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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fueling Petroculture: Contemporary Art from the Arabian Gulf

Aljared, Rawya 06 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Stratégies et techniques de pêche dans le Golfe persique au Néolithique (VI-IVe millénaires av. n.è.) : étude des assemblages ichtyologiques des sites néolithiques d'Akab, de Dalma et de Marawah MR11 (Emirats Arabes Unis) / Fishing strategies and techniques in the Persian Gulf during the Neolithic (6e-4e millenia BC) : study of the ichthyological assemblages of Akab, Dalma ans Marawah MR11 (United Arab Emirats)

Lidour, Kevin 21 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse intègre l'analyse inédite de plus de 80 000 restes provenant des sites néolithiques d'Akab, de Dalma et de Marawah MR11 (Emirats Arabes Unis) – occupés entrela moitié du VIe et la fin du IVe millénaire av. n. è. Les résultats dévoilent des pêcheries déjà investies dans l'exploitation d'une grande variété de milieux marins. Les poissons capturés et consommés par ces pêcheurs incluent de nombreux sargues, pagres (Sparidae), empereurs (Lethrinidae) et petites aiguilles (Belonidae) qui témoignent avant tout de l'exploitation des eaux côtières peu profondes : le long des rivages ainsi que dans les zones d'herbiers et de récif frangeant. À Akab, la pêche dans la lagune et la mangrove est également reflétée par la présence de nombreux poissons‐chats marins (Ariidae) et mulets (Mugilidae) dans l'assemblage. Les techniques impliquées dans ce type de pêche sont peu sélectives et relativement simples : la prospection des petits fonds à l'aide de senne, la pose de filets calés, voire l'utilisation de barrages à poissons. À Dalma, des nasses étaient probablement déjà employées dans les zones de récifs moyennement profondes, pour la capture de mérous en particulier (Serranidae). Les mangroves et les zones de récifs sont des environnements très productifs auprès desquels les pêcheurs pouvaient vraisemblablement se fournir en poissons et en coquillages tout au long de l'année. En l'occurrence, ceux d'Akab connaissaient et exploitaient probablement déjà les grands rassemblements de becs‐decane (Lethrinus nebulosus) près de la lagune d'Umm al‐Quwain, au printemps et à l'occasion de leur frai. L'étude du matériel d'Akab et de Dalma révèle toutefois aussi l'existence d'expéditions de pêche en mer ouverte, impliquant l'usage de bateaux. Ces expéditions sont notamment conduites à la recherche des bancs de thonines (Scombridae) voire de carangues (Carangidae). Leur pêche n'impliquait pas seulement l'emploi de lignes munies d'hameçons en nacre mais aussi celui de filets tels que des sennes tournantes. Ces filets ont également permis aux pêcheurs de Dalma de capturer de grands requins et quelques dauphins plus occasionnellement. Bien que la pêche des bancs de pélagiques soit aujourd'hui considérée comme une activité hivernale dans les pêcheries du Golfe persique, l'existence d'un climat plus humide au Néolithique, alors soumis au régime de la mousson de l'Océan Indien, invite à nuancer nos modèles de saisonnalité.Au Néolithique, la pêche était ainsi pratiquée à la fois de manière généraliste et de manière spécialisée en faisant contribuer un large panel de techniques et de savoirs écologiques aux besoins d'une économie de subsistance reposant principalement sur l'exploitation des ressources marines. / This thesis presents the results of a study of more than 80,000 fish bones from the Neolithic settlement of Akab, Dalma and Marawah MR11 (United Arab Emirates) – inhabited from the mid‐6th to the end of the 4th millennia BC. The analysis has outlined that fishing was carried out in a wide range of marine habitats.The fish taxa caught and consumed by Neolithic fishermen include seabreams (Sparidae),emperors (Lethrinidae) and small needlefish (Belonidae) indicating the exploitation of coastal shallow waters : along the seashore, the beaches, over seagrass beds and fringingreefs. At Akab, the exploitation of the lagoon and the mangrove is also indicated by the occurrence of sea catfish (Ariidae) and mullets (Mugilidae) in the bone assemblage. The fishing techniques involved in such catches are non‐selective such as small seines, set nets or coastal barrier traps. At Dalma, the installation of baited cage traps in deeper reef areas isalso suggested by the importance of large groupers (Serranidae). Mangroves and reefs a reproductive marine environments which might have provided enough fish and shellfish allyear round for Neolithic coastal communities. Akab fishermen probably already knew and exploited the spawning phenomenon of the spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus) in the vicinity of the Umm al‐Quwain lagoon.The exploitation of the open sea is documented as well at Akab and Dalma. Fishing expeditions in open sea however require the use of boats. Pelagic schools of kawakawas (little tuna ; Scombridae) and trevallies (Carangidae) were probably exploited not only withlines but also with fishing nets such as purse seines. At Dalma, large sharks and occasionally dolphins were also caught in this way. Despite that the fishing of pelagic schools is nowadays considered as a winter activity in the Persian Gulf, the existence of a wetter climate during Neolithic, affected by the Indian Ocean monsoon, leads us to temper our seasonal models. During the Neolithic, fishing was conducted both in non‐selective and specialised ways. Awide range of fishing techniques and ecological knowledges have contributed to the subsistence of coastal societies whose economies were primarily focused toward the exploitation of marine resources.

Field Ecology Patterns of High Latitude Coral Communities

Foster, Kristi A. 01 November 2011 (has links)
Some climate models predict that, within the next 30-50 years, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) will frequently exceed the current thermal tolerance of corals (Fitt et al. 2001; Hughes et al. 2003; Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2007). A potential consequence is that mass coral bleaching may take place (i) during warm El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events which are predicted to occur in some regions more frequently than the current 3-7 year periodicity (Hoegh-Guldberg 1999; Sheppard 2003) or (ii) perhaps as often as annually or biannually if corals and their symbionts are unable to acclimate to the higher SSTs (Donner et al. 2005, 2007). Global data also indicate an upward trend toward increasing frequencies, intensities, and durations of tropical hurricanes and cyclones (Emanual 2005; Webster et al. 2005). As coral communities have been shown to require at least 10-30 years to recover after a major disturbance (e.g. Connell 1997; Ninio et al. 2000; Bruno & Selig 2007; Burt et al. 2008), it is possible that future coral communities may be in a constant state of recovery, with regeneration times exceeding the periods between disturbances. Life history traits (e.g. reproduction, recruitment, growth and mortality) vary among species of hard corals; thus, gradients in community structures may have a strong influence on susceptibilities to disturbance and rates of recovery (Connell 1997; Ninio & Meekan 2002). Taxa which are more susceptible to bleaching and mechanical disturbance (e.g. tabular and branching acroporids and pocilloporids) may experience continual changes in population structure due to persistent cycles of regeneration or local extirpation, while the more resistant taxa (e.g. massive poritids and faviids) may display relatively stable population structures (Woodley et al. 1981; Hughes & Connell 1999; Baird & Hughes 2000; Marshall & Baird 2000; Loya et al. 2001; McClanahan & Maina 2003). Determining whether resistant coral taxa have predictable responses to disturbances, with consistent patterns over wide spatial scales, may improve predictions for the future affects of climate change and the composition of reefs (Done 1999; Hoegh-Guldberg 1999; McClanahan et al. 2004). The work presented in this dissertation describes the spatial and temporal patterns in community structures for high latitude coral assemblages that have experienced the types of natural disturbances which are predicted to occur in tropical reef systems with increasing frequency as a result of climate change. The primary area of focus is the southeastern Arabian Gulf, where the coral communities are exposed to natural conditions that exceed threshold limits of corals elsewhere in the world, with annual temperature ranges between 14-36°C (Kinzie 1973; Shinn 1976) and salinities above 40 ppt. Two additional regions are included in this study for comparisons of high latitude coral community structures. The northwestern Gulf of Oman is adjacent to the southeastern Arabian Gulf (i.e. the two bodies of water are connected by the Strait of Hormuz); however, the environmental conditions are milder in the Gulf of Oman such that the number of coral taxa therein is threefold that found in the southeastern Arabian Gulf (i.e. 107 coral species in the Gulf of Oman compared to 34 species in this region of the Arabian Gulf (Riegl 1999; Coles 2003; Rezai et al. 2004)). Broward County, Florida is geographically remote from the Gulfs and, therefore, serves as a benchmark for testing whether consistent patterns in community structures exist despite different climatic and anthropogenic influences. The coral communities within the southeastern Arabian Gulf, the northwestern Gulf of Oman, and Broward County, Florida have been exposed to recurrent elevated sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, sequential cyclone and red tide disturbances, and frequent hurricanes and tropical storms, respectively. These disturbances and other impacts (e.g. bleaching episodes, disease outbreaks, anthropogenic stresses) have affected the more susceptible acroporids and pocilloporids, resulting in significant losses of coral cover by these families and shifts towards massive corals as the dominant taxa. During the post-disturbance scarcity or absence of branching and tabular corals, the resistant massive taxa have become the crux of the essential hard coral habitat for fish, invertebrates and other marine organisms. Because recovery to pre-disturbance community structures may take decades or may not occur at all, it is vital that scientists and resource managers have a better understanding of the spatial and temporal ecology patterns of the corals that survive and fill in the functional gaps that are created by such disturbances. To aid in this understanding, this dissertation presents spatial and temporal patterns for the coral assemblages which have developed after the respective disturbances. Spatial ecology patterns are analyzed using graphical descriptions (e.g. taxa inventories, area cover, densities, size frequency distributions), univariate techniques (e.g. diversity indices), distributional techniques (e.g. k-dominance curves) and multivariate techniques (e.g. hierarchical clustering, multidimensional scaling). Temporal comparisons at monitoring sites within the southeastern Arabian Gulf and northwestern Gulf of Oman describe the coral population dynamics and are used to create size class transition models that project future population structures of massive corals in the recovering habitats.


Ghaleb Alomaish (8850251) 18 May 2020 (has links)
<p>This dissertation aims to create a scholarly space where a seventy-five-year-old “special relationship” (1945-2020) between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States is examined from an interdisciplinary comparativist perspective. I posit that a comparative study of Saudi and American fiction goes beyond the limitedness of global geopolitics and proves to uncover some new literary, sociocultural, and historical dimensions of this long history, while shedding some light on others. Saudi writers creatively challenge the inherently static and monolithic image of Saudi Arabia, its culture and people in the West. They also simultaneously unsettle the notion of homogeneity and enable us to gain new insight into self-perception within the local Saudi context by offering a wide scope of genuine engagements with distinctive themes ranging from spatiality, identity, ethnicity, and gender to slavery, religiosity and (post)modernity. On the other side, American authors still show some signs of ambivalence towards the depiction of the Saudi (Muslim/Arab) Other, but they nonetheless also demonstrate serious effort to emancipate their representations from the confining legacy of (neo)Orientalist discourse and oil politics by tackling the concepts of race, alterity, hegemony, radicalism, nomadism and (un)belonging.</p>

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