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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Couplage entre la dynamique moléculaire et la mécanique des milieux continus

Bugel, Mathilde 09 October 2009 (has links)
A l'échelle macroscopique, la mécanique des milieux continus (MMC) rencontre parfois des difficultés à représenter correctement le comportement d'un système physique, du fait d'une modélisation insuffisante des phénomènes. Ces faiblesses sont particulièrement marquées dans les systèmes où les interfaces, qui font apparaître des échelles d'espace très différentes, jouent un rôle prépondérant : microfluidique, écoulements polyphasiques etc.. Or, dans de nombreux domaines, et notamment dans le milieu pétrolier, les modèles macroscopiques existants semblent insuffisants pour pouvoir traiter correctement les cas proposés. Par ailleurs, la méconnaissance des paramètres d’entrée d'une simulation macroscopique tels que les propriétés de transport, introduit parfois une mauvaise représentation de l’ensemble des processus diffusifs. La simulation à l'échelle microscopique, en l'occurrence la dynamique moléculaire classique (DM), peut pallier certains problèmes rencontrés par les approches macroscopiques, en permettant de mieux appréhender les divers processus physiques, notamment aux interfaces. Elle permet également de suppléer l’expérimentation, en permettant de calculer pour un fluide modèle les propriétés physiques du mélange étudié. Ainsi, à partir des ces données générées, il est possible de construire des corrélations palliant aux différents manques. Néanmoins, de par son caractère microscopique, cette approche ne permet de simuler que des échelles sub-micrométriques qui sont bien éloignées de la taille indispensable à la plupart des cas réalistes, qu’ils soient académiques ou industriels. En couplant les deux démarches, macroscopique et microscopique, de manière directe ou indirecte, il est donc envisageable d’accéder à des informations que l’une ou l’autre des ces approches ne peut fournir seule. / Hybrid atomistic-continuum methods allow the simulation of complex flows, depending on the intimate connection of many spatiotemporal scales : from the nanoscale to the microscale and beyond. By limiting the molecular description within a small localized region, for example near fluid/fluid or fluid/solid interfaces (breakdown of the continuum), these methods are useful to study large systems for reasonable times. Besides, there is a wide variety of applications for such hybrid methods, ranging from the micro- or nano-scale devices, and other industrial processes such as wetting, droplet formation, and biomolecules near interfaces. In this work, we present one scheme for coupling the Navier-Stokes set of equations with Molecular Dynamics. Among the existing alternatives to couple these two approaches, we have chosen to implement a domain decomposition algorithm based on the alternating Schwarz method. In this method, the flow domain is decomposed into two overlapping regions : an atomistic region described by molecular dynamics and a continuum region described by a finite volume discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The fundamental assumption is that the atomistic and the continuum descriptions match in the overlapping region, where the exchange of information is performed. The information exchange, requires the imposition of velocity from one sub-domain in the form of boundary conditions (Dirichlet)/constraints on the solver of the other subdomain and vice versa. The spatial coupling as well as the temporal coupling of the two approaches has been investigated in this work. To show the feasibility of such a coupling, we have applied the multiscale method to a classical fluid mechanics problems.

Magnetic solotronics near the surface of a semiconductor and a topological insulator

Mahani, Mohammad Reza January 2015 (has links)
Technology where a solitary dopant acts as the active component of an opto-electronic device is an emerging  field known as solotronics, and bears the promise to revolutionize the way in which information is stored, processed and transmitted. Magnetic doped semiconductors and in particular (Ga, Mn)As, the archetype of dilute magnetic semiconductors, and topological insulators (TIs), a new phase of quantum matter with unconventional characteristics, are two classes of quantum materials that have the potential to advance spin-electronics technology. The quest to understand and control, at the atomic level, how a few magnetic atoms precisely positioned in a complex environment respond to external stimuli, is the red thread that connects these two quantum materials in the research presented here. The goal of the thesis is in part to elucidate the properties of transition metal (TM) impurities near the surface of GaAs semiconductors with focus on their response to local magnetic and electric fields, as well as to investigate the real-time dynamics of their localized spins. Our theoretical analysis, based on density functional theory (DFT) and using tight-binding (TB) models, addresses the mid-gap electronic structure, the local density of states (LDOS) and the magnetic anisotropy energy of individual Mn and Fe impurities near the (110) surface of GaAs. We investigate the effect of a magnetic field on the Mn acceptor LDOS measured in cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy, and provide an explanation of why the experimental LDOS images depend weakly on the field direction despite the strongly anisotropic nature of the Mn acceptor wavefunction. We also investigate the effects of a local electrostatic field generated by nearby charged As vacancies, on individual and pairs of ferromagnetically coupled magnetic dopants near the surface of GaAs, providing a means to control electrically the exchange interaction of Mn pairs. Finally, using the mixed quantum-classical scheme for spin dynamics, we calculate explicitly the time evolution of the Mn spin and its bound acceptor, and analyze the dynamic interaction between pairs of ferromagnetically coupled magnetic impurities in a nanoscaled semiconductor. The second part of the thesis deals with the theoretical investigation of a single substitutional Mn impurity and its associated acceptor state on the (111) surface of Bi2Se3 TI, using an approach that combines DFT and TB calculations. Our analysis clarifies the crucial role played by the spatial overlap and the quasi-resonant coupling between the Mn-acceptor and the topological surface states inside the Bi2Se3 band gap, in the opening of a gap at the Dirac point. Strong electronic correlations are also found to contribute significantly to the mechanism leading to the gap, since they control the hybridization between the p orbitals of nearest-neighbor Se atoms and the acceptor spin-polarization. Our results explain the effects of inversion-symmetry and time-reversal symmetry breaking on the electronic states in the vicinity of the Dirac point, and contribute to clarifying the origin of surface-ferromagnetism in TIs. The promising potential of magnetic-doped TIs accentuates the importance of our contribution to the understanding of the interplay between magnetic order and topological protected surface states.

Simulation moléculaire d'interfaces solide-liquide : calcul de la tension de surface / Solid-liquid interfaces molecular simulation : surface tension calculation

Dreher, Thibaud 10 December 2018 (has links)
Le présent manuscrit présente le développement méthodologique du calcul de la tension de surface d’interfaces solide-liquide via des simulations de dynamique moléculaire. Après une courte présentation des avancées dans le domaine du calcul de la tension de surface pour les interfaces fluide-fluide et solide-fluide, les principales méthodes de calcul de la tension de surface d’un point de vue théorique sont montrées et généralisées pour le cas des interfaces solide-liquide, puis mises en oeuvre dans le cas de simulations de dynamique moléculaire. Un système école, constitué d’une feuille de graphène pour la phase solide et d’un bain de méthane pour la phase liquide, est ensuite étudié pour observer l’influence des artefacts de simulation sur le calcul de la tension de surface, montrant en particulier des effets de taille bien plus importants que pour le cas des interfaces liquide-liquide. Un autre système constitué d’une tranche de cuivre pour la phase solide, et d’un bain de méthane pour la phase liquide, a permis d’étudier l’effet inédit aux systèmes solide-liquide appelé anisotropie, montrant en particulier l’importance du caractère tensoriel de la tension de surface pour ce type de système. L’influence des paramètres du potentiel croisé entre les atomes de cuivre et de méthane est ensuite étudié. Finalement, deux systèmes applicatifs sont abordés, d’une part le système graphène-eau permettant d’étudier les effets de l’interaction électrostatique, et d’autre part un système constitué d’un solide explosif, le 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzène (TATB) en contact avec un bain polymère pour la phase liquide, représentatif d’un cas réel d’intérêt. / This manuscript presents the methodological development of surface tension calculation of solid-liquidinterfaces via molecular dynamics simulations. After a short presentation of the advances in the field ofsurface tension calculation for fluid-fluid and solid-fluid interfaces, the main methods of surface tensioncalculation from a theoretical point of view are shown and generalized for solid-liquid interfaces, thenimplemented in the case of molecular dynamics simulations. A school system, consisting of a graphenesheet for the solid phase and a methane bath for the liquid phase, is then studied to observe the influenceof simulation artifacts on the surface tension calculation, showing in particular much larger size effectsthan in the case of liquid-liquid interfaces. Another system consisting of a copper slice for the solid phaseand a methane bath for the liquid phase made it possible to study the novel effect of solid-liquid systemscalled anisotropy, showing in particular the importance of the tensor character of the surface tension forthis type of system. The influence of the parameters of the cross potential between copper and methaneatoms is then studied. Finally, two application systems are discussed, on the one hand the graphene-watersystem for studying the effects of electrostatic interaction, and on the other hand a system consisting ofan explosive solid, 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB) in contact with a polymer bath for theliquid phase, representing a real case of interest.

Computational insights into the strain aging phenomenon in bcc iron at the atomic scale / Aperçu de calcul sur le phénomène du vieillissement souche en fer bcc à l'échelle atomique

Aguiar Veiga, Roberto Gomes de 16 September 2011 (has links)
Le vieillissement statique est un concept important dans la métallurgie qui se réfère à un durcissement de la matière ayant subi une déformation plastique et est ensuite vieilli pendant une certaine période de temps. La théorie proposée dans les années 1940 par Cottrell et Bilby explique ce phénomène comme étant causé par l'épinglage des dislocations par les impuretés (par exemple, les atomes de carbone en solution solide) qui migrent au voisinage du défaut de ligne. Au cours de ce travail de thèse, le mécanisme atomistique responsable du phénomène du vieillissement statique dans le fer alpha a été étudié par des simulations numériques. Etant donné que la diffusion à l'état solide se déroule lentement, l'utilisation de la dynamique moléculaire à basse température (lorsque l'effet du champ de contraintes sur la dislocation de diffusion du carbone est plus prononcé) a été évitée, et nous avons utilisé préférentiellement le couplage de la statique moléculaire avec le Monte-Carlo cinétique atomistique. Trois points principaux ont été abordés dans cette thèse: (i) l'effet du champ de contraintes d'une dislocation coin ou vis sur un atome de carbone qui diffuse à proximité, (ii) la diffusion de l'atome de carbone dans le cour de la dislocation («pipe diffusion»), et (iii) la distribution d'équilibre des atomes de carbone dans une atmosphère de Cottrell. Le principal effet du champ de contrainte de la dislocation à l'extérieur du coeur est de biaiser la diffusion de l'impurité, de sorte que certains sauts (transitions) deviennent plus probables que d'autres. Cet effet va conduire aux premiers stades de la formation de l'atmosphère de Cottrell, lorsque l'interaction mutuelle entre atomes de carbone est négligeable. Au cœur de la dislocation, comme prévu, nos résultats indiquent que le carbone diffuse plus vite que dans le volume. La concentration de carbone dans le voisinage d'une dislocation coin ou vis a été modélisée par une approche de physique statistique en utilisant les énergies de liaison calculées par la statique moléculaire. Cette approche est en bon accord avec les données expérimentales. / Static strain aging is an important concept in metalurgy that refers to the hardening of a material that has undergone plastic deformation and then is aged for a certain period of time. A theory proposed in the late 1940s by Cottrell and Bilby explains this phenomenon as being caused by the pinning of dislocations by impurities (e.g., carbon atoms in solid solution) that migrate to the vicinity of the line defect. In the course of this PhD work, the atomistic mechanism behind the static strain aging phenomenon in bcc iron has been studied by means of computer simulations. Given the fact that diffusion in the solid state proceeds slowly, thus preventing the use of molecular dynamics at low temperatures (when the effect of the dislocation stress field on carbon diffusion is more pronounced), we have preferentially employed a method coupling molecular statics with atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo. Three major points have been addressed by this thesis: (i) the effect of the stress field of an edge or screw dislocation on a carbon atom diffusing nearby; (ii) the diffusion of a carbon atom in the tight channel found in the dislocation core (pipe diffusion); and (iii) the equilibrium carbon distribution in a Cottrell atmosphere. The main effect of the dislocation stress field outside the dislocation core consists of biasing carbon diffusion, such that some transitions become more likely than others. This effect is expected to drive the early stages of Cottrell atmosphere formation, when the mutual interaction between carbon atoms is negligible. Right in the dislocation core, as expected, carbon was seen to diffuse faster than in the bulk. Carbon concentration in the neighborhood of an edge or a screw dislocation was modeled by an approach based in statistical physics using the binding energies calculated by molecular statics, revealing a good agreement with experimental data obtained by atom probe techniques.

Atomic scale investigation of ageing in metals / Étude à l'échelle atomique du vieillissement dans les métaux

Waseda, Osamu 13 December 2016 (has links)
Selon la théorie de Cottrell et Bilby, les dislocations à travers leur champ de contrainte interagissent avec les atomes de soluté qui s’agrègent au cœur et autour des dislocations (atmosphère de Cottrell). Ces atmosphères « bloquent » les dislocations et fragilisent le matériau. Dans cette thèse, les techniques de simulations à l’échelle atomique telles que la Dynamique Moléculaire, les simulations Monte Carlo Cinétique, Monte Carlo Métropolis ont été développées qui permettent de prendre en compte les interactions entre plusieurs centaines d’atomes de carbone et la dislocation, pour étudier la cinétique de formation ainsi que la structure d’une atmosphère de Cottrell. Par ailleurs, la technique de simulation est appliquée à deux autres problématiques: premièrement, il est connu que les atomes de C dans la ferrite se mettent en ordre (mise en ordre de Zener). La stabilité de cette phase est étudiée en fonction de la température et la concentration de C. Deuxièmement, la ségrégation des atomes de soluté dans les nano-cristaux de Ni ainsi que la stabilité des nano-cristaux avec les atomes de soluté dans les joints de grain à haute température est étudiée. / The objective of the thesis was to understand the microscopic features at the origin of ageing in metals. The originality of this contribution was the com- bination of three complementary computational techniques : (1) Metropolis Monte Carlo (MMC), (2) Atomic Kinetic Monte Carlo (AKMC), and, (3) Molecular Dynamics (MD). It consisted of four main sections : Firstly the ordering occurring in bulk alpha-iron via MMC and MD was studied. Various carbon contents and temperatures were investigated in order to obtain a “phase diagram”. Secondly, the generation of systems containing a dislocation interacting with many carbon atoms, namely a Cottrell Atmosphere, with MMC technique was described. The equilibrium structure of the atmosphere and the stress field around the atmospheres proves that the stress field around the dislocation was affected but not cancelled out by the atmosphere. Thirdly, the kinetics of the carbon migration and Cottrell atmosphere evolution were investigated via AKMC. The activation energies for carbon atom migration were calculated from the local stress field and the arrangement of the neigh- bouring carbon atoms. Lastly, an application of the combined use of MMC and MD to describe grain boundary segregation of solute atoms in fcc nickel was presented. The grain growth was inhibited due to the solute atoms in the grain boundary.

Atomistic simulation and experimental studies of transition metal systems involving carbon and nitrogen

Xie, Jiaying January 2006 (has links)
The present work was initiated to investigate the stability, structural and thermodynamic properties of transition metal carbides, nitrides and carbo-nitrides by atomistic simulations and experimentations. The interatomic pair potentials of Cr-Cr, Mn-Mn, Fe-Fe, C-C, Cr-C, Mn-C, Fe-C, Cr-Fe, Cr-N and Mn-N were inverted by the lattice inversion method and ab initio cohesive energies, and then employed to investigate the properties of Cr-, Mn- and Fe-carbides by atomistic simulations in this work. For the binary M7C3 carbide, the structural properties of M7C3 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe) were investigated by atomistic simulations. The results show that the stable structure for these compounds is hexagonal structure with P63mc space group. The cohesive energy of M7C3 calculated in this work indicates that the stability of carbides decreases with the increasing in metal atomic number. Further, the vibrational entropy of Cr7C3 was calculated at different temperatures and compared with the entropy obtained by experimentations. The comparison demonstrates that the main contribution to the entropy is made by the vibrational entropy. For the binary τ-carbides, the structural properties of Cr23C6 and Mn23C6, as well as the vibrational entropy of Cr23C6 were computed. Further, the site preference of ternary element Fe among 4a, 8c, 32f and 48h symmetry sites in Cr23-xFexC6 was studied. It has been seen that Fe atoms would firstly occupy 4a sites and then 8c sites. The lattice constant and stability of Cr23-xFexC6 were also computed with different Fe content. In order to understand the relative stability of the transition metal carbides and nitrides, the standard formation Gibbs energies of carbides and nitrides for Cr, Mn and Fe were compared. The order of carbon and nitrogen affinities for Cr, Mn and Fe was further clarified by the comparison of the interatomic pair potentials among Cr-C, Mn-C, Fe-C, Cr-N and Mn-N. It was found that Cr-N interaction was very strong in comparison with other binary interactions above and consequently, nitrogen addition would lead to a strong decrease in the thermodynamic activity of chromium in Cr-containing alloys. This was confirmed by the investigations of thermodynamic activities of Cr in the Fe-Cr-N and Fe-Cr-C-N alloys. The activities were measured in the temperature range 973-1173 K by solid-state galvanic cell method involving CaF2 solid electrolyte under the purified N2 gas. In addition, the analysis of nitrogen content and phase relationships in the Fe-Cr-N and Fe-Cr-C-N alloys equilibrated at 1173 K were carried out by inert-gas fusion thermal conductivity method, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy technique. The experimental results show that the solubility of nitrogen in the alloys decreases with the decreasing chromium content, as well as the increasing temperature. The addition of nitrogen to the alloys was found to have a strong negative impact on the Cr activity in Fe-Cr-N and Fe-Cr-C-N systems. / QC 20100929

Ρόφηση και διάχυση αερίων σε ζεολίθους με χρήση τεχνικών μοριακής προσομοίωσης

Κροκιδάς, Παναγιώτης 15 January 2009 (has links)
Το αντικείμενο της έρευνας της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η ατομιστική προσομοίωση της ρόφησης αερίων μέσα σε ζεολιθους, καθώς και η επίδραση της θερμοκρασίας στην δομή του και την ροφητική του ικανότητα. Από τους σχεδόν 200 συνθετικούς και φυσικούς ζεολίθους, επιλέχθηκε ο φωγιασίτης, ο οποίος αποτελεί ένα πολλά υποσχόμενο υλικό με πλήθος εφαρμογών, όπως η ρόφηση, η αποθήκευση και ο διαχωρισμός αερίων, αλλά και σε τομείς όπως η κατάλυση και η δημιουργία συσκευών ανίχνευσης αερίων. Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας εργασίας εξετάστηκε η αλληλεπίδραση των κατιόντων της δομής με μόρια διαφόρων αερίων, τα οποία ροφούνται στον φωγιασίτη, καθώς και ο βαθμός στον οποίο αυτή η αλληλεπίδραση επηρεάζει την ποσότητα του αερίου που μπορεί να ροφηθεί. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, αρχικά ανακατασκευάστηκε στον υπολογιστή η δομή της μοναδιαίας κυψελίδας του φωγιασίτη και έγινε μοντελοποίηση της ρόφησης μορίων CO2 και Η2 μέσα στην ανακατασκευασμένη κυψελίδα ως συνάρτηση της θερμοκρασίας, του λόγου Si/Al στον κρύσταλλο, και της σύστασής του σε μη πλεγματικά κατιόντα. Στο τμήμα αυτό έγινε η θεώρηση ότι η δομή μένει αμετάβλητη με την είσοδο των μορίων του αερίου. Στην συνέχεια μελετήθηκε η επίδραση της θερμοκρασίας στην θέση των ιόντων, των ατόμων του πλέγματος και στο μέγεθος της μοναδιαίας κυψελίδας, καθώς και η περαιτέρω επίδραση που φέρουν αυτές οι αλλαγές στη ρόφηση. Τα αποτελέσματα της ρόφησης συγκρίθηκαν με πειραματικά δεδομένα. Τέλος, μοντελοποιήθηκε η διάχυση του CO2 μέσα στον φωγιασίτη και υπολογίστηκε ο συντελεστής διαχύσεως σε διάφορες θερμοκρασίες. Τα αποτελέσματα της μοντελοποίησης συγκρίθηκαν με αντίστοιχα αποτελέσματα από πειραματική μέτρηση του συντελεστή διαχύσεως του αερίου στον φωγιασίτη. Η αναπαράσταση του υλικού και των φαινομένων της ρόφησης έγινε σε ατομιστικό επίπεδο, με την χρήση μεθόδων Monte Carlo, ενώ η μοντελοποίηση της συμπεριφοράς του φωγιασίτη με τις μεταβολές της θερμοκρασίας πραγματοποιήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας τη μέθοδο της προσομοιωμένης ανόπτησης. Η διάχυση μοντελοποιήθηκε με την μέθοδο της μοριακής δυναμικής. / -

Synthesis And Characterization Of Ti-based Bulk Amorphous/nanocrystalline Alloys For Engineering Applications

Abdelal, Ali 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Amorphous and bulk amorphous metallic alloys are an intriguing class of structural materials and possess a range of interesting properties, including near theoretical strength, high hardness, extremely low damping characteristics, excellent wear properties, high corrosion resistance, low shrinkage during cooling and almost perfect as-cast surfaces with good potential for forming and shaping. In this study, new Ti-based bulk amorphous alloys are tried to be modeled and synthesized. For that purpose, electronic theory of alloys in the pseudo potential approximation was used as a tool for understanding the theory lying beneath the bulk glass forming ability (BGFA). The results from this approach were evaluated both separately and together with the other theories supposed by our colleagues. Glass forming parameters of ordering energy, &amp / #916 / HM, viscosity, mismatch entropy, Rc was calculated for various Ti-based binary and ternary and the change in these parameters in both cases was evaluated. The results of the theoretical calculations of glass forming parameters has shown good relation with the literature data that the predicted alloying elements, i.e. Mo, Hf, Zr, B, Fe, Sn, and Be, to increase GFA for Ti2Ni binary system were generally used in the production of Ti-based bulk amorphous alloys. In the second part of this thesis, new Ti-based compositions with high GFA were tried to be synthesized with light of these results and encouraging conclusions were drawn. The production of these alloys were made with centrifugal casting method which is relatively a new technique for producing such alloys and the characterization of these alloys were made with metallographic, X-ray and thermal means.

Synthesis And Characterization Of Zirconium Based Bulk Amorphous Alloys

Saltoglu, Ilkay 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years, bulk amorphous alloys and nanocrystalline materials have been synthesized in a number of ferrous and non-ferrous based alloys systems, which have gained some applications due to their unique physico-chemical and mechanical properties. In the last decade, Zr-based alloys with a wide supercooled liquid region and excellent glass forming ability have been discovered. These systems have promising application fields due to their mechanical properties / high tensile strength, high fracture toughness, high corrosion resistance and good machinability. In this study, the aim is to model, synthesize and characterize the Zr-based bulk amorphous alloys. Initially, theoretical study on the basis of the semi-empirical rules well known in literature and the electronic theory of alloys in pseudopotential approximation has been provided in order to predict the potential impurity elements that would lead to an increase in the GFA of the selected Zr-Ni, Zr-Fe, Zr-Co and Zr-Al based binary systems. Furthermore, thermodynamic and structural parameters were calculated for mentioned binary and their ternary systems. According to the theoretical study, Zr67Ni33 binary system was selected and its multicomponent alloys were formed by adding its potential impurity elements / Mo, W and Al. Centrifugal casting method was used to produce alloy systems. Structural characterizations were performed by DSC, XRD, SEM and EDS methods. In the near-surface regions of Zr60Ni25Mo10W5 and Zr50Ni20Al15Mo10W5 alloys, amorphous structure has been observed. Experimental studies have shown that Zr-Ni based systems with impurity elements Mo, W and Al, not widely used in literature, might be good candidates for obtaining high GFA.

Radiation damage in advanced materials for next generation nuclear power plants

Wootton, Mark J. January 2017 (has links)
The ageing state of the world's nuclear power infrastructure, and the need to reduce humanity s dependency on fossil fuels, requires that this electrical energy generating capacity is replaced. Economic factors, and its physical and chemical properties, make high purity iron-chromium binary alloys a strong candidate for use in the construction of the pressure vessels of the next generation of nuclear reactors. This relatively inexpensive metal retains the oxidation resistance property of so-called stainless steel alloys, and has demonstrated dimensional stability and low degradation under harsh experimental environments of temperature and radiation. In this work, we consider radiation induced interstitial damage to the atomic lattices of iron-chromium binary alloys using the atomistic modelling methods, Molecular Dynamics and Adaptive Kinetic Monte Carlo, simulating collision cascade sequences, and the migration of defects in the aftermath. Variations in chromium content does not effect the initial damage production in terms of the number of Frenkel pairs produced, but iron and chromium atoms are not evenly distributed in defect atoms with respect to the bulk concentration. In simulations conducted at low temperature, chromium is under-represented, and at high temperature, a greater proportion of interstitial atoms are chromium than in the lattice overall. The latter phenomena is most strongly pronounced in systems of low bulk chromium content. During the simulation of post-cascade defect migration, interstitials atoms are observed to form temporary clusters and vacancies align along adjacent lattice sites, with the two types of defect also migrating to annihilate by recombination. Calculating the energy spectra of cascade events corresponding to an example experimental configuration using the SRIM package, we investigated the evolution of lattice systems in which a sequence of multiple cascade events occurred, both with and without a physically representative time gap between events. These simulations gave us the opportunity to observe the behaviour of cascades in the proximity of damage remaining from previous events, such as the promotion of defect clustering when this occurs.

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