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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation physico-chimique du stratum corneum, étude statique et dynamique de l'interface cutanée / Physico-chemical characterization of the stratum corneum, static and dynamic studies of the interfacial skin

Wagner, Matthieu 04 July 2011 (has links)
La peau est une interface essentielle entre le corps humain et son environnement externe. Au-delà du rôle de couche protectrice contre les agressions externes (mécaniques, thermiques, chimiques…), elle dispose de multiples fonctions de régulation comme l’absorption, la thermorégulation ou la synthèse d’hormones. L’étude de cette interface cutanée est importante, non seulement pour les spécialistes cliniques, mais également pour les chercheurs travaillant dans la compréhension des mécanismes des processus de transfert transcutanés. Longtemps considéré comme une simple couche de cellules mortes, le stratum corneum (SC, couche de la peau la plus externe) était considéré alors comme un acteur secondaire dans ces processus. Des études récentes montrent au contraire que cette couche cutanée, d’une épaisseur pouvant aller de 10 à 40 µm, joue un rôle primordial et déterminant. Ces études révèlent une architecture complexe, qui peut être représentée schématiquement par un empilement de cellules protéiniques (les cornéocytes) situées dans une matrice extracellulaire riche en lipides. Cette couche compacte est loin d’être complètement imperméable aux substances chimiques directement appliquées sur la peau. Nous proposons ici une approche physico-chimique visant à mettre en évidence les mécanismes d’interactions acide-base agissant à l’extrême surface du SC (i.e. une dizaine d’Angströms). En utilisant : i) les réactions de transfert de protons comme “sonde” et ii) une démarche multi-échelles basée sur des titrations de surface par angles de contact et par forces chimiques, nous déterminons quantitativement le rôle de chacune des composantes du SC (i.e. cornéocytes et lipides) dans ce type d’interactions. / Stratum corneum (SC) is a heterogeneous tissue composed of lipid-depleted corneocytes embedded in a lipid-enriched extracellular matrix. It comes from the epidermal differentiation of the skin. The wetting properties of this upper layer are of major interest in the understanding of interfacial phenomena, such as adhesion of microorganisms or proliferation of resident flora. Until now, the wettability behaviour has been characterized through different parameters such as surface energy, critical surface tension, or hydrophilia, via macroscopic contact angle measurements. But this method does not allow to discriminate the effect of the corneocytes with the one of the extracellular matrix on the final surface properties, because of the size of the liquid drop. This work, performed in vitro on human skin explants provided by Pierre Fabre Dermo-Cosmetics, consists in understanding the wetting properties of the SC from macroscopic and nanoscopic points of view. Initially, it is compulsory to thoroughly describe at different scales the physical chemistry of our material, i.e. in vitro SC. Then, knowing that macroscopic contact angles are sensitive to the pH of the liquid probe, the first aim of this work is to determine the “macroscopic pKa values” of the SC, both in vitro and in vivo. Consequently, dynamic contact angles are measured between test-liquid drops (aqueous solutions ranging from pH 1 to pH 13) and the SC in order to obtain the contact angle titration curve of the SC. The same procedure is applied in vivo on SC suffering from skin dryness (xerosis), the results being compared to those obtained previously on safe skin. The second purpose of this study is to reach the pKa values of the different functional groups located on the complex-cornified envelope. This consists in measuring adhesion forces between an AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) tip (functionalized with specific groups, such as amine, carboxylic acid, hydroxyl, methyl or amide groups) and single-isolated corneocytes through buffered liquid media (ranging from pH 1 to pH 13). As previously, such titration curves are realised on corneocytes coming from safe skin, but also from dry skin. The variations observed in the contact angle titration and chemical force titration curves will be discussed in terms of acid-base, electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bondings. The comprehension of the pH-dependent properties of the SC shall provide a better understanding of the role of individual corneocytes in the final surface properties of the SC.

Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) Formulated Films for Pharmaceutical Applications : Relevance to Surface Properties / Structure et propriétés physico-chimiques de films d'Hydroxypropyle méthylcellulose (HPMC) formulés pour des applications pharmaceutiques : Relation avec les propriétés de surface

Fahs, Ahmad 14 December 2009 (has links)
L’Hydroxypropyle méthylcellulose (HPMC) constitue un des polymères les plus utilisés pour la production de films destinés aux applications pharmaceutiques (gélules, comprimés, etc.). Afin de contrôler les propriétés physico-chimiques de films HPMC, des additifs sont fréquemment incorporés pendant la formulation du film: ce sont dans la plupart des cas un lubrifiant hydrophobe (acides gras) ou un plastifiant hydrophile (le polyéthylène glycol). L’objectif principal de ce travail est d’étudier les propriétés physico-chimiques en volume et en surface des films HPMC formulés aux échelles nanoscopique et macroscopique. Les propriétés volumiques concernent l’isotherme de sorption de l’eau, le taux de transmission de la vapeur d’eau, les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques des films. Les caractéristiques de surface ont été exploitées en termes de structuration, morphologie, séparation de phase, énergie de surface, adhésion et friction de films HPMC formulés. A l’échelle nanoscopique, la microscopie à force atomique en mode contact et en mode friction est un outil puissant pour étudier la nanoadhésion et la nanofriction. A l’échelle macroscopique, le test de tack et le tribomètre ont permis d’accéder aux propriétés d’adhésion et tribologiques. La présente étude souligne que les propriétés de films HPMC dépendent fortement de la nature et de la concentration de l’additif, et/ou de l’affinité avec l’eau. Elle montre aussi que la compatibilité HPMC-additif semble un facteur intéressant pour la variation des propriétés de surface de films HPMC formulés, et que la formulation est un moyen efficace pour contrôler les propriétés physico-chimiques de films à base de biopolymères. / Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) constitutes one of the most dedicated polymers used in the production of film coatings for pharmaceutical applications (capsules, tablets, etc.). In order to control the physicochemical properties of HPMC films, additives are frequently incorporated during film formulation: these are in most cases hydrophobic lubricant (like fatty acids) or hydrophilic plasticizer (like polyethylene glycol). The main objective of this work is to study the bulk and the surface physicochemical properties of HPMC formulated films at nanoscopic and macroscopic scales. Bulk properties include moisture sorption isotherms, barrier properties, thermal and mechanical properties. The surface characteristics have been explored in terms of structuration, surface morphologies, surface phase separation, surface energy, adhesion, and friction properties of HPMC-formulated films. At nanoscale, atomic force microscopy in contact mode and in friction mode is a powerful tool for studying nanoadhesion and nanofriction. At macroscale, tack test and pin-on-disk tribometer were conducted to access adhesion and tribological properties. The present study underlines the strong dependence of film properties on additive nature, concentration, and/or water sensitivity. It also shows that first the HPMC-additive compatibility seems to be an interesting factor behind the variation of surface properties of HPMC-formulated films, and second that formulation is an effective way to tune physicochemical properties of biopolymer-based films.

Generation and Characterisation of Nanostructures from Single Adsorbed Polyelectrolyte Molecules

Gorodyska, Ganna 09 September 2005 (has links)
Visualization and study of reconformation of polyelectrolytes (PEs) of different architecture is of great fundamental and practical interest. Verification of theoretical predictions with experiment is of essential importance. On the other hand, a wide range of bottom-up techniques based on patterning of matter on the length scale of a few nanometers have been recently developed. Particularly interesting is the possibility of using self-assembled single molecule structures as templates for the deposition of inorganic matter, in particular metals. Synthetic "normal-sized" polymers of various architecture, like poly-2-vinylpyridine (P2VP) or polystyrene-poly(2-vynil pyridine) P2VP7-PS7 star-like block copolymer, adsorbed on solid substrates have been visualized for the first time with molecular resolution by AFM in different conformation. This finding allowed us to study largely discussed problem, a coil-to-globule transition of PEs. It was found that PE molecules undergo conformational transitions from stretched worm-like coil to compact globule via set of necklace-like globules, as the fraction of charged monomers decreases with an increase of pH and ionic strength. These results are in good agreement with recently developed DRO theory for weakly charged flexible PEs in poor solvent. The size of the deposited single molecules correlates very well with molecular dimensions in solution obtained in light scattering experiments. PE single molecules of various architectures was mineralized in different conformations that constitutes the route to nanoparticles with desired shape (including wire-shape and star-shaped), size, and composition (including metallic, magnetic and semiconductive nanoparticles). It was shown that molecular details of the adsorbed linear flexible PE molecules determine the dimensions of the nanostructures after metallization and that observed sizes are consistent with the decoration of single molecules with nanoclusters. Thus those metallized nanoparticles (cluster assembles) reflect the conformation of original adsorbed PE molecules. The dimensions of the obtained nanowires are significantly smaller than those previously reported. All of these features are of the potential benefit in applications for nanodevices. Metallization of the PS7-P2VP7 improves AFM resolution due to the selective deposition of Pd clusters along the P2VP chains. For the first time, the number of the P2VP second generation arms of the heteroarm block-copolymer was directly counted in the single molecule AFM experiment. Simple contrasting procedure was developed to improve AFM visualization of positively charged polymer chains deposited on the substrates of relatively high roughness. This method allows increasing the thickness of the resulting structures up to 10 nm, and, consequently, provide visualization of polymer chains on rough surfaces. This innovation is important for the development of single molecule experiments with polymer chains. The reaction of HCF-anion could be used for recognition of polycation molecules, when polycations, polyanions and neutral molecules coexist on the surface. Recently, the study was strongly restricted to atomically smooth surfaces. The contrasting procedure extends the range of substrates (Si-wafers, chemically modified or patterned Si-wafers, polished glasses, polymer films, etc) appropriate for the experiments. Thus, polymer single molecules can be considered not only as representative of the ensemble molecules, but also as individual nanoscale objects which can be used for future nanotechnology for the fabrication of single molecule electronic devices. Also these findings are important from fundamental point of view, since developed approach can be successfully applied for investigation of various "classical" problems in polymer science, such as polymer reconformation, interpolyelectrolyte complex formation, polymer diffusion, adsorption, etc.

Povrchová topografie a-CSi:H vrstev připravených v kontinuálním režimu PECVD / Surface topography of a-CSi:H films deposited by continuous wave PECVD

Blažková, Naďa January 2018 (has links)
The thesis describes surface topography of a-CSi:H films deposited by continuous wave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) based on tetravinylsilane monomer (TVS). Thin films are completely used in many fields of modern technologies and their physical and mechanical properties are affected by thin film preparation techniques. In this thesis the thin films were deposited by PECVD method on silicon wafers with the pure TVS monomer. Deposited samples were topographically described and analyzed using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The main characteristics which were described are RMS roughness, autocorrelation function and a size distribution of grains on the thin film surface. Analysis was realized with two sets of samples with different powers and thickness. The main results were statistically evaluated like a mixture of object on the surface prepared in different deposition conditions.

Pozorování povrchu elektrody olověného akumulátoru mikroskopem atomárních sil AFM / Observation of lead electrode surface by atomic force microscope AFM

Bouška, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on in situ observation of the negative electrode of the lead acid accumulator using atomic force microscopy AFM. Discussed topics are lead acid accumulator, atomic force microscopy, cyclic voltammetry and current knowledge of the in situ observation of the lead acid accumulator using AFM. The main task of this project is assembling the experimental cells, make in situ observation of the negative electrode surface of the lead acid accumulator. In the end evaluate if this method is suitable for the lead acid battery observation.

Povrchová analýza nanokompozitu xGnP/PEI / Surface analysis of xGnP/PEI nanocomposite

Červenka, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Tato Diplomová práce se zabývá povrchovou analýzou nanokompozitní folie polyetherimidu (PEI) vyztuženého exfoliovanými grafitickými nanodestičkami (xGnP). Analyzovány byly take vzorky nevyztužené PEI folie a samostatné nanodestičky. Vzorky nanokompozitu a PEI folie byly plazmaticky leptány s využitím argonového plazmatu po dobu 1, 3 a 10 hod. Skenovací elektronová mikroskopie (SEM) byla použita pro charakterizaci samostatných nanodestiček rozptýlených na křemíkovém substrátu, původních či leptaných vzorků PEI folie a nanokompozitu. Nanodestičky byly identifikovány při povrchu leptané nanokompozitní folie. Mikroskopie atomárních sil (AFM) byla použita pro zobrazení povrchové topografie separovaných nanodestiček a odkrytých destiček při povrchu leptaného kompozitu. Povrchová drsnost (střední kvadratická hodnota, vzdálenost nejnižšího a nejvyššího bodu) leptaného nanokompozitu narůstala s prodlužující se dobou leptání. Akustická mikroskopie atomárních sil (AFAM) byla použita pro charakterizaci elastické anizotropie leptaných kompozitních vzorků. Nanoindentační měření umožnila charakterizaci lokálních mechanických vlastností PEI a nanokompozitních folií.

Využití měřicí metody SPM v technologii výroby krystalických solárních článků / The Use of AFM Measurement Method in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Technology

Mojrová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) in solar cells production. Both techniques measure surface properties using interactions between surface and tip that progressively scans entire surface of the sample. Atomic force microscopy allows three dimensional imaging of surface structure. Kelvin probe force microscopy is used to measure the contact potential difference on the sample surface. There are described experimental measurements of monocrystalline and multicrystalline substrates after various etching processes using AFM. By using KPFM the contact potential difference was measured on dielectric layers PSG, SiOX, SiNX and Al2O3 and on selective emitter structures. All experiments described in this work were carried out at the Solartec Ltd. workplace and they completely correspond with the actual technology of crystalline solar cells production.

Elipsometrie tenkých vrstev / Ellipsometry of Thin Films

Novotný, Zbyněk January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with ageing process of thin films of Co and Cu on Si substrate, prepared by the IBAD method. The process of film ageing, which depends on time of exposition to the atmosphere at room conditions, was investigated with spectroscopic ellipsometry (VIS+UV) and atomic force microscopy. In case of thin Co films, approximately four days long incubation period was observed. During this time period, a change in the optical parameters of the film occurs without a measurable change of the film topography. Using non-contact atomic force microscopy, a growth of the transitional film in the island growth regime was observed. During the ageing of thin Cu films, two stages of growth of the transitional layer were observed - nucleation stage and growth stage. Both of these time periods of the transitional layer growth show direct logarithmic dependence. Using non-contact atomic force microscopy, the growth of the transitional film was observed. Using atomic force microscopy in non-contact regime, time dependent measurement was done and the process of forming of one monolayer of the transitional layer was documented. Within the diploma thesis, a series of experiments on ultra high vacuum system were performed in order to investigate phase transformation of thin Fe films (22 monolayers) on Cu(100) stabilized by CO absorption. The transformation from fcc phase to bcc phase was induced by Ar+ ion beam bombardment with the ion energy in the range (0.5-4) keV. The process of phase transformation was observed by surface magneto-optic Kerr effect, Auger electron spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction.

Povrchová topografie a mechanické vlastnosti tenkých vrstev na bázi tetravinylsilanu / Surface topography and mechanical properties of thin films on tetravinylsilane basis

Plichta, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Proposed diploma thesis is focused on preparation and characterization of the plasma polymer thin films based on tetravinylsilane monomer (TVS). Plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) method involving pulse and continual plasma discharge modes were used for thin film deposition on silicon wafer pieces. Reactive plasma composition was containing pure TVS or mixtures of TVS and argon or oxygen gas. Atomic force microscopy was used for surface topography and roughness characterization. Cyclic nanoindentation was involved to measurements to determine the Young’s modulus and hardness of prepared films and scratch test was performed to evaluate the degree of adhesion. Special attention was drawn to the characterization of films with a Young’s modulus below 10 GPa. Tip geometry of indenter influence on scratch test was also commented. Surface and mechanical properties of thin films in relation to the deposition conditions were correlated to the obtained results and final analysis of deposition conditions influence is proposed.

Využití fyzikálně-chemických analýz při studiu stresových odpovědí mikroorganismů / Utilzation of physico-chemical analyses in study on microbial stress-response

Slaninová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the utilization of physico-chemical analysis in study on microbial stress–response. The main content of this work was to propose and optimize techniques and methods which are generally used in different industries. Two bacterial strains, Cupriavidus necator H16 and its mutant strain Cupriavidus necator PHB-4 producing polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) under certain conditions, were used as model microorganisms. Initially, microscopic teques such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), cryo scanning electron microscopy (cryo SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were proposed and tested for the characteriozation of morphological differences of bacteria. Furthermore, viscoelastic properties of bacteria were determined and compared by the oscillatory tests of the rheology method considering another type of samples. Thermal analysis methods, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in particular, focused on water transport and behavior of intracellular water influenced by presence of the granules of PHB in bacteria. The last technique, utilized in the study, was dynamic and electrophoretic light dispersion during pH changes for characterization of the surface properties of bacteria such as size, zeta potential and the isoelectric point.

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