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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolution, artefacts, meaning and design : the extent to which evolutionary theory can explain how and why humans attribute significance and meaning to the material world and the consequences of this for understanding design

Batchelor, Ray January 2004 (has links)
The manner in which our ancestors and ancestor species negotiated their physical and social environments has had consequences for how we engage with artefacts today. Like language, the ability to attribute significance and meaning to artefacts is evolved and consists of a suite of interconnected adaptations. A model is articulated which, it is claimed, accommodates all the possible ways in which humans attribute significance and meaning to artefacts. It consists of two halves. Each element is considered in turn and accounts of their evolutionary origins are constructed. This sequence moves from the oldest to the most recently evolved: thus the first half - the sensory-kinetic-affective mode - includes ancient, reflexive, sensory (including the physical and kinetic) and perceptual responses originating in our ancestor species’ negotiation of their organic and inorganic environment; and the affective responses such as technical and aesthetic pleasures arising from such responses. The second half – the symbolic-narrative mode - embraces the attribution of symbolic or narrative meanings to artefacts which, I propose, prefigured, or co-evolved with the emergence of language and, like language, is an expression of symbolic thought. I argue that where symbolic meaning is intentionally ascribed to an artefact, some account will be taken of the data delivered by the sensory-kinetic-affective mode, such that those intending the meaning will often seek consonance between that data and the meaning intended, in order to strengthen the power of the artefact to act as an agent of social mediation. A central role is ascribed to a sensibility towards style, as the mechanism by which the two halves are united. This sensibility is highly attuned to physical characteristics, with the objective of intuiting something of the character, make-up and therefore, likely future behaviour of the maker, owner, or other with whom the artefact is associated. I call this resultant data tacit social intelligence. It is argued that practices which evolved during the 100,000 years or so in which Homo sapiens created artefacts by hand, using simple tools, despite the changed circumstances of manufacture, economics, technology and social and political organisation, have persisted into historical times and remain active today. In particular, artefacts continue physically to represent accumulations of behaviour. Thus, in creating or choosing to be associated with an artefact, we are conscious that others will interrogate it for signs of the behavioural values we are seen to esteem.

Bronze Age metallurgy in the Peloponnese, Greece

Kayafa, Maria January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Expansion atlantique et transformations des paysages à Lambaye, 1400-1900, (Royaume du Baol)

Ndour, Sidy 25 March 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 18 mars 2024) / $8 394261\u $a Le royaume historique du Baol avec comme capitale, Lambaye était situé au centre du Sénégal. Il est entré en contact avec le monde occidental au XVᵉ siècle et a entretenu un engagement de longue durée avec les Européens. Son histoire est marquée par des échanges commerciaux de produits de traite européens avec les produits locaux tout au long de la période atlantique sénégalaise (1400-1900). Selon les sources documentaires historiques, ce contact aurait provoqué des bouleversements sociaux, politiques et économiques. À partir d'une approche pluri-méthodologique, notre thèse de doctorat étudie les transformations des paysages historiques du Baol et de Lambaye entre le XVᵉ siècle et le XIXᵉ siècle afin de documenter la nature du pouvoir politique et l'impact du commerce atlantique à Lambaye et ses environs. Dans le cadre de notre étude, nous avons réalisé à Lambaye et ses environs des activités de prospections pédestres, de fouilles archéologiques et de collectes de données orales entre 2018 et 2020. L'analyse des données matérielles archéologiques et empiriques collectées durant nos activités de terrain a permis d'évaluer nos hypothèses de recherche. La première hypothèse postule que l'organisation du pouvoir politique était centralisée. La deuxième présume que les produits de traite européens seraient des indicateurs de la vitalité du commerce atlantique. La troisième hypothèse avance, qu'à côté du politique, le sacré participe à la légitimation et à la consolidation du pouvoir. En fait, la combinaison des données matérielles archéologiques avec les données documentaires et orales a montré que Lambaye, capitale du Baol et ses environs sont connectées au réseau du commerce atlantique depuis le XVIᵉ siècle jusqu'à la fin du XIXᵉ siècle. Également, l'analyse des résultats obtenus indique qu'il y avait une centralisation du pouvoir politique au Baol au moins au XVIIIᵉ siècle caractérisée par une concentration de sites archéologiques et de mobiliers archéologiques de traite à Lambaye et ses environs. De même, l'association des données matérielle avec les données documentaires et orales locales a montré que la mise en place du commerce atlantique au Baol a aussi des impacts sur les espaces symboliques et cultuels de Lambaye et ses environs. Ces effets se caractérisent d'une part, par l'aménagement d'espaces symboliques de légitimation du pouvoir politique. D'autre part, cet impact se caractérise par l'organisation d'espaces cultuels comme éléments de réponses face aux exactions sociales, politiques et économiques des autorités centrales du Baol. / The historic kingdom of Boal with Lambaye as its capital was in the center of Senegal. It encountered with the Western World in the 15th century and maintained a long-lasting engagement with Europeans. Its history is marked by commercial exchanges between European trade products with local products throughout the Senegalese Atlantic period (1400-1900). According to historical documentary sources, this contact would have caused social, political, and economic upheavals. Using a multi-methodological approach, our dissertations is a study of the transformations of historical landscapes of Baol and Lambaye between the 15th century and the 18th century to document the nature of political power and the impact of Atlantic trade in Lambaye. and its surroundings. As part of our study, we carried out in Lambaye and its surroundings archaeological surveys, excavations and recorded oral data between 2018 and 2020. The analysis of the material collected during our field research enabled us to evaluate our research hypotheses. In fact, the combination of archaeological material data with documentary and oral data has shown that Lambaye, capital of Baol and its surroundings are connected to the Atlantic trade network from the 15th century to the end of the 19th century. Also, the analysis of the results obtained indicates that there was a centralization of power in Baol characterized by a concentration of archaeological sites and archaeological furniture from the slave trade in Lambaye and its surroundings. Similarly, the association of material data with local documentary and oral data has shown that the establishment of Atlantic trade in Baol also has impacts on the symbolic and religious spaces of Lambaye and its surroundings. These effects are characterized on the one hand by the development of symbolic space for the legitimization of political power. On the other hand, this impact is characterized by the organization of ritual space as elements of responses to the social, political, and economic exactions of the central authorities of Baol.

Méthodes itératives pour la reconstruction tomographique régularisée / Iterative Methods in regularized tomographic reconstruction

Paleo, Pierre 13 November 2017 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, les techniques d'imagerie par tomographie se sont diversifiées pour de nombreuses applications. Cependant, des contraintes expérimentales conduisent souvent à une acquisition de données limitées, par exemple les scans rapides ou l'imagerie médicale pour laquelle la dose de rayonnement est une préoccupation majeure. L'insuffisance de données peut prendre forme d'un faible rapport signal à bruit, peu de vues, ou une gamme angulaire manquante. D'autre part, les artefacts nuisent à la qualité de reconstruction. Dans ces contextes, les techniques standard montrent leurs limitations. Dans ce travail, nous explorons comment les méthodes de reconstruction régularisée peuvent répondre à ces défis. Ces méthodes traitent la reconstruction comme un problème inverse, et la solution est généralement calculée par une procédure d'optimisation. L'implémentation de méthodes de reconstruction régularisée implique à la fois de concevoir une régularisation appropriée, et de choisir le meilleur algorithme d'optimisation pour le problème résultant. Du point de vue de la modélisation, nous considérons trois types de régularisations dans un cadre mathématique unifié, ainsi que leur implémentation efficace : la variation totale, les ondelettes et la reconstruction basée sur un dictionnaire. Du point de vue algorithmique, nous étudions quels algorithmes d'optimisation de l'état de l'art sont les mieux adaptés pour le problème et l'architecture parallèle cible (GPU), et nous proposons un nouvel algorithme d'optimisation avec une vitesse de convergence accrue. Nous montrons ensuite comment les modèles régularisés de reconstruction peuvent être étendus pour prendre en compte les artefacts usuels : les artefacts en anneau et les artefacts de tomographie locale. Nous proposons notamment un nouvel algorithme quasi-exact de reconstruction en tomographie locale. / In the last years, there have been a diversification of the tomography imaging technique for many applications. However, experimental constraints often lead to limited data - for example fast scans, or medical imaging where the radiation dose is a primary concern. The data limitation may come as a low signal to noise ratio, scarce views or a missing angle wedge.On the other hand, artefacts are detrimental to reconstruction quality.In these contexts, the standard techniques show their limitations.In this work, we explore how regularized tomographic reconstruction methods can handle these challenges.These methods treat the problem as an inverse problem, and the solution is generally found by the means of an optimization procedure.Implementing regularized reconstruction methods entails to both designing an appropriate regularization, and choosing the best optimization algorithm for the resulting problem.On the modelling part, we focus on three types of regularizers in an unified mathematical framework, along with their efficient implementation: Total Variation, Wavelets and dictionary-based reconstruction. On the algorithmic part, we study which state-of-the-art convex optimization algorithms are best fitted for the problem and parallel architectures (GPU), and propose a new algorithm for an increased convergence speed.We then show how the standard regularization models can be extended to take the usual artefacts into account, namely rings and local tomography artefacts. Notably, a novel quasi-exact local tomography reconstruction method is proposed.

Projects as the enablers of ecosystem’s emergence : The case of the connected autonomous mobility / Les projets comme facilitateurs de l'émergence d'écosystème : Le cas de la mobilité connectée autonome

Marcocchia, Giulia 25 March 2019 (has links)
La thèse porte sur les formes de management pertinentes de projets d’innovation à forte composante systémique, disruptive et digitale, et qui contribuent à la structuration d’un écosystème. En effet, ces types d’innovation deviennent historiquement de plus en plus nombreuses étant donnée la connexion croissante des objets/services/entreprises/pouvoirs publics et les nouvelles possibilités de business croisés qui en résultent. Les informations fournies par la littérature existante permettent aux gestionnaires de prendre des décisions stratégiques lorsque les règles du jeu sont définies par des acteurs connus, mais pas lorsque les acteurs et l'environnement sont progressivement définis. De nos jours, les responsables d'institutions privées et publiques doivent s'aligner sur des conditions internes et externes variables, des perspectives temporelles et un système de demande mal défini. Ils manquent de conseils sur la façon de procéder. Les questions de recherche émergeant d’enquêtes empiriques et théoriques sont les suivantes: 1. Comment un projet d’écosystème peut-il être géré? Existe-t-il un schéma spécifique et quelles sont les variables du pilotage de projet? 2. Quels sont les processus de pilotage les plus stratégiques pour la sélection de projets d'innovation liés à la structuration des écosystèmes? Quelles sont les variables organisationnelles et les variables médiatrices de la structuration écosystémique? 3. Quels sont les artefacts de gestion les plus adéquats pour soutenir le processus d'exploration dans le contexte d'un projet d'écosystème? Afin d’étudier les dynamiques à l’œuvre, et d’instrumenter leur pilotage, le travail de recherche porte sur le cas de la mobilité connectée, observée par la participation à trois projets, suivant les usages qui se définissent sous l’impulsion des OEMs, et sous les initiatives des usagers (véhicule autonome, connecté, électrique, partagé). Les projets choisis portent sur la diffusion de l’infrastructure de recharge rapide du véhicule électrique, la création d’un prototype de marketplace pour les données collectées par les véhicules, et le développement de services autour du véhicule autonome. Tous constituent un terrain particulièrement perturbé par le trend de connexion, obligeant à une reconfiguration des acteurs, de leurs politiques partenariales, leur business model (ex : Uber, Google Car…). D’où le besoin actuel de réactualisation des outils et des théories existantes en management de l’innovation.L’analyse des données collectées permets de répondre aux questions posées. Suite à l’Identification des management challenges spécifiques aux projets d’innovation systémique et disruptive, nous avons développé un cadre d’analyse et d’action intégrant les trois logiques théoriques sous-jacentes (platform leadership / systemic innovation, disruptive innovation / design driven innovation, digital business model). Nous avons identifié et caractérise une typologie de projet, le Proto-ecosystem project, qui permet aux acteurs la création de connaissances, compétences et liens qui participent à la structuration d’un écosystème. Nous avons identifié le processus-type par étape finalise’ à l’alignement des partenaires des projets observés et les artefacts plus performants dans cette démarche. Nous avons indiqué les limitations de cette recherche et les possibles évolutions pour l’avenir. / The thesis deals with the relevant forms of management of innovation projects with a strong systemic, disruptive and digital component, which contribute to the structuring of an ecosystem. Indeed, these types of innovation are becoming more and more numerous given the growing connection of objects / services / companies / public authorities and the resulting new cross-business opportunities.The insights provided by existing literature enable managers to perform strategic decision making when rules of the game are set among known actors, but not when the actors and the environment are progressively defined. Nowadays, managers from private and public institutions need to get aligned with variable internal, external conditions, time perspectives, and ill-defined demand system; they miss guidance on how proceeding with it. The research questions emerging from empirical and theoretical investigations are the following: 1. How can an ecosystem project be managed? Is there a specific pattern, and which are the variables of project steering? 2.Which are the most strategically performing steering processes for the selection of innovation projects related to ecosystem structuring? Which are the organizational variables and the mediating variables toward eco-systemic structuring? 3. Which are the more adequate management artefacts to support the exploration process in a context of ecosystem project?In order to study the dynamics at work, and to instrumentalise their management, the research work focuses on the case of connected mobility, observed through the participation in three projects, according to the uses defined by the impetus of OEMs, and under the initiatives of users (autonomous vehicle, connected, electric, shared). The projects chosen concern the diffusion of the fast charging infrastructure of the electric vehicle, the creation of a prototype marketplace for the data collected by the vehicles, and the development of services enabled by the autonomous vehicle. All of them constitute a terrain particularly disrupted by the trend of connection, forcing a reconfiguration of actors, their partnership policies, their business model (ex: Uber, Google Car ...). Hence the current need to update existing tools and theories in innovation management. The analysis of the data collected provides elements to answer the research questions. Following the identification of management challenges specific to systemic and disruptive innovation projects, we have developed a framework of analysis and action integrating the three underlying theoretical logic (platform leadership / systemic innovation, disruptive innovation / design driven innovation, digital business model). We have identified and characterized a project typology, the Proto-ecosystem project, which enables stakeholders to create the knowledge, skills and connections that contribute to the structuring of an ecosystem. We have identified the typical process by stage finalized to the alignment of the partners of the observed projects and the more efficient artifacts in this alignment process. We have indicated the limitations of this research and the possible future evolutions.

A social and cultural study of traditional dress in contemporary Botswana

Disele, Potlako Lilian Peoesele January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Knowing why and daring to be different : becoming and being teachers-as-learners

Robinson, Gillian Susan January 2010 (has links)
In Scotland, the interest and investment in the professional development of teachers is currently focused on the ongoing development and implementation of its new curriculum: Curriculum for Excellence. To cope with ever-evolving curricular and pedagogical demands and to be able to effectively identify and meet the needs of the students they teach, teachers need to become, and be, teachers-as-learners. Accordingly, teachers and those with responsibility for defining and supporting teachers’ development are likely to have a vested interest in identifying and understanding what might best facilitate teachers’ learning. Engaging with this agenda, the purpose of this study is to promote and inform dialogue within and between all those in the educational community who have responsibility for teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD), so that some of the complexity involved in becoming and being teachers-as-learners might be recognised and better understood. With the aim to explore what we can learn from teachers’ own accounts of becoming and being teachers-as-learners in Scotland today, this co-operative enquiry was conducted with nine Chartered Teachers (CT), six of whom were fully qualified CTs and three of whom were still en route to achieving full CT status. To meet the Scottish Standard for Chartered Teacher, teachers need to demonstrate that they are teachers-as-learners. Enquiring with these teachers was, therefore, seen as particularly apposite to this study’s chief aim. Attending to the personal, professional and political influences they perceived as significant, these teachers shared their views, when they looked inwards to their own feelings, reactions and dispositions; outwards, to the professional and political environments with which they interact and backwards and forwards, over time. This is the first study to carry out an inquiry with Chartered Teachers in a way that allowed them to explore this complexity, because it sought to explore all four dimensions, i.e. inward, outwards, backwards and forwards (Clandinin and Connelly, 2000:50) of their storied accounts. Storied accounts of the teachers’ learning journeys were co-created during a loosely structured, dyadic, in-depth interview. Integral to this process, was discussion about the artefact(s) that eight, of the nine, participants had created for this study, to represent, reflect upon and record aspects of their journeying. Thematic narrative analysis has illuminated the complexity and particularity of each teacher’s learning journey as well as some important commonalities across them. This thesis further explores the teachers’ accounts of their experiences, in depth, and the key issues these accounts raise. Through examination of individual accounts, we learn, for example, that the teacher’s own disposition to professional learning really matters but, importantly, that it does not necessarily define the outcome. Sometimes supported and sometimes inhibited by the professional and political contexts in which they work, these teachers, motivated by a powerful sense of moral purpose, report that they have made significant and apparently, sustainable changes to their thinking and practice. Postgraduate CT study proved crucial to their journeying because, for the first time since qualifying, they had been encouraged and supported to make sense of why and to what extent, their day-to-day practices would, or would not, meet the needs of their students. It is this understanding why that appears to have made the greatest difference to their practice and to the reconstruction of their professional identities. It emerged as one of the most significant influences to their becoming and being teachers-as-learners. To do so, however, the teachers felt they have had to ‘dare to be different’. Their ability, willingness and commitment to talk about, promote and evaluate learning, in critically informed ways has meant they have often felt isolated. Despite this, the perceived benefits of being a teacher-as-learner were seen to more than compensate for what might be viewed as negative experiences. The findings suggest significant implications for the provision of, and teachers’ participation in, CPD in Scotland. They indicate the need to establish a much clearer and more critically informed focus on developing teachers’ knowledge and understanding of why they do what they do to promote learning and to develop their professional enquiry skills and understandings. If this is to happen, it will necessitate systemic change and support, involving, individual teachers, teachers as collectives within school cultures, CPD facilitators/providers and policy makers at all levels.

Etude des phénomènes d’interaction faisceau d’électrons-gaz-matière dans un MEB à pression variable : Applications aux matériaux composites (polymères, céramiques et métaux) / Study of the electron beam-gas-material interactions in a variable pressure SEM : applications to composite materials (polymers, ceramics and metals)

Zoukel, Abdelhalim 11 December 2013 (has links)
La microscopie électronique à balayage est une technique essentielle pour la caractérisation des matériaux. La nouvelle génération de MEB connue sous le nom de MEB à pression variable (aussi appelée MEB environnemental) permet de travailler dans des conditions moins drastiques de pression et de tension. Cependant, l’imagerie et la micro-analyse chimique rencontrent un défi majeur en ce qui concerne la diffusion du faisceau d'électrons primaires par les atomes/molécules du milieu gazeux. Ce phénomène de diffusion (skirt) conduit à l'apparition de plusieurs artéfacts au-delà de ceux qui sont familiers dans un MEB conventionnel. Le principal artéfact reconnu est la dégradation de la résolution spatiale qui est délimitée par le volume d'interaction en mode high-vacuum. Les objectifs de la recherche rapportés ici sont les suivants: (i) étudier l'ampleur et l'étendue de la fraction du faisceau d'électrons diffusée. (ii) le développement d'une méthodologie originale et nouvelle, afin de faire face à l'effet du skirt sur la résolution spatiale. L'efficacité de cette étude est démontrée par sa capacité à quantifier les effets de certains paramètres expérimentaux sur la dégradation de la résolution spatiale. En outre, la nouvelle méthodologie proposée est un atout précieux pour garder la résolution spatiale ultime obtenue en mode high-vacuum. Cela dépend fortement du nouveau volume d'interaction (appelé le volume d'interaction en mode low-vacuum) créé à la fois par la fraction du faisceau d'électrons diffusée et la fraction non-diffusée. / Scanning electron microscope (SEM) is an essential technique to characterize materials. The new generation of SEMs known as a variable pressure SEM (also named environmental SEM) allows to work under less drastic conditions of pressure and voltage. However, the imaging and chemical microanalysis face a major challenge with regard to the scattering of the primary electron beam by the atoms/molecules of the gas medium. This phenomenon of beam skirting leads to the appearance of several artifacts beyond those familiar in conventional SEM. The main recognized artifact is the degradation of the spatial resolution which is delineated by the high-vacuum interaction volume. The objectives of the research reported herein were: (i) to study the magnitude and the extent of the electron beam skirt. (ii) and the development of an original and new methodology in order to deal with the effect of the electron beam skirt on the spatial resolution. The effectiveness of this study is demonstrated by its ability to quantify the effects of some experimental parameters on the degradation of the spatial resolution. Further, the new methodology proposed is a valuable asset to keep the ultimate spatial resolution obtained at high vacuum mode. This depend strongly on the new interaction volume (called the low-vacuum interaction volume) created by both scattered and unscattered fraction of the electron beam.

Personal stories to visual representation : ‘The stories of Zili’

Yang, Hyeunjin January 2008 (has links)
I represented a person’s stories and memories of childhood through the material called glass, and found a method to approach personal stories. To do this, the medium to express my conception that is express of the personal experience and extreme situation on glass was based. The most significant point of study was realizing the nature of emotions and meanings within a person’s life. As well as special instruments and to analyze whether it is an appropriate expression. Accordingly with this, I collected individual stories from Zili and tried to comprehensively understand the cause behind. For that I approached different cases of psychology theory to compare. After I analyzed the colour and object that relate to memories or the person. Expression of artefact I created from foundational theory through my perspective. I represented in magnification of memories as an expression on glass artefacts for respect of peoples diversity life. This led me to make more concrete context in practical work and theoretical tool as well.

Restauration et analyse de l'électrocardiogramme acquis pendant les examens d'imagerie par résonance magnétique

Abächerli, Roger Felblinger, Jacques. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse de doctorat : Automatique et traitement du signal : Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL : 2005. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr.

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