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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Handlingsplaner och diskussion : Samarbetsverktyg

Blank, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
This report discloses the implementation of a collaboration tool in the form of action plans and discussion functionality in behalf of the company ZonderaCom AB (Zondera). The current tool used for this purpose is inflexible, have a hard time meeting customer requirements and therefore needs to be replaced. The new application is part of a larger entity where user management and database schemas are already in place. The functionality of this application consists of issue management, chat/discussion, document management, notes, sharing and printing. For users with higher permissions a summary view will also be available. The application is implemented using ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework (EF) and SQL Server as the database engine. A SPA-based approach is used where the UI (User Interface) is dynamically rendered and loaded via Ajax and partial views. The source code for the application is largely omitted from this report due to business reasons. Interface’s and database schemas are used to display code and database structure. / Denna rapport behandlar implementeringen av ett samarbetsverktyg i form av handlingsplaner och diskussion till företaget ZonderaCom AB (Zondera). Det verktyg som använts tidigare i detta syfta är oflexibelt, har svårt att uppnå återkommande kundkrav och behöver därför bytas ut. Applikationen är en del av en större helhet där användarhantering och databas redan finns på plats. I applikationen ska funktionalitet för aktivitetshantering, chatt/diskussion, dokumentuppladdning, anteckningar, delning och utskrift implementeras. För användare med högre behörighet ska även en administrativ översikt finnas tillgänglig. Applikationen implementeras med hjälp av ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework (EF) och SQL Server som databasmotor. Ett SPA-baserat angreppsätt används där gränssnitt laddas dynamiskt via Ajax och partial views. Källkod för applikationen och implementering på detaljnivå har till största del utelämnats ur denna rapport av affärsmässiga skäl. Interface och databasscheman används för att visa kod- och databasstruktur.

Počítačové vidění jako webová služba / Computer Vision as a Service

Jež, Adam January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to create a web service for sharing and easy access to computer vision algorithms. Currently, there is a large number of algorithms and it's beneficial for their authors to simply share them with other people, even from other disciplines. The main part of the thesis consists of creating web service architecture and suggesting a method for request processing to run algorithms. Part of the implemented service is a web interface that allows use of algorithms with its own data, and client library that makes integration into other apps easier.

Administratívny portál pre skladový software

Karabin, Štefan January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on designing and implementing a web solution to support the operation of a warehouse management system as requested by the system provider. The theoretical part of this paper analyzes the already existing approaches towards the problematic parts of web application development, such as the design of architecture and the method used to record the settings and permissions. The final portal is built using mainly Microsoft technologies. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of applicability of this solution from both technical and economical standpoints.

Modernisering av webbaserat användargränssnitt för Skärblacka Bruk

Johansson, Tony January 2021 (has links)
My independent work has been to modernize a user interface in a 10-year-old MVC Framework application used by Skärblacka mills within the BillerudKorsnäs Group. The concept of modernization also means increasing its quality; to replace older knowledge and technology with new and modern technology such as be able to click on the text of a checkbox that is considered to be more relevant for its time. The framework chosen for the implementation was ASP.NET Core MVC, which is an open source for the most common platforms. The implementation of the porting meant that server code that is well-functioning has been maintained to a large extent. JavaScript is also pretty much the same except in a few places. To get a good and durable structure, the application is layered in the form of 3 layers with Controller, BusinessLayer and Repository. The database with SQL Server is basically the same except that Identity has been introduced. To be able to communicate with the database, ORM EF Core has been chosen, which is a slim version of EF. A lot of what is in the old MVC framework has been redesigned because it is not supported in Core MVC. The application consists of an assembly with a logical development tree that consists of the files included in the application.Ajax has been used to get soft desktop-like updates.The application, which is complex with a lot of complicated things, made time run away. / Mitt självständiga arbete har varit att modernisera ett användargränssnittet i en 10 år gammal MVC Framework applikation som används av Skärblacka bruk inom BillerudKorsnäs koncernen. I begreppet modernisera ligger också innebörden att öka dess kvalité; att byta ut äldre kunskaper och teknik mot ny och modern teknik som t.ex. kunna klicka på texten till en checkbox som anses vara av mer relevans för sin tid. Det ramverk som valdes för implementationen var ASP.NET Core MVC som är ett open sourse för de vanligaste plattformarna. Genomförandet av porteringen innebar att serverkod som är väl fungerande har bibehållits i stora delar. Även JavaScript är i stort sett densamma förutom på några få ställen. För att få en bra och hållbar struktur är applikationen skiktad i form av 3 lager med Controller, BusinessLayer och Repository. Databasen med SQL Server är i stort sett densamma förutom att Identity har införs. För att kunna kommunicera med databasen har man valt ORM EF Core som är en slimmad version av EF. En hel del av det som finns i den gamla MVC framework är omgjort eftersom det stöds in i Core MVC. Applikationen består av en assembly med ett logiskt utvecklingsträd som utgörs av de filer som ingår i applikationen. Ajax har används för att få mjuka desktop liknade uppdateringar. Applikationen som är komplex med en hel del komplicerade saker gjorde att tiden rann iväg.

A Performance comparison Between ASP.NET Core and Express.js for creating Web APIs

Karlsson, Oliver January 2021 (has links)
Modern web applications are growing in complexity and becoming more widely used. Using frameworks to build APIs is a popular way for both hobby developers and businesses to speed up development time and save costs. With this dependence on frameworks to be the foundation for potentially large applications comes the need to understand their performance qualities and which areas they are best suited for. This study compares the performance of the two similarly popular frameworks ASP.NET Core and Express.js, when used together with a MySQL Database to build Web APIs. This was done by building two different API implementations in each framework, one employing a RESTful approach and the other using the new querying language GraphQL. Experiments were run where the peak CPU usage, peak memory usage and response times were measured.The results of the experiments were that in a RESTful API, ASP.NET Core is faster at serving requests during lower loads whereas Express.js outperforms ASP.NET Core when faced with a higher amount of concurrent requests that fetch a lot of data. In a GraphQL API Express.js was able to perform similarly or better in all cases in terms of response times and resource usage compared to ASP.NET Core.

Vývoj webové aplikace pro řízení projektů / Development of the Web Application for Managing Projects

Klečka, Filip January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the design, development and subsequent implementation of the web application at the company BKB Metal Plc. In that case it is the complete supply ready-made solution. The aim of this work is to develop and implement the web application into corporate environment that will serve as a support of project management and will especially provide the solution for creating visualization by using a Gantt diagram. The impetus for this project was primarily the inconvenient of the current solution, which is not support the key company requirements and as well efforts to reduce costs.

Rapportverktyg : Till mätsystemet Perception

Glimmerdahl, Michael January 2021 (has links)
The overall purpose of this project is to create a tool that will be able to generate reports for measurements and calculations performed by the Perception system. At present, this is a manual procedure that is both time-consuming, inefficient, and increases the risk of error. Since Perception is developed in C#, the reporting tool will be developed in ASP.NET Core with C# based on the MVC pattern and all data will be stored in Microsoft's SQL server. Transfer of data between systems will be handled by export files that Perception can generate as well as a self-developed import function in the reporting tool. With a few simple settings and options, the operators will be able to generate reports for the selected project and then copy them to the final report. Initial work with design and usability, based on the existing graphic profile, will result in an application that significantly facilitates the work of producing test reports. To make the design appealing, Bootstrap and self-written CSS will be used and to make the user experience as good as possible, JavaScript and AJAX will be used together with jQuery and thus be able to provide relevant information without the need of page reload. Focus will be placed on validating imported data to ensure that correct information is available and stored in the database. To further help the users, relevant messages will show status both in case of problems but also in case of successful procedures. / Det övergripande syftet, för detta projekt, är att skapa ett verktyg som ska kunna generera rapporter för mätningar och beräkningar utförda i systemet Perception. I dagsläget är detta ett manuellt förfarande som både är tidskrävande och ineffektivt vilket också ger en ökad risk för felkällor. Eftersom Perception är utvecklat i C# kommer rapportverktyget att utvecklas i ASP.NET Core med C# baserat på MVC-mönstret och all data kommer lagras i Microsofts SQL server. Överföringen av data mellan systemen kommer att ske med hjälp av de exportfiler som Perception kan generera samt en egenutvecklad importfunktion i rapportverktyget. Med några enkla inställningar och val ska operatörerna kunna generera rapporter för valt projekt och sedan kunna kopiera dem till slutrapporten. Ett inledande arbete med design och användbarhet, som grundar sig på den befintlig grafisk profilen, ska mynna ut i en applikation som väsentligt underlätta arbetet med att producera testrapporter. För att göra designen tilltalande kommer Bootstrap och egenskriven CSS att användas och för att användarupplevelsen ska bli så bra som möjligt kommer JavaScript samt AJAX att användas tillsammans med jQuery och på så vis kunna ge relevant information utan att sidan behöver uppdateras. Stort fokus kommer att läggas på kontroller av importerad data för att säkerställa att rätt information finns representerat samt sparas till databasen. För att ytterligare underlätta för användarna ska relevanta meddelanden ge status både vid problem men också vid lyckade procedurer.

Implementing offline functionality to a web-based module : A proof of concept with the help of a Service Worker API

Madrén, Daniel January 2024 (has links)
The software company AFRY licenses out a Product Support System (PSS) called AFRY Pulse, which serves as a backbone for businesses to deliver value to customers, employees, and stakeholders. Currently, AFRY Pulse lacks offline support, putting them at a disadvantage compared to competitors offering similar PSS solutions. Therefore, this study aims to implement offline support for one of AFRY Pulse's modules, called the Round Module, with the help of Service Worker API.  Based on the problem formulation, the study investigated how well the implementation of the Service Worker API matched the “Must have” requirements, specified in the requirement specification and identified complications that arose during implementation, along with their solutions.  The implementation of offline support followed an agile software development approach with three and a half sprint iterations. Each sprint involved specifying requirements, implementation, and evaluation sessions. The data collection methods used includes maintaining a journal, with notes taken during the implementation and the evaluation sessions. The evaluation sessions included manual black-box testing, manual code-review, and semi-structured interviews.  The results from the evaluations produced two themes Implemented correct functionality and Improving visual response. Furthermore, the complications that were found during the implementation were Service Worker going to the redundant state, Service Worker not being able to stop fetch requests and AbortController being redundant within the Service Worker.

Разработка web-приложения АРМ «Технический отчет доменного цеха» : магистерская диссертация / Development of a web-application automated workspace "Blast-furnace production technical report"

Перетыкина, К. Р., Peretykina, K. R. January 2021 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке программного обеспечения автоматизированного рабочего места (АРМа) технолога доменного цеха, которое позволяет сформировать технический отчет о работе доменного цеха за отчетный период (месяц/год) с использованием web-приложения. В ходе работы рассмотрены основные этапы реализации программного модуля: анализ предметной области, проектирование и программная реализация web-приложения. В ходе разработки программного обеспечения АРМа спроектированы и реализованы серверная часть системы и web-приложение на платформе ASP.NET Core. Серверная часть включает базу данных, которая является не только местом хранения данных, но и частично реализует функции бизнес логики. Приложение позволяет технологу доменного цеха с помощью пользовательских форм сопровождать базу данных отчетных показателей работы доменного цеха и формировать технический отчет за определенный месяц и сохранять в различных форматах. Научная новизна полученных в работе результатов заключается в разработке методов эффективной организации, ведения процесса разработки и сопровождения специализированного информационного, алгоритмического и программного обеспечения АИС АППС ДЦ, включая базу данных доменного цеха и средства создания технического отчета доменного цеха: использование гибкой методологии разработки (Agile, SCRUM) и таск-трекера Atlassian JIRA для ведения проекта, взаимодействия с заказчиком во время разработки, отслеживания ошибок, визуального отображения задач и мониторинга процесса их выполнения; функциональное моделирование процессов и подсистем для реализации web-приложения подготовки технического отчета доменного цеха на основе методологии IDEF0 и средства реализации Ramus Educational; использование методики коллективного владения программным кодом на основе сервиса (удаленного репозитория) GitHub. Практическая значимость результатов заключается в том, что разработанное программное обеспечение позволит: производить автоматизированный сбор и подготовку необходимых отчетных данных о работе доменного цеха за нормативный период (месяц); специалистам инженерно-технологической группы доменного цеха сократить время на формирование отчетных документов, сократить время поиска необходимой фактической отчетной информации за счет реализации эргономичного web-интерфейса; специалистам отдела сопровождения информационных систем снизить трудозатраты на сопровождение, совершенствование и развитие системы с учетом пожеланий пользователей. Результаты работы могут быть использованы также в учебном процессе для обучения бакалавров и магистрантов по направлению «Информационные системы и технологии». Результаты работы представлены и обсуждены на международных и всероссийских конференциях: VII, VIII и IX Всероссийской научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных (Екатеринбург, УрФУ, 2018, 2019, 2021); XII Всероссийской научно-практической конференции (Новокузнецк, СибГИУ, 2019); 77-й международной научно-технической конференции «Актуальные проблемы современной науки, техники и образования» (Магнитогорск, МГТУ, 2019). / The master's thesis is devoted to the development of software for an automated workstation (AWP) of a blast furnace shop technologist, which allows you to generate a technical report on the operation of a blast furnace shop for a reporting period (month / year) using a web application. In the course of the work, the main stages of the implementation of the software module were considered: analysis of the subject area, design and software implementation of a web application. During the development of the AWP software, the server part of the system and the web application on the ASP.NET Core platform were designed and implemented. The server part includes a database, which is not only a place for storing data, but also partially implements the functions of business logic. The application allows the technologist of the blast furnace shop, using user-defined forms, to accompany the database of reporting indicators of the blast furnace shop operation and generate a technical report for a specific month and save it in various formats. The scientific novelty of the results obtained in the work lies in the development of methods for effective organization, maintenance of the development process and maintenance of specialized information, algorithmic and software AIS APPS DC, including the blast furnace shop database and tools for creating a technical report of the blast furnace shop: - use of flexible development methodology (Agile, SCRUM) and the Atlassian JIRA task tracker for project management, interaction with the customer during development, tracking errors, visual display of tasks and monitoring the process of their implementation; - functional modeling of processes and subsystems for the implementation of a web application for preparing a technical report for a blast furnace shop based on the IDEF0 methodology and Ramus Educational implementation tools; - using the method of collective ownership of the program code based on the service (remote repository) GitHub. The practical significance of the results lies in the fact that the developed software will allow: - to carry out automated collection and preparation of the necessary reporting data on the operation of the blast furnace shop for the regulatory period (month); - for specialists of the blast-furnace shop engineering and technological group to reduce the time for the formation of reporting documents, to reduce the search time for the necessary actual reporting information due to the implementation of an ergonomic web interface; - specialists of the information systems support department to reduce labor costs for maintenance, improvement and development of the system, taking into account the wishes of users. The results of the work can also be used in the educational process for training bachelors and undergraduates in the direction of "Information systems and technologies". The results of the work are presented and discussed at international and all-Russian conferences: VII, VIII and IX All-Russian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists (Yekaterinburg, UrFU, 2018, 2019, 2021); XII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (Novokuznetsk, SibGIU, 2019); 77th international scientific and technical conference "Actual problems of modern science, technology and education" (Magnitogorsk, MSTU, 2019).

Záznamník klimatických veličin / Datalogger of environmental values

Raichl, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is aimed on construction of solar panel powered datalogger of environmental values. The thesis begins by research of commercial dataloggers. Then the concept of datalogger was created. Then the electronics of datalogger was designed. Datalogger is built as a system driven by microcontroller. The microcontroller reads data from sensors, writes data to memory card and sends data to Czech radiocommunications cloud by LoRa technology. Then the data are resend to MySQL database. Program for microcontroller was made in C language. Configuration of datalogger is done through USB interface by PC application which was created in C# language. For visualisation of measured data ASP.NET Core application was created.

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