Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tredjepartscertifiering"" "subject:"tredjepartscertifieringar""
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Att skugga miljörevisorer: En studie om vad de egentligen gör på jobbetClaesson, Elisabet January 2016 (has links)
Vad gör en miljörevisor? Jag har i den här studien skuggat två miljörevisorer i sittvardagliga arbete och har på så vis fått ta del av vad en miljörevisor egentligen gör påjobbet. Genom att studera människor i yrkespraktiken kan man förstå och förklaravariationen i organisatoriska företeelser. Som teoretisk referensram har jag använtföljande analytiska begrepp: tillit, förtroende och interaktion, legitimitet samtgranskning, struktur och omdöme. Studien visar att revisorns arbete bygger mycket påtillit och förtroende och att detta skapas genom interaktion, legitimitet och struktur. / What does an auditor do? In this study, I have been shadowing two environmentalauditors in their day-to-day audit work and therefore I was able to observe what anauditor actually do at work. Studying people in their practice of work gives anunderstanding of the variety in organizational phenomenon. As theoretical frameworkI have used the following concepts: trust, faith and interaction, legitimacy and review,structure and judgement. The result shows that the auditor’s work is built on trust andfaith, which therefore are formed by interaction, legitimacy and structure.
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Kravspecificering av avgaspannor / Specification of requirements for waste heat recovery unitsPaulin, Peter January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>This report describes the work of developing a specification of requirements for Waste Heat Recovery Units. The main part of the paper describes how the work with the specification of requirements has been performed. One specific question to be answered is:</p><p>What are the customer’s demands in case of properties for the Waste Heat Recovery Units and how is that information collected as an order documentation to suit the business area Oil & Gas?</p><p>The report begins with a description of the assignment and continues with the aim and background. A theoretical part describes the different areas and methods that have been important during the process. Work on the specification has been carried out on site at the company where interviews of staff and the study of internal documents has been a significant part of the implementation.</p><p>The result is delivered to the company in the form of a specification of requirements for the Waste Heat Recovery Unit. This specification fulfills the requirements set initially and is a good starting point for the company to proceed with in contact with subcontractors. The conclusion of the work is that the establishment of a good specification of requirements is really important and that has been obvious during the work and progress of this project. The difficulty lied in getting the right information and to keep it simple and at same time durable.</p></p>
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Kravspecificering av avgaspannor / Specification of requirements for waste heat recovery unitsPaulin, Peter January 2009 (has links)
This report describes the work of developing a specification of requirements for Waste Heat Recovery Units. The main part of the paper describes how the work with the specification of requirements has been performed. One specific question to be answered is: What are the customer’s demands in case of properties for the Waste Heat Recovery Units and how is that information collected as an order documentation to suit the business area Oil & Gas? The report begins with a description of the assignment and continues with the aim and background. A theoretical part describes the different areas and methods that have been important during the process. Work on the specification has been carried out on site at the company where interviews of staff and the study of internal documents has been a significant part of the implementation. The result is delivered to the company in the form of a specification of requirements for the Waste Heat Recovery Unit. This specification fulfills the requirements set initially and is a good starting point for the company to proceed with in contact with subcontractors. The conclusion of the work is that the establishment of a good specification of requirements is really important and that has been obvious during the work and progress of this project. The difficulty lied in getting the right information and to keep it simple and at same time durable.
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Vad påverkar miljömärkningens legitimitet ikonsumenternas ögon? : En miljövetenskaplig studie om konsumenters förtroendeför varumärket I love eco kontra miljömärkningen KRAV / What affects the legitimacy of eco-labels in the eyes of consumers? : An environmental science study on consumer confidence in the trademark I love eco vs eco-label KRAVKucharska, Lena, Jääger, Ulrika January 2021 (has links)
Arbetet undersöker vad som påverkar miljömärkningarnas legitimitet ur ettkonsumentperspektiv, om det finns skillnader i förtroende för företagens egnamiljömärkningar och organisationers miljömärkningar samt hur förtroendet förmiljömärkningar påverkar konsumenternas betalningsvilja. Tidigare studier har belyst attförtroende är avgörande för att miljömärkningarna ska tjäna sitt syfte samtidigt som utbudetav miljömärkningar ökar vilket skapar förvirring och osäkerhet bland konsumenter. Ettannat problem är att livsmedel som märkts med miljömärkningar från organisationer harstriktare krav och är tredjepartscertifierade medan företag som märker livsmedel med egnamiljömärkningar kan ändra sina standarder, vilket kan påverka miljömärkningens legitimitet.För att undersöka miljömärkningens legitimitet har studien tillämpat en kvalitativgruppintervjumetod där åtta konsumenter intervjuades. Studien har avgränsats till tvåsvenska miljömärkningar; ICAs egna varumärke I love eco och miljömärket KRAV.Resultatet från undersökningen tyder på att miljömärkningarnas legitimitet har en betydanderoll för konsumenters köpbeslut. En legitim miljömärkning ansågs enligt konsumenternavara när de följer kraven, har tredjepartscertifiering och när priset motsvarar kvaliteten.Faktorerna ovan visade även ha en betydande roll för konsumenternas betalningsvilja.Skillnad i förtroende för varumärket I love eco och KRAV berodde på kunskapsbrist, då Ilove eco ansågs mindre trovärdig trots att den uppfyller EUs förordning och KRAVs reglerför ekologisk produktion. Det som var mest avgörande för miljömärkningarnas legitimitet ärkunskap om miljömärkningarna, då det råder stor kunskapsbrist kring dem. / This bachelor thesis examines what influence the legitimacy of eco-labels from a consumerperspective, if there is a difference in trust in companies' own eco-labels and organizationaleco-labels and how trust in eco-labels affects consumers' willingness to pay. Previous studieshave highlighted that trust is crucial for eco-labels to serve their purpose at the same time asthe number of eco-labels increases and creates confusion and uncertainty among consumers.Another problem is that foods labelled with organizational eco-labels have stricterrequirements and are third-party certified, while companies that label foods with their owneco-labels can regulate their standards, which affect the legitimacy of the eco-label. Toinvestigate the legitimacy of eco-labelling, the study applied a qualitative group interviewmethod in which a total of eight consumers were interviewed. The study has been limited tothe two Swedish eco-labels ICA's own brand I love eco and KRAV. The results from thesurvey indicate that the legitimacy of eco-labels has a significant role to play in consumerpurchasing decisions. According to consumers, a legitimate eco-label was one that complywith the requirements and third-party certification and when the price corresponds to thequality. These factors above also proved to play a significant role in the consumer'swillingness to pay. The difference in trust in I love eco and KRAV was due to a lack ofknowledge, as I love eco was considered less credible despite complying with the EUregulation and KRAV's rules for organic production. What has been noted to be most crucialfor the legitimacy of eco-labels is knowledge within the eco-labels, as there is a great lack ofknowledge among the consumers surveyed.
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