Spelling suggestions: "subject:"area."" "subject:"área.""
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A subjetividade do profissional da saúde pós-reestruturação produtivaGomes, Doris January 2013 (has links)
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, Florianópolis, 2013. / Made available in DSpace on 2013-12-06T00:12:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013 / O processo de construção do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) nas décadas de 1980/90 no Brasil se dá no auge da reestruturação produtiva e no pós "welfare state" dos países desenvolvidos, conformando um embate entre diferentes interesses público/privado - com forte intersecção no sentido da hegemonia dos interesses privados sobre os públicos. A ética nos espaços da ação profissional em saúde, considerando as diferentes alteridades, surge como um desafio numa conjuntura trespassada por uma ideologia do mercado que coersiona todos os aspectos da vida contemporânea. Objetivo: analisar os problemas éticos encontrados na relação ou intersecção das realidades público/privadas sob o ponto de vista dos profissionais da saúde no Brasil pós-reestruturação produtiva. Método: uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo exploratório descritivo, onde foram entrevistados 30 profissionais (enfermeiros, médicos e cirurgiões-dentistas) da região metropolitana de Florianópolis com experiência de trabalho na área pública e privada. A análise dos dados se deu através do método de Análise Textual Discursiva, utilizando-se o software ATLAS.ti como auxiliar nas etapas de formação de unidades base e categorização.. Resultados e Discussão: foram consideradas quatro macrocategorias, cada uma tratada em um manuscrito específico. Na primeira, denominada ?Intersecção público/privado: problemas estruturais e éticos na relação público-privado? os problemas éticos mostraram-se tanto nas restrições de autonomia do paciente ou nas determinações sociais, quanto na vontade do profissional em fazer o melhor, driblando possíveis problemas estruturais; as questões centrais foram a complementação de pagamento, a humanização versus o ganho secundário, capitalização, e incorporação tecnológica. No segundo manuscrito foi abordado o ?comprometimento, ética e sofrimento moral?, focando uma transformação no tradicional compromisso ?benfeitor? instrospectado nas profissões como diferencial às ocupações. Traz para o debate o papel do profissional da saúde enquanto sujeito12moral, com diversos graus de comprometimento com a construção e proteção do ?bem público?. O profissional assume ?práticas possíveis? para se manter ?minimamente? ético em realidades que coersionam a tomada de decisões. O sofrimento moral aparece relacionado a sentimentos de impotência frente a situações de determinação do processo saúde-doença ou institucional-administrativas. No terceiro manuscrito, a subjetividade do profissional da saúde pós-reestruturação produtiva é trabalhada a partir da experiência de uma profissão específica ? a odontologia. Os principais achados se referem à ética na relação inter-pares; problemas éticos e serviço privado (competição de mercado, a realidade das Clínicas populares, os convênios e planos odontológicos); ética e ideal do serviço público: a construção da excelência para a odontologia pública como necessidade socialmente construída. O manuscrito quatro focou a relação de um padrão moderno de produtividade em lógicas diferenciadas público/privado e a produtividade como sinônimo de qualidade, comprometimento e ética. Algumas questões foram trazidas para o debate: até que ponto este padrão de produtividade ?moderno/estressor? pode significar uma postura ética positiva e que estímulos alternativos poderiam ser pensados no sentido de uma produtividade necessária no serviço público associada a um comprometimento, qualidade/humanização, ética mínima e não-lucro. Conclusões: Desvelar problemas éticos na intersecção público/privado do sistema de saúde brasileiro parece fundamental para o resgate do trabalho como espaço de formação e transformação do próprio ser-profissional. A ausência de comprometimento com o outro como fato do mundo moderno surge como efeito e ao mesmo tempo causa de um processo contraditório. A busca por um humano que não se perceba isolado do todo, mas como um sujeito que pensa e que pode construir um diferencial ético no seu trabalho, "gentificado" e fazedor de história, parece significativo para a construção da qualidade e excelência no público. Na odontologia, uma crise profissional propõe problemas éticos: por um lado, o mercado reforça um sentido comercial na profissão odontológica, construindo configurações empresariais com ampliação da capitalização na odontologia sobre realidades de precarização no trabalho. Por outro lado, a ação exclusiva do profissional da odontologia no sistema público de saúde estimula um papel coletivo protagonista na busca por uma excelência de trabalho a partir de novos processos ético-políticos e epistemológicos. <br> / Abstract : The process of constructing the SUS in 1980/90 at the peak of productive restructuring in Brazil and after the welfare state in developed countries, types a strong intersection in reality of health between public and private interests. Ethics in the spaces of professional health performance, considering the different otherness, is a challenge in an environment pierced by a market ideology that links all aspects of contemporary life. Objective: To analyze the ethical problems found in the relationship-intersection of the public/private realities from the health professional?s perspective, post-productive restructuration in Brazil. Method: A qualitative research with an exploratory and descriptive approach, where 30 professionals (nurses, physicians and dentists) were interviewed in the metropolitan area of Florianópolis, with work experience in the private and public areas. Data analysis was made by using the method of the Textual Analysis discourse and the ATLAS.ti software was used in order to create the base units and categorizations. Results and Discussion: four mega-categories were considered; each of them represents a specific manuscript. The first, called "Public-private intersection: structural and ethical issues in the public-private relationship" ethical problems were shown in the restrictions on patient autonomy and in the social determinations. According to the professional?s perspective, they will do their best while dodging possible structural problems; the central issues were the completion of payment, quality/humanization versus secondary gain and technological resources. In the second manuscript the "commitment, ethics and moral suffering," were addressed while focusing on a transformation of the traditional "benefactor" commitment hard-pressed in the professional formation such as the differential among occupations. Bring to debate the role of the health professional as a moral subject, with varying degrees of commitment to the construction and protection of the "public welfare." The professional assumes "possible practices" to remain "minimally" affected by the ethics that16exist in the realities that convey ethical decision-making. Moral distress appears to be related to feelings of powerlessness in situations of determining the disease. In the third manuscript, the subjectivity of the health professional, post-productive restructuration, is crafted from the experience of a particular profession - odontology. The main findings relate to ethics in the inter-peer relationship; ethical problems and the private services (market competition, the reality of popular hospitals, covenants and dental plans); ethics and the ideal public service: the construction of excellence for public dentistry as a socially constructed need. The fourth manuscript focused on the relationship of a modern standard of productivity in the differentiated logistics for public/private interests and "productivity" as a synonym for quality, commitment and minimal ethics. Some issues were brought to the debate: to what extent can this "modern/stressor" pattern of productivity contribute to a positive ethical posture; and which alternative motivations could be thought towards necessary productivity in the public service combined with commitment, quality/humanization, minimal ethical and non-profit issues. Conclusions: Unveiling ethical problems at the intersection of the public/private health system in Brazil seems fundamental to the rescue work, as space formation and transformation of one?s self-training. The lack of commitment to each other as the fact of the modern world emerges and causes contradictory processes. The search for a human who does not look at himself as isolated, but as a person who thinks and who can build a difference in their work ethic, "socialized" and history-maker, seems significant to the building of quality and excellence in the public area. In odontology, a professional crisis proposes ethical problems: firstly, the market reinforces a sense of commercialism in the dental profession, building business settings with magnification in dentistry capitalizing on the realities of precarious work. Moreover, the unique actions of the dental professional in the public health system encourages a collective protagonist role in the search for excellence of work from new ethical-political and epistemological processes.
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A significação do conceito matemático de área expressa por estudantes proveniente de uma atividade orientadora de ensino /Amaral, Cybelle Cristina Ferreira do. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marisa da Silva Dias / Banca: Manoel Oriosvaldo de Moura / Banca: Flávia da Silva Ferreira Asbahr / O produto da dissertação (CD) poderá ser consultado a partir de 01 de janeiro de 2019 / Resumo: Este estudo se ampara nos pressupostos teóricos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural e nos caminhos metodológicos do materialismo histórico-dialético. O objetivo: compreender as significações manifestas por estudantes de um 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental, na aprendizagem do conceito matemático de área, por meio de uma Atividade Orientadora de Ensino, a partir no movimento lógico-histórico desse conceito Os procedimentos metodológicos pautam-se nos elementos estruturantes da Teoria da Atividade, por considerar a pesquisa uma atividade singular, com a finalidade de compreender o fenômeno educativo, delineando, como ações, a pesquisa e o estudo mais aprofundado acerca dos fundamentos teóricos e históricos basilares nesta investigação, bem como o levantamento bibliográfico, a elaboração das situações desencadeadoras de aprendizagem apoiadas nos nexos conceituais, a organização e o desenvolvimento da AOE. Dentre as operações, destacam-se: a coleta dos dados, por meio de gravações audiovisuais e das produções dos estudantes, a transcrição e organização desses dados para sua análise. A realização da AOE junto aos estudantes permitiu a análise do movimento do pensamento relacionado à significação desse conceito, em situação de ensino e aprendizagem. Os dados receberam uma análise qualitativa, considerando o processo de desenvolvimento do pensamento teórico constituído nos nexos internos e externos do conceito de área, como a delimitação da superfície, a divisão da superfície delimitada, a ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study is based on theoretical assumptions Historical-Cultural Psychology and in the methodological paths of historical-dialectical materialism. The objective: to understand the meanings expressed by students of a 5th grade elementary school, in the learning of the mathematical concept of area, through a Teaching Activity, starting from the logical-historical movement of this concept. The methodological procedures are based on the structuring elements of the Theory of Activity, considering the research a unique activity, with the purpose of understanding the educational phenomenon, outlining, as actions, the research and the more detailed study about the basic theoretical and historical foundations in this investigation, as well as the bibliographic survey, the elaboration of the situations triggering learning supported in the conceptual links, the organization and the development of the AOE. Among the operations, the following stand out: the collection of data, through audiovisual recordings and students productions, the transcription and organization of these data for analysis. The realization of the AOE with the students allowed the analysis of the thought movement related to the meaning of this concept, in a teaching and learning situation. The data received a qualitative analysis, considering the process of development of the theoretical thought constituted in the internal and external nexuses of the concept of area, as the delimitation of the surface, the division o... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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The recruitment process of the shining path and MRTA guerrilla groups: a political psychological perspectiveFrancis, Cesar A. 21 November 1997 (has links)
This thesis is an analysis of the recruitment process of the Shining Path -SP- and Revolutionary Movement “Tupac Amaru” -MRTA- guerrilla groups. Although SP was considered more aggressive, it gained more followers than MRTA. This thesis tries to explain why. Social Revolution Theory and Social Movement Theory provide explanations based on issues of “poverty”, disregarding the specific characteristics of the guerrilla groups and their supporters, as well as the influence of specific persuasive processes between the leaders of the groups and their followers. Integrative complexity theory, on the contrary, provides a consistent method to analyze cognitive processes: because people tend to reject complex and sophisticated explanations that require mental efforts, simplicity was the key for success. To prove which guerrilla group provided a simpler worldview, a sample of official documents of SP and MRTA are compared. Finally, content analysis is applied through the Paragraph Completion Test (P.C.T.).
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Educação ambiental e educação infantil numa área de proteção ambiental : concepções e práticas /Alberto, Paula Gadioli. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Carlos Santana / Banca: Dalva Maria Bianchini Bonotto / Banca: Denise de Freitas / Atualmente a questão ambiental revela-se como grande preocupação de diferentes instituições, como empresas, Organizações Não-Governamentais (ONGs) e escolas. No entanto, existem poucos dados e pesquisas sobre como tem sido desenvolvido o trabalho com Educação Ambiental na Educação Infantil, apesar de muitos professores afirmarem realizar atividades consideradas por eles como sendo de EA. Os Referenciais Curriculares Nacionais (RCNEIs) não apresentam os princípios, metas e objetivos da EA, a temática ambiental dificilmente está presente na formação dos professores da EI, além dos cursos de formação continuada serem destinados principalmente aos professores de outros níveis da Educação. Além desta pesquisa investigar a EA na EI, também mostra-se pertinente pelo fato de tal investigação ocorrer na Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) de Campinas SP, de importância significativa para a região. Diante destes fatores, esta pesquisa tem como objetivos: identificar as concepções de EA dos professores de Educação Infantil da APA de Campinas no processo de desenvolvimento de atividades consideradas como de EA; identificar as concepções de APA destes professores e que significados atribuem ao desenvolvimento de atividades consideradas como sendo de EA dentro desta área; identificar as características que estão presentes nas atividades de EA desenvolvidas por estes professores no que se refere aos objetivos, à temática, aos conteúdos, aos procedimentos pedagógicos, aos recursos didáticos, e à avaliação; caracterizar os aspectos que os professores destacam dentro da relação entre a EA e a EI, identificar se há aspectos positivos e dificuldades dentro desta relação, e caso haja, caracterizá-los. A análise foi realizada a partir dos dados coletados nas entrevistas, nas observações e nos documentos. Constatamos que as professoras de EI da APA... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / In the present, the environmental issue revealed as an important concern of different institutions, as companies, Non-Governamental Organizations and schools. However, there is few information and researches about how Environmental Education has been developed in childhood education, despite many teachers affirm that they realize activities considered as an EE activity by them. The Nacional Reference Curricular does not present the EE's elements, goals and purposes. The environmental theme is hardly present in the preschool education teachers's formation, besides the continuated formation courses of studies are designated especially to teachers of other education's levels. Besides this research investigates EE in preschool, it also is pertinent by the fact of such investigation happens in the Ambiental Protected Area of Campinas-SP, that has significantly importance to the region. Before these factors, this research aims: identify the EE conceptions of preschool teachers in the development process of activities considerated as EE; identify the teacher's concept of APA, and what meanings do they attribute to the development of activities considerated as being of EE in this area; identify the characteristics present in the EE actives developed by these teachers referring to its aims, to the theme, to the contents, pedagogic proceeding, didactic resources and the valuation; characterize the aspects that the teachers accentuate in EE and relationship EE-Preschool Education; identify if there are positive aspects and difficulties in this relationship, and if it has, identify the characteristics. The analysis was done by the informations collected in the interviews, by the observations and by documents. We found out that in relation to EE concept, the teachers are emphatic in relation to individual and comportamental action... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Information security in hospitality SMMEs in the Cape Metropole area: policies and measures in the online environmentBedi, David Seikokotlelo January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in the fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Master of Technology: Office Management and Technology
In the Faculty of Business
At the Cape Peninsula University of Technology
2013 / In the past Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) used to be confined to a particular geographical location to conduct their business. This is no longer the case especially since the introduction of the internet. The World Wide Web (Web) now offers SMMEs an opportunity to market, communicate, advertise, purchase and sell goods and services online 7 days a week, 24 hours a day around the globe. However, doing business online is not without risk, as companies also have to ensure that they have adequate security measures in place. SMMEs need to be kept updated on security threats that keep on emerging. They need to keep their information secure in order to avoid unnecessary losses. The advances in modern technology, especially with computers that are connected to the internet have resulted in SMMEs being exposed to cyber-attacks. In most cases, these companies do not have the financial muscle to effectively address such data breaches. Even though cyber-attacks are on the rise, hospitality SMMEs still leave themselves vulnerable to these attacks. Data breaches can be a result of both internal and external attacks. Research indicates that internal attacks are not easy to detect thus making them more deadly than external attacks. It is therefore, important for SMME to come up with policies that will curb inside attacks. However, information security policies are not common amongst hospitality SMMEs.
SMMEs are not always aware of the risks that they are exposed to even though their customers expect them to keep information secure whenever they conduct online business. Most of the hospitality SMMEs are expected to provide online bookings. Credit cards are commonly used in this instance and if the information is not kept secure, companies may face lawsuits from customers. Even though the majority of the hospitality SMMEs indicate that they keep credit card data secure, there are still cases where some do not ensure secure transactions whenever credit card information is exchanged. Vulnerability assessment in order to check if there are any loopholes in networks is rarely carried out by SMMEs. These companies hire IT experts on a temporary basis; further exposing themselves as they there is no one to monitor their networks on a daily basis. In most cases SMMEs believe that technology is their answer to security problems. They omit the human aspect of security.
Even though SMMEs indicate that data loss is one of the challenges they are facing, they still fail to put measures in place to address this. This research examines measures and policies implemented by hospitality SMMEs in their quest to address
data security breaches. Only hospitality SMEs that are connected to the internet are used in this research.
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RelaÃÃes trigonomÃtricas fundamentais / Fundamental trigonometric relationshipsAntÃnio Almir Bezerra 20 May 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / Neste trabalho apresentamos algumas relaÃÃes trigonomÃtricas fundamentais e suas demonstraÃÃes. Tais relaÃÃes merecem destaque, pois sÃo essenciais na resoluÃÃo de problemas nas diversas Ãreas do conhecimento. Inicialmente fizemos um breve histÃrico da Trigonometria destacando a sua importÃncia no contexto da MatemÃtica. Em sequÃncia apresentamos as relaÃÃes fundamentais, dentre elas, enfatizamos as fÃrmulas da adiÃÃo de arcos, cujas demonstraÃÃes utilizamos Ãrea de figuras planas, a lei dos cossenos e a lei dos senos. AlÃm disso, mostramos como estas fÃrmulas se relacionam com o Teorema da Corda Quebrada e o Teorema de Ptolomeu da Geometria Plana. Explorando a relaÃÃes entre Trigonometria e Geometria Plana. Procuramos mostrar a importÃncia desta teoria no ensino mÃdio motivando alunos e professores a buscar um maior interesse pelo conhecimento em MatemÃtica. / The present research aims to present classic demonstrations of the fundamental relations of Trigonometry,with a simple approach, and exploring flat shapes. The intention is to make such demonstrations better known and provide a highlight for Trigonometry, since they are essential in solving problems of everyday life. For this purpose, we made a historical highlighting of the importance of trigonometry in the mathematical context. Since we know Trigonometry is loosing its status and not being considered essential in basic education anymore, such demonstrations, associated with the flat shapes, may be used as a model class. Therefore, we highlight the following fundamental relations: Basic Trigonometric relations, Derived Relations, Sine of the Sum and Difference of Two Arcs, Cosine of the Sum and Difference of Two Arcs, Double Arcs, Half Arc, Transformation in Product and Applications. For the demonstration ot these relations we used some area results, cosine law, Ptolemyâs theorem and the theorem of the broken chord Plane Geometry. We believe that Trigonometry is linked to the formation of these flat shapes. Thus, such demonstrationas associated to these flat shapes may serve to improve the Trigonometry teaching- learning and as motivator for students and teachers seeking to enhance their knowledge in mathematics.
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El movimiento agroecologico como actor del desarrollo en Puerto Rico| Un estudio sobre el rol de las cadenas productivas cortas en la promocion de la agroecologia como modelo alternativo de desarrollo localSerrano Ocasio, Ana Gabriela 16 March 2018 (has links)
<p> La agricultura en Puerto Rico ha experimentado un renacimiento después de décadas de ser una de las actividades de menor crecimiento a nivel nacional. A principios del siglo XX, durante las primeras décadas del régimen colonial de los Estados Unidos, la agricultura era la principal actividad económica dedicada principalmente a la producción de caña de azúcar para la exportación. Luego de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la economía de la isla se industrializó rápidamente, lo que provocó la caída de la producción agrícola y la destrucción de la capacidad local para la producción de alimentos. Hoy día, Puerto Rico importa el 85% de los alimentos consumidos a través de cadenas de suministro muy vulnerables con consecuencias para la economía, como el aumento en el costo de vida para la población. </p><p> Durante los años ochenta, el movimiento agroecológico surgió en defensa de la soberanía alimentaria y la sostenibilidad ambiental. La agroecología se presenta como una práctica alternativa para la producción de alimentos con alto impacto en las comunidades locales a través de la sustitución de agroquímicos por insumos naturales y el uso de prácticas intensivas en mano de obra. El movimiento ha logrado converger los esfuerzos de producción de un número creciente de fincas pero, ¿es suficiente articular un modelo alternativo de desarrollo local? </p><p> Esta tesis pretende contribuir a la comprensión del movimiento agroecológico puertorriqueño, en particular su potencial para actuar como un espacio de concertación y aglutinación de las fuerzas productivas para su eventual consolidación como actor de desarrollo. A través de una metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa, en forma de entrevistas, revisión de documentos y análisis de datos estadísticos, describimos las capacidades del movimiento agroecológico para la promoción de un modelo alternativo de desarrollo local; y cómo la adopción de cadenas productivas cortas, como una estrategia de inserción en el mercado de alimentos, puede promover una mejor distribución de los beneficios económicos locales. </p><p> Los resultados de nuestra investigación demuestran que el movimiento agroecológico contiene las capacidades para promover un modelo alternativo de desarrollo local. Estas capacidades dependen de los esfuerzos de organización de los agricultores/as agroecológicos que permiten el diseño y la implementación de estrategias en la forma de cadenas productivas cortas de alimentos. Estas estrategias permitieron una mayor visibilidad de su producción y la amplificación de su alcance de mercado. Nuestra investigación encontró que un mayor éxito en las estrategias de inserción en el mercado ha promovido la agroecología como una práctica y ha alentado la llegada de nuevos agricultores/as al movimiento. Además, argumentamos que mediante el fortalecimiento de sus capacidades productivas, aumenta el acceso a los recursos para la organización política del movimiento y su capacidad para influenciar la agenda de política pública a nivel nacional.</p><p>
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The Gas-Absorption/Chemical-Reaction Method for Measuring Air-Water Interfacial Area in Natural Porous MediaLyu, Ying, Brusseau, Mark L., El Ouni, Asma, Araujo, Juliana B., Su, Xiaosi 11 1900 (has links)
The gas-absorption/chemical-reaction (GACR) method used in chemical engineering to quantify gas-liquid interfacial area in reactor systems is adapted for the first time to measure the effective air-water interfacial area of natural porous media. Experiments were conducted with the GACR method, and two standard methods (X-ray microtomographic imaging and interfacial partitioning tracer tests) for comparison, using model glass beads and a natural sand. The results of a series of experiments conducted under identical conditions demonstrated that the GACR method exhibited excellent repeatability for measurement of interfacial area (A(ia)). Coefficients of variation for A(ia) were 3.5% for the glass beads and 11% for the sand. Extrapolated maximum interfacial areas (A(m)) obtained with the GACR method were statistically identical to independent measures of the specific solid surface areas of the media. For example, the A(m) for the glass beads is 29 (1) cm(-1), compared to 32 (3), 30 (2), and 31 (2) cm(-1) determined from geometric calculation, N2/BET measurement, and microtomographic measurement, respectively. This indicates that the method produced accurate measures of interfacial area. Interfacial areas determined with the GACR method were similar to those obtained with the standard methods. For example, A(ia)s of 47 and 44 cm(-1) were measured with the GACR and XMT methods, respectively, for the sand at a water saturation of 0.57. The results of the study indicate that the GACR method is a viable alternative for measuring air-water interfacial areas. The method is relatively quick, inexpensive, and requires no specialized instrumentation compared to the standard methods.
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The Empowerment of a Forgotten PopulationEldridge, Zulema 08 May 2018 (has links)
<p> Maslow's hierarchy of needs identifies shelter (specifically safety and security) as a basic need that motivates people to continue through life. Many Americans are at risk of losing this basic need, yet we continue to stigmatize specific groups of people based on their inability to secure permanent housing. The integration of crisis intervention, resource networking, education, and empowerment into a supportive housing strategy in Washington, DC could reduce chronic homelessness. </p><p> Homelessness is a major issue that does not receive adequate attention in most cities. As gentrification continues, affordable housing is rapidly declining, placing longtime residents at risk of being displaced. An issue that can't be overlooked, homelessness contributes to social issues such as crime and violence. There are several stages of homelessness; therefore, multiple approaches must be developed to combat the issue at different points in the cycle. While an intervention may be successful in only one stage of the cycle, it could potentially provide the answers to questions surrounding other stages of homelessness. </p><p> This thesis will explore the causes of homelessness and only its associated problems. By identifying some of these problems and shedding light on some of the causes of homelessness (and realizing that those issues are present throughout society), this thesis will identify why it is important to create supportive housing and how this type of approach will help end chronic homelessness. </p><p> To develop a solution to this problem this thesis will use correlational research, observational research, qualitative data and quantitative data to identify the current homeless population, and the potential growth of the population within specific geographic areas. This information will help me identify a site and develop a replicable housing solution that will reduce the number of destitute residents, as well as potentially provide strategies for reducing the homeless population. </p><p> It has been determined that supportive housing, along with consideration for sustainability and several factors that affect the human psyche, will help end homelessness, which is costly in a small city such as Washington, DC. This thesis will explore supportive housing as one solution to chronic homelessness.</p><p>
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Effective decision making and its impact on social justice : the Federal and Amhara National Regional Courts of Ethiopia : law and practiceShiferaw, Woubishet January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the challenges that the Federal and Amhara National Regional State (ANRS)1 Courts of Ethiopia face in the realisation of legal and social justice. The Ethiopia Constitution (1995) under Article 43 declares that Ethiopian people have the right to improved living standards and sustainable development where the basic aim of development activity is to enhance, through their full participation, citizens’ capacity for development and the meeting of their basic needs. The Constitution underlined this as the ‘North Star’ of social justice which would be meaningless unless dispute resolution mechanisms empower litigants and the people in gaining social justice and thus the attainment of the Constitutional objective. The attainment of the social justice is however problematic as the legal justice the formal court is administering does not meet the people’s Constitutional expectations. The mismatch between legal and social justice, coupled with the legal history and the prevalence of justice pluralism, tends to force the People of Ethiopia to use non-formal systems of dispute resolution. Thus, there is a need to refine the formal and non-formal systems and to align them with the Constitutional imperative of social justice. Judicial reform is being implemented, with the help of international institutions like the World Bank, but the underlining concern is whether the World Bank proposals on judicial and legal reform will meet these needs or whether they are too located in Western values, the suggestion being that they may suffer from the same problems as other modernisation projects. There also lies a tension between the Constitutional expectation, the conceptualisation of justice by professionals and clients, and the overall purpose of securing justice and preventing injustice. Litigants’ preference for justice is itself in conflict with other litigants and the diverse institutional understanding of justice that made the attainment of social justice a difficult exercise. The area is found to be so problematic that there is a need to re-connect the practical conceptualisation of justice with the Constitutional conceptualisation of social justice which the Federal and ANRS courts require the redoing of justice so that the conceptualisation of justice would not cause irreversible damage to people’s societal, economic, and ecological demands and to the sustainability of justice and development.
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