Spelling suggestions: "subject:"autotrophic"" "subject:"autotrophica""
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Explaining temporal variations in soil respiration rates and delta<sup>13</sup>C in coniferous forest ecosystemsComstedt, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p>Soils of Northern Hemisphere forests contain a large part of the global terrestrial carbon (C) pool. Even small changes in this pool can have large impact on atmospheric [CO2] and the global climate. Soil respiration is the largest terrestrial C flux to the atmosphere and can be divided into autotrophic (from roots, mycorrhizal hyphae and associated microbes) and heterotrophic (from decomposers of organic material) respiration. It is therefore crucial to establish how the two components will respond to changing environmental factors. In this thesis I studied the effect of elevated atmospheric [CO2] (+340 ppm, <sup>13</sup>C-depleted) and elevated air temperature (2.8-3.5 oC) on soil respiration in a whole-tree chamber (WTC) experiment conducted in a boreal Norway spruce forest. In another spruce forest I used multivariate modelling to establish the link between day-to-day variations in soil respiration rates and its δ<sup>13</sup>C, and above and below ground abiotic conditions. In both forests, variation in δ<sup>13</sup>C was used as a marker for autotrophic respiration. A trenching experiment was conducted in the latter forest in order to separate the two components of soil respiration. The potential problems associated with the trenching, increased root decomposition and changed soil moisture conditions were handled by empirical modelling. The WTC experiment showed that elevated [CO2] but not temperature resulted in 48 to 62% increased soil respiration rates. The CO2-induced increase was in absolute numbers relatively insensitive to seasonal changes in soil temperature and data on δ<sup>13</sup>C suggest it mostly resulted from increased autotrophic respiration. From the multivariate modelling we observed a strong link between weather (air temperature and vapour pressure deficit) and the day-to-day variation of soil respiration rate and its δ<sup>13</sup>C. However, the tightness of the link was dependent on good weather for up to a week before the respiration sampling. Changes in soil respiration rates showed a lag to weather conditions of 2-4 days, which was 1-3 days shorter than for the δ<sup>13</sup>C signal. We hypothesised to be due to pressure concentration waves moving in the phloem at higher rates than the solute itself (i.e., the δ<sup>13</sup>C–label). Results from the empirical modelling in the trenching experiment show that autotrophic respiration contributed to about 50% of total soil respiration, had a great day-to-day variation and was correlated to total soil respiration while not to soil temperature or soil moisture. Over the first five months after the trenching, an estimated 45% of respiration from the trenched plots was an artefact of the treatment. Of this, 29% was a water difference effect and 16% resulted from root decomposition. In conclusion, elevated [CO2] caused an increased C flux to the roots but this C was rapidly respired and has probably not caused changes in the C stored in root biomass or in soil organic matter in this N-limited forest. Autotrophic respiration seems to be strongly influenced by the availability of newly produced substrates and rather insensitive to changes in soil temperature. Root trenching artefacts can be compensated for by empirical modelling, an alternative to the sequential root harvesting technique.</p>
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Denitrification with pyrite for bioremediation of nitrate contaminated groundwaterTorrentó Aguerri, Clara 29 October 2010 (has links)
In the last decades, nitrate pollution has become a major threat to groundwater quality. The consequences include health concerns and environmental impacts. Nitrate contamination is mainly derived from agricultural practices, such as the application of manure as fertilizer. The Osona area (NE Spain) is one of the areas vulnerable to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources. Nitrate is derived from intensive farming activities and the high nitrate content results in a loss of water availability for domestic uses. The most important natural nitrate attenuation process is denitrification. Denitrifying bacteria are generally heterotrophic and use carbon compounds as the electron donor. Nevertheless, a limited number of bacteria are able to carry out chemolithotrophic denitrification, and to utilize inorganic compounds. Several field studies have suggested by means of geochemical and/or isotopic data that denitrification in some aquifers is controlled by pyrite oxidation. However, the feasibility of pyrite-driven denitrification has been questioned several times in laboratory studies. This thesis is concerned with the role of pyrite in denitrification and its potential use as a bioremediation strategy.
Earlier studies showed the occurrence of denitrification processes in a small area located in the northern part of the Osona region and suggested that sulfide oxidation had an important role in natural attenuation. Therefore, the first part of this thesis deals with the characterization of the denitrification processes occurring in the Osona aquifer and their spatial and temporal variations. Denitrification processes linked to pyrite oxidation were identified in some zones of the studied area by means of multi-isotopic methods integrated with classical hydrogeological methods.
Nitrate removal from groundwater can be accomplished by the enhancement of in situ biological denitrification. One such bioremediation strategy is biostimulation, which involves the addition of suitable electron donors and/or energy sources to stimulate indigenous denitrifying microorganisms. The second part of this thesis is devoted to clarify the role of pyrite as electron donor for denitrification and to evaluate the feasibility of a bioremediation strategy based on pyrite addition to stimulate native denitrifying bacteria. Nitrate consumption in experiments amended with pyrite and inoculated with “Thiobacillus denitrificans” demonstrated that this bacterium is able to reduce nitrate using pyrite as the electron donor. The efficiency in nitrate removal and the nitrate reduction rate depended on the initial nitrate concentration, pH and pyrite grain size. High nitrate removal efficiency was attained in long-term flow-through experiments under laboratory conditions similar to those found in slow-moving, nitrate-contaminated groundwater. In addition, biostimulation experiments performed with sediments and groundwater from the Osona aquifer showed that the addition pyrite stimulated the activity of the indigenous microbial community and enhanced the nitrate removal. Furthermore, the long-term efficiency of the process was demonstrated. Hence, biostimulation with pyrite could be considered to remediate nitrate contamination in groundwater in future water management strategies, although further research is needed, especially at field scale. It is critical for the success of the bioremediation strategy that not only the processes but also the microbial populations and their changes induced by the bioremediation treatment be well understood. The addition of pyrite resulted in an increase in the proportion of denitrifying bacteria and both autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrifiers were stimulated. Bacterial populations closely related to the “Xanthomonadaceae” might probably be the dominant autotrophic denitrifiers that used pyrite as the electron donor in the biostimulated experiments.
The N and O isotopic enrichment factors associated with the pyrite‐driven denitrification were computed and used to recalculate the extent of the natural nitrate attenuation in the Osona aquifer. This refinement becomes useful to predict the evolution of the contaminant in the aquifer, and it should be taken into account for potential implementation of induced remediation techniques. The isotopic approach was proved to be an excellent tool to identify and quantify natural denitrification processes in the field, and to monitor the efficacy of bioremediation strategies in the laboratory.
In order to improve the long-term performance of potential bioremediation strategies based on pyrite-driven denitrification, it is necessary to know the contribution of attached and free-phase denitrifying bacteria to this process in aquifers. The last part of this thesis addresses the ability of “T. denitrificans” to grow and colonize pyrite surfaces. In the colonization experiments, attachment onto pyrite surface was required for at lest a small number of the cells in order to accomplish pyrite-driven denitrification. Nevertheless, both attached and planktonic cells probably contributed to the overall denitrification. However, the details of the relative roles of the two phases and the specific mechanisms remain to be addressed. / A les darreres dècades, la contaminació de nitrat de l’aigua subterrània ha esdevingut un dels principals problemes que afecten la qualitat dels recursos hídrics subterranis. La presència de nitrat a l’aigua subterrània està relacionada, principalment, amb pràctiques agrícoles, com per exemple, l’ús intensiu de purins com a fertilitzant orgànic. La comarca d’Osona (Catalunya) és una de les àrees declarades vulnerables a la contaminació per nitrat d’origen agrícola. El nitrat procedeix principalment de la intensa activitat agrícola i ramadera.
El principal procés d’atenuació natural del nitrat és la desnitrificació. La majoria dels bacteris desnitrificants són heteròtrofs i usen compostos orgànics com a font d’electrons. Tanmateix, també existeixen bacteris desnitrificants autòtrofs que són capaços d’usar compostos inorgànics, com a donants d’electrons. Estudis de camp previs han demostrat a partir de dades geoquímiques i/o isotòpiques que en alguns aqüífers la desnitrificació està controlada per l’oxidació de pirita. Tot i així, hi ha estudis de laboratori que qüestionen la viabilitat de la desnitrificació lligada a l’oxidació de pirita (compost inorgànic donant d’electrons).
En aquesta tesi s’estudia el paper de la pirita en la desnitrificació i la seva possible aplicació com a estratègia de bioremediació d’aigües contaminades amb nitrat. Estudis previs demostraren l’ocurrència de processos de desnitrificació a Osona, en una petita àrea situada en el sector nord de la zona d’estudi. Els resultats d’aquests estudis suggereixen que l’oxidació de sulfurs hi juga un paper molt important en l’atenuació natural. A la primera part de la tesi s’exposa la caracterització dels processos de desnitrificació que tenen lloc en l’aqüífer d’Osona, així com de les seves variacions temporals i espacials. S’han usat mètodes multi-isotòpics integrats amb mètodes hidrogeològics clàssics, que han servit per identificar l’existència de processos de desnitrificació lligats a l’oxidació de pirita en algunes zones de l’àrea d’estudi.
L’eliminació del nitrat de l’aigua subterrània pot aconseguir-se mitjançant estratègies que incentiven la desnitrificació biològica in situ. Una de les estratègies de bioremediació in situ és la bioestimulació, que consisteix en afegir donants d’electrons o fonts d’energia apropiades per tal d’estimular l’activitat de bacteris desnitrificants existents en el medi. En la segona part de la tesi s’esbrina el paper de la pirita com a potencial donant d’electrons en els procés de desnitrificació i s’avalua la viabilitat d’una estratègia de bioremediació, basada en l’addició de pirita per estimular l’activitat de bacteris desnitrificants autòctons. Experiments amb pirita i inoculats amb “Thiobacillus denitrificans” han demostrat que aquest bacteri és capaç de reduir el nitrat utilitzant la pirita com a donant d’electrons. A més a més, s’ha determinat que l’eficiència i la velocitat de reducció del nitrat depèn de la seva concentració inicial, del pH i de la mida de gra de la pirita. En experiments de flux continu, de llarga durada que simulen el flux d’aigües subterrànies contaminades amb nitrat, s’han aconseguit altes eficiències en l’eliminació del nitrat. A més a més, s’han realitzat experiments de bioestimulación amb pirita usant aigua subterrània i sediments de l’aqüífer d’Osona. Aquests experiments han demostrat que afegint pirita s’aconsegueix d’estimular l’activitat dels bacteris desnitrificants autòctons i, per tant, induir i/o augmentar la desnitrificació. També, s’ha provat l’alta eficiència d’aquest procés a llarg termini. Per tant, l’ús de la pirita podria tenir-se en compte com a estratègia per a l’eliminació de nitrat en properes mesures de gestió dels recursos hídrics. Tanmateix, cal més investigació, i especialment, a escala de camp.
Per aconseguir l’èxit amb la bioremediació cal conèixer amb detall els processos i les poblacions microbiològiques que intervenen en els canvis poblacionals associats al tractament de bioremediació. Els resultats dels experiments de bioestimulació han demostrat que els bacteris desnitrificants autòtrofs dominants en el sistema són probablement poblacions relacionades amb Xanthomonadaceae. L’addició de pirita puposa un increment en la proporció de bacteris desnitrificants i produeix l’estimulació tant dels desnitrificants autòtrofs com dels heteròtrofs.
A més a més, s’han calculat els factors d’enriquiment isotòpic de N i O associats al procés de desnitrificació per oxidació de pirita. Aquests factors d’enriquiment s’han usat per recalcular el grau d’atenuació natural del nitrat que té lloc en l’aqüífer d’Osona. Aquest recàlcul pot ser d’utilitat a l’hora de predir l’evolució de la contaminació en l’aqüífer i cal tenir-lo en compte a l’hora d’implementar possibles tècniques de remediació induïda. Per tant, la metodologia isotòpica ha demostrat ser una eina excel∙lent per identificar i quantificar processos de desnitrificació natural i per monitoritzar l’eficàcia d’estratègies de bioremediació en el laboratori.
Per millorar el rendiment i la durabilitat de potencials estratègies de bioremediació basades en la desnitrificació i oxidació de pirita és necessari conèixer la contribució relativa dels bacteris desnitrificants planctònics i dels bacteris adherits als sediments. Així, a l’última part de la tesi l’interès s’enfoca en l’avaluació de l’habilitat de “T. denitrificans” en colonitzar i créixer sobre la superfície de la pirita. Els resultats experimentals de colonització suggereixen que per aconseguir la desnitrificació amb pirita com a donant d’electrons, cal que una part dels bacteris s’adhereixi a la superfície de la pirita. No obstant, sembla que ambdós bacteris, adherits i planctònics, contribueixen al procés global. Tanmateix, queda pendent d’examinar el paper específic de cada tipus en la desnitrificació.
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Photosynthetic electron transport modulates genes expression of Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase (MSR) in Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiShie, Shu-Chiu 25 July 2011 (has links)
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can utilize CO2 for autotrophic growth (HSM plus
5% CO2) or acetate for mixotrophic growth (TAP). This study was to elucidate the
differential regulation of methionine sulfoxide reductase (MSR) gene expression
between HSM plus 5% CO2 and TAP cultured cells, and also to determine the
difference of gene expression in response to high light (1,000 £gE m-2 s-1). The role of
photosynthetic electron transport (PET) in the regulation of MSR gene expression was
also examined by the use of PET inhibitors. High light inhibited PSII activity (Fv/Fm
and Fv'/Fm') of HSM plus 5% CO2 and TAP cultured cells., while the responses of
CrMSR gene expression in mixotrophically grown cells were different from
autotrophically grown cells, High light increased the expression of CrMSRA1,
CrMSRA2, CrMSRA3, CrMSRA5, CrMSRB1.2, and CrMSRB2.1, but inhibited the
expression of CrMSRA4 and CrMSRB2.2 in autotrophically grown cells. The
expression of CrMSRA3, CrMSRA5, and CrMSRB2.1 in mixotrophically grown cells
was increased by high light but that of CrMSRA1, CrMSRA4, and CrMSRB2.2 was
inhbited. The number of MSR isoform that was up-regulated by high light was greater
in autotrophically grown cell than that in mixotrophically grown cells. Using the PET
inhibitors (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1- dimethylurea (DCMU) and
2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB)), most of the CrMSRA
expression was regulated by reduced QA for autotrophically grown cells while
reduced PQ was the main site for mixotrophically grown cells by high light. The
expression of CrMSRB in autotrophically grown cells was mainy modulated by QA (-)
or Cytb6f (-), while that was not affected by PET, except a role of Cytb6f (-) on the
high light-induced CrMSRB2.2 expression. We fouind that CrMSRB gene expression
in autotrophically grown cells was highly affected by PET but not for micotrophically
grtown cells. The present result that H2O2 did not accumulate in autotrophically and
mixotrophically grown cells suggests that H2O2 may be not involved in the regulation
of high light regulation of CrMSR gene expression. The present study shows that the
mRNA expression of CrMSR isoforms in Chlamydomonas was diffrerentially
regulated between autotrophically and mixttrophically grown cells. The relationship
between the utilization of different C source and CrMSR gene expression will be
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Biogeochemistry of microbial biofilms in Devils Hole, NevadaMadinger, Hilary L. 20 July 2013 (has links)
Little is known about the role of microbial biofilms in nutrient cycling and ecosystem
processes within desert springs. Furthermore, the difference between nutrient limitation of
biofilms in desert springs and other ecosystems is unknown. Biofilms produce micro-scale
physicochemical variation important to ecosystem function. We measured the variation in microscale
physicochemical heterogeneity in biofilms of Devils Hole, Nevada. Microelectrodes were
used to measure micro-scale chemical gradients of temperature, pH, O2, and H2S in addition to
water column and pore water nutrient measurements in Spirogyra, cyanobacteria, and Beggiatoa
biofilms over one year. Biofilm physicochemical gradients were used to calculate diffusion and
metabolic rates. The rate of O2 and H2S diffusion ranged over two orders of magnitude. Biofilm
production and respiration were influenced by biofilm type, light exposure, and sample month.
Maximum O2 production occurred in spring and summer during direct light exposure. Oxygen
production and consumption varied with light exposure and season. The H2S production and
consumption varied with biofilm type. Higher concentrations of SO4 in Beggiatoa suggested that
H2S production in Beggiatoa was quickly oxidized in the ecosystem. Spirogyra and
cyanobacteria followed similar physicochemical trends; however, Spirogyra had more
pronounced diurnal and seasonal variation. The differences between cyanobacteria and
Spirogyra have implications on the ecosystem function of Devils Hole as well as other ecosystems with diverse biofilm communities. The heterogeneous physicochemistry of microbial
biofilms and the differences in biofilm nutrient limitation suggests that a change in microbial
biofilms or nutrient concentrations could alter ecosystem biogeochemical dynamics.
Additionally, we assessed the nutrient limitation of two desert springs in comparison with a
temperate stream. A nutrient diffusing substrata experiment was used to measure chlorophyll a,
respiration, and biomass with phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfide treatments. Autotrophic and
heterotrophic biofilms responded differently to treatments and the temperate stream had higher
chlorophyll a biofilm accrual but lower respiration relative to the desert springs. / Spatial and temporal variation of microbial biofilm biogeochemistry in a desert spring, Devils Hole, Nevada -- Autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrient limitation across biomes. / Department of Biology
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Explaining temporal variations in soil respiration rates and delta13C in coniferous forest ecosystemsComstedt, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
Soils of Northern Hemisphere forests contain a large part of the global terrestrial carbon (C) pool. Even small changes in this pool can have large impact on atmospheric [CO2] and the global climate. Soil respiration is the largest terrestrial C flux to the atmosphere and can be divided into autotrophic (from roots, mycorrhizal hyphae and associated microbes) and heterotrophic (from decomposers of organic material) respiration. It is therefore crucial to establish how the two components will respond to changing environmental factors. In this thesis I studied the effect of elevated atmospheric [CO2] (+340 ppm, 13C-depleted) and elevated air temperature (2.8-3.5 oC) on soil respiration in a whole-tree chamber (WTC) experiment conducted in a boreal Norway spruce forest. In another spruce forest I used multivariate modelling to establish the link between day-to-day variations in soil respiration rates and its δ13C, and above and below ground abiotic conditions. In both forests, variation in δ13C was used as a marker for autotrophic respiration. A trenching experiment was conducted in the latter forest in order to separate the two components of soil respiration. The potential problems associated with the trenching, increased root decomposition and changed soil moisture conditions were handled by empirical modelling. The WTC experiment showed that elevated [CO2] but not temperature resulted in 48 to 62% increased soil respiration rates. The CO2-induced increase was in absolute numbers relatively insensitive to seasonal changes in soil temperature and data on δ13C suggest it mostly resulted from increased autotrophic respiration. From the multivariate modelling we observed a strong link between weather (air temperature and vapour pressure deficit) and the day-to-day variation of soil respiration rate and its δ13C. However, the tightness of the link was dependent on good weather for up to a week before the respiration sampling. Changes in soil respiration rates showed a lag to weather conditions of 2-4 days, which was 1-3 days shorter than for the δ13C signal. We hypothesised to be due to pressure concentration waves moving in the phloem at higher rates than the solute itself (i.e., the δ13C–label). Results from the empirical modelling in the trenching experiment show that autotrophic respiration contributed to about 50% of total soil respiration, had a great day-to-day variation and was correlated to total soil respiration while not to soil temperature or soil moisture. Over the first five months after the trenching, an estimated 45% of respiration from the trenched plots was an artefact of the treatment. Of this, 29% was a water difference effect and 16% resulted from root decomposition. In conclusion, elevated [CO2] caused an increased C flux to the roots but this C was rapidly respired and has probably not caused changes in the C stored in root biomass or in soil organic matter in this N-limited forest. Autotrophic respiration seems to be strongly influenced by the availability of newly produced substrates and rather insensitive to changes in soil temperature. Root trenching artefacts can be compensated for by empirical modelling, an alternative to the sequential root harvesting technique.
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Utilização de efluente nitrificado para oxidação de sulfeto oriundos do efluente de tratamento anaeróbio de esgotos sanitáriosCabral, Luciana Leôncio Bertino 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jean Medeiros (jeanletras@uepb.edu.br) on 2018-05-18T13:18:03Z
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PDF - Luciana Leôncio Bertino Cabral.pdf: 26933991 bytes, checksum: 16582e8219a683ebcba28f0ec330a8cd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-18T13:18:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
PDF - Luciana Leôncio Bertino Cabral.pdf: 26933991 bytes, checksum: 16582e8219a683ebcba28f0ec330a8cd (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / The present study had, as main objective, to evaluate the oxidation of sulfides usin g nitrified effluent as an electron acceptor in anaerobic reactors treating sanitary sewage. This process was possible because the interactions between the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycle that allow the practical use of the fundamentals already known about the process of denitrification and oxidation of sulfides at simultaneous moments. The experiments were perform in a Hybrid Anaerobic Reactor (HAR) with a useful volume of 60 liters and TDH of 24 hours. The HAR consists of a UASB reactor in the lower part and in the middle part an Anaerobic Filter, with polyurethane foam used as a support form. An equilibrium tank, designed at the top of the HAR, sent the effluent into an Intermittent Flux of Sand’s Filter - FaFint, allowing the formation of the nitrified effluent, with the purpose of recirculating this material to the anaerobic phase of the system. The research was developed in four phases. In the first phase, the HAR nourished with 100% of sewer from the Campina Grande – PB city, with the purpose of comparing its results with the other phases, in which different flows in each phase of the operation recirculated from the effluent produced in the FaFint. During phase 2, the HAR received a flow of 83% of sewer and 17% of nitrified effluent, in phase 3 the flow changed to 64% of raw sewer and 33% of the effluent recirculated from FaFint. While in phase 4, the ratio applied was 50% crude sewer and 50% nitrified effluent. Concentrations of sulfate, sulfide, elemental sulfur, nitrate, nitrite, organic nitrogen and ammoniacal nitrogen were monitored, as well as other parameters of interest. The results showed that the operational conditions imposed during phase 4 allowed the accumulation of 41% of the oxidized forms of sulfur in the anaerobic phase, 31% in the form of sulfate and 10% in the form of elemental sulfur. The addition of a higher amount of nitrified effluent in the HAR also favored the denitrification process, showing 38% of the nitrogen forms removed during the anaerobic stage and a 46% removal of nitrogen in the final effluent. Thus, it was concluded that the use of nitrate and nitrite can effectively treat the stinks generated by the treatment of anaerobic wastewater systems. / A presente pesquisa teve por principal objetivo, avaliar a oxidação de sulfetos utilizando efluente nitrificado como aceptor de elétrons em reatores anaeróbios tratando esgoto sanitário. Esse processo foi possível devido as interações entre o ciclo do carbono, nitrogênio e enxofre que permitem a utilização prática dos fundamentos já conhecidos sobre o processo de desnitrificação e oxidação de sulfetos em momentos simultâneos. Os experimentos foram realizados em um Reator Anaeróbio Híbrido – RAH – com volume útil de 60 litros e TDH de 24 horas. O RAH é constituído por um reator UASB na parte inferior e na parte intermediária um Filtro Anaeróbio, com espuma de poliuretano utilizado como meio suporte. Um tanque de equilíbrio, projetado na parte superior do RAH, lançava o efluente em um Filtro de Areia de Fluxo intermitente – FaFint, permitindo a formação do efluente nitrificado, com o propósito de realizar a recirculação desse material para a fase anaeróbia do sistema. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em quatro fases. Na primeira fase o RAH foi alimentado com 100% de esgotos da cidade de Campina Grande – PB, teve a finalidade de comparar seus resultados com as demais fases, na qual, fora recirculado vazões, distintas em cada fase de operação, do efluente produzido no FaFint. Durante a fase 2, o RAH recebeu uma vazão de 83% de esgoto e 17% de efluente nitrificado, na fase 3 a vazão foi alterada para 64% de esgoto bruto e 33% de efluente recirculado do FaFint. Enquanto que na fase 4, a razão aplicada foi de 50% de esgoto bruto e 50% efluente nitrificado. Foram monitoradas as concentrações de sulfato, sulfeto, enxofre elementar, nitrato, nitrito, nitrogênio orgânico e nitrogênio amoniacal, além de outros parâmetros de interesse. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, as condições operacionais impostas no decorrer da fase 4, possibilitaram o acúmulo de 41% das formas oxidadas de enxofre na fase anaeróbia, sendo 31% na forma de sulfato e 10% na forma de enxofre elementar. A adição de uma maior quantidade de efluente nitrificado no RAH, também favoreceu o processo de desnitrificação, apresentando remoção de 38% das formas de nitrogênio durante a etapa anaeróbia e 46% na eficiência de remoção de nitrogênio no efluente final. Dessa forma, foi concluído que o uso de nitrato e nitrito, podem tratar de forma eficaz os problemas de mal odor gerado pelo tratamento de sistemas anaeróbios de águas residuárias.
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The Ecophysiology of <i>Nitrosomonas</i> sp. Is79Sedlacek, Christopher James 24 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Autotrofní mikrobiální nárosty na jehlicích nahosemenných dřevin ve vztahu ke znečištění ovzduší / Autotrophic microbial growths on needles of gymnospermous trees in relation to air pollutionNováková, Radka January 2013 (has links)
Aero-terestric algae occure on a wide range of substrates, such as soil, plant, stone and rock surfaces and also on a variety of anthropogenic substrates. Morphological convergence towards coccoid or filamentous thalli, caused by frequent dessication stress, is typical for this group. Algae are frequently used for biomonitoring of various biotopes, mostly water biotopes, but also for bioindication of air quality. My diploma thesis is based on a study of autotrophic microbial growths on spruce and yew needles in relation to various air quality measures evaluating air pollution of sites. The results show that the occurence of microbial growths on needles is primarily influenced by the orientation towards cardinal points. However, the air pollution factors also proved to be significantly related to the quantitative measures of the microbial assemblages. Among them, the relative proportion of algae in microbial growths was the most tightly related to air pollution.
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Utilização de sulfeto como doador de elétrons para a desnitrificação autotrófica aplicada ao tratamento de esgoto sanitário / Utilization of sulfide as electron donor in autotrophic denitrification applied to treatment of domestic sewageMoraes, Bruna de Souza 20 February 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve, por principal objetivo, avaliar a viabilidade da desnitrificação autotrófica, empregando sulfeto como doador de elétrons, aplicada a efluentes de reatores anaeróbios tratando esgoto sanitário. Estudos anteriores indicam que o sulfeto presente na fase líquida de efluentes e no biogás pode ser utilizado como doador de elétrons para a desnitrificação. Porém, há poucas informações sobre as interações entre os ciclos do carbono, nitrogênio e enxofre neste processo que permitam a utilização prática dos fundamentos já conhecidos sobre a desnitrificação na presença de sulfeto. Neste trabalho, realizaram-se ensaios de desnitrificação na presença de sulfeto, a fim de se avaliar o potencial de uso desse composto como doador de elétrons. Inicialmente, foram utilizados frascos de 1 L contendo biomassa imobilizada em espuma de poliuretano, alimentados com meio sintético nitrificado contendo sulfeto como doador e nitrito e nitrato como receptores de elétrons. Variou-se a concentração de sulfeto, obtendo-se diferentes relações N/S. Constatou-se desnitrificação completa de ambos os receptores estudados; entretanto, isto só ocorreu com estabilidade para relações N/S inferiores à relação estequiométrica baseada nas reações químicas correspondentes, isto é, quando foi aplicado sulfeto em excesso. Os resultados mostraram que a oxidação total ou parcial dos compostos de enxofre no processo depende da relação N/S, e a velocidade de consumo de nitrato foi maior que a de nitrito. Posteriormente, realizaram-se novos ensaios semelhantes ao anterior, porém, a alimentação consistiu na mistura do efluente sintético nitrificado a efluente de reator anaeróbio tratando água residuária de abatedouro de aves, e o único receptor de elétrons aplicado foi nitrato. Neste caso, foi constatada desnitrificação completa na relação N/S correspondente à estequiometria relativa a sulfeto e nitrato. A cinética de remoção de nitrogênio seguiu modelo de decaimento exponencial de primeira ordem; entretanto, houve limitação à transferência de massa intraparticular e na fase líquida, fato que caracterizou os modelos ajustados como sendo de primeira ordem. As velocidades específicas aparentes obtidas na primeira fase foram próximas de 15 mgN/gSSV.h, tanto com a aplicação de nitrato, quanto de nitrito como receptores de elétrons. Na segunda fase, a máxima velocidade específica aparente de remoção de nitrato foi da ordem de 6 mgN/gSSV.h. / The feasibility of autotrophic denitrification of effluent from anaerobic reactor treating domestic sewage using sulfide as electron donor was evaluated. Prior researches reveals sulfide into liquid phase of effluents and biogas can be utilized as electron donor for denitrification. However, information about the interaction between carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles in this process are few to permit practice utilization of known fundamentals about denitrification in presence of sulfide. In this work, laboratory tests of denitrification in the presence of sulfide were carried out to evaluate potential employ of this compound as electron donor. Initially, 1 L flasks with immobilized biomass in polyurethane foam was fed with synthetic nitrified wastewater containing sulfide as donor and nitrite e nitrate as electron acceptors. Sulfide concentration was diversified to obtain different N/S ratios. Complete denitrification occurred with nitrate and nitrite; nevertheless, it was observed in a stable way only for N/S ratios smaller than stoichiometric rate based in the corresponding chemistry reactions, that is, when applied excess of sulfide. The results showed that total or partial sulfur compounds oxidation depends on N/S ratio and the nitrate removal rate was bigger than nitrite removal rate. Afterward, new assays were carried out in the same way. However, the flasks were fed with synthetic nitrified wastewater mixed to effluent from anaerobic reactor treating bird slaughterhouse wastewater, and nitrate was the only electron acceptor applied. In this case, complete denitrification was evidenced for stoichiometric N/S ratio relating to sulfide and nitrate. Nitrogen removal kinetic followed exponential decay model of first order; however, this behavior was due to mass transfer limitation in the liquid phase and intraparticular. Apparent specific rates of nitrogen removal found in the first phase were nearby 15 mgN/gSSV.h, with nitrate as well as nitrite application. In the second phase, maxima apparent specific rate of nitrogen removal in nitrate form was about 6 mgN/gSSV.h.
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Remoção de matéria orgânica residual e nitrogênio de efluente de reator UASB de indústria de insumos para ração animal em reator de leito estruturado / Residual organic matter and nitrogen removal from UASB reactor effluent of raw materials industry for animal food in a structured-bed reactorAlmeida, Ricardo Gabriel Bandeira de 07 October 2016 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de um reator de leito fixo e fluxo ascendente (RLFFA) em escala de bancada submetido à baixa aeração e recirculação. O reator foi utilizado como um sistema de pós-tratamento do efluente de indústria de fabricação de ração animal (INCOFAP) a partir de resíduos de abatedouro de aves, caracterizado por elevada carga de nitrogênio amoniacal. Para tanto, o RLFFA foi avaliado quanto à remoção da fração remanescente de matéria orgânica e de nitrogênio do efluente do reator UASB instalado na indústria. O RLFFA foi operado em condições mesofílicas (30°C) e tinha volume total de 11,5 L e volume útil de 6,1 L, com leito estruturado composto por 13 estruturas cilíndricas (3 cm de diâmetro) de espuma de poliuretano, dispostas verticalmente no interior do reator. O reator apresentou sistema de recirculação interna, com razão de recirculação igual a 3, suficiente para garantir a mistura completa. O sistema foi operado em três condições distintas, que foram denominadas de fases, todas com tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 24 horas e concentração de oxigênio dissolvido próxima a 1,0 mg.L-1. Nas fases 1 e 2, o RLFFA foi alimentado com 20% de efluente do UASB diluídos em água, e a alimentação da Fase 3 foi com 10% de efluente. As relações DQO/N para as Fases de 1 a 3 foram de, respectivamente, 0,28, 0,41 e 0,26. Na Fase 1, a alcalinidade foi mantida em concentração estequiométrica para a ocorrência da nitrificação total, enquanto nas fases 2 e 3 a alcalinidade foi adicionada em excesso. As melhores eficiências de remoção de N-total e DQO foram obtidas na Fase 1, com respectivamente, 48 ± 24% e 63 ± 20%, atingindo remoção máxima de N-total de 79% e 92% para DQO. As análises estatísticas demonstraram independência entre a remoção de DQO e a remoção de N-total, e com demanda de doador de elétrons para desnitrificação heterotrófica via nitrato superior à DQO removida, indicando a ocorrência de vias complementares. A desnitrificação via nitrito e a desnitrificação autotrófica foram observadas nos ensaios cinéticos de desnitrificação via nitrito e teste de atividade para desnitrificação autotrófica utilizando sulfeto como doador de elétrons. A modelagem para qualidade da água do rio Chibarro( local de lançamento do efluente da empresa INCOFAP) utilizando uma modificação do modelo de Streeter-Phelps, indicou que o cenário com a adoção do reator estudado no presente trabalho para tratamento do efluente da INCOFAP permitiu reduzir o impacto para a qualidade da água do rio Chibarro ao se comparar ao sistema atual de tratamento do efluente da empresa INCOFAP. Entretando, ainda faz-se necessária a elevação da eficiência de remoção de N-total no sistema, para atingir a concentração máxima de N-amoniacal permitida de 20 mg.L-1 para o efluente para compatibilização com a capacidade de autodepuração do rio Chibarro. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of a bench scale up-flow fixedbed reactor (UFBR) subjected to low aeration and effluent recirculation.The reactor was used as a post-treatment system of effluent from animal food plant (INCOFAP) using poultry slaughterhouse wastes, characterized by high ammoniacal nitrogen load rate.Therefore, the UFBR was evaluated in respect to residual organic matter and nitrogen removal of industrys UASB reactor effluent. The UFBR was operated in mesophilic conditions (30°C) and it had a total volume of 11.5 L and a working volume of 6.1 L, with a structured bed composed by 13 polyurethane foam vertical cylindrical structures (3 cm of diameter) inside the reactor. The reactor was provided with internal recirculation system with recirculation ratio of 3, suficiente to guarantee a complete mixture. The system was operated in three different phases, with hydraulic retention time (HRT)of 24 hours and dissolved oxygen concentration close to 1.0 mg.L-1.On Phases 1 and 2, the UFBR was fed with 20% of UASB effluent diluted in water,and the Phase 3 was fed with 10% of effluent. On phases 1 to 3 COD/N ratios were, respectively, 0.28, 0.41 and 0.26. The alkalinity on Phase 1 was maintained on stoichiometric concentration to total nitrification, while in phases 2 and 3 excess alkalinity was added. The best total nitrogen and COD removal efficiencies were obtained in Phase 1, with respectively, 48 ± 24% and 63 ± 20% , reaching maximum total nitrogen removal of 79% and 92% for COD. Statistical analysis demonstrated independency between COD and total nitrogen removal, and with higher electron donor demand for nitrate denitrification than COD removal, indicating the occurrence of complementary paths. The nitrite denitrification and autotrophic denitrification were noted in kinetics experiments and activity tests for autotrophic denitrification using sulfide as source of electron donors. The modeling for Chibarro river water quality (site of INCOFAPs effluent release) , using a modified Streeter-Phelps model, indicated the scenario with the adoption of the studied reactor on this work for INCOFAP's effluent treatment provided the reduction of the impact on Chibarros water quality in comparison with the current effluent treatment of INCOFAP. However, it is still necessary an increase on system denitrification efficiency to reach the maximum ammoniacal nitrogen concentration allowed of 20 mg.L-1 for the effluent to make compatible with de selfpurification of Chibarro river.
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