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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Funktionsbeskrivning och styrning av industriellt värmesystem : Avgaspanna, Volvo GTO i Skövde / Functional description and control of an industrial heating system : Waste heat boiler, Volvo GTO in Skövde

Svensson, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Med hjälp av systembilder, PLC-kod, studiebesök och intervjuer konstruerades en funktionsbeskrivning för styrning och hantering av ett värmeåtervinningssystem vid namn Avgaspannan, på Volvo GTOs, f.d. Powertrain, anläggning i Skövde. Syftet bakom examensarbetet var att skapa en funktions-beskrivning som skulle vara ett stöd för nuvarande, men även blivande personal. Eftersom det i dags-läget inte finns någon dokumentation kring styrningen av systemet. Tanken bakom arbetet är att med hjälp av redan existerande programkod och systembilder skapa en väldokumenterad och välfylld funktionsbeskrivning. För att komplettera dokumentet till största möjliga mån, genomfördes även studiebesök för att se systemet i verkligheten samt genomfördes även intervjuer för att erhålla information och kommentarer från driftpersonalen. Värmeåtervinningssystemet utvinner värmen från producerade avgaser från smältugnarna i Gjuteriet. Värmen som utvinns värmer i sin tur upp fjärrvärmevatten som sedan pumpas ut på Skövde kommuns Fjärrvärmenät för att under vinterhalvåret hjälpa till och förse Skövde med värme. De steg och moment som utfördes under arbetets gång har resulterat i ett godkänt dokument hos aktörerna och de är nöjda med arbetet. För att kunna nå det färdiga resultatet genomfördes studier kring och i PLC-programmet samt systembilder, det utfördes även studiebesök och intervjuer. Dessa mo-ment var byggstenarna för att kunna få ett godkänt resultat. / With the aid of system images, PLC-code, studies at the facility and interviews, a functional description was designed for the control and management of a waste heat boiler named Avgaspannan, at Volvo GTOs, Powertrain, plant in Skövde. The purpose of the thesis was to create a functional description that would support current, but also prospective staff. Since there is currently, no documentation regarding the control of the system. The idea behind the work is to create a well-documented and well-filled function description by using already existing program-code and system images. To supplement the document to the greatest extent possible, studies at the facility and the real system was made. Interviews were also conducted to obtain information and comments from the operating staff.The heat recovery system extracts the heat from produced exhaust gases from the smelters in the foundry. The heat that is extracted, will heat up the district heating water, which is then pumped out on Skövde municipality’s heating network in order to help and provide Skövde with heat during the winter. The steps performed during the course of the work have resulted in an approved document by the actors and they are satisfied with the work. To be able to achieve the final result, studies were conducted on and in the PLC-code and system images, as well as study visits and interviews. These elements were the building blocks for being able to get an approved result.

Kravspecificering av avgaspannor / Specification of requirements for waste heat recovery units

Paulin, Peter January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>This report describes the work of developing a specification of requirements for Waste Heat Recovery Units. The main part of the paper describes how the work with the specification of requirements has been performed. One specific question to be answered is:</p><p>What are the customer’s demands in case of properties for the Waste Heat Recovery Units and how is that information collected as an order documentation to suit the business area Oil & Gas?</p><p>The report begins with a description of the assignment and continues with the aim and background. A theoretical part describes the different areas and methods that have been important during the process. Work on the specification has been carried out on site at the company where interviews of staff and the study of internal documents has been a significant part of the implementation.</p><p>The result is delivered to the company in the form of a specification of requirements for the Waste Heat Recovery Unit. This specification fulfills the requirements set initially and is a good starting point for the company to proceed with in contact with subcontractors. The conclusion of the work is that the establishment of a good specification of requirements is really important and that has been obvious during the work and progress of this project. The difficulty lied in getting the right information and to keep it simple and at same time durable.</p></p>

Kravspecificering av avgaspannor / Specification of requirements for waste heat recovery units

Paulin, Peter January 2009 (has links)
This report describes the work of developing a specification of requirements for Waste Heat Recovery Units. The main part of the paper describes how the work with the specification of requirements has been performed. One specific question to be answered is: What are the customer’s demands in case of properties for the Waste Heat Recovery Units and how is that information collected as an order documentation to suit the business area Oil &amp; Gas? The report begins with a description of the assignment and continues with the aim and background. A theoretical part describes the different areas and methods that have been important during the process. Work on the specification has been carried out on site at the company where interviews of staff and the study of internal documents has been a significant part of the implementation. The result is delivered to the company in the form of a specification of requirements for the Waste Heat Recovery Unit. This specification fulfills the requirements set initially and is a good starting point for the company to proceed with in contact with subcontractors. The conclusion of the work is that the establishment of a good specification of requirements is really important and that has been obvious during the work and progress of this project. The difficulty lied in getting the right information and to keep it simple and at same time durable.

Riskanalys av brand i avgassytem som avser dieselmotorer som opererar med låg belastning på fartyg / Risk analysis of fire in exhaust gas systems

Bergkvist, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Med skenade bunkerkostnader och överdimensionerade motorinstallationer har allt fler handelsfartyg börjat operera under benämningen slow steaming, vilket innebär att sotbränderna har ökat i avgaspannor/ekonomiser och i en del extrema fall har branden övergått till en vätgasbrand. Arbetet utreder främst dieselmotorer som använder restoljor som bränsle och opererar med en låg motorbelastning. Syftet med undersökningen var att se vad som leder till att oförbränt bränsle och cylinderolja ackumuleras i avgassystem samt beskriva vilka åtgärder som kan göras för att eliminera risken för att en brand uppstår i en avgaspanna alternativt en ekonomiser. Metoden som har används för undersökningen är en litteraturstudie genom datainsamling och facklitteratur inom området dieselmotorer och främst marina ångpannor. Resultaten som framkommit av undersökningen visar på svårigheten att köra en dieselmotor på ett lägre effektuttag då hela fartyget ofta är konstruerat för en drift med tjockolja där motorn belastas på ca 80% av sin effekt. Några av de slutsatser ur studien visar på att även när en felfri motor ej uppnått drifttemperatur sker en ofullständig förbränning av bränsle och smörjolja på grund av den låga temperaturen i förbränningsrummet. Detta kan medföra operativa risker genom att oförbränt bränsle och cylinderolja ackumuleras i avgassystem som blöta och sotiga beläggningar. Slutsatserna som kan dras utifrån de olika sotningsmetoder vilka har jämförts i resultatet har vattentvättning, ångsotning och rengöringsmedel med katalytisk verkan fungerat bäst på de flesta beläggningar. / With escalating bunker costs and oversized engine installations an increasing number of vessels have started to operate in a mode known as slow steaming. This means that the soot fires in exhaust gas boilers/economizers have increased and in some extreme cases led to hydrogen fires. This thesis focus on how diesel engines use residual fuels and operate with a low engine load. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether incomplete combustion caused by a low combustion temperature leads to the accumulation of unburned fuel and cylinder oil in the exhaust gas system and to describe which precautions eliminate the risk of a fire in the exhaust gas boiler or exhaust gas economizer. A literature review has been conducted and data has been collected in the field of diesel engine with priority given to marine steam boilers. The result of the study shows how difficult (problematic) it is to run a diesel engine at a lower power output, since the vessel often is designed for a heavy fuel oil operation when the engine load approximately 80 % output.                      Conclusions from the study show that even when a faultless engine has not reached operating temperature, incomplete combustion of fuel and lubricating oil occurs due to the low temperature in the combustion chamber. This can entail operational risks by accumulating unburned fuel and cylinder oil in exhaust systems such as wet and sticky carbon deposit. The result shows that water washing, steam cleaning and catalytic cleaning are the most efficient cleaning methods for most deposits in exhaust gas boilers and economizers.

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