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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating a primary school programme aimed at increasing awareness of domestic abuse

Mathewson, Lynne Catherine January 2011 (has links)
This research focuses on an awareness raising programme for primary school children in relation to domestic abuse. This area of research was considered to be of value due to the prevalence of DA and the impact that witnessing domestic abuse has been shown to have on children. Findings from the 2008/2009 British Crime Survey (Coleman, Osborne, Kaiza & Roe, 2010) show that more than one in four women (28%) and around one in six men (16%) have experienced domestic abuse since they were 16. Considerable research exists which suggests that witnessing domestic abuse can have a profound impact on a child’s life, development and psychological well being (Dodd, 2009). This research evaluates a pilot of a six week programme aimed at increasing awareness of domestic abuse in primary schools. There currently exists a gap in knowledge about the effectiveness of small-scale classroom based domestic abuse awareness raising programmes delivered in primary schools. Previous research has focused on larger scale projects often involving external agencies (Home Office, 2005) and work in secondary schools (Bell and Stanley, 2006).The programme was co-delivered by the TEP and school staff to Year Five pupils in three primary schools within a local authority. Staff and pupil views were obtained through focus groups with pupils and semi-structured interviews with teaching staff. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data in order to answer questions about the programmes strengths and weaknesses; views about the involvement of a Trainee Educational Psychologist (TEP); and pupils' understanding of domestic abuse. The findings suggest that staff and pupils thought the programme was valuable and improved children's knowledge of aspects of domestic abuse. The findings are discussed with reference to best practice and issues to consider in relation to the wider implementation and evaluation of the programme.

Diseño persuasivo en la concientización sobre el uso de bolsas plásticas en mercados de Lima / How persuasive design raises awareness on the use of plastic bags in grocery

Mendoza Osorio, Pilar Alessandra 02 July 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación se basa en un problema sobre el cual la mayoría de las personas no son conscientes de los daños que ocasionan el uso excesivo de las bolsas plásticas. Para el cual se plantea el siguiente objetivo general, determinar el impacto del diseño persuasivo usando fotomontaje sobre el uso de bolsas plásticas en los consumidores de los mercados de Lima Metropolitana. La hipótesis que se maneja es que mediante el diseño persuasivo se puede promover información sobre la Ley que regula el uso de bolsas plásticas de un solo uso, así como la reflexión que conduzca a un cambio de conducta sobre la problemática planteada. En cuanto a la metodología se plantea desarrollar una campaña que muestre publicidad basándose en el fotomontaje, la cual se propone desarrollar en todos los mercados de los distritos. Aplicando el uso de las figuras retóricas en la publicidad que muestra una bolsa plástica con la frase “menos plástico, más vida” que por este medio se logrará concientizar por medio de fotografía y poco texto tipográfico, solamente mediante una imagen visual, con el fin de parar el problema y contribuir con el medio ambiente. Es por eso que usando la persuasión en los afiches de la campaña de mercado saludable como iniciativa para que las personas reduzcan el uso de bolsas plásticas en los supermercados. Se puede concluir que muchas personas que recurren a estos mercados desconocen sobre la ley que regula el plástico de un solo uso; sin embargo, son conscientes del daño que se hace al medio ambiente, al adquirir bolsas plásticas. El 68% de la población tiene interés por el medioambiente; sin embargo, el 70% no tiene conocimiento de la ley que regula el plástico de un uso. / This research is based which problem is the most people are unconscious of the damage caused by the excessive of plastic bags use. Which raises the following entire objective, to determine the persuasive impact design using photomontage on the use of plastic bags on consumers in the markets of Metropolitan Lima. The hypothesis is that through the persuasive design it can be used to promote information about the law that regulates the use of plastic bags, as well as the reflection that will lead to a change the conduct on the issues raised. Respecting the methodology develop a campaign that display advertising based on the photomontage, which it proposes to develop in all grocery's districts. By applying the use of figures of speech in advertising that shows a plastic bag with the phrase "less plastic, more life" that will raise awareness through photography and little typed text, only by using a visual image, in order to stop the problem and to contribute to the environment. That is why using persuasion in the posters of the campaign of healthy market as an initiative for people to reduce the use of plastic bags in supermarkets. It can be concluded that many people who resort to the grocery's don't know about the law that regulates the plastic of only single use, however they are aware of the harm is done to the environment, with the purchase of plastics bags. The 68% of the population has an interest in the environment, also the 70% has no knowledge of the law that regulates the use of plastic. / Trabajo de investigación

Les Cadiens au présent. Revendications identitaires d'une population francophone en situation minoritaire. / The Cajuns Today. Identity Demands of a Minority French-Speaking Population

Atran-Fresco, Laura 21 March 2014 (has links)
Longtemps, c’est en restant isolée que la population cadienne de Louisiane est parvenue à préserver son identité culturelle. À partir du tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles cependant, un mouvement croissant d’assimilation à la culture anglo-saxonne dominante modifie profondément la situation de cette population minoritaire. Si elle permet une amélioration sensible du niveau de vie des Cadiens, cette acculturation met aussi la culture franco-louisianaise en danger. Au début du XXIe siècle, la préservation de leur héritage linguistique et culturel suppose, en raison du contexte de mondialisation croissante, une stratégie de légitimation, à la fois endogène et exogène, qui leur permette ouverture et inscription dans le monde contemporain. Cette thèse analyse trois de leurs processus de revendication identitaire mis en œuvre aujourd’hui. Le premier est l’intégration de la Louisiane au monde francophone, parce que, à la différence d’autres langues en situation minoritaire, le français cadien a la possibilité de s’insérer dans l’ensemble linguistique et culturel constitué par la francophonie, particulièrement le réseau de solidarité et de partenariats en Amérique du Nord. Le deuxième processus, facteur crucial de la légitimation recherchée, est l’institutionnalisation, telle qu’elle s’exerce, de manière complémentaire, dans l’espace public, le programme scolaire d’immersion française et l’enseignement supérieur. Le troisième processus est la conscientisation de la jeunesse, étudiante ou dans la vie active, examinée à Lafayette, cœur de la Louisiane francophone, dans cette classe d’âge potentiellement en mesure de défendre l’avenir de la langue et de la culture vernaculaires. / Owing to its isolation, the Cajun population of Louisiana long succeeded in preserving its cultural identity. By the turn of the 20th century, however, an increasing movement of assimilation into the dominant Anglo-Saxon culture had profoundly changed the situation of this minority group. This allowed a significant improvement in the Cajun standard of living, but this acculturation also endangered French Louisiana culture. At the beginning of the 21st century, the preservation of Cajun linguistic and cultural heritage implies a strategy of legitimization in a context of increasing globalization, both within and outside the population, which allows it to open itself and embed into the contemporary world. This dissertation examines three of the processes implemented in today’s Cajun demands for recognition of cultural and linguistic identity. The first process pertains to Louisiana’s integration in the French-speaking world. Unlike other minority languages, Cajun French has the potential to fit into a wider French-speaking cultural complex, particularly the North American network of solidarity and partnership. The second process, which is a critical factor in the quest for legitimization, concerns the institutionalization in the public space, French immersion curriculum and higher education. The third process is youth awareness-raising, among students or in the working world, as represented in Lafayette, at the heart of French Louisiana. It is this age class that is potentially best poised to defend the future of the vernacular language and culture.


EDMAR DA SILVA FALCAO 10 October 2005 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar o processo de construção da identidade profissional de um aluno tornando-se professor de inglês como língua estrangeira, no contexto de um curso livre em Nilópolis, Rio de Janeiro. Acompanho o desenvolvimento deste aluno desde que ele revelou o desejo de tornar-se professor até sua inserção no grupo de professores do curso, passando pela sua escolha em fazer o Curso de Treinamento de Professores (TTC) da instituição e, mais tarde, seu ingresso no Curso de Letras. À luz dos princípios da Prática Exploratória (Allwright, 2000; Moraes Bezerra, 2003), caracterizo esta pesquisa como um estudo de caso longitudinal (Lüdke e André, 2001). Analiso informações obtidas na aula de inglês avançado do curso, na qual o aluno de 24 anos manifestou o desejo de ser professor, e na série de 8 entrevistas conduzidas ao longo de um ano e meio, visando refletir sobre sua decisões e seu processo de formação profissional. Alinho-me teoricamente com o conceito de identidade como construto social (Moita Lopes, 2002; Dutra, 2003; Kleiman, 2003). Ainda, utilizo o conceito de aprendizado dentro da perspectiva sócio-construcionista (Vygotsky, 1994; Bakhtin,1981 e 1992; Mercer, 1994; Edwards e Mercer, 1994), considerando o discurso em sua dimensão social (Cook, 2000). Problematizo questões pertinentes ao processo de construção identitária do professor, ressaltando sua crença inicial nos conceitos de modelo e inspiração e sua reflexão crítica sobre a importância do Curso de Letras na formação profissional do professor de inglês. / [en] The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the professional identity construction of a student becoming a teacher in the context of a private language school in Nilópolis, Rio de Janeiro. I study the development of this student from the moment he showed an interest in becoming a teacher until he joined the teaching staff of the same school, passing through his choice of studying at the institution`s Teachers Training Course and, later on, his entrance in a university Letters course. I characterize this research as a longitudinal case study (Lüdke e André, 2001), inspired by the principles of Exploratory Practice (Allwright, 2000; Moraes Bezerra, 2003). I analyze data from an advanced English class, in which the 24-year-old student expressed his interest in becoming a teacher; and data from 8 interviews, conducted during one year and a half, with the purpose of reflecting about his professional decisions and growth. In theoretical terms, I view identity as socially constructed (Moita Lopes, 2002; Dutra, 2003; Kleiman, 2003). I align myself with the socio-construcionist perspective on learning (Vygotsky, 1994; Bakhtin, 1981 e 1992; Mercer, 1994; Edwards e Mercer, 1994) and also consider discourse in its social dimension (Cook, 2000). I problematize identity construction issues in the process of the specific learner becoming a teacher. I highlight his initial belief in the concept of model and inspiration and his critical reflection about the importance of the university Letters course in teacher professional development.

The Effects Of Direct And Integrated Instruction Of Cognitive And Metacognitive Reading Strategies At Awareness-raising Level On Reading Proficiency And Strategy Use

Cicekoslu, Deniz 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This study intends to find out the possible effects of cognitive and metacognitive reading strategy instruction at awareness-raising level on reading proficiency and strategy use. In the study both qualitative and quantitative data were utilized. The relevant data were obtained by means of think-aloud protocols, semi-structured interviews, the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning &ndash / SILL- (Oxford, 1990), learning diaries and the reading scores of students on a proficiency exam (COPE). A total of 24 students studying at Bilkent University School of English Language were involved in the study. The scores of the students who received the strategy instruction on the reading paper of COPE, and the scores of the students who were not subject to any strategy instruction were used to run a t-test so as to reveal whether there was a significant difference between these two sets of scores. The data that came from the think-aloud protocols, semi-structured interviews and learning diaries were analyzed so as to trace the type of strategies employed by the students and the frequency with which they were employed. The results did not indicate a statistically significant difference. It was also discovered that all students involved in the study had a tendency to use more cognitive strategies than metacognitive ones. The cognitive strategies were more varied with the group of students who received the strategy instruction.

Il était une fois l’ailleurs-- le stage de coopération internationale comme espace de développement du cosmopolitisme et de la conscientisation des jeunes Québécois

Sène, Moussa 12 1900 (has links)
Chaque année, quelques milliers de jeunes Québécois découvrent la coopération internationale, par le biais de stages dans des pays dits « en développement ». Si les retombées de ces stages sur les populations partenaires du Sud sont connues et régulièrement évaluées, il existe en revanche peu d'études de suivi des stagiaires à leur retour au Québec. Quel impact cette expérience a-t-elle eu sur ces jeunes? Quelles étaient leurs motivations au départ? Et comment leur engagement vis-à-vis des problématiques de développement a-t-il évolué ou s’est-il même maintenu suite à leur séjour? Comment leur expérience a-t-elle façonné leurs projets professionnels et leurs perceptions de l’avenir? Ce mémoire a pour objet de dresser un portrait de l’impact d’un stage de coopération internationale sur les jeunes stagiaires de retour au Québec. Pour ce faire, notre recherche s’appuie sur des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies auprès d’anciens stagiaires de l’ONG Mer et Monde. Les données quantitatives ont été collectées à l’aide d’un sondage effectué auprès de 367 anciens stagiaires et un entretien de groupe a fourni les bases qualitatives de la recherche. Les résultats de l’analyse suggèrent que le stage a très certainement une forte influence sur l’engagement et le mode de vie des jeunes à leur retour au Québec. À la suite de l’expérience à l’étranger, l’identité des enquêtés est notamment affectée par rapport à six aspects : l’ouverture sur le monde, la conscience écologique, la conscience sociale, le développement personnel, le rapport à l’« Autre », et les représentations de l’« Ailleurs ». Il apparait que ce sont tout autant les habitudes de vie, que le regard que les stagiaires portent sur le monde, qui se sont trouvés affectés. Et la spécificité d’une telle expérience et les processus à l’œuvre nous permettent d’assimiler ce type de stage à une expérience de développement du cosmopolitisme et de la conscientisation des jeunes Québécois. / Each year, several thousand young Quebecers discover International Cooperation, through internships in countries known as "developing." Although the impact of these internships on southern populations are known and regularly assessed, there are few studies following up the youth on their return to Quebec. What impact did this experience have on these people? What were their motivations to start? And how has their commitment toward development issues changed? Did it even continue after their stay overseas? How has the experience shaped their professional projects and their perceptions of the future? This thesis main object is to picture the impact of international cooperation internships on young people when they return home. Our research is based on quantitative and qualitative data collected from alumni of the NGO Mer et Monde. Quantitative data were collected using a survey of 367 alumni, and a group interview provided the basis for the qualitative investigation. The results of the analysis suggest that the experience overseas has definitely a strong influence on the commitment and lifestyle of young people on their return to Quebec. Following the experience abroad, the identity of the respondents is particularly affected over six aspects: their openness to the world, their environmental awareness, their social consciousness, their personal development, their relationships to the "Others" and their representations of the "Elsewhere". It appears that it is as much the lifestyle, as the relationships and the ways of thinking that evolve through the internship. And the specificity of such an experience and the processes at work allow us to assimilate this type of internship with an experience of cosmopolitanism and awareness-raising of young Quebecers.

Il était une fois l’ailleurs-- le stage de coopération internationale comme espace de développement du cosmopolitisme et de la conscientisation des jeunes Québécois

Sène, Moussa 12 1900 (has links)
Chaque année, quelques milliers de jeunes Québécois découvrent la coopération internationale, par le biais de stages dans des pays dits « en développement ». Si les retombées de ces stages sur les populations partenaires du Sud sont connues et régulièrement évaluées, il existe en revanche peu d'études de suivi des stagiaires à leur retour au Québec. Quel impact cette expérience a-t-elle eu sur ces jeunes? Quelles étaient leurs motivations au départ? Et comment leur engagement vis-à-vis des problématiques de développement a-t-il évolué ou s’est-il même maintenu suite à leur séjour? Comment leur expérience a-t-elle façonné leurs projets professionnels et leurs perceptions de l’avenir? Ce mémoire a pour objet de dresser un portrait de l’impact d’un stage de coopération internationale sur les jeunes stagiaires de retour au Québec. Pour ce faire, notre recherche s’appuie sur des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies auprès d’anciens stagiaires de l’ONG Mer et Monde. Les données quantitatives ont été collectées à l’aide d’un sondage effectué auprès de 367 anciens stagiaires et un entretien de groupe a fourni les bases qualitatives de la recherche. Les résultats de l’analyse suggèrent que le stage a très certainement une forte influence sur l’engagement et le mode de vie des jeunes à leur retour au Québec. À la suite de l’expérience à l’étranger, l’identité des enquêtés est notamment affectée par rapport à six aspects : l’ouverture sur le monde, la conscience écologique, la conscience sociale, le développement personnel, le rapport à l’« Autre », et les représentations de l’« Ailleurs ». Il apparait que ce sont tout autant les habitudes de vie, que le regard que les stagiaires portent sur le monde, qui se sont trouvés affectés. Et la spécificité d’une telle expérience et les processus à l’œuvre nous permettent d’assimiler ce type de stage à une expérience de développement du cosmopolitisme et de la conscientisation des jeunes Québécois. / Each year, several thousand young Quebecers discover International Cooperation, through internships in countries known as "developing." Although the impact of these internships on southern populations are known and regularly assessed, there are few studies following up the youth on their return to Quebec. What impact did this experience have on these people? What were their motivations to start? And how has their commitment toward development issues changed? Did it even continue after their stay overseas? How has the experience shaped their professional projects and their perceptions of the future? This thesis main object is to picture the impact of international cooperation internships on young people when they return home. Our research is based on quantitative and qualitative data collected from alumni of the NGO Mer et Monde. Quantitative data were collected using a survey of 367 alumni, and a group interview provided the basis for the qualitative investigation. The results of the analysis suggest that the experience overseas has definitely a strong influence on the commitment and lifestyle of young people on their return to Quebec. Following the experience abroad, the identity of the respondents is particularly affected over six aspects: their openness to the world, their environmental awareness, their social consciousness, their personal development, their relationships to the "Others" and their representations of the "Elsewhere". It appears that it is as much the lifestyle, as the relationships and the ways of thinking that evolve through the internship. And the specificity of such an experience and the processes at work allow us to assimilate this type of internship with an experience of cosmopolitanism and awareness-raising of young Quebecers.

”Man får in något slags rättsväsende som skyddar kvinnor” -En kvalitativ studie om systerskap(ande) online med våldet som gemensam erfarenhet

Lindsmyr, Elin January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to understand how women’s interactions in online based forums concerningexperiences of violence contributes to practices of sisterhood. Women’s interactions havebeen analysed using conceptual understandings of awareness-raising and sisterhood. Thestudy’s primary contributions are the theoretical concepts: Linear and Circular practices ofsisterhood. The concepts are coined and introduced with the aim to make divergences withincontemporary understandings and practices of sisterhood visible. Circular practices ofsisterhood refer to the traditional practice based on a ‘give-and-take’ relation, with emotionalcloseness. Linear practices of sisterhood aim to delineate how sisterhood can be practices ‘to’someone, rather than ‘between’ two women. Linear practices of sisterhood can be explainedas: A practices sisterhood towards B, with the aim for B to be able to practice sisterhoodtowards C, and so on. I suggest that this change within traditionally central concepts is a resultof a professionalised work and movement towards men’s violence on women.My study is based on eight semi structured interviews. Five informants represented ‘shelterorganisations’, (referred to as formal forums) and three informants who represented accountson Instagram (referred to as informal forums). The interviews were centred around howwomen’s interactions concerning experiences of violence is understood and practiced withinthese forums. This study draws the conclusion that both formal and informal forumsunderstand women’s interactions concerning experiences of violence similarly. This as all ofthe informants understand violence as a female experience where interactions women-towomen has a certain value. All of the informants also describe these interactions as stipulatingpractices of sisterhood. What on the other hand differs between formal and informal forumsare the changes within the practices of awareness-raising and practices of sisterhood in theformal forums. With the support of Jeffner (1994) and Helmersson (2017) I argue thesechanges is a result sprung from the societies will to professionalise the work with men’sviolence on women. / I föreliggande studie har kvinnors interaktioner i onlinebaserade rum studerats i syftet attförstå hur erfarenhetsdelande och medvetandehöjning med våldet som gemensam erfarenhetbidrar till systerskap(ande). Kvinnors interaktioner har analyserats utifrån de(kvinno)historiskt centrala koncepten medvetandehöjning och systerskap. Studiens primärabidrag är de teoretiska koncepten Linjära och Cirkulära systerskap(anden). Konceptenintroduceras i syftet att bredda förståelsen av systerskap(anden) och synliggör en differens ipraktiker av samtida systerskap(anden). Cirkulära systerskap åsyftar den traditionellapraktiken där ett givande och tagande med emotionell närhet står i centrum. Linjärasysterskap(anden) ämnar synliggöra en förändrad praktik av systerskap. I linjärasysterskap(anden) systerskap(ar) kvinnor i ’etapper’, dvs, A systerskap(ar) med B för att Bska kunna systerskap(a) med C. Utifrån min studie föreslår jag att denna förändring är ettresultat av en professionalisering av kvinnors organisering mot mäns våld mot kvinnor.Min studie baseras på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fem informanter representerade’jourorganisationer’ (omnämnda som formella rum) och tre informanter representeradeInstagramkonton (omnämnda som informella rum). Intervjuerna centrerades kring hurkvinnors erfarenhetsdelande om våld förstås och görs i ’deras’ rum. Slutsatser som jag istudien drar är att informanter från både formella och informella rum förstår kvinnligterfarenhetsdelande på liknande vis. Detta då dem förstår våld som en kvinnlig erfarenhet därinteraktioner kvinna till kvinna har ett värde, och beskriver detta som (olika former av)systerskap(ande). Däremot skiljer sig praktiker, eller ’görandet’, av kvinnligterfarenhetsdelande. Dessa förändrade praktiker i de formella rummen argumenterar jag, medstöd av Jeffner (1994) och Helmersson (2017), är ett resultat av ett professionaliserat arbetemot mäns våld mot kvinnor

Development of a guideline for cybersecurity awareness-raising in large Swedish public organizations : A design science project

Burvall, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Technological advancement has significantly impacted people and organizations during the last decade. Society is exposed to an increasing rate of cyber-attacks utilizing sophisticated tools to accomplish their objectives. Previously attackers’ primary focus was exploiting technological vulnerabilities to access organizations’ information; however, attackers have shifted their focus to exploiting the vulnerabilities in people’s human nature instead. This has resulted in organizations acknowledging that technical security measures alone are insufficient in providing adequate protection for organizations and need to invest in mitigating the risk people pose to an organization’s cybersecurity. Thus realizing the need to address cybersecurity’s social-technical nature. Organizations have begun implementing cybersecurity awareness-raising initiatives to increase people’s cybersecurity awareness to reduce human-instigated breaches. This is especially crucial for organizations in the public sector to achieve because they tend to produce more destructive and widespread repercussions to society. To provide organizations in the public sector with the means to achieve good cybersecurity awareness, this thesis aims to develop a guideline for managers in large Swedish public organizations to assist them in their complex cybersecurity awareness-raising endeavors. The thesis employs a design science research strategy to develop, evaluate, and validate the guideline with the assistance of cybersecurity awareness experts. The results show six principal factors have been established as significant for raising cybersecurity awareness in large Swedish public organizations. These factors range from user-oriented, managerial, and technical, supporting the assertion that cybersecurity is a complex socio-technical matter. The key contribution of this thesis is to introduce a highly abstract guideline to enhance large Swedish public organizations’ cybersecurity awareness efforts.

Identifying key problems regarding the conservation of designed landscapes : designed landscapes of the recent past

Haenraets, Jan H. M. January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to improve the understanding of the present situation and the key problems regarding the conservation of designed landscapes of the recent past. Another aim was to investigate roles and initiatives undertaken by key stakeholders and recommend key areas for measures and action to enhance the conservation and protection of designed landscapes of the recent past. The emphasis of the research was on the United Kingdom but relevant findings and actions from an international context were included. A qualitative method was applied using the between-method triangulation research methodology, which combined two methods of investigation, namely data triangulation and theory triangulation. Theory triangulation allowed for an investigation of the wider context or ‘the general’ and a comparison of findings from published sources and records, including an examination of the existing inventories and the roles and initiatives of key stakeholders. The data triangulation used a case study survey, with questionnaires and interviews, to enable the collection and analysis of data from different categories of stakeholders from a site-specific perspective or ‘the particular’ context. The case study survey investigated eleven case study sites using questionnaires and interviews. A total of 146 respondents were contacted and 103 completed responses were received. The results revealed that several recommendations for actions to improve the conservation and protection of heritage of the recent past exist, and that general conservation principles and methodologies exist for the conservation of designed landscapes, but that a lack of recognition and awareness for the significance of designed landscapes of the recent past results in poor implementation of such principles, and the continuing destruction and disfigurement of significant sites. The findings of the study led in the conclusions to the preparation of recommendations for measures and actions by stakeholders, to improve the protection and conservation of landscapes of the recent past.

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