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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Blogg somverktyg för internkommunikation : Stimulanseller hinder i förbättringsarbete?

Kantarp, Emma, Karlsson, Monika January 2017 (has links)
Användningen av ledningsbloggar som verktyg för   internkommunikation har ökat, samtidigt som forskning visar att högsta   ledningen i många organisationer ser brister i sin kommunikativa förmåga.   Kombinationen av ett begränsat forskningsunderlag kring fenomenet   ledningsblogg och betydelsen av ett kontinuerligt och framgångsrikt förbättringsarbete   ger denna uppsats sitt syfte: Att bidra med kunskapsutveckling kring hur högsta   ledningen kan stimulera en organisation mot en högre grad av ständiga   förbättringar genom att kommunicera internt via en blogg. En kvalitativ studie utfördes i form av en   fallstudie på en organisation där ständiga förbättringar ingår i strategin   och utgör en del av visionen och 2016 års mål. Intervjuer genomfördes med   chefer på lägsta nivå kring deras upplevelse av den befintliga ledningsbloggen.   Resultatet från intervjuerna analyserades mot befintlig teori samt existerande   blogginlägg. Analysen utgick från Koenig och Schlaegels (2014) sex teman som beskriver   hur bloggens designkarakteristika påverkar läsarens upplevelse:   Innehållsvärde, Underhållsvärde, Styrning/Förvaltning, Användbarhet,   Interaktion och Marknadsföringsbudskap. Baserat på dessa sex teman har två fiskbensdiagram   tagits fram positiva och negativa upplevelser redovisas. Dessa upplevelser kan   påverka attityden och därmed beteendet och på så sätt utgöra stimulans   respektive hinder i arbetet mot en högre grad av ständiga förbättringar. Resultatet visar att rätt använd kan en intern   ledningsblogg vara ett effektivt verktyg för att påverka organisationskulturen,   men det krävs kunskap om retorik för att inte riskera att bloggen blir mer av   ett hinder än ett verktyg som stimulerar. För att uppnå positiv påverkan behöver   mottagaren ges en upplevelse av såväl nytta, enkelhet som nöje och resultatet   visar också att genom att fokusera på mottagaren kan olika typer av   kommunikationsbarriärer övervinnas. Ett antal aspekter som bör prägla bloggen   för att stimulera till ständiga förbättringar har identifierats, och även ett   antal aspekter som kan utgöra hinder. Analytisk generalisering av dessa   slutsatser bidrar till kunskapsutveckling inom området. Denna uppsats har resulterat i bekräftelse av   tidigare forskning, konkreta användarråd samt förslag på vidare forskning för   att ytterligare reducera det gap som finns kring detta område. / The use of   management blogs as a tool for internal communication has increased, at the   same time research shows that top management in many organizations sees   shortcomings in their own communicative ability. The combination of limited research   about the phenomenon of management blogs and the importance of a continuous and   successful improvement work gives this study it´s purpose: To contribute with   knowledge about how top management can stimulate an organization towards a   higher degree of continuous improvements by communicating internal through a   blog. A qualitative   study was conducted as a case study in an organization where continuous improvements   are part of the strategy and forms part of the vision and the objectives of   2016. Interviews were   performed with managers at the lowest level regarding their experience of the   management blog in the organization. The results of the interviews were   analyzed against existing theory and blog posts. The analysis was based on Koenig   and Schlaegel's (2014) six themes describing how the blog's design   characteristics affect the reader's experience: Content Value, Maintenance   Value, Management / Management, Usability, Interaction and Marketing. Based on these   six themes, two fishbone diagrams have been produced that report positive and   negative experiences. These experiences can affect the attitude and hence   behavior and thus constitute the stimulus's respective barriers in the work   towards a higher degree of continuous improvement. The result shows   that properly used, an internal management blog can be an effective tool for influencing   organizational culture, but knowledge of rhetoric is required to avoid   risking blogging becoming more of a barrier than a tool that stimulates. To   achieve positive impact, the recipient needs experience of both usefulness,   simplicity and pleasure and the result also shows that by focusing on the   recipient, different types of communication barriers can be overcome. A   number of aspects that should characterize the blog to stimulate continuous improvements   have been identified, as well as a number of issues that may constitute obstacles.   Analytical generalization of these conclusions contributes to knowledge development   in the area. This study has   resulted in confirmation of previous research, concrete user advice and suggestions   for further research to further reduce the gap that exists around this area. / <p>2017-06-28</p>

Blog Marketing - A consumer perspective

Andersson, Johannes, Blomkvist, Martin, Holmberg, Mattias January 2007 (has links)
<p>The phenomenon of blogs is growing rapidly and is expected to increase even in a more rapid pace (Technorati, 2006, November 6). As Wright (2006) discuss; blogs provides a new way of communicating with customers, as customers want to be talked with, not to. Companies have newly started to pay attention to this and as a result, the concept of blog marketing has been born. The little research that has been done on blog marketing has been done from a company perspective. However, no or little research has yet considered how consumers use blogs. In order to use blogs as a communication tool, it is of huge importance for companies to understand how consumers use blogs in their decision making. Hence the purpose is;</p><p>“To explore how and why consumers use blogs in their decision making process“</p><p>In order to answer this purpose we conducted nine interviews on young adults, as previous research suggests that this population use blogs the most (Tremayne, 2007). From the collected data a qualitative analyze was made in which the empirical findings was analyzed with support of the theoretical framework.</p><p>From the analysis we found that consumers use blogs throughout their decision making. Within the consumers’ decision making, collaborative blogs was mostly used as the consumers could get more input from a larger audience and because this type of blog tended to cover a specific topic of interest for the consumers. Consumers were found mainly writing in the blogs when they had knowledge to contribute with or when they needed information that they could not otherwise find in the blogs.</p><p>We also noticed that consumers turned to groups they belonged to, so called normative group, or they turned to groups that they did not belong to, so called comparative groups. These groups influenced the consumer by providing them with knowledge and by giving them positive and negative confirmation on their choice of purchase. However normative groups also persuaded the consumer to buy products in order to belong to the group.</p><p>Besides this, a pattern of characteristics of the individuals that the consumer blogged with were noticed. Consumers wanted user experiences and thus the vast majority of these individuals they turned to, seemed to be consumers themselves, with relevant product experiences. The consumers also seem to blog more with certain individuals, whose opinions were valued more. These individuals often shared the latest information on products.</p><p>Lastly we found that consumers seemed to be selective when reading blog posts. The blog posts needed to contain detailed- and up-to-date information. Moreover, consumers wanted blog post to be written by other consumers because they saw them as more credible then companies. The consumers also chose to read blog posts that show similarities be-tween the consumer and the blogger in terms of either usage pattern of product or preference for product choices.</p>

Skirtboarder Net-a-Narratives: A Socio-Cultural Analysis of a Women's Skateboarding Blog

MacKay, Stephanie 16 July 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines: (a) the discourses of femininity circulating on a female skateboarding blog produced by the Skirtboarders (a group of women skateboarders based in Montréal, Canada); (b) the ways in which the Skirtboarders use Internet blogging (which I label “community media”) to contest (sexist) dominant discursive constructions of sportswomen deployed in mainstream and alternative media; and (c) the ways in which users read and make sense of the Skirtboarders’ blog. For this project, I collected 262 blog posts, including 1128 associated comments, conducted semi-structured interviews with eight Skirtboarders and four users of the blog and incorporated some observational notes. This information was then subjected to discourse analysis informed by the theoretical perspectives of Michel Foucault. This research makes a significant contribution to a growing body of literature in the sociology of sport exploring media (re)presentations of bodies, especially women’s bodies, and lifestyle sports because it is one of the rare studies that goes beyond doing an analysis of media texts – it also uncovers the intentions of the producers of the texts and, in addition, examines the effects of the media discourses for audiences (herein referred to as users). My findings reveal that the Skirtboarders offer something different than mainstream and alternative skateboarding media (re)presentations (i.e., I examined what narratives the Skirtboarders produce about themselves to understand how they appropriate, accommodate or resist gender discourses). The women who produced the blog consciously and purposely challenged dominant discursive fragments. Although users considered the blog inspirational for promoting female skateboarding, they had diverse readings of the Skirtboarders’ attempts to reflexively start a “movement” and, in doing so, construct and circulate a collective identity. I therefore suggest that the Skirtboarders’ blog is one of many political tools and strategies required to change the landscape of the global female skateboarding world. Ultimately, I argue that the Internet is a space where women can have access to predominantly masculine sport and create more fluid definitions of sporting femininity. It provides women with opportunities to control their own (re)presentations, which will challenge male dominated institutions such as mainstream and alternative media organizations. / Cette dissertation étudie : a) les discours sur la féminité qui circulent sur le blogue des Skirtboarders (un groupe de femmes planchistes de Montréal, Canada); b) comment les Skirtboarders utilisent le blogue (que je nomme « média communautaire ») pour contester les discours dominants (sexistes) sur le corps sportif féminin déployées dans le mass média et les média alternatifs; et c) comment les utilisatrices interprètent et accordent un sens au blogue des Skirtboarders. Pour ce projet : j’ai recueillis 262 articles de forum sur le blogue, incluant les 1128 commentaires; effectué des entrevues semi-dirigées avec huit Skirtboarders et quatre utilisatrices du blogue; incorporé des notes d’observation. Ces informations ont ensuite été soumises à une analyse du discours inspirée de la perspective théorique de Michel Foucault. Cette recherche apporte une contribution importante à une littérature croissante en sociologie du sport explorant les (re)présentations du corps, spécialement les corps féminins, et les sports alternatifs; car il s’agit d’une des rares études qui s’aventure au-delà de l’analyse des textes médiatiques. Elle porte aussi sur les intentions des productrices des textes et examine en plus les effets des discours médiatiques sur l’auditoire (c’est-à-dire les utilisatrices). Mes résultats révèlent que les Skirtboarders offrent un contenu qui diffère des (re)présentations du skateboarding dans le mass média et les média alternatifs (par ex., j’ai examiné quels récits les Skirtboarders produisent à propos d’elles-mêmes pour comprendre comment elles s’approprient, s’accommodent ou résistent aux discours sur le genre). Les femmes qui produisent le blogue contestent consciemment et délibérément les fragments discursifs dominants. Quoique les utilisatrices considèrent le blogue inspirant pour la promotion du skateboarding auprès des femmes, elles offrent diverses lectures de la tentative réflexive des Skirtboarders d’initier un «mouvement » et, en ce faisant, de construire et de propager une identité collective. Je suggère donc que le blogue des Skirtboarders est un parmi plusieurs outils politiques et stratégiques requis pour changer le paysage de la scène mondiale des femmes planchistes. Ultimement, j’avance que l’Internet est un espace où les femmes peuvent avoir accès au sport dominé par les hommes et créer des définitions fluides de la féminité sportive. L’Internet offre des occasions aux femmes de contrôler leurs propres (re)présentations, lesquelles contesteront les institutions majoritairement masculines telles que les organisations de mass média et de média alternatifs.

Le blog en controverse : analyse du blog comme support d'une communauté en réseaux informatiques

Siles González, Ignacio January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

A invisibilidade lésbica em blogs de turismo brasileiros

Magalhães, Marina de Carvalho January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Gisely Teixeira (gisely.teixeira@uniceub.br) on 2018-06-14T18:29:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 51500774.pdf: 352045 bytes, checksum: 09fad3bb014ab9d0513fb7e773d05ff0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-14T18:29:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 51500774.pdf: 352045 bytes, checksum: 09fad3bb014ab9d0513fb7e773d05ff0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / Este artigo pretende discutir a crescente relevância de blogs para a divulgação e o desenvolvimento do mercado turístico, com o objetivo de verificar se há uma falta de representatividade LGBT em sites do setor, priorizando as necessidades das mulheres lésbicas. Para isso é realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a militância feminista e LGBT, a fim de compreender onde essas pessoas se encaixam. Bem como são utilizados autores que falam sobre a relevância econômica do turismo e de blogs como ferramenta digital de comunicação. Em seguida, é feita uma análise do conteúdo voltado para a vivência dessas mulheres nos blogs escolhidos - Viaje na Viagem, Viajay e Viaja Bi; com o intuito de compreender se o que é postado conversa com o público alvo deste artigo. Por fim, conclui-se que, embora exista uma preocupação em incluir assuntos relacionados à  população LGBT em todos os blogs analisados, observou-se a carência de representatividade lésbica na maior parte de seus textos.


Azevedo, Maria Eugênia Peixoto de 03 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:54:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Eugenia Peixoto De Azevedo.pdf: 749147 bytes, checksum: 00c21b5756cdb2894beb4ed8d6fcdeef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-03 / The present work treats of the pedagogic use of the blog considered in a vygotskyan cultural historic perspective, as a cultural and technological instrument of mediation. Being considered to growing presence of information and communication technologies, as well as of virtual tools, in the society and, in matter, in the school, the research problem was: which is the teachers' vision concerning the pedagogic use of the blog in educational practice. The general objective of the research was to identify the teachers' vision on the use pedagogic of the blog. The specific objectives were: - to identify the teachers' vision about the mediations made possible by the blog with pedagogic purpose; to identify the theoretical reference adopted by the teachers in the use of the blog; to describe the teachers' vision concerning the effects of the blog in the students' learning. It was made a field research with qualitative approach and the technique of the semi-structured interview was used for obtaining of the data. The subjects in the research was six teachers, being three teachers and three go out of course of the Nucleus of Education Technology of the Municipal General office of Education of Goiânia. The results are presented in two main categories: 1) the use of the blog with pedagogic purpose: - necessary conditions and difficulties; - advantages and forms of use of the blog; - theoretical foundation and teaching methodology: the absence of the category mediation; 2) effects of the blog in the students' learning: permanence in the conventional way of to learn and to teach. / O presente trabalho trata do uso pedagógico do blog considerado numa perspectiva histórico-cultural vygotskyana, como um instrumento cultural e tecnológico de mediação. Considerando-se a crescente presença de tecnologias de informação e comunicação, assim como de ferramentas virtuais, na sociedade e, em particular, na escola, o problema de pesquisa foi: qual é a visão de professores acerca do uso pedagógico do blog em sua prática docente. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi identificar a visão de professores sobre o uso pedagógico do blog. Os objetivos específicos foram: - identificar a visão de professores sobre as mediações possibilitadas pelo blog com finalidade pedagógica; identificar o referencial teórico adotado pelos professores na utilização do blog; descrever a visão de professores acerca dos efeitos do blog na aprendizagem dos alunos. Fez-se uma pesquisa de campo com abordagem qualitativa e utilizou-se a técnica da entrevista semi-estruturada para obtenção dos dados. Participaram da pesquisa seis professoras, sendo três formadoras e três ex-alunas do Núcleo de Tecnologia Educacional da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Goiânia. Os resultados são apresentados em duas categorias principais: 1. O uso do blog com finalidade pedagógica: - condições necessárias e dificuldades; - vantagens e formas de uso do blog; - Fundamentação teórica e metodologia de ensino: a ausência da categoria mediação; 2. Efeitos do blog na aprendizagem dos alunos: permanência do modo convencional de aprender e ensinar.

Factors of branding : a Case Study of Hennes & Mauritz AB in China

Wu, Jieying, Ye, Lupeng January 2009 (has links)
<p>H&M has been in China for three years. The consumers in China are still enthusiastic with this brand when the first store in the capital city, Beijing. In this paper, we use the concept of brand identity and brand image and outline a conceptual model for understanding and studying the customer experience of H&M in China. Case study illustrates how this model works in the design and management of the branding in H&M.</p>

Blog Marketing - A consumer perspective

Andersson, Johannes, Blomkvist, Martin, Holmberg, Mattias January 2007 (has links)
The phenomenon of blogs is growing rapidly and is expected to increase even in a more rapid pace (Technorati, 2006, November 6). As Wright (2006) discuss; blogs provides a new way of communicating with customers, as customers want to be talked with, not to. Companies have newly started to pay attention to this and as a result, the concept of blog marketing has been born. The little research that has been done on blog marketing has been done from a company perspective. However, no or little research has yet considered how consumers use blogs. In order to use blogs as a communication tool, it is of huge importance for companies to understand how consumers use blogs in their decision making. Hence the purpose is; “To explore how and why consumers use blogs in their decision making process“ In order to answer this purpose we conducted nine interviews on young adults, as previous research suggests that this population use blogs the most (Tremayne, 2007). From the collected data a qualitative analyze was made in which the empirical findings was analyzed with support of the theoretical framework. From the analysis we found that consumers use blogs throughout their decision making. Within the consumers’ decision making, collaborative blogs was mostly used as the consumers could get more input from a larger audience and because this type of blog tended to cover a specific topic of interest for the consumers. Consumers were found mainly writing in the blogs when they had knowledge to contribute with or when they needed information that they could not otherwise find in the blogs. We also noticed that consumers turned to groups they belonged to, so called normative group, or they turned to groups that they did not belong to, so called comparative groups. These groups influenced the consumer by providing them with knowledge and by giving them positive and negative confirmation on their choice of purchase. However normative groups also persuaded the consumer to buy products in order to belong to the group. Besides this, a pattern of characteristics of the individuals that the consumer blogged with were noticed. Consumers wanted user experiences and thus the vast majority of these individuals they turned to, seemed to be consumers themselves, with relevant product experiences. The consumers also seem to blog more with certain individuals, whose opinions were valued more. These individuals often shared the latest information on products. Lastly we found that consumers seemed to be selective when reading blog posts. The blog posts needed to contain detailed- and up-to-date information. Moreover, consumers wanted blog post to be written by other consumers because they saw them as more credible then companies. The consumers also chose to read blog posts that show similarities be-tween the consumer and the blogger in terms of either usage pattern of product or preference for product choices.

The Study of Singer Blog by Grounded Theory

Tsai, Meng-ting 06 August 2007 (has links)
The coming of the post-media times changes the method of interpersonal communication. The rise of blog means that the personal media comes. In our blogs, we can express private feelings and personal points of views. However, while the users of blog spread out to the celebrities, its function would not be merely a kind of the life diary, but be operated by the more and more implicit and complex purposes. This research focuses on the popular singers¡¦ blogs, and we found that their motives to establish their blogs finally originate from their records marketing. In other words, these singers use the characteristics of high interaction of blog conceal their real purposes for the marketing from their readers and then, make them be the whole marketing center unconsciously. Based on the usage of the record marketing, this research brings out three main issues. First, how dose a singer run his blog? Second, how do his fans or readers interact in his blog? Third, how are the marketing results, when blog is applied in the singers¡¦ record marketing? This research adopted the grounding theory of the quality research method and took deep interviews to collect data. The research interviewed seven main executive people, running the singers¡¦ blogs, to understand the management, the manpower programs, the resources organized in singers' blogs, and the interaction with the fans in the blogs. Moreover, this research discussed the marketing strategies for the promotion of the singers¡¦ records to know the business benefits of the application of blog. The research found that the management of singers¡¦ blogs is mainly on the two sides. One is the management of the singer¡¦s image and the other side is the management of his community. And these both sides complement perfectly. When the singer¡¦s image management is proper, the communities of his readers and fans establish probably increasingly. Then, the appearance of these communities would also provide singer some feedbacks on their image management. Therefore, this research suggests the marketing in blog should pay much more attention on the image management and the community management.

The study of the characteristics of A-list blogs and the self-presentation of A-list bloogers

Chiau-Ling, Chen 07 August 2007 (has links)
The movement of blog is its usage of friendly interface, which makes fearful people overcome the barriers to the technology. Moreover, blog makes people hold the power, which in the past only a few privileges could have to contact the society. Its model of usage also becomes uploading from downloading. Blogging has people be the public communicators to the whole world. Blogging, which contains the characteristics of personality, free writing style, immediateness, and hyperlinks, has become the top ten of popular internet activities in Taiwan since 2006. Blog is the virtual environment controlled by its owner. Therefore, the correct self-image presented in front of the audiences is quite important. Trammell and Keshelashvili found that A-list bloggers not only express much more self information than common users but also actively engage in the impression management. The purpose of this research uses the dramaturgy of Goffman, self-concept of James, and impression management of Jones to discuss these popular bloggers how to play each self-performance and fulfill the dreams to be super stars in their fields through the usage of some blog elements, such as words, multimedia and so on. A-list blogs are not merely searched, hyperlinked and subscribed by other blogs but their views can compete with the mainstream media as well. Therefore, this research has tried to investigate the internal characteristics of blog content and the self-presentation and the strategies of impression management of A-list bloggers. The results of this research are divided by the discussions in the three dimensions. First, the external characteristics of A-list blogs remain the basic or original structure and a little change. Moreover, A-list blogs use few stretched elements and their articles are published with both words and pictures. Second, the research has found that these A-list blogs are mainly diary-type and besides, personal and life-style typologies. In other words, A-list bloggers view blog as the platform of their expression and self-record. Especially, the female A-list bloggers prefer to the diary-type blogs. On the contrary, more male A-list bloggers have the filter-diary blogs. Furthermore, hyperlinks extend the bloggers¡¦ views, express their personal information and also present the image as¡§blog is me¡¨. Third, the self-presentation of A-list bloggers is the performance of the front stage, which most bloggers carefully control in front of the audiences to get their liking and praise with the ingratiation and self-promotion.

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