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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation de la communauté bactérienne impliquée dans la minéralisation du soufre organique dans les rhizosphères de colza et d'orge / Characterization of bacterial community involved in the mineralization of organic sulfur in the rhizospheres of rapeseed and barley

Cregut, Mickaël 27 May 2009 (has links)
Depuis une trentaine d’années, l’élément soufre (S) est devenu un des éléments les plus limitants pour la croissance des cultures du fait de nombreux facteurs, comme les nouvelles pratiques de gestion des sols et la limitation des pollutions anthropiques. Ainsi, des carences en S apparaissent au sein des cultures et particulièrement en Europe de l’Ouest. Nos objectifs ont été d’appréhender la communauté bactérienne fonctionnelle du sol qui, de par son activité arylsulfatase, permet la minéralisation de la forme majoritaire du S en sulfate (forme de S assimilée par les plantes). D’après nos résultats, la densité de cette communauté bactérienne fonctionnelle est plus importante dans les environnements où le S est potentiellement plus limitant (rhizosphère de colza vs orge). De plus, cette communauté fonctionnelle apparaît diversifiée et est notamment composée de divers genres bactériens affiliés à de nombreuses classes taxonomiques (Actinobactéries, Firmicutes, a-, ß-, d-, ?-protéobactéries et aux Planctomycètes). De plus, au sein de la rhizosphère du colza, des variations temporelles de structure et de diversité de cette communauté fonctionnelle ont également été mises en évidence. En conclusion, l’ensemble des expérimentations semble mettre en évidence, que la communauté bactérienne fonctionnelle minéralisant les esters de sulfate apparaît stimulée sous colza comparée à celle présente sous orge. Ces résultats laissent présager le rôle potentiel de cette communauté fonctionnelle dans le turn-over du S dans les sols agricoles et la mise en place d’approches d’écologie fonctionnelle supplémentaires permettrait de mieux cerner son implication dans la nutrition soufrée des cultures / Over the past thirty years, Sulfur (S) has become one of the most limiting element for crop growth due to many factors, such as new soil management practices and depletion of the anthropogenic pollution. Thus, S deficiencies increase in crops, particularly in Western Europe. Our objectives were to apprehend the soil functional bacterial community which, by its arylsulfatase activity, allows the mineralization of the majority form of S to sulfate (form of S assimilated by plants). Based on our results, the density of the functional bacterial community are higher in environments where S is potentially limiting (rapeseed rhizosphere vs. barley rhizosphere). Moreover, this functional community appeared diverse and belonging to several taxonomic classes (Actinobacteria, firmicutes, a-, ß-, d-, ?-proteobacteria and Planctomycetea). In addition, in the rapeseed rhizosphere, temporal variations of the structure and diversity of this functional community have also been highlighted. In conclusion, our experiments appear to demonstrate that this functional bacterial community mineralizing sulphate esters appeared stimulated in rapeseed rhizosphere compared to that present in barley rhizosphere. However, the establishment of new approaches to allow additional functional ecology bases for this community should be made to allow a better understanding of its potential involvement in sulfur nutrition of crops

Caractérisation de la communauté fongique impliquée dans la minéralisation du soufre organique dans les rhizosphères de colza et d'orge / Characterization of fungal community implicated in the mineralization of organic sulfur in rhizosphere of rape and barley

Hamdan, Lama 09 November 2010 (has links)
En Europe de l’Ouest, S est devenu un élément limitant pour la croissance des plantes. Ainsi, des carences en S apparaissent de plus en plus fréquemment sur des cultures tel que le colza. Dans le sol, 95% de S est sous formes organiques, non disponibles pour les plantes. L’intervention de la microflore est indispensable pour assurer la minéralisation du S organique en sulfates, assimilables par la plante. Nos objectifs ont été de caractériser la communauté fongique impliquée dans la minéralisation des esters de S, forme majoritaire de S organique, via une activité arylsulfatase (ARS), dans les rhizosphères de colza et d’orge. La communauté fongique est composée de plusieurs genres affiliés principalement aux Ascomycètes. Chez les souches fongiques isolées de la rhizosphère de colza et d’orge, une activité ARS a été détectée dans différents compartiments cellulaires. La régulation de ces activités ARS semble dépendante du taxon considéré. Nous avons par ailleurs montré que l’environnement rhizosphérique n’influence pas toujours la taille de la communauté fongique ARS. Dans les sols, si les activités ARS totale et intracellulaire semblent négativement corrélées avec les quantités de sulfates, l’activité ARS extracellulaire semble indépendante de la disponibilité en sulfates. En conclusion, l’ensemble des expérimentations suggère que la communauté fongique fonctionnelle joue un rôle dans la dynamique du S dans les sols agricoles. Des approches d’écologie fonctionnelle permettraient de mieux cerner leur implication dans la disponibilité en S minéral pour la plante / In Western Europe, sulfur (S) deficiency occurs in certain crops, including crucifers and cereals. Therefore, S becomes limiting for crop production and plants exhaust S mainly from soil organic S. In soil, 95% of S is in organic form that is not readily available for plants. This organic form containing principally ester S requires microbial mineralization to sulfate by arylsulfatase (ARS) enzyme. Our objectives were to characterize the fungal community having the ARS activity in the rhizosphere of rape versus that of barley. Functional fungal community comprised several genera principally belonging to Ascomycota. In different fungal strains, ARS activity was detected in different cellular compartments. The regulation of ARS was mostly dependent on microbial taxa. The density of the functional fungal community was not influenced by rhizospheric compartment.In soils, total and intracellular ARS activities were negatively correlated with soil sulfates whereas soil extracellular ARS activity was independent of sulfates. The overall results suggest that the functional fungal community could play a role in the dynamics of S in agricultural soils. Further approaches should be developed to allow a better understanding of their potential involvement in S nutrition of crops

Effets de l’introduction du pois dans une succession de cultures sur certaines communautés végétales et bactériennes et leurs fonctions écosystémiques associées / Impacts of pea introduction in a crop succession on specific plant and bacterial communities and their ecosystem functions

Romillac, Nicolas 09 December 2015 (has links)
Les plantes cultivées peuvent modifier la disponibilité en ressources et les perturbations perçues par les communautés d’organismes présentes dans les agroécosystèmes et en conséquence, influencer les fonctions écosystémiques utiles à la production agricole telles que la minéralisation de N et de S ou la compétition culture-adventices. Notre objectif était d’évaluer l’effet du pois (Pisum sativum L.), introduit dans une succession de cultures, sur les communautés d’adventices et les communautés microbiennes impliquées dans la minéralisation de N et S. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené des expérimentations en conditions contrôlées et utilisé les données d’une expérimentation au champ conduite pendant 5 ans. En conditions contrôlées, nous avons montré que le pois influence via ses traits racinaires certaines activités enzymatiques liées à la minéralisation de N. En revanche au champ, les variables climatiques influencent principalement le fonctionnement des communautés microbiennes impliquées dans la minéralisation de N et S. Par ailleurs, nous avons observé que le pois sélectionnait des communautés d’adventices fonctionnellement différentes de celles d’autres cultures, comme le colza, mais cet effet du pois ne persistait pas sous la culture suivante. En conclusion, les effets du pois sur les communautés microbiennes impliquées dans la minéralisation de N et S sont faibles comparés à ceux d’autres facteurs comme les conditions climatiques. En revanche l’effet du pois sur les communautés d’adventices est fort mais limité dans le temps. Ces résultats montrent la nécessité de mener les expérimentations au champ sur plusieurs années afin de prendre en compte la variabilité climatique. / Crops species modify resources availability and perturbation regimes perceived by the communities of organisms residing in the agroecosystems and, as a consequence, can lead to alteration of ecosystem functions useful to crop production, such as nitrogen and sulfur mineralization or crop-weeds competition, realized by weeds or microorganisms. Our objective was to study the effect of a legume, pea, when introduced in a crop succession, on weed communities and microbial communities involved in protein decomposition and sulfate ester mineralization, which are the main forms of N and S, respectively, in agricultural soils. To do so, we performed experiments in controlled conditions used data from a 5-years field experiment. In controlled conditions, we showed that pea during its development modify through its root functional traits several enzymatic activities involved in N decomposition/mineralization. However, in the field experiment, climatic factors were the main drivers of the microbial communities involved in N and S decomposition/mineralization. Moreover, pea selected weed communities that were functionally different from weed communities growing in other crops such as oilseed rape. However, this effect did not persist under the following crop. As a conclusion, our results suggest that pea modifications of microbial communities are weak compared to other factors such as climatic factors. However, pea effects on weed communities are strong but short lived. Those results highlight the complementarity of microcosm and field experiments, and the necessity of long term field experiments to take into account climate variability.

Erzeugung von Maus-knock-out-Modellen für die Sulfatasen Sulf1, Sulf2 und Arylsulfatase G / Generation of mouse knock out models for the sulfatases Sulf1, Sulf2 and arylsulfatase G

Padva, Michael 30 November 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Roles of Seminolipid and Its Associated Membrane Domain in Male Fertility

Kongmanas, Kessiri January 2015 (has links)
Our research aims at understanding the roles of seminolipid (sulfogalactosylglycerolipid or SGG) and its associated membrane domains in male reproduction. SGG is a sulfoglycolipid present selectively and abundantly in mammalian male germ cells. Therefore, information on its properties would be relevant towards the development of male fertility biomarkers and spermicide-based contraceptives. We have shown that SGG has direct affinity for zona pellucida (ZP, egg extracellular matrix) and plays a role in the formation of sperm lipid rafts, the ZP-binding platforms on the sperm anterior head plasma membrane (APM), the initial ZP binding site. For a better understanding of mechanisms underlying sperm-ZP interaction, I performed proteomic characterization of APM vesicles (SGG-associated membrane domains with ZP affinity) isolated from sperm before and after capacitation, a process through which sperm gain maximal ZP affinity. Proteomic results revealed that capacitated APM vesicles contained high-molecular-weight protein complexes, with higher ZP affinity and levels of ZP-binding proteins as compared with those of the non-capacitated samples. ZP-binding proteins known to exist in the acrosome (i.e., zonadhesin, proacrosin/acrosin) were found in these APM protein complexes. Immunofluorescence suggested that a fraction of these proteins trafficked from the acrosome to APM during capacitation. These findings provided a new mechanism on how sperm gain full ZP-binding ability during capacitation. Since SGG is a major component of APM, proper SGG levels at this site would be important for male fertility. Levels of sperm SGG are regulated through the synthesis and degradation. In fact, lack of SGG-synthesis enzymes causes a spermatogenesis disruption, resulting in male infertility. However, significance of SGG degradation remains unknown. SGG can be desulfated in vitro by arylsulfatase A (ARSA), an enzyme existing in the acrosomes of sperm/spermatids and lysosomes of Sertoli cells, testicular somatic cells that nurture developing germ cells. Sertoli cells also phagocytose ~50% of germ cells that become apoptotic during spermatogenesis. To understand physiological importance of SGG degradation, the fertility status and SGG levels of Arsa-/- male mice were determined. We found that Arsa-/- males became subfertile when they were older than 5 months, and when they were 8-month-old (~40-year-old men) they produced sperm at 50% wild type rate. Arsa-/- sperm had minimal in vitro fertilizing ability and a number of them showed abnormal morphology. Quantitative mass spectrometry revealed that SGG levels in Sertoli cells of 8-month-old Arsa-/- mice were increased to ~250% of the wild type level; this SGG accumulation may lead to a decrease in Sertoli cell ability to support spermatogenesis. However, SGG levels in sperm of 8-month-old Arsa-/- mice were ~50% of the wild type value, a result that partly explained the decreased fertilizing ability of these sperm. The reduced SGG level of Arsa-/- sperm was likely due to a lack of SGG’s building-block lipid (palmitylpalmitoylglycerol) putatively generated in Arsa-/- Sertoli cells and recycled to the next generation of primary spermatocytes for SGG synthesis. Hence, levels of sperm SGG are a promising bioindex for male fertility. Since Sertoli cells also regulate SGG homeostasis, their functionality should be now included in male fertility/subfertility diagnosis.

Diagnóstico diferencial das mucopolissacaridoses I, VI e VII : aperfeiçoamento de técnicas espectrofluorimétricas para a medida da atividade enzimática em amostras de sangue impregnado em papel filtro e outros marcadores bioquímicos

Cé, Jaqueline January 2018 (has links)
As Mucopolissacaridoses são erros inatos do metabolismo, fazem parte das doenças lisossômicas de depósito e ocorrem devido à deficiência na atividade de enzimas que catalisam a degradação de glicosaminoglicanos. O objetivo desse estudo foi aperfeiçoar o diagnóstico bioquímico das Mucopolissacaridoses dos tipos I, VI e VII, estabelecendo o uso do tampão fosfato de sódio 20 mmol/L pH 7,0 (tampão universal - TU) e outros parâmetros bioquímicos. Nesse trabalho foi aprimorada a técnica de medida de atividade da beta-glicuronidase (GUSB), enzima deficiente na MPS VII, reduzindo a quantidade de reagentes em 4 vezes e a utilização do tamanho dos picotes de sangue impregnado em papel filtro (SPF) para 1,2 mm. Estudamos a cinética da atividade da GUSB determinando o pH ótimo (4,4), Km (1,25 mM), Vmáx (594,48 nmol/h/mL), termoestabilidade (inativação significante da enzima a partir de 60 min a 60 ºC) e tempo e temperatura de armazenamento (até 30 dias à 4, 25 e 37 ºC, acima de 60 dias à -20 ºC) e estabelecemos um intervalo de referência para a atividade da GUSB em amostras de indivíduos saudáveis nessa metodologia (174,4 nmol/h/mL a 781,9 nmol/h/mL). Estabelecemos o uso do TU para determinação das atividades da alfa-iduronidase (IDUA), arilsulfatase B (ASB) e GUSB medindo a atividade enzimática em SPF eluído nesse tampão e correlacionamos com a técnica espectrofluorimétrica já padronizada para cada enzima em SPF de 1,2 mm em amostras de indivíduos saudáveis As correlações foram positivas e os coeficientes de validação da técnica estavam dentro dos limites aceitáveis. As médias de atividade determinadas para indivíduos saudáveis foram: 14,65 + 4,35 nmol/h/mL (IDUA), 22,51 + 5,09 nmol/h/mL (ASB) e 531,92 + 121,05 nmol/h/mL (GUSB). Foram analisados parâmetros bioquímicos envolvidos em estresse oxidativo no plasma de indivíduos com MPS VI e comparados com MPS I e controles saudáveis. A medida da atividade da SOD não diferiu entre os grupos, a atividade de CAT encontrava-se diminuída tanto em MPS VI quanto em MPS I e a dosagem de TBARS estava aumentada em ambas as MPS em relação aos controles. A partir desse estudo, foi possível padronizarmos e aperfeiçoarmos novas técnicas para o diagnóstico laboratorial para a MPS I, VI e VII além de introduzir o estresse oxidativo como um possível marcador no uso da terapia de reposição enzimática. / Mucopolysaccharidoses are inborn errors of metabolism, being part of lysosomal storage diseases and occuring due to deficiency in the activity of enzymes that catalyze the degradation of glycosaminoglycans. The aim of this study was to improve the biochemical diagnosis of Mucopolysaccharidoses of types I, VI and VII, establishing the use of 20 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer pH 7.0 (universal extraction buffer - UEB) and other biochemical parameters. In this work, the activity measurement technique of beta-glucuronidase (GUSB), enzyme deficient in MPS VII, has been improved, reducing the amount of reagents in 4 times and using the size of dried blood spots (DBS) for 1.2 mm. We studied the kinetics of GUSB activity by determining the optimum pH (4.4), Km (1.25 mM), Vmax (594.48 nmol/h/mL), thermostability (significant inactivation of the enzyme from 60min at 60 ºC) and storage time and temperature (up to 30 days at 4, 25 and 37 °C, above 60 days at -20 °C) and established a reference range for GUSB activity in samples from healthy subjects in this methodology (174.4 nmol/h/mL at 781.9 nmol/h/ mL). We established the use of TU to determine the activities of alpha-iduronidase (IDUA), arylsulfatase B (ASB) and GUSB by measuring the enzymatic activity in DBS eluted in this buffer and correlated with the standardized spectrofluorometric technique for each enzyme in DBS of 1.2 mm in samples from healthy individuals Correlations were positive and the validation coefficients of the technique were within acceptable limits. The activity means determined for healthy individuals were 14.65 ± 4.35 nmol/h/mL (IDUA), 22.51 ± 5.09 nmol/h/mL (ASB) and 531.92 ± 121.05 nmol/h/mL (GUSB). Biochemical parameters involved in oxidative stress in the plasma of individuals with MPS VI and compared to MPS I and healthy controls were analyzed. Measurement of SOD activity did not differ between groups, CAT activity was decreased in both MPS VI and MPS I and the TBARS dosage was increased in both MPS compared to controls. From this study, it was possible to standardize and improve new techniques for laboratory diagnosis for MPS I, VI and VII, besides introducing oxidative stress as a possible marker in the use of enzyme replacement therapy.

Ilgalaikio tręšimo poveikis skirtingos kilmės dirvožemių biologiniam aktyvumui / The long-term fertilization effect on biological activity of different genesis soils

Grigaliūnienė, Kristina 17 January 2006 (has links)
The effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on biological activity of different genesis soils in long-term crop rotation trials was determined. Biological activity was diverse in the soils of different genesis and it activity correlated with some soil chemical properties. Organic and mineral fertilizers and their combinations more increased biological activity in the soil than only mineral fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers suppressed dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase activity (180 kg ha-1) with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. The relationship between the crops grown, their yield and enzyme activity and respiration intensity in the soil was investigated.

Diagnóstico diferencial das mucopolissacaridoses I, VI e VII : aperfeiçoamento de técnicas espectrofluorimétricas para a medida da atividade enzimática em amostras de sangue impregnado em papel filtro e outros marcadores bioquímicos

Cé, Jaqueline January 2018 (has links)
As Mucopolissacaridoses são erros inatos do metabolismo, fazem parte das doenças lisossômicas de depósito e ocorrem devido à deficiência na atividade de enzimas que catalisam a degradação de glicosaminoglicanos. O objetivo desse estudo foi aperfeiçoar o diagnóstico bioquímico das Mucopolissacaridoses dos tipos I, VI e VII, estabelecendo o uso do tampão fosfato de sódio 20 mmol/L pH 7,0 (tampão universal - TU) e outros parâmetros bioquímicos. Nesse trabalho foi aprimorada a técnica de medida de atividade da beta-glicuronidase (GUSB), enzima deficiente na MPS VII, reduzindo a quantidade de reagentes em 4 vezes e a utilização do tamanho dos picotes de sangue impregnado em papel filtro (SPF) para 1,2 mm. Estudamos a cinética da atividade da GUSB determinando o pH ótimo (4,4), Km (1,25 mM), Vmáx (594,48 nmol/h/mL), termoestabilidade (inativação significante da enzima a partir de 60 min a 60 ºC) e tempo e temperatura de armazenamento (até 30 dias à 4, 25 e 37 ºC, acima de 60 dias à -20 ºC) e estabelecemos um intervalo de referência para a atividade da GUSB em amostras de indivíduos saudáveis nessa metodologia (174,4 nmol/h/mL a 781,9 nmol/h/mL). Estabelecemos o uso do TU para determinação das atividades da alfa-iduronidase (IDUA), arilsulfatase B (ASB) e GUSB medindo a atividade enzimática em SPF eluído nesse tampão e correlacionamos com a técnica espectrofluorimétrica já padronizada para cada enzima em SPF de 1,2 mm em amostras de indivíduos saudáveis As correlações foram positivas e os coeficientes de validação da técnica estavam dentro dos limites aceitáveis. As médias de atividade determinadas para indivíduos saudáveis foram: 14,65 + 4,35 nmol/h/mL (IDUA), 22,51 + 5,09 nmol/h/mL (ASB) e 531,92 + 121,05 nmol/h/mL (GUSB). Foram analisados parâmetros bioquímicos envolvidos em estresse oxidativo no plasma de indivíduos com MPS VI e comparados com MPS I e controles saudáveis. A medida da atividade da SOD não diferiu entre os grupos, a atividade de CAT encontrava-se diminuída tanto em MPS VI quanto em MPS I e a dosagem de TBARS estava aumentada em ambas as MPS em relação aos controles. A partir desse estudo, foi possível padronizarmos e aperfeiçoarmos novas técnicas para o diagnóstico laboratorial para a MPS I, VI e VII além de introduzir o estresse oxidativo como um possível marcador no uso da terapia de reposição enzimática. / Mucopolysaccharidoses are inborn errors of metabolism, being part of lysosomal storage diseases and occuring due to deficiency in the activity of enzymes that catalyze the degradation of glycosaminoglycans. The aim of this study was to improve the biochemical diagnosis of Mucopolysaccharidoses of types I, VI and VII, establishing the use of 20 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer pH 7.0 (universal extraction buffer - UEB) and other biochemical parameters. In this work, the activity measurement technique of beta-glucuronidase (GUSB), enzyme deficient in MPS VII, has been improved, reducing the amount of reagents in 4 times and using the size of dried blood spots (DBS) for 1.2 mm. We studied the kinetics of GUSB activity by determining the optimum pH (4.4), Km (1.25 mM), Vmax (594.48 nmol/h/mL), thermostability (significant inactivation of the enzyme from 60min at 60 ºC) and storage time and temperature (up to 30 days at 4, 25 and 37 °C, above 60 days at -20 °C) and established a reference range for GUSB activity in samples from healthy subjects in this methodology (174.4 nmol/h/mL at 781.9 nmol/h/ mL). We established the use of TU to determine the activities of alpha-iduronidase (IDUA), arylsulfatase B (ASB) and GUSB by measuring the enzymatic activity in DBS eluted in this buffer and correlated with the standardized spectrofluorometric technique for each enzyme in DBS of 1.2 mm in samples from healthy individuals Correlations were positive and the validation coefficients of the technique were within acceptable limits. The activity means determined for healthy individuals were 14.65 ± 4.35 nmol/h/mL (IDUA), 22.51 ± 5.09 nmol/h/mL (ASB) and 531.92 ± 121.05 nmol/h/mL (GUSB). Biochemical parameters involved in oxidative stress in the plasma of individuals with MPS VI and compared to MPS I and healthy controls were analyzed. Measurement of SOD activity did not differ between groups, CAT activity was decreased in both MPS VI and MPS I and the TBARS dosage was increased in both MPS compared to controls. From this study, it was possible to standardize and improve new techniques for laboratory diagnosis for MPS I, VI and VII, besides introducing oxidative stress as a possible marker in the use of enzyme replacement therapy.

Diagnóstico diferencial das mucopolissacaridoses I, VI e VII : aperfeiçoamento de técnicas espectrofluorimétricas para a medida da atividade enzimática em amostras de sangue impregnado em papel filtro e outros marcadores bioquímicos

Cé, Jaqueline January 2018 (has links)
As Mucopolissacaridoses são erros inatos do metabolismo, fazem parte das doenças lisossômicas de depósito e ocorrem devido à deficiência na atividade de enzimas que catalisam a degradação de glicosaminoglicanos. O objetivo desse estudo foi aperfeiçoar o diagnóstico bioquímico das Mucopolissacaridoses dos tipos I, VI e VII, estabelecendo o uso do tampão fosfato de sódio 20 mmol/L pH 7,0 (tampão universal - TU) e outros parâmetros bioquímicos. Nesse trabalho foi aprimorada a técnica de medida de atividade da beta-glicuronidase (GUSB), enzima deficiente na MPS VII, reduzindo a quantidade de reagentes em 4 vezes e a utilização do tamanho dos picotes de sangue impregnado em papel filtro (SPF) para 1,2 mm. Estudamos a cinética da atividade da GUSB determinando o pH ótimo (4,4), Km (1,25 mM), Vmáx (594,48 nmol/h/mL), termoestabilidade (inativação significante da enzima a partir de 60 min a 60 ºC) e tempo e temperatura de armazenamento (até 30 dias à 4, 25 e 37 ºC, acima de 60 dias à -20 ºC) e estabelecemos um intervalo de referência para a atividade da GUSB em amostras de indivíduos saudáveis nessa metodologia (174,4 nmol/h/mL a 781,9 nmol/h/mL). Estabelecemos o uso do TU para determinação das atividades da alfa-iduronidase (IDUA), arilsulfatase B (ASB) e GUSB medindo a atividade enzimática em SPF eluído nesse tampão e correlacionamos com a técnica espectrofluorimétrica já padronizada para cada enzima em SPF de 1,2 mm em amostras de indivíduos saudáveis As correlações foram positivas e os coeficientes de validação da técnica estavam dentro dos limites aceitáveis. As médias de atividade determinadas para indivíduos saudáveis foram: 14,65 + 4,35 nmol/h/mL (IDUA), 22,51 + 5,09 nmol/h/mL (ASB) e 531,92 + 121,05 nmol/h/mL (GUSB). Foram analisados parâmetros bioquímicos envolvidos em estresse oxidativo no plasma de indivíduos com MPS VI e comparados com MPS I e controles saudáveis. A medida da atividade da SOD não diferiu entre os grupos, a atividade de CAT encontrava-se diminuída tanto em MPS VI quanto em MPS I e a dosagem de TBARS estava aumentada em ambas as MPS em relação aos controles. A partir desse estudo, foi possível padronizarmos e aperfeiçoarmos novas técnicas para o diagnóstico laboratorial para a MPS I, VI e VII além de introduzir o estresse oxidativo como um possível marcador no uso da terapia de reposição enzimática. / Mucopolysaccharidoses are inborn errors of metabolism, being part of lysosomal storage diseases and occuring due to deficiency in the activity of enzymes that catalyze the degradation of glycosaminoglycans. The aim of this study was to improve the biochemical diagnosis of Mucopolysaccharidoses of types I, VI and VII, establishing the use of 20 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer pH 7.0 (universal extraction buffer - UEB) and other biochemical parameters. In this work, the activity measurement technique of beta-glucuronidase (GUSB), enzyme deficient in MPS VII, has been improved, reducing the amount of reagents in 4 times and using the size of dried blood spots (DBS) for 1.2 mm. We studied the kinetics of GUSB activity by determining the optimum pH (4.4), Km (1.25 mM), Vmax (594.48 nmol/h/mL), thermostability (significant inactivation of the enzyme from 60min at 60 ºC) and storage time and temperature (up to 30 days at 4, 25 and 37 °C, above 60 days at -20 °C) and established a reference range for GUSB activity in samples from healthy subjects in this methodology (174.4 nmol/h/mL at 781.9 nmol/h/ mL). We established the use of TU to determine the activities of alpha-iduronidase (IDUA), arylsulfatase B (ASB) and GUSB by measuring the enzymatic activity in DBS eluted in this buffer and correlated with the standardized spectrofluorometric technique for each enzyme in DBS of 1.2 mm in samples from healthy individuals Correlations were positive and the validation coefficients of the technique were within acceptable limits. The activity means determined for healthy individuals were 14.65 ± 4.35 nmol/h/mL (IDUA), 22.51 ± 5.09 nmol/h/mL (ASB) and 531.92 ± 121.05 nmol/h/mL (GUSB). Biochemical parameters involved in oxidative stress in the plasma of individuals with MPS VI and compared to MPS I and healthy controls were analyzed. Measurement of SOD activity did not differ between groups, CAT activity was decreased in both MPS VI and MPS I and the TBARS dosage was increased in both MPS compared to controls. From this study, it was possible to standardize and improve new techniques for laboratory diagnosis for MPS I, VI and VII, besides introducing oxidative stress as a possible marker in the use of enzyme replacement therapy.

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