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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výkonnost primárních emisí akcií nabízených private equity fondy: Evidence z Evropského trhu / Performance of Private Equity Backed IPOs: Evidence from European Market

Říha, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the performance of private equity backed IPOs. We have examined the European market in the period between 2000 and 2017 when the IPO activity experienced enormous growth. The main task was to assess whether the PE-backed IPOs evince superior performance when compared to their non-sponsored peers and the market. Further, we have examined the effect of the so-called valuation drivers on the IPOs' performance. To assess the IPOs' performance, we used the buy-and-hold abnormal returns with bootstrapped skewness adjusted t-statistics. In case of the valuation drivers' effect, OLS regression was applied. The main findings were that the PE-backed IPOs in Europe overperforme the market, mainly due to IPOs in the UK and Western Europe. The PE-sponsored IPOs also overperforme their non-sponsored peers, mainly due to IPOs in the UK, Western and Northern Europe. In case of the valuation drivers, we observed several significant correlations, however, their explanation power was negligible.

Svenska Börsintroduktioner : En studie av avkastningen på Private Equity-noterade bolag

Börjesson, Wilhelm, Bäckström, Max January 2014 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen analyseras avkastningen på börsintroduktioner genomförda av Private Equity-firmor på den svenska marknaden under perioden 1993-2011. Studien undersöker huruvida börsintroduktioner genomförda av Private Equity genererar en abnormal avkastning relativt börsintroduktioner som genomförts av icke Private Equity, sammanlagt 97 börsintroduktioner. Båda urvalsgrupperna relateras gentemot jämförelseindex i form av kontrollfirmor på kort och lång sikt. Huruvida de två grupperna skiljer sig åt analyseras genom att beräkna respektive urvalsgrupps abnormala avkastning genom avkastningsmåtten Buy and Hold Abnormal Return (BHAR) och Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR). Resultatet av dessa beräkningar analyseras sedan med hjälp av univariat analys och multipel regressionsanalys. I studien återfinns ingen skillnad mellan börsintroduktioner genomförda av Private Equity och börsintroduktioner genomförda av icke Private Equity på kort sikt. På lång sikt uppvisar börsintroduktioner genomförda av Private Equity högre avkastning än börsintroduktioner genomförda av icke Private Equity vilket är i linje med tidigare forskning. Båda urvalsgrupperna visar dock på lägre avkastning än dess kontrollfirmor på lång sikt.

The Aftermarket Performance of Swedish Initial Public Offerings : A study about short- and long-term performance and underpricing of Initial Public Offerings on the Swedish stock markets

Åkesson, Mathias, Fäldt, Erik January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the performance of IPO firms in the Swedish markets during their first three years of trading to investigate what effects different factors have on the short- and long-term performance. The level of underpricing on Swedish IPOs are also investigated to detect any abnormalities from previous studies on larger markets in the US and Europe. A total of 175 IPO firms included in the sample in the period between 2000 and 2015. The method used to calculate the aftermarket performance is the buy-and-hold abnormal returns method in an event-time portfolio approach. These returns are used as a dependent variable in a multivariable linear regression analysis. The main findings from this study are that IPO firms in the Swedish markets underperform the OMX market index one month and three years after the offering. Conversely, IPO firms in the Swedish markets overperform after 18 months compared to the OMX market index. The results show that Swedish IPOs are on average underpriced and that underpricing has a significant effect on short-term performance. Firm age, offer size and the technology industry also have a significant effect on the first month’s performance of IPO firms; however, there is little support for these factors to affect the longterm performance.

Private Equity och nyintroduktioners långsiktiga avkastning

Widemark, Oskar, Ohlström, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
I denna studie av nyintroduktioner på börsen (IPO:er), från 2006 till 2014, på börsen Nasdaq Nordic (som består av Nasdaqs börser i Finland, Sverige, Danmark och Island) undersöker vi om avkastningen för private equity-ägda företags IPO:er på lång sikt är högre än hos de icke private equity-ägda företagens IPO:er. Vi mäter den långsiktiga avkastningen genom att använda måttet BHAR och jämföra de två grupperna sinsemellan. Vi finner att private equity- ägda företags IPO:er har en högre avkastning än de icke private equity-ägda företagens IPO:er över de båda tidsperioderna 1 och 3 år. / In this study of IPOs, from 2006 until 2014, of the Nasdaq Nordic market (main markets of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland) we are investigating whether the long-run return of private equity backed IPOs significantly differs from the return of non-private equity backed IPOs. We measure the long-run performance by using the simple BHAR and comparing the two samples. We find that private equity-backed IPOs significantly outperform non-private equity backed companies over the measured time periods, 1 and 3 years.

Skapar avknoppningar aktieägarvärde? : En analys av aktieavkastning och karaktärsdrag hos avknoppningar på den svenska aktiemarknaden / Do spin-offs create shareholder value? : An analysis of stock returns and characteristics of spin-offs on the Swedish stock market

Druve, William, Karlsson, Anton January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund:  Börsnoterade bolag strävar efter att maximera aktieägarvärdet genom strategiska beslut som förvärv och avyttringar. Avknoppningar, där en del av företaget blir ett självständigt bolag, har sedan införandet av Lex Asea 1991 blivit en attraktiv strategi i Sverige delvis drivet av skatteförmåner. Internationella studier visar att avknoppningar ofta leder till förbättrad effektivitet och högre värdering. Trots positiva internationella forskningsresultat är avknoppningars effekter på den svenska aktiemarknaden relativt outforskad och resultaten varierande, vilket motiverar en djupare analys. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera avknoppningars effekter på aktieavkastningen för bolag på den svenska aktiemarknaden mellan åren 2005–2023.   Metod: En kvantitativ ansats har använts för att genomföra eventstudier som undersöker aktieavkastningen både vid annonseringstillfället och på lång sikt. Studien inkluderar data från olika eventfönster och använder relativ storlek, industriell fokusering och konjunkturläge som förklaringsvariabler för att förstå deras påverkan på den observerade abnormala aktieavkastningen. Statistiska tester, inklusive t-tester och regressioner, används för att säkerställa resultatens trovärdighet.   Slutsats: Resultaten visar en statistiskt signifikant abnormal aktieavkastning vid annonseringen av en avknoppning, vilket tyder på en positiv marknadsreaktion. På lång sikt observeras även viss signifikant abnormal avkastning under specifika eventfönster, vilket indikerar att avknoppningar kan bidra till fortsatt värdeskapande över tid. Marknadsreaktionerna påverkas i varierande grad av faktorer såsom industriell fokusering, relativ storlek och konjunkturläge vid avknoppningstillfället. / Background: Publicly listed companies strive to maximize shareholder value through strategic decisions such as acquisitions and divestitures. Spin-offs, where a part of the company becomes an independent entity, have become an attractive strategy in Sweden since the introduction of Lex Asea in 1991, partly driven by tax benefits. International studies show that spin-offs often lead to improved efficiency and higher valuation. Despite positive international research results, the effects of spin-offs on the Swedish stock market are relatively unexplored and the results are varied, motivating a deeper analysis. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of spin-offs on stock returns for companies on the Swedish stock market between the years 2005–2023. Method: A quantitative approach has been used to conduct event studies that examine stock returns both at the announcement and in the long term. The study includes data from various event windows and uses relative size, industrial focus, and economic conditions as explanatory variables to understand their impact on the observed abnormal stock returns. Statistical tests, including t-tests and regressions, have been used to ensure the reliability of the results. Conclusion: The results show a statistically significant abnormal stock return at the announcement of a spin-off, indicating a positive market reaction. In the long term, some significant abnormal returns are also observed during specific event windows, suggesting that spin-offs can contribute to continued value creation over time. Market reactions are influenced to varying degrees by factors such as industrial focus, relative size, and economic conditions at the time of the spin-off.

Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift : Existerande anomali och lönsam investeringsstrategi? / Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift : Existing anomaly and a profitable investment strategy?

Gustafsson, Fredrik, Bye, Julius January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sedan slutet av 1960-talet har flera studier kunnat påvisa drift i aktiepriset efter att ett bolag publicerat en kvartalsrapport, något som benämns som Post-earningsannouncement drift (PEAD). När bolagets resultat varit bättre än det marknaden förväntade sig har aktiepriset fortsatt stiga under en längre period, vilket går emot etablerade hypoteser om en effektiv marknad. Det motsatta har skett när bolaget publicerat ett sämre resultat än vad marknaden förväntat sig. Eftersom den svenska marknaden är relativt outforskad och att den kontinuerligt förändras är det intressant att undersöka om den anomali som nyss beskrivits fortsatt existerar på Stockholmsbörsen, om den går att använda som lönsam investeringsstrategi och huruvida det finns skillnader i aktieprisdrift mellan branscher eftersom det aldrig tidigare studerats. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera huruvida PEAD förekommer på Nasdaq Stockholmsbörsen och om det existerar skillnader i aktieprisdrift mellan branscher under perioden 2014–2018. Studien avser vidare studera om det är möjligt att utforma en lönsam investeringsstrategi baserad på PEAD. Metod: För att uppnå studiens syfte tillämpades en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod. För att analysera PEAD på Stockholmsbörsen baserades portföljer på Unexpected Earnings (UE) och två modeller benämnda Buy-and-hold-abnormal returns (BHAR) och Calendar-Time regression model (CTP) användes för att illustrera och testa portföljernas avkastning. Resultat: Studiens resultat tyder på att PEAD fortfarande existerar på Stockholmsbörsen, men att resultatet skiljer sig något från tidigare studier. En drift i positiv riktning påvisas i innevarande studie i portföljer av bolag som publicerat såväl bättre som sämre resultat än vad marknaden förväntat sig. I tidigare studier har portföljer av bolag som publicerat sämre resultat än marknaden förväntat sig istället haft en negativ. Vidare visar resultatet att det återfunnits skillnader i drift mellan undersökta branscher och att PEAD sannolikt inte är en lönsam investeringsstrategi. / Background: Since the end of 1960 several studies has indicated a delay in stock price movements after the publishing of a company's interim report. When the earnings of a company were higher than expected, the stock price continued to rise for an extended period, which contradicts the different hypothesis of efficient markets. The opposite effect was observed when the earnings were lower than expected. Due to the limited number of studies regarding PEAD conducted on the Swedish stock market, and the fact that the stock markets are constantly changing, it is interesting to examine and analyze if the anomaly still exists on Stockholmsbörsen. Another point of interest to research is whether it would be possible to earn abnormal returns through a PEAD investment strategy and analyze if there are differences in drift depending on the industry. Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze whether PEAD exists on Nasdaq Stockholmsbörsen and if differences in stock price drift exists between industries during the period 2014-2018. The study further means to study whether it is possible to implement a profitable investment strategy based on PEAD. Methodology: In order to reach the aim of the study a quantitative method and deductive approach were used. In order to analyze PEAD on the Swedish stock market portfolios based on Unexpected Earnings (UE) were formed and two models named Buy-and-hold-abnormal returns (BHAR) and Calendar-Time regression model (CTP) were used in order to illustrate and test the portfolio returns. Results: The results of the study indicated that PEAD exists on Stockholmsbörsen, but that the results differ from previous studies. A positive drift was observed in both the portfolios which were based on positive and negative earnings surprises in relation to the market's expectations. In previous studies the portfolio based on companies which reported negative earnings surprise had a negative drift, which differs from this study’s results. Furthermore, this study’s results indicate that an investment strategy based on PEAD is not profitable and that differences in drift could be observed depending on the industry.

Överreaktion på den svenska aktiemarknaden : En studie om framtida avvikelseavkastning

Ingels, Henrik, Nilsson, Simon January 2019 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks om den svenska aktiemarknaden överreagerar på historisk information över internränta på samma sätt som De Bondt och Thaler (1985) undersöker den amerikanska aktiemarknaden år 1985, vi replikerar även studien för att undersöka om liknande samband uppvisas för effektiv avkastning. Företag på den svenska aktiemarknaden undersöks och rangordnas efter deras internränta samt deras effektiva avkastning. Baserat på detta delas företagen in i två portföljer, portfölj “låg” och portfölj “hög”. Dessa två portföljer jämförs utifrån Buy and Hold Abnormal Return (BHAR) under tre olika tvåårsperioden. Resultaten visar att den svenska aktiemarknaden överreagerar på historisk information beträffande internränta, vilket skapar ett negativt samband mellan historisk internränta och framtida avkastning som en följd av över- och undervärdering av aktier. Dessa resultat är i linje med de presenterade för den amerikanska aktiemarknaden av De Bondt och Thaler och innebär en möjlighet för investerare på den svenska aktiemarknaden till avvikelseavkastning. För historisk effektiv avkastning hittas dock inget liknande samband med framtida avvikelseavkastning.

Nyemissioner och framtida kursutveckling : en studie på branscheffekters påverkan på den långsiktiga kursutvecklingen

Linansky, Emil, Andersson, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
Tidigare forskning om nyemissioner och hur bolag som genomför dessa presterar på marknaden finns det gott om. Överlag är alla ense om att ett bolag som genomfört en nyemission kan väntas generera lägre avkastning under de kommande åren jämfört med bolag som inte sett detta behov. Vad som däremot inte visat sig självklart är huruvida branschen som det emitterande bolaget verkar på har en signifikant påverkan på substansen av denna underprestation. Således är syftet med denna studie att analysera huruvida emittenter skiljer sig från icke emitterande bolag och om bolagets rådande bransch påverkar dessa eventuella skillnader. För att undersöka detta har en eventstudie genomförts baserat på 94 emissioner utbrett på tre olika branscher. Statistiska tester har utförts på kursdatan för dessa emitterande bolag samt tre matchningsbolag, ett för varje bransch. Studiens resultat indikerar att det finns en viss branscheffekt, dock inte av någon signifikans. Vad som istället visade sig ha ett signifikant negativt samband med bolagets avkastning var P/B-värdet. Ett högre P/B-värde har alltså i populationen som studerats inneburit en lägre avkastning, och vice versa. / Previous research within seasoned equity offerings and the issuing companies’ performance on the market is plentiful. In general, most researchers agree that an issuing company can expect to generate a lower return in the years following the issuance in comparison to companies that does not feel the need to acquire equity in this way. However, something that has not been conclusively shown is whether the industry on which the issuing company operates has a significant effect on the substance of this underperformance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyse whether the issuing company differs from the nonissuing company and if the industry on which they operate affects the outcome. To investigate this, an event study has been conducted based on a total of 94 issuances on three different industries. Statistical tests have been performed on the equity share data of these companies, along with three matching companies, one for each industry. The results of the study indicate that there is a certain industry-effect, however it has not been successfully proven with any real significance. What has been significantly shown, however, is that the price-to-book value of the issuing company has a significantly negative relationship with the companies’ return on equity. This means that a higher price-to-book value within the studied population has meant a lower return, and vice versa.

Patience, a New Variable in the IPO-Puzzle? : A quantitative study on whether an early IPO negatively affects aftermarket performance

Hansson, Viktor, Renström, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish market has over the past couple of years seen a large increase in companies going public through an IPO. At the same time the capital on the private equity market is increasing for each year which enables companies to stay private longer. Our research focuses on two main areas. First, we investigate if companies that enter the public market at an early stage in the company life cycle have worse aftermarket performance than companies that wait to go public. In our research we will define companies that went public at an early stage as younger than six years at the time of the IPO, based on Brown & Wiles (2015) research, and companies that delayed an IPO as older than six years at the time of the offering. The second area investigates whether the large capital increase on the private equity market have affected the long-run aftermarket performance of IPOs.  Our dataset consists of 746 Swedish IPOs from four different Swedish stock exchanges. We will collect long-run aftermarket performance data from companies that conducted an IPO between the years 2003-2018. The long-run aftermarket performance will be measured over a three-year period. Both buy and hold abnormal returns (BHAR) and monthly abnormal returns are used to analyze the aftermarket performance of the IPO firms. Our main findings are that Swedish IPOs generally underperform the reference market index in the long run. Additionally, we find that the underperformance is generated by companies that conduct an early IPO, which makes us question the IPO readiness of these young companies. We also show that profitability is a key determinant for greater IPO aftermarket performance. Lastly, we do not provide any support that the increase in capital on the private equity markets have any effect on the IPO aftermarket performance. However, the results indicate that companies who went public after the increase of capital perform worse. In our research we contribute with practical variables for retail investors to focus on when investing in IPOs and provide companies with useful information on how to increase the chances of a successful IPO.

Belief, Action, And Performance: Evidence From Mutual Funds And Corporate Events

Shimeng Wang (15335635) 25 April 2023 (has links)
<p>This dissertation studies the impact of mutual fund managers' beliefs on fund performance in the first chapter and focuses on the impact of firm behavior on stock performance in the second chapter. </p> <p><br></p> <p>In the first chapter, I utilize the Revealed Preference Theory to recover fund manager belief formation directly from their actual trading activities. By relating stock holdings in a fund's portfolio to past factor returns, I document three facts about managers' belief formation: 1. In contrast to belief extrapolation, a substantial fraction of mutual fund managers act as contrarian investors who expect lower factor returns after a good factor performance; 2. Whether a fund trades in an extrapolative or contrarian way is due to its managers' expectation biases rather than fund style investment strategy, fund catering strategy or fund risk preference; and 3. Contrarian managers generate superior performance, are more experienced investors, charge higher expense ratios, and manage smaller US equity funds. The top (contrarian) managers significantly outperform the bottom (extrapolative) managers by a return of 3.4% per annum after adjusting by FFC4 factor models.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The second chapter is co-authored paper with Yan Liu and Feng Zhang. In this chapter, we systematically replicate the bulk of long-run event studies conducted in the last three decades from 1990 to 2020 using extended samples and four long-run performance measures. The final sample contains 62 papers of long-run event studies and 148 corporate events. Our findings suggest that long-run return anomalies documented in the last three decades are not robust, and firms do not earn long-run abnormal returns following various types of corporate events. Only 2% of the 148 corporate events we replicate earn post-event abnormal returns that are statistically significant at the 5% level based on all the four performance measures, and the fraction further shrinks to 0% at the 1% significance level. Viewed together, our findings suggest that these long-run abnormal returns after corporate events are likely the result of data mining or "p-hacking".</p>

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