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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the Diversity of Exoplanets

Svensson, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
The search for extrasolar planets had been ongoing for many years when Mayorand Queloz discovered 51 Pegasi b in 1995. It was a giant gas planet similar to Jupiter, but with a larger radius and of only half of Jupiter’s mass. Theso called Hot Jupiter was observed to orbit its host star 7 times closer thanMercury is orbiting the Sun. Theoretical models at the time stated that gasgiants could not form in such a short distance to the host star. Thus, thisdiscovery was completely unexpected. It was the beginning of a new field ofresearch where the diversity of exoplanets is the most remarkable discovery, challenging theoretical models. Thanks to the Kepler space telescope and anew generation of space missions such as TESS, thousands of exoplanets havebeen discovered and thousands of planet candidates await confirmation. In this thesis I have studied all confirmed exoplanets to this date, which havebeen discovered by the radial velocity and/or the transit method. The planetparameters and their stellar hosts are available on NASA’s Exoplanet Archive.For all planets < 100 M⊕, I have assessed and updated the parameters for eachplanet in particular when several solutions exist. There are several types ofplanets, but the focus of this work are small planets which come in two sizes: Rocky super-Earths, and the slightly larger and lower density sub-Neptune. Different types of planets have different radii and mass ranges, which togetherwith composition and interior structure are separating the types from each other. These mass and radii ranges are however not universally defined, and in thisreport the super-Earth and sub-Neptune ranges are discussed together with their typical characteristics. The radii and mass ranges of the two different classes of small planets are overlapping and are often difficult to classify. In particularfor planets in between 2 R⊕ and 3 R⊕, there is an ambiguity of structure and composition. This report will also investigate how planet properties depend on the stellarhost properties and on the orbital distances to the stars. One of my mainresults is that sub-Neptunes are common orbiting host stars with low metallicity, in contrast to super-Earths which are common orbiting host stars with highmetallicity. Other parameters, such as stellar effective temperature, seem to have no influence on planet properties. Super-Earth’s are found at a wide range of orbital distances while the sub-Neptunes cluster in a narrow range of orbital distances to their host star. Sub-Neptunes have an atmosphere, and are orbiting at distances where the atmosphere does not evaporate from intense host star radiation. If an atmospheree vaporates, only the rocky core of the planet is left. Thus, some super-Earths might have been sub-Neptunes that have lost their atmospheres. My second main result is that planets with characteristics of sub-Neptunes (with respect to density and interior structure) of 10 M⊕ to 15 M⊕ have radiibetween 2 R⊕ and 4.5 R⊕. Sub-Neptunes in the upper mass limit, between 15M⊕ to 17 M⊕, have radii from 2.6 R⊕ to 7.5 R⊕. And finally, my third result is the relation between planet density and equilibrium temperature. The density of all planets with masses < 15 M⊕ is Earth-like for equilibrium temperatures > 1400 K. For lower equilibrium temperatures corresponding to longer orbital periods, or lower-mass and cooler stars, planetswith masses < 15 M⊕ have a larger spread in densities. However, it never fallsbelow a diagonal linear trend in the density against equilibrium temperature diagram described by ρ = 2.6 × log10(Teq) − 7.46.

Stellar atmosphere models for Population III stars

Hultquist, Adam January 2021 (has links)
The  rst stars to illuminate the universe are said to belong to a group called Population III. Having knowledge of their atmospheric conditions would be useful in many endeavours. The aimof this project was to compile and run the FORTRAN code TLUSTY (Hubeny and Lanz 2017) inorder to create stellar atmospheres for Pop III stars. With a working version of TLUSTY, severalcontrol runs were then performed to make sure that everything worked as intended with the  final goal to create a large grid of calculated atmospheres in the parameter space of effective temperatureand surface gravity. Successful comparisons were made against earlier calculations made by Schaerer(2002) and Windhorst et al. (2019). Constructing such a grid required several codes to work togetherwith TLUSTY by constructing a shell script. The result is a grid  lled with many points that werewell converged, as well as a few that did not appear to converge. Comparing the converged part ofthe grid with stellar evaluations tracks made by Yoon et al. (2012) showed that heavy, rotating PopIII stars fell almost within the grid. One problem that arose, however, was that as the grid did notfully converge all the way to the tracks some could not be uniquely mapped to di erent points on thegrid. Thus, some di erent tracks would become degenerate which should not be physically expected. However this may not be a fatal problem.

Study of CO Emission in Nine Hot Dust-Obscured Galaxies at z ∼3

Faerber, Timothy January 2021 (has links)
Massive galaxies evolve through different phases including starburst-dominated and active galactic nuclei (AGN)-dominated phases. These phases are predicted to be prevalent at earlier times (z ∼ 2 − 3). In this thesis I present high-sensitivity observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array to investigate mid-J (Jupper = 4 and 5) CO emission in nine Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer-selected hyperluminous, hot dust-obscured galaxies (Hot DOGs). These sources are thought to represent a transition phase between starburst- and AGN-dominated galaxies at z ≈ 2.5 − 5. All nine sources are detected in continuum and line emission. I conclude that the sources are gas-rich with Mgas ≈ 1010−11 M . Previous far-infrared spectral energy distribution decomposition revealed that six of the sources have significant cold dust components suggesting high star-formation rates (SFR ≈ 2000 − 9000 M  yr−1 ). The molecular gas in the sources is shown to follow roughly the same star-formation trend as a smaller sample of Hot DOGs and other populations of star-forming and quasar-host galaxies at low- and high-redshift. The resolved CO emission line data displays large velocity dispersions (FWHM ≈ 400 − 900 km s−1 ) consistent with other high-z star-forming and quasar-host galaxies. For a subset of the sources, the line data shows disturbed morphologies and velocity gradients possibly consistent with rotation or galaxy interaction. The results from this analysis suggest that the studied sources are heavily dust-obscured quasars undergoing extreme starburst episodes. The estimated gas and dynamical masses of the sources are consistent with other populations of massive galaxies at low- and high-z, indicating that they likely represent a stage in the evolution of massive galaxies. / <p>Presentaiton given over zoom platform during COVID-19 pandemic.</p>

The solar abundance of beryllium : constraining the solar problem via non-LTE modelling

Ogneva, Daria January 2023 (has links)
Accurately determining the solar abundance of beryllium is a key to calibrate transport processes at the base of convective zone, which in turn is an improvement upon existing solar models and general understanding of the physical processes within the Sun. To determine an abundance, assumptions about the solar atmosphere must be made. While it is common to assume local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) due to the simplicity this brings to the calculations, it is more accurate to assume non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE), because it better resembles the physics of the solar atmosphere, where observed spectral lines form. Non-LTE calculations require a model atom that will provide important information about the atom to the radiative transfer code in order to preform necessary calculations. In this project, the solar abundance of beryllium was studied with main purpose of calculating the non-LTE abundance correction to be applied on already known LTE abundances. This was done by creating a comprehensive model atom of beryllium, containing essential information about the atom’s states as well as radiative and collisional transitions coupling those states. Simulations using radiative transfer code were performed and their results analysed to compute non-LTE abundance correction for the solar 3D LTE abundance A(Be) = 1.38. Resulting correction was computed to be equal to +0.03, which, when applied on the LTE abundance,does not affect the abundance significantly, contrary to the -0.060 correction of Korotin &amp;Kučinskas (2021). A possible reason for this result might be that the model atom includes additional collisional transitions (Kaulakys collisions), omitted in Korotin+.

Multi-messenger emission from gamma-ray bursts

Samuelsson, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Multi-messenger astronomy is a very hot topic in the astrophysical community. A messenger is something that carries information. Different astrophysical messenger types are photons, cosmic rays, neutrinos, and gravitational waves. They all carry unique and complementary information to one another. The idea with multi-messenger astronomy is that the more different types of messengers one can obtain from the same event, the more complete the physical picture becomes. In this thesis I study the multi-messenger emission from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), the most luminous events known in the Universe. Specifically, I study the connection of GRBs to extremely energetic particles called ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). UHECRs have unknown origin despite extensive research. GRBs have long been one of the best candidates for the acceleration of these particles but a firm connection is yet to be made. In Paper I and Paper II, we study the possible GRB-UHECR connection by looking at the electromagnetic radiation from electrons that would also be accelerated together with the UHECR. My conclusion is that the signal from these electrons does not match current GRB observation, disfavoring that a majority of UHECRs comes from GRBs. / ”Multi-messenger astronomy” (mångbudbärarastronomi, fri översättning) är ett väldigt aktuellt område inom astrofysiken just nu. En meddelare är någonting som bär på information. Olika meddelartyper inom astrofysiken är fotoner, kosmisk strålning, neutriner och gravitations vågor. Dessa har alla unik och olika typ av information som kompletterar varandra. Idén bakom multi-meddelare-astronomi är att ju fler olika meddelartyper vi kan upptäcka från samma event, desto mer komplett blir vår fysikaliska tolkning. I denna avhandling studerar jag multi-meddelare emission från gammablixtar (GRBs), de mest ljusstarka företeelser vi känner till i Universum. Mer specifikt, så studerar jag kopplingen mellan GRBs och ultraenergetisk kosmisk strålning (UHECRs). Ursprunget till UHECRs är fortfarande okänt trots långt pågående forskning. GRBs har länge varit en av de mest lovande accelerationskandidaterna men än så länge finns inga fasta bevis. I Paper I och Paper II studerar vi den möjliga GRB-UHECR kopplingen genom att studera den elektromagnetiska strålningen från elektronerna som även de skulle bli accelererade tillsammans med UHECRs. Min slutsats är att strålningen från elektronerna inte matchar observationer från GRBs, vilket talar emot att en majoritet av UHECRs kommer från GRBs.

Magnetic field of the magnetic chemically peculiar star V1148 Ori

Pettersson, Kristoffer January 2023 (has links)
This project aims to obtain and interpret the measurements of the mean longitudinal magnetic field of the chemically peculiar star V1148 Ori. To achieve this aim 12 spectropolarimetric observations obtained by the CFHT using the spectropolarimeter ESPaDOnS were used. The method used to extract the magnetic field signatures from the spectra is called least-squares deconvolution. This method yields line-averaged profiles with a high signal-to-noise ratio. These mean line profiles are necessary to compute the mean longitudinal field. Results of the mean longitudinal field measurements were plotted as a function of the rotational phase, and to this, a sinusoidal function describing a dipolar field was fitted. The dipolar field parameters were computed for two different stellar radii. Inconsistent values for the stellar radii were obtained from the literature, and therefore we calculated two values for each of the parameters. For the surface polar field strength, we found BR1 = 17.38±0.30 kG and BR2 = 12.81±0.22 kG. The calculations involving one of the stellar radii gave results more consistent with previous findings. However, the discrepancy in parameter values could not be accounted for by the small uncertainties. So no definite conclusions can be drawn about the dipolar field parameters. Our fit aligns well with our longitudinal field measurements, no clear indication of any significant deviation from our model assumption, which suggests that the mean longitudinal field is consistent with a large-scale dipolar-like structure.

Magnetic field of the Ap star EP UMa

Melin, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
Magnetic fields play a crucial roll in the stellar activity and evolutionof stars. Despite much research there is much that we do notunderstand. Among Ap stars, empirical evidence has suggested a minimumthreshold for the dipolar magnetic field strength of Bp ≈ 300G.This thesis studies the magnetic field of the Ap star EP UMa usingthe oblique rotator model, which is modeling the star’s magnetic fieldas a dipole. The magnetic field was calculated through the StokesV- and I-spectrum emitted by the star. In total 16 observations ofthe Stokes V and I spectrum were used, collected from the spectropolarimeterNARVAL. These spectra were then analysed using the leastsquares deconvolution method, creating average Stokes V and I profiles,through which the magnetic field were calculated. The result ofthis study indicates a magnetic field of EP UMa with polar strengthof 74G ≤ Bp ≤ 196G, which is well below the suggested minimumthreshold.

Fractional Habitability comparison of slow rotating Earth-like bodies

Gothefors-Holm, Gustaf January 2023 (has links)
ROCKE-3D is a contemporary Global Circulation Model allowing research into the complex processes behind the climate of planets. Using ROCKE-3D one can construct a model coupling atmosphere, land, and ocean revealing how the climate of a planet evolves over time. When constructing a model using ROCKE-3D, 2 different types of oceans can be used, one shallow without horizontal heat transfer and one fully coupled dynamic ocean. Simulations created using the different ocean types give rise to different results. In this project, the fractional habitability of the model 'planets' will be calculated using various methods in order to evaluate the differences between ocean types in ROCKE-3D simulations. There is also a hope to better understand how parameters such as rotation period and insolation, are affected when using different ocean types. The results show a large difference in predicted habitability fraction using two approximations for the ocean heat transport indicating that the Qflux approximation produces unrealistic models and should be avoided. / ROCKE-3D är en modern Global Circulation Model som tillåter forskning in i de komplexa processer som bygger planeters klimat. Vid användning av ROCKE-3D kan modeller som kopplar atmosfärer, land och hav konstrueras, detta kan avslöja hur en planets klimat utvecklas över tid. När en model konstrueras med ROCKE-3D kan 2 olika typer av hav användas, ett utan horisontell värmeöverföring som kallas för ett "Qflux" hav och ett fullt kopplat dynamiskt hav. Simulationer skapade med de olika havstyperna ger skillnad i resultat. I det här projektet, beräknas modell-planeternas fractional habitability för att evaluera skillnaden mellan havstyp i ROCKE-3D simulationer. Det finns även ett hopp för en bättre förståelse av hur parametrar, rotationsperiod och solinstrålning, påverkar när det är att föredra användningen av en viss havstyp. Resultaten visar att skillnaden i ""fractional habitability" mellan simulationer skapta med de 2 havstyperna minskar när solinstrålningen ökar, vilket visar att användandet av ett "Qflux" hav i skapandet av simulationer vid låg solinstrålning borde avrådas.

Analysis of performance data of wind turbines for polar regions

Serra Garet, Arnau January 2023 (has links)
The Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland is situated at Summit Station. Due to its isolatedlocation the main power to support the autonomous radio stations is solar energy. However,during the winter months when there is no sun another strategy needs to be found. This projecthas been done within a group at Uppsala University, which aims to use wind turbines to powerthese stations during the long winter. We firstly analysed the performance and power output of SAVANT G turbine, a variation ofa Savonius turbine, for different periods of time and turbine system configurations. From thisanalysis we obtained the relation between the power and wind speed. Subsequently, this powercurve has been used in a model to predict the live time fraction of the radio stations during thewinter months. The model uses a database of one minute meteorological measurements fromNOAA at Summit from 2008 until 2022 and the power curve to calculate one minute powergeneration estimations. Knowing the electronic characteristics of the station, the model predictsthe charge status of the batteries and ultimately the number of hours that the batteries are chargedenough to power the radio station. The predicted live time fraction obtained with a parallel turbineconfiguration is 58%±7%, while for the parallel configuration with dual MPPT is 54%±4%. Theuncertainty was calculated taking the standard deviation of the fitted curve as upper and lowerpower curve limits using a 1% relative error and a 0.5W absolute error for each data point. Thenthese power curve limits were used to compute the live time fraction limits.1

Birefringence: Effects and Implications on In-Ice Radio Detection of High-Energy Neutrinos

Heyer, Nils January 2022 (has links)
The detection of high-energy neutrinos in the EeV range requires new detection techniques to cope with the small expected flux. The radio detection method, utilizing Askaryan emission, can be used to detect these neutrinos in polar ice. The propagation of the radio pulses has to be modeled carefully to reconstruct the energy, direction, and flavor of the neutrino from the detected radio signals. This thesis outlines the effect of birefringence in ice, which splits up the radio pulse into two orthogonal polarization components with slightly different propagation speeds. The signatures resulting from birefringence can help to reconstruct the energy and direction of the neutrino. In this thesis, the effect of birefringence is derived from first principles where the only free parameter of the model is the dielectric tensor as a function of depth and direction. The introduced model can propagate full RF waveforms which for the first time allows for the accounting of interference due to changing polarization eigenvectors during propagation. The model is available open-source through the NuRadioMC framework. The predictions of the model are compared to in-situ calibration data from the ARA and ARIANNA experiments and the implications for neutrino detection are discussed. / Detektionen av högenergetiska neutriner inom EeV-intervallet kräver nya detektionsmetoder för att handskas med flödet av neutriner, som förväntas vara mycket lågt. Radiodetektormetoden, som nyttjar Askaryanemission, kan användas för att detektera dessa neutriner i polarisarna. Radiopulsernas propagering måste modelleras noggrant för att rekonstruera energin, riktningen och smaken av neutrinon från detektorns radiosignaler. Denna avhandling beskriver effekten av dubbelbrytning i is, vilket delar upp radiopulsen i två ortogonala polarisationskomponenter med något annorlunda propageringshastigheter. De signaturer som uppstår av dubbelbrytning kan hjälpa till att rekonstruera energin och riktningen hos neutrinon. I denna avhandling härleds effekterna av dubbelbrytning från grunden, där den enda fria parametern i modellen är den dielektriska tensorn som funktion av djup och riktning. Modellen som introduceras kan propagera fullständiga RF-vågformer, vilket för första gången möjliggör hänsynstagandet av interferensen som orsakas av förändrade polarisationsegenvektorer som uppstår under propageringen. Modellen är tillgänglig som öppen källkod via NuRadioMC-ramverket. Modellens förutsägelser jämförs med in-situ kalibreringsdata från experimenten ARA och ARIANNA, och vilka implikationer som modellen har för neutrinodetektion diskuteras.

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