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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterisation of uranium-mineral-bearing samples in the Vaal Reef of the Klerksdorp Goldfield, Witwatersrand basin

Sebola, Tlou Piet 30 January 2015 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science. 23 September, 2014, Johannesburg. / The Witwatersrand Basin has been mined for the last 125 years and is still one of the world’s largest producers of gold and has produced over 50 000 tonnes. However, uranium has also been mined as a by-product of gold from the Witwatersrand reefs, and over 150 000 tonnes have been produced. Over the past decades, the origin of this world class gold and uranium deposit has been debated and still remains controversial. Three main hypotheses were developed, and these are the placer, modified placer and hydrothermal models. In this study, the aims are: to evaluate how many generations of uranium-bearing minerals are in the Vaal Reef samples analysed from Great Noligwa, Moab Khotsong and Kopanang mines and to determine which model among the placer, modified place and hydrothermal best supports the emplacement of the uranium-bearing minerals in the reef. The Vaal Reef occurs in the lower parts of the Strathmore Formation of the Johannesburg Subgroup in the Central Rand Group of the Klerksdorp Goldfield in the Witwatersrand Supergroup. The Vaal Reef is split into three facies, namely the C, B and A Facies; the C and A Facies are the most economic facies at the three mines. The C Facies is well developed at Kopanang mine and the A Facies is well developed at both Moab Khotsong and Great Noligwa mines. Geochemical analyses revealed that the C Facies is enriched in uranium, carbon, sulphur and aluminium; this is due to the presence of uraninite, carbonaceous matter, pyrite and sheet silicate minerals, respectively. The A Facies, however, is more enriched in gold and quartz content, although high uranium, carbon and sulphur concentrations are found, they do not exceed the C Facies concentrations. Mineralogical investigations showed that uraninite, brannerite and uraniferous leucoxene are the uranium-bearing minerals present in the Vaal Reef samples. Uraninite is the main mineral and occurs firstly with detrital minerals such as pyrite, zircon and chromite in the quartz matrices; the second occurrence of uraninite is with the carbonaceous matter. Brannerite and uraniferous leucoxene are suggested to be formed from the breakdown of detrital uraninite grains interacting with Ti-rich minerals such as rutile. Unlike uraninite, brannerite and uraniferous leucoxene occur mainly in the C Facies matrix and occur as patchy or irregular-shaped minerals. The uraninite grains associated with the detrital minerals are mainly round in shape with sizes up to ~150 to 200 μm. This association with the detrital minerals suggests that uraninite was deposited together with the detrital minerals at the same time and that they were in hydraulic equilibrium with one another. Therefore, uraninite is also detrital in origin. The second generation of uraninite grains in the carbonaceous matter mainly show replacement and breakdown of uraninite by the latter, in many observations, uraninite grains are penetrated by the carbonaceous matter through cracks and are further fragmented into smaller grains. The sizes of these fragmented grains vary between 5 – 80 μm and have angular shapes, suggesting that they were first rounded and later broken down and replaced by the carbonaceous matter. A four-staged paragenetic sequence of the Vaal Reef samples was developed, and more importantly the paragenesis showed that the carbonaceous matter post-dates the deposition of uraninite. The three-dimensional microfocus X-Ray computed tomography (3D μXCT) was applied to the Vaal Reef samples and the main objectives were to visualise and analyse the uranium-bearing minerals in the Vaal Reef samples for their sizes, shapes and distribution with respect to other mineral components in the samples in 3D. The technique is currently unable to distinguish individual minerals from one another, especially when minerals have similar grey values as a result of close attenuation coefficients, mineral compositions and density. Mineral groups were identified following this similarity, include quartz and sheet silicates as one mineral group, all sulphides as another group and uranium-bearing minerals with gold as a third mineral group. The analysed uraninite with gold mineral group in the matrix, exhibited grains up to 200 μm in size which were round in shape, as observed in 2D mineralogical techniques. These observations support mineralogical observations acquired by conventional mineralogical techniques suggesting that 3D μXCT can be used to complement other mineralogical techniques in obtaining 3D information on minerals. However, 3D μXCT has limitations such as spatial resolution, partial volume effect and overlapping of mineral grey values. It is therefore, suggested that the technique not be used as an independent tool for mineral characterisation, but rather in support of the existing mineralogical techniques. The source area of the uraninite in the Vaal Reef of the Klerksdorp Goldfield is suggested to have been the hydrothermally altered Archaean basement granite bodies of the Witwatersrand Basin hinterland, from the Hartebeesfontein Dome northwest of the goldfield in particular. High UO2/ThO2 ratios, as determined by electron microprobe analyses (EMPA), support the notion that the uraninite grains are not a product of hydrothermal fluids, and furthermore high Pb contents showing that the uraninite grains are older than the age of the Witwatersrand deposition. In conclusion, the emplacement of uranium-bearing minerals in the Vaal Reef samples analysed in this study is best explained by the modified placer model.

Stratigraphy and basin modelling of the Gemsbok Sub-Basin (Karoo Supergroup) of Botswana and Namibia

Nxumalo, Valerie 22 June 2011 (has links)
The Gemsbok Sub-basin is situated in the south-western corner of the Kalahari Karoo Basin and extends south from the Kgalagadi District of Botswana into the Northern Cape (South Africa); and west into the Aranos Basin (southeast Namibia). The Sub-basin preserves a heterogeneous succession of Upper Palaeozoic to Lower Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Karoo Supergroup. Because the succession is largely covered by the Cenozoic Kalahari Group, the stratigraphy of the succession is not as well understood as the Main Karoo Basin in South Africa. Most research in the Gemsbok Sub-basin is based on borehole data. This study focuses on the intrabasinal correlation, depositional environments and provenance of the Karoo Supergroup in the Gemsbok Sub-basin in Botswana and Namibia. Based on detailed sedimentological analyses of 11 borehole cores of the Karoo Supergroup in the Gemsbok Sub-basin of Botswana and Namibia, 8 facies associations (FAs) comprising 14 lithofacies and 2 trace fossil assemblages (Cruziana and Skolithos ichnofacies) were identified. The facies associations (FA1 to FA8) correspond to the lithostratigraphic subdivisions (the Dwyka Group, Ecca Group, Beaufort equivalent Group, Lebung Group [Mosolotsane and Ntane formations] and Neu Loore Formation) of the Karoo Supergroup. Sedimentological characteristics of the identified facies associations indicate the following depositional environments: glaciomarine or glaciolacustrine (FA1, Dwyka Group), deep-water (lake or sea) (FA2, Ecca Group), prodelta (FA3, Ecca Group), delta front (FA4, Ecca Group), delta plain (FA5, Ecca Group), floodplain (probably shallow lakes) (FA6, Beaufort Group equivalent), fluvial (FA7, Mosolotsane and Neu Loore formations) and aeolian (FA8, Ntane Sandstone Formation). The Dwyka Group (FA1) forms the base of the Karoo Supergroup in the Gemsbok Subbasin and overlain by the Ecca Group deposits. Three types of deltas exist within the Ecca Group: fluvial-dominated; fluvial-wave interaction and wave-dominated deltas. The Gemsbok Sub-basin was characterised by rapid uplift and subsidence and high sediment influx during the deposition of the Ecca Group. Petrographic and geochemical analyses of the Ecca Group sandstones revealed immature arkose and subarkose type sandstones dominated by angular to subangular detrital grains, sourced from transitional continental and basement uplifted source areas. The sandstones of Ntane Sandstone Formation are classified as subarkoses and sourced from the craton interior provenances.

Revisão sistemática e paleobiogeográfica de Trilobitas Phacopida (Homalonotidae e Calmoniidae) do Devoniano das Bacias do Parnaíba e Amazonas, Brasil / not available

Meira, Felipe van Enck 02 September 2016 (has links)
O conhecimento acerca dos invertebrados devonianos no Brasil teve início em fins do século XIX e a primeira metade do século XX, período no qual foram feitas expedições pioneiras às principais bacias paleozoicas do país - as bacias do Paraná, Parnaíba e Amazonas. Desta fase também resultaram importantes trabalhos científicos (e.g., Clarke, 1913), usados ainda hoje como referência em estudos. Dentre os trilobitas, os grupos mais representativos são os Homalonotidae e os Calmoniidae, cuja importância como ferramentas em questões paleoambientais e paleobiogeográficas vem sendo constatada a partir de recentes revisões sistemáticas em fósseis da Bacia do Paraná. Estes estudos também têm demonstrado que muitas das variações nos fósseis, interpretadas por pesquisadores anteriores como taxonômicas, decorrem de alterações tafonômicas, que podem levar a classificações errôneas. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos revisar a sistemática dos trilobitas Phacopida (Homalonotidae e Calmoniidae) nas bacias do Parnaíba e Amazonas, incluindo, na primeira localidade, a nova ocorrência de São João Vermelho, no município de João Costa (PI), investigar, sempre que pertinente, a implicação das alterações tafonômicas na sistemática desses fósseis, identificando fatores diagenéticos/intempéricos que podem interferir nos caracteres morfológicos e discutir as implicações paleobiogeográficas dos Homalonotidae e Calmoniidae do Devoniano das bacias do Amazonas e Parnaíba, em relação a outras localidades adjacentes à estas bacias. Resultados das pesquisas mostram que a localidade de São João Vermelho é bastante promissora do ponto de vista paleontológico, pois consiste em uma nova localidade para o táxon M. tuberculatus, o qual também é documentado nas duas subbacias da Bacia do Paraná - Alto Garças e Apucarana, indicando que esta espécie apresenta alto grau de cosmopolitanismo. A análise de exemplares de Burmeisteria (Homalonotidae) desta localidade sugere que as diferenças nas espécies deste gênero no Brasil são mais sutis do que imaginado. Na Bacia do Amazonas, os Phacopida estão representados especialmente por Calmoniidae do gênero Malvinella, também presentes na Bolívia. As relações paleobiogeográficas entre as bacias paleozoicas brasileiras e a Bolívia, durante o Eo e Mesodevoniano, teriam sido mais estreitas do que se imaginava. A principal rota de migração para a Bacia do Parnaíba teria sido através da Bacia do Paraná, conforme constatado pela presença de M. tuberculatus. Já a migração para a Bacia do Amazonas teria se dado a sudoeste desta bacia, já que Malvinella ocorre apenas nesta bacia e na Bolívia / The knowledge on Brazilian Devonian invertebrates started by the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, period which pioneering expeditions were made to the main Paleozoic basins of the country - Paraná, Parnaíba and Amazon basins. Important scientific contributions also resulted from this fase (e.g. Clarke, 1913), still used today as reference in studies. Among trilobites, the most representative groups are the Homalonotidae and Calmoniidae, whose importance in paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographical questions have been noted from recent systematic revisions in Paraná Basin fossils. These studies also have demonstrated that many variations in fossils, interpreted by previous researchers as taxonomic, are due to taphonomic alterations, which can lead to erroneous classifications. In this context, the current study aimed to review the systematics of Phacopida trilobites (Homalonotidae and Calmoniidae) from the Parnaíba and Amazon basins, including, in the former locality, the new occurrence of São João Vermelho, in the João Costa municipality (PI); to investigate, whenever relevant, .the implication of the taphonomic alterations in the systematics of these fossils, identifying diagenetic/weathering factors which can interfere in the morphological features; and to discuss the paleobiogeographic implications of the Homalonotidae and Calmoniidae from the Devonian of the Parnaíba and Amazon basins, in relation to other localities adjacent to these basins. Study results show that the locality of São João Vermelho is paleontologically promising, as it consists of a new place for the M. tuberculatus taxon, which is also documented in the both Paraná Basin subbasins - Alto Garças and Apucarana, indicating that this species is highly cosmopolitan. The analysis of Burmeisteria (Homalonotidae) exemplars from this locality suggests that differences between the species of this genus in Brazil are slighter than thought. In the Amazon Basin, Phacopida trilobites are especially represented by the Calmoniidae genus Malvinella, also present in Bolivia. The paleobiogeographic relations between the Paleozoic Brazilian basins and Bolivia, during Early and Middle Devonian, would have been closer than thought. The main migration route to the Parnaíba Basin would have been through the Paraná Basin, as found by the presence of M. tuberculatus. The migration to the Amazon Basin, in turn, would have occurred southwestward this basin, as Malvinella occurs only in this locality and in Bolivia.

Revisão taxonômica e relações filogenéticas do gênero Leporacanthicus Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1989 (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) / Taxonomic review and phylogenetic relationships of the genus Leporacanthicus Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1989 (Siluriformes, Loricariidae)

Chamon, Carine Cavalcante 24 October 2007 (has links)
Uma revisão taxonômica gênero Leporacanthicus Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1989 é apresentada, bem como uma hipótese filogenética de relacionamento das espécies, e de seu posicionamento dentro da tribo Ancistrini. Quatro espécies distribuídas no planalto Brasileiro e das Guianas, bacias Amazônica e do Orinoco são consideradas válidas: L.galaxias (rios Tocantins, Guamá e Orinoco); L. joselimai (rios Tapajós e Curuá-Una); L. heterodon (rio Xingu); e L. triactis (rio Orinoco). A análise resultou em dois cladogramas igualmente parcimoniosos com 336 passos (IC=0,43; IR=0,66), do qual foi gerado uma árvore de consenso estrito. O monofiletismo de Leporacanthicus é corroborado por 14 sinapomorfias; dentro do gênero foi obtida a seguinte topologia (L. galaxias (L. triactis (L. heterodon, L. joselimai))). Os resultados apresentados aqui sugerem que Pseudacanthicus representam o grupo irmão de Leporacanthicus, diferindo de propostas anteriores obtidas com caracteres morfológicos e/ou moleculares. / A taxonomic review of the genus Leporacanthicus Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1989 is presented, as well as a phylogenetic hypothesis of species relationships, and it position within the tribe Ancistrini. Four species distributed in the Brazilian and Guiana Shields, Amazon and Orinoco Basins, are recognized as valid: L.galaxias (rios Tocantins, Guam and Orinoco); L. joselimai (rios Tapajós and Curuá-Una), L. heterodon (rio Xingu); e L. triactis (rio Orinoco). The phylogenetic analysis resulted in two cladogramas equally parsimonious with 336 steps (CI=0,43; RI=0,66), from which a strict consensus tree was generated. The monophyletism of Leporacanthicus is corroborated by 14 synapomorphies; within the genus the following topology was obtained: (L. galaxias (L. triactis (L. heterodon, L. joselimai))). The results presented herein suggest that Pseudacanthicus is considered to be the sister-group of Leporacanthicus, differing from previous hypothesis obtained using molecular and/or morphological dada.

Revisão taxonômica e morfológica do gênero Paratrygon Duméril (1865) (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes: Potamotrygonidae) / Taxonomic and morphological revision of the genus Paratrygon Duméril (1865) (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes: Potamotrygonidae)

Loboda, Thiago Silva 31 March 2016 (has links)
O gênero Paratrygon Duméril (1865) até então reconhecido como único gênero monotípico da família Potamotrygonidae, apresenta uma diversidade consideravelmente alta e já apontada previamente por estudos moleculares que indicavam sua única espécie P. aiereba como um possível complexo de espécies. Oitos novos grupos específicos foram aqui reconhecidos através de dados morfológicos e morfométricos: P. sp.1 e P. sp.2 endêmicos e simpátricos da bacia do Orinoco, P. sp.3 endêmico do Rio Branco, P. sp.4 endêmico do Rio Negro, P. sp.5 endêmico do Rio Tapajós, P. sp.6, endêmico do Rio Araguaia, P. sp.7, endêmico do Rio Tocantins e P. sp.8 endêmico do Rio Xingu. Distribuição de P. aiereba está restrita para bacia Amazônica. Todos os grupos específicos foram identificados e definidos através de caracteres como coloração, morfologia dos dentículos dérmicos, espinhos pontiagudos da cauda, distribuição dos canais ventrais da linha lateral, morfologia dos elementos esqueléticos e morfometria. Espécie nominal Disceus thayeri Garman (1913) foi confirmada como sinônimo junior para P. aiereba através da análise de seus espécimes-tipo (MCZ 297-S, 563-S, 606-S). Espécie nominal Trygon strogylopterus Schomburgk (1843) foi correlacionada a um dos grupos específicos, P. sp.3, através de análise morfológica de seu espécime-tipo ZMB 4632 e portanto futuramente será revalidada. Por fim, os agrupamentos Paratrygon + Heliotrygon e Potamotrygon + Plesiotrygon são corroborados também através de caracteres morfológicos e dados morfométricos, e o reconhecimento taxonômico desses dois grandes grupos dentro da família Potamotrygonidae se vê necessário para melhor compreensão evolutiva dos potamotrigonídeos / The genus Paratrygon Duméril (1865) so far recognized as the unique monotypic genus of the family Potamotrygonidae, shows a considerable high diversity previously indicated by molecular studies which pointed P. aiereba (its unique species) as a possible species complex. Eight new specific groups were recognized here through morphological and morphometric data: P. sp.1 and P. sp.2 endemic and sympatric to Orinoco basin, P. sp.3 endemic to Rio Branco, P. sp.4 endemic to Rio Negro, P. sp.5 endemic to Rio Tapajós, P. sp.6, endemic to Rio Araguaia, P. sp.7, endemic to Rio Tocantins, and P. sp.8 endemic to Rio Xingu. Distribuiton of P. aiereba is restricted to Amazon basin. All specific groups were identified and defined through caracters such as coloration, dermal denticles morphology, pointed caudal spines, distribution of ventral canals of lateral line, morphology of skeletal elements and morphometrics. Nominal species Disceus thayeri Garman (1913) was confirmed as junior synonymous of P. aiereba by analyzes of its type-specimens (MCZ 297-S, 563-S, 606-S). Nominal species Trygon strogylopterus Schomburgk (1843) was correlated to one of the specific groups, P. sp.3, by morphological analyzes of its type-specimen ZMB 4632 and therefore will soon be resurrected. Lastly, the clades Paratrygon + Heliotrygon and Potamotrygon + Plesiotrygon are also corroborated by morphological and morphometric data, and the taxonomic recognition of these groups inside the family Potamotrygonidae it turns out necessary to better understanding the evolution of neotropical freshwater stingrays

Análise do atendimento às demandas hídricas superficiais no reservatório da usina Bariri (SP) utilizando o simulador computacional Mike Basin / Analysis of the service demands on surface water reservoir of the Bariri (SP) power plant using the computer simulator Mike Basin

Pioltine, Victor 16 October 2009 (has links)
É indiscutível a importância da disponibilidade hídrica tanto quantitativa como qualitativa para o desenvolvimento adequado de determinada região inserida em bacias hidrográficas. Tal desenvolvimento deve ser planejado e administrado visando à minimização dos conflitos ocasionados pelos usos múltiplos da água, de modo que todas as demandas possam ter o máximo de confiabilidade em seus respectivos atendimentos e, também, possa haver a maximização dos benefícios sociais, econômicos e ambientais na região. Diante disso, este trabalho buscou analisar o atendimento às demandas hídricas superficiais para os diversos setores usuários localizados na área de drenagem do reservatório da usina Bariri (SP). Por meio da aplicação do simulador hidrológico MIKE BASIN foi analisado o desempenho do reservatório da usina Bariri em atender às demandas hídricas superficiais para o ano de 2008 e para cenários futuros com anos horizontes de 2010, 2025 e 2050. A partir deste estudo concluiu-se que há volume de água suficiente para atender às demandas hídricas superficiais na região de estudo e também para atender a produção energética na usina Bariri. O software Mike Basin mostrou-se ser uma ferramenta muito útil para a gestão dos recursos hídricos. / It is clear the importance of water availability both qualitative and quantitative for the development of a region inserted into a catchment area. This development must be planned and managed to the minimization of conflicts caused by multiple uses of water so that all demands have the maximum reliability in their care and also may be the maximization of social, economic and environmental in the region. Thus, this study, analyzed the surface water and its demands for different sectors users located in the drainage of the reservoir of the Bariri (SP) power plant. Through the application of hydrological simulation MIKE BASIN was examined system performance in meeting the demands for water current conditions (year 2008) and for future scenarios with years to 2010, 2025 and 2050. From this study, it is concluded that volume of water needed to meet the demands water surface in the region of study and energy production reached its goal in every period simulated.

Nisqually conflict renewed

McCurdy, Jane L January 2010 (has links)
Photocopy of typescript. / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Revisão sistemática e paleobiogeográfica de Trilobitas Phacopida (Homalonotidae e Calmoniidae) do Devoniano das Bacias do Parnaíba e Amazonas, Brasil / not available

Felipe van Enck Meira 02 September 2016 (has links)
O conhecimento acerca dos invertebrados devonianos no Brasil teve início em fins do século XIX e a primeira metade do século XX, período no qual foram feitas expedições pioneiras às principais bacias paleozoicas do país - as bacias do Paraná, Parnaíba e Amazonas. Desta fase também resultaram importantes trabalhos científicos (e.g., Clarke, 1913), usados ainda hoje como referência em estudos. Dentre os trilobitas, os grupos mais representativos são os Homalonotidae e os Calmoniidae, cuja importância como ferramentas em questões paleoambientais e paleobiogeográficas vem sendo constatada a partir de recentes revisões sistemáticas em fósseis da Bacia do Paraná. Estes estudos também têm demonstrado que muitas das variações nos fósseis, interpretadas por pesquisadores anteriores como taxonômicas, decorrem de alterações tafonômicas, que podem levar a classificações errôneas. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos revisar a sistemática dos trilobitas Phacopida (Homalonotidae e Calmoniidae) nas bacias do Parnaíba e Amazonas, incluindo, na primeira localidade, a nova ocorrência de São João Vermelho, no município de João Costa (PI), investigar, sempre que pertinente, a implicação das alterações tafonômicas na sistemática desses fósseis, identificando fatores diagenéticos/intempéricos que podem interferir nos caracteres morfológicos e discutir as implicações paleobiogeográficas dos Homalonotidae e Calmoniidae do Devoniano das bacias do Amazonas e Parnaíba, em relação a outras localidades adjacentes à estas bacias. Resultados das pesquisas mostram que a localidade de São João Vermelho é bastante promissora do ponto de vista paleontológico, pois consiste em uma nova localidade para o táxon M. tuberculatus, o qual também é documentado nas duas subbacias da Bacia do Paraná - Alto Garças e Apucarana, indicando que esta espécie apresenta alto grau de cosmopolitanismo. A análise de exemplares de Burmeisteria (Homalonotidae) desta localidade sugere que as diferenças nas espécies deste gênero no Brasil são mais sutis do que imaginado. Na Bacia do Amazonas, os Phacopida estão representados especialmente por Calmoniidae do gênero Malvinella, também presentes na Bolívia. As relações paleobiogeográficas entre as bacias paleozoicas brasileiras e a Bolívia, durante o Eo e Mesodevoniano, teriam sido mais estreitas do que se imaginava. A principal rota de migração para a Bacia do Parnaíba teria sido através da Bacia do Paraná, conforme constatado pela presença de M. tuberculatus. Já a migração para a Bacia do Amazonas teria se dado a sudoeste desta bacia, já que Malvinella ocorre apenas nesta bacia e na Bolívia / The knowledge on Brazilian Devonian invertebrates started by the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, period which pioneering expeditions were made to the main Paleozoic basins of the country - Paraná, Parnaíba and Amazon basins. Important scientific contributions also resulted from this fase (e.g. Clarke, 1913), still used today as reference in studies. Among trilobites, the most representative groups are the Homalonotidae and Calmoniidae, whose importance in paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographical questions have been noted from recent systematic revisions in Paraná Basin fossils. These studies also have demonstrated that many variations in fossils, interpreted by previous researchers as taxonomic, are due to taphonomic alterations, which can lead to erroneous classifications. In this context, the current study aimed to review the systematics of Phacopida trilobites (Homalonotidae and Calmoniidae) from the Parnaíba and Amazon basins, including, in the former locality, the new occurrence of São João Vermelho, in the João Costa municipality (PI); to investigate, whenever relevant, .the implication of the taphonomic alterations in the systematics of these fossils, identifying diagenetic/weathering factors which can interfere in the morphological features; and to discuss the paleobiogeographic implications of the Homalonotidae and Calmoniidae from the Devonian of the Parnaíba and Amazon basins, in relation to other localities adjacent to these basins. Study results show that the locality of São João Vermelho is paleontologically promising, as it consists of a new place for the M. tuberculatus taxon, which is also documented in the both Paraná Basin subbasins - Alto Garças and Apucarana, indicating that this species is highly cosmopolitan. The analysis of Burmeisteria (Homalonotidae) exemplars from this locality suggests that differences between the species of this genus in Brazil are slighter than thought. In the Amazon Basin, Phacopida trilobites are especially represented by the Calmoniidae genus Malvinella, also present in Bolivia. The paleobiogeographic relations between the Paleozoic Brazilian basins and Bolivia, during Early and Middle Devonian, would have been closer than thought. The main migration route to the Parnaíba Basin would have been through the Paraná Basin, as found by the presence of M. tuberculatus. The migration to the Amazon Basin, in turn, would have occurred southwestward this basin, as Malvinella occurs only in this locality and in Bolivia.

High-resolution event stratigraphy (hires) of the Wenlock—Pridoli interval in the eastern United States

Oborny, Stephan C 01 August 2019 (has links)
Silurian strata of eastern North America have been thoroughly studied for nearly two centuries. Through these investigations a general understanding of unit distribution and correlative relationships were established throughout the region. Many of these interpretations remain valid still to this day, however, with advancements in stratigraphic methodologies in the last few decades (e.g., sequence-, chemo-, and biostratigraphy), numerous discrepancies have come to light with regards to the chronostratigraphic correlation of several stratigraphic intervals throughout the region. A number of these discrepancies within the lower Silurian (Llandovery—lower Wenlock) have been resolved in the last two decades permitting the establishment of refined depositional models and sequence stratigraphic hierarchies for strata deposited during this interval of time for the Appalachian, Illinois, and Michigan basins. Though these studies provided significant improvement to the chronostratigraphy of eastern North America, there remained a large under-evaluated stratigraphic interval spanning the remainder of the Silurian (Wenlock—Pridoli), which is host to expansive evaporite reserves and hydrocarbon resources throughout eastern North America. As such, it is critical that these strata are accurately and precisely correlated throughout the region and that temporal constraint be applied to these resources in order to evaluate their potential and develop predictive models for their future utilization. The investigation herein provides high-resolution chronostratigraphic analyses of several core and outcrop from the eastern, southwestern, and western margins of the Appalachian Basin. These analyses included the integration of δ13Ccarb chemostratigraphy, conodont biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, and subsurface geophysical data. The work herein now permits the establishment of global series and stage boundaries for the upper Silurian throughout the Appalachian and Michigan basins and also addresses regional miscorrelations within strata on both the eastern and western margins of the Appalachian Basin to provide a united sequence stratigraphic hierarchy between the Appalachian, Illinois, and Michigan basins.

Influence of deep-seated structure on hydrocarbon accumulations in the Cooper and Eromanga Basins

Boucher , Rodney January 2005 (has links)
The primary objective of this study is to provide a greater understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Warburton, Cooper, Eromanga and Lake Eyre Basins in central Australia. However, this study additionally attempts to provide a greater understanding of lineaments. This study compares lineament data with a traditional tectonic analysis in order to evaluate lineaments and to best understand the tectonic evolution of the region.

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