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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hunting for Dark Stars with the James Webb Space Telescope

Nittler, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
The first stars in the Universe are thought to have formed in high dark matter density minihalos about 200 million years after the Big Bang. If these stars were able to contract dark matter into their stellar core while forming, some of them might have turned into dark stars (DSs) powered by the heat from dark matter annihilation. The possibilities for detection of DSs with the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scheduled for launch in 2021, is investigated in this work. With DS models generated in Spolyar et al. (2009) and atmosphere spectra from Gustafsson et al. (2008), spectral analysis has been carried out in MATLAB to find the unique colors of DSs compared to galaxies generated in Zackrisson et al. (2017) at z ≈ 7 − 11. It was found that lower temperature DSs (Teff ≤ 7800K) are distinguishable from galaxies and that they would be bright enough to be detected with the JWST provided a magnification factor of µ ≈ 160−1000 with the use of gravitational lensing. More recent DS models reveal that the DS of temperature Teff = 7800K is detectable even without the use of gravitational lensing. However, the probability of finding one today is really small due to DSs’ presumably short lifetime. The results of this work are hoped to give a better understanding of the properties of DSs and to increase the probability of finding one in the large imaging survey carried out by the JWST. / De första stjärnorna i universum antas ha bildats i minihalos med hög densitet av mörk materia omkring 200 miljoner år efter Big Bang. Om dessa stjärnor kunde dra till sig mörk materia under sitt bildande kan vissa av dem ha utvecklats till mörka stjärnor (s.k. dark stars) med mörk materia som energikälla. I detta arbete undersöks möjligheterna att upptäcka dem med det kommande James Webb Space Teleskopet (JWST) som planeras för uppskjutning år 2021. Med dark starmodeller genererade i Spolyar et al. (2009) och atmosfärspektra från Gustafsson et al. (2008) har spektralanalys utförts i MATLAB för att hitta vilka dark stars som går att urskilja från galaxer genererade i Zackrisson et al. (2017) vid z ≈ 7−11. Det visade sig att dark stars med låg temperatur (Teff ≤ 7800K) är urskiljbara och att de flesta av dessa dark stars, vid en förstoringsfaktor av µ ≈ 160−1000 vid användning av gravitationell linsning, är tillräckligt ljusstarka för att kunna detekteras. Jämfört med senare dark star-modeller skulle även Teff = 7800K DSs kunna detekteras utan användning av gravitaionell linsning. Sannolikheten att hitta en dark star är fortfarande väldigt liten på grund av dess förmodade korta livstid. Resultaten av detta arbete hoppas kunna ge en bättre förståelse för egenskaperna hos mörka stjärnor samt öka sannolikheten för detektion med JWST.

Problematik vid undervisning av astronomi i skolan : En litteraturstudie om elevers svårigheter i samband med astronomiundervisningen i skolan (åk 4–6) och hur dessa kan lösas / Problems when teaching astronomy in school : A literary review regarding pupils’ difficulties when teaching astronomy in elementary school, (Grade 4-6), and possible solutions.

Nilsson, Patrik, Söder Jansson, Lucas January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna konsumtionsuppsats var att genom en systematisk litteraturstudie, undersöka vad forskningen har att säga om problematik och lösningar med avseende på undervisning inom astronomi i skolan, med inriktning på årskurs 4–6. Vi använde oss av såväl databassökningar som manuella sökningar. Vi utgick från två frågeställningar:  1) Vilka problem kan uppstå när man undervisar inom astronomi?  2) Hur löser man dessa problem? Resultaten visade att ett stort hinder vid undervisningen inom astronomi beror på missuppfattningar och bristande kunskaper, både hos elever och lärare. Därför är det viktigt att kunna synliggöra och hantera missuppfattningar, genom olika metoder och strategier till exempel genom att gå från mindre delar till helhet. Detta är enligt forskningen något vi som lärare bör ha i åtanke när vi planerar vår undervisning i astronomi.

Ionospheric model of comet 67P including the effect of solar EUV attenuation

Scheutwinkel, Kilian Hikaru January 2018 (has links)
Comets are the most active around their perigees. The increased outgassing can lead to a coma thick enough to effectively absorb the solar EUV radiation, which engenders a self-shielding comet nucleus and inner layers of the ionosphere. This effect of self-shielding can be calculated by the attenuation of the sunlight according to the Beer-Lambert law. Here we focus on the perihelion of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the target comet of the ESA Rosetta mission. We calculate attenuated photoionization frequencies and implement these into an ionospheric model constructed in a recent project work (by the same author). The ionization frequencies and ion number densities are calculated as a function of cometocentric distance and compared with the latest published peer-reviewed article by Heritier et al. (2017). Overall, the agreement is fairly good. The most significant difference is the discrepancy of number densities of O2 ions, which is higher in our model by nearly an order of magnitude. This discrepancy is attributed to the fact that Heritier et al (2017) only considered charge transfer processes for the formation of O2+, while we identify photoionization of O2 as the main production mechanism.

Evaluation Analysis of the UV-detector on the Mini-EUSO Space Telescope

Lukanovic, Matej January 2018 (has links)
Extragalactic charged particles, each with energies rising up to and beyond 1 Joule, have been studied for almost a century. Yet, no precise evidence have proven to show where they might originate from as their energy levels rise above the current familiar acceleration sources in outer space. The highly energetic particles have been given the name Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) and investigations of particle properties such as primary energy, mass composition and direction can be made through indirect measurements of the interaction between the UHECR and Earth's atmosphere. The considered interaction induces an Extensive Air Shower (EAS) which emits fluorescent light in the Ultraviolet (UV) range. The probability of detecting such events is, however, as low as a few particles per km2 per century. Making observations more sufficient therefore requires larger detection volumes. By introducing the Mini-EUSO instrument, a telescope of which the main purpose is to measure the UV-light radiated from the Earth in the wavelength range of 300-400 nm, allows just for this. To be accommodating the International Space Station and targeting Earth in the nadir direction, the Mini-EUSO instrument will allow for a higher exposure to the interactions than what is currently available. The use of two Fresnel lenses provides the instrument with a large field of view (±22o) and the detections are made through multiple photomultiplier tubes. The scope of this thesis is to evaluate the main detector of the Mini-EUSO instrument (i.e. the UV-detector) through ground-based tests. The procedures involved in the evaluation have consisted of; validating the statistical distributions of the signals, implementing dark field and flat field calibrations, and radiations measurements with three kinds of radiation sources. The data from the tests were provided during two periods and the visualization was made by adapting an already existing piece of code, using Python and ROOT Cern, to perform step by step procedures such that all operations are overlooked properly. The analysis showed that the implementation of the dark field and flat field procedures improved the original image significantly. It also showed that both the lower and higher photon count values in a pixel indeed gave the expected statistical behaviours, with a Poissonian distribution for low values and a Gaussian distribution for higher values. The flat fielding screen did however show unknown fluctuations in the emitted light and further tests have to be implemented to assure its functionality. Under proper covering, almost no dark current was found, however, observation tests showed that the borders of the Multi-Anode Photomultiplier Tubes (MAPMTs) gave higher photon count values than the center part even when they were emitted with Lambertian light.

The Circumstellar Environment of Type Ia Supernovae

Ferretti, Raphael January 2017 (has links)
Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have proven to be extremely useful for measuring cosmological distances and were used for the discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe. Although thousands of SNe Ia have been observed to date, many questions surrounding the physics of the explosions and the nature of their progenitor systems remain unanswered. An notable property of many SNe Ia is the relation between extinction due to dust and their colour. For example SN 2014J, the nearest SN Ia in recent years, has an extinction relation which would be very unusual to observe in the Milky Way. One possible explanation to the peculiar extinction could be the presence of circumstellar (CS) dust surrounding the explosions. Incidentally, some proposed progenitor models of SNe Ia suggest that the explosions are surrounded by shells of matter, which could account for the unusual extinction. CS gas would be ionised, if it is exposed to the intense ultraviolet (UV) radiation of a SN Ia. The research presented in this thesis focuses on the search for CS gas by observing the effects of photoionisation on absorption lines commonly detected in optical spectra. Simple models suggest that the frequently studied sodium doublet (Na I D) should significantly decrease or even disappear if the gas is in the CS environment. Conversely, the absence of variations implies that the absorbing gas clouds must be far from the explosion, in the interstellar medium (ISM). To date, few SNe Ia have been shown to have variable absorption lines, to which we have added another case with SN 2013gh. Yet, we have also shown that most observations searching for variable absorption lines have been taken at too late phases, when most CS gas will have already been ionised. Setting out to obtain the earliest possible coverage of a SN Ia with high-resolution spectra, we have been able to set strong limits on the presence of CS gas surrounding SN 2017cbv. Along with evidence from other observational methods, these results have shown that there is little matter in the CS environments of SNe Ia, suggesting that the peculiar extinction likely results from the dust properties of their host galaxy ISM. Although the progenitor question cannot be resolved by these observations, nondetections of CS gas point to models which do not deposit large amounts of matter in their surroundings. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 5: Submitted.</p>


Sakic, Azra January 2008 (has links)
Vår världsuppfattning har förändrats genom seklerna. Den länge accepterade geocentriska teorin från antikens Grekland var att solen, planeterna och stjärnorna roterade kring jorden. Andra teorier var inte accepterade av varken kyrkan eller vetenskapen. På 1500-talet publicerades Kopernikus heliocentriska teori, som innebar att solen var i centrum och att jorden och de andra planeterna roterar kring den. Vad Kopernikus försökte åstadkomma var en enklare världsbild än grekernas komplicerade epicykelteori. Hans teori ansågs vara kontroversiell, särskilt eftersom den inte gav några särskilt bättre värden på planeternas positioner än den gamla teorin. Den som producerade de data som behövdes var Tycho Brahe, som i slutet av 1500-talet gjorde många upprepade observationer av planeternas lägen med hjälp av egenkonstruerade instrument på ön Ven. Efter hans död i början av 1600-talet fortsatte Brahes assistent Johannes Kepler med att utreda planeternas banor, vilket ledde till hans tre berömda lagar om planeternas rörelse. Lagarna var empiriska matematiska samband som således inte kunde förklara vad som styrde planetrörelsen. Utifrån Keplers lagar kunde därefter Isaac Newton förklara planeternas rörelse med hjälp av sin gravitationslag och de tre rörelselagarna. Med hjälp av Newtons formler så kunde man beräkna planeternas lägen på himlavalvet med godtycklig precision, och inte bara det: Newtons gravitationslag kunde på ett helt nytt sätt kombinera vardagens fall av ett äpple i en trädgård med hur planeterna rör sig utifrån en gemensam beskrivning. Denna uppsats kommer att ta upp Keplers och Newtons lagar mer detaljerat och även redogöra för den moderna kunskapen kring solsystemets dynamik och uppbyggnad. / The view of how the Earth and the Sun move has changed through the ages. The idea that was “right", from the time of ancient Greece, was that the Earth was at the centre and everything revolved around it even if some facts were unexplained. It was in the middle of the 1500s that Copernicus developed the idea that Sun was in the centre and the Earth revolved around it. His theory was controversial, especially since it did not improve the positions of the planets very much. The person who provided the necessary data was Tycho Brahe. In the late 1500s he observed and logged the planetary positions for many years, using his own instruments on the island of Ven. His assistant Johannes Kepler then used the data to infer his three famous laws of planetary motion. Kepler could not explain why the planets moved according to the laws, since the latter were empirical. Isaac Newton could later on derive Kepler’s laws from his own gravitational law and three laws of motion, thereby confirming Kepler’s result. Newton also provided a great synthesis between local physics (the famous apple falling down) and celestial motion. This report will discuss the Kepler and Newton laws in more detail, as well as the modern view of the dynamics and structure of the solar system.

Hur bildas svarta hål? : Neutronstjärnor, kaonkondensation och dess konsekvenser och Minihål på jorden?

Höglund Aldrin, Ronja January 2008 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt från den teoretiska bakgrunden, definitionen av svarta hål och deras generella egenskaper har jag studerat villkor för bildandet av svarta hål från döende singulära stjärnor. Supernovaprocessen beskrivs tillsammans med hur neutronstjärnor kan påverkas av destabiliserande mekanismer som t.ex. kaonkondensation. Olika observationer samt alternativa teorier läggs fram som argument och motargument. Utifrån detta underlag drar jag slutsatsen att svarta hål kan existera i fler varianter än vad som hittills antagits, främst i form av s.k. lågmassiva svarta hål på 1,5-1,8 Msol.   Vidare skildras möjligheten att producera mikroskopiska svarta hål i LHC-acceleratorn (Large Hadron Collider) i CERN, de kontroverser som omgärdar detta fenomen och de kunskaper som skulle kunna vinnas från kontrollerade observationer av sådana objekt. Den generella slutsatsen här är det ofrånkomliga mötet mellan partikelfysik och astrofysik för att få tillgång till de allra djupaste insikterna om det universum vi lever i. / Building on the theoretical background, definition of black holes and their general characteristics, I have studied some conditions for the formation of black holes from dying singular stars. The supernova process is described along with the influence on neutron stars by destabilising mechanism such as kaon condensation. Various observations as well as alternative theories are presented for argumentation. From this material I draw the conclusion that black holes can exist in more varieties than has been previously assumed, foremost in the shape of low-massive black holes with masses between 1.5 and 1.8 Msun.   Furthermore the possibility to produce microscopic black holes in the LHC accelerator (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN is portrayed, together with the controversies that currently surround this phenomenon and the knowledge that could be won from controlled observations of such objects. The general conclusion here is the unavoidable meeting between particle physics and astrophysics in order to access the deepest insights about the Universe we inhabit.

Sources of Dust Extinction in Type Ia Supernovae : Measurements and constraints from X-rays to the Infrared

Johansson, Joel January 2015 (has links)
The use of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) as distance indicators is essential for studying the expansion history of the Universe and for exploring the nature of dark energy. However, a lack of understanding of the progenitor systems and the empirically derived colour-brightness corrections represent severe limitations for SNe Ia as cosmological probes. In this thesis, we study how dust along the line of sight towards SNe Ia affects the observed light over a wide range of wavelengths; from X-rays to infrared. Unless properly corrected for, the existence of intergalactic dust will introduce a redshift dependent magnitude offset to standard candle sources and bias the cosmological parameter estimates as derived from observations of SNe Ia. We model the optical extinction and X-ray scattering properties of intergalactic dust grains to constrain the intergalactic opacity using a combined analysis of observed quasar colours and measurements of the soft X-ray background. We place upper limits on the extinction AB(z = 1) &lt; 0.10 - 0.25 mag, and the dust density parameter Ωdust &lt; 10−5 − 10−4 (ρgrain/3 g cm−3), for models with RV &lt; 12 − ∞, respectively. Dust in the host galaxies, and dust that may reside in the circumstellar (CS) environment, have important implications for the observed colours of SNe Ia. Using the Hubble Space Telescope and several ground based telescopes, we measure the extinction law, from UV to NIR, for a sample of six nearby SNe Ia. The SNe span a range of E(B − V ) ≈ 0.1 − 1.4 mag and RV  ≈ 1.5 − 2.7, showing a diversity of dust extinction parameters. We present mid- and far-infrared (IR) observations for a number of SNe Ia, obtained with the Herschel Space Observatory and Spitzer Space Telescope, addressing CS dust as an explanation for “peculiar” extinction towards some SNe Ia. No excess IR emission is detected, limiting CS dust masses, Mdust &lt; 10−5 solar masses. In particular, the timely appearance of SN 2014J in M82 - the closest SN Ia in several decades - allows for detailed studies, across an unprecedented wavelength range, of its lightcurve and spectral evolution along with the host galaxy and CS environment. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 5: Manuscript. Paper 6: Manuscript.</p>

The Galactic thick disk: a stellar population in its own right? / Galaxens tjocka disk: En stjärnfamilj i sin egen rätt?

Rastau, Vlad January 2017 (has links)
The Galactic disk is home of many billion stars, one of which isour Sun. The stellar population of which the Sun is a member residesin the vertically thin spiral structure of the disk. There is a seconddisk population, the so-called thick disk, that has somewhat dierentspatial, kinematic and chemical properties as compared to the thindisk. It may be systematically older than the thin disk (Bernkopf et al.2001), with a star-formation hiatus separating the two. Observationsof thick-disk subgiants allow us to probe the chemical properties ofthese stars. As the subgiant evolutionary phase is short, age-datingthese stars is also possible. Are they in fact systematically older thanthe oldest thin-disk stars? This project will take rst steps towardsanswering this question based on new target selections done on DataRelease 1 of the Gaia mission. / Vintergatans disk innehåller flera miljarder stjärnor, varav en är vår Sol. Den stjärnbefolkning som Solen är medlem i ligger i den vertikalt tunna spiralstrukturen på skivan (tunna disken). Det finns en andra diskpopulation, den så kallade tjocka disken, som har något annorlunda rumsliga, kinematiska och kemiska egenskaper jämfört med den tunna disken. Den kan vara äldren än tunna disken (Bernkopf et al. 2001), med en stjärnbildningsstopp som skiljer de två. Genom att observera subjättar som är en del av den tjocka disken blir det möjligt att analysera dessa stjärnors kemiska egenskaper. Eftersom subjätte grenen är en kort evolutionär fas, åldersbestämmelse är också möjlig för dessa stjärnor. Är de faktiskt systematiskt äldre än de äldsta tunna diskens stjärnor? Detta projekt kommer att ta de första stegen mot att svara på denna fråga baserat på nya målval som gjorts på Data Release 1 från Gaia-uppdraget.

The impact of stellar magnetic activity on the radial velocity search of exoplanets

Wehrhahn, Ansgar January 2017 (has links)
Radial velocity measurements are critical in finding and confirming exoplanets. To confine the parameters of the planet we naturally want to minimise the errors on the measurement. However the observed measurement error is now on the same order as the precision of the instrument. This so called jitter is related to the stellar activity (Wright 2005), i.e. the magnetic field of the star. In this paper we investigate if we can discover any correlation between the radial velocity variation and the magnetic activity of the star using HARPSpol spectra for the two stars Epsilon Eridani and GJ674.

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