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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Built-in self-test configurations for field programmable gate array cores in systems-on-chip

Harris, Jonathan McKinley, Stroud, Charles E. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis(M.S.)--Auburn University, 2004. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographic references (p.123-125).

Built-in self-test of the programmable interconnect in field programmable gate arrays

Dixon, Bobby Earl, Stroud, Charles E., January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Auburn University, 2008. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 76-77).

Automatic Test Generation and Mutation Analysis using UPPAAL SMC

Larsson, Jonatan January 2017 (has links)
Software testing is an important process for ensuring the quality of the software. As the complexity of the software increases, traditional means of manual testing becomes increasingly more complex and time consuming. In most embedded systems, designing software with as few errors as possible is often critical. Resource usage is also of concern for proper behavior because of the very nature of embedded systems.  To design reliable and energy-efficient systems, methods are needed to detect hot points of consumption and correct them prior to deployment. To reduce testing effort, Model-based testing can be used which is one testing method that allows for automatic testing of model based systems. Model-based testing has not been investigated extensively for revealing resource usage anomalies in embedded systems. UPPAAL SMC is a statistical model checking tool which can be used to model the system’s resource usage. Currently UPPAAL SMC lacks the support for performing automatic test generation and test selection. In this thesis we provide this support with a framework for automatic test generation and test selection using mutation analysis, a method for minimizing the generated test suite while maximizing the fault coverage and a tool implementing the framework on top of the UPPAAL SMC tool. The thesis also evaluates the framework on a Brake by Wire industrial system. Our results show that we could for a Brake-by-wire system, simulated on a consumer processor with five mutants, in best case find a test case that achieved 100% mutation score within one minute and confidently identify at least one test case that achieved full mutation score within five minutes. The evaluation shows that this framework is applicable and relatively efficient on an industrial system for reducing continues resource usage target testing effort.

Automatic Measurement Setup for new Optical FPGA:s

Lundberg, Tommy, Nee, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Aiming to reduce research and development times in the field of silicon photonics, this paper presents a method for automatized device testing. Focus lies on automatic optical coupling between the grating couplers on a chip and optical fibers and efficient switching between devices when performing laboratory tests on silicon photonic chips. A lab setup with high precision motorized stages has been built and an algorithm for finding the best optical coupling between fiber and chip, based on the light distribution properties of the fiber, has been implemented. The project results shows that, while these methods have the potential of considerable time savings, further testing is needed.

Acquisition and analysis of performance data for mobile devices

Luiro, V. (Vesa) 18 October 2003 (has links)
Abstract Electronic industry is developing advanced and versatile products to satisfy customers' needs. It is also creating new needs, which expand the market further. This highly competitive field forces companies to produce continuously better, and hence more complex, products at an increasingly fast rate. This is particularly true of the mobile phone industry, which pursues higher volumes and penetration rates throughout the world. Very high volumes and extreme complexity require intensive research and a commitment to high product quality. Mobile phone manufacturers must commit themselves to strict quality standards and programs, which ultimately enable high customer satisfaction. Both quality assessment and product management generally need a method of feedback to be able to react to the manufactured output. This thesis concentrates on this aspect of feedback. A preliminary customer survey revealed that the information received directly from customers might not be accurate enough to be used as primary feedback data. The quality of the information varies notably and depends entirely on the customers' ability to perceive the relevant parameters. This also affects greatly their ability to communicate the information to the customer interface and then all the way back to the manufacturer. Based on the findings, end customers' average level of knowledge of mobile phone technology is fair [C]. Therefore, it is recommended that more accurate means should be developed for acquiring feedback data. Also, based on other research findings, it would be important to minimize human intervention and to make the flow of information as direct as possible. Based on previous research and the present findings, a concept was designed which satisfies the specific need for accurate feedback from the performance of mobile phones in the field. The interfaces providing data throughout the whole product life cycle were also analyzed in detail. And finally, the concept was implemented and piloted with a mobile phone manufacturer. The pilot studies showed that an improved feedback capability would benefit not only product quality, but also various functions of the company producing mobile devices. The increased knowledge of device performance obtained from the system can be utilized in, for example, testing, design, marketing, and management and also at all customer interfaces in the field.

Automatizované testovací zařízení pro výstupní kontrolu výrobků / Automatic tester for quality control

Vítek, Radim January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with design and construction of device for automatic product inspection. Thesis describes methods for testing products during manufacture. Thesis describes their main advantages and disadvantages. The main part of this thesis is design of testing device. There is described method of designing this device. It describes design of software and hardware.

Automatizuoto žinių patikrinimo ir vertinimo priemonių lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of the automatic mark testing and assessment tools

Gasporovič, Marija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbo tema „Automatizuoto žinių patikrinimo ir vertinimo priemonių lyginamoji analizė“. Tema aktuali, nes paskutiniuoju metu aktyviai vystoma neakivaizdinio mokymo(si) alternatyva – nuotolinis mokymas(is). Vienas iš būtiniausių nuotolinio mokymo(si) elementų yra efektyvi žinių patikrinimo sistema, kurios labiau perspektyvi forma yra testavimas. Šiame darbe yra lyginamos automatizuoto žinių patikrinimo ir vertinimo priemonės, siekiant išaiškinti efektyvias priemones, atitinkančias visus vertinimo kriterijus, tinkančias įvertinti tiksliųjų mokslų žinias bei jų pritaikymą. Šio darbo uždaviniai yra įvertinti kelias Lietuvoje plačiai naudojamas virtualiąsias mokymo(si) aplinkas ir remiantis šio tyrimo vertinimo rezultatais pasirinkti tinkamą nuotolinio mokymo(si) kursui bei žinių patikrinimui ir vertinimui aplinką, atlikti pasirinktos virtualios mokymo(si) aplinkos išplėtimą, panaudojant grafinio testavimo aplinką. Palyginus automatizuotas žinių patikrinimo ir vertinimo priemones bei priemones, esančias virtualiose mokymo(si) aplinkose, galima daryti išvadą, kad tiksliųjų mokslų žinių ir gebėjimų patikrinimui ir vertinimui tinka virtualiosios mokymo(si) aplinkos išplėtimas grafine testavimo sistema. Tokia sistema tinkama automatizuotam tiksliųjų mokslų žinių patikrinimui ir vertinimui. / The topic of this master paper is “Comparative analysis of the automatic mark testing and assessment tools”. Lately, distance learning as an alternative of correspondence learning has been actively developed. One of the most obligatory elements of distance learning is an effective knowledge examination system the most perspective form of which is testing. This paper presents the comparison of automatic mark testing and assessment tools in order to find out the effective tools complying with all assessment criteria and being suitable for assessing exact science knowledge and its application. The tasks of this paper are to assess several virtual learning environments widely used in Lithuania and based on the results of this analysis to select the environment suitable for distance learning course, knowledge examination and assessment as well as to perform the extension of the selected virtual learning environment, using graphical testing environment. Having compared the automatic mark testing and assessment tools as well as the tools available in virtual learning environment, it is possible to draw a conclusion that virtual learning environment extension by the graphical testing system is suitable for exact science knowledge and skills examination and assessment. Such system is suitable for automatic exact knowledge examination and assessment.

Real-Time Linux Testbench on Raspberry Pi 3 using Xenomai

Johansson, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Test benches are commonly used to simulate events to an embedded system for validation purposes. Microcontrollers can be used for making test benches and can be programmed with a bare-metal style, i.e. without an Operating System (OS), for simple cases. If the test bench would be too complex for a microcontroller, then a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) could be used instead of a more complex hardware. A RTOS has limited functionalities to guarantee high predictability. A General-Purpose Operating System (GPOS) has a vast number of functionalities but has low predictability. The literature study looks therefore into approaches to improve the real-time predictability of Linux. The result of the literature study finds an approach called Xenomai Cobalt to be the optimal solution, considering the target usecase and project resources. The Xenomai Cobalt approach was evaluated on a Raspberry Pi (RPi) 3 using its General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins and a latency test. An application was written using Xenomai's Application Programming Interface (API). The application used the GPIO pins to read from a function generator and to write to an oscilloscope. The measurements from the oscilloscope were then compared to the measurements done by the application. The result showed the measured dierences between the RPi 3 and the oscilloscope. The result of the measurements showed that reading varied 66:20 μs, and writing varied 56:20 μs. The latency test was executed with a stress test and the worst measured latency was 82 μs. The resulting measured dierences were too high for the project requirements. However, the majority of the measurements were much smaller than the worstcases with 23:52 μs for reading and 34:05 μs for writing. This means the system could be used better as a rm real-time system instead of a hard real-time system. / Testbänkar används ofta för att simulera händelser till ett inbyggt system för validering. Till simpla testbänkar kan mikrokontroller användas. För mer avancerade testbänkar kan RTOS användas på mer komplex hårdvara. RTOS har begränsad funktionalitet för att garantera en hög förutsägbarhet. GPOS har stora mängder funktionaliteter men har istället en låg förutsägbarhet.Litteraturstudien undersökte därför möjligheterna till att få Linux att hantera realtid. Resultatet av litteraturstudien fann ett tillvägagångssätt vid namn Xenomai Cobalt att vara den optimala lösningen för att få Linux till Real-Time Linux.Xenomai Cobalt utvärderades på en RPi 3 med hjälp av dess GPIO-pinnar och ett fördröjningstest. En applikation skrevs med Xenomai’s API. Applikationen använde GPIO-pinnarna till att läsa från en funktionsgenerator och till att skriva till ett oskilloskop. Mätningarna från oskilloskopet jämfördes sen med applikationens mätningar.Resultatet visade mätskillnaderna mellan RPi 3 och oskilloskopet med systemet i viloläge. Resultatet av mätningarna visade att läsningen varierade med 66.20 µs och skrivandet med 56.20 µs. Fördröjningstestet utfördes medstresstestning och visade den värsta uppmätta fördröjningen, resultatet blev82 µs.De resulterande mätskillnaderna blev dock för höga för projektets krav. Majoriteten av mätningarna var mycket mindre än de värsta fallen med 23.52 µs för läsning och 34.05 µs för skrivning. Detta innebar att systemet kan användas med bättre precision som ett fast realtidssystem istället för ett hårt realtidssystem.

Improve game performance tracking tools : Heatmap as a tool / Förbättra prestandaspårningsverktyg : Färgdiagram för visualisering av prestanda

Wessman, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
Software testing is a crucial development technique to capture defects and slow code. When testing 3D graphics, it is hard to create automatic tests that detect errors or slow performance. Finding performance issues in game maps is a complex task that requires much manual work. Gaming companies such as EA DICE could benefit from automating the process of finding these performance issues in their game maps. This thesis tries to solve the problem by creating automatic tests where the camera is placed in a top-down perspective and flies over the in-game map, recording the time it takes to create render and client simulation frames for each map segment. The resulting trace is then visualised as a heatmap, where the mean frame creation times are rendered with pseudo colouring techniques to help pinpoint possible issues for the test engineers. The key findings of this thesis are that a heatmap visualisation of frame creation times saves much time for the developers trying to find these issues; it also lowers the amount of knowledge needed to find performance issues. This tool automates a process that formerly needed considerable manual work to get the same result. Now, artists with low coding experience can find performance issues without the technical knowledge of a Quality Assurance engineer. The thesis also highlights the drawbacks of a top-down perspective of camera trace since this is not how EA DICE games are usually rendered for the player in runtime. With this thesis as a base, other tests could be made with other ways of moving the camera and visualising the trace. / Mjukvarutestning är en viktig programvaruutvecklings teknik för att fånga felaktig eller långsam kod. Det är svårt att skapa automatiska tester för 3D grafik som hittar fel eller dålig prestanda i koden. Att hitta prestandaproblem i spelkartor är en komplex uppgift som kräver mycket manuellt arbete. Spelföretag såsom EA DICE skulle dra fördel av att automatisera processen att hitta dessa prestandaproblem i spelkartor. Denna uppsats försöker lösa detta genom att skapa automatiska tester där kameran placeras i ett uppifrån-och-ned-perspektiv och sedan flyger genom banan i spelet samtidigt som den samlar in data på hur lång tid det tar för renderings-bildrutor och klient-simulerings-bildrutor att skapas för varje ban-segment. Den resulterande datan är därefter visualiserade som ett färgdiagram, där medelvärdet på tiden för att skapa varje bildruta ritas upp med en psuedofärgningsteknik för att markera möjliga problemområden för testingenjörerna. Nyckelupptäckter för denna uppsats är att färgdiagramsvisualiseringen av bildruta-skapande-tider sparar mycket tid för utvecklare som försöker hitta prestandaproblem. Det minskar också kunskapströskeln som behövs för att lokalisera prestandaproblem. Detta verktyg automatiserar en process som tidigare krävde omfattande manuellt arbete för att få samma resultat. Numera kan game artists med låg koderfarenhet hitta dessa prestandaproblem utan den tekniska kunskapen hos en kvalitetskontroll-ingenjör. Den här uppsatsen visar också nackdelar med ett uppifrån-och-ned-perspektiv för kameran då det inte är så EA DICE spel normalt renderas för spelarna. Den här uppsatsen kan användas som utgångspunkt för andra som vill utveckla testverktyg och med fördel ta i beaktning de utvecklingspunkter denna uppsats belyser.

Automatické testování systému BeeeOn / Automatic Testing of the BeeeOn System

Wolfert, Richard January 2018 (has links)
This Master's thesis is about analysis of Internet of Things project BeeeOn, design and production of unit, integration and system tests and their automation by utilization of Continuous integration system Jenkins CI. The theoretical part is devoted to software testing fundamentals and Continuous integration systems. The main point of this thesis is about specification and description of BeeeOn system, its requirements for automatic testing and its implementation. In conclusion, the results of this work and expansion possibilities are discussed.

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