Spelling suggestions: "subject:"astronomi"" "subject:"astronomia""
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Zeeman Doppler Imaging of the eclipsing binary UV PisciumHahlin, Axel January 2020 (has links)
Magnetic fields are important for multiple physical processes in and around stars, for these reasons improving the understanding of how they are generated and maintained is of great value. In this work the magnetic field structure of the eclipsing binary UV Piscium is investigated. This is done by utilising the Zeeman-Doppler Imaging technique that reconstructs stellar magnetic maps by combining the information of how the magnetic field affects spectral lines with the rotational modulation of spectral lines. In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio the least squares deconvolution technique was used to combine multiple spectral lines into an average line profile. The high resolution circular polarisation observations analysed in this work were taken by the ESPaDOnS spectograph at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope during August and September of 2016. We reconstructed detailed magnetic field maps and obtained the average magnetic field strengths of 137G for the primary and 88G for the secondary, which is not unusual values for stars of this type. The methods used are however likely to underestimate the magnetic field strengths. This is because the lack of linear polarisation profiles likely results in systematic underestimation of magnetic field strengths, especially meridional components. Another issue that became apparent in this work is that in eclipsing binaries, without linear polarisation observations, there is a degeneracy between the different hemispheres, resulting in further uncertainties in the determination of surface magnetic field geometry. We also found that there is indication of surface evolution on the time scale of months as some observations taken around fifty days earlier were could not be phased with the main data set.
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Isochrone and chemical ages of stars in the old open cluster M67Ahlvind, Julia January 2021 (has links)
The open cluster Messier 67 is known to have chemical composition, metallicity and age (~ 4 Gyr) close to the Sun. Therefore, it is advantageous for stellar physical studies and of stellar evolution, in particular for solar like stars within the cluster. This work considers three such stars, the formerly studied solar twin M67-1194 and two more recently suggested solar twins M67-1787 & 2018. Most solar twins show a ratio of volatile to refractory elements that systematically depart from the Sun’s. Our targets do not follow this trend as closely. Their composition is closer to the Sun and they are, therefore, exquisite targets for studies of stellar evolution within the cluster. However, their solar likeness also provides studies regarding the origin and evolution of the Solar system. The stellar ages of the solar twins are established through a chemical clock [Y/Mg] and via stellar isochrones from BaSTI. The latter age assessment of the solar twins is supplemented with the analysis of two subgiant stars M67-1442 & 1844. We approach the isochrone-based method using spectroscopically, astrometrically and photometrically derived parameters. The different ages of the stars and methods thus estimate the age of the cluster itself. The chemical ages of the stars suggest a cluster age of 4.56 ±0.44 Gyr and the isochrone-based estimates suggests a cluster age within the range 3.30-5.51 Gyr. Our results thus affirm and imply a near solar age of the cluster.
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Pinning down the nature of gravitationally lensed stars at high redshift: Can Population III be identified?Hultquist, Adam January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Machine Learning for Stellar Spectra : Anomaly Detection in stellar spectra using Unsupervised Random ForestSpectral Analysis using Variational AutoencodersParanjape, Mihir January 2021 (has links)
This thesis was carried out in two parts. The stellar spectral data was used from the Gaia-ESO survey. The data used was fromthe public archive as well as data received from Dr. Recio-Blanco at Observatoire Cote D'Azure. 1) I performed anomaly detection using unsupervised random forests, by applying the concept of weirdness scores to identify outliers. 2) Using spectral data along with physical parameters of objects in the galactic bulge of the Gaia-ESO survey, I built a variational autoencoder neural network to reconstruct stellar spectra and explore latent features learning physical parameters by themselves.
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Undulation analysis of SN2020qlb: a slow-rising and bright superluminous supernovaWest, Stuart January 2021 (has links)
SN2020qlb (ZTF20abobpcb) is an extensively sampled hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova (SLSN-I) that is among the most luminous (max. Mg = -22:25+/-0:01 magnitudes) and long-rising (77.1 days from explosion to maximum) in a category of the brightest and longest rising SNe currently known in the Universe. SN2020qlb exhibits clear light-curve undulations, a phenomenon seen in other SLSNe but whose physical origin is still a mystery. This Master of Science Thesis discusses both the potential power source of these immense explosions as well as the power mechanisms behind the observed light-curve undulations. A particularly large set of photometric data in both the visible and ultraviolet ranges and covering the first 410 days after explosion, as well as 10 spectra are available for analysis. The explosion date is constrained to +/-0.28 days; the phase and magnitude of the peak luminosity are determined; light-curves for each telescope/filter combination are constructed; the g-r color evolution is plotted; the photospheric temperature and radius evolutions are estimated; the bolometric light-curve is constructed and compared with known power source models; and the rest-frame spectral evolution is plotted for analysis. SN2020qlb is found to meet all the known criteria to be a SLSN-I. A radioactive power source model based on the decay of 56Ni is rejected due to unphysical parameter results. A source model based on the dipole spindown energy deposition of a magnetar fits well the bulk portion of the bolometric light-curve with physically possible parameter values. Two full periods of about 32+/-6 day undulations are found on top of the bulk light-curve after subtracting the smooth model values. Evidence for them is also seen in each filter light-curve. Hypothetical power sources for these striking characteristics from the literature are analyzed and discussed. In summary, a magnetar source for the bulk of the light curve is favored. An external source for the undulations is favored, e.g. interaction with variations in the progenitor star’s circumstellar material, with a caveat that an explanation involving the break-down of model assumptions cannot be ruled out. Together they are favored to explain the entire light-curve of SN2020qlb.
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On Fermi-like neutrino acceleration in core-collapsesupernovae and around black hole formation, andthe evolution of observable neutrino flux duringproto-neutron star collapseGullin, Samuel January 2021 (has links)
Failed supernovae are the implosive final fates of massive stars, where ablack hole is formed. During the collapse, the proto-neutron star emits a huge number of neutrinos, and when the black hole is finally formed, it engulfs theneutrino-emitting material and the signal is cut off. Inspired by the recent work of Nagakura & Hotokezaka (2020), this thesis improves on some parts of theirs imulation work and further explores the neutrino signal from failed supernovae, using a supercomputer to perform Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we realized the neutrino flux’ time evolution around black hole formation hasn’t previously been studied well, and so it is investigated here, as well as the plausibility of measuring the black hole mass through the shape of the decay. A new component of the signal is presented, an echo of neutrinos emitted before black hole formation that, due to scattering in supersonic material around the black hole, arrive with a time delay of up to 15 ms, and with a significantly higher average energy, for heavy lepton neutrinos around 50 MeV.
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Something 3DRastau, Vlad January 2020 (has links)
Modelling stellar structures and comparing them with observationsis a very important step when it comes to verifying our theories aboutstellar evolution. Three-dimensional reconstruction is therefore impor-tant and in the case of certain stellar types it makes for a large portionof the ongoing research.For this project, three dierent objects and their three-dimensionalmodels were selected for 3D-printing. The systems in question areEta Carinae, 1 Gruis and HD 101584 and the reason behind thischoice is the fact that each object showcases a dierent phase and/orprocess of stellar evolution approaching or during the planetary nebula(PN) stage. On top of that, these objects have been observed using atechnique that allows us to deduce their 3D structure.The three-dimensional models and prints allow us to nd features(such as axial symmetries) that give us more information about themovements inside the system and their consequences on how the stellarstructure has and will evolve.
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Chi-Squared Analysis of Measurements of Two Cosmological Parameters Over TimeFaerber, Timothy January 2019 (has links)
For this project, a historical statistical analysis of the Amplitude of Mass Fluctuations ($\sigma_8$) and Hubble's Constant ($H_0$) parameters in the Standard Cosmological Model was carried out to determine whether or not the given error bars truly represent the dispersion of values. It was found through analysis of the Chi-Squared ($\chi^2$) values of the data that for $\sigma_8$ (60 data points and $\chi^2$ between 183.167 and 189.037) that the associated probability Q is extremely low, with $Q = 1.5597*10^{-15}$ for the weighted average and $Q = 1.2107*10^{-14}$ for the best fit of the data. This was also the case for the $\chi^2$ values (163 data points and $\chi^2$ between 484.3977 and 575.655) of $H_0$, where $Q = 4.2176*10^{-34}$ for the linear fit of the data and $Q = 1.0342*10^{-47}$ for the weighted average of the data. Through further analysis, it is shown in question, a linear fit is a better estimate of the data than the weighted average. The general conclusion is that the statistical error bars have been underestimated (in around 20\% of the measurements), or the systematic errors were not properly taken into account.
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The solar Mg abundance from strong spectral lines in the infraredAl Moulla, Khaled January 2019 (has links)
This project aims to determine the solar Mg abundance with two infrared spectral lines: MgI λ10811 and λ10965. Downloaded line data from VALD are updated with modern values for the oscillator strengths and van der Waals damping parameters, the latter obtained through ABO theory. Utilizing SME, the Mg abundances of synthetic spectra are fitted with respect to a solar atlas. The derived abundance for varied turbulence configurations is found to be between logAMg+12 = 7.40–7.52, which is slightly lower than meteoric and 3D-modeled values. Suggested improvements would be to consider the effects of NLTE and line blending.
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Foundation for an analysis of the dust of theNearby UniverseKjellqvist, Jimmy January 2021 (has links)
The current cosmological paradigm of an accelerating cosmic expansion issupported by observations of Type Ia supernovae. However, the light emittedby these and other cosmological sources is not only redshifted by cosmicexpansion but will also interact with matter along the light path. Especiallyintergalactic dust can lead to additional reddening and dimming of distantsources due to light scattering or absorption. This yields systematiccontaminations to cosmological measurements. This project builds afoundation and some of the tools that will be used in a master’s thesis withthe aim of analysing the spatial distribution and the properties of this cosmicdust. While previous studies assumed cosmic dust to be homogeneouslydistributed, it is expected to follow the spatial distribution of galaxies fromwhich it was expelled. This project also starts to recreate previous models ofhomogeneous dust models and measurements which will be used the futuremaster’s thesis. An analysis of the methods and tools used, along with some ofthe dust properties, is also made in this project.
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