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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Características do desempenho no WISC-III em crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento / Characteristics of the WISC-III performance in children with developmental dyslexia

Carvalho, Mariana Kisse Sato 22 March 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar e comparar o desempenho no WISC-III de crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento com o de dois grupos controle, a fim de verificar a existência de características específicas no desempenho desta escala no grupo com dislexia. Ao todo foram 57 sujeitos, divididos entre o grupo dos disléxicos (n=20), o grupo controle 1 (GC1) formado por crianças sem queixa de dificuldade escolar da mesma idade cronológica e série dos disléxicos (n=21), e grupo controle 2 (GC2) formado por alunos do segundo ano do Ensino Fundamental, que ainda estavam no processo inicial de aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita (n=16). Os dados do grupo dos disléxicos foram coletados a partir dos registros da Clínica Psicológica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, em que constava o diagnóstico de dislexia no período de 2006 a 2011. Para o delineamento dos grupos controle, levou-se em consideração também a escola em que os disléxicos estavam matriculados na época da avaliação (estadual, municipal e particular). Para análise estatística, foi utilizado o programa SPSS para Windows, sendo que a significância adotada foi menor que 0,05. Quanto aos resultados, o grupo dos disléxicos, quando comparado aos dois grupos controle, teve pior desempenho nas Escalas de Resistência à Distração e Velocidade de Processamento. Pesquisas mostram que os disléxicos geralmente apresentam baixo desempenho em alguns subtestes, descrito como perfil ACID. Nesta pesquisa, o grupo dos disléxicos teve desempenho menor que os dois grupos controle nos subtestes Dígitos, Código e Procurar Símbolos, mas este dado não foi encontrado no subteste Aritmética. O desempenho dos disléxicos também foi menor nos subtestes Informação e Semelhanças, mas apenas em comparação ao GC1, o que sugere que esse resultado seja devido à dificuldade escolar do disléxico vivenciada através dos anos. Comparando-se as escolas, os alunos da escola particular tiveram melhor desempenho no subteste Códigos e pior desempenho no subteste Armar Objetos apenas em relação aos alunos da escola estadual. Como o grupo da escola particular foi muito pequeno, acredita-se que isso seja uma variação referente a este grupo específico de alunos. Quanto à comparação entre os disléxicos do sexo feminino e masculino, e com e sem TDAH, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas no desempenho dos subtestes. Concluindo, os dados da pesquisa coincidem com algumas pesquisas feitas de que parece haver um perfil dos disléxicos, que possuem menor desempenho nos subtestes que avaliam atenção visual e memória de trabalho. Entretanto, ao contrário dessas pesquisas, acredita-se que o menor desempenho no subteste Informação não seja uma característica peculiar dos disléxicos, mas sim consequência de sua dificuldade escolar / This study aimed to analyze and compare the performance on WISC-III in children with developmental dyslexia with the two control groups in order to check for specific performance characteristics of this scale in the group with dyslexia. Altogether, there were 57 subjects, divided between the group of dyslexics (n = 20), the control group 1 (GC1) formed by children without school difficulties of the same chronological age and grade of dyslexics (n = 21) and control group 2 (CG2) formed by students of the second year of elementary school, that were still in the initial process of reading and writing (n= 16). Data from the group of dyslexics were collected from the records of the Psychological Clinic at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina, which appeared the diagnosis of dyslexia in the period from 2006 to 2011. For the design of the control groups, the school that dyslexics were enrolled at the time of assessment (state, municipal and private) was considered. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS program for Windows, and the significance adopted was less than 0.05. As for the results, the group of dyslexics when compared to control groups had lower performance in sub scales Freedom from Distractibility and Processing Speed. Research shows that dyslexics often have low performance on some subtests, described as ACID profile. In this study, the dyslexic group had lower performance than the two control groups on Digit Span, Coding and Symbol Search, but this finding was not found in the Arithmetic subtest. The performance of dyslexics was also lower in Information and Similarities subtests, but only compared to the GC1, suggesting that this result is due to the difficulty of dyslexic school experienced through the years. Comparing schools, students in private schools performed better on subtest Coding and poorer performance on subtest Object Assembly only in relation to students of state school. As the private school group was very small, it is believed that this is a variation regarding this particular group of students. Regarding the comparison between dyslexics female and male, and with and without ADHD, there were no statistically significant differences. In conclusion, the survey data coincide with some research done that there seems to be a profile of dyslexics, who have lower performance in the tests that assess visual attention and working memory. However, unlike these studies, it is believed that the lower performance in the Information subtest is not a peculiar characteristic of dyslexics, but a consequence of their school difficulties

Transformando textos em mapas cognitivos: desenvolvimento e um exemplo de aplicação / Transforming texts in cognitive maps: development and an application example

Junqueira, Marianna Meirelles 14 June 2013 (has links)
O principal objetivo dessa pesquisa consistiu em desenvolver e analisar uma ferramenta de transformação de textos escritos por estudantes em mapas cognitivos para fornecer de forma visual, global e sintética, uma visão das principais relações conceituais citadas em um conjunto de textos. A ferramenta foi estruturada em dois momentos: primeiramente os textos foram lidos para a geração de uma matriz de associação que representa as relações encontradas entre cada par de conceitos. Em seguida, as matrizes foram somadas e, a partir da matriz final, foram construídos diferentes tipos de mapas cognitivos. Para o desenvolvimento de tal ferramenta, foram coletados dados na disciplina Introdução ao Ensino de Química do curso de licenciatura em química do IQ-USP. Essa disciplina foi organizada em três módulos denominados: natureza da ciência, concepções de ensino e aprendizagem, e natureza do conhecimento químico e a aprendizagem da química. No final de cada módulo, foi aplicada uma questão dissertativa com uma lista de conceitos pré-selecionados que objetivava conhecer as relações conceituais expressas pelos estudantes sobre o tema em questão. A partir das respostas dos alunos foram realizados alguns testes: (i) com o software ALA-Reader® e os seus modos de leitura L e S para a quantificação das relações entre conceitos presentes nos textos e geração da matriz de associação; (ii) para verificação da influência da natureza dos textos na contabilização das relações entre conceitos e na elaboração dos mapas e (iii) para a obtenção das representações gráficas do tipo vizinho(s) mais próximo(s) e corte percentual representativo. A partir dos testes realizados, foi possível concluir que o modo de leitura S do programa ALA-Reader® é mais coerente e deve ser utilizado para a leitura dos textos. Além disso, a matriz de associação gerada depende essencialmente da estrutura do texto em questão - texto original ou texto modificado para proposições, tendo em vista a diferença na contabilização das relações par a par encontradas nos textos. Os dois tipos de redes de conceitos apresentam diferentes focos, porém, podem ser considerados complementares. As redes vizinho(s) mais próximo(s) se mostraram interessantes para análises que requerem todos os conceitos fornecidos ou almejam buscar as relações feitas por determinados conceitos. As redes com corte percentual representativo apresentaram-se auxiliares para investigações que requeiram fazer um recorte nos pontos considerados principais pelos sujeitos. No discorrer do texto, também são apresentados alguns recursos que podem ser acrescidos nas redes de conceitos para auxiliar as análises, como a inserção das frases de ligação gerando um mapa conceitual ou o destaque dos conceitos centrais nas estruturas. Com o objetivo de ilustrar o uso das representações gráficas construídas, foi feita uma breve interpretação dessas no contexto da disciplina na qual os dados foram coletados. A partir dessa análise, foi possível, por exemplo, elencar as principais ideias explicitadas pelos alunos e relacioná-las ao que foi discutido em sala de aula. / The main objective of this research was to develop and analyze a tool to turn texts written by students into cognitive maps to provide a visual, global and synthetic representation of the key conceptual relationships mentioned in a set of texts. The tool was structured in two phases: first the texts were read to generate a proximity file representing the relationships found between each pair of concepts. Then, the proximity files were added and from the final file different types of cognitive maps were built. For the development of this tool, data were collected in the academic discipline entitled Introduction to Teaching Chemistry, for the degree in Chemistry at IQ-USP. This academic discipline was organized in three modules called: nature of science, conceptions of teaching and learning, and the nature of chemical knowledge and Chemistry learning. At the end of each module, an essay question was applied with a list of pre-selected concepts that aimed to investigate the conceptual relations established by the students on the topic in question. From students\' responses some tests were performed: (i) with the ALA-Reader® software and its reading modes L and S to quantify the relationships between concepts present in texts and generate the proximity file, (ii) to verify the influence of the nature of the texts in the accounting of the relationships between concepts and in the elaboration of maps, and (iii) to obtain graphical representations of close neighbors type and representative percentage cut. Based on the tests, it was concluded that the mode S of reading of the ALA Reader® program is more consistent and should be used for the reading of the texts. Furthermore, the proximity file generated depends essentially on the structure of the text in question - the original text or the modified one for propositions, in view of the difference in the accounting of conceptual relations found in the texts. The two types of networks of concepts have different focuses, however, they can be considered complementary. The close neighbors networks were interesting for analysis which require all concepts provided or aim to seek relations established by certain concepts. Networks with representative percentage cut proved to be auxiliary for those investigations which require a cut in the main points considered by the subjects. Throughout the text, some features that can be added to the networks to support the analysis are also presented, such as: the insertion of linking phrases generating a concept map or the highlight of the central concepts in the structures. In order to illustrate the use of graphical representations built, a brief interpretation of them was made based on the context of the academic discipline in which the data were collected. This study enabled, for example, the development of a list the main ideas conveyed by students and the possibility to relate them to what was discussed in class

Um estudo sobre o tema interações intermoleculares no contexto da disciplina de química geral: a necessidade da superação de uma abordagem classificatória para uma abordagem molecular / A study on the topic intermolecular interactions in the context of the course of general chemistry: the need to overcome a classificatory approach to a molecular approach

Junqueira, Marianna Meirelles 18 August 2017 (has links)
O tema interações intermoleculares é um conceito central dentro do conhecimento químico por permitir, por exemplo, a interpretação de uma série de transformações e propriedades físicas dos materiais. Considerando a carência de estudos que investigam especificamente os processos de ensino e aprendizagem em nível superior, a presente pesquisa objetivou analisar o aprendizado de graduandos em química durante uma disciplina de química geral I, relacionando-o as aulas ministradas aos alunos e a abordagem do tema nos livros didáticos sugeridos para estudo. Para isso, as aulas da disciplina, oferecidas aos alunos ingressantes do curso de química do Instituto de Química da Universidade de São Paulo, foram acompanhadas e gravadas em vídeo; os estudantes responderam alguns questionários para o levantamento das principais dificuldades e lacunas na aprendizagem e os livros didáticos sugeridos foram analisados através de mapas conceituais. A análise dos livros mostrou a complexidade e amplitude do tema por apresentar uma rede de relações conceituais extensa e distribuídas ao longo de diferentes capítulos. Nas análises dos livros e das aulas chamou atenção a abordagem classificatória com que o tema é tratado começando pelas interações que envolvem moléculas polares e depois interações entre moléculas apolares. Na análise das explicações dos alunos foi possível perceber a presença de várias dificuldades ou lacunas como na interpretação das equações das energias potenciais das interações e identificação dos tipos de interações que atuam em distintos contextos. A partir das análises foi feita uma triangulação dos dados que permitiu elencar ideias fundamentais que os alunos precisam compreender sobre o tema sendo essas relacionadas a: uma melhor compreensão da estrutura molecular considerando a geometria da molécula e a distribuição da densidade eletrônica na mesma, parâmetro expresso pelos conceitos polaridade, polarizabilidade e nuvem eletrônica (propriedades moleculares); necessidade de fazer uma correta diferenciação entre as interações intermoleculares e as ligações químicas; compreender que as mudanças de estado físico estão correlacionadas aos diferentes tipos de interações intermoleculares que atuam nos sistemas; entender que vários tipos de interações intermoleculares podem estar atuando no mesmo sistema e que as forças dispersivas de London são universais; interpretar as equações das energias potenciais que são diretamente proporcionais a propriedade molecular e inversamente a distância; interpretar os valores de energia típicos das interações e também relacionar a intensidade e o alcance; considerar nas ligações de hidrogênio a direcionalidade da interação e a necessidade de sítios para esse tipo de interação (pares de elétrons livres). Essas ideias integraram sugestões para o ensino do tema que vão desde a repensar a forma como as interações intermoleculares são ensinadas na química geral até uma possível retomada da abordagem do tema em disciplinas mais avançadas ampliando e ressignificando a compreensão dos conceitos. Defende-se aqui a necessidade de superar o ensino classificatório do tema interações intermoleculares abordando separadamente os tipos de interações intermoleculares: íon-dipolo, dipolo-dipolo, dipolo-dipolo induzido, forças dispersivas de London e ligação de hidrogênio para um ensino com ênfase na estrutura molecular e propriedades moleculares. / The subject of intermolecular interactions is a central concept within the chemical knowledge because it allows, for example, the interpretation of a series of transformations and physical properties of the materials. Considering the lack of studies that specifically investigate teaching and learning processes at the higher level, the present study is aimed at analyzing the chemistry students\' learning in during a general chemistry course, relating the classes given to the students and the approach to the subject suggested textbooks for study. For this, the classes of the course, offered to the incoming chemistry\'s course students of the Institute of Chemistry of the University of São Paulo, were accompanied and recorded in video; the students answered some questionnaires to survey the main difficulties and gaps in learning and the suggested textbooks were analyzed through concept maps. The analysis of the books showed the complexity and amplitude of the theme by presenting a network of extensive conceptual relationships distributed throughout different chapters. In the analysis of books and classes, the classificatory approach with which the topic is treated, starting with the interactions involving polar molecules and then interactions between apolar molecules, was called attention. In the analysis of the students\' explanations, it was possible to perceive the presence of several difficulties or gaps as in the interpretation of the equations of the potential energies of the interactions and identification of the types of interactions that operate in different contexts. From the analyzes, a triangulation of the data was made which allowed to list fundamental ideas that the students need to understand about the subject being related to: a better understanding of the molecular structure considering the geometry of the molecule and its distribution of the electronic density in, expressed parameter by the concepts polarity and polarizability and electronic cloud (molecular properties); the need to make a proper differentiation between intermolecular interactions and chemical bonds; to understand that the changes of physical state are correlated to the different types of intermolecular interactions that operate in the systems; to understand that various types of intermolecular interactions may be operating in the same system and that London\'s dispersive forces are universal; interpret the equations of potential energies that are directly proportional to the molecular property and inversely the distance; interpret the energy values typical of the interactions and also relate intensity and range; to consider in the hydrogen bonds the directionality of the interaction and the need of sites for this type of interaction (free electron pairs). These ideas have included suggestions for teaching the subject, ranging from rethinking how intermolecular interactions is taught in general chemistry to a possible resumption of the subject approach in more advanced courses by broadening and redefining the understanding of concepts. It is argued here the need to overcome classificatory teaching of intermolecular interactions by addressing separately the types of intermolecular interactions: ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, dipole-induce dipole, London\'s dispersive forces and hydrogen bonding for teaching with an emphasis on molecular structure and molecular properties.

Em busca de uma avaliaÃÃo da aprendizagem livre de traumas: a relaÃÃo entre medo e ansiedade de alunos do curso de pedagogia de uma IES pÃblica em Fortaleza-CE / In search of an assessment of learning trauma free: the relationship between fear and anxiety of students in a course of pedagogy in a public institute of higher education in Fortaleza-CE

Priscilla Mazzucco Borba Barbosa 30 September 2016 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / A experiÃncia avaliativa pessoal do aluno do Curso de Pedagogia em sua formaÃÃo bÃsica para o exercÃcio da docÃncia à condiÃÃo essencial para renovar a prÃtica avaliativa, marcada historicamente pelos estados emocionais de temor e ansiedade gerados pela Pedagogia Tradicional. Este estudo se fundamenta nas ideias de Luckesi (2005a, 2005b), Depresbiteris (20009), Guba e Lincoln (2011), Hadji (2001), Vianna (2000, 2005), dentre outros. A fundamentaÃÃo teÃrica perpassa os primÃrdios da AvaliaÃÃo Educacional, expondo cada uma das cinco geraÃÃes, alÃm de apresentar as principais tendÃncias pedagÃgicas presentes na sala de aula, o legado da AvaliaÃÃo Educacional brasileira, os temores histÃricos que sÃo associados ao exame e as questÃes relacionadas ao transtorno de ansiedade e ao medo relacionados ao momento da avaliaÃÃo da aprendizagem. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo investigar a presenÃa de indÃcios de medo e/ou ansiedade diretamente relacionados Ãs prÃticas de avaliaÃÃo da aprendizagem em alunos de turnos noturno e diurno do curso de Pedagogia em uma InstituiÃÃo de Ensino Superior (IES) da rede pÃblica da cidade de Fortaleza-CE. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualiquantitativa, nos moldes de um estudo de caso. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram os alunos do primeiro, quarto e oitavo semestres diurno e do primeiro, quarto e sÃtimo semestres noturno. TambÃm participaram da pesquisa os professores das disciplinas nas quais os questionÃrios foram aplicados e os coordenadores dos turnos diurno e noturno. No total, 105 discentes, quatro professoras e as duas coordenadoras do curso de Pedagogia participaram da pesquisa. Os dados foram coletados no final do primeiro semestre, em junho e julho, e inÃcio do segundo semestre, em agosto, de 2016. A anÃlise de dados confirmou o que foi analisado na literatura sobre a presenÃa de indÃcios de medo e ansiedade no momento da avaliaÃÃo. Contudo, hà um desejo por parte dos alunos, professores e coordenadores de mudanÃa quanto à ideia da cultura do exame e do emprego de uma real avaliaÃÃo da aprendizagem. Conclui-se que, apesar da existÃncia dos problemas ligados ao medo/ansiedade na avaliaÃÃo ainda persistirem, o processo vem lentamente sendo modificado para melhor, pois aumentam a informaÃÃo e o conhecimento sobre novas formas de avaliar e sobre o verdadeiro ideal de uma avaliaÃÃo formativa, em que a puniÃÃo nÃo exista e haja uma verdadeira humanizaÃÃo neste momento tÃo importante. / The personal evaluative experience of the student of Pedagogy in his/her basic formation for the exercise of teaching is an essential condition for renewing the evaluation practice, historically marked by the emotional states of fear and anxiety caused by Traditional Pedagogy. This study is based on the ideas of Luckesi (2005a, 2005b), Depresbiteris (20009), Guba and Lincoln (2011), Hadji (2001), Vianna (2000, 2005), among others. The theoretical framework comprehends the primordium of Educational Evaluation, presenting each of the five generations, as well as the main pedagogical tendencies observed in the classroom, the legacy of Brazilian Educational Evaluation, the historical fears concerning examination and questions about fear and anxiety disorders related to the exact moment of assessment of learning. The main purpose of the current research is to accomplish an investigation about the presence of fear/anxiety indicators directly related to the practices of assessment of learning in students of day and night shifts in a course of Pedagogy in a Public Institute of Higher Education in Fortaleza-CE. Therefore, a quanti-qualitative research was accomplished, as a case study. The sample was composed by students registered in the 1st, 4th and 8th semesters of day shift as well as in the 1st, 4th and 7th semesters of night shift. The professors of the disciplines in which the questionnaires were applied and also the coordinators of both day and night shifts were also submitted to the research. Thus, 4 professors, 2 coordinators and 105 students participated in the research, 111 subjects altogether. The data were collected at the end of the first semester of 2016, in June and July, as well as at the beginning of the second semester, in August. The results revealed signs of fear and anxiety at the exact moment of the evaluation according to the literature. However, students, professors and coordinators wish a change regarding the idea of an examination culture towards a real assessment of learning. In conclusion, despite the existence of problems related to fear/anxiety related to the moment of assessment still remains, this process has being changed slowly for the better due to information and knowledge about new ways of evaluating and the true ideal of a formative assessment, where punishment does not exist and there is a real humanization at this important moment.

O gesto didático de regulação da aprendizagem: a sondagem em uma turma de alfabetização / The didactic gesture of learning regulation: sondagem in a literacy class

Natalie Archas Bezerra Torini 31 May 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa se propõe a empreender uma reflexão sobre os instrumentos e as práticas de avaliação em alfabetização, no que se refere ao trabalho docente, a partir da análise de episódios de avaliação em uma turma de 1º. ano do ensino fundamental I de uma escola da rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo, tendo como foco o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do Programa Ler e Escrever. O estudo intenciona refletir sobre a aplicação do instrumento de avaliação do nível de aquisição do sistema de escrita alfabético dos alunos em processo de alfabetização, denominado sondagem, almejando contribuir para a discussão e o repensar das práticas de avaliação da alfabetização no ensino fundamental. O corpus gerado por meio da metodologia qualitativa de caráter etnográfico é composto por um conjunto de gravações em áudio, realizadas em sala de aula e anotações em diário de campo. Busca-se investigar como a avaliação da alfabetização se configura nas seguintes esferas: na sala de aula, no planejamento da professora alfabetizadora e nos materiais oficiais do Programa Ler e Escrever. Do ponto de vista teórico, a pesquisa se fundamenta nos estudos que se referem ao trabalho docente em ação na esfera escolar e de formação (TARDIF & LESSARD, 2005; AEBY DAGUÉ & DOLZ, 2007; SCHNEUWLY, 2000, 2002, 2009a, 2009b). Nesta direção, as interações face a face (professora/aluno) em que se constitui a avaliação do nível de aquisição do sistema de escrita alfabético, a sondagem, são analisados, em seu nível didático, a partir do conceito de gestos profissionais (AEBY DAGUÉ & DOLZ, 2007; AEBY DAGUÉ, 2009; JACQUIN, 2010; SCHNEUWLY, 2000, 2009b) com destaque para o gesto de regulação e, em nível textual-interacional, a partir da unidade dialógica pergunta-resposta (FÁVERO, ANDRADE, AQUINO, 2006). O estudo considera que a regulação pela sondagem, a partir do momento que passa a ser institucionalizada pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo como principal instrumento de avaliação da alfabetização, determina sob diferentes aspectos o trabalho do professor, ao mesmo tempo que reconfigura-se na interação que ele constrói com crianças em processo de apropriação da escrita. / This research proposes to think about the instruments and assessment practices in literacy, with regard to teaching, from the analysis of episodes of assessment in a first-grade class in a municipal school in São Paulo, focusing on the work done under the Programa Ler e Escrever (Reading and Writing Program). The study intends to reflect on the application of the instrument for assessing the level of acquisition of the alphabetic writing system of the students in the literacy process, called sondagem (poll). It aims to contribute to discussing and rethinking assessment practices of literacy in elementary school. The corpus generated by the ethnographic qualitative methodology consists of a set of audio recordings, performed in the classroom and on field notes. The aim is to investigate how literacy assessment is configured in the following areas: classroom, the planning done by the literacy teacher and official materials of the Program. From a theoretical standpoint, the research is based on studies that relate to teaching in action in education and training spheres (TARDIF & LESSARD, 2005; AEBY DAGUÉ & DOLZ, 2007; SCHNEUWLY, 2000, 2002, 2009a, 2009b). In this direction, face to face interactions (teacher / student) in which it is assessing the level of acquisition of the alphabetic writing system (sondagem) are analyzed in their educational level, from the concept of professional gestures (AEBY DAGUÉ & DOLZ, 2007; AEBY DAGUÉ, 2009; JACQUIN, 2010; SCHNEUWLY, 2000, 2009b), especially the gesture of regulation, and interactional-textual level, from the question-answer dialogue. This study finds that the regulation by the sondagem (from the moment it becomes institutionalized by the Municipal Education as the main instrument for literacy assessment) determines (under different aspects) the teacher\'s work, at the same time that reconfigures itself in the interaction with children in the appropriation process of writing.

Processboken : Ett pedagogiskt verktyg att använda inom hantverksstudier

Viljamaa, Minna January 2013 (has links)
The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.     I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through “assessment for learning” we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process. Assessment for learning also requires a communication between student and teacher, student and student and between teacher and teacher. The process book is to be used where communication and dialog already exist between the teacher and the student, as a way to enhance the knowledge. By using this kind of teaching method I have grown as a teacher. I have also felt that the students have gained a greater understanding for the craft work and have acquired a new way of embracing the knowledge. The student’s development has become more personal and the “tacit knowledge” has been more visible through the written communication. Key words: Solution-Focused-Education, Assessment for learning, process book, communication. / En processbok inom hantverket är vad eleverna i mitt utvecklingsarbete kommer att arbeta med. I starten av en utbildning behöver eleverna stora kunskaper om hur yrket kommer att utvecklas men framförallt behöver eleverna utmanas och tränar på att lösa många problem själva för att ha möjlighet att lära sig mer om ämnet Fokus ligger på öppna frågor för att skapa en process hos eleverna. En process med eleven skapas när man arbetar med lösningsinriktad pedagogik förkortat LIP. Genom den formativa bedömningen kan man skapa plats för elevens självvärdering och förståelse kring lärprocessen. Formativ bedömning förutsätter även att man skapar kommunikation mellan elev och lärare, elev och elev och mellan lärare och lärare. Processboken används där en kommunikation och dialog sker mellan lärare och elev för att locka fram och stärka kunskaperna. Genom användningen av den här typen av undervisningssätt har jag utvecklats som lärare. Men jag har även upplevt att elevens förståelse för det nya hantverket har stärkts och lockat fram ett nytt sätt att se på kunskapen. Elevernas sätt att utveckla sig på har jag sett mer personlig och den tysta kunskapen har blivit lite mer synlig genom en skriftlig kommunikation. Nyckelord: Lösningsinriktad pedagogik, formativ bedömning, processbok, kommunikation

Perception is Reality: The Real Reasons Formative Assessment has not Thrived

2014 August 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore three questions regarding formative assessment (FA) and Student-Involved assessment strategies among five middle years teachers in Saskatoon Public Schools. The questions were one, what were the beliefs of the teachers regarding formative assessment and student involved assessment? as well as two, what were their perceptions about attitudes of students, parents, and the community about these innovative assessment practices? and thirdly, what did the teachers believe would support teachers in taking up formative assessment and student-involved assessment? The five participating teachers had varying lengths of service ranging from five to over twenty-five years. Teachers were interviewed in a semi-structured style during one forty-five minute interview, each. Teachers were provided with sample prompts in order to facilitate the conversation. Teachers reported using FA and student involved assessment strategies with mixed results. Teachers used strategies and modified them on occasion to suit the learning conditions, to allow for time constraints, or to accelerate the pace of instruction. Teachers also reported using FA and student-involved assessment strategies primarily in subject areas in which they felt most comfortable and relied on more traditional summative assessments in subject areas in which they were less comfortable. Teachers stated there were varying degrees of support from colleagues, school based administrators, and school division consultants. The support generally disappeared if the school based administrator whose emphasis was FA and student-involved assessment left the school for a different assignment. Some participants reported taking initiative to pursue FA of their own accord, but were left to roll out the initiative on their own. Teachers described mixed results with other stakeholders in these processes as well. Generally parents and students were less interested in FA and student-involved assessment and showed a preference for summative evaluations such as percentages and letter grades. Implications of these findings are that teachers are not appropriately trained in student assessment and support for formative assessment is inconsistent. Students are often omitted from the unpacking of curricula, are not accountable for collection of their own assessment data and are not held responsible to act upon any formative assessment feedback in order to improve their learning. This study led to the following definition of formative assessment: formative assessment is the demonstration by students they can act upon descriptive feedback to show they have achieved a learning outcome regardless of mode (oral, written, performance, etc.).

Formativ bedömning: Hur bedömningsarbetet kan främja elevers lärande och kunskapsutveckling : Elevers upplevelser av bedömningsarbetet i de samhällsorienterade ämnena / Formative assessment: How the assessment process can promote pupils learning and knowledge development : Pupils experiences of the assessment process in civics

Jansson, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Följande arbete handlar om bedömning som ett pedagogiskt verktyg för att främja elevers lärande och kunskapsutveckling, en så kallad formativ bedömning eller bedömning för lärande. Arbetets forsknings- och litteraturgenomgång behandlar, utifrån syftet, vilka förutsättningar som krävs för en formativ bedömning och hur lärare kan arbeta med en sådan bedömning. Skolans styrdokument förespråkar en formativ bedömning, varpå undersökningens syfte är att beskriva hur denna bedömning upplevs av elever för att kunna analysera och påvisa vilka förutsättningar eleverna ges till att utveckla sitt lärande. Utifrån arbetets inriktning fokuserar undersökningen på elevers upplevelser av den formativa bedömningen i de samhällsorienterade ämnena, i grundskolans tidigare år. Arbetets syfte är uppdelat i de preciserade frågeställningarna: Vad innebär det att arbeta med formativ bedömning? Hur upplever elever bedömningen i de samhällsorienterade ämnena? På vilka sätt blir eleverna involverade i bedömningsarbetet i de samhällsorienterade ämnena? Undersökningen genomfördes med fokusgruppsintervjuer, med totalt 15 elever i årskurs 5-6 uppdelade i fyra olika fokusgrupper. Resultaten av fokusgrupperna visar att de formativa inslagen i bedömningsarbetet i de samhällsorienterade ämnena överlag lyser med sin frånvaro. De förutsättningar som krävs för den formativa bedömningen upplevs inte i större utsträckning i dessa ämnen utav eleverna, vilket behöver förändras om bedömningsarbetet ska kunna främja elevernas lärande och kunskapsutveckling. / The following assignment is about assessment as a didactic tool to promote pupils learning and knowledge development, called formative assessment or assessment for learning. The assignments research and literature review describes, according to the purpose, the preconditions for a formative assessment and how teachers can work according to this. The schools governing documents indicates a formative assessment, upon which the research purpose is to describe how this assessment is experienced by pupils to be able to analyze and show what conditions are given to the pupils to develop their learning. The research focuses, based on the direction of the work, on pupils experiences of the formative assessment in civics in elementary school. The assignments purpose is divided into these following questions: What does it mean to work with formative assessment? How do the pupils experience the assessment in civics? In which ways will the pupils be involved in the assessments of civics? The research was conducted with focus group interviews, a total of 15 pupils in grade 5-6 were divided into four different focus groups. The result of these groups shows that the formative components of assessments in the civics generally are absent. The conditions required for the formative assessment is not experienced to a greater extent in these substances out of the pupils, which needs to be changed if the assessment process are to promote the pupils learning and knowledge development.

Praktikgemenskaper - professionsutveckling för lärare : Anser lärare att de utvecklat kunskap och kompetens gällande bedömning för lärande genom TLC? / Teacher learning community, professional development for teachers in embedding formative assessment

Högdahl, Pi January 2015 (has links)
Research shows that schools are largely a professional solo cultures (Blossing 2014), which impede teachers' professional development as learning takes place in social interaction and through living-practice dilemmas (Wenger 1998/2004). Changing cultures is difficult, not least in the world of education that on the whole has been a solo culture since the establishment of convent schools.The purpose of this study is to investigate whether teachers believe that through professional collaboration in the form of Teacher Learning Community (TLC) has contributed their knowledge and compentence in the field of embedding formative assessment. TLC is a sort of community of practice for improve teaching. The study works according to the hypothesis that “Teachers believe that professional collaboration in the form of Teacher Learning Community (TLC) has contributed to their knowledge and expertise in the field of embedding formative assessment”. The study was conducted at a large secondary school in central Sweden which organized its collegial learning according to TLC and exclusively worked to develop and modify instruction regarding embedding formative assessment during five years before the study. The theoretical approach applied is based on the tradition of "school improvement" with a human relational and group dynamic organizational based on social-constructivism) (Schein, 1994; Giddens, 1984; Wenger 1998/2004; Schmuck & Runkel, 1994; Blossing 2008; Scherp 1998). The study is quantitative and was conducted using a questionnaire, processed through a factor analysis, that is, a multivariate analysis. The analysis was conducted in four stages: stage 1: factor analysis to reduce factors exceeding the value of 1; step 2: categorization of all questions related to the component; step 3: measurement of the homogeneity of issues with Cronbach's Alpha; step 4: hypothesis testing in Person. The correlation was 0,686 (p<0,001). This is a so called census survey and the high response rate gave the study high validity. The study concluded that it is possible to change a school's historic solo culture to a collaborative team culture through systematic collegial cooperation in the form of TLC, and as a result to change the current teaching patterns.

Student teachers learning to use 'Assessment for Learning' in schools

Chun, Desmond Tan Chia January 2016 (has links)
Assessment for Learning (AfL) has been seen as a key aspect of teaching and learning for almost two decades, since the seminal review by Black and Wiliam (1998a). However, the research has largely been conducted with practising teachers rather than student teachers. This thesis attempts to fill this gap in relation to AfL, and illustrate that understanding how student teachers learn to use conceptual resources, such as AfL, can inform the work of all those who support the learning of teachers in training. The present study investigated how four secondary geography student teachers on a one year post-graduate training programme in England worked with ideas associated with AfL in their teaching during two school placements. The study asked how and why they used AfL or, as became evident, Assessment of Learning (AoL) in their teaching and what their use of AfL might tell us about their learning to teach in schools. The thesis adopted a cultural-historical approach to investigate the actions in activities of the student teachers as they learnt to teach. The four students were followed over two terms in their two placement schools to gather data on their trajectories as learners and beginning teachers. Data collection methods were: (i) semi-structured interviews with the four students; interviews with their teacher mentors and other school staff; and (ii) regular post-lesson interviews with the student teachers, following observations of their teaching. The cultural-historical approach led to examining AfL as a potential tool to be used by the student teachers in their teaching. Engeström's (1990, 1999, 2007) work on tool use and mediating artefacts was deployed to analyse the student teachers' use of AfL and what they saw as its purposes. The attention to purposes of tool use in the study was also informed by Hedegaard's (2012, 2014) work on motives in institutional practices, the activities in the practices and the actions taken by student teachers. This approach pointed to how the institutional motives and demands embedded in school practices influenced their learning. The study also paid attention to the identity work being done by the student teachers. This work was most apparent when the student teachers moved from their first to second placement school and worked with a different set of demands in institutional practices. One early finding was that although school colleagues and student teachers were using the label AfL, closer examination revealed that they were actually using AoL. Key findings from the final analyses were as follows: there was considerable variation in how the geography specialist teacher mentors interpreted and used AfL; some mentors were strongly mediating the AfL/AoL expectations evident in the school inspection system in England; there was evidence of some strong and challenging mentoring, but it was not consistent across the experiences of the students; the students' own sense of the kind of teacher they wanted to become could be tracked in ways which revealed how they coped with the different school demands and what they saw as university expectations; the transition between placement schools was significant for the student teachers in ways that had not been anticipated by the design of the programme. Following the student teachers as learners offered insights into their experiences in the black box of school placements during teacher education. Consequently, the implications for the design of teacher education programmes are a key part of the discussion stimulated by the findings.

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