Spelling suggestions: "subject:"B lymphocytes""
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Vývoj metody 8-mi barevného cytometrického testování pacientů s primárním imunodeficitem / Eight color flow cytometry test development for primary imunodeficiency patientsŠinkorová, Vendula January 2014 (has links)
Primary immunodeficiencies represent a heterogeneous group of hereditary immune system malfunctions with very variable causes and symptoms. Multiparametric flow cytometry has become an important tool in primary immunodeficiency diagnostics and research because it provides detailed information on the phenotype of individual immune cells and their proportions in circulation. We have developed a complex monoclonal antibody panel composed of five eight-color tubes which is designed for immunophenotyping of basic lymphocyte subsets and further analysis of B and T cell subpopulations. We have optimized and standardized the panels so they will identify any changes originating from primary immunodeficiencies and provide comparable data on the level of cooperation between more laboratories. This was achieved by cooperation of six European research facilities which are all parts of the Euroflow consortium. The panels have been validated both on peripheral blood samples from healthy donors and patients with either gentically defined primary immunodeficiency or common variable immunodeficiency. Keywords: T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte, primary immunodeficiency, flow cytometry, immunophenotyping, Euroflow, optimization, standardization
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Avaliação da atividade imunomoduladora de \'Alternanthera tenella\' Colla e investigação de ações do extrato aquoso em modelo de artrite experimental / Evaluation of the immunomodulatory activity of Alternanthera tenella Colla. Effects of the aqueous extract investigated in an experimental arthritis modelBiella, Carla de Agostino 15 June 2007 (has links)
Plantas do gênero Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) vêm sendo estudadas por suas propriedades antiparasitária, antibacteriana e antiviral. No Brasil a planta Alternanthera tenella Colla, objeto de nossa investigação, é utilizada na medicina popular por possuir atividade antiinflamatória. Considerando a importância do sistema imunológico em infecções e em doenças auto-imunes sistêmicas que apresentam intensa reação inflamatória, o objetivo do atual estudo foi investigar a ação imunomoduladora de extratos de A. tenella no sistema imune de camundongos BALB/c e sua atividade em modelo de artrite experimental induzida pelo óleo mineral pristane (2,6,10,14-tetrametilpentadecano) em camundongos AIRmax, obtidos por seleção genética para reação inflamatória aguda máxima. Extratos brutos orgânicos (etanólico e hexânico), aquosos, frações e flavonóides foram inoculados via intraperitoneal em camundongos BALB/c imunizados ou não com eritrócitos de carneiro (EC). Efeitos imunomoduladores e imunotóxicos foram avaliados através da determinação do peso corporal e dos órgãos linfóides, celularidade do baço e de ensaios funcionais como enumeração de células formadoras de placas (PFC, plaque forming cells), produção de anticorpos anti-EC e edema de pata induzido por carragenina. Posteriormente foram avaliados os efeitos dos extratos aquosos nas subpopulações de linfócitos esplênicos (CD3, CD4, CD8 e CD19), na expressão de marcadores de ativação de linfócitos (CD25, CD40, CD45RB e CD69) e na indução de apoptose nessas células. Os extratos avaliados não induziram alterações no peso dos animais e dos órgãos (baço, timo e fígado) após 4 e 14 dias. Animais imunizados com EC e tratados com o flavonóide 2-O--L-ramnopiranosilvitexina (15 mg/kg), isolado de extrato bruto etanólico (E) ou com o extrato aquoso extraído a frio (AF - 100 mg/kg) apresentaram aumento significativo (p<0,05) no número de PFC anti-EC em comparação aos controles. Os extratos E e AF induziram aumento no título de anticorpos circulantes anti-EC das classes IgG e IgM. Estes resultados sugerem atividade imunoestimulante. Ambos os extratos aquosos, AF e extraído a quente (AQ), apresentaram atividade antiinflamatória no edema de pata induzido por carragenina, principalmente AF que demonstrou efeito dose-dependente (50% e 61% de inibição do edema nas doses de 200 mg/kg e 400 mg/kg, respectivamente). Estes extratos em camundongos BALB/c normais não induziram apoptose, alterações nas subpopulações de linfócitos e não modificaram a expressão de marcadores de ativação em linfócitos T e B. Com base nestes resultados, o extrato AF foi selecionado para utilização nos experimentos em camundongos AIRmax, para investigação de suas possíveis atividades moduladora e/ou terapêutica na artrite induzida por pristane. Os animais que foram tratados com seis doses de 200 mg/kg do extrato AF antes das injeções do pristane (G1, n=15) apresentaram menor incidência de artrite em comparação ao grupo controle positivo, composto por animais que receberam apenas pristane (G4, n=15) (54,5% e 70%, respectivamente). A porcentagem de animais que apresentaram deformidade nas articulações, também foi menor no grupo G1 (18,2%) em comparação ao G4 (30%). Os animais que receberam apenas o extrato (G3, n=14) não apresentaram artrite. Adicionalmente, AF conferiu atividade protetora ao desenvolvimento de ascite, processo inflamatório que também pode ser induzido pelo óleo mineral. As taxas de incidência de ascite nos animais tratados previamente (G1) bem como nos animais tratados após (G2, n=16) as injeções de pristane foram menores do que a do grupo controle positivo (G1=18,2%, G2=6,7% e G4= 50%). Ressalta-se que os índices de sobrevivência nos grupos de animais que receberam o extrato foram superiores ao grupo controle positivo (G1= 86,7%; G2= 93,7%; G4= 60,0%). A taxa de sobrevivência do grupo G3 foi de 100% ao final do experimento. Esses efeitos moduladores do extrato no processo da artrite parecem não ser dependentes da modulação de marcadores de ativação de linfócitos T, nem de alterações nas subpopulações dessas células (CD4+, CD8+, T regulatórias). Tampouco dependeram da indução de apoptose nos linfócitos esplênicos, conforme avaliado pelas técnicas da anexina V e análise da fragmentação de DNA. Entretanto, aumentos na porcentagem de células B/CD69+ sugerem possível participação destas células no processo de modulação da doença. Analisados conjuntamente, os resultados apresentados sugerem que alguns dos produtos vegetais avaliados podem modular a função de linfócitos B, além de apresentarem importante atividade antiinflamatória em edema de pata induzido por carragenina. Adicionalmente, o extrato AF apresentou ação moduladora na artrite induzida por pristane. Esses resultados fornecem subsídios para o entendimento das atividades biológicas da Alternanthera tenella e para a validação científica do seu uso popular / Antiparasitic, antibacterial and antiviral activities in plants of the Alternanthera genus (Amaranthaceae) have been studied. In Brasil, Alternanthera tenella Colla are used in popular medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent. Considering the importance of the immune system in infectious and systemic autoimmune diseases showing intense inflammatory reaction, the objective of this study was to investigate the immunomodulatory activity of A. tenella extracts in BALB/c mice. The plant extracts were also tested in a mineral pristane oil (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane) induced arthritis model in AIRmax mice, genetically selected for maximal acute inflammatory reactions. Organic solvent crude extracts (ethanol and hexane), aqueous fractions and isolated flavonoids were intraperitoneally inoculated in BALB/c mice immunized or not with sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Immunomodulatory and immunotoxic effects were evaluated by determining body and lymphoid organ weights, splenic cellularity and through functional assays like plaque-forming cells (PFC), antibody anti-SRBC production and carrageenan-induced paw edema. The effects of aqueous extracts on splenic lymphocyte subtypes (CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD19) and apoptosis detection in these cells were further evaluated. The extracts tested did not induce changes in body and organ (spleen, thymus and liver) weights 4 and 14 days after administration. PFC numbers were significantly increased (p<0,05) in SRBC immunized animals treated with 15mg/kg 2-O--L-ramnopiranosilvitexina, a flavonoid isolated from the etanolic (E) crude extract or with the cold aqueous extract (CAE 100 mg/kg) when compared to the controls. The E and CAE extracts induced increased anti-SRBC IgG and IgM circulating antibody titers, suggesting immunostimulatory activity. Aqueous extracts, CAE and hot aqueous extract (HAE), had significant anti-inflammatory activity in the carrageenan paw edema, especially CAE, which showed a dose-related effect (50% and 61% edema inhibition in dosages of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg, respectively). In normal BALB/c mice the extracts did not induce apoptosis or changes in lymphocyte subtypes and T and B activation markers. Based on these results, CAE was selected for tests of modulatory and /or therapeutic activity in a model of pristane induced arthritis in AIRmax mice. Animals (G1, n=15) treated with six doses of CAE (200 mg/kg) before pristane injections showed smaller arthritis incidence when compared to the control positive group receiving pristane only (G4, n=15) (54,4% and 70%, respectively). Percentage of animals showing joint deformities was smaller in G1 (18,2%) in comparison to G4 (30%). The animals receiving extract only (G3, n=14) did not show signs of arthritis. In addition, CAE showed protective activity against ascites development, an inflammatory process that may be induced by the mineral oil. The arthritis incidence index, both in CAE previously treated animals (G1) and in animals treated after pristane injections (G2, n=16), was smaller than in the positive control group (G1=18,2% and G2=6,7% x G4= 50%). It is noteworthy that extract- treated animals, in both groups, also had a higher survival index when compared to the positive control group (G1= 81,9% and G2= 90,8% x G4= 40,2%). The survival index in the G3 group was 100% up to the end of the experiments. The extract modulatory effects in arthritis do not seem to be dependent on the modulation of T lymphocyte activation markers, or on changes in T cells subtypes (CD4+, CD8+, regulatory T cells). Also, they did not depend on apoptosis induction in splenic lymphocytes as evaluated by annexin V and analysis of DNA degradation techniques. However, the percentage increase of B/CD69+ cells suggest their participation in the modulatory process. Together, the results suggest that some of the evaluated plant-derived products may modulate B lymphocyte functions, besides showing important anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenan paw edema. In addition, CAE showed modulatory action in pristane induced arthritis. These results contribute to the understanding of Alternanthera tenella biological activities and provide scientific validation to its popular use.
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Étude du dysfonctionnement du compartiment des cellules B chez des patients à différents stades d’infection par le virus d’immunodéficience humaine (VIH)Valcke, Han Sang 12 1900 (has links)
Les anomalies phénotypiques et fonctionnelles des lymphocytes B (LB) sont typiques d'une infection au VIH et se traduisent principalement par une activation polyclonale, une perte de la mémoire immunitaire ainsi qu'une réponse humorale déficiente et des phénomènes auto-immunitaires souvent précurseurs de lymphomes B. Ces anomalies se retrouvent principalement chez les patients lors de la phase chronique de la maladie et semblent être reliées en partie au niveau de la charge virale ainsi qu'à un compartiment de lymphocytes T CD4+ altéré. Cependant, quoique controversé, des éléments d’activation polyclonale ont également été observés chez les non-progresseurs à long terme (LTNPs) qui présentent une charge virale faible et un compartiment T CD4+ semblable aux individus séronégatifs.
Ainsi, les objectifs principaux de cette étude sont 1) d’établir une chronologie des anomalies du compartiment des cellules B chez des individus infectés par le VIH qui ont une progression différente de la maladie (PHI normaux, rapides, sains et LTNP). 2) corréler les niveaux sériques du stimulateur de lymphocytes B (BLyS), un facteur de croissance des cellules B, avec les phénotypes observés chez ces mêmes patients. L’hyperglobulinémie, les niveaux sériques de BLyS et d’auto-anticorps ont été mesuré longitudinalement chez une cohorte d’individus en primo-infection (PHI) avec des progressions différentes de la maladie (rapides et normaux), LTNP et sujets sains. Nos résultats démontrent que l’activation polyclonale des LB survient indépendamment de la vitesse de progression et persiste chez les LTNP ou malgré une thérapie antirétrovirale efficace chez les progresseurs rapides. Des niveaux élevés de BLyS dans le sérum des progresseurs rapides corrèlent avec des fréquences altérées de monocytes et cellules dendritiques, suggérant un rôle de celles-ci dans l’atteinte du compartiment des cellules B. / B lymphocyte abnormalities are an important consequence of HIV infection, where both polyclonal activation and loss of B cell memory and humoral immunity have been described, and often evolve towards rheumatic-like autoimmunity and lymphoma. Although these abnormalities are prevalent in chronically infected patients, polyclonal B cell activation is also reported in patients with primary HIV-infection (PHI), who already present signs of defective humoral immunity. Although controversial, elements of B cell dysregulation have been reported in long term non progressor (LTNP) patients, even though they bear low viral loads and present a relatively "normal" CD4+ T cell compartment, suggesting that other factors are involved.
Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to 1) establish a timeline for specific B cell abnormalities in HIV-infected patients with different rates of disease progression (PHI normal and fast progressors, LTNP), and controls 2) to correlate serum levels of the B lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS) a B cell growth factor, among these patients and controls. Thus we have longitudinally assessed hyperglobulinemia, auto-antibody and soluble BLyS levels in the serum of subjects undergoing primary HIV infection (PHI) with different rates of disease progression; rapid and normal progressors, long term non-progressors (LTNPs), and healthy donors. Here, we report that B cell polyclonal activation occurs independently of the rate of disease progression, with hypergammaglobulinemia persisting beyond successful therapy in rapid progressors and despite non-progressing clinical disease in LTNPs. High levels of BLyS in the serum of PHI rapid progressors correlate with altered blood monocyte and dendritic cell frequencies suggesting their contribution in triggering B cell dysregulations.
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Replenishment of innate immune system in health and diseaseEsplin, Brandt L. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oklahoma. / Bibliography: leaves 137-158.
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The potential role of VH replacement in editing and generating autoreactive antibodiesFan, Run. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2009. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on July 16, 2010). Includes bibliographical references.
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CD4 T Cell-Mediated Lysis and Polyclonal Activation of B Cells During Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection: A DissertationJellison, Evan Robert 10 January 2008 (has links)
CD4 T cells and B cells are cells associated with the adaptive immune system. The adaptive immune system is designed to mount a rapid antigen-specific response to pathogens by way of clonal expansions of T and B cells bearing discrete antigen-specific receptors. During viral infection, interactions between CD4 T cells and B cells occur in a dynamic process, where B cells that bind to the virus internalize and degrade virus particles. The B cells then present viral antigens to virus-specific CD4 T cells that activate the B cells and cause them to proliferate and differentiate into virus-specific antibody-secreting cells. Yet, non-specific hypergammaglobulinemia and the production of self-reactive antibodies occur during many viral infections, and studies have suggested that viral antigen-presenting B cells may become polyclonally activated by CD4 T cells in vivo in the absence of viral engagement of the B cell receptor. This presumed polyclonal B cell activation associated with virus infection is of great medical interest because it may be involved in the initiation of autoimmunity or contribute to the long-term maintenance of B cell memory.
In order to directly examine the interactions that occur between T cells and B cells, I asked what would happen to a polyclonal population of B cells that are presenting viral antigens, if they were transferred into virus-infected hosts. I performed these studies in mice using the well-characterized lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) model of infection. I found that the transferred population of antigen-presenting B cells had two fates. Some antigen-expressing B cells were killed in vivo by CD4 T cells in the first day after transfer into LCMV-infected hosts. However, B cells that survived the cytotoxicity underwent a dynamic polyclonal activation manifested by proliferation, changes in phenotype, and antibody production.
The specific elimination of antigen-presenting B cells following adoptive transfer into LCMV-infected hosts is the first evidence that MHC class II-restricted killing can occur in vivo during viral infection. This killing was specific, because only cells expressing specific viral peptides were eliminated, and they were only eliminated in LCMV-infected mice. In addition to peptide specificity, killing was restricted to MHC class II high cells that expressed the B cell markers B220 and CD19. Mice depleted of CD4 T cells prior to adoptive transfer did not eliminate virus-specific targets, suggesting that CD4 T cells are required for this killing. I found that CD4 T cell-dependent cytotoxicity cannot be solely explained by one mechanism, but Fas-FasL interactions and perforin are mechanisms used to induce lysis.
Polyclonal B cell activation, hypothesized to be the cause of virus-induced hypergammaglobulinemia, has never been formally described in vivo. Based on previous studies of virus-induced hypergammaglobulinemia, which showed that CD4 T cells were required and that hypergammaglobulinemia was more likely to occur when virus grows to high titer in vivo, it was proposed that the B cells responsible for hypergammaglobulinemia may be expressing viral antigens to virus-specific CD4 T cells in vivo. CD4 T cells would then activate the B cells. However, because the antibodies produced during hypergammaglobulinemia are predominantly not virus-specific, nonvirus-specific B cells must be presenting viral antigens in vivo.
In my studies, the adoptively transferred B cells that survived the MHC class II-restricted cytotoxicity became polyclonally activated in LCMV-infected mice. Most of the surviving naïve B cells presenting class II MHC peptides underwent an extensive differentiation process involving both proliferation and secretion of antibodies. Both events required CD4 cells and CD40/CD40L interactions to occur but B cell division did not require MyD88-dependent signaling, type I interferon signaling, or interferon γ signaling within B cells. No division or activation of B cells was detected at all in virus-infected hosts in the absence of cognate CD4 T cells and class II antigen. B cells taken from immunologically tolerant donor LCMV carrier mice with high LCMV antigen load became activated following adoptive transfer into LCMV-infected hosts, suggesting that B cells can present sufficient antigen for this process during a viral infection. A transgenic population of B cells presenting viral antigens was also stimulated to undergo polyclonal activation in LCMV-infected mice. Due to the high proportion of B cells stimulated by virus infection and the fact that transgenic B cells can be activated in this manner, I conclude that virus-induced polyclonal B cell activation is independent of B cell receptor specificity. This approach, therefore, formally demonstrates and quantifies a virus-induced polyclonal proliferation and differentiation of B cells which can occur in a B cell receptor-independent manner.
By examining the fate of antigen-presenting B cells following adoptive transfer into LCMV-infected mice, I have been able to observe dynamic interactions between virus-specific CD4 T cells and B cells during viral infection. Adoptive transfer of antigen-presenting B cells results in CD4 T cell-mediated killing and polyclonal activation of B cells during LCMV infection. Studies showing requirements for CD4 T cells or MHC class II to control viral infections must now take MHC class II-restricted cytotoxicity into account. Polyclonal B cell activation after viral infection has the potential to enhance the maintenance of B cell memory or lead to the onset of autoimmune disease.
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Agents infectieux et rupture de tolérance lymphocytaire B : étude des processus de maturation d'affinité et de différenciation plasmocytaire au cours d'une infection bactérienne dans un nouveau modèle knock-in autoréactif / Infectious agents and B cell tolerance breakdown : study of affinity maturation and plasma-cell differentiation processes during bacterial infection in a new autoreactive knock-in mouse modelJung, Sophie 10 September 2013 (has links)
Les maladies auto-immunes, qui touchent plus de 5% de la population, sont induites par une perte de la tolérance aux antigènes du Soi. Ces pathologies, généralement multifactorielles, résultent de l’effet combiné de plusieurs allèles de susceptibilité et de différents facteurs environnementaux. Les agents infectieux ont été tout particulièrement incriminés, mais les mécanismes en jeu restent encore mal élucidés. Les lymphocytes B, qui jouent un rôle central dans la pathogénie de nombreuses maladies auto-immunes, sont susceptibles d’être activés selon différents mécanismes au cours d’un processus infectieux et cette activation peut englober des cellules autoréactives. On ne sait cependant pas si cette activation peut entraîner la production d’auto-anticorps pathogènes de forte affinité et d’isotype IgG à partir du pool de cellules productrices d’auto-anticorps naturels de faible affinité, qui sont présentes de façon constitutive dans le répertoire B de l’individu sain. Nous avons mis au point un nouveau modèle murin knock-in pour des lymphocytes B présentant une affinité intermédiaire pour leur auto-antigène, la protéine HEL2X mutée (Hen-Egg Lysozyme). Ce modèle autoréactif d’affinité intermédiaire SWHEL X HEL2X, élaboré sur un fond génétique non autoimmun, permet de suivre le processus de maturation d’affinité des cellules B anti-HEL en présence de leur auto-antigène HEL2X au cours de l’infection chronique par la bactérie Borrelia burgdorferi. L’infection induit au niveau ganglionnaire une prolifération ainsi qu’une activation lymphocytaire B incluant des cellules anergiques. Certains clones autoréactifs sont capables de gagner les centres germinatifs ganglionnaires, de commuter vers l’isotype IgG et présentent des mutations somatiques au niveau de la région variable de la chaîne lourde de leur immunoglobuline, dans la zone d’interaction avec HEL2X, indiquant un processus de sélection par l’auto-antigène. Malgré un taux augmenté d’auto-anticorps d’isotype IgM, ces animaux ne produisent pas de plasmocytes capables de sécréter des auto-anticorps d’isotype IgG. Nos observations suggèrent l’existence de mécanismes de tolérance périphérique intrinsèques mis en place en particulier au niveau du centre germinatif. Un premier point de contrôle va éliminer les lymphocytes B autoréactifs ayant commuté de classe et présentant des mutations somatiques leur conférant une affinité augmentée pour l’auto-antigène tandis qu’un second point de contrôle va empêcher la différenciation en plasmocytes IgG+.Chez l’individu non prédisposé génétiquement, des mécanismes pourraient ainsi permettre de prévenir le développement d’une auto-immunité pathogène au cours d’un épisode infectieux. / Autoimmune diseases, affecting more than 5% of the population, reflect a loss of tolerance to selfantigens. These multifactorial diseases result from the combined effect of several susceptibility alleles and different environmental factors. Infectious agents have been particularly incriminated but there is no clear understanding of the underlying mechanisms. B lymphocytes, that appear central to the pathogenesis of several autoimmune diseases, may be activated by several mechanisms during infectious processes and this activation can encompass autoreactive cells. Whether or not the lattercan induce the production of high-affinity pathogenic IgG isotype auto-antibodies from the naturally present low-affinity self-reactive B cells is still unknown. To gain further insight into this question, we created a new intermediate affinity autoreactive mouse model called SWHEL X HEL2X. In these mice, knock-in B cells express a B cell receptor highly specific for Hen-Egg Lysozyme (HEL) that recognizes HEL2X mutated auto-antigen with intermediate affinity. This model, generated on a non-autoimmune-prone genetic background, allows the following of anti-HEL B cells affinity maturation process in presence of their auto-antigen during Borrelia burgdorferi chronic bacterial infection. The infection leads to lymph nodes lymphoproliferation and B cell activation including anergic cells. Some autoreactive clones are able to form germinal centers, toswitch their immunoglobulin heavy chain and to introduce somatic mutations in the heavy chain variable regions on amino-acids forming direct contacts with HEL2X, suggesting an auto-antigen-driven selection process. Despite increased levels of IgM autoantibodies, infected mice are unable to generate IgG autoantibody secreting plasma-cells. These observations suggest the existence of intrinsic peripheral tolerance mechanisms operating mainly at the level of germinal centers. The first checkpoint eliminates switched autoreactive B cells with increasing affinity mutations while a secondcheckpoint avoids IgG+ plasma-cell differentiation. Thus, in genetically non predisposed individuals, tolerance mechanisms may be set-up to prevent the development of pathogenic autoimmunity during the course of an infection.
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Fonction des neurotrophines et de la neurotensine dans l'oncogénèse lymphocytaire B / Neurotrophins and neurotensin function in B lymphocyte oncogenesisSaada, Sofiane 19 March 2015 (has links)
Les neurotrophines sont des facteurs de croissance initialement découverts dans le système nerveux et ayant pour rôle de contrôler la croissance, la prolifération et la survie des cellules neuronales et astrocytaires, mais aussi dans de nombreux autres tissus. Les neurotrophines peuvent interagir avec leurs récepteurs de haute affinité Trks. Les travaux précédemment réalisés au sein de notre équipe ont mis en évidence une boucle de régulation autocrine, en réponse à un stress cellulaire, et ce de façon dépendante des neurotrophines, notamment du BDNF, dans plusieurs lignées lymphocytaires B humaines, à différents stades de différenciation. Les cellules produisent du BDNF qui agit de manière autocrine sur son récepteur spécifique, TrkB. Le transport du BDNF est assuré par la sortiline, une protéine à domaine Vps10. Les neurotrophines sont également synthétisées sous forme de progéniteurs biologiquement actifs, les pro-neurotrophines. Le pro-BDNF interagit avec le récepteur aux neurotrophines à domaine de mort p75NTR, l’interaction du pro-BDNF avec le récepteur p75NTR et de son co-récepteur, la sortiline, induit l’apoptose des lymphocytes B. La sortiline est exprimée dans les lymphocytes B humains, les lignées de lymphocytaires B. La sortiline, également appelée NTSR3, peut lier un autre neuropeptide, la neurotensine (NTS). Identifiée, dans le système nerveux, où elle joue un rôle de neurotransmetteur, impliqué dans l’analgésie et la thermorégulation. Elle est également présente dans le tube digestif, où elle est impliquée dans la régulation de la digestion et le contrôle et de la glycémie. La fonction de la neurotensine est associée à l’activation de la sortiline mais aussi de ses deux récepteurs à protéine G, le récepteur de haute affinité, NTSR1 et le récepteur de faible affinité, NTSR2. La NTS est impliquée dans l’oncogenèse de nombreux cancers solides via sa liaison au récepteur NTSR1 principalement mais également au récepteur NTSR2, notamment dans un modèle de cancer prostatique. Nous avons démontré pour la première fois l’expression de la neurotensine et de ses récepteurs NTSR1 et NTSR2 dans les lymphocytes B humains. Le stress pro-apoptotique induit par la privation sérique favorise une relocalisation des récepteurs NTSR1 et sortiline à la membrane plasmique. Au sein de ces cellules, la neurotensine induit une augmentation de la prolifération et une diminution de l’apoptose. Ces effets de la NTS sont bloqués par l’inhibiteur de NTSR1, le SR48692/Meclinertant®. Les analyses transcriptionnelles ont détecté une surexpression du récepteur NTSR2 au sein des lymphocytes B purifiés de patients ayant une LLC et au niveau des ganglions de patients atteints de lymphomes B en revanche, l’expression de la neurotensine est réduite. La surexpression de NTSR2 induit l’activation transcriptionnelle de TrkB, autre récepteur exprimé par ces lignées comme par les cellules de LLC de patients. La co-localisation de ces 2 récepteurs a été démontrée. Ce complexe protéique induit l’activation des voies de signalisation ERK, p38MAPK et JNK, après traitement par le BDNF, le ligand de TrkB. Ces données suggèrent un phénomène de transactivation entre ces 2 récepteurs, dépendant des métalloprotéases. Le blocage de l’internalisation de ce complexe protéique, induit une augmentation de l’activation des voies de signalisation. Le trafic intra-cellulaire endosomal de ce complexe apparaît perturbé dans les cellules surexprimant NTSR2, ce qui pourrait conduire à son accumulation comme cela est détecté dans les cellules de LLC. Ces cellules leucémiques se caractérisent également par une production d’exosomes contenant le complexe TrkB/NTSR2, sécrété en extra-cellulaire et retrouvé en excès dans le plasma des patients en comparaison à des témoins volontaires sains. / Neurotrophins are growth factors, initially discovered in the nervous system and whose functions are implicated in the growth, proliferation and survival of neuronal cells and astrocytes, and also in many other tissues. Neurotrophins can interact with their high-affinity receptors Trks. Previous work in our team showed a neurotrophin-dependent survival autocrine loop in response to cellular stress, including BDNF in several human B cell lines at various stages of B lymphocytes differentiation. These cells produce BDNF which acts in an autocrine manner on its specific tyrosine kinase receptor, TrkB. BDNF transport is provided by a Vps10 domain protein named, sortilin. Neurotrophins are synthesized as biologically active precursors, pro-neurotrophins. The proBDNF may interact with a death domain neurotrophins receptor p75NTR. The interaction of proBDNF with the p75NTR receptor and its co-receptor sortilin, induces B cell apoptosis. Sortilin is expressed in human lymphocytic lines B. Sortilin can bind another neuropeptide, neurotensin (NTS) and also called NTSR3 (Neurotensin Receptor 3). Identified in the nervous system, where it acts as a neurotransmitter involved in analgesia and thermoregulation, NTS is also present in the digestive tract, and involved in the digestion and glucose regulations. Neurotensin functions are associated to the sortilin activation but also its two G-protein coupled receptors, the high and the low affinity receptors, NTSR1 and NTSR2 respectively. NTS is involved in the oncogenesis of many solid cancers, especialy by its binding to the receptor NTSR1 mainly, but also NTSR2 notably in a prostate cancer model. We have demonstrated for the first time the expression of neurotensin and its receptors NTSR1 and NTSR2 in human B lymphocytes. The pro-apoptotic stress induced by serum deprivation promotes relocation NTSR1 receptor sortilin and to the plasma membrane. Within these cells, neurotensin induces increased proliferation and decreased apoptosis. These effects are blocked by the NTSR1 antagonist, SR48692/Meclinertant®. Transcriptional analyzes have detected overexpression of the receptor NTSR2 in purified B cells from patients with CLL and in lymph nodes of B-cell lymphomas patients, in contrast, the expression neurotensin is reduced. Overexpression NTSR2 induced transcriptional activation of TrkB. This receptor is expressed by B cell lines and B cells of CLL patients. The co-localization of these 2 receptors was demonstrated. This protein complex induces the activation of signaling pathways ERK, JNK and p38MAPK, after treatment with BDNF, the TrkB ligand. These data suggest a transactivation between these two receptors, depending to the metalloproteas activation. The internalization blocking of this protein complex, induces its plasma membrane sequestration and induces an increase of the signaling pathways activation. The intracellular endosomal trafficking in cells overexpressing NTSR2 cells, as detected in CLL cells, appears disrupted, which might lead to the NTSR2/TrkB complex accumulation, and releasing to the extracellular environnement. These leukemic cells are also characterized by a production of exosomes containing the TrkB/NTSR2 complex, secreted to the extracellular environement and found in excess in the plasma of patients in comparison to healthy volunteers.
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Itpkb and Ins (1,3,4,5) P4 control proapoptotic Bim gene expression and survival in B cellsMarechal, Yoann 25 June 2008 (has links)
L’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 produit par l’Ins(1,4,5)P3 3-kinase de type B (Itpkb) est nécessaire au développement des thymocytes et lymphocytes T murins. Trois hypothèses sont admises quant à la fonction physiologique et au mécanisme d’action de cet inositol phosphorylé :la première postule que l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 module la réponse calcique intracellulaire ;la seconde, que cet inositolphosphate est un intermédiaire métabolique dans la synthèse d’inositols plus hautement phosphorylés ;la dernière, que l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 module la localisation subcellulaire et la fonction de protéines capables de la reconnaître par des domaines spécifiques de liaison. Afin d’investiguer cette dernière hypothèse, nous avons analysé la physiologie des lymphocytes B invalidés pour Itpkb et avons généré et analysé des souris transgéniques d’addition pour Rasa3, récepteur potentiel à l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4.<p>Les lymphocytes B déficients en Itpkb présentent un défaut de survie car ils ne peuvent activer correctement les protéines kinases Erk1/2 suite à la stimulation du BCR de surface. Cela conduit à la surexpression anormale de la protéine pro-apoptotique Bim. La diminution de l’expression de Bim est suffisante dans ce modèle pour restaurer une fonction normale des lymphocytes B. In vitro, Nous avons montré que l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 est nécessaire à la translocation de Rasa3, protéine favorisant l’inactivation de la voie de Ras, de la membrane vers le cytoplasme. L’étude de lymphocytes invalidés pour Itpkb dans un modèle de BCR transgénique semble montrer que des anomalies de réponse calcique ne participent pas au phénotype.<p>En conclusion, nos résultats indiquent qu’une des voies de signalisation préférentielle de l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 passe par la modulation de la localisation subcellulaire de protéines possédant un domaine d’affinité pour l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 telle que Rasa3.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Avaliação da atividade imunomoduladora de \'Alternanthera tenella\' Colla e investigação de ações do extrato aquoso em modelo de artrite experimental / Evaluation of the immunomodulatory activity of Alternanthera tenella Colla. Effects of the aqueous extract investigated in an experimental arthritis modelCarla de Agostino Biella 15 June 2007 (has links)
Plantas do gênero Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) vêm sendo estudadas por suas propriedades antiparasitária, antibacteriana e antiviral. No Brasil a planta Alternanthera tenella Colla, objeto de nossa investigação, é utilizada na medicina popular por possuir atividade antiinflamatória. Considerando a importância do sistema imunológico em infecções e em doenças auto-imunes sistêmicas que apresentam intensa reação inflamatória, o objetivo do atual estudo foi investigar a ação imunomoduladora de extratos de A. tenella no sistema imune de camundongos BALB/c e sua atividade em modelo de artrite experimental induzida pelo óleo mineral pristane (2,6,10,14-tetrametilpentadecano) em camundongos AIRmax, obtidos por seleção genética para reação inflamatória aguda máxima. Extratos brutos orgânicos (etanólico e hexânico), aquosos, frações e flavonóides foram inoculados via intraperitoneal em camundongos BALB/c imunizados ou não com eritrócitos de carneiro (EC). Efeitos imunomoduladores e imunotóxicos foram avaliados através da determinação do peso corporal e dos órgãos linfóides, celularidade do baço e de ensaios funcionais como enumeração de células formadoras de placas (PFC, plaque forming cells), produção de anticorpos anti-EC e edema de pata induzido por carragenina. Posteriormente foram avaliados os efeitos dos extratos aquosos nas subpopulações de linfócitos esplênicos (CD3, CD4, CD8 e CD19), na expressão de marcadores de ativação de linfócitos (CD25, CD40, CD45RB e CD69) e na indução de apoptose nessas células. Os extratos avaliados não induziram alterações no peso dos animais e dos órgãos (baço, timo e fígado) após 4 e 14 dias. Animais imunizados com EC e tratados com o flavonóide 2-O--L-ramnopiranosilvitexina (15 mg/kg), isolado de extrato bruto etanólico (E) ou com o extrato aquoso extraído a frio (AF - 100 mg/kg) apresentaram aumento significativo (p<0,05) no número de PFC anti-EC em comparação aos controles. Os extratos E e AF induziram aumento no título de anticorpos circulantes anti-EC das classes IgG e IgM. Estes resultados sugerem atividade imunoestimulante. Ambos os extratos aquosos, AF e extraído a quente (AQ), apresentaram atividade antiinflamatória no edema de pata induzido por carragenina, principalmente AF que demonstrou efeito dose-dependente (50% e 61% de inibição do edema nas doses de 200 mg/kg e 400 mg/kg, respectivamente). Estes extratos em camundongos BALB/c normais não induziram apoptose, alterações nas subpopulações de linfócitos e não modificaram a expressão de marcadores de ativação em linfócitos T e B. Com base nestes resultados, o extrato AF foi selecionado para utilização nos experimentos em camundongos AIRmax, para investigação de suas possíveis atividades moduladora e/ou terapêutica na artrite induzida por pristane. Os animais que foram tratados com seis doses de 200 mg/kg do extrato AF antes das injeções do pristane (G1, n=15) apresentaram menor incidência de artrite em comparação ao grupo controle positivo, composto por animais que receberam apenas pristane (G4, n=15) (54,5% e 70%, respectivamente). A porcentagem de animais que apresentaram deformidade nas articulações, também foi menor no grupo G1 (18,2%) em comparação ao G4 (30%). Os animais que receberam apenas o extrato (G3, n=14) não apresentaram artrite. Adicionalmente, AF conferiu atividade protetora ao desenvolvimento de ascite, processo inflamatório que também pode ser induzido pelo óleo mineral. As taxas de incidência de ascite nos animais tratados previamente (G1) bem como nos animais tratados após (G2, n=16) as injeções de pristane foram menores do que a do grupo controle positivo (G1=18,2%, G2=6,7% e G4= 50%). Ressalta-se que os índices de sobrevivência nos grupos de animais que receberam o extrato foram superiores ao grupo controle positivo (G1= 86,7%; G2= 93,7%; G4= 60,0%). A taxa de sobrevivência do grupo G3 foi de 100% ao final do experimento. Esses efeitos moduladores do extrato no processo da artrite parecem não ser dependentes da modulação de marcadores de ativação de linfócitos T, nem de alterações nas subpopulações dessas células (CD4+, CD8+, T regulatórias). Tampouco dependeram da indução de apoptose nos linfócitos esplênicos, conforme avaliado pelas técnicas da anexina V e análise da fragmentação de DNA. Entretanto, aumentos na porcentagem de células B/CD69+ sugerem possível participação destas células no processo de modulação da doença. Analisados conjuntamente, os resultados apresentados sugerem que alguns dos produtos vegetais avaliados podem modular a função de linfócitos B, além de apresentarem importante atividade antiinflamatória em edema de pata induzido por carragenina. Adicionalmente, o extrato AF apresentou ação moduladora na artrite induzida por pristane. Esses resultados fornecem subsídios para o entendimento das atividades biológicas da Alternanthera tenella e para a validação científica do seu uso popular / Antiparasitic, antibacterial and antiviral activities in plants of the Alternanthera genus (Amaranthaceae) have been studied. In Brasil, Alternanthera tenella Colla are used in popular medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent. Considering the importance of the immune system in infectious and systemic autoimmune diseases showing intense inflammatory reaction, the objective of this study was to investigate the immunomodulatory activity of A. tenella extracts in BALB/c mice. The plant extracts were also tested in a mineral pristane oil (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane) induced arthritis model in AIRmax mice, genetically selected for maximal acute inflammatory reactions. Organic solvent crude extracts (ethanol and hexane), aqueous fractions and isolated flavonoids were intraperitoneally inoculated in BALB/c mice immunized or not with sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Immunomodulatory and immunotoxic effects were evaluated by determining body and lymphoid organ weights, splenic cellularity and through functional assays like plaque-forming cells (PFC), antibody anti-SRBC production and carrageenan-induced paw edema. The effects of aqueous extracts on splenic lymphocyte subtypes (CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD19) and apoptosis detection in these cells were further evaluated. The extracts tested did not induce changes in body and organ (spleen, thymus and liver) weights 4 and 14 days after administration. PFC numbers were significantly increased (p<0,05) in SRBC immunized animals treated with 15mg/kg 2-O--L-ramnopiranosilvitexina, a flavonoid isolated from the etanolic (E) crude extract or with the cold aqueous extract (CAE 100 mg/kg) when compared to the controls. The E and CAE extracts induced increased anti-SRBC IgG and IgM circulating antibody titers, suggesting immunostimulatory activity. Aqueous extracts, CAE and hot aqueous extract (HAE), had significant anti-inflammatory activity in the carrageenan paw edema, especially CAE, which showed a dose-related effect (50% and 61% edema inhibition in dosages of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg, respectively). In normal BALB/c mice the extracts did not induce apoptosis or changes in lymphocyte subtypes and T and B activation markers. Based on these results, CAE was selected for tests of modulatory and /or therapeutic activity in a model of pristane induced arthritis in AIRmax mice. Animals (G1, n=15) treated with six doses of CAE (200 mg/kg) before pristane injections showed smaller arthritis incidence when compared to the control positive group receiving pristane only (G4, n=15) (54,4% and 70%, respectively). Percentage of animals showing joint deformities was smaller in G1 (18,2%) in comparison to G4 (30%). The animals receiving extract only (G3, n=14) did not show signs of arthritis. In addition, CAE showed protective activity against ascites development, an inflammatory process that may be induced by the mineral oil. The arthritis incidence index, both in CAE previously treated animals (G1) and in animals treated after pristane injections (G2, n=16), was smaller than in the positive control group (G1=18,2% and G2=6,7% x G4= 50%). It is noteworthy that extract- treated animals, in both groups, also had a higher survival index when compared to the positive control group (G1= 81,9% and G2= 90,8% x G4= 40,2%). The survival index in the G3 group was 100% up to the end of the experiments. The extract modulatory effects in arthritis do not seem to be dependent on the modulation of T lymphocyte activation markers, or on changes in T cells subtypes (CD4+, CD8+, regulatory T cells). Also, they did not depend on apoptosis induction in splenic lymphocytes as evaluated by annexin V and analysis of DNA degradation techniques. However, the percentage increase of B/CD69+ cells suggest their participation in the modulatory process. Together, the results suggest that some of the evaluated plant-derived products may modulate B lymphocyte functions, besides showing important anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenan paw edema. In addition, CAE showed modulatory action in pristane induced arthritis. These results contribute to the understanding of Alternanthera tenella biological activities and provide scientific validation to its popular use.
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