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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evid?ncias de validade do question?rio de relacionamento central (CRQ) com universit?rios / Evidence of Validity of the Central Relationship Questionnaire (CRQ)

Santos, Ademir dos 15 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ademir dos Santos.pdf: 1459667 bytes, checksum: b0a8fb668ad103af967d224011e854f2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-15 / The Central Relationship Questionnaire (CRQ) is a measure consisted of self-report developed to diagnose conflictual romantic relationship according to three components: Desire (D), Response from Other (RO) and Response of Self (RS). The Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) is its theoretical reference that allows a clinical evaluation of interpersonal conflict recurrent pat-terns.This study aimed to obtain CRQ validity evaluation among undergra-duates.The sample was composed of 509 students of several courses from three Brazilian states and the participants ages range from 17 to 59 years (M = 24,75%, F = 73,28%).CRQ consists of 101 items; 20 Wishes items, 40 Re-sponse of Others items and 38 Response of Self items. The responses are rated on a 7-point scale Likert ranging from 1 (never occurred) to 7 (always oc-curred). The items are preceded by six questions that can identify some rela-tionship characteristics as : proximity degree, intimacy, figure of authority and importance. CRQ tests when the romantic relationship was at its best and its worst moments. Data was collective inside the classroom. Analysis of correla-tion and comparison of means by test t and ANOVA indicated some differences between men and women. Regarding CRQ items, the analysis of consistency shows high alpha coefficients: D = 0,87, RO = 0,83, RE = 0,82. The factorial analysis pointed three factor solution, the first factor was represented by RE items, the second by D items and the third was composed by items of the three original factors. A theoretical interpretation for this factor suggests that it refers to the Control on the Relationship (CR). A Portuguese version of CRQ was composed of 20 RE items, 19 D and 15 CR items. Research with samples from other population classes and other country regions are indicated. / O Question?rio de Relacionamento Central - CRQ ? um instrumento de auto-relato desenvolvido para diagnosticar relacionamento amoroso conflituoso, segundo tr?s componentes: Desejo (D), Resposta do Outro (RO) e Resposta do Eu (RE). Tem como referencial te?rico o Tema Central de Relacionamento Conflituoso (CCRT), que permite uma avalia??o cl?nica dos padr?es recorren-tes de conflito interpessoal. O estudo teve como objetivo obter evid?ncias de validade do CRQ, junto a universit?rios. A amostra ficou composta por 509 es-tudantes (M = 24,75%, F= 73,28%), de tr?s estados brasileiro, de diversos cursos e idades variando entre 17 e 59 anos. O CRQ ? composto por 101 i-tens, sendo 20 para o componente Desejo, 40 para Resposta do Outro e 38 para Resposta do Eu. As respostas s?o dadas em escala Likert, variando en-tre 1 (Nunca ocorreu) e 7 pontos. (Sempre Ocorre). Antecedendo os itens, seis quest?es permitem identificar algumas caracter?sticas do relacionamento, tais como: grau de proximidade, intimidade, figura de autoridade, import?ncia, quanto foi agrad?vel nos melhores momentos e dif?cil nos piores momentos do relacionamento. A coleta de dados foi coletiva em sala de aula. Em rela??o ?s seis quest?es que identificam as caracter?sticas do relacionamento a com-para??o das m?dias por meio de testes t e ANOVA, al?m de an?lises de cor-respond?ncia que permitiram identificar algumas diferen?as entre homens e mulheres. Em rela??o aos itens do CRQ, a an?lise de consist?ncia revelou coeficientes alfa altos: D=0,87,RO=0,83, RE=0,82. A an?lise fatorial apontou para solu??o de tr?s fatores, em que o primeiro fator ficou representado por itens do componente RE, o segundo por itens do componente D e o terceiro fator ficou constitu?do por itens dos tr?s fatores originais. Uma interpreta??o te?rica para este fator sugere que ele se refere ao Controle no Relacionamen-to (CR). A vers?o em portugu?s do CRQ ficou constitu?da por 20 itens de RE, 19 de D e 15 de CR. Pesquisas com amostras de outros estratos da popula-??o e de outras regi?es do pais s?o indicadas.

Estudo de adapta??o e valida??o da bateria de habilidades cognitivas Woodcock-Johnson-III vers?o ampliada / Adaptation and validation study of the Woodcock-Johnson-III Cognitive Abilities Battery - Extended Version

Chiodi, Marcelo Gulini 28 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Gulini Chiodi.pdf: 2654186 bytes, checksum: 8afcc46d0d34b2195ce3af9b190696ab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-28 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / The study on how the different intellectual abilities interact and operate has always aroused man's curiosity due to his need to explain individual differences in the use of information. In this sense, this paper aims to adapt and validate the ten subtests that make up the extended version of the Woodcock-Johnson III Cognitive Abilities Battery (WJ-III Extended) taking into account the Brazilian reality. To this end, we developed four different studies: 1 - Adaptation of the battery (translation, creation and adaptation of items to the Brazilian reality); 2 - Convergent validation by comparing the results of the WJ-III Standard Battery with the Extended version; 3 and 4 - Validation of convergent criteria by comparing the results of two clinical groups, i.e., children diagnosed with Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes (BCECS) and children diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). To perform study 2, convergent validation, we evaluated 70 public primary and secondary school children, 43 male and 27 female, aged between 7 and 12. The obtained results were analyzed using Pearson's correlation and a Variance Analysis regarding sex and age of each instrument. Significant correlations were found between the total scores of the expanded WJ-III version and total scores of the standard WJ-III version (0.80), as well as between the subtests which assess Crystallized Intelligence (Gc) of both the expanded and the standard WJ-III (Gc) (0.77). Significant correlations were also observed when we compared the subtests used to assess other skills of both versions of the WJ-III battery (0.73). The Age variable differed significantly in both the expanded and the standard version, whereas the influence of the Sex X Age variable was only significant in the WJ-III standard version. To perform studies 3 and 4 that validated convergent criteria, we analyzed 21 children diagnosed with BCECS and 20 children diagnosed with ADHD aged between 7 and 12 of both sexes. The two clinical groups were matched with children without neurological disorders of the same age and sex. Information obtained in the tests was analyzed by means of a Variance Analysis for group, sex and age. The results of study 3 showed a lower performance of all evaluated skills in the BCECS group compared to the performance of children without neurological disorders. Regarding Study 4, the ADHD children group also showed lower performance in all skills when compared to the control group. Those data demonstrate the convergent validity between the Extended WJ-III and the Standard WJ-III, as well as the convergent criteria validity by differentiating two clinical groups. This could contribute to a more detailed diagnosis of the different cognitive abilities and widen the range of instruments used for intellectual evaluation. / O estudo da intera??o e funcionamento das diferentes habilidades intelectuais sempre despertou curiosidade devido ? necessidade do ser humano de esclarecer as diferen?as individuais no uso das informa??es. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho prop?s a adaptar e validar, para a realidade brasileira, os dez subtestes que comp?em a vers?o Ampliada da Bateria de Habilidades Cognitivas Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ-III Ampliada). Para a realiza??o deste projeto foram desenvolvidos 4 diferentes estudos: 1- adapta??o da bateria (tradu??o, cria??o e adapta??o de itens para a realidade brasileira); 2- validade convergente, comparando os resultados da bateria WJ-III Padr?o com a Ampliada; 3 e 4 - validade de crit?rio tipo concorrente, comparando os resultados de dois grupos cl?nicos, crian?as diagnosticadas com Epilepsia Benigna da Inf?ncia com Pontas centro-temporais (EBICT) e crian?as com o diagn?stico de Transtorno do D?ficit de Aten??o e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Para o estudo 2 de validade convergente, foram avaliadas 70 crian?as de escola p?blica do Ensino Fundamental e M?dio, sendo 43 do sexo masculino e 27 do sexo feminino, com faixa et?ria entre 7 e 12 anos. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados segundo a correla??o de Pearson e An?lise da Vari?ncia entre sexo e idade para cada instrumento. Foram encontradas correla??es significativas entre as pontua??es totais da WJ-III Ampliada e as pontua??es totais na WJ-III vers?o Padr?o de (0,80), assim como, entre os subtestes que avaliam Intelig?ncia Cristalizada (Gc) da WJ-III Ampliada com a WJ-III Padr?o (Gc) (0,77). Tamb?m foram observadas correla??es significativas quando relacionados os subtestes que avaliam as demais habilidades de ambas as vers?es da Bateria WJ-III (0,73). Houve diferen?a significativa para a vari?vel Idade tanto na vers?o Ampliada quanto na vers?o Padr?o. J? a influ?ncia da vari?vel Sexo X Idade foi significativa apenas na vers?o Padr?o da WJ-III. Com rela??o aos estudos 3 e 4 de validade de crit?rio do tipo concorrente, foram estudadas 21 crian?as diagnosticadas com EBICT e 20 diagnosticadas com TDAH, com faixa et?ria entre 7 e 12 anos e de ambos os sexos. Os dois grupos cl?nicos foram pareados por crian?as de mesma idade, sexo e diagnosticadas sem dist?rbios neurol?gicos. As informa??es obtidas nos testes foram analisadas segundo a An?lise de Vari?ncia entre grupo, sexo e idade. Os resultados do estudo 3 apontaram para um desempenho inferior em todas as habilidades avaliadas no grupo EBICT em compara??o ao desempenho de crian?as diagnosticadas sem dist?rbios neurol?gicos. No estudo 4 o grupo de crian?as diagnosticadas com TDAH tamb?m apresentou desempenho inferior em todas as habilidades ao comparar com o desempenho do grupo controle. Portanto, tais dados indicam que a Bateria WJ-III vers?o Ampliada possui validade convergente com a WJ-III vers?o Padr?o e validade de crit?rio tipo concorrente ao diferenciar dois grupos cl?nicos, podendo assim contribuir para um diagn?stico mais detalhado das v?rias habilidades cognitivas e enriquecer ainda mais as possibilidades de instrumentos para avalia??o intelectual.

Elabora??o de instrumento para identifica??o de alunos intelectualmente dotados por professores: estudo explorat?rio / Development of instrument for identifying intellectually gifted students for teachers: an exploratory study

Farias, Eliana Santos de 27 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eliana Santos de Farias.pdf: 1151108 bytes, checksum: d8a60100a4bf3e58e4d3db0ecf8a6ca5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-27 / The identification of students fitted and / or talent is characterized by a variety of possibilities. This identification may be multidimensional (areas, dimensions), multireferential (parents, teachers, psychologists and other staff), multi-method (methods, processes, tools), multi-temporal (time, stages of development), multi-contextual (tasks at school, at home and others), and multi-stage (stages or modules support). In this case, the figure of the teacher deserves, and effective participation through teacher nomination. In Brazil, there is no instrument with a favorable recommendation by the Federal Council of Psychology. Given this fact, the objective is to develop two studies, the first draw up a scale of appointing teachers for gifted and talented students as well as search for evidence of content validity, where as the second study, we sought evidence for the consistency of accuracy internal and validity based on internal structure and convergent and discriminant. After formulating the instrument (ENDI-p), the results of the first study indicate that the ENDI-p is ready for use, when looking at the kappa coefficient (km?dio= 0.778). The ENDI-p lost five items and had four items adapted to other areas other than the original. In the second study, by means of item-total correlation were removed 17 items from Endi-p showed that saturation index less than 0.30 (varimax rotation) which resulted in three major factors. With the removal of such items, the scale was a good value for the overall Cronbach's alpha (alfa= 0.801), but also for the three specific factors: F1 (alfa=0.892 with 23 items), F2 (alfa= 0.929 with 26 items), F3 (alfa= 0.727 with 7 items), given the goal 3. The Bartlett test of sphericity indicated a correlation between items (x2 0=4370,985; gl=1653; p<0,000). Since the measure of sampling adequacy for the application of factor analysis showed to be appropriate for the test of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO = 0.498). The fourth objective was met through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) resulting in three factors. Objectives 5 and 6, about the search for evidence of validity based on relationships with external variables were partially met, which may suggest, for future studies using a larger sample. / A identifica??o de alunos dotados e/ou talentosos caracteriza-se por uma diversidade de possibilidades. Esta identifica??o pode ser multidimensional (?reas, dimens?es), multireferencial (pais, professores, psic?logos e outros agentes), multi-m?todo (meios, processos, instrumentos), multi-temporal (momentos, est?gios do desenvolvimento), multi-contextual (tarefas na escola, em casa e outros) e, multi-et?pica (fases ou m?dulos de apoio). Neste processo, a figura do professor merece destaque, e efetiva sua participa??o por meio de nomea??o docente. No Brasil, ainda n?o existe instrumento com recomenda??o favor?vel pelo Conselho Federal de Psicologia. Diante deste fato, objetivou-se por desenvolver dois estudos, no primeiro elaborar uma escala de nomea??o docente para alunos dotados e talentosos, bem como buscar por evidencias de validade de conte?do; j? no segundo estudo, buscou-se por evidencias de precis?o da consist?ncia interna, bem como validade baseada na estrutura interna e convergente e discriminante. Depois de elaborado o instrumento (ENDI-p), os resultados do primeiro estudo indicam que a ENDI-p est? pronta para uso, ao se observar o coeficiente de kappa (km?dio=0,778). A ENDI-p perdeu cinco itens e teve quatro itens adaptados para outras ?reas, que n?o as originais. No segundo estudo, por meio da correla??o item-total foram retirados 17 itens da ENDI-p que apresentaram ?ndices de satura??o inferiores a 0,30 (rota??o varimax) o que resultou em tr?s grandes fatores. Com a extra??o destes itens, a escala apresentou um bom valor para o Alpha de Cronbach geral (alfa=0,801), como tamb?m para os tr?s fatores espec?ficos: F1 (alfa=0,892 com 23 itens), F2 (alfa=0,929 com 26 itens), F3 (alfa=0,727 com 7 itens), atendendo ao objetivo 3. O teste de esfericidade de Bartlett indicou correla??o entre os itens (x2 0=4370,985; gl=1653; p<0,000). J? a medida de adequa??o da amostra para aplica??o da an?lise fatorial apresentou-se apropriada pelo teste de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO=0,498). O quarto objetivo foi atendido por meio da an?lise fatorial explorat?ria (AFE) resultando em tr?s fatores. Os objetivos 5 e 6, a respeito da busca de evidencias de validade baseadas nas rela??es com vari?veis externas foram parcialmente atendidos, o que pode sugerir, para futuros estudos utilizar uma amostra maior.

Indicadores gen?ricos de mudan?a em psicoterapia e efic?cia adaptativa / Generic indicators of change in psychotherapy and adaptive efficacy

Honda, Giovanna Corte 01 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:30:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Giovanna Corte Honda.pdf: 892385 bytes, checksum: 53301973b02804195919fdc442739f9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-01 / The present exploratory study aimed to combine the adaptive efficacy criterion with the Generic Change Indicators List (GCIL) to better understand how people change in psychotherapy. The specific aim was to evaluate if the evolution in the hierarchy of Generic Change Indicators is associated with the quality of adaptive responses. Methodologically, the research was based on an intensive case study design. The List presents an ideal of what happens when psychotherapy is successful. The List is composed by 19 indicators disposed hierarchically, which relate primarily to how the patient sees his or her problem, his or her willingness to face it and his or her expectations for psychotherapy and psychotherapist. Adaptive efficacy comprises the responses of the individual in the face of difficulties and vicissitudes of life. The more adequate a set of responses is, the more the adaptation of the subject will be considered effective. The videos and the transcriptions of the sessions of a brief psychodynamic psychotherapy process were evaluated with the GCIL and with the Scale of Adaptation (EDAO-R). According to the GCIL 14 episodes of change were identified into the 11 sessions of the psychotherapy. Results pointed to evolution in the hierarchy of indicators of change. The initial sessions comprised indicators of lower hierarchy and final sessions encompassed indicators of higher hierarchy. The results also showed that there was an evolution in the patient s adaptive efficacy, from very slightly adequate to adequate in the A-R area and from very slightly adequate to slightly adequate in the Pr area. We suggest that the progress in the hierarchy of the indicators showed that the patient began to offer more adequate responses, which resulted mainly in changes in the A-R area. It was possible to conclude in this study the association between the two measures. Some common factors to different therapeutic approaches probably contributed to the changes that the patient achieved and these are relate to the patient (she actively participated in the process, was aware of her difficulties and showed motivation to work on the problems), to the therapist (interventions used during the sessions) and to the relationship between therapist and patient (therapeutic alliance). Further researches must be pursued, involving a larger number of psychotherapies, including unsuccessful and dropout processes. / A presente pesquisa, de natureza explorat?ria, buscou combinar o crit?rio da efic?cia adaptativa com os da Lista de Indicadores Gen?ricos de Mudan?a (LIGM), para se compreender melhor como as pessoas mudam em psicoterapia. O objetivo mais espec?fico foi avaliar se existe rela??o entre a evolu??o na hierarquia dos Indicadores Gen?ricos de Mudan?a e a qualidade das respostas adaptativas. Utilizou-se o delineamento de estudo de caso intensivo. A LIGM refere-se a uma sequ?ncia ideal do que se espera que ocorra, se a psicoterapia obtiver ?xito. Ela ? composta por 19 indicadores dispostos de modo hier?rquico, que se referem prioritariamente ? forma como o paciente encara o seu problema, sua disposi??o para enfrent?-lo e as expectativas em rela??o ? psicoterapia e ao psicoterapeuta. A efic?cia adaptativa engloba as respostas dadas pelo indiv?duo frente ?s dificuldades e vicissitudes da vida. Quanto mais um conjunto de respostas ? adequado, mais eficaz ser? sua adapta??o. Para tanto, os v?deos e as transcri??es das sess?es de um processo de psicoterapia breve psicodin?mica de paciente adulta que foi atendida por psicoterapeuta experiente foram avaliadas com a LIGM e com a Escala Diagn?stica Adaptativa Operacionalizada Redefinida (EDAO-R). De acordo com a LIGM foram encontrados 14 epis?dios de mudan?a, distribu?dos em 11 sess?es. Observou-se evolu??o dos indicadores de mudan?a, em que as sess?es iniciais englobaram indicadores de menor hierarquia e as sess?es finais abarcaram indicadores de maior hierarquia. Os resultados tamb?m mostraram que houve evolu??o na efic?cia adaptativa da paciente, de pouqu?ssimo adequada para adequada, no setor Afetivo-Relacional (A-R, que diz respeito aos relacionamentos intra e interpessoais) e de pouqu?ssimo adequada para pouco adequada no setor Produtividade (Pr, que envolve trabalho ou principal ocupa??o que a pessoa exerce). Sugere-se que o progresso na hierarquia dos indicadores demonstrou que a paciente passou a oferecer respostas mais adequadas, que ocasionaram principalmente em mudan?as no setor A-R. Alguns fatores provavelmente contribu?ram para as mudan?as alcan?adas e estes dizem respeito ? paciente (participou ativamente do processo, tinha consci?ncia de suas dificuldades e apresentou motiva??o para trabalhar nos problemas), ? terapeuta (interven??es utilizadas durante as sess?es) e ? rela??o estabelecida entre ambas (alian?a terap?utica). Foi poss?vel concluir que neste estudo houve associa??o entre as duas medidas, que podem ser usadas para auxiliar o terapeuta na avalia??o de progresso do paciente e na compreens?o das vari?veis que podem facilitar ou limitar a mudan?a do paciente. Sugere-se a realiza??o de novas pesquisas, que compreendam maior n?mero de casos e que contem com processos considerados mal sucedidos e em que houve abandono por parte do paciente.

Resili?ncia e criatividade em pessoas de destaque: um estudo comparativo / Resilience and Creativity in outstanding people: a comparative study

Gums, Eliezer Fernandes 13 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:30:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ELIEZER FERNANDES GUMS.pdf: 2595179 bytes, checksum: c9fc87e10a2ddda3dc3397ae083a663f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-13 / Positive Psychology is gaining more and more prominence in the scientific community. Scholars assert that this growth is due to the new viewpoint that this theory envisions for the human being. In this new perspective there are the so-called human strengths, resilience, particularly, that added to creativity may potentialize the positive aspects of the individual. This study aimed at investigating the relationship between resilience characteristics and creativity in people who excel in different areas. For this purpose, the scale Pillars of Resilience (EPR), the Creativity Test of BAICA, Thinking and Creating Styles test and the Questionnaire for Creative Achievements were utilized. The sample consisted of 24 people (male = 8, female = 16) with ages ranging from 32 to 60 years old. The participants were divided into two groups: regular people (N = 12) and outstanding people (N = 12). The procedure consisted in applying the aforementioned tools on the participants of each group. The results of the analysis that seek significant differences between the groups showed that differences exist for the group outstanding concerning the following instruments: the EPR, item Positive Acceptance for the Future; the Creativity Tests of BAICA, figural on activity 1, in the characteristic originality, and on verbal activities 2 and 3, the characteristics fluency and originality. Regarding the other instruments, no differences were noticed. Significant relationships between creative production of the participants in the same instruments were also investigated. The results demonstrated significant differences only in the EPR, on items Good Humor and Positive Direction for the Future. Concerning the other instruments, there were no significant differences between groups. As for the differences between genders, the results showed significant differences with the prevalence of males regarding the following instruments: the test Thinking and Creating Styles, styles Nonconformist/Transformer and Logical/Objective; EPR in the positive acceptance for change and positive direction for the future. The remaining instruments demonstrated no significant differences between genders. It is therefore possible to conclude that the objectives were partially met. We suggest further studies on the subject with larger samples. / A Psicologia Positiva vem ganhando cada dia mais destaque no meio cient?fico. Estudiosos afirmam que este crescimento ocorre devido ao novo olhar que essa teoria apresenta para o ser humano. Nesse novo olhar destacam-se as chamadas for?as humanas, em espec?fico a resili?ncia. Quando somada ? criatividade pode potencializar os aspectos positivos do indiv?duo. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar rela??es entre caracter?sticas da resili?ncia e criatividade em pessoas que se destacam em diferentes ?reas. Para tanto, utilizou-se a escala dos Pilares da Resili?ncia (EPR), o teste de criatividade da BAICA, o teste Estilos de Pensar e Criar e o question?rio de realiza??es criativas. A amostra foi composta por 24 pessoas (masculino=8, feminino=16) com idades ente 32 a 60 anos. Os participantes foram agrupados em pessoas com destaque (N=12) e sem destaque (N=12). O procedimento consistiu na aplica??o dos instrumentos nos participantes. Os resultados das an?lises buscando diferen?as significativas entre os grupos demonstraram que diferen?as existem para o grupo destaque nos seguintes instrumentos: na EPR no item aceita??o positiva para o futuro; no teste de criatividade, da BAICA na atividade 1, figural, na caracter?stica originalidade e atividades verbais 2 e 3, nas caracter?sticas flu?ncia e originalidade. Nos demais instrumentos n?o se notaram diferen?as. As rela??es significativas entre produ??o criativa dos participantes nos mesmos instrumentos foram tamb?m investigadas. Os resultados apontaram diferen?as significativas apenas na EPR nos itens bom humor e orienta??o positiva para o futuro. Nos demais instrumentos n?o ocorreram diferen?as significativas entre os grupos. Quanto ?s diferen?as entre os g?neros, os resultados demonstraram diferen?as significativas com predom?nio do g?nero masculino, nos seguintes instrumentos: no teste Estilos de Pensar e Criar, nos estilos Inconformista Transformador e L?gico Objetivo; na EPR em aceita??o positiva para mudan?as e orienta??o positiva para o futuro. Nos demais instrumentos n?o foram detectadas diferen?as significativas entre os g?neros. Conclui-se que os objetivos foram alcan?ados parcialmente. Sugere-se mais estudos sobre o tema com amostras maiores.

M?todo para avalia??o de aspectos de camada f?sica e MAC de redes 802.11 / Method to evaluate physical and MAC layer aspects of 802.11 networks

Bergonso, Carlos Alberto Ter?ariol 07 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:31:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Alberto Tercariol Bergonso.pdf: 948199 bytes, checksum: 9baee66f05960fc08d06f925a9ea859a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-07 / The present dissertation proposes a 802.11 network evaluation sequence which can be adopted, independently of the equipment used at the network. The log-distance path loss model is used for the environment characterization (by the model ? parameter) where the network is evaluated. The specific objectives of each evaluation stage are presented and contextualized. The full proposal has initial steps related to the information determination which will be used as references of equipment location and data, and of network performance. Those reference data will be later compared to the handled data obtained from measurements related to the physical and MAC (Medium Access Control) layer performance and behavior, as well as to the transport layer. By the end, one stage to consolidate the measured data is necessary in order to determine a single final result, weigh up according to the specific objectives of the network and/or equipment evaluation. However, the work focus is at the equipment data obtaining stage and at the lower layers (physical and MAC) performance/behavior determination, so that evaluation methods are developed for those two stages. It is demonstrated that the effective transmission physical layer data rates vary much more than what is expected due to the interpretation of the data provided by equipment manufactors. And that better performance could be obtained from complex networks, which made use of multiple access points, installed at unfavorable propagation environments, depending upon the network project. / A presente disserta??o prop?e uma sequ?ncia de avalia??o para redes 802.11 que pode ser adotada, independentemente de quais s?o os equipamentos utilizados na rede. O modelo de log-distance path loss ? utilizado para caracteriza??o do ambiente (pelo par?metro ? do modelo) em que a rede ? avaliada. Os objetivos espec?ficos de cada uma das etapas de avalia??o s?o apresentadas e contextualizadas. A proposta, em sua totalidade, apresenta etapas iniciais relacionadas ? determina??o de informa??es que ser?o usadas como refer?ncias de localidade e desempenho de rede, e de dados dos equipamentos. Esses dados de refer?ncia ser?o posteriormente comparados com os dados coletados e tratados de medi??es realizadas em rela??o ao desempenho e comportamento das camadas f?sicas e MAC (Medium Access Control) e da camada de transporte. Por fim, uma etapa de consolida??o dos resultados das medi??es ? necess?ria para se obter um resultado final ?nico, composto de forma a ponderar de acordo com o(s) objetivo(s) espec?fico(s) de avalia??o da rede e/ou equipamento. O foco dessa disserta??o, contudo, est? na obten??o de dados dos equipamentos, de desempenho e comportamento das camadas inferiores (f?sica e MAC), de forma que para essas etapas, m?todos de avalia??o s?o desenvolvidos. ? demonstrado que as taxas de transmiss?o de dados efetivamente praticadas na camada f?sica variam muito mais que o esperado em fun??o da interpreta??o dos dados fornecidos pelos fabricantes de equipamentos. E que, dependendo do projeto da rede, pode-se obter melhores desempenhos em ambientes de propaga??o desfavor?vel que utilizam m?ltiplos pontos de acesso.

O ensino de biologia em quest?o: os vazios e as refer?ncias da gradua??o na pr?tica docente sob o olhar de egressos / The teaching of biology in question: the background and performance of the biology teacher trough the graduates voices

Pandolpho, Maria Heloisa da Silva 23 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Heloisa da Silva Pandolpho 1.pdf: 1140866 bytes, checksum: 8626ffdfc27b8ee7c8f62f67a0b48c28 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-23 / The present work aimed to know the efficacy of the initial formation proportioned by the graduation courses in Biological Sciences for the teaching performance in Biology through the looks and experiences of teachers in the education of this subject in high schools of public schools of the Public Net of S?o Paulo - D.E. East Campinas/SP. This research is concerned in the line: Studies in Evaluation . It is intended to recognize and analyze constructed and reconstructed identity traces throughout the professionalization process since the choice of the profession, initial formation, professional insertion and educational praxis by means of questionnaires with the graduated teachers from different colleges. It also considers a reflection on the initial formation course thus allowing a discussion on challenges, possibilities and the impediments of Biological Science faced by colleges concerning to the current social , political and historical context of the Brazilian society. It takes as estimated theoreticians the discussion on Initial Formation of Teachers, Teaching of Biology and Institutional Evaluation. It is about a study with quantitative and qualitative boarding, the participants of the present research were Biology teachers who work in public education. The empirical data was collected through questionnaires that involve closed and half-structuralized questions. The analysis axles were: (1) Initial Formation and the Professional Insertion; (2) Teaching: Meanings and the Challenges of the Professionalization. The results of the study indicate the relevance of the initial formation as one of the basic requirements for the teaching professionalization articulated with the continued formation and work conditions in the building up the quality in education. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer a efic?cia da forma??o inicial, proporcionada pelos Cursos de gradua??o em Ci?ncias Biol?gicas, para a doc?ncia em Biologia, atrav?s dos olhares e experi?ncias de professores no ensino dessa disciplina no Ensino M?dio em escolas da Rede P?blica de S?o Paulo D.E. Leste Campinas- /SP. A pesquisa est? inserida na linha: Estudos em Avalia??o . Pretendem-se reconhecer e analisar tra?os identit?rios constru?dos e reconstru?dos ao longo do processo de profissionaliza??o desde a escolha da profiss?o, forma??o inicial, inser??o profissional e pr?xis educacional por meio de question?rios com os egressos, oriundos de diferentes Institui??es de Ensino Superior. Prop?e tamb?m refletir sobre o curso de forma??o inicial, permitindo assim uma discuss?o sobre os desafios, as possibilidades e os entraves das Ci?ncias Biol?gicas enfrentados pelas Institui??es de Educa??o Superior frente ao atual contexto social, pol?tico e hist?rico da sociedade brasileira. Toma-se como pressupostos te?ricos a discuss?o sobre Forma??o Inicial de Professores, Ensino de Biologia e Avalia??o Institucional. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, cujos sujeitos da pesquisa s?o professores de Biologia que atuam no ensino p?blico. Os dados emp?ricos foram coletados atrav?s de question?rios que abrangem quest?es fechadas e semi-estruturadas. Os eixos de an?lise foram: (1) Forma??o Inicial e a Inser??o Profissional; (2) Doc?ncia: Significados e os Desafios da Profissionaliza??o. Os resultados do estudo indicam a relev?ncia da forma??o inicial como um dos requisitos b?sicos para a profissionaliza??o docente articulada com a forma??o continuada e as condi??es de trabalho na constru??o de um ensino de qualidade.

Leitura e produ??o de textos escritos na forma??o do professorando do curso de pedagogia / Reading and written text production in teacher instruction of the pedagogy course

Santos, Juliana Ormastroni de Carvalho 20 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana Ormastroni.pdf: 484601 bytes, checksum: 09f131ffa37657c9885d12f2ed58f3b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-20 / This work, which is insert in Studies in Evaluation research line, has for main goal to evaluate the reading and writing practice lived deeply by the Pedagogy course teachers at an particular institution located in S?o Paulo state countryside. The methodology procedures used were: analysis of the Pedagogical Project of the researched course and application of a questionnaire to a classroom of 41 last-year students of the course. The questionnaire consisted of questions that intended to trace the profile of the people who answered it and questions on developed reading and writing practice in the graduation. The answers had been analyzed around two categories related to the ability of reading and the ability of writing, which has been evidenced several modalities of exercise. The data demonstrate that the reading in the graduation is worked, in the most of the time, by the professor to promote the agreement of the classroom about a text considered previously, reducing the time of debate and reflection on the same. It also evidenced that the methodology most used by the teachers is a didactic form nominated "dynamic reading". In the teachers vision, the reading is considered: culture and knowledge and information source; a way to develop the critical thought and to have fun. About the writing, they demonstrate that it is used in text summaries, in the story of experiences, the evaluation and the register of personal reflections. Frequently, it has return of the written production to teachers with commentaries, notes or specific focus by the professor, inviting them for a rewrite exercise. It was observed, in the teachers answers, concerning with media contents. / Este trabalho, que se insere na linha de pesquisa Estudos em Avalia??o, tem por objetivo avaliar as pr?ticas de leitura e de escrita vivenciadas pelas professorandas do curso de Pedagogia de uma institui??o particular localizada no interior do estado de S?o Paulo. Os procedimentos metodol?gicos utilizados foram: an?lise do Projeto Pedag?gico do curso pesquisado e aplica??o de um question?rio a uma classe de 41 ultimanistas do curso. O question?rio constou de perguntas que visavam tra?ar o perfil dos respondentes e de perguntas sobre as pr?ticas de leitura e escrita desenvolvidas na gradua??o. As respostas foram analisadas em torno de duas categorias relativas ? habilidade de leitura e ? habilidade de escrita, das quais foram constatadas v?rias modalidades de exerc?cio. Os dados demonstram que a leitura, na gradua??o, ? trabalhada, na maioria das vezes pelo professor, para promover o entendimento da classe acerca de um texto proposto anteriormente, reduzindo o tempo de debate e reflex?o sobre o mesmo. Constatou-se tamb?m que a metodologia mais empregada pelos professores ? uma forma did?tica nomeada leitura din?mica . Na vis?o das professorandas, a leitura ? considerada: fonte de informa??o, de conhecimento e de cultura; meio para desenvolverem o pensamento cr?tico e meio para se divertirem. Quanto ? escrita, revelam que ? empregada em resumos de textos, no relato de experi?ncias, na avalia??o e no registro de reflex?es pessoais. Freq?entemente, h? retorno da produ??o escrita ?s professorandas com coment?rios, notas ou direcionamentos espec?ficos apostos pelo professor, convidando-as a um exerc?cio de reescrita. Observou-se, nas respostas das professorandas, preocupa??o com os conte?dos da m?dia.

A forma??o continuada de professores no programa teia do saber universidades: um olhar avaliativo / The continuously education of teachers in programa teia do saber universidades: an evaluate look

Abrah?o, Raquel de Carvalho Ruiz 19 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Raquel Abrahao.pdf: 588284 bytes, checksum: b5ce52b515f60b0320ad6d7f5b4040b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-19 / At the beginning of this century we lived a sparkle of social transformation, politics, educational and paragon transformation. In face to this scenery the needs of lecturers that knows how to brave the countless contradictions lived in classrooms harmonized with very well founded work with theoretically basis becomes indispensable for a meaningful pedagogic practice. Addressing this purpose, the Sao Paulo State Educational Office (SEE) gave priority, among their responsibilities, to the continuously development of their professionals, being such program the matter of our research which investigates the continuously formation program named TEIA DO SABER UNIVERSIDADES from Jos? Bonif?cio Teaching Directory (specifically the Reading and Learning course). Our objective is to perceive the judgment of teachers from the Public System from Jos? Bonif?cio Teaching Directory about the real contribution of the continuously formation program TEIA DO SABER with related its instructive work, as well as identifying if the proposed ends by the Educational Office were accomplished. The documental analysis of Decentralized Actions Basic Project from TEIA DO SABER Program and semi-structured interviews with the teachers establishes the resources we picked up to answer our research objectives. Our work meet in Superior Teaching area and research line, teaching of evaluation and meeting two category of analysis: a) Continuously Development: conceptions in construction and the TEIA DO SABER and b) Articulations and disarticulations of TEIA DO SABER. In our regiounal, seem to reinforce a reprodutivist perspective that theachers are considerat as mere executors of bureau oractics task feeding the hateful capitalisa logic, inattentive from their reality. Without preoccupation with a continuously develop- ment that leads teachers to get a critical understanding of the pedagogical reality with over coming possibilities, the program TEIA DO SABER appears consolidadte with a continuously politicies that teachers, in yours speeches, appears private appropriation itself to be insert in educational ranking . / Neste in?cio de s?culo, vivemos um borbulhar de transforma??es sociais, pol?ticas, educacionais, paradigm?ticas. Frente a esse panorama, a necessidade de docentes que saibam enfrentar as in?meras contradi??es vividas nas salas de aula aliadas a um trabalho alicer?ado com fundamenta??es te?ricas, torna-se imprescind?vel para uma pr?tica pedag?gica significativa. Para tanto, a Secretaria da Educa??o do Estado de S?o Paulo (SEE) priorizou, entre suas a??es, a forma??o continuada de seus profissionais, a qual ? objeto da nossa pesquisa que investiga o programa de forma??o continuada da SEE TEIA DO SABER UNIVERSIDADES da Diretoria de Ensino de Jos? Bonif?cio (especificamente o curso Ler e Aprender). Nosso objetivo ? o de conhecer a opini?o dos professores da rede p?blica estadual da Diretoria de Ensino de Jos? Bonif?cio, sobre a contribui??o efetiva do programa em rela??o ? seu trabalho docente, como tamb?m, identificar se as finalidades propostas pela secretaria foram atingidas. A an?lise documental do Projeto B?sico das A??es descentralizadas do PROGRAMA TEIA DO SABER e entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto aos professores s?o os recursos que elegemos para responder aos nossos objetivos. Este trabalho encontra-se na ?rea de Ensino Superior e linha de pesquisa Ensino em Avalia??o e as an?lises se apoiaram em duas categorias: a) Forma??o Continuada: concep??es e o TEIA DO SABER; b) Articula??es e desarticula??es do TEIA DO SABER. Os resultados revelam que o PROGRAMA TEIA DO SABER, em nossa regional, parece refor?ar uma perspectiva reprodutivista em que professores s?o considerados como meros executores de tarefas burocr?ticas para alimentar a nefasta l?gica capitalista, alheios ? pr?pria realidade. Sem a preocupa??o de uma forma??o continuada que os levem a fazer uma leitura cr?tica da realidade pedag?gica, com possibilidades de supera??o, o programa TEIA DO SABER parece alicer?ar-se a uma pol?tica de forma??o que refor?a a cultura da certifica??o de compet?ncias. Cultura, esta, que os professores, em seus discursos, transparecem a apropria??o privada da mesma para estarem inseridos no ranking educacional.

Avalia??o de programas para aplica??o de jornal em sala de aula como recurso pedag?gico inovador: uma nova gest?o do ensino / Evaluation of programs to use newspaper in the classroom as a new pedagogic resource: a new teaching approach

Paroli, Rebeca Maria 02 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 REBECA MARIA PAROLI.pdf: 378037 bytes, checksum: 40db7fc0ffe9eefbc29a6a94f087c746 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-02 / The present work is part of the research Institutional Evaluation and College Conduct with problems on the teachers graduation. It evaluates the material of two different programs created by journalistic companies where the teachers should use newspaper in the classroom. The evaluation is done based on five items, such as teachers graduation, media competence, newspaper as a pedagogic didactic instrument, criticism and interdisciplinarity. The opinion of the program coordinators was taken by an on-line questionnaire. This research was done because, in Teaching, the teachers should be aware to the influences of the means of communication, the new technologies and the information at school. As it is not satisfactory, the journalistic companies are preparing the teachers to use the newspaper by means of programs with commercial purposes. There are 50 programs with these purposes. It is important to analyse these materials with a pedagogic point of view because the number of program is increasing and the number of daily newspaper readers is falling down. The main reason of the research is to show that the criticism must be in the use of the news inside the classroom as the journalistic companies have ideologies and interests different from the teaching. However, the work asks a question: Who should be prepared? The teachers to use the newspaper in the classroom, the journalistic companies or the graduation teachers course? / O presente trabalho, inserido na linha de pesquisa Avalia??o Institucional e Gest?o Universit?ria , com problematiza??es sobre a forma??o de professores , avalia material de dois programas elaborados por empresas jornal?sticas, direcionados a professores para o uso do jornal em sala de aula. A avalia??o ? feita com base em cinco categorias, sendo elas: capacita??o de professores, desenvolvimento de uma compet?ncia midi?tica, jornal como instrumento did?tico-pedag?gico, jornal como instrumento que estimula a criticidade e jornal como instrumento que promove a interdisciplinaridade. Tamb?m foi obtida a opini?o de coordenadores de programas com esta finalidade, por meio de question?rio on-line. A presente pesquisa surgiu porque, em Educa??o, os educadores deveriam estar atentos ?s influ?ncias dos meios de comunica??o e das novas tecnologias de comunica??o e informa??o na escola. Como isso n?o ocorre de modo satisfat?rio, as empresas jornal?sticas ? que est?o preparando os professores para o uso nem sempre did?tico do jornal, por meio de programas com objetivos comerciais. Como s?o muitos os programas deste tipo, sendo 50 ao todo, uma an?lise do ponto de vista pedag?gico de materiais distribu?dos aos professores torna-se relevante, j? que a quantidade de programas cresce a cada ano, ao mesmo tempo em que h? uma queda no n?mero de leitores di?rios de jornais. O objetivo principal da pesquisa ? demonstrar que a criticidade deve estar sempre presente na utiliza??o de reportagens em sala de aula, j? que as empresas jornal?sticas possuem ideologias e interesses que podem n?o ser os mesmos da Educa??o. Portanto, o trabalho aborda uma reflex?o sobre quem deveria preparar os professores para a utiliza??o do jornal em sala de aula: as empresas jornal?sticas ou os cursos de forma??o de professores?

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