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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postoupení smlouvy / Assignment od Contract

Zach, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Assignment of Contract The purpose of this master's thesis is to analyze the assignability of contracts under Czech law in the light of comparative, historical and theoretical aspects of this phenomenon. Relevance of this subject matter was recently highlighted by adoption of the new Czech Civil Code, which expressly authorizes this operation but leaves important issues open to interpretation. The thesis is composed of an introduction, two main parts and a conclusion. First two chapters of the first part deal with historical development of this legal concept. In the roman law, a contractual obligation was conceived as a "bond of law" (iuris vinculum), which implied a strictly personal nature of this relationship. However, this view started to change as soon as the roman economy shifted from agriculture towards trade and business, resulting in assignability of a contractual right. In the codification era of the 19th century, the concept of a delegation of contractual duty came in, establishing a theoretical foundation for the assignment of contract as such. The third chapter moves our attention to the modern times, focusing primarily on the assignement of contract in various European countries, United States and Japan. The emphasis is put on the theoretical discussions this legal concept has seen in...

Cese smlouvy - srovnávací studie / Assignment of contract - comparative study

Lobotková, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the legal institution of assignment of contract from comparative point of view. The core of contract assignment lies in the replacement of a contractual party by a third person during the existence of a contractual relationship. As a new institution in Czech civil law introduced by the Civil Code as of 1. January 2014, the topic has not been sufficiently covered in legal theory and therefore its academic elaboration is highly actual. Before the 1 January 2014, the assignment of contract was not expressly recognised by the Civil Code 1964 or the Commercial Code, however the practice often pointed out the lack of legal regulation and looked for other ways to achieve the replacement of the contractual party. The goal of this thesis is to identify the diversities between the chosen legal regulations and to provide an evaluation of the Czech regulation based on comparison with foreign approaches. Comparison with the Italian civil law concept of cessione del contratto was chosen because of its major influence on other European codifications of contract law including the Civil Code 2012. Other regulations, such as the Civil Code of Netherlands, European Contract Code, Principles of European Contract Law, Draft Common Frame of Reference or UNIDROIT Principles of International...

Undantag till skiljebundenhet vid singularsuccession : En komparativ studie av svensk och tysk rätt / Exceptions to the Obligation to Arbitrate After Assignment of Contract : A Comparative Study of Swedish and German Law

Silversved, Ann Sofie January 2013 (has links)
I tysk rätt har Bundesgerichtshof sedan länge slagit fast att både en ny och kvarstående part är skiljebundna efter singularsuccession. Skiljebundenhet för den nya parten vid Abtretung (borgenärsbyte) baseras på § 404 Bürgeliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) som anger att en ny part inte kan få bättre rätt än den överlåtande parten. Den kvarstående partens bundenhet stöds på en analogi av § 401 BGB som innebär att sidorättigheter som är kopplade till ett avtal går över på en ny part vid singularsuccession. Undantag till skiljebundenheten föreligger om en avvikande partsvilja kan påvisas. Högsta domstolen uttalade i NJA 1997 s. 866 att skiljebundenhet ska föreligga för både ny och kvarstående part efter singularsuccession. Den nya partens bundenhet grundas på att den kvarstående parten inte ska få sin rätt försämrad genom en överlåtelse som denne inte har kunnat motsätta sig samt 27 § lagen (1936:81) om skuldebrev. Skiljebundenheten för den kvarstående parten motiverades med att denne annars skulle kunna spekulera i valet av tvisteform. En haltande bundenhet ansågs oskäligt av domstolen som slog fast att bundenhet skulle föreligga om inga ”särskilda omständigheter” kunde påvisas. ”Särskilda omständigheter” omfattar enligt doktrin antingen den nya partens oförmåga att stå kostnaderna i ett skiljeförfarande eller att skiljeavtalet har slutits på grund av en stark personlig anknytning mellan de ursprungliga parterna. Betalningsoförmåga bör inte ses som en ”särskild omständighet” eftersom situationen likväl kan uppkomma utan att succession har skett. Om betalningsoförmåga ska vara ett undantag till skiljebundenhet så bör det vara ett generellt undantag som inte förutsätter succession. Undantaget för ett nära förhållande mellan de ursprungliga parterna bör ändras till att istället motsvara det tyska undantaget om avvikande partsvilja. På så vis kan en stark personlig anknytning fortfarande utgöra ett undantag till skiljebundenhet men undantaget blir mer flexibelt. I propositionen till lag (1999:116) om skiljeförfarande framförde regeringen att skiljebundenhet vid singularsuccession borde regleras av rättstillämpningen eftersom det inte skulle vara möjligt att införa en lagregel som täckte alla tänkbara situationer vilket tyder på att ett flexibelt undantag behövs. Undantag till skiljebundenhet vid singularsuccession bör också utvidgas till att omfatta en ny part för att undvika en haltande möjlighet till undantag. Om en haltande bundenhet anses oskälig torde en haltande möjlighet till undantag också vara det. Undantaget till skiljebundenhet i svensk rätt är i behov av både förändring och förtydligande.Vad

La cession du contrat de travail / The assignment of the employment contract

Selusi, Sophie 07 December 2015 (has links)
S’inscrivant dans un contexte juridique et économique propice, cette thèse propose une utilisationrenouvelée de la cession de contrat adaptée au rapport de travail. Les finalités de ce mécanismejustifient l’opportunité de sa réception et de sa réalisation augurant son développement. Constatantque ni le législateur, ni le juge, ne font référence au dispositif, un effort de définition est accompli.La cession du contrat de travail est l’opération consistant à changer d’employeur avec l’accord dusalarié sans rupture. Repensées sous le prisme de la cession de contrat, les opérations se situant àla frontière du transfert d’entreprise sont clarifiées et réalisées de manière cohérente.Le particularisme du rapport de travail suppose que soit mis en place un système légal garantissantle consentement du salarié. Instaurant une continuité contractuelle, la mise en œuvre de cetinstrument confirme son utilité. / Within a propitious legal and economic environment, this PhD thesis sheds the light of a suitableand renewed use of the assignment of contract. The purposes of the mechanism foster itsdevelopment. The lack of definition by lawmakers and judges tends to render such workmandatory. The assignment of contract shall be the operation changing of employer by mutualagreement with the employee without any termination. All operations closed to transfer ofundertaking are therefore clarified. The specificity of employment relationship involves a legalregime ensuring the consent of employee. Establishing a contractual continuum, its usefulness isjustified by its implementation.

Cessão da posição contratual / Assignment of contractual position.

Nascimento, Sérgio Santos do 13 March 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata do instituto da cessão da posição contratual. Embora a assunção de dívida seja hoje aceita pelo ordenamento pátrio, tal como a cessão de crédito, a cessão da posição contratual não foi disciplinada pelo Código Civil. Conquanto ninguém duvide da existência do instituto como negócio jurídico inominado, sua ausência de disciplina suscita debate sobre as regras a ele aplicáveis. Inicialmente, é feita uma breve contextualização histórica para demonstrar as dificuldades que o instituto enfrentou para ser aceito pela doutrina e legislações, tendo surgido inicialmente por conta das necessidades da vida prática. Porque frequentes as tentativas de aproximar a cessão da posição contratual com outros institutos, também é demonstrada a singularidade dessa figura jurídica e as suas diferenças com outras semelhantes (novação, sub-rogação, adesão ao contrato, subcontrato e contrato com pessoa a declarar). O conceito, terminologia e natureza jurídica do instituto são exaustivamente abordados em capítulo próprio. No capítulo seguinte e central da dissertação, são tratados os desdobramentos do instituto (possibilidade de utilização da cessão da posição contratual nos contratos bilaterais e unilaterais, bem como nos contratos com prestações exauridas; impossibilidade da cessão parcial da posição contratual; valoração do consentimento do cedido e sua classificação; garantia da existência e validade do contrato pelo cedente e sua responsabilidade pelo cumprimento do contrato; manutenção das garantias prestadas pelo cedente e por terceiros após a cessão da posição contratual; transmissão dos direitos potestativos, deveres laterais e cláusula arbitral; possibilidade de revisão das cláusulas contratuais pelo cessionário; manutenção da forma de interpretação do contrato pelo novo contraente; cessão da posição contratual nos contratos de adesão e nos contratos personalíssimos; casos de intransmissibilidade da cessão da posição contratual; e alguns aspectos processuais do instituto). É tratada, por fim, da necessidade de o Código Civil disciplinar expressamente o instituto, não por mero capricho ou preciosismo, mas porque a recorrente utilização do instituto pela sociedade justifica a existência de regras claras sobre o tema, trazendo maior segurança jurídica e estabilidade social. / This dissertation deals with the doctrine of assignment of contractual position. Although assumption of debt and assignment of credit are accepted in Brazilian law, assignment of contractual position is not covered by the Civil Code. Although no one questions the existence of the doctrine of assignment of contractual position as a transaction without a specific provision, the absence of statutory provision brings into discussion the rules that apply to the doctrine. Initially, one provides a historical background to demonstrate the difficulties the doctrine has overcome in order to be accepted by scholars and in the legislations, having first appeared due to the necessities of everyday life. Because the attempt to bring assignment of contract closer to other doctrines is recurrent, one also demonstrates the singularity of this legal figure and its differences from others (novation, subrogation, adhesion to a contract, a subcontract and a contract with a person to be declared). The concept, the terminology and the legal nature of the doctrine are exhaustively approached in a specific chapter. In the following chapter, central to this dissertation, one deals with the developments of the doctrine (possibility of applying assignment of contract for bilateral and unilateral contracts, as well as for contracts with their considerations already exhausted; impossibility of partial assignment of contractual position; appraisal of the consent of the obligor and its classification; guarantee of the existence and validity of the contract by the assignor and its responsibility for performance of the contract; maintenance of the guarantees offered by the assignor and by third parties after assignment of the contract; assignment of potestative rights, lateral duties, and arbitration clause; possibility of review of contractual clauses by the assignee; maintenance of a form of contractual interpretation by the new party; assignment of contract for adhesion and personal contracts; cases of impossibility of assignment of contract; and other procedural aspects of the doctrine). Finally, one deals with the need for the Civil Code to provide for the doctrine expressly, not in a superfluous or purposeless way, but because the recurring application of the doctrine by the society justifies the existence of clear rules about the subject, bringing greater legal safety and social stability.

Contribution à l'étude juridique du droit de la mobilité professionnelle / Contribution to the legal study of the law of professional mobility

Brunner, Elodie 11 December 2018 (has links)
Le droit de la mobilité professionnelle, s'il connaît de nombreuses définitions, suppose encore un travail de construction. Entre obligations de l’employeur et droits du salarié, la mobilité professionnelle oblige à concilier un épineux paradigme alliant flexibilité dans l’entreprise et sécurité du parcours professionnel. Cette complexité est révélatrice d’une ambiguïté originelle : la mobilité professionnelle s’inspire pour l’essentiel de la pratique d’entreprise, si bien qu’il existe aujourd’hui autant de régimes de mobilité que de situations impliquant des mobilités. Clause de mobilité professionnelle, reclassement du salarié, mise à disposition de personnel, mobilité volontaire sécurisée, accord de performance collective, ruptures négociées, cession de contrat, l’étude des dispositifs juridiques démontre que la mobilité est essentiellement envisagée à court terme, à l’initiative de l’employeur et construite sur un schéma de contrainte ne tenant pas compte de la liberté individuelle du salarié. Le manque d’efficacité de l’arsenal juridique et les dérives qui en résultent en pratique rendent incompatibles le droit positif avec l’objectif de développement de la mobilité positive, pierre angulaire du droit de la mobilité professionnelle. Les nombreuses interventions du législateur au soutien des formes de mobilités contraintes concourent à la défaillance de cette ambition. Alors que le droit à la mobilité est, formellement, une garantie fondamentale du statut des fonctionnaires et des agents publics, une telle équivalence n’existe pas en matière de droit privé. L’enjeu majeur réside dès lors dans la capacité du législateur à repenser la mobilité positive. / The professional mobility law, although it has many definitions, still requires construction work. Between the obligations of the employer and the rights of the employee, professional mobility requires reconciling the thorny paradigm between flexibility in the company and safety of the professional career. This complexity reveals an original ambiguity: professional mobility is essentially inspired by practice, so that today there are as many mobility schemes as there are situations involving mobility. Professional mobility clause, reclassification of the employee, personnel provision, secure voluntary mobility, performing agreement, negotiated breaks of contract, assignment of contract, the study of legal devices shows that mobility is mainly envisaged in the short term, at the initiative of the employer and built on a pattern of constraint not taking into account the individual freedom of the employee. The lack of efficiency of the legal framework and the resulting abuses in practice make positive law incompatible with the objective of developing positive mobility, which is the cornerstone professional mobility law. The many interventions of the legislator in support of the forms of constrained mobilities contribute to the failure of this ambition. While the right to mobility is, formally, a fundamental guarantee of the status of civil servants and public officials, such equivalence does not exist in private law. The major challenge therefore lies in the ability of the legislator to rethink positive mobility.

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