Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arbeid"" "subject:"aerbeid""
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The alignment of social and labour plan (SLP) commitments with municipal integrated development plans (IDPs) / Jacob Thobatsi ThobatsiThobatsi, Jacob Thobatsi January 2014 (has links)
According to s 23, 24 & 25 of the MPRDA, mining companies must submit a Social and
Labour Plan (SLP) when applying for mining rights, and the local economic development
(LED) of the SLP must be aligned with the local and district municipality Integrated
Development Plan (IDP). The alignment between the SLP and IDP local economic
development initiatives provides a platform for investment opportunity, economic growth,
poverty reduction and infrastructure development (ICMM, 2006). The main objective of this
research was to determine the extent to which the mining SLPs are aligned with municipal
IDPs. The research was conducted using a qualitative method for three case studies, a
literature review, a documents review (of the SLPs and IDPs), questionnaires and interviews.
The mining industry charter gives mining companies targets for the development of local
communities through their SLPs. The King reports on corporate governance also give the
industry ways to report on corporate social responsibility and sustainability. The local
government Municipal Systems Act governs the development of local communities through
the development of IDPs as per s 29.There are also debates on the increase of local
beneficiation by mining companies, thereby creating jobs and accessing incentives in the
form of royalty payments and tax relief. In addition there is a growing demand for a portion of
such royalties and taxes to be paid directly into the municipalities to improve the LED and
infrastructure challenges. The main challenge with alignment is how mining companies deal
with related community grievances and risks, capacity constraints at local government and
the DMR, poor stakeholder engagement and the backlog of service delivery. Overall, in the
three case studies the KPIs were generally aligned (criteria B) with the municipal IDPs, which
indicates that there is a general compliance with the DMR regulations and guidelines. The
SLPs, socio-economic background and key economic activities were aligned (criteria A) with
the IDPs, while projects and programmes were also generally aligned (criteria B). The
negative social impacts were just aligned (criteria C) with the IDPs while no KPI was found to
be not aligned (criteria D) with IDP. Some of the initiatives to improve the positive social
impacts were the continuous Social Impact Assessment (SIA) throughout the life of mine.
Most importantly the research identified that there is a need to improve capacity in local
government for dealing with local economic development as this will also aid/improve the
alignment of IDPs and SLPs. / M Environmental Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The alignment of social and labour plan (SLP) commitments with municipal integrated development plans (IDPs) / Jacob Thobatsi ThobatsiThobatsi, Jacob Thobatsi January 2014 (has links)
According to s 23, 24 & 25 of the MPRDA, mining companies must submit a Social and
Labour Plan (SLP) when applying for mining rights, and the local economic development
(LED) of the SLP must be aligned with the local and district municipality Integrated
Development Plan (IDP). The alignment between the SLP and IDP local economic
development initiatives provides a platform for investment opportunity, economic growth,
poverty reduction and infrastructure development (ICMM, 2006). The main objective of this
research was to determine the extent to which the mining SLPs are aligned with municipal
IDPs. The research was conducted using a qualitative method for three case studies, a
literature review, a documents review (of the SLPs and IDPs), questionnaires and interviews.
The mining industry charter gives mining companies targets for the development of local
communities through their SLPs. The King reports on corporate governance also give the
industry ways to report on corporate social responsibility and sustainability. The local
government Municipal Systems Act governs the development of local communities through
the development of IDPs as per s 29.There are also debates on the increase of local
beneficiation by mining companies, thereby creating jobs and accessing incentives in the
form of royalty payments and tax relief. In addition there is a growing demand for a portion of
such royalties and taxes to be paid directly into the municipalities to improve the LED and
infrastructure challenges. The main challenge with alignment is how mining companies deal
with related community grievances and risks, capacity constraints at local government and
the DMR, poor stakeholder engagement and the backlog of service delivery. Overall, in the
three case studies the KPIs were generally aligned (criteria B) with the municipal IDPs, which
indicates that there is a general compliance with the DMR regulations and guidelines. The
SLPs, socio-economic background and key economic activities were aligned (criteria A) with
the IDPs, while projects and programmes were also generally aligned (criteria B). The
negative social impacts were just aligned (criteria C) with the IDPs while no KPI was found to
be not aligned (criteria D) with IDP. Some of the initiatives to improve the positive social
impacts were the continuous Social Impact Assessment (SIA) throughout the life of mine.
Most importantly the research identified that there is a need to improve capacity in local
government for dealing with local economic development as this will also aid/improve the
alignment of IDPs and SLPs. / M Environmental Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Fortellinger om forandring : En narrativ studie av planlagt organisasjonsendring i et norsk finanskonsern / Stories about change : A narrative study on planned organizational change in a norwegian finance corporationAmundsen, Oscar January 2003 (has links)
<p>Utgangspunktet for denne avhandlingen er at folk deler kunnskap og erfaring gjennom å fortelle historier til hverandre. Kjernematerialet i avhandlingen består av samtaler / dybdeintervjuer med utvalgte ansatte og ledere på ulike nivåer i finanskonsernet Gjensidige NORs organisasjon. De fortellingene det fokuseres på handler om gjennomføring av planlagte endringer i organisasjonen.</p><p>Resultatene i avhandlingen handler om at de konkrete erfaringene spres og gir opphav til kollektive fortolknings-rammer for hvordan en forstår endringsprosesser. Slik viser avhandlingen hvordan endringsprosessene fra fortida gir grunnlag for folks forventninger og handlinger i forhold til nye endringer som skal gjennomføres. </p><p>En av konklusjonene i arbeidet er at det vil være en fordel å ta i bruk mer av den kunnskapen som organisasjons-medlemmene besitter om endringsarbeid. Dette handler bl.a. om å lære av erfaring. En bredere kunnskapsinnhenting og involvering vil dessuten forankre prosesser og beslutninger (gi eierskap) – på en måte som øker muligheten for at gjennomføringen av endringsprosjekter lykkes. </p>
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Fortellinger om forandring : En narrativ studie av planlagt organisasjonsendring i et norsk finanskonsern / Stories about change : A narrative study on planned organizational change in a norwegian finance corporationAmundsen, Oscar January 2003 (has links)
Utgangspunktet for denne avhandlingen er at folk deler kunnskap og erfaring gjennom å fortelle historier til hverandre. Kjernematerialet i avhandlingen består av samtaler / dybdeintervjuer med utvalgte ansatte og ledere på ulike nivåer i finanskonsernet Gjensidige NORs organisasjon. De fortellingene det fokuseres på handler om gjennomføring av planlagte endringer i organisasjonen. Resultatene i avhandlingen handler om at de konkrete erfaringene spres og gir opphav til kollektive fortolknings-rammer for hvordan en forstår endringsprosesser. Slik viser avhandlingen hvordan endringsprosessene fra fortida gir grunnlag for folks forventninger og handlinger i forhold til nye endringer som skal gjennomføres. En av konklusjonene i arbeidet er at det vil være en fordel å ta i bruk mer av den kunnskapen som organisasjons-medlemmene besitter om endringsarbeid. Dette handler bl.a. om å lære av erfaring. En bredere kunnskapsinnhenting og involvering vil dessuten forankre prosesser og beslutninger (gi eierskap) – på en måte som øker muligheten for at gjennomføringen av endringsprosjekter lykkes.
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Skolehelsetjenestens arbeid med kosthold og fysisk aktivitet for å forebygge overvekt hos barn og unge / Promoting health and preventing overweight among children and adolescents : the school health service’s approach to diet and physical activities.Gram, Kristine January 2010 (has links)
Overvekt er et voksende folkehelseproblem blant barn og unge. Andelen overvektige barn utgjør mellom 15-20% av barnepopulasjonen i de nordiske landene. Fysisk aktivitet og kosthold er viktige innsatsområder for å snu denne trenden. Skolehelsetjenesten har en unik mulighet til å arbeide med dette inn i skolen. Mangel på tid og tilgjengelighet har vist seg å være den viktigste barrieren for å samarbeide med skolene om helsefremmende aktiviteter. Hensikten med dette studiet har vært å undersøke hvordan helsesøster i skolehelsetjenesten i Oslo opplever sin rolle, sine muligheter og begrensninger for å forebygge overvekt gjennom å fremme fysisk aktivitet og et sunt kosthold for barn og unge. Studien bygger på teori om helsefremmende arbeid, empowerment, salutogenese og samarbeid. Det er gjennomført kvalitative intervju med ni skolehelsesøstere i ulike bydeler i Oslo kommune. Materialet er analysert ved hjelp av Graneheims innholdsanalyse. Resultatene viser at opplevelsen av egen rolle samsvarte med opplevelsen av problemet på egen skole, og at dette hang sammen med sosiodemografiske faktorer. Det var ulik praksis på om dette arbeidet ble prioritert i de ulike bydelene. En årsplan med felles mål og innsatsområder var viktig for å sette disse tiltakene på dagsorden for den enkelte helsesøster. Mangel på tid var den viktigste årsaken til at dette arbeidet ble prioritert bort til fordel for andre oppgaver som er bedre spesifisert i ”Anbefalt program for skolehelsetjenesten 5-20 år”. Tverrfaglighet, spesielt med fysioterapeut fremsto som viktig fordi det å kunne dele på oppgaver ut fra kompetanse styrket kvaliteten i arbeidet, og fordi man hadde mulighet til å fordele oppgaver og derfor fikk tid til mer. Et godt samarbeid med skolens ledelse og forankring i skolen blant annet ved god tilgjengelighet av helsetjenesten og felles årsplanlegging var nødvendig for å kunne jobbe med tiltak på systemnivå. Vekt ble opplevd som et sensitivt tema, og flere av informantene i denne undersøkelsen hadde vanskelig med å finne en innfallsvinkel for de overvektige elevene. Nye nasjonale retningslinjer for vekt og høyde kan eliminere dette problemet i tillegg til å sikre viktige epidemiologiske data. / Since overweight currently affects 15-20% of all children in Nordic countries, overweight represents a growing public health problem among children and adolescents. Physical activity and healthy diet are important target areas for reversing this developing trend. Although school health services are uniquely positioned to address overweight within the school environment, time and availability present important barriers between schools and school health services. The purpose of this study was to explore how school health nurses in the Oslo area experience their roles, possibilities and limitations in preventing overweight by encouraging physical activity and healthy diet in children and adolescents. The present study is based on theories about health promotion, empowerment, salutogenesis and cooperation.We conducted qualitative interviews with nine school health nurses in different districts in the Oslo area and analyzed their response using the Graneheim method of content analysis. The results show that personal experience correlated with the level of the problem at the corresponding school. Both factors also related to socio-demographical factors. All participants viewed weight as a sensitive issue, and several encountered difficulty in identifying an approach toward overweight pupils. Different districts placed different priorities on preventing overweight. A year-plan that includes mutual goals and target areas figures importantly in adding these issues to the agenda of individual school health nurses. Lack of time was the foremost reason for sacrificing this work for other tasks specified in the “Recommended Program for School Health Services 5-20 yrs”. Since sharing tasks from different competencies strengthens work quality and since the opportunity to distribute tasks gives the individual more time, an interdisciplinary cooperation is particularly important with physiotherapists. We determined that adequate cooperation with the among school management and school based activities, among others with sufficient availability of health services and a coordinated year-planning, was necessary for shaping action-programs at a system level. Focus on weight and height was perceived as a sensitive topic and more informants in this study had difficulties finding an appropriate approach to overweight pupils. New national guidelines for weight / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-97-9</p>
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Leger som folkehelsearbeidere, praksisendring mot et helsefremmende perspektiv? : En studie med fenomenografisk tilnærming / General practitioners (GPs) as public health workers: modifying practice toward health promotion perspectives? : A phenomenographic study.Storebakken, Jørgen January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrunn: I senere år har det blitt en økende oppmerksomhet på forebygging av sykdom gjennom helsefremmende tiltak i forhold til livsstilsendring. Allmennprakitiserende leger er viktige samarbeidspartnere. Studier viser at en relativt liten del av befolkningen mottar slik rådgivning. Mål: Studiet hadde til hensikt å beskrive de ulike erfaringene allmennpraktiserende leger med å arbeide som folkehelsearbeidere med et helsefremmende perspektiv med fokus på livsstilsintervensjon. Metode: Studiet benyttet en kvalitativ og fenomenografisk tilnærming for innsamling og analyse av data. 26 allmennpraktikere ble strategisk valgt (kjønn, alder, arbeidserfaring, kommunestørrelse). Data innsamlet i 2007 fra seks fokusgrupper med utgangspunkt temaene livsstilsendring, motivasjon, pasienterfaringer og legenes egne erfaringer på området. Resultat: Tre deskreptive kategorier framkom; (A) Dramatisk inngripen, (B) En travel hverdag og (C) Det gylne øyeblikk med to respektive fire underkategorier. I kategorien A fremkom det at allmennlegene oppfattet livsstilsintervensjon som et vanskelig område å diskutere med pasienten, og var opptatt av maktrelasjonen i forhold til pasienten. Mange av dem oppga usikkerhet i forhold til en slik oppgave. I kategori B beskrev legene utenforliggende årsaker som de oppfattet begrenset intervensjon i forhold til levevaner. I kategori C beskrev legene hvordan de griper fatt i de gode situasjonene for intervensjon. Gjennom en syntese av resultatene foreslås en modell for praksisendring. Konklusjon: Den norske fastlegeordningen skaper et ”kjøper/selger forhold” mellom lege og pasient, noe som uheldigvis kan bidra til uklare maktrelasjoner. Mange av legene i studiet manglet kunnskap om folkehelse og helsefremmende perspektiv i sitt daglige arbeid. Modellen som beskrives, fokuserer på synergieffekten mellom behovet for å avgjøre hvilken prosess som reelt resulterer i helsefremmende arbeidet og en identifisering av de prosesser som legene annerkjenner som ”gylne øyeblikk”. Modellen kan benyttes som en diskusjon i nye fokusgruppediskusjoner med mål, å endre praksis mot et mer helsefremmende perspektiv. / Background: In recent years attention have increased on disease prevention and health promotion through lifestyle intervention. General practitioners (GPs) are important partners in this effort. Different studies indicate that relatively few GP-patient-populations receive this type of advice. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe GPs various experiences of working within the field of public health and especially from a health promotion perspective with focus on life style interventions Methods: The study used a qualitative and phenomenographic approach to collecting and analyzing data. Twenty six GPs were strategically selected (gender, age, work experience, sizes of communities). Data was collected in 2007 from six focus group developed on the basis of lifestyle changes, motivation, patient experiences, and GPs’ own experience with these subjects. Findings: Three categories emerged: (A) Dramatic intervention, (B) Busy workday, and (C) The golden moment. In category A, the GPs describe how they experience lifestyle intervention as a difficult theme to discuss with their patients. They were concerned about the risk of disrupting the balance imbalance of power, thereby depreciating the patients. In category B, the GPs describe ulterior causes for limitations in intervention-strategy towards lifestyle changes. Category C describes how GPs seize the opportunity provided by optimal moments for intervention. Synthesizing the focus group results yielded a model for modifying current health promotion practice. Conclusion: The Norwegian medical system uses a listing system to assign patients to a specific physician, a practice that gives the doctor/patient relationship an element of “purchase and sale” that unfortunately may influence the balance of power between GP and patient. Most GPs lacked sufficient knowledge of public health and health promotion in their daily work. The model described in this thesis focuses on the synergistic effects between the need to determine which processes actually result in health promotion and further identifying those processes GP recognizes as “Golden moment.” The model described here can be used as a point of departure for new focus group discussions aiming to modify medical practice towards health promotion perspectives. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-81-8</p>
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Nødvendigheten av fronetisk handlingskompetanse i sosialt arbeid / The necessity of phronetic competance in social workØvrelid, Bjarne January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study has partly been to explore how social work students develop their conception of relevant competence during their bachelor education. This part of the study is based on qualitative interviews with a sample of twelve students from Lillehammer University College interviewed individually focusing on the relationship between theory and practice, competence learned at the university and college and in practice placement and on the personal aspect of professional action. The most significant research finding was the ways in which the students changed their view on relevance after a period of practice placement during the second year of the bachelor program. The students consider competence experienced in practice placement as the "real thing" and competence learned in college as a secondary, but necessary competence for passing the final exam. Competence learned in practice placement was taken for granted and critical reflection on knowledge systems, practices and the relationship between welfare politics and professional action was outside the limits of what the students deemed relevant competence. From these research findings and interpretations I derived new research questions which I have investigated in five articles. Article 1 scrutinizes the strong impact of practice placement, article 2 explores the purpose of ethics in a context where social work tries to mediate between social control and users participation, article 3 is concerned with the necessity of moral competence in order to make good judgements in the application of the mandate given from the welfare state, article 4 asks to what extent the concept of empowerment requires certain techniques of intervention in order to make conform clients to conventional ways of living, while article 5 explores the potentials in Buddhism applied to relevant social work issues. The articles are situated in three different theoretical traditions. I use the traditions partly to challenge core elements within the traditions themselves, partly to challenge conventional viewpoints concerning competences in social work like arguments in favour of scientific knowledge because it contributes to the elevation of the status of social workers The first one draws on the tradition from situated learning and explores learning as participation in two different contexts (college and workplace). I challenge the notion that development of competence is about negotiations between contexts. I contend that the institutionalised practices in social work have a very disciplinary impact on the concept of relevant competence which is rather underestimated by our educational system. Article 2, 3 and 4 profit from Michel Foucault's governmentality-concept. His perspective on the ways in which the population in modern societies is governed. is used to explore how the welfare state uses its professions to combine social control with freedom and self-governing. In my interpretation, ethics is a part of a soft and subtle intervention strategy to transform social and structural issues to individual troubles and make clients cooperative and responsible. I also contend that the mandate given to social workers requires good judgement in their application of individualized strategies which actualize their phronetic competence. I also interpret empowerment as a strategy for intervention that makes clients conform to conventional ideals in society. This interpretation challenges the notion of empowerment as liberation strategy defined by the clients themselves. Article 5 is entirely devoted to the question of moral character, drawing heavily on core values from Buddhism. Buddhism is used to identify and suggest ways to overcome ego-related problems which are frequently occurring in social work (such as the problem of "burn-out" and the ways bureaucratic distance is used as a shield against demanding clients). I also suggest that Buddhism can be used as a strategy for promoting personal social engagement in social work. My empirical study as well as my articles identifies "phronetic competences" in social work as the most important ones. This concept is derived from the aristotelian "phronesis" meaning personal, experienced-based competence for making morally right judgements according to particular situations. I argue that phronetic competence is highly relevant because it includes capacities for actualizing moral aspects of a situation, critical analytical reflection and for scrutinizing knowledge systems, practices and impacts of welfare goals which tend to be taken for granted. I contend that the education of social workers must make a stronger effort to facilitate phronetic competences among social work students to prevent social work from being reduced to technical skills and social engineering.
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Willem Drees, de SDAP en de PvdA /Brinkman, Maarten, January 1998 (has links)
Proefschrift--Letteren--Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, 1998. / Résumé en anglais. Bibliogr. p. 343-348. Index.
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Emosjonelt arbeid i offentlighetens tjeneste : En kvalitativ studie av politiets emosjonelle arbeid / Emotional Labor in Public Service : A qualitative study of the police’s emotional laborBru, Linn Sunniva, Nilsson, Therese January 2011 (has links)
A police officer may be subject to anumber of complex situationsand stresses intheir everyday work in which different emotionsmay occur, and whereemotional labour is necessary. Our intent of the study isto increase understanding of the emotional partof the police work. How the police areexperiencing an emotional preparation for work,experiencing the feelings that occur in work,and how emotions are processed. Wewill also see howthe police handlethe transmutation from their private feelings anddeal with the waythey express the emotional expressions that the colleagues and thepublic expect to see in different situations. We will see how theyhandle the transmutation from public feelings toprivate feelings again.The intention of the study is also to see if thereare organizational conditions that cansimplify the emotional labour of a police,and identify the conditions. We haveconducted seven qualitativeinterviews. By means of thecollected empirical and the theoretical basewe will analyze the emotional labour of a police, and analyze the factors that may affect the emotionallabour.The analysis describes the presence of individual factors, social support and organizational factorsthat can affectthe emotional workof a police. We illustratethe emotional workof a police with thehelp of a model that shows the relationship between different the factors. / Politietkan bli utsatt for en rekke komplekse og påkjennende situasjoner i sinarbeidshverdag hvor ulike følelser kan oppstå, og der et emosjonelt arbeid blirnødvendig. Vårt formål med studiet er å øke forståelsen for denemosjonelle delen i politiets arbeid. Hvordan politiet opplever forberedelsentil et emosjonelt arbeid, opplever følelsene som oppstår i arbeidet, samthvordan følelsene bearbeides. Vi vil også se hvordan politiet handtererovergangen fra sine private følelser, og handterer de slik at de viser defølelsesutrykk som kollegaer og allmennheten forventer seg å se i ulikesituasjoner. Vi vil også se hvordan overgangen handteres fra de offentligefølelsene til private igjen. Studiets formål er å se om det finnesorganisatoriske forutsetninger som kan forenkle det emosjonelle arbeidet til politiet,og hvordan disse ser ut. Vi har gjennomført syv kvalitative intervjuer. Med hjelp av den innsamledeempirien og studiets teoretiske utgangspunkt analyserer vi politietsemosjonelle arbeid, og faktorer som kan påvirke det emosjonelle arbeidet. Analysen beskriver at det finnesindividuelle faktorer, sosial støtte og organisatoriske faktorer som kanpåvirke det emosjonelle arbeidet til politiet. Vi illustrerer det emosjonellearbeidet til politiet med hjelp av en egen modell som viser sammenhengen mellomde ulike faktorene.
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Faktorer som bidrar til fortsatt fysisk aktivitet etter deltagelse i Frisklivssentral. : En kvalitativ studie. / Factors that contribute to continued physical activity following participation at Frisklivssentral (activity by prescription). : A qualitative studyUlvik Hauge, Hilde Christine January 2014 (has links)
Hensikt Studiens hensikt varå kartlegge ulike faktorer som kan bidra til å fortsette med fysisk aktivitet etter en intervensjon i frisklivssentral, sett fra brukernes ståsted. Metode Datainnsamlingen bleforetatt gjennom fem fokusgruppeintervjuer med til sammen 23 deltagere. Personer som hadde deltatti frisklivssentral med frisklivsresept for ett til fire år siden, og hadde fortsatt med regelmessig trening i etterkant, varde som kunne deltai studien. Kvalitativ analyse med en fenomenografisk tilnærmingble benyttet. Resultat Analysen resulterte i tre beskrivelseskategorier: (i) Frisklivsresept er et virksomt helsetilbud, ( ii) Treningsgrupper og treningsmuligheter i nærmiljøet skaper motivasjon, (iii) Trening gir mestring og helsegevnint som fører til varige treningsrutiner Konklusjon Frisklivsresept i regi av frisklivssentral er et helsetilbud som kan bidra til at deltakerne utvikler kunnskap, ferdigheter og kompetanse til å fortsette med fysisk aktivitet etter reseptperioden. Treningsgrupper med egnet trening og aktiviteter, arrangementer og aktivitetsarenaer i nærmiljøet motiverer til fysisk aktivitet. Opplevelse av mestring av fysisk aktivitet, samt å erfare helsegevinst som bedret fysisk form, økt kapasitet og psykisk velvære motiverer til å fortsette med fysisk aktivitet etter en periode i frisklivssentralen / Aim This studyaimed to identify various factors that contribute to continue physical activity following an interventionby Frisklivssentralen (i.e.,physical activity onprescription), as seen from theuser`s perspective. Method We interviewed 23 adults divided into five focus groups. The criteria for selecting people was that they had participated in the programme, exercise on prescription,oneto four years ago, and had continued with regular exercise for at least three hours weekly. We used qualitative analysis anda phenomenographic designto examine all data. Results We identified three categories: (i) physical activity on prescription is a useful intervention (ii) organized groups and training opportunities in the community motiv atestobeing active, (iii)mastering physical exercise providesa sense of accomplishment,and gives health benefits thatinspire ongoing physical activity. Conclusion Physical activity on prescriptionin a Frisklivssentral (public healthcare center) can help participants to acquire knowledge and skills to be able to continue with physical activity after the prescription period. Exercise groups with appropriate training and activities, events and activity settingsin the community encourages physicalactivity. Mastering physical activity and experiencing its health benefits (e.g., improved physical fitness and improved quality of life in general)can motivate people to remainphysically active / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-75-1</p>
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