Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asset management"" "subject:"isset management""
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O uso de ferramentas de geoprocessamento para o gerenciamento de bens patrimoniais e prediais / The use of geoprocessing tools for assent and facility managetientCouto, Ricardo Arendt Stiebler 23 April 2012 (has links)
O uso dos SIG - Sistemas de Informações Geográficas, no gerenciamento de bens patrimoniais já é uma atividade consolidada, em especial no setor de infraestrutura (saneamento, telecomunicações, eletricidade, transporte), onde os bens são distribuídos ao longo de grandes extensões territoriais. A utilização dos SIG no gerenciamento predial, apesar de ser uma pratica mais recente, vem se desenvolvendo nos últimos anos. Existem alguns casos onde a administração destes dois segmentos - o predial e o patrimonial - estão sob a responsabilidade de um mesmo gestor. A bibliografia o tema é escassa, assim como o relato de experiências práticas. Este trabalho busca estudar a utilização das técnicas de gestão patrimonial e predial baseadas em SIG, especialmente quando integradas, e sua verificação prática no caso de um campus universitário. / The use of GIS - Geographic Information Systems, in asset management is widespread, especially in the infrastructure sector (utilities and transportation), in which assets are distributed along broad territories. The use of GIS in facility management, although a more recent practice, has been evolving in the last years. There are some cases where, management of, both the infrastructure and the facilities, is the responsibility of a single organization. Literature on the subject is scant, as well as reports on practical experience. This work aims to study the use o GIS in infrastructure and facilities management, especially when integrated, and to verify it, in practice, in the case of a university campus.
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A Benchmark for Evaluating Performance in Visual Inspection of Steel Bridge Members and Strategies for ImprovementLeslie E Campbell (6620411) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<p></p><p>Visual inspection is the primary means of ensuring the
safety and functionality of in-service bridges in the United States and owners spend considerable
resources on such inspections. While the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and many state departments of
transportation have guidelines related to inspector qualification, training,
and certification, an inspector’s actual capability to identify defects in the
field under these guidelines is unknown.
This research aimed to address the knowledge gap
surrounding visual inspection performance for steel bridges in order to support
future advances in inspection and design procedures. Focusing primarily on fatigue crack detection,
this research also considered the ability of inspectors to accurately and consistently
estimate section loss in steel bridge members.
<p> </p>
performance was evaluated through a series of simulated bridge inspections
performed in representative in-situ conditions. First, this research describes the results
from 30 hands-on, visual inspections performed on full size bridge specimens
with known fatigue cracks. Probability
of Detection (POD) curves were fit to the inspection results and the 50% and 90%
detection rate crack lengths were determined. The variability in performance was large, and
only a small amount of the variance could be explained by individual characteristics
or environmental conditions. Based on
the results, recommendations for improved training methods, inspection procedures,
and equipment were developed. Above all, establishment of a
performance based qualification system for bridge inspectors is recommended to
confirm that a satisfactory level of performance is consistently achieved in
the field. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Long term, managing agencies may eschew traditional hands-on
bridge inspection methods in favor of emerging technologies imagined to provide
improved results and fewer logistical challenges. This research investigated the potential for
unmanned aircraft system (UAS) assistance during visual inspection of steel
bridges. Using the same specimens as in the hands-on inspections, four
UAS-assisted field inspections and 19 UAS-assisted desk inspections were performed. A direct comparison was made between
performance in the hands-on and UAS-assisted inspections, as well as between
performance in the two types of UAS-assisted inspections. Again, significant variability was present in
the results suggesting that human factors continue to have a substantial influence
on inspection performance, regardless of inspection method. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Finally, to expand the findings from the crack detection
inspections, the lower chord from a deck truss was used to investigate
variability in the inspection of severely corroded steel tension members. Five inspectors performed a hands-on
inspection of the specimen and four engineers calculated the load rating for
the same specimen. Significant
variability was observed in how inspectors recorded thickness measurements
during the inspections and engineers interpreted the inspection reports and
applied the code requirements. </p><br><p></p>
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Diminuição do tempo em manutenção preventiva em uma frota de caminhões de uma mineração de grande porte: uma discussão baseada na manutenção produtiva total. / Decreasing in time of preventive maintenance of a transportation fleet in a large-scale mine: a discussion based on total productive maintenance.Barroso, Rafael 07 December 2018 (has links)
Por estar diretamente sujeita a fatores econômicos de nível global, a mineração tende a se desenvolver para buscar processos produtivos mais enxutos, aliando menores custos operacionais a melhores taxas produtivas. Neste contexto, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar o comportamento geral da curva de tempo em manutenção preventiva de uma frota de caminhões em uma mineração de grande porte, sendo a análise realizada em uma janela temporal baseada em um período econômico de mínimo local nos preços do cobre. A partir do comportamento observado é feita uma discussão sob as premissas da metodologia de gestão nomeada Manutenção Produtiva Total de forma a se debater os possíveis principais riscos e/ou consequências que podem ser enfrentadas pelo projeto e como estas decisões qualitativamente indicam o grau de maturidade na integração operacional entre produção e manutenção em um projeto minerário. Ao final, pode-se concluir que ainda é necessário um intenso trabalho em se traduzir as premissas da MPT para a indústria mineral, buscando-se adaptar processos e métricas que sejam mais condizentes ao ambiente da indústria extrativa (que é muito diferente da indústria de manufatura, onde o programa teve início). Além disso, fica claro que a aplicação da MPT é possível e bem-vinda na mineração já havendo de vários estudos acadêmicos na área - ou seja, o ponto em questão mais desafiador provavelmente é que seja desenvolvido um programa de MPT de forma endógena em um projeto mineral. / As it is directly under global economic factors, the mining industry tends to develop to seek leaner production processes, combining lower operational costs to better productive rates. In this context, the main objective of this study is to evaluate the general behavior of the time spend in preventive maintenance of a truck fleet from a large-scale mining project, being the analysis performed in a time window based on an economic period of local minimum in copper prices. From the observed behavior a discussion is made under the assumptions of the management methodology named Total Productive Maintenance in order to discuss the possible main risks and/or consequences that can be faced by the project and how these decisions qualitatively indicate the degree of maturity between production and maintenance in a mining project. In the end, it can be concluded that an intense work is still needed to translate the TPM premises into the mineral industry, being necessary to seek ways to adapt processes and metrics that are more suited to the extractive industry environment (which is very different from the manufacturing industry, where the program started). In addition, it is clear that the application of TPM is possible and welcome in mining since there are several academic studies in the area - in other words, the most challenging point in question is probably that an endogenous TPM program is developed within a mineral project.
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Spéculer pour autrui dans un monde incertain. Comment les investisseurs professionnels évaluent les gérants d'actifs financiers / Speculating for others in a world filled with uncertainty. How professional investors evaluate financial asset managersLarminat, Pierre de 20 March 2013 (has links)
En prenant le cas de l'évaluation des gérants d'actifs financiers par les investisseurs professionnels, la présente thèse étudie les réponses que des agents économiques apportent aux problèmes pratiques que pose la nécessité d'agir et de justifier son action en situation d'incertitude.La thèse marie, dans une perspective durkheimienne, une analyse morphologique du champ de la gestion d'actifs et une analyse des pratiques d'évaluation des gérants par les investisseurs professionnels.La démarche empirique consiste à rassembler des matériaux variés afin d'enregistrer les multiples formes de manifestation d'un fait social total. Les uns sont produits au cours d'une enquête ethnographique du champ de la gestion d'actifs: ce sont des entretiens semi-directifs, des observations directes d'interactions sociales, et des artefacts produits et utilisés dans le cadre des pratiques étudiées. Les autres, statistiques ou données institutionnelles, sont collectés auprès d'acteurs de la gestion d'actifs. Tous ces matériaux sont analysés de manière interprétative.L'analyse morphologique découvre les divisions, les articulations et les proportions des organisations où est pratiquée la gestion d'actifs financiers. L'autonomisation du champ professionnel de la gestion d'actifs s'accompagne d'une division du travail qui place en son centre les gérants, constitués en spéculateurs, c'est-à-dire en agents économiques dont l'action ne s'intéresse qu'aux variations de prix, par opposition aux acteurs dont la fonction est de prolonger le geste spéculatif par un geste marchand. La structure de rémunération des sociétés de gestion nourrit un conflit entre les gérants d'actifs et les commerciaux sur le partage du profit, dont la résolution conduit à une polarisation des sociétés entre un modèle industriel et un modèle artisanal.L'évaluation des gérants d'actifs par les investisseurs professionnels prend son sens dans le cadre de l'appréciation de l'efficacité technique des actions spéculatives par des sujets exposés à une incertitude financière qu'ils s'efforcent de réduire. Les investisseurs professionnels ordonnent leurs pratiques d'évaluation entre une analyse "quantitative" et une analyse "qualitative" des gérants évalués. Contrairement à ce que l'usage de cette forme de classification suggère, ce n'est pas le recours à la quantification ou au calcul en tant que tels qui différencie ces deux types d'analyse, comme s'il s'agissait de deux régimes épistémiques imparfaits mais complémentaires. C'est leur statut dans la relation fonctionnelle qui les lie l'un à l'autre: recherche de la forme de l'incertitude financière d'une part, et recherche des conditions sociales qui l'ont générée d'autre part. Imparfaitement liée aux phénomènes auxquels elle s'applique, la forme de classification "quanti/quali" correspond aux ressources acquises par les investisseurs professionnels au cours de leur trajectoire de socialisation, et mobilisées dans le cadre d'une division sociale du travail où les pratiques d'analyse sont partagées entre des postes et des positions différenciées au sein des organisations.Ce travail complexifie et enrichit la compréhension des pratiques financières et des pratiques de réduction de l'incertitude en montrant qu'elle ne peut faire l'économie de leurs soubassements sociaux. Elle précise le domaine de validité d'une forme de classification et offre aux acteurs concernés le moyen de discuter à nouveaux frais l'efficacité ou la pertinence de leurs procédés d'analyse. / This dissertation uses the evaluation of asset managers by professional investors as a case for the study of the ways in which economic agent deal with the necessity of acting and to give account of one's actions while facing uncertainty.This dissertation follows a durkheimian approach as it combines a morphological analysis of the asset management field with an analysis of evaluation practices of asset managers by professional investors.Empirical materials of various kinds have been gathered, in order to record the numerous ways in which a total social fact manifests itself. Some of the materials derive from an ethnographic research in the field of asset management: these are semi-directive interviews, direct observations of social interactions, and artefacts produced and used as part of the practices that the research investigates. The other materials are statistics or institutional data that have been collected during the field research. Interpretive analysis has been applied to them.The morphological analysis of asset management as a social field highlights the divisions, articulations and proportions of the organizations where financial asset management practices are carried out. The autonomization of asset management as a professional field goes along with a social division of labour that is structured around the asset managers. It makes them become speculators, that is economic agents who focus solely on price variations. By contrast, other actors ensure that the speculative movement is followed by a fully carried out trade. The income structure of asset management firms feeds a conflict between asset managers and salespersons about the distribution of profit. The resolution of this conflict leads to a polarization of asset management firms between firms following a model designed after the manufacturing industry, and firms following a model leaning towards craftmanship.The evaluation of asset managers by professional investors makes sense in a social frame where it stands as an appraisal of the efficiency of speculative actions undertaken by agents who try and reduce the financial uncertainty that they face. Professional investors classify their evaluation practices among a "quantitative" analysis and a "qualitative" analysis of asset managers. Although this form of classification may suggest that the two types of analysis cover two kinds of knowledge that are imperfect yet complementary, it is not quantification or calculation per se that differentiates between them. They are functionally related to each other: assessment of the form taken by financial uncertainty on the one hand, and search for the social conditions that caused uncertainty to take such form on the other hand. The form of classification "quantitative/qualitative" meets imperfectly the phenomena to which it is applied. It matches the social distribution of resources that professional investors gained during their socialization trajectory, and that they mobilized in the frame of a specific kind of social division of labour, where analytic practices are also distributed among differentiated positions within organizations.This dissertation complexifies and enriches the understanding of financial practices and of uncertainty reduction practices by showing that such understanding cannot forget their social foundations. It circumscribes the domain of validity of a specific form of classification and it provides interested actors with tools with which they can discuss anew the efficiency or the relevance of their analytic processes.
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Diminuição do tempo em manutenção preventiva em uma frota de caminhões de uma mineração de grande porte: uma discussão baseada na manutenção produtiva total. / Decreasing in time of preventive maintenance of a transportation fleet in a large-scale mine: a discussion based on total productive maintenance.Rafael Barroso 07 December 2018 (has links)
Por estar diretamente sujeita a fatores econômicos de nível global, a mineração tende a se desenvolver para buscar processos produtivos mais enxutos, aliando menores custos operacionais a melhores taxas produtivas. Neste contexto, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar o comportamento geral da curva de tempo em manutenção preventiva de uma frota de caminhões em uma mineração de grande porte, sendo a análise realizada em uma janela temporal baseada em um período econômico de mínimo local nos preços do cobre. A partir do comportamento observado é feita uma discussão sob as premissas da metodologia de gestão nomeada Manutenção Produtiva Total de forma a se debater os possíveis principais riscos e/ou consequências que podem ser enfrentadas pelo projeto e como estas decisões qualitativamente indicam o grau de maturidade na integração operacional entre produção e manutenção em um projeto minerário. Ao final, pode-se concluir que ainda é necessário um intenso trabalho em se traduzir as premissas da MPT para a indústria mineral, buscando-se adaptar processos e métricas que sejam mais condizentes ao ambiente da indústria extrativa (que é muito diferente da indústria de manufatura, onde o programa teve início). Além disso, fica claro que a aplicação da MPT é possível e bem-vinda na mineração já havendo de vários estudos acadêmicos na área - ou seja, o ponto em questão mais desafiador provavelmente é que seja desenvolvido um programa de MPT de forma endógena em um projeto mineral. / As it is directly under global economic factors, the mining industry tends to develop to seek leaner production processes, combining lower operational costs to better productive rates. In this context, the main objective of this study is to evaluate the general behavior of the time spend in preventive maintenance of a truck fleet from a large-scale mining project, being the analysis performed in a time window based on an economic period of local minimum in copper prices. From the observed behavior a discussion is made under the assumptions of the management methodology named Total Productive Maintenance in order to discuss the possible main risks and/or consequences that can be faced by the project and how these decisions qualitatively indicate the degree of maturity between production and maintenance in a mining project. In the end, it can be concluded that an intense work is still needed to translate the TPM premises into the mineral industry, being necessary to seek ways to adapt processes and metrics that are more suited to the extractive industry environment (which is very different from the manufacturing industry, where the program started). In addition, it is clear that the application of TPM is possible and welcome in mining since there are several academic studies in the area - in other words, the most challenging point in question is probably that an endogenous TPM program is developed within a mineral project.
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O uso de ferramentas de geoprocessamento para o gerenciamento de bens patrimoniais e prediais / The use of geoprocessing tools for assent and facility managetientRicardo Arendt Stiebler Couto 23 April 2012 (has links)
O uso dos SIG - Sistemas de Informações Geográficas, no gerenciamento de bens patrimoniais já é uma atividade consolidada, em especial no setor de infraestrutura (saneamento, telecomunicações, eletricidade, transporte), onde os bens são distribuídos ao longo de grandes extensões territoriais. A utilização dos SIG no gerenciamento predial, apesar de ser uma pratica mais recente, vem se desenvolvendo nos últimos anos. Existem alguns casos onde a administração destes dois segmentos - o predial e o patrimonial - estão sob a responsabilidade de um mesmo gestor. A bibliografia o tema é escassa, assim como o relato de experiências práticas. Este trabalho busca estudar a utilização das técnicas de gestão patrimonial e predial baseadas em SIG, especialmente quando integradas, e sua verificação prática no caso de um campus universitário. / The use of GIS - Geographic Information Systems, in asset management is widespread, especially in the infrastructure sector (utilities and transportation), in which assets are distributed along broad territories. The use of GIS in facility management, although a more recent practice, has been evolving in the last years. There are some cases where, management of, both the infrastructure and the facilities, is the responsibility of a single organization. Literature on the subject is scant, as well as reports on practical experience. This work aims to study the use o GIS in infrastructure and facilities management, especially when integrated, and to verify it, in practice, in the case of a university campus.
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Submitted by Maria Aparecida (cidazen@gmail.com) on 2017-08-01T13:14:59Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Bruno Gomes Gerude.pdf: 3290960 bytes, checksum: 9bdd883476a85e1e8d0adcf47fa16ba2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-01T13:16:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Bruno Gomes Gerude.pdf: 3290960 bytes, checksum: 9bdd883476a85e1e8d0adcf47fa16ba2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-06-21 / As society's dependence on energy increases, the regulatory agencies' demands
grow with the electric power concessionaires for quality and continuity. On the other
hand, in particular, the Brazilian electrical system is much more complex due to the
increase in other transmission lines, substations, direct current systems and the use
of generation plants from different sources, which imposes on energy companies the
adoption Strategies and procedures that guarantee greater reliability to these assets.
The use of Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) allows the operation of electric power
systems to make faster and more assertive decisions, however, the maintenance and
inspection strategies in these equipments are not even among the companies in the
sector, and this has led to some professionals to abandon the idea of proactive
inspection. In this work a broad approach is taken on the subject, from the perspective
of manufacturers' manuals, Reliability Centered Maintenance theory (RCM) and
under international norms and guidelines. It is presented a research with eight
companies of the Brazilian electrical sector and a survey of information in two
substations of the National Interconnected System, with evaluation of the
performance of the installed IEDs which includes the construction of failure curves,
stratification of defects by subsystems and comparison between the families of IEDs
in these facilities. At the end, a plan of periodic inspection is proposed in these devices
using a methodology based on multicriteria analysis to define periodicities. / À medida que a dependência de energia pela sociedade aumenta, crescem as exigências
das agências reguladoras junto às concessionárias de energia elétrica por qualidade e
continuidade. Por outro lado, em particular, o sistema elétrico brasileiro está muito
mais complexo devido ao incremento de outras linhas de transmissão, subestações,
sistemas de corrente contínua e a utilização de usinas de geração de diferentes fontes,
o qual impõe às empresas de energia a adoção de estratégias e procedimentos que
garantam maior confiabilidade a esses ativos. A utilização de Dispositivos Eletrônicos
Inteligentes (IEDs) permite que a operação dos sistemas de energia elétrica possa
tomar decisões mais rápidas e assertivas, no entanto, as estratégias de manutenções e
inspeções nestes equipamentos não estão niveladas entre as empresas do setor, e isto
tem levado alguns profissionais a abandonarem a ideia de inspeção proativa. Neste
trabalho faz-se uma ampla abordagem sobre o tema, sob a ótica dos manuais de
fabricantes, da teoria de Manutenção Centrada em Confiabilidade (RCM) e sob as
normas e guias internacionais. É apresentada uma pesquisa com oito empresas do
setor elétrico brasileiro e um levantamento de informações em duas subestações do
Sistema Interligado Nacional, com avaliação do desempenho dos IEDs instalados a
qual inclui a construção das curvas de falha, estratificação de defeitos por subsistemas
e comparação entre as famílias de IEDs existentes nestas instalações. Ao final é
proposto um plano de inspeção periódico nestes dispositivos utilizando uma
metodologia baseada em análise multicritério para definição das periodicidades.
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Gränsdragning vid värdepappershandel : -beskattning av finansiella- och icke-finansiella företagBrohmé, Hanna, Öster, Linda January 2009 (has links)
Handel med värdepapper förekommer både i finansiella- och icke-finansiella företag. Det är främst finansiella företag såsom kreditinstitut och värdepappersbolag som handlar med värdepapper. Dessa företag presumeras bedriva värdepappersrörelse då de yrkesmässigt bedriver kapitalförvaltning utåtriktat. Handel med värdepapper förekommer också i icke-finansiella företag, exempelvis handels- och produktionsbolag. Dessa företag handlar med värdepapper i syfte att förvalta och hantera kapital för egen räkning. Förvaltningen kan, då den uppnår viss omfattning, klassificeras som värdepappersrörelse. Uppsatsen behandlar gränsdragningsfrågan när förvaltning övergår till yrkesmässig värdepappersrörelse. Frågan är av vikt för företag då det leder till tillämpning av skilda resultatberäkningsregler och därmed skilda skattekonsekvenser. Värdepapper i ett företag som anses bedriva värdepappersförvaltning klassificeras skatterättsligt som kapitaltillgångar och beskattningen av dessa sker enligt kapitalreglerna. För ett företag som anses bedriva värdepappersrörelse klassificeras istället värdepapperen skatterättsligt som lagertillgångar och beskattningen sker då enligt rörelsereglerna. Gränsdragningsfrågan vid värdepappershandel har utvecklats genom rättspraxis i avsaknad av klara rättsregler på området. Det har i doktrin diskuterats att kvantitativa kriterier utvecklats i rättspraxis och att dessa torde vara vägledande vid gränsdragningen. Kriterierna har sin utgångspunkt i rekvisitet yrkesmässighet i 13 kapitlet (kap). 1 § 1 st. Inkomstskattelag (1999:1229) (IL). Med yrkesmässighet menas att det ska företas en utåtriktad handel, i viss omfattning, vara varaktigt och regelbundet. I doktrin framförs ytterligare kriterier såsom bolagsordningens och redovisningens betydelse. Av rättspraxis kan vi utläsa att det inte finns några tydligt uppställda kriterier för företag att uppfylla för att anses utgöra värdepappersrörelse, istället sker en bedömning i det enskilda fallet. Vi är av åsikten att det är av vikt för företag att på förhand kunna förutse sin beskattning och att gränsdragningen leder till en minskad förutsebarhet urett företagsperspektiv. Detta är inte en önskvärd situation och föranleder att en tydligare gränsdragning på området måste ske. Vi har därför utformat två förslag: en lösning baserad på lagstiftning om krav på hur stor omsättningen bör vara, och en lösning med redovisningen som utgångspunkt för den skatterättsliga klassificeringen. Slutligen har vi funnit att den lösningen som är baserad på lagstiftning är mest fördelaktigt ur både ur ett nationellt- och ett företagsperspektiv. / Both financial and non-financial corporations are trading in securities. It is mainly financial companies such as credit and securities companies dealing in securities. These companies are presumed to conduct securities business as they are offering clients professional asset management. Non-financial companies, such as trade and production companies also conduct trading in securities. These companies deal in securities in order to manage their own financial assets. The management can be classified as a securities business if it reaches a certain level. The thesis deals with the demarcation issue when regular asset management exceeds a certain level and turns into a securities business. The issue is of importance for companies as it leads to different tax consequences. When conducting asset management the securities will be classified as capital assets. The company will then be taxed according to certain tax rules applicable for capital assets. When conducting securities business the securities will be classified as stock assets and the company will then be taxed according to certain tax rules applicable for those assets. The demarcation issue has been developed through case law in the absence of clear rules of law in the area. It has been discussed in the doctrine that quantitative criteria were developed in case law and that these can serve as guidelines when solving the issue of demarcation. The criteria are based on the requirement of professionalism in the Swedish Income Tax Act Chapter 13 paragraph 1. Professionalism means that there should be an outward trade, to a certain extent, be stable and on a regular basis. The doctrine states that additional criteria such as the corporate charter and the companies accounting also can be of importance.
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Zur Frage der Identifikation und Bewertung von Investitionsalternativen in MittelspannungskabelnetzenHetzel, Steffen 31 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Der Anspruch an die Elektroenergieversorgung in Industrieländern hat verschiedenen Aspekten zu genügen. Hierzu gehören:
• Versorgungssicherheit,
• Preiswürdigkeit,
• Effizienz,
• Umweltverträglichkeit und
• Verbraucherfreundlichkeit. [1]
Diese Ziele stehen konträr zueinander. Der reine Strompreis ist durch die Erzeugung und den Transport bestimmt. Während sich der Preis für die Erzeugung an der Strombörse in Abhängigkeit von Angebot und Nachfrage bildet, weisen Transport- und Verteilungsnetze mit hohen Fix- und geringen variablen Kosten den Charakter natürlicher Monopole auf. Daher unterliegen sowohl Transport- als auch Verteilnetze einer staatlichen Regulierung durch die Bundesnetzagentur. Aufgabe der Regulierung ist es, die Transportkosten bei Einhaltung eines vorgegebenen Qualitätsniveaus und unter Sicherstellung angemessener Investitionen zu minimieren. Es stellt sich jedoch die Frage nach dem „Wie?“.
Das Niveau der Zuverlässigkeit der Elektroenergieversorgung in Deutschland ist im internationalen Vergleich sehr hoch. [2] Zur Wahrung dieses Standortvorteils sind mit Blick auf die Nachhaltigkeit kontinuierliche Investitionen notwendig. Dies gilt besonders für die Mittelspannungsnetze, in denen ein Großteil der zur Elektroenergieverteilung erforderlichen Leitungen sowie Ortsnetzstationen installiert sind. Im Gegensatz zu den Übertragungsnetzen wird in Mittelspannungsnetzen aus Kostengründen kein kontinuierliches Betriebsmittelmonitoring betrieben. Auch das (n-1)-Kriterium [3] wird aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen nicht immer eingehalten. Da sich ein Fehler in dieser Spannungsebene direkt auf eine Vielzahl von Kunden auswirkt, bestimmen Mittelspannungsnetze die Versorgungssicherheit wesentlich.
Mittelspannungsnetze sind heutzutage reine Kabelnetze bzw. Netze mit Kabel- und Freileitungsanteil. Die Bewertung des vorhandenen Mittelspannungsnetzes stellt für Verteilnetzbetreiber eine Herausforderung dar. Während man Freileitungen leicht auf ihren Zustand hin begutachten kann, ist eine Zustandsbestimmung bei Mittel-spannungskabeln schwierig. Gleichzeitig haben sich Ersatzinvestitionen genau auf die Mittelspannungskabel zu konzentrieren, die sich in einem schlechten technischen Zustand befinden. Die Beurteilung des Zustandes von Mittelspannungskabeln ist somit eine der zentralen Aufgaben eines Verteilnetzbetreibers. Eine umfassende Bewertung mit Prüf- und Diagnoseverfahren ist in ausgedehnten Mittel-spannungsnetzen aus Kostengründen nicht möglich.
Die systematische Analyse und Auswertung von Betriebsmittel-, Topologie- und Fehlerdaten bietet die Möglichkeit einer umfassenden Bewertung heutiger und zukünftiger Mittelspannungsnetze.
In der Arbeit wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der es ermöglicht, die in den Netzdaten vorhandenen Informationen systematisch zur Ableitung optimierter Investitionsentscheidungen zu nutzen.
[1] vgl. §1 EnWG
[2] BDEW, „Energiemarkt Deutschland: Zahlen und Fakten zur Gas-, Strom- und Fernwärmeversorgung“, Berlin, 2009
[3] Koeppel, F. W „Zuverlässigkeit von Elektroenergiesystemen“, 1. Auflage, VEB Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig 1990
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Transportation asset management systems: a risk-oriented decision making approach to bridge investmentO'Har, John Patrick 08 July 2011 (has links)
Transportation Asset Management (TAM) systems are in use at a significant number of transportation agencies. These systems can be used to effectively allocate resources and continuously inventory and monitor the condition of transportation infrastructure assets. Risk-oriented decision making is becoming an increasingly important component of the management process at many organizations, including transportation agencies. TAM systems can be used to incorporate risk assessment and risk management techniques at transportation agencies.
To demonstrate the value of incorporating risk in TAM systems, an examination of the literature was performed, and a case study was conducted. This case study incorporated risk in bridge project prioritization through the utilization of data from the National Bridge Inventory (NBI), and application of Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) concepts to address uncertainty and prioritize selected bridges in the state of Georgia.
The case study examines the impacts of data aggregation and disaggregation, and the incorporation of uncertainty on bridge project prioritization. Results of this analysis show that when available, disaggregate data on bridge condition should be used. In addition, uncertainty, in terms of performance risk, should be incorporated when past bridge condition data is available. Furthermore, decision-maker input is an important component of the Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) prioritization methodology used in this analysis. Decision-makers determine the relative importance of certain attributes, which is one of the strengths of this type of prioritization effort.
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