Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arranged marriage."" "subject:"arrranged marriage.""
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Forced marriage among men: An unrecognized problemSamad, A. Yunas January 2010 (has links)
Forced marriage is generally viewed as a clash between culture and gender and the fact that men are also victims, in a small number of cases, escapes attention of policy makers and activists. While the overall approach to forced marriage has helped men as well they, however, have remained below the radar of public concern. A problem particular to men is their unwillingness to articulate in public forums their predicament as questions of masculinity are then raised. Ultimately men will have to break the silence, organize and mobilize collectively if they wish to see specific policies that target men.
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A descriptive visual analysis of the survival of Tamil arranged marriage rituals and the impact of commercialismKanni, Balasubramanian 02 1900 (has links)
This research A Descriptive Visual Analysis of the Survival of Tamil Arranged Marriage Rituals and the Impact of Commercialism is a critical analysis of ritual performances as a key component of Tamil wedding ceremonies. These rituals are performed before, during, and after the wedding and are interrogated throughout in this dissertation. This research explored and attempted to identify the significance of ritual performances in Tamil people’s marriages of southern India. Through the documentation and unpacking of traditional Hindu wedding celebrations, this study examined how these ancient rituals have been influenced by the modern world. It explored how cultural beliefs are negatively impacted through the commercialisation of wedding ceremonies and how they justify the maintenance of ritual practice. Symbolic activities and ritual performances are studied and discussed throughout this study by observing various Tamil wedding ceremonies and conclusions are drawn through conversations with couples and parents who have participated in such events. The dissertation further explores the ways in which these rituals are ultimately reflected and represented in artistic practice, inspired by the works of various artists who engage with their mediums in a ritualistic manner. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.VA (Art, History, Visual Arts and Musicology)
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Hinduiska kvinnors upplevelser av arrangerade äktenskap : En forskningsöversikt / Hindu women's experiences of arranged marriages : A research overviewAxelsson, Clara January 2019 (has links)
This is a study about Hindu women's experiences of arranged marriages. The study is based on previous research on women’s experiences. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the underlying factors that contribute to Hindu women experiencing that their mental health is affected by arranged marriages. The purpose was also to investigate how the women felt that the new legislation regulating of the dowry system has affected them regarding their relationship with the new family. The main purpose was to identify themes in women's experiences of arranged marriages and investigate connections between these themes. The result showed that women who live in arranged marriages are more frequently exposed to both physical and mental violence, and as a result outcome they often suffer from different kinds of mental illness. The papers result also showed that these women’s opinions about arranged marriages differ slightly depending on their life situation. For instance, whether they live in a city or on the countryside, or how conscious they are about people who have other opinions and perceptions than their own. This study also shows the importance of these women having a job outside their home, as it offers contact with people beyond their family, enables the women contribute financially to the family and in other ways affects the women’s situation positively.
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Relationship Between Self-construals And Marital QualityGundogdu, Aylin 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis can be discussed under four main titles. First of all, effects of four different self types (separated-patterned, separated-individuated, related-patterned, and related- individuated), originating from differentiative and integrative needs of individuals based on the Balanced Integration and Differentiation model, on perceived decision making quality, dyadic adjustment and marital satisfaction were examined. Secondly, the effects of three types of marriage named as &ldquo / arranged marriage&rdquo / , &ldquo / family- and self-selected marriage&rdquo / and &ldquo / self-selected marriage&rdquo / were investigated regarding perceived decision making quality, dyadic adjustment and marital satisfaction. Thirdly, the interaction effects of aforementioned variables were examined. At last, variables predicting marital quality were analyzed through structural equation modeling technique. Two hundred ninety two married couples with a prerequisite of being married at least for one year participated in the present study with a selection by snowball technique from the cities of Istanbul, Ankara, Mersin, Denizli and Ordu. According to the results, it was concluded that the self types had significant main effects on each variable. Also, it was found that marriage types had significant interaction effects with self-types on dyadic adjustment and marital satisfaction as well / besides it was also revealed from the analyses that marriage type had no main effect on marital satisfaction. Finally, relatedness and individuation were found to be predictor variables of marital quality directly and/or through mediation of perceived decision making quality.
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A lot going on : the links between going missing, forced marriage and child sexual exploitationSharp-Jeffs, Nicola January 2016 (has links)
An extensive review of research and policy literature revealed that links are made between: going missing and forced marriage; going missing and child sexual exploitation; and forced marriage and child sexual exploitation. However, despite these overlaps, no links are made between all three issues. Given that some South Asian young women will run away from home in order to avoid being forced into marriage and that young people who run away or go missing from home are at risk of, or abused, through child sexual exploitation a research proposition was developed on the basis that a three way link was theoretically possible. A case study methodology was developed to test the research proposition. Eight cases were identified in which South Asian young people (under 18 years of age) had experienced some combination of all three issues. However, the pattern identified within the research proposition was not the ‘final explanation’. Analysis of the research findings revealed that variation existed within the pattern proposed. Moreover, a second pattern was identified in which forced marriage emerged as a parental response to young people who were already being sexually exploited and going missing in this context. The patterns identified were confirmed through analysis of interviews undertaken with twelve subject experts (key informants) and resonated with a specifically selected group of nine young people who were presented with a composite case study during focus group discussion. I argue that awareness of patterns linking all three issues will help practitioners to identify and respond appropriately to cases where the issues of going missing, forced marriage and child sexual exploitation overlap. That said the complexity of the cases highlighted risks associated with overlooking diversities: social divisions related to age, gender, ethnicity, class, sexuality and disability were explored to see how they shaped the young people’s experiences. This process revealed that they were located within complex axes of power which then intersected with social systems, including family, community and public institutions. As a consequence, young people lacked relational support and had limited access to safe accommodation and economic resources. This resulted in some young people making attempts to try and self-manage the competing harms that they were facing. The practitioners who supported the young people highlighted the challenges involved in working with them. Analysis of practitioners’ accounts further revealed how power dynamics within multi-agency working arrangements also impacted their efforts to respond to the needs of young people. Through testing the research proposition, I addressed a recognised need for more focused research into the issue of going missing as it relates to young people from different ethnic backgrounds (Berelowitz et al. 2012; Berelowitz et al., 2013; OCC, 2012; Patel, 1994; Safe on the Streets Research Team, 1999; Stein et al. 1994) as well as furthering knowledge about how child sexual exploitation is experienced by young people from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities (Chase & Statham, 2004; CEOP, 2011b; Jago et al., 2011; Berelowitz et al., 2013; Thiara & Gill, 2010; Kelly, 2013; Ward & Patel, 2006). The development of a typology of patterns linking going missing, forced marriage and child sexual exploitation provides a unique contribution to the scholarly literature.
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Flickor och pojkar i regeringens lagreform : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hedersrelateratvåld och förtryck / Girls and boys in government reform : A qualitative content analysis on honor-related violence and oppressionAdel, Dunia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys studeraoch koda regeringens proposition om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck (2020) där utgångspunkten är att lyfta fram hur regeringen definierar vad det innebär att vara en pojke och flicka i en hederskontext, samt vilka erfarenheter och roller som kan skilja dem emellan. Resultatet av studien visar att flickor är offer för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, resultatet visade att även om pojkar kan bli offer för hedersrelaterat våld så uppfattas de också som förövare. Studien visar att pojkar kan ha dubbla roller som både offer och förövare. Studien visar att både flickor och pojkar är utsatta för hedersbrottslighet men procentuellt skiljer resultatet åt då flickorna är utsatta i större grand än pojkarna. Slutsatsen är att införandet av barnäktenskapsbrott som ger upp till fyra år fängelse, straffskärpningsgrund mot brott med hedersmotiv och utreseförbud för att skydda barn från att tvångs gifta sig eller könsstympas utomlands ses som något ljust i Sveriges internationella åtagande om mänskliga rättigheter, då hedersrelaterade brottsligheten innebär kränkning av de mänskliga rättigheterna. Det ses mest ljust mot barnets rättigheter.
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Cultural conflicts in Northern Sotho dramasMadiga, Raofa Philemon 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research is to investigate cultural conflicts in Northern Sotho dramas.
At the beginning of the work, reasons for the choice of the topic are given, and
thereafter, the methodology to be adopted in analysing the plays is outlined. Various
factors considered to be contributory to the acculturation of traditional Africans are
Throughout this study, traditionalists oppose westernised Africans because of strange
norms and practices they have adopted. The two parties disagree on issues like
arranged marriage, remarriage and leadership. Christianity features prominently as the
basic cause of conflict. Modernists oppose traditional practices on the ground that they
are not in conformity with Christian principles.
The plays are compared to determine how each playwright has attempted to resolve
conflicts in his respective play. The study ends with a comment on findings where
traditionalism, being a common enemy in the three plays, is overridden by modernity. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)
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"Le papier en or" : stratégies matrimoniales en milieu migratoire marocain / The golden paper : marriage strategies in Moroccan migratory environmentBellitou, Touria 17 June 2013 (has links)
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, la question du mariage en situation migratoire s'est progressivement posée aux familles de migrants marocains de la vallée de la Garonne, avec la succession des générations. A travers les récits de vie et les entretiens recueillis auprès des sujets concernés, ainsi que le travail sociographique, il s’agit ici de cerner les stratégies matrimoniales mises en place par ces familles. Ces stratégies croisent les logiques migratoires des prétendants à l'immigration, générant l’apparition d’une nouvelle forme de mariage, le « mariage-papier ». L'enquête, menée auprès des parents migrants, de leurs enfants et auprès des prétendants aux mariages au Maroc et en France, met en évidence les contraintes sociales et culturelles qui pèsent sur la famille migrante qui a le « devoir de venir en aide aux siens » et sur les candidats à l'immigration qui subissent la « fermeture » des frontières. La thèse montre que le mariage des enfants d'immigrés en situation migratoire révèle des conflits intergénérationnels, de l'instrumentalisation de l'islam et des normes de conjugalité, mais aussi de l'assujettissement des migrants aux familles du bled favorisé par le souci de continuité culturelle et de la reproduction de l'endogamie « socio-ethnique ». Malgré les difficultés récurrentes, le « mariage-papier » apparaît comme une « solution » à des familles assujetties à ces contraintes complexes qui conditionnent leurs possibilités d'action mais aussi des pratiques matrimoniales qu’elles cherchent à inscrire dans leurs logiques migratoires. / For twenty years, with the succession of generations, the issue of marriage migration situations has gradually risen in families of Moroccan migrants in the valley of the Garonne. Through the life stories and interviews collected from people involved, and the sociographic work, this is to identify matrimonial strategies implemented by these families. These strategies intersect migration logical contenders for immigration, generating the appearance of a new form of marriage, "marriage-paper." The request, conducted among migrant parents, their children, and among contenders for marriages in Morocco and in France, highlights the social and cultural constraints faced by the migrant family that has the "duty to assist their relatives", and the immigration applicants who undergo "closed" borders. This thesis demonstrates that the marriage of the children of immigrants, and their migration situation reveals intergenerational conflict, the instrumentalization of Islam and standards of conjugal. Additionally, it shows the subjugation of the migrant families of a village favored by the desire for cultural continuity and reproduction of inbreeding "socio-ethnic." Despite recurring difficulties, the "marriage-paper" appears as a "solution" to families subject to these complex constraints. As a result, affects their possibilities for action, but also marriage practices they seek to include in their migration logic.
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The Filipina-South Florida international Internet marriage practice: agency, culture, and paradoxUnknown Date (has links)
This dissertation concerns the structures and individual agency of Filipina brides who met their American husbands through Internet or pen pal advertisements. Popular media, legal scholars, and some feminists have largely described the phenomenon in terms of its oppressiveness toward the women involved, thus dismissing any agency on the part of the women. Similarly, much of the scholarship has located the American Internet grooms as ogres who are out to exploit these women for domestic and sexual services. If prominent researchers of this phenomenon are correct in their assessments that Filipina Internet brides operate as effective agents, then one also assumes these women continue that agency when they settle into their new lives as Filipina wives married to American men. Therefore, my central research question is: How has this agency manifested itself, and has this manifestation been problematic for the American groom, who, from the typical Internet ad's text and images and couple d with prevailing American cultural assumptions, assumed he was getting a submissive wife? To explore possible answers to these questions I performed a rhetorical analysis of two typical Internet advertisements. The focus on the ads is important to my study because the Internet advertisements both shape and reflect the popular view of the so-called Filipina "mail-order bride." Next, in order to gain the Internet brides' and grooms' perspectives of the phenomenon, I interviewed three Filipina-Americano couples currently living in South Florida between November, 2005, and October, 2007. My findings support the scholars who forefront the brides' agency and, therefore, reject the stereotypes projected on the Internet advertisements. My findings also reject the stereotype of the exploitative husband. From my interview data, the women appeared agentive and the men encouraged their wives' agency. / An unanticipated and paradoxical outcropping of the interview descriptions of their courtshand subsequent marriages. In this one area both the brides and grooms unanimously deemphasized their own agency, and instead highlighted romantic narratives with each insisting that they had "fallen in love." / by Pamela Sullivan Haley. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2008. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2008 Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Cultural conflicts in Northern Sotho dramasMadiga, Raofa Philemon 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research is to investigate cultural conflicts in Northern Sotho dramas.
At the beginning of the work, reasons for the choice of the topic are given, and
thereafter, the methodology to be adopted in analysing the plays is outlined. Various
factors considered to be contributory to the acculturation of traditional Africans are
Throughout this study, traditionalists oppose westernised Africans because of strange
norms and practices they have adopted. The two parties disagree on issues like
arranged marriage, remarriage and leadership. Christianity features prominently as the
basic cause of conflict. Modernists oppose traditional practices on the ground that they
are not in conformity with Christian principles.
The plays are compared to determine how each playwright has attempted to resolve
conflicts in his respective play. The study ends with a comment on findings where
traditionalism, being a common enemy in the three plays, is overridden by modernity. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)
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