responde por mais de 50% da produção nacional. Simultaneamente ao acentuado crescimento dessas indústrias e das atividades de mineração correlatas, cresceram também os problemas ambientais como geração de efluentes líquidos, resíduos sólidos, gasosos e material particulado. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa estudou as composições mineralógicas e químicas dos diferentes materiais geológicos, que estão presentes nos ambientes de extração do minério, transporte, secagem e das indústrias. Os resultados analíticos obtidos a partir de amostras coletadas nesses quatro ambientes os caracterizaram como principais fontes emissoras de materiais particulados. Utilizando um amostrador sequencial (Partisol), foram coletados materiais particulados com diâmetro inferior a 10 μm, para estudos químicos e mineralógicos da atmosfera local. Esses estudos foram correlacionados com aqueles obtidos nos diferentes domínios do segmento produtivo. As técnicas analíticas utilizadas como a difração de raios X, MEV ICP-ES e ICPMS e cromatografia para caracterização mineralógica e química dos materiais geológicos, e difração a laser para determinação granulométrica, confirmaram que os teores dos elementos químicos e respectivos minerais caracterizados em ambas as situações, são correlacionáveis geneticamente. O conjunto inalável composto de elementos maiores como sílica, alumínio, ferro, titânio, potássio e elementos traços como bário, zircônio, flúor e outros caracterizados na atmosfera local, têm origem na ressuspensão de materiais sólidos como os solos, materiais cerâmicos utilizados para capear estradas e no minério durante sua extração e exposição nos pátios... / Illiticas clays reserves outcropping in the vicinity of Rio Claro and Santa Gertrudes, were instrumental in the deployment of an Industrial Mining region specialized in the manufacture of flooring and glazed ceramic tiles, which currently accounts for over 50% of national production. While the sharp growth of these industries and the related mining activities, environmental problems also increased as the generation of wastewater, solid waste, and emissions of fluorides and particulates. In this context, this research studied the mineralogical and chemical compositions of the different geological materials, which are present in the ore extraction, transport, industries, and drying environments. Analytical results from the samples was collected in the four environments that are members of ceramic parts production chain characterized them as major emission particulates. Using a sequential sampler (Partisol), MP with diameter less than 10 micrometers were collected in the atmosphere of these areas, for chemical, mineralogical studies and subsequent correlation with the results obtained in the different domains of the productive segment characterization. Analytical techniques such as Xray diffraction, MEV ICP-ES, ICP-MS, and. chromatography for mineralogical and chemical characterization of geological materials, laser diffraction for particle size determination, confirmed that the levels of minerals and their chemical elements featured in both situations are genetically correlated. The inhalable set comprising major elements such as silica, aluminum, iron, titanium, potassium and trace elements such as barium, zirconium, fluoride and other characterized in the local atmosphere originates from the pellet of solid materials such as soils, ceramic materials used for roads to cover and ore during its extraction and exposure in drying area. The presence of fluoride detected in this atmosphere is attributed to emissions of the ceramic industry, ...
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Análise espacial e temporal da precipitação, do material particulado e da radiação global em municípios paulistas / Spatial and temporal analysis of the precipitation, particulate matter and radiation in countiesCastro, Silvia Garcia de [UNESP] 27 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-13T12:10:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2015-01-27. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-07-13T12:25:42Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
000832682.pdf: 1264186 bytes, checksum: e4e811600095e72a37d804e42d4c2b04 (MD5) / Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar temporalmente e espacialmente o volume de precipitação pluviométrica, a concentração de material particulado e a radiação, bem como suas relações sobre a quantidade de radiação global terrestre disponível no período de 2011 a 2013 em alguns municípios paulistas. Os municípios da região norte e nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, Presidente Prudente, Ribeirão Preto, Araçatuba, São José do Rio Preto e Bauru, se destacam pela atividade sulcroalcoleira, enquanto Jacareí, em região de vale, e Santos, no litoral, são industrializados. Foram utilizados dados horários, diários e mensais do material particulado (MP10) e de radiação global, fornecidos pela CETESB e dados diários e mensais da espessura óptica de aerossol (EOA550), obtidos pelo satélite Terra. Os dados de radiação global obtidos da CETESB, com resolução temporal horária e mensal foram comparados aos dados e imagens fornecidos pelo satélite geoestacionário (GOES) e modelados pelo Modelo GL. O volume de precipitação permitiu inferir sobre as condições de nebulosidade e estabelecer relações entre pluviosidade e concentração de material particulado local, assim como, relacioná-los à radiação solar disponível. As variáveis complementares, uso e ocupação do solo e de queima de cana de açúcar, facilitaram a compreensão das diferenças espaciais identificadas, causadas por atividades antrópicas e fatores ambientais. A precipitação permitiu inferir as condições de nebulosidade durante o período analisado, e estabelecer relações entre pluviosidade e concentração de material particulado local, assim como, relacioná-los à radiação solar disponível. A concentração de material particulado não apresentou relevância sobre a quantidade média da radiação solar disponível no período analisado, contudo a ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / This study aimed to Evaluation of spatial and spatiotemporal analysis of precipitation, particulate matter and global solar radiation, as well as their relations on the amount of land available global radiation in the period from 2011 to 2013 in some counties. This work aims to analyze some cities where sugarcane production takes place, at the north and northeast of the State of São Paulo (Presidente Prudente, Ribeirão Preto, Araçatuba, São José do Rio Preto and Bauru), as well as industrialized cities of Jacarei and Santos, respectively in the region of valley and coastline. We used data hourly, daily and monthly particulate matter (PM10) and global radiation provided by CETESB and daily and monthly data from the aerosol optical deph (AOD550) obtained by the Terra satellite. The global radiation data obtained from CETESB, with hourly and monthly temporal resolution were compared to the data and images provided by geostationary satellite (GOES) and modeled by GL Model. The volume of precipitation allowed to infer the conditions of cloudiness and linking pluviose and concentration of the local particulate matter, as well as their relation to the available solar radiation. The additional variables, use and occupation of land and sugar cane burning, facilitated the understanding of spatial differences identified, caused by human activities and environmental factors. The precipitation also has shown the cloudy conditions during the analysis period, and linking pluviosity and concentration local particulate matter, as well as their relation to the available solar radiation. The concentration of particulate matter showed no relevance on the average amount of solar radiation available in the analyzed period, however the monthly and daily variability of the solar resource available has shown the need of further assessment of the impact of particulate matter (PM10) ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Análise da utilização de abrigos termo-higrométricos alternativos para pontos fixosValin Jr, Marcos de Oliveira 04 December 2015 (has links)
Approved for entry into archive by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2017-05-18T16:24:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DISS_2015_Marcos de Oliveira Valin Jr.pdf: 4219819 bytes, checksum: 4066786345f69d5358483ff03782449f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-18T16:24:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DISS_2015_Marcos de Oliveira Valin Jr.pdf: 4219819 bytes, checksum: 4066786345f69d5358483ff03782449f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-12-04 / A padronização dos instrumentos de coleta de dados é fundamental para a qualidade dos estudos microclimáticos. Devido a limitações financeiras e necessidades especificas, muitos sensores, abrigos e sistemas alternativos aos padrões são desenvolvidos, baseados na experiência e criatividade dos pesquisadores. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é analisar o desempenho termo-higrométrico de abrigos micrometeorológicos de diferentes materiais alternativos em coletas de dados em pontos fixos. Para tanto, a metodologia consistiu em construir cinco tipos de abrigos, instalados em campo aberto para garantir o mesmo ambiente para o estudo, e avaliados quanto ao desempenho das variáveis termo-higrométricas, a facilidade de execução, os materiais e ferramentas utilizados, e os custos envolvidos. Os resultados apontaram que os abrigos do tipo vertical e o com pote de sorvete não se demonstram eficientes para a coleta de dados em pontos fixos, principalmente se utilizados durante o dia. Quanto aos demais tipos, com pratos plásticos, tubo de pvc na horizontal e casa de madeira, se mostraram alternativas viáveis quanto ao desempenho, cabendo analisar o local onde será utilizado para definir qual deles melhor se adapta, pois o horizontal depende de já conhecer o sentido da direção do vento, o de madeira do espaço disponível devido ao seu tamanho e peso e o de pratos depende da disponibilidade de pratos plásticos na cor branca. É possível também concluir que o desempenho termo-higrométrico não está associado apenas ao material empregado, mas também à sua forma. / The standardization of data collection instruments is critical to the quality of the microclimate studies. Due to financial constraints and specific needs, many sensors, shelters and alternative systems the standards are developed, based on experience and creativity of researchers. The aim of this study is to analyse the thermo-hygrometric performance Micrometeorological shelters of different alternative materials for data collection at fixed points.There fore, the methodology is to build five types of shelters, installed in the open to ensure the same environment for the study, and evaluated the performance of variable term-hygrometric, ease of execution, materials and tools used, and costs involved.. The results showed that the shelters of the vertical type and the ice cream pot does not demonstrate efficient to collect data at fixed points, especially if used during the day. As for the other types, with plastic plates, pvc pipe horizontally and wooden house, proved to be viable alternatives for performance, fitting analyse where will be used to determine which one best fits because the horizontal depends on already know sense of wind direction, the wood of the available space due to its size and weight and the dishes depends on the availability of plastic plates in white. It is possible to also conclude that the term-hygrometric performance is not only associated to the material used, but also to its form.
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