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Reconstituting APP and BACE in proteoliposomes to characterize lipid requirements for β-secretase activityKalvodova, Lucie 11 September 2006 (has links)
Proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) may lead to the formation of the Abeta peptide, the major constituent of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer`s disease. The full-length APP is a substrate for at least 2 different (alpha and beta) proteases ("secretases"). The beta-secretase, BACE, cleaves APP in the first step of processing leading to the formation of the neurotoxic Abeta. BACE competes for APP with alpha-secretase, which cleaves APP within its Abeta sequence, thus precluding Abeta formation. It is thus important to understand how is the access of the alpha- and beta-secretase to APP regulated and how are the individual activities of these secretases modulated. Both these regulatory mechanisms, access to substrate and direct activity modulation, can be determined by the lipid composition of the membrane. Integral membrane proteins (like APP and BACE), can be viewed as solutes in a two-dimensional liquid membrane, and as such their state, and biological activity, critically depend on the physico-chemical character (fluidity, curvature, surface charge distribution, lateral domain heterogeneity etc.) of the lipid bilayer. These collective membrane properties will influence the activity of embedded membrane proteins. In addition, activity regulation may involve a direct interaction with a specific lipid (cofactor or co-structure function). Interactions of membrane proteins are furthermore affected by lateral domain organization of the membrane. Previous results had suggested that the regulation of the activity of the alpha- and beta-secretases and of their access to APP is lipid dependent, and involves lipid rafts. Using the baculovirus expression system, we have purified recombinant human full-length APP and BACE to homogeneity, and reconstituted them in large (~100nm, LUVs) and giant (10-150microm, GUVs) unilamellar vesicles. Using a soluble peptide substrate mimicking the beta-cleavage site of APP, we have examined the involvement of individual lipid species in modulating BACE activity in LUVs of various lipid compositions. We have identified 3 groups of lipids that stimulate proteolytic activity of BACE: 1.cerebrosides, 2.anionic glycerophospholipids, 3. cholesterol. Furthermore, we have co-reconstituted APP and BACE together in LUVs and demonstrated that BACE cleaves APP at the correct site, generating the beta-cleaved ectodomain identical to that from cells. We have developed an assay to quantitatively follow the beta-cleavage in proteoliposomes, and we have shown that the rate of cleavage in total brain lipid proteoliposomes is higher than in phosphatidylcholine vesicles. We have also studied partitioning of APP and BACE in GUVs between liquid ordered (lo) and liquid disordered (ld) phases. In this system, significant part of the BACE pool (about 20%) partitions into the lo phase, and its partitioning into lo phase can be further enhanced by cross-linking of membrane components. Only negligible fraction of APP can be found in the lo phase. We continue to study the behavior of co-reconstituted APP and BACE in GUVs The work presented in this thesis has yielded some interesting results and raised further questions. One of the important assignments of this project will in the next stage be the characterization of the impact of membrane domain organization on the beta-cleavage. Different domain arrangements that can be hypothesized in cell membranes can be modeled by varying the degree of phase fragmentation in proteoliposomes comprising reconstituted APP and BACE.
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Funktionelle Charakterisierung von BACE, einer für die Alzheimer Krankheit relevanten ProteaseCapell, Anja 10 August 2005 (has links)
Die Alzheimer Krankheit ist die häufigste Altersdemenz. Ein spezifisches pathologisches Merkmal der Alzheimer Krankheit ist die Amyloid-Ablagerung im Gehirn. Die Hauptkomponente der so genannten Amyloid-Plaques ist das Amyloid beta-Peptid (A-beta). A-beta entsteht durch sequenzielle proteolytische Spaltung aus einem membrangebundenen Vorläuferprotein, dem beta-APP (betaamyloid precursor protein). Die kürzlich identifizierte beta-Sekretase (BACE, beta-site APPcleaving enzyme) generiert den Schnitt am N-Terminus von A-beta. Es entsteht ein C-terminales, membrangebundenes beta-APP-Fragment, das beta-APP-CTF. Beta-APP-CTF ist das direkte Substrat für die gamma-Sekretase, die innerhalb der Membrandomäne schneidet, wodurch A-beta freigesetzt wird. In der vorliegenden Arbeit kann erstmalig gezeigt werden, dass BACE auf dem sekretorischen Transportweg aus dem Endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER), über den Golgi-Apparat zur Zelloberfläche transportiert wird. Auf dem Transport wird BACE durch N-Glycosylierung und Propeptidabspaltung posttranslational modifiziert. BACE wird im ER N-glycosyliert und die mannosereichen Zucker werden auf dem Transport durch den Golgi-Apparat in Endoglycosidase H resistente Zucker des komplexen Typs modifiziert. Die Propeptidabspaltung, durch Furin oder furinähnliche Propeptidkonvertasen, findet unmittelbar vor dem Aufbau der komplexen Zucker statt. Ferner konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Transport von BACE die A-beta-Entstehung limitieren kann. In polarisierten Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) Zellen wird BACE überwiegend zur apikalen Plasmamembran transportiert und damit entgegengesetzt zu seinem Substrat beta-APP. Der gegensätzliche Transport von BACE und beta-APP begrenzt die A-beta Entstehung. Wird der apikale Transport von beta-APP durch Deletion seines basolateralen Sortierungssignals erhöht, entsteht vermehrt A-beta. Der differenzielle Transport von BACE und beta-APP könnte ein Hinweis darauf sein, dass beta-APP nicht das physiologische Substrat von BACE ist. / Alzheimer`s disease is the most common cause of progressive cognitive decline in the aged population. Pathologically Alzheimer`s disease is characterized by the invariant accumulation of senile plaques. Senile plaques are predominantly composed of the amyloid beta-peptide (A-beta), which is derived from the membrane bound beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP) by sequential proteolytic cleavage. The recently identified beta-secretase (BACE) is responsible for the cleavage at the N-terminus of the A-beta domain. This cleavage generates membrane-bound beta-APP-Cterminal fragments (beta-APP-CTF) which are the immediate precursor for gamma-secretase cleavage and therefore for liberation of A-beta. The present work shows that BACE moves along the secretory pathway, while it undergoes post-translational modifications, which can be monitored by a significant increase in the molecular mass and cleavage of its pro-peptide. BACE becomes N-glycosylated within the ER and the increase in molecular mass is caused by complex N-glycosylation. The mature form of BACE is resistant to endoglycosidase H treatment; this indicates that BACE traffics through the Golgi. Furthermore the mature form of BACE does not contain the pro-peptide anymore. Pro-BACE is predominantly located within the endoplasmic reticulum. Pro-peptide cleavage occurs immediately before full maturation by furin or a furin-like proprotein convertase. Moreover traffic of BACE can limit A-beta generation. In the well established model system of polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, the majority of BACE is sorted to the apical domain. Interestingly it has been shown previously that the substrate of BACE, beta-APP is transported to the basolateral surface of MCDK cells. Therefore, substantial amounts of BACE are targeted away from beta-APP to a non-amyloidogenic compartment, a cellular mechanism that limits A-beta generation. Upon deletion of the basolateral sorting signal of beta-APP, apically missorted beta-APP is processed by BACE. The differential targeting of BACE and its substrate beta-APP suggest that beta-APP might not be the major physiological substrate of BACE.
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Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Diazirine Photolabels with Improved Ambient Light Stability and Fluorous-Based Enrichment CapacityKumar, Arun Babu 01 January 2012 (has links)
Photoaffinity labeling is a quintessential technique in studying and analyzing the interaction between a ligand and receptor. Diazirines are one of the important photo-labile moieties used in photoaffinity labeling due to their superior photo labeling characteristics. Herein, we report the investigations we conducted with diazirine photolabels on (a) photochemical aspects leading to enhancement of their ambient light stability and (b) equipping them with fluorous tags to enable fluorous enrichment of labeled proteins. Furthermore, we report a pilot study to develop BACE-1 inhibitors, which have potential to be developed into photoaffinity probes.
3-Trifluoromethyl-3-phenyldiazirine offers good selectivity and protection against pseudolabeling but due to its photo lability, it undergoes decomposition even under ambient light. Thus the laboratory handling, including synthesis, of 3-trifluoromethyl-3-phenyldiazirine is cumbersome and restricted under constant darkness. Herein, we have designed, synthesized and evaluated two photolabels with enhanced stability to ambient light conditions in addition to the good selectivity and protection against pseudolabeling as offered by 3-trifluoromethyl-3-phenyldiazirine. It was also found that the aqueous solubility, a vital physical property for a photolabel, was also improved in the modified ambient light stable photolabels.
Fluorous tags have found wide use in synthetic applications; herein we explore the possibility of its application in photoaffinity studies. We designed, synthesized and conducted photoactivation studies on two fluorous diazirine photolabels. The photoactivation studies unraveled an unanticipated photoreaction when the fluorous tag
was directly connected to the diazirine ring, yielding a fluorous alkene. The more practical photolabel of the two was chosen as the target specific photoaffinity labeling moiety for fluorous proteomics. Upon conducting photolabeling experiments under various conditions, we found that the strong hydrophobic character of the fluorous tag renders the photoaffinity label insoluble in aqueous solutions and significantly alters the binding mode and affinity of the photoaffinity label to its target receptor.
A library of 1,3-disubstituted 2-propanols was combinatorially prepared and tested as small molecule inhibitors of β-secretase (BACE-1). The initial screening of the 1,3-disubstituted 2-propanol library revealed a few low micromolar inhibitors for BACE-1. The compound that showed the best activity was chosen for further SAR studies, which resulted in a potent BACE-1 inhibitor with nanomolar inhibition. Investigation on the selectivity of these compounds for BACE-1 inhibition over cathepsin D revealed that these compound series possess very high selectivity. Furthermore, the physicochemical properties study showed that these compounds possessed the calculated parameters advantageous to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB).
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Efeito do envelhecimento sobre a atividade de secretases e o perfil de exossomos circulantes : modulação pelo exercício físicoBertoldi, Karine January 2016 (has links)
As vias amiloidogênica e não-amiloidogênica, representadas pelas enzimas secretases como a enzima clivadora do sítio beta da APP (BACE) e a enzima conversora do fator de necrose tumoral-alfa (TACE) respectivamente, são responsáveis pela clivagem da proteína precursora amiloide (APP). Alterações no processamento da APP associadas ao acúmulo do peptídeo β-amiloide (Aβ) parecem estar relacionadas aos déficits cognitivos observados na doença de Alzheimer (DA), no entanto, estudos avaliando a maquinaria de processamento da APP durante o envelhecimento fisiológico são raros. O Aβ é formado através da clivagem da proteína precursora amiloide (APP) pela enzima BACE. Por outro lado, a APP pode ser clivada por secretases como a TACE gerando APPα, o qual é considerado neuroprotetor. Alguns estudos têm sugerido um envolvimento de vesículas denominadas exossomos no transporte de proteínas como o peptídeo Aβ além de um papel dos exossomos durante o estresse oxidativo e no processo de envelhecimento. No entanto, estudos avaliando a relação entre exossomos e marcadores oxidativos no envelhecimento ainda não foram realizados. Além disso, apesar de diversas evidências demonstrarem os efeitos benéficos do exercício físico, os efeitos exercidos sobre a modulação da atividade das secretases, especificamente TACE e BACE, e sobre o perfil dos exossomos durante o envelhecimento fisiológico têm sido pouco investigados. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do exercício físico sobre a atividade das secretases e sobre o perfil de exossomos circulantes em ratos durante o envelhecimento. Ratos Wistar de 3, 21 e 26 meses de idade foram divididos em sedentários e exercitados, o protocolo de exercício consistiu em 20 min/ dia durante 14 dias e após a última a sessão de exercício todos os animais foram submetidos ao teste da esquiva inibitória. As estruturas cerebrais e o sangue troncular foram coletados 1h (período da tarde) e 18 h (período da manhã) após a última sessão de exercício com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos transitórios e tardios do protocolo de exercício. O hipocampo e o córtex pré-frontal foram dissecados e utilizados para quantificar o conteúdo de APP e avaliar a atividade das enzimas TACE e BACE. Os exossomos foram isolados do soro e utilizados para quantificar CD63, atividade da acetilcolinesterase (AChE), conteúdo de espécies reativas, atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD) e conteúdo de Aβ. / The amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic pathways, represented by secretases named β-site APP cleaving enzyme(BACE) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme (TACE), respectively, are responsible for amyloid protein precursor (APP) processing. APP cleavage modifications leading to increased β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide levels seem to be related to cognitive decline observed in Alzheimer disease (AD), however, works evaluating the APP processing machinery in the normal aging process are rarely studied. The Aβ is formed through APP cleavage by BACE enzyme, named amyloidogenic pathway. On the other hand, APP can be cleaved by a non-amyloidogenic pathway through secretase enzymes such as TACE producing APPα, which is a neuroprotective product. Some evidences suggested that extracellular vesicles named exosomes could carry proteins including the Aβ peptide between different cells. Yet, exosomes appear to be linked to oxidative stress and aging process. However, studies evaluating the relationship between exosomes and oxidative stress marks in the aging were not yet performed. The beneficial exercise impact in the aging process are widely described, nevertheless, its effects on secretase activities, specifically BACE and TACE, and exosome profile during normal aging remains understood. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the exercise effects on secretase activities and circulating exosomes profile in the aging process. Wistar rats (3-, 21- and 26-month-old) were divided into sedentary and exercised groups; the exercise protocol consisted in a daily moderate treadmill exercise (20 min each day during 2 weeks). After the last exercise sessions, all animals were subjected to inhibitory avoidance task. To identify transitory and delayed exercise effects, specifically 1 and 18 hours after the last exercise training session, hippocampi and prefrontal cortices as well as blood were obtained at different times of day, respectively, in the afternoon and early morning. The brain areas were used to quantify the APP content and BACE and TACE activities. The circulating exosomes were isolated from serum and used to quantify CD63, reactive species and Aβ content, besides AChE and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities.
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Design and Synthesis of Aspartic and Serine Protease Inhibitors : Targeting the BACE-1 and the HCV NS3 ProteaseWångsell, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes work done to design and synthesize protease inhibitors, with the intention of developing therapeutic agents for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and the chronic liver condition caused by infection of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). AD is the most common form of dementia, and HCV infection is the primary reason for liver transplantation in industrialized countries. Today, these two illnesses affect 24 and 170 million people, respectively. It has been shown that the human aspartic protease BACE-1 plays an important role in the development of AD, and thus inhibition of BACE-1 may offer a way to improve the quality of life of individuals afflicted with the disease. Furthermore, it is known that the serine protease NS3 is a vital component in the replication of HCV. Several novel potent BACE-1 inhibitors encompassing different transition state mimics were prepared. First, a hydroxyethylene moiety encompassing a secondary hydroxyl group was evaluated as a transition state analogue, producing inhibitors in the low nanomolar range. Various tertiary hydroxyl isosteres were also investigated as the central core, with the aim of shielding the pivotal hydroxyl group. These transition state isosteres consisted of tertiary hydroxyl analogues of previously used secondary hydroxyl containing norstatine, statine, and hydroxyethylamine isosteres. Several tertiary hydroxyl-containing inhibitors were found to be active in the low micromolar range. In addition, two inhibitors were co-crystallized with the BACE-1 enzyme to provide X-ray crystal structures, which furnished valuable binding information for further design of improved BACE-1 inhibitors. The goal in the HCV NS3 protease inhibitor project was to design, synthesize and evaluate a novel hydroxycyclopentene bioisostere to the previously used acyl-hydroxyproline moiety. The investigation revealed that it was possible to synthesize inhibitors containing this new bioisostere that were potent in the low nanomolar range. Further optimization by rigidification of the most active inhibitor resulted in equipotent macrocyclic compounds.
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Efeito do envelhecimento sobre a atividade de secretases e o perfil de exossomos circulantes : modulação pelo exercício físicoBertoldi, Karine January 2016 (has links)
As vias amiloidogênica e não-amiloidogênica, representadas pelas enzimas secretases como a enzima clivadora do sítio beta da APP (BACE) e a enzima conversora do fator de necrose tumoral-alfa (TACE) respectivamente, são responsáveis pela clivagem da proteína precursora amiloide (APP). Alterações no processamento da APP associadas ao acúmulo do peptídeo β-amiloide (Aβ) parecem estar relacionadas aos déficits cognitivos observados na doença de Alzheimer (DA), no entanto, estudos avaliando a maquinaria de processamento da APP durante o envelhecimento fisiológico são raros. O Aβ é formado através da clivagem da proteína precursora amiloide (APP) pela enzima BACE. Por outro lado, a APP pode ser clivada por secretases como a TACE gerando APPα, o qual é considerado neuroprotetor. Alguns estudos têm sugerido um envolvimento de vesículas denominadas exossomos no transporte de proteínas como o peptídeo Aβ além de um papel dos exossomos durante o estresse oxidativo e no processo de envelhecimento. No entanto, estudos avaliando a relação entre exossomos e marcadores oxidativos no envelhecimento ainda não foram realizados. Além disso, apesar de diversas evidências demonstrarem os efeitos benéficos do exercício físico, os efeitos exercidos sobre a modulação da atividade das secretases, especificamente TACE e BACE, e sobre o perfil dos exossomos durante o envelhecimento fisiológico têm sido pouco investigados. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do exercício físico sobre a atividade das secretases e sobre o perfil de exossomos circulantes em ratos durante o envelhecimento. Ratos Wistar de 3, 21 e 26 meses de idade foram divididos em sedentários e exercitados, o protocolo de exercício consistiu em 20 min/ dia durante 14 dias e após a última a sessão de exercício todos os animais foram submetidos ao teste da esquiva inibitória. As estruturas cerebrais e o sangue troncular foram coletados 1h (período da tarde) e 18 h (período da manhã) após a última sessão de exercício com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos transitórios e tardios do protocolo de exercício. O hipocampo e o córtex pré-frontal foram dissecados e utilizados para quantificar o conteúdo de APP e avaliar a atividade das enzimas TACE e BACE. Os exossomos foram isolados do soro e utilizados para quantificar CD63, atividade da acetilcolinesterase (AChE), conteúdo de espécies reativas, atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD) e conteúdo de Aβ. / The amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic pathways, represented by secretases named β-site APP cleaving enzyme(BACE) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme (TACE), respectively, are responsible for amyloid protein precursor (APP) processing. APP cleavage modifications leading to increased β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide levels seem to be related to cognitive decline observed in Alzheimer disease (AD), however, works evaluating the APP processing machinery in the normal aging process are rarely studied. The Aβ is formed through APP cleavage by BACE enzyme, named amyloidogenic pathway. On the other hand, APP can be cleaved by a non-amyloidogenic pathway through secretase enzymes such as TACE producing APPα, which is a neuroprotective product. Some evidences suggested that extracellular vesicles named exosomes could carry proteins including the Aβ peptide between different cells. Yet, exosomes appear to be linked to oxidative stress and aging process. However, studies evaluating the relationship between exosomes and oxidative stress marks in the aging were not yet performed. The beneficial exercise impact in the aging process are widely described, nevertheless, its effects on secretase activities, specifically BACE and TACE, and exosome profile during normal aging remains understood. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the exercise effects on secretase activities and circulating exosomes profile in the aging process. Wistar rats (3-, 21- and 26-month-old) were divided into sedentary and exercised groups; the exercise protocol consisted in a daily moderate treadmill exercise (20 min each day during 2 weeks). After the last exercise sessions, all animals were subjected to inhibitory avoidance task. To identify transitory and delayed exercise effects, specifically 1 and 18 hours after the last exercise training session, hippocampi and prefrontal cortices as well as blood were obtained at different times of day, respectively, in the afternoon and early morning. The brain areas were used to quantify the APP content and BACE and TACE activities. The circulating exosomes were isolated from serum and used to quantify CD63, reactive species and Aβ content, besides AChE and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities.
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Efeito do envelhecimento sobre a atividade de secretases e o perfil de exossomos circulantes : modulação pelo exercício físicoBertoldi, Karine January 2016 (has links)
As vias amiloidogênica e não-amiloidogênica, representadas pelas enzimas secretases como a enzima clivadora do sítio beta da APP (BACE) e a enzima conversora do fator de necrose tumoral-alfa (TACE) respectivamente, são responsáveis pela clivagem da proteína precursora amiloide (APP). Alterações no processamento da APP associadas ao acúmulo do peptídeo β-amiloide (Aβ) parecem estar relacionadas aos déficits cognitivos observados na doença de Alzheimer (DA), no entanto, estudos avaliando a maquinaria de processamento da APP durante o envelhecimento fisiológico são raros. O Aβ é formado através da clivagem da proteína precursora amiloide (APP) pela enzima BACE. Por outro lado, a APP pode ser clivada por secretases como a TACE gerando APPα, o qual é considerado neuroprotetor. Alguns estudos têm sugerido um envolvimento de vesículas denominadas exossomos no transporte de proteínas como o peptídeo Aβ além de um papel dos exossomos durante o estresse oxidativo e no processo de envelhecimento. No entanto, estudos avaliando a relação entre exossomos e marcadores oxidativos no envelhecimento ainda não foram realizados. Além disso, apesar de diversas evidências demonstrarem os efeitos benéficos do exercício físico, os efeitos exercidos sobre a modulação da atividade das secretases, especificamente TACE e BACE, e sobre o perfil dos exossomos durante o envelhecimento fisiológico têm sido pouco investigados. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do exercício físico sobre a atividade das secretases e sobre o perfil de exossomos circulantes em ratos durante o envelhecimento. Ratos Wistar de 3, 21 e 26 meses de idade foram divididos em sedentários e exercitados, o protocolo de exercício consistiu em 20 min/ dia durante 14 dias e após a última a sessão de exercício todos os animais foram submetidos ao teste da esquiva inibitória. As estruturas cerebrais e o sangue troncular foram coletados 1h (período da tarde) e 18 h (período da manhã) após a última sessão de exercício com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos transitórios e tardios do protocolo de exercício. O hipocampo e o córtex pré-frontal foram dissecados e utilizados para quantificar o conteúdo de APP e avaliar a atividade das enzimas TACE e BACE. Os exossomos foram isolados do soro e utilizados para quantificar CD63, atividade da acetilcolinesterase (AChE), conteúdo de espécies reativas, atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD) e conteúdo de Aβ. / The amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic pathways, represented by secretases named β-site APP cleaving enzyme(BACE) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme (TACE), respectively, are responsible for amyloid protein precursor (APP) processing. APP cleavage modifications leading to increased β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide levels seem to be related to cognitive decline observed in Alzheimer disease (AD), however, works evaluating the APP processing machinery in the normal aging process are rarely studied. The Aβ is formed through APP cleavage by BACE enzyme, named amyloidogenic pathway. On the other hand, APP can be cleaved by a non-amyloidogenic pathway through secretase enzymes such as TACE producing APPα, which is a neuroprotective product. Some evidences suggested that extracellular vesicles named exosomes could carry proteins including the Aβ peptide between different cells. Yet, exosomes appear to be linked to oxidative stress and aging process. However, studies evaluating the relationship between exosomes and oxidative stress marks in the aging were not yet performed. The beneficial exercise impact in the aging process are widely described, nevertheless, its effects on secretase activities, specifically BACE and TACE, and exosome profile during normal aging remains understood. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the exercise effects on secretase activities and circulating exosomes profile in the aging process. Wistar rats (3-, 21- and 26-month-old) were divided into sedentary and exercised groups; the exercise protocol consisted in a daily moderate treadmill exercise (20 min each day during 2 weeks). After the last exercise sessions, all animals were subjected to inhibitory avoidance task. To identify transitory and delayed exercise effects, specifically 1 and 18 hours after the last exercise training session, hippocampi and prefrontal cortices as well as blood were obtained at different times of day, respectively, in the afternoon and early morning. The brain areas were used to quantify the APP content and BACE and TACE activities. The circulating exosomes were isolated from serum and used to quantify CD63, reactive species and Aβ content, besides AChE and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities.
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