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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban villa for Chinese folk arts and crafts

Chow, Wan-king, Janice. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.Arch.)--University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes 1 technical study and 1 special report. Content page of thesis report missing. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print.

Community artscape in Central /

Lam, Wai-ming, Willy. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M. Arch.)--University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes special study report entitled: Public, art, space : a sensory experience. Includes bibliographical references.

Community artscape in Central

Lam, Wai-ming, Willy. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.Arch.)--University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes special study report entitled : Public, art, space : a sensory experience. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print.

Siena and its contado : art, iconography and patronage in the diocese of Grosseto from c.1380 to c.1480

Cardarelli, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
This study examines the artistic output in the diocese of Grosseto, which was part of Sienese controlled territories in Medieval and Renaissance times, and sheds light on the artists who worked there, the works that they produced, the purpose of these works and the way that these were shaped by local patrons, popular beliefs and long- standing traditions. It encompasses a period in the history of Siena that starts in c. 1380 with the political turmoil that followed the fall of the government of the Nine in 1355, and ends in c. 1480, around the time of Pandolfo Petrucci’s exile from the city. A contextualized overview of the activity of artists from Siena and beyond, such as Matteo di Giovanni, Sassetta, Vecchietta Francesco di Giorgio, Giovanni da Ponte and Andrea Guardi in the diocese of Grosseto is provided by means of visual examination and new documentary evidence. Relevant case studies offer a new perspective on the development of local visual imagery, the style and iconography of panel paintings, sculptures and fresco cycles and how these related to local devotional practices and patronage. The study shows that the development of independent taste in commissioning and acquiring artworks transcended geographical boundaries and political influence, and that original developments took place alongside the imitation of imported models. This research contributes to a new understanding of the relationship between Siena and Grosseto and proposes that notwithstanding Sienese influence, other cultural models were available, and that these were adapted to suit local requirements. A thorough investigation of local patronage establishes that this involved civic, religious and lay sources and that these shaped civic rituals and devotional responses to the cult of patron saints. It brings to light a vivid, yet complex image whereby all the realms of society interacted and benefitted from cultural exchange.

Memorial of Oil Street /

Tsang, Pui-lai, Pearly. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M. Arch.)--University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes special study report entitled: Special study of Theo van Doesburg. Includes bibliographical references.

Memorial of Oil Street

Tsang, Pui-lai, Pearly. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.Arch.)--University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes special study report entitled : Special study of Theo van Doesburg. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print.

Kunst und Kultur in der polarisierten Stadt: Dresdner Kultureinrichtungen als Vermittelnde zwischen ‚Diversität‘ und ‚Ethnopluralismus‘?

Greschke, Heike, Rösch, Viktoria, Raszkewicz, Leandro, Schmitz, Lukas, Sedlacek, Ruben 15 May 2020 (has links)
Das Projekt „Kunst und Kultur in der polarisierten Stadt“ (KupoS) nahm die in den letzten Jahren offenbar werdenden gesamtgesellschaftlichen Polarisierungstendenzen zum Anlass, um die Rolle von Kunst und Kultur im gesellschaftlichen Verständigungsprozess zu untersuchen. Die Stadt Dresden wurde im Sinne eines 'Polarisierungslabors' ins Zentrum der Analyse gerückt, weil sich hier medial verstärkte Prozesse des Übergangs von individuellem Benachteiligungserleben zu kollektivem öffentlichen Protest in verdichteter Form realisiert und in antagonistische Positionen zum Zusammenhang von Herkunft und Zugehörigkeit sedimentiert haben. In einem methodenpluralen Forschungsdesign wurden erstens mögliche Veränderungen in den Kooperationsstrukturen und der Themensetzung im Längsschnitt anhand ausgewählter Ereignisse und Veranstaltungsreihen in der Zeit von 2014 – 2017 untersucht. Zweitens wurde am Beispiel der Ausstellung „Rassismus. Die Erfindung von Menschenrassen“ im Deut-schem Hygienemuseum Dresden (DHMD) der institutionelle Umgang mit konfliktträchtigen Themen sowie die wechselseitige Beeinflussung von künstlerisch-kulturellem Handeln und konkurrierenden Diskursposition innerhalb der Stadtgesell-schaft untersucht. Die vorliegende Studie trägt dazu bei, Funktionslogiken und -dynamiken von Polarisierung im künstlerisch-kulturellen Feld zu verstehen, sowie die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Dialogs auszuloten. Sie beleuchtet zudem die Rolle des Publikums in Polarisierungsprozessen. KupoS leistet damit nicht nur einen empirischen Beitrag zur Bestimmung der Potentiale und Grenzen von Kunst und Kultur als kohäsionsstiftende Vermittlungsinstanzen der Gesellschaft. Die Studie versteht sich auch als Beitrag zur theoretischen Fundierung soziologischer Polarisierungsforschung.:1 Einleitung 5 2 Ziele und Fragestellungen 9 3. Forschungsdesign 11 3.1 Vorgehen im Teilprojekt 1 (TP1) 11 3.2 Vorgehen im Teilprojekt 2 (TP2) 13 3.3 Forschungs-Praxistransfer 17 4 Wie Polarisierung funktioniert: Ergebnisse der Begriffsarbeit 18 5. Wie Polarisierung in der Kulturstadt Dresden funktioniert: Empirische Ergebnisse 22 5.1. Konstellationen in der polarisierten Stadt 22 5.1.1 13. Februar - Der Dresdner Erinnerungsstreit 23 5.1.2 Interkulturelle Tage 26 5.1.3 Der Dresdner Bilderstreit 28 5.1.4 Der Dresdner Literaturstreit 29 5.1.5 Lässt sich über Tabus streiten? Die Ausstellung „Rassismus. Die Erfindung von Menschenrassen“ im DHDM 30 5.1.6 Polarisierung innerhalb der Institutionen 31 5.2. Publikum in der polarisierten Stadt 32 5.2.1 Bedeutung des Publikums im kulturellen Feld 32 5.2.2 Intervenierende Publika (in) der Polarisierung: Der Dresdner Bilderstreit und die Ausstellung „Rassismus. Die Erfindung von Menschenrassen“ 33 5.3 (Wissens)Vermittlung in der polarisierten Stadt – Ein Fallbeispiel 38 5.4. Dialog in der polarisierten Stadt 41 5.4.1 Kunst- und Kulturinstitutionen zwischen Dialograum und Echokammer 41 5.4.2 Formate öffentlicher Auseinandersetzung 42 6 Fazit und Desiderate 46 7 Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis 48 8 Literatur 49 9 Anhang 54

A cidade imaginada: percursos poéticos

Souza, Paulo Rogério Luciano Vilela de 15 March 2013 (has links)
This master\'s research in the search line \"practices and processes in the arts,\" has a proposal to look and reflect on the city (Uberlândia, MG) from art projects, considering their physical appearance as opposed to users perceptions of their urban space, what they observe and what they think and report through their lines. Seeks to address this town contextualized and which blends the dynamics of life, trade, power, conformation and longings. Give yourself through artwork interspersed reflection and theoretical approaches of these exercises plastics. So is contextualized in the exercise of artistic and dialogue between these thinkers and art, the city, the geography and the human condition. Five plastic works were carried out during the research: \"The Imagined City\" triggering situations and contradictory conditions of the real city, from its appearance factual and crisscrossed the spoken it; \"Urban Itineraries\" that causes the viewer from a invitation to meet this city real or imagined. Both were lodged in the public municipal art gallery \"Oficina Cultural\" in Uberlândia. As an outcome of the research were also carried out two urban interventions: \"Artist Lunch (who is the owner of the square?)\" Action that held the square Colonel Virgilio Rodrigues da Cunha, discussing the relationship between what is public and what is private in the city, and \"Turning Point\" conducted in two districts of Uberlandia, a look back to the equipment and appliances urban, in this case the bus stops from their plates. The fifth, and last work - \"Classifieds\" - was presented at the University Museum of Art (Muna - Uberlândia, MG), triggering a city constantly surrounded by negotiations that include alleged rents its public buildings, political decisions being bartered and other events that also move between the real and the imagined, leaving tracks doubtful situations to exhibition visitors. In the course of the research work feeds the plastic reflection on the theme of the survey, while this reflection also brings support for the preparation of work aligned with the proposal presented here. Acting with artwork in the city and taking the city as a territory of investigation is also exerting a constant negotiation in the sphere of public power through authorizations and desautorizações, issue also addressed by research. / Esta pesquisa de mestrado na linha de pesquisa práticas e processos em artes , tem como proposta olhar e refletir sobre a cidade (Uberlândia, MG) a partir de projetos artísticos, considerando sua aparência física em contraposição às percepções dos usuários do seu espaço urbano, naquilo que observam e naquilo que imaginam e relatam através de suas falas. Procura abordar esta cidade contextualizada e que se mistura à própria dinâmica da vida, de trocas, de poder, de conformação e de anseios. Dá-se através de trabalhos artísticos entremeados à reflexão e abordagens teóricas destes exercícios plásticos. Portanto está contextualizada no exercício do fazer artístico e no diálogo entre estes e pensadores da arte, da cidade, da geografia e da própria condição humana. Cinco trabalhos plásticos foram realizados durante a pesquisa: A Cidade Imaginada deflagrador de situações e condições contraditórias da cidade real, a partir da sua aparência factual e entrecruzada ao que se fala dela; Itinerários Urbanos que provoca o espectador a partir de um convite para ir de encontro a esta cidade real ou imaginada. Ambos foram apresentados na galeria pública municipal de arte Oficina Cultural , em Uberlândia. Como desdobramento da pesquisa também foram realizadas duas intervenções urbanas: Almoço de Artista (a praça é de quem?) , ação esta realizada na praça Coronel Virgílio Rodrigues da Cunha, colocando em discussão as relações entre o que é público e o que é privado na cidade, e Ponto Crítico realizado em dois bairros de Uberlândia, com um olhar voltado aos equipamentos e aparelhos urbanos, neste caso os pontos de ônibus, a partir de suas placas de sinalização. O quinto e último trabalho Classificados foi apresentado no Museu Universitário de Arte (MUnA Uberlândia, MG), deflagrando uma cidade constantemente envolta por negociações que incluem supostos aluguéis de seus prédios públicos, decisões políticas sendo barganhadas e outros acontecimentos que também transitam entre o real e o imaginado, deixando pistas de situações duvidosas aos visitantes da exposição. No transcorrer da pesquisa o trabalho plástico alimenta a reflexão em torno do tema central da pesquisa, e ao mesmo tempo esta reflexão também traz subsídios para a elaboração de trabalhos alinhados com a proposta aqui apresentada. Atuar com trabalhos de arte na cidade e tendo a cidade como território de investigação é também exercer uma constante negociação na esfera do poder público através de autorizações e desautorizações, questão também abordada pela pesquisa. / Mestre em Artes

Актуальное искусство в пространстве города : магистерская диссертация / Actual art in the city space

Байдина, Д. Е., Baydina, D. E. January 2017 (has links)
The master’s dissertation is devoted to the researching of contemporary art in the city space. Yekaterinburg is the illustrative material for the theme of the research. The work is focused on the analysis of the forms and ways of existence for actual art practices in the city, as well as the establish an adequate research tools for their comprehension. The author turns to art history discourse, post-non-classical aesthetic theory and system approach and formulates basic methods of analysis of art practices in the city. Considering the city as an aesthetic phenomenon, the author shows the special role of the art-practices in shaping the image of the city and its experience by its citizens. The author insists on consideration art-practices in the city as partisipative art, which interacts with the viewers, including them in the space of artistic expression, as well as in the space of people's interactions with each other. The work reveals aesthetic and cultural transformations of the city with contemporary art. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена изучению актуального искусства в пространстве города, конкретизируя их функционирование в Екатеринбурге. Работа сосредоточена на исследовании форм и способов существования актуальных арт-практик в городе, а также выработке адекватного исследовательского инструментария для их осмысления. Автор обращается к искусствоведческому дискурсу, постнеклассической эстетической теории и системному подходу и формулирует основные способы анализа городских арт-практик. Рассматривая город как эстетический феномен, автор показывает особую роль арт-практик в формировании образа города и его переживания его жителями. Автор в исследовании настаивает на рассмотрении арт-практик в городе в качестве партисипаторных – взаимодействующих со зрителем, включающих их в пространство художественного высказывания, а также в пространство взаимодействий друг с другом. В работе выявляется эстетические и культурные трансформации, триггерами которых является современное искусство в городе.

Grafické intro 64kB s použitím OpenGL / Graphics Intro 64kB Using OpenGL

Geršl, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The field of this project is size restricted graphic intro. The paper deals with motivation creating such an intro and talks briefly about history. Main focus is put on general description of various principles common in demo development, techiques used achieving the practical assignment are provided with more detailed description.

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