Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arbeid"" "subject:"aerbeid""
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Voor recht en vrijheid : de Partij van de Arbeid en de Koude Oorlog 1946-1958 /Rovers, Frits, January 1994 (has links)
Proefschrift--Utrecht--Universiteit, 1994. / Bibliogr. p. [337]-349. Index. Résumé en anglais.
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Ingelijst werk de verbeelding van arbeid en beroep in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden /Vries, Annette de, January 2003 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Met lit. opg. - Met samenvatting in het Engels.
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The economics of unpaid work /Bruyn-Hundt, Marga, January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, Maastricht, 1996. / Errata slip (1 p.) inserted. Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-208) and index.
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De servorum graecorum nominibus. Capita duo.Copalle, Sigifred, January 1908 (has links)
Inaug.-Diss.--Marburg. / Cover-title. Vita.
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Die effektiewe regulering van kinderarbeid (Afrikaans)Kinnear, Lichel 28 May 2013 (has links)
Every year millions of children worldwide are forced into the labour pool. More than half of these children are involved in some of the worst forms of child labour, which include slavery, work under hazardous conditions and illegal activities such as drug trafficking and prostitution. Children involved in child labour are usually deprived of access to basics such as proper nutrition, adequate shelter, education, basic hygiene and healthcare, and recreation. Due to the increase in poverty across the world, the vulnerability of children in child labour, and their need for income to survive in a poverty-stricken environment, these children simply cannot escape from the exploitative practices and worst forms of labour. Despite the dangers associated with child labour, not all forms of work done by children are hazardous to them. The income earned by children in this way contributes substantially to their own survival and that of their families. Work can also help children acquire certain skills, which can contribute to their development. This dissertation investigates, in the light of the current socio-economic circumstances of South Africa, the possibility to allow children to work for their survival and simultaneously to protect them through regulatory measures from exploitative labour practices and the worst forms of child labour. The dissertation starts with a general overview of child labour, including the historical development of the regulation of child labour, problems encountered in defining child labour, advantages and disadvantages of child labour as well as the various current perspectives and approaches to child labour. Special attention is given to the importance of education and the current problems experienced in the education system (which needs to be adjusted for child labourers) as well as the situation regarding girls in the labour market. An exploration of the international legal framework applicable to child labour is coupled with a description of the current international conventions as well as international initiatives, which mainly seek to eliminate child labour. Emphasis is placed on the most important conventions that have a direct impact on child labour: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Labour Organisation's conventions and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. Subsequently, the dissertation canvasses the approach to child labour in South Africa with an overview of the nature and extent of child labour in South Africa and an exploration of the nexus between international law and South African national law. The author expounds in detail on the current South African national legal framework applicable to children and child labour, as well as the variety of South-African programmes that seek to effectively regulate child labour. By way of comparison, the author investigates the approach to child labour in India, exploring the socio-economic and political circumstances as well as the extent of child labour in India, as also the federal law and child labour programmes that regulate child labour in India. India’s approach to child labour is compared with that of South Africa to gauge how the two differ and what South-Africa can adopt from India. The dissertation critically evaluates the South African approach to child labour and offers proposals to address the challenges in limiting, if not eradicating, the worst forms of child labour and its exploitative practices in South Africa. The author reviews and evaluates the measures and programmes implemented in India, with a view to improve the position of children involved in child labour in South Africa. The author closes by critically analysing the hypothesis posed at the outset of this study: that a judicious acceptance of child labour (excluding its worst forms), when considered in the context of its proper and effective regulation through legislation and enforcement, is the best approach to combat the perils associated with child labour in South Africa. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Private Law / unrestricted
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Mobbing i barnehagen ; innvirkning av samfunnsstrukturenes støttefunksjon og ansattes bruk av begrepet mobbing. : En kvalitativ studie i et folkehelseperspektiv. / Bullying in childcare centers. : A qualitative study in from the viewpoint of public healthKjevik, Gry January 2014 (has links)
Hensikten med denne studien er å få mer kunnskaputifra et folkehelseperspektiv, om hvordan forståelsen og bruken av fenomenet mobbing, kan påvirke hvordan barnet opplever trivsel i barnehagen. Metode: I arbeidet ble fenomenografi brukt som tilnærmingsmetode, samt triangulering og emergent design. Pedagoger fra to barnehager, utvalgt på bakgrunn av ulik deltagelse i kurs i forhold til fenomenet, ble intervjuet med semistrukturel intervju guide. Dokumenter angående mobbeforebyggende arbeid ble analysert. En pedagogisk mobbeforebyggende undervisningstime for fire og femåringer ble observert. Ansatte innen statlige, fylkesmannsetaten og kommunale avdelinger, med legal, kontrollerende eller støttende mandat ble oppsporet og intervjuet angående deres mandat og rolle i det mobbeforebyggende arbeid forbarnehage. Resultat: Ansvaret for mobbeforebyggende arbeid funnet å væreopp til barnehagelederes egetiniativ. I forhold til folkehelsearbeid på systemnivåer fremkom det et svakt lovmessig mandat for at statlig, fylkesmannsetaten og kommunalt nivå skalkunne kontrolere og forebygge mobbing i barnehagen. Alle tre eksterne nivå hadde struktur for å distribuere oppdatert informasjonangående mobbeforebygging til barnehagene. Innhenting av informasjon var opp til den individuelle barnehage.Bruk av mobbebegrepet i barnehagemiljøet gav emosjonell respons angående aksept av mobbing. Ulik aksept gaulik bruk av begrepet. Dette påvirket innhentingen av tilrettelagt mobbeforebyggende informasjon og utvikling av barnehagens policy. Bruk av ulike definisjoner av mobbebegrepet ga rom for varierte tolkninger av episodermed hensyn til psykososial adferd blandt barna. Konklusjonen: Den svake lovhjemmel for kontroll fra stat, fylkesmann og kommune av barnehagens psykososiale miljø medfører at barnehagen og dens stab emosjonelle tolkning av mobbing blir grunleggende for mobbeforbygging i teoriog praksis. Derved blir det opptil foreldrene å sjekke ut det forebyggende mobbearbeid i den enkelte barnehagen. / Aim: This study aimed to explore how the use and understanding of bullying can influence a child’s ability to thrivein the psychosocial milieu of childcare centers. Method: This study used a phenomenographic approach, including triangulation and emergent design. Usinga semi-structured interview guide, we interviewed staff membersat two childcare centerswith different attendancerates, who had attended prior information sessions regarding the phenomenon.We analyzed documents regarding anti-bullyingpolicies and observed a pedagogic anti-bullyingprogram session for 4-and 5-year-old children. We also identified and interviewed personnel at different external department levels, all havinga legislative, controlling, or supporting mandate for anti-bullyingpolicies, regarding their role in creating a safe psychosocial milieu in childcare. Result: Regarding public health, data analyses revealed a weak legislative mandate at the external state level. Consequently, weak mandates for legislative and control at the county and council levels hindered enforcement ofa safe psychosocial milieu for children in childcare facilities. All three governmental levels distributed positive, encouraging, and updated information to each childcare center, but application of information occurred only at the initiative of each center. The use of bullying terminology in the childcare facility generated an emotional response, resulting in different levels of acceptance and different use of terminology describing bulling. This influenced the center’s use of governmental information and the creation of their own anti-bulling policy. Utilization of different terminology allowed varied interpretations of incidents regarding psychosocial behavior among the children. Conclusions: Weak legislative control regarding governmental enforcement of children’s right to a safe psychosocial milieu leaves the development and utilization of anti-bullying policies in the hands of individual childcare centers. Presently, parents must check each childcare center regarding anti-bullyingpolicy. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-96-6</p>
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Public Health and Dementia - with focus on access to societyJohannessen, Aud January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to learn more about how to contribute to improving the daily lives of persons with dementia and those of their carers, and to increase these people’s participation in society. Methods: The thesis comprises four studies carried out between2003and2011. Study Iwas based on qualitative interviews with 20 persons with early-onset dementia living in the Southern Norway. Study II was a qualitative study with interviews of 19 support contacts,from the Southern Norway. Study III was also based on interviews, in this study with 35 administrators in local authorities, from 32 Norwegian rural and urban local authorities.Study IV was an evaluation study of an intervention for carers of people with dementia and datawere obtained in three steps; (1) a self-derived questionnaires with space for comments, completed by 45 carers after the intervention and 12 months after the starting point of the intervention; (2) interviews with 13 carers 12 months after the starting point of the intervention and analysed together with the comments from the evaluation questionnaires; and (3) a new intervention for carers of younger persons with dementia was developed based onthe findings from the two first steps. The new intervention was evaluated with a self-report questionnaire completed by the carers with space for comments based on the findings from the two first steps. The questionnaire was completed by 48 carers after the new intervention and 12 months after the starting point of this intervention. Main findings: StudyI describes how people with dementia experience living with dementia, their experiences of the process towards a dementia diagnosisand their descriptions of how they try to maintain their “quality of life”. Study II describes how support contacts perceive their work in dementia care. The study also shows the support contacts’motives for becoming a support contact and their encouraging and discouraging experiences while being a support contact. Furthermore, Study III describes the variation in the process that leads or does not lead to the use of support contacts as a service offered to families with dementia. The administrators’ skills, the accessibilityand management of the service are factorsthat influence this process of offering families with dementia a support contact.Study IV showsthat carers rated the original intervention as beingbeneficial for them,a benefit that remained. These findingscorrespondwith the findings from the interviews. Study IV also shows that the carers of younger persons with dementia benefited from the new intervention aimed at carers of younger people with dementia, a benefit that remained. The carershad valuable proposals for further interventions. Conclusion: This thesis shows us that the opinions of these families, their supporters and those of other health personnel should not be overlooked when developing services in order to facilitate the provision of the chance to participate in society to families with dementia / Mål: Hovedmålet med denne avhandlingen er å få mer kunnskaper om hvordan man kan legge til rette for å bedre hverdagen tilpersoner med demens og deres pårørende,samthvordan man kan bidra til å øke deres muligheter til deltagelse i samfunnet. Metode: Avhandlingen består av fire studier som ble gjennomført i tidsrommet 2003-2011. Studie Ivar basert på kvalitative intervjuer med 20 personer som hadde fått diagnosen demens før de fylte 65 år, som kom fra Sør-Norge. Studie II var en kvalitativ studie hvor 19 støttekontakter ble intervjuet,også disse ble inkludert fraSør-Norge.StudieIII baserte segpå intervjuer, hvor 35 ledere fra 32 norske kommunerble inkludert. Disse kommunenerepresenterte store og små byer og bygder.Studie IV var en intervensjonsstudie for pårørende til personer med demens, og data var innhentet gjennom tre steg; (1) et selvutfyllende spørreskjema med plass til kommentarer, som ble fylt ut av 45 pårørende etter intervensjonen og 12 måneder etter oppstart av intervensjonen; (2) intervjuer av 13 pårørende 12 måneder etter oppstart av intervensjonen,og analysert sammen med kommentarer fra spørreskjemaene; og(3) basert på funnene ide to første stegene ble en nyintervensjonfor pårørende til yngre personer med demens(< 65 år) utviklet. Evalueringsskjemaene til denne nye intervensjonen ble utviklet på bakgrunn av funn fra de to første stegene i Studie IV. Skjemaene blefylt ut av 47 pårørende etterintervensjonen og 12 måneder etter oppstartav intervensjonen.Disse skjemaene hadde også plass til kommentarer. Hovedfunn: Studie I beskriverhvordan mennesker med demens opplever å leve med demens og deres erfaringer knyttet til prosess som leder til å få stillet en demens diagnosen. Studien viserogsåhvordan de forsøker å opprettholde livskvalitet i det daglige. Studie II beskriver hvordan støttekontakter opplever deres arbeidsoppgaver i demensomsorgen. Studien viserogså støttekontaktenes motiver for å bli støttekontakt, og motiverendeog demotiverende erfaringer knyttet til det å være støttekontakt.Studie III beskrivervariasjonen i prosessen som leder til eller ikke leder til at støttekontakt tjenesten blir tildelt familier med demens. Lederes kunnskaper, organisering avkommunene og tilgjengelighet av tjenesten er variasjoner som påvirker tildelingen av en støttekontakt.Studie IV viser at pårørende hadde nytte av den opprinnelige intervensjonenogeffekten forble. Disse funn samsvarermed funn fra intervjuene med pårørende. Studien viser også at den nye intervensjonen for pårørende til yngre personer med demens var nyttig for disse pårørende og denne effekten forble. Pårørende forbedret intervensjonene og de hadde verdifulle forslag til videre utvikling av intervensjonene. Konklusjon: Denne avhandlingen viser at disse familiene, støttekontaktene og annet helsepersonells meninger ikke må bli oversett når en skalutvikle tjenestetilbud og tilrettelegge tjenester slik at det er mulig for familier med demens å delta i samfunne
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Tussen wens en werkelijkheid het debat over vrede en veiligheid binnen de PvdA in de periode 1958-1977 /Zuijdam, Fransiscus Ambrosius, January 2001 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. / Lit. opg.: p. [433]-455. - Met samenvatting in het Engels.
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Op hoop van vrijheid van slavensamenleving naar Creoolse gemeenschap in Suriname, 1830-1880 /Klinkers, Ellen, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, 1997. / Cover title. Errata slip laid in. Includes bibliographical references (p. [207]-220) and index.
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Servus index Sklavenverhör und Sklavenanzeige im republikanischen und kaiserzeitlichen Rom /Schumacher, Leonhard. January 1982 (has links)
Habilitationsschrift--Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Wintersemester 1981/82. / Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references (p. [216]-225).
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