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The doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son in the Trinitarian theology of Basil of CaesareaFischer, Zachary 02 1900 (has links)
This paper explores the importance of the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son in Basil of Caesarea's Trinitarian writings. In order to judge the importance of the doctrine for Basil, its impact on all of his exegetical and dogmatic writings on the Trinity were surveyed and evaluated. In his writings, Basil repeatedly addresses his belief that the Father and the Son is the one, eternal God. He considered this possible due to the Son's eternal generation from the substance of the Father. Basil considered the eternal generation of the Son to be both a scripturally warranted and philosophically coherent doctrine that explains how the Father and Son are indelibly same in substance and truly distinct persons. This study concludes that the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son is essential to Basil's Trinitarian theology throughout his life. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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The doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son in the Trinitarian theology of Basil of CaesareaFischer, Zachary 02 1900 (has links)
This paper explores the importance of the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son in Basil of Caesarea's Trinitarian writings. In order to judge the importance of the doctrine for Basil, its impact on all of his exegetical and dogmatic writings on the Trinity were surveyed and evaluated. In his writings, Basil repeatedly addresses his belief that the Father and the Son is the one, eternal God. He considered this possible due to the Son's eternal generation from the substance of the Father. Basil considered the eternal generation of the Son to be both a scripturally warranted and philosophically coherent doctrine that explains how the Father and Son are indelibly same in substance and truly distinct persons. This study concludes that the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son is essential to Basil's Trinitarian theology throughout his life. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Determina????o do patrim??nio de refer??ncia exigido frente ??s novas regras de Basileia III: estudo de caso no setor financeiro - BICBANCOCardoso, Marcelo de Oliveira 08 May 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-05-08 / This Objective of this study is to investigate challenges in the determination of the Required Referential Net Equity, of financial institutions, with the entry into force of the new Central Bank regulations that meet the recommendations of the Committee on Banking Supervision Basel III. The application of standards subject to the Resolution 3897/2010 revoked by Resolution 4194/2013 will address the implementation and management of liquidity risk, the new methodology of calculating the Reference Equity and the introduction of additional core capital, among other issues. Changes brought by the withdrawal of tax credits for purposes of computing the capital and changes in the form of acceptance of subordinated debt will have a strong impact on all financial institutions, with repercussions on the levels of capitalization and leverage. In this Risk management in banking and capital management with emphasis on the determination of the reference net equity required. The results suggest the need to strengthen the management of new sources of capital and line-of-business and customers, as circular 3644, especially for the average banks / O objetivo desse estudo ?? investigar as principais mudan??as na determina????o do Patrim??nio de Refer??ncia Exigido das institui????es financeiras, com a entrada em vigor das novas regulamenta????es do Banco Central, que atendem as recomenda????es do Comit?? de Supervis??o Banc??ria de Basileia III. A aplica????o das normas que s??o objeto da Resolu????o 3897/2010 revogada pela Resolu????o 4194/2013 tratar??o da implementa????o e do gerenciamento do risco de liquidez e Cr??dito, da nova metodologia de apura????o do patrim??nio de refer??ncia e da introdu????o do adicional de capital principal, entre outras quest??es. Mudan??as como a dedu????o gradativa do saldo dos cr??ditos tribut??rios diretamente do Capital e altera????es na forma de aceita????o das d??vidas subordinadas t??m forte impacto sobre todas as institui????es financeiras, com repercuss??o nos seus n??veis de capitaliza????o e alavancagem. Nesse contexto, foi realizado revis??o da literatura sobre os assuntos: Basileia I, II e III, riscos na gest??o banc??ria e gerenciamento de capital com ??nfase na determina????o do Patrim??nio de Refer??ncia Exigido. Os resultados encontrados sugerem a necessidade de refor??ar a gest??o de novas fontes de capital e de linhas de neg??cios e clientes, conforme circular 3644, sobretudo para os bancos m??dios
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Creation and God as One, Creator, and Trinity in early theology through Augustine and its theological fruitfulness in the 21st centuryEllingwood, Jane January 2015 (has links)
My primary argument in this thesis is that creation theologies significantly influenced early developments in the doctrine of the Trinity, especially in Augustine of Hippo’s theology. Thus this is a work of historical theology, but I conclude with proposals for how Augustine’s theologies of creation and the Trinity can be read fruitfully with modern theology. I critically analyse developments in trinitarian theologies in light of ideas that were held about creation. These include the doctrine of creation ‘out of nothing’ and ideas about other creative acts (e.g., forming or fashioning things). Irenaeus and other early theologians posited roles for God (the Father), the Word / Son, the Spirit, or Wisdom in creative acts without working out formal views on economic trinitarian acts. During the fourth century trinitarian controversies, creation ‘out of nothing’ and ideas about ‘modes of origin’ influenced thinking on consubstantiality and relations within the Trinity. Basil of Caesarea and others also presented ideas about trinitarian acts of creation and the Trinity in hexaemeral works. I will argue that in Augustine’s views of trinitarian acts of creation, he attributes roles to God (the Father), the Word / Son, and the Spirit. In his mature theology, he attributes the giving of formless existence, differentiated existence, and perfected existence to the three Persons respectively, while depicting shared roles. He also attributes to the Spirit the giving of the capability of ‘dynamic abiding’ to creatures, which gives them agency in continuing their existence. Augustine’s theologies of creation and the Trinity were significantly influenced by his exegesis of Gen. 1, John 1. 1-3, Wisdom, and other scriptures, and his ideas resonate with the hexaemeral works of Basil and Philo of Alexandria. I argue that scholars should examine these sources and Augustine’s own hexaemeral commentaries to gain a deeper understanding of his trinitarian theology.
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Tesis por compendio / [EN] Chitosan films and coatings have been obtained, by incorporating different essential oils (EO) and using different homogenization conditions of the film forming emulsions, in order to obtain antifungal materials for fruit preservation. The effect of oleic acid (OA) on the stability of the initial emulsions and on the film properties was analysed. Coatings were applied to control fungal decay in strawberries. The blending of chitosan with methylcellulose (MC) was also used in coating applications to tomato plants and fruits to prevent fungal infections. The films' functional properties as a function of their composition were analysed, as well as their antimicrobial activity through in vitro and in vivo tests.
OA incorporation in the chitosan films (1:1 wt. ratio) reduced water vapour permeability (WVP) values to about 50 % of those of net chitosan films, with a small positive effect of the microfluidization process. EO (cinnamon, thyme and basil) did not notably reduced the WVP values of the chitosan films but a significant improvement in water barrier capacity was induced when OA was also added at 1:1 or 1:0.5 CH:OA ratios. In contrast, lipids slightly promoted oxygen permeability of the films. Lipid addition decreased the film stretchability and stiffness, with a lesser impact on the resistance to break, slightly depending on the droplet sizes. Essential oils also modulated the mechanical behaviour of the films, depending on their composition. Thyme and basil EO greatly promoted film stiffness and resistance to break, whereas cinnamon oil slightly reduced these mechanical attributes. Optical properties of the chitosan films were also affected by lipid incorporation. OA reduced the film transparency and gloss depending on the concentration, but provoked small changes in the colour parameters and whiteness index. EO affected transparency to a lesser extent, but had greater impact on the colour coordinates and whiteness index of the chitosan films due to the selective light absorption of their compounds. EO blend with oleic acid mitigated the colour changes in the films. Likewise, blending of OA with EO significantly reduced the losses of volatiles during the film formation due to the promotion of the stability of the film forming emulsions.
Films containing cinnamon EO were effective in reducing the growth of Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea and Rhizopus stolonifer, although thyme and basil EO encapsulated in the films did not exhibit antifungal action against these three fungi. When chitosan-cinnamon EO coatings were applied to strawberries inoculated with R. stolonifer, they reduced the fungal decay of the fruits during 14 days, at 10 °C, at the same time that total coliform counts were maintained at the initial levels.
Chitosan coatings with lemon essential oil were also active at controlling fungal decay in strawberries. These did not significantly affect the physicochemical parameters of strawberries throughout cold storage, while they slowed down the respiration rate of the fruits and enhanced the chitosan antifungal activity against B. cinerea. The coatings, with and without lemon EO, affected the strawberry volatile profile, although it was only sensory appreciated for samples coated with chitosan-lemon oil.
Blend films of CH and MC (1:1) containing oregano EO caused phytotoxic problems at "3 Leaves" stage of tomato plants, although the total biomass and crop yield was not affected. In the "Fruit" stage, the treatments had no negative effects. Coatings reduced the respiration rate of tomatoes, diminished weight loss during postharvest storage and were effective to decrease the fungal decay of tomatoes inoculated with R. stolonifer.
Migration of thymol and carvacrol from CH-MC films in food simulants could overcome the stablished specific migration limit (60 mg/kg) for food contact packaging materials in aqueous and low pH systems if films contain a 1:1 polymer essential oil weight ratio. / [ES] En la presente tesis doctoral se han desarrollado diferentes materiales antifúngicos para su uso en conservación de frutas. Para ello, se han incorporado diferentes aceites esenciales (AE) en recubrimientos y películas de quitosano (Q). Se ha analizado el efecto de la adición de ácido oleico (AO) y las condiciones de homogeneización sobre la estabilidad de las emulsiones y sobre las propiedades de las películas. Se ha estudiado el efecto de los recubrimientos de Q sobre el deterioro fúngico en fresas y el efecto preventivo frente a infecciones fúngicas de las mezclas de metilcelulosa (MC) con Q en plantas de tomate. Se ha estudiado el efecto de la composición de las películas sobre las propiedades funcionales de las mismas, así como su actividad antimicrobiana in vitro e in vivo.
La incorporación de AO en las películas de Q (proporción 1:1) redujo la permeabilidad al agua (PVA) en un 50% comparado con la de Q puro. La microfluidización indujo un efecto positivo sobre dicha reducción. La adición de AE (hoja de canela, tomillo o albahaca) no supuso una disminución notable de los valores de permeabilidad obtenidos para las películas de Q. Cuando se añadió AO a las formulaciones de Q y AE (proporciones 1:1 o 1:2), se promovió una mejora significativa en la PVA de las películas. En cambio, la adición de lípidos aumentó ligeramente la permeabilidad al oxígeno, disminuyó la elasticidad y la rigidez, y produjo un menor impacto sobre la resistencia a la rotura. A su vez, la adición de AE modificó el comportamiento mecánico de las películas. Los AE de tomillo y albahaca aumentaron considerablemente la rigidez y la resistencia a la rotura, mientras que el AE de hoja de canela redujo estos parámetros ligeramente. La adición de lípidos a las películas de Q afectó las propiedades ópticas de las mismas. El AO redujo la transparencia y el brillo, en función de la concentración añadida. La adición de AE tuvo un mayor impacto sobre los parámetros de color y el índice de blancura. Las mezclas de AE y AO mitigaron estos cambios de color. Además, la incorporación de las mezclas AE-OA redujo las pérdidas de volátiles del AE durante la formación de las películas.
Las películas formuladas con el AE de hoja de canela fueron efectivas contra el crecimientos de A. niger, B. cinerea y R. stolonifer, aunque los AE de tomillo y albahaca encapsulados en las películas no mostraron ninguna actividad antifúngica. La aplicación de los diferentes recubrimientos de Q AE de C en fresas inoculadas con R. stolonifer dio lugar a una reducción en el deterioro fúngico de los frutos almacenados durante 14 días a 10°C.
Los recubrimientos de Q-AE de limón también fueron efectivos en el control del deterioro fúngico en fresas. Estos recubrimientos no afectaron significativamente los parámetros físico-químicos de las fresas durante el almacenamiento en refrigeración, disminuyeron la tasa de respiración de los frutos y acentuaron la actividad antifúngica del Q frente a B. cinerea. Tanto los recubrimientos con AE como los de Q puro modificaron el perfil de volátiles de las fresas, aunque estos cambios solo fueron apreciados sensorialmente en el caso de los frutos recubiertos con AE.
Las mezclas de Q y MC que contenían AE de orégano causaron efectos fitotóxicos en plantas de tomate en el estadio "3 hojas", aunque no afectaron a la biomasa total. En el estadio "frutos" los tratamientos no tuvieron ningún efecto negativo. Los recubrimientos redujeron la tasa de respiración de los tomates, disminuyeron la pérdida de peso durante el almacenamiento post-cosecha y fueron efectivos contra el deterioro fúngico de tomates inoculados con R. stolonifer.
La migración de los compuestos fenólicos timol y carvacrol, contenidos en las películas de Q-MC, podría superar el límite de migración específica establecido (60 mg/Kg) para materiales de envase en contacto con alimentos en los casos de sistemas acuosos y d / [CA] En la present tesi doctoral s'han desenvolupat diferents materials antifúngics per al seu ús en conservació de fruites. Per a açò, s'han incorporat diferents olis essencials (OE) en recobriments i pel·lícules de quitosano (Q). S'ha analitzat l'efecte de l'addició d'àcid oleic (AO) i les condicions d'homogeneïtzació sobre l'estabilitat de les emulsions i sobre les propietats de les pel·lícules obtingudes. S'ha estudiat l'efecte dels recobriments de Q sobre la deterioració fúngica en maduixes i l'efecte preventiu enfront d'infeccions fúngiques de les mescles de metilcelulosa (MC) amb Q en plantes de tomaca. S'ha estudiat l'efecte de la composició de les pel·lícules sobre les propietats funcionals de les mateixes, així com la seua activitat antimicrobiana in vitro i in vivo.
La incorporació de AO en les pel·lícules de Q (1:1) va reduir la permeabilitat al vapor d'aigua (PVA) en un 50% comparat amb la de Q pur. La microfluidització va induir un petit efecte positiu sobre aquesta reducció. L'addició de AE (fulla de canyella, C, timó, T, i alfàbrega, A) no va suposar una disminució notable dels valors de permeabilitat obtinguts per a les pel·lícules de Q. Quan es va afegir AO a les formulacions de Q i AE, es va promoure una millora significativa en la PVA de les pel·lícules. Per contra, l'addició de lípids va augmentar lleugerament la permeabilitat a l'oxigen, va disminuir l'elasticitat i la rigidesa, i va produir un menor impacte sobre la resistència al trencament. Al seu torn, l'addició de OE va modificar el comportament mecànic de les pel·lícules. Els OE de T i d'A van augmentar considerablement la rigidesa i la resistència al trencament, mentre que l'OE de C va reduir aquests paràmetres lleugerament. L'addició de lípids a les pel·lícules de Q també va afectar les propietats òptiques de les mateixes. L'AO va reduir la transparència i la lluentor, en funció de la concentració afegida. L'addició d'OE va tenir un major impacte sobre el paràmetres de color i l'índex de blancor. Les mescles d'OE i AO van mitigar aquests canvis de color. A més, la incorporació de les mescles OE-AO va reduir les pèrdues de volàtils de l'OE durant la formació de les pel·lícules.
Les pel·lícules formulades amb l'OE de C van ser efectives contra el creixements d'A. niger, B. cinerea i R. stolonifer, encara que els OE de T i A encapsulats en les pel·lícules no van mostrar cap activitat antifúngica. L'aplicació dels diferents recobriments de Q OE de fulla de canyella en maduixes inoculades amb R. stolonifer va donar lloc a una reducció en la deterioració fúngica dels fruits emmagatzemats durant 14 dies a 10°C.
Els recobriments de Q-OE de llimó també van ser efectius en el control de la deterioració fúngica en maduixes. Aquests recobriments no van afectar significativament els paràmetres fisicoquímics de les maduixes durant l'emmagatzematge en refrigeració, van disminuir la taxa de respiració dels fruits i van accentuar l'activitat antifúngica del Q enfront de B. cinerea. Tant els recobriments amb OE com els de Q pur van modificar el perfil de volàtils de les maduixes, encara que aquests canvis sol van ser apreciats sensorialment en el cas dels fruits recoberts amb OE.
Les mescles de Q:MC que contenien OE d'orenga van causar efectes fitotòxics en plantes de tomaca en l'estadi "3 fulles", encara que no van afectar a la biomassa total. En l'estadi "fruits" els tractaments no van tenir cap efecte negatiu. Els recobriments van reduir la taxa de respiració de les tomaques, van disminuir la pèrdua de pes durant l'emmagatzematge post collita i van ser efectius contra la deterioració fúngica de tomaques inoculades amb R. stolonifer.
La migració dels compostos fenòlics timol i carvacrol, continguts en les pel·lícules de Q-MC, podria superar el límit de migració específica establit (60 mg/Kg) per a materials d'envàs en contacte amb aliments en els casos de sistemes aquosos i d / Perdones Montero, Á. (2015). ANTIFUNGAL CHITOSAN-BASED FILMS AND COATINGS CONTAINING ESSENTIAL OILS FOR FRUIT APPLICATIONS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59413 / Compendio
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Fighting polio : selling the gamma globulin field trials, 1950-1953Mawdsley, Stephen Edward January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of a Novel Biochemistry Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE)Stefan M Irby (6326255) 15 May 2019 (has links)
<p>Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) have been described in a range of educational contexts. Although various learning objectives, termed anticipated learning outcomes (ALOs) in this project, have been proposed, processes for identifying them may not be rigorous or well-documented, which can lead to inappropriate assessment and speculation about what students actually learn from CUREs. Additionally, evaluation of CUREs has primarily relied on student and instructor perception data rather than more reliable measures of learning.This dissertation investigated a novel biochemistry laboratory curriculum for a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) known as the Biochemistry Authentic Scientific Inquiry Lab (BASIL). Students participating in this CURE use a combination of computational and biochemical wet-lab techniques to elucidate the function of proteins of known structure but unknown function. The goal of the project was to evaluate the efficacy of the BASIL CURE curriculum for developing students’ research abilities across implementations. Towards achieving this goal, we addressed the following four research questions (RQs): <b>RQ1</b>) How can ALOs be rigorously identified for the BASIL CURE; <b>RQ2</b>) How can the identified ALOs be used to develop a matrix that characterizes the BASIL CURE; <b>RQ3</b>) What are students’ perceptions of their knowledge, confidence and competence regarding their abilities to perform the top-rated ALOs for this CURE; <b>RQ4</b>) What are appropriate assessments for student achievement of the identified ALOs and what is the nature of student learning, and related difficulties, developed by students during the BASIL CURE? To address these RQs, this project focused on the development and use of qualitative and quantitative methods guided by constructivism and situated cognition theoretical frameworks. Data was collected using a range of instruments including, content analysis, Qualtrics surveys, open-ended questions and interviews, in order to identify ALOs and to determine student learning for the BASIL CURE. Analysis of the qualitative data was through inductive coding guided by the concept-reasoning-mode (CRM) model and the assessment triangle, while analysis of quantitative data was done by using standard statistical techniques (e.g. conducting a parried t-test and effect size). The results led to the development of a novel method for identifying ALOs, namely a process for identifying course-based undergraduate research abilities (PICURA; RQ1; Irby, Pelaez, & Anderson 2018b). Application of PICURA to the BASIL CURE resulted in the identification and rating by instructors of a wide range of ALOs, termed course-based undergraduate research abilities (CURAs), which were formulated into a matrix (RQs 2; Irby, Pelaez, & Anderson, 2018a,). The matrix was, in turn, used to characterize the BASIL CURE and to inform the design of student assessments aimed at evaluating student development of the identified CURAs (RQs 4; Irby, Pelaez, & Anderson, 2018a). Preliminary findings from implementation of the open-ended assessments in a small case study of students, revealed a range of student competencies for selected top-rated CURAs as well as evidence for student difficulties (RQ4). In this way we were able to confirm that students are developing some of the ALOs as actual learning outcomes which we term VLOs or verified learning outcomes. In addition, a participant perception indicator (PPI) survey was used to gauge students’ perceptions of their gains in knowledge, experience, and confidence during the BASIL CURE and, therefore, to inform which CURAs should be specifically targeted for assessment in specific BASIL implementations (RQ3;). These results indicate that, across implementations of the CURE, students perceived significant gains with large effect sizes in their knowledge, experience, and confidence for items on the PPI survey (RQ3;). In our view, the results of this dissertation will make important contributions to the CURE literature, as well as to the biochemistry education and assessment literature in general. More specifically, it will significantly improve understanding of the nature of student learning from CUREs and how to identify ALOs and design assessments that reveal what students actually learn from such CUREs - an area where there has been a dearth of available knowledge in the past. The outcomes of this dissertation could also help instructors and administrators identify and align assessments with the actual features of a CURE (or courses in general), use the identified CURAs to ensure the material fits departmental or university needs, and evaluate the benefits of students participating in these innovative curricula. Future research will focus on expanding the development and validation of assessments so that practitioners can better evaluate the efficacy of their CUREs for developing the research competencies of their undergraduate students and continue to render improvements to their curricula.</p>
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