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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validation of the WAM-model over the Baltic Sea

Berg, Caroline January 2008 (has links)
<p>In order to understand how waves influence the exchange of momentum, latent heat and other parameters, between the ocean surface and the atmosphere, one can use models. A coupling between a wave model and an atmospheric regional climate model, for the Baltic Sea, will be performed at the Meteorology Institute in Uppsala University. The wave model is a state of the art, third generation wave model called WAM.</p><p>The new version of the WAM model (cycle 4) needs to be validated. The aim of this thesis is to perform this validation and also to investigate what meteorological forcing one should use to achieve best results. Two different types of forcing are analyzed, ERA40 reanalysis and the RCA climate model. In order to do this, observations from six different buoys in the Baltic Sea will be compared with the model output from WAM. The parameters that will be compared in this study are significant wave height, direction and peak period.</p><p>A consistent phenomenon for all the buoys is a slightly overestimation by the model of what the rate of this increases with increasing wave height. If one compares the model output when WAM are forced with the RCA climate model and when it is forced with ERA40 reanalysis, the differences between them are notable but not large. ERA40 is slightly better.</p><p>Significant wave height is quite good and gives a reasonably result. Some buoys and periods are better and some are worse. There are some differences for the significant wave height between the east coast and the west coast of Sweden, when forcing the model with RCA. It is slightly better on the west coast. On the contrary, the results from ERA40 are very coherent. The quality of the hindcast for the direction and the peak period, in contrast to the significant wave height, is not that good. The results are not bad, but it only gives a rough picture of the sea state.</p>

Lietuvos pajūrio geologinė raida poledynmečiu / Post-glacial geological history of the Lithuanian coastal area

Damušytė, Aldona 14 April 2011 (has links)
Lietuvos pajūrio geologinės sandaros pažinimas, jo geologinės raidos žinojimas, čia vykstančių geologinių procesų suvokimas neabejotinai buvo, yra ir bus ypač aktualūs. Tyrimų objektas apėmė kelių dešimčių kilometrų pločio Baltijos jūros pakrantės ruožą žemyniniame krante, Lietuvai priklausančias šiaurines Kuršių nerijos ir Kuršių marių akvatorijos dalis. Absoliutaus datavimo metodų taikymas nuosėdų ir moliuskų liekanų amžiui nustatyti, iškastinių moliuskų liekanų apibūdinimas, nauji paleobotaninių tyrimų rezultatai bei kita gausi geologinė informacija leido patikslinti Baltijos paleobaseinų vandens lygio (kranto linijos) kaitą vėlyvajame ledynmetyje ir holocene, sudaryti seriją paleogeografinių rekonstrukcijų – kartoschemų skirtingų Baltijos jūros raidos stadijų baseinams. / The Lithuanian coastal area represents a specific region of great economic and rcreational importance. This research has been focused on a few tens of kilometres of the wide continental coastal sector, the northern parts of the Curonian Spit and the Curonian Lagoonal area. The geological material and results of absolute dating collected from numerous sediment samples have served as the basis for the essential specification of the boundaries, age, genesis and palaeo-sedimentation conditions at different Baltic Sea development stages.

Dioxinkontaminering i Gävleborgs län : Utbredning, orsaker och åtgärdsanalys / Dioxin contamination i Gävleborg County : Distribution, causes and analysis of measures

Robertsson, Jonas January 2014 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftade till att ta fram ett underlag för en regional åtgärdsplan avseende dibenso-p-dioxiner och dibensofuraner, gemensamt benämnda som PCDD/F eller dioxiner, i Gävleborgs län. Länet har historiskt varit ett av de mest utsatta områdena i Sverige beträffande dessa föroreningar och höga koncentrationer i bland annat strömming har medfört att denna inte får saluföras i övriga EU.   I arbetet har resultaten från den rådande forskningen på området studerats för att få kunskap om nuvarande källor och möjliga förklaringar till de fortsatt förhöjda koncentrationerna av dioxiner. Därefter har data från tidigare undersökningar av dioxinkoncentrationer i Gävleborgs län samlats in, sammanställts och använts för att studera hur koncentrationerna varierar geografiskt inom länet. Principalkomponentanalys (PCA) av specifika dioxinkongeners koncentrationer har sedan använts för att försöka identifiera verksamhetstyper som potentiellt kan ha bidragit till föroreningarna på olika platser - en analys som dock är behäftad med stora osäkerheter. De insamlade provresultaten har även använts för att genom massbalansmodellering undersöka återhämtningen i två känt förorenade fjärdar i länet; Norrsundet och Gårdsfjärden. Utifrån resultaten av ovanstående analyser diskuterades även nyttan av att genomföra eventuella åtgärder för att reducera halterna i kraftigt förorenade områden.   Proverna som sammanställts visade klara geografiska skillnader i sedimentkoncentration, och till viss del även i koncentration i muskel från abborre, vilket visar på en stark betydelse av lokala källor i vissa områden. Bland strömmingsproverna kunde inget liknande samband ses. Detta kan förklaras av att det migrerande beteendet hos strömming gör att fisken under sin livstid exponeras för varierande föroreningsnivåer i olika områden, medan abborren är mer stationär även som vuxen. Principalkomponentanalysen gav, för vissa prover, indikationer kring vilken typ av verksamhet som bidragit till de uppmätta koncentrationerna. Dessa resultat är dock mycket osäkra och bör inte på egen hand användas som underlag för att fastställa föroreningskällor. Massbalansmodelleringen visade att PCDD/F-koncentrationen i sediment inte har någon betydelse för koncentrationen i vattenmassan utan att inflödet från omgivande hav dominerar även i avgränsade fjärdar. De modellerade jämviktskoncentrationerna mellan sediment och vattenmassa indikerade även att koncentrationerna i sediment kommer fortsätta överskrida somliga gränsvärden tills koncentrationen i vattenmassan reducerats, vilket även stöds av att dessa gränsvärden överskreds i majoriteten av de sammanställda proverna.   Baserat på samtliga ovannämnda resultat drogs slutsatsen att lokala saneringsåtgärder sannolikt inte ger någon effekt på PCDD/F-koncentrationerna i strömming, samt att de inte är tillräckliga för att erhålla sedimentkoncentrationer under samtliga gränsvärden. De kan däremot effektivt minska den exponering som mer stationära organismer som abborre utsätts för i områden med kraftigt förorenade sediment, och kan även ha positiva effekter på förekomsten av andra miljöfarliga ämnen i området. För- och nackdelar måste således övervägas i varje enskilt fall. / The aim of this Master’s Thesis was to provide a basis for a regional plan of action regarding dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, commonly referred to as PCDD/F or dioxins, in Gävle-borg County. This region has historically been one of the Swedish areas most affected by these pollutants, and high concentrations in for example Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) have resulted in restrictions where some fish species cannot be sold in other EU countries.   In this work, results of current research on the subject were studied in order to gain knowledge about current sources and possible explanations to the continued high concentrations of dioxins. Thereafter, data from earlier investigations of dioxin levels in Gävleborg County have been gathered, compiled and used to study the regional geographic variation of the concentrations. Principal component analysis (PCA) was then used on the concentrations of specific congeners in an attempt to identify source types that might have contributed to the contamination in various sites; this analysis is however marred by uncertainties. The gathered data have also been used to investigate the recovery in two bays with known contaminations, Norrsundet and Gårdsfjärden, using mass balance modelling. The benefits of implementing measures to reduce the PCDD/F-concentrations in highly polluted areas were then discussed based on the results of the above-mentioned analyses.   The measured sediment concentrations, and partly also the concentrations in European perch (Perca fluviatilis), of the compiled samples showed distinct geographic differences, which indicates a strong influence from local sources in some areas. Among the herring samples, no such connection could be seen. This could be explained by the migrating behaviour of adult herring, resulting in an exposure to various levels of contamination in different areas as they migrate, while adult perch has a more stationary behaviour. For some samples, the principal component analysis gave indications on source types that might have contributed to the local contamination levels. These results are however very uncertain and they should not be used as the sole basis when determining emission sources. The mass balance modelling showed that the PCDD/F-concentrations in sediments have no influence on the concentrations in the water body; the inflow from the surrounding sea is predominant also in enclosed bays. The modelled equilibrium concentrations between sediments and water body also indicated that the sediment concentrations will continue to exceed the guideline values until the water concentrations have decreased. This is also supported by the fact that the majority of the samples showed concentrations exceeding these guideline values.   Based on all of the abovementioned results it was concluded that local remediation measures would most likely not affect the PCDD/F-concentrations in herring. It was also concluded that such measures would not suffice to obtain sediment concentrations that fall below all guideline values. They can however be used to lessen the exposure that stationary organisms are subjected to in areas with highly contaminated sediments, and can also have positive effects on the levels of other hazardous substances in the area. Thus, the benefits and disadvantages need to be considered in each specific case.

Bio-optics, satellite remote sensing and Baltic Sea ecosystems : Applications for monitoring and management

Harvey, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Earth observation satellites cover large areas with frequent temporal repetition and provide us with new insight into ocean and coastal processes. Ocean colour measurements from satellite remote sensing are linked to the bio-optics, which refers to the light interactions with living organisms and dissolved and suspended constituents in the aquatic environment. Human pressures have changed the aquatic ecosystems, by, for example, the increased input of nutrient and organic matter leading to eutrophication. This thesis aims to study and develop the link between bio-optical data and the remote sensing method to the monitoring and management of the Baltic Sea. The results are applied to the European Union’s Water Directives, and the Baltic Sea Action Plan from the Helsinki commission. In paper I indicators for eutrophication, chlorophyll-a concentration and Secchi depth were evaluated as a link to remote sensing observations. Chlorophyll-a measurements from an operational satellite service (paper I) were compared to conventional ship-based monitoring in paper II and showed high correlations to the in situ data. The results in paper I, II and IV show that the use of remote sensing can improve both the spatial and temporal monitoring of water quality. The number of observations increased when also using satellite data, thus facilitating the assessment of the ecological and environmental status within the European Union’s water directives. The spatial patterns make it possible to study the changes of e.g. algae blooms and terrestrial input on larger scales. Furthermore, the water quality products from satellites can offer a more holistic and easily accessible view of the information to decision makers and end-users. In paper III variable relationships between in situ bio-optical parameters, such as coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM), dissolved organic carbon, salinity and Secchi depth, were found in different parts of the Baltic Sea. In paper IV an in situ empirical model to retrieve suspended particulate matter (SPM) from turbidity was developed and applied to remote sensing data. The use of Secchi depth as an indicator for eutrophication linked to the concentrations of chlorophyll-a and SPM and CDOM absorption was investigated in paper V. The variations in Secchi depth were affected differently by the mentioned parameters in the different regions. Therefore, one must also consider those when evaluating changes in Secchi depth and for setting target levels for water bodies. This thesis shows good examples on the benefits of incorporating bio-optical and remote sensing data to a higher extent within monitoring and management of the Baltic Sea. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>

Remote sensing in optically complex waters : water quality assessment using MERIS data

Beltrán-Abaunza, José M. January 2015 (has links)
This PhD study focusses on the use of MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) data for reliable and quantitative water-quality assessment of optically-complex waters (lake, brackish and coastal waters). The thesis is divided into two parts: A. intercalibration of reflectance measurements in different optically-complex water bodies (Paper I), and validation of various satellite processing algorithms for the coastal zone (Paper II). B. Applications: the use of MERIS data in integrated coastal zone management mostly using Himmerfjärden bay as an example. Himmerfjärden bay is one of the most frequently monitored coastal areas in the world and it is also the recipient of a large urban sewage treatment plant, where a number of full-scale nutrient management experiments have been conducted to evaluate the ecological changes due to changes in nutrient schemes in the sewage plant. Paper I describes the development and assessment of a new hyperspectral handheld radiometer for in situ sampling and validation of remote sensing reflectance.  The instrument is assessed in comparison with readily available radiometers that are commonly used in validation. Paper II has a focus on the validation of level 2 reflectance and water products derived from MERIS data. It highlights the importance of calibration and validation activities, and the current accuracy and limitations of satellite products in the coastal zone.  Bio-optical in situ data is highlighted as one of the key components for assessing the reliability of current and future satellite missions. Besides suspended particulate matter (SPM), the standard MERIS products have shown to be insufficient to assure data quality retrieval for Baltic Sea waters. Alternative processors and methods such as those assessed and developed in this thesis therefore will have to be put in place in order to secure the success of future operational missions, such as Sentinel-3. The two presented manuscripts in the applied part B of the thesis (paper III and IV), showed examples on the combined use of in situ measurements with optical remote sensing to support water quality monitoring programs by using turbidity and suspended particulate matter as coastal indicators (manuscript III). The article also provides  a new turbidity algorithm for the Baltic Sea and a robust and cost-efficient method for research and management.  A novel approach to improve the quality of the satellite-derived products in the coastal zone was demonstrated in manuscript IV. The analysis included, the correction for adjacency effects from land and an improved pixel quality screening.  The thesis provides the first detailed spatio-temporal description of the evolution of phytoplankton blooms in Himmerfjärden bay  using quality-assured MERIS data, thus forwarding our understanding of ecological processes in in Swedish coastal waters. It must be noted that monitoring from space is not a trivial matter in these optically-complex waters dominated by the absorption of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). These types of coastal waters are especially challenging for quantitative assessment from space due to their low reflectance.  Papers III and IV thus also provide tools for a more versatile use in other coastal waters that are not as optically-complex as the highly absorbing Baltic Sea waters. The benefits of the increased spatial-temporal data coverage by optical remote sensing were presented, and also compared to in situ sampling methods (using chlorophyll-a as indicator). / <p>Research funders:</p><p>European Space Agency (ESA, contract no.21524/08/I-OL)</p><p>NordForsk funding: Nord AquaRemS Ref. no. 80106</p><p>NordForsk funding:  NordBaltRemS Ref.no. 42041</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Acoustic survey of sea floor features in Asköfjärden

Lundmark, Kim January 2017 (has links)
Marine geological surveys in Asköfjärden in the southern Stockholm Archipelago hasrevealed step like features in the sediments on the Baltic sea floor. The aim of this project is toanalyse the steps and possible formation processes from the survey data. The data used aretaken from the acoustic instruments multibeam echosunder and Chirp sonar sediment profiler.The multibeam reveal the seafloor topography and can detect water column features. TheChirp sonar produce sub-bottom profiles showing the sediments down to some tens of metersunderneath the sea floor. The multibeam data show multiple crescent shaped steps as well aselliptically shaped “pockmarks”. Water column data show what could be interpreted as seepsfrom the sea floor under these features. The sub bottom profile show deformation and fluidsignatures under the steps. Gas signatures and what could be other fluids are present. Theinterpretation concludes that the formation could be from either gas or groundwater seeps. Nodefinitive conclusions can be made from the data available for the present study, andapetrophysical or geochemical study of the study area cold provide further understanding ofthe formation of the steps.

Hydroxylated polybrominat­ed diphenyl ethers in Baltic Sea biota : Natural production, food web distribution and biotransformation

Lindqvist, Dennis January 2016 (has links)
Hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (OH-PBDEs) are naturally produced in aquatic ecosystems e.g. by algae. Many OH-PBDEs have been observed to be highly bioactive and to cause adverse effects through several pathways, e.g. via disrupting oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). The levels of some OH-PBDEs have increased in Baltic biota over the past decades. This may be associated with the nutrient enrichment of the Baltic Sea, which has favored growth of some of the OH-PBDE producers. Ceramium tenuicorne has been suggested to be a producer of OH-PBDEs in the Baltic Sea, which is supported by the results presented in this thesis. The levels of OH-PBDEs were observed to fluctuate greatly in C. tenuicorne over the summer season, and to correlate with the levels of pigments in the algae. However, the observed congener pattern in C. tenuicorne questioned theories regarding the mechanism of their biosynthesis. The results indicate a much more selective pathway for biosynthesis than previously suggested for the production of OH-PBDEs. One of the most abundant OH-PBDEs in C. tenuicorne, 6-OH-BDE137, has previously been observed to be toxic to bacteria, fungi, and crustaceans. Furthermore, Baltic gammarids seemed to change their feeding preferences towards less grazing on C. tenuicorne during the production peek of OH-PBDEs in the alga. This suggests that OH-PBDEs may serve as allelochemical defense agents for C. tenuicorne. The transport and fate of OH-PBDEs through a Baltic food chain was also studied, including C. tenuicorne, Gammarus spp., three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), and perch (Perca fluviatilis). A small portion of the OH-PBDEs were observed to be methylated in the alga, or by associated bacteria. The methylated OH-PBDEs biomagnified in the food chain up to perch, in which they were converted back to the OH-PBDEs via demethylation. The OH-PBDEs and their methylated counterparts were also partially debrominated in the food chain, which resulted in high concentration of 6-OH-BDE47 in the perch. This congener is the most toxic OH-PBDE with regards to OXPHOS disruption. Another biotransformation of OH-PBDEs was identified in Baltic Sea blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). High concentrations of OH-PBDEs were conjugated with lipophilic moieties, e.g. fatty acids. This increases the residence time of the OH-PBDEs in the mussels. Mussels have been suggested to conjugate steroids with fatty acids as a means to regulate hormone levels. The conjugation of OH-PBDEs to fatty acids may occur due to intrusion into this pathway. Methods were developed to include quantification of conjugated OH-PBDEs in the analysis of mussels. OH-PBDEs were also quantified in blood from Baltic Sea grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). Seals originating from the Baltic proper were observed to be more highly exposed to 6-OH-BDE47 than seals from the Gulf of Bothnia. However, the levels of OH-PBDEs were generally low. A major effort was invested into securing these results, including development of a new analytical method. Blood obtained from dead seals is a difficult matrix for quantification of OH-PBDEs, and previous attempts using an established method yielded unsatisfactory results. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Investigation of the production and isolation of bioactive compounds from cyanobacteria

Hameed, Shaista January 2013 (has links)
Due to heavy nutrient load and adverse climate change the occurrence of toxic cyanobacterial blooms have significantly increased during the last decades. Nodularia spumigena is one of the dominant toxic cyanobacteria which produces massive and inherent blooms in brackish water body, the Baltic Sea, particularly in late summer. Nodularia spp. are known to produce nodularins (NOD) and a range of other bioactive peptides such as spumigins and nodulopeptins, all of which have unclear function. In a recent study, three new nodulopeptins with molecular weight of 899, 901 and 917 were characterised from N. spumigena KAC 66. In the present study, N. spumigena KAC 66 was fractionated by reversed phase flash chromatography and their toxicity was determined by their lethality to Daphnia pulex and D. magna along with inhibition of protein phosphatase 1 assay (PP1). All fractions showed lethality to Daphnids and inhibitory activity against PP1, the toxicity was due to additional compounds as NOD and nodulopeptin 901 were only detected in 7 fractions. Pure NOD was lethal to D. pulex and D. magna LC50= 8.4 μg/mL and 5.0 μg/mL, respectively. The newly characterised nodulopeptin 901 was also tested against D. magna (LC50=>100 μg/mL). NOD and nodulopeptin 901 inhibited PP1 with IC50 0.038 μg/mL and 25 μg/mL, respectively. In common with many studies, the maximum amount of NOD was retained within the cells during the seven week growth experiment. In contrast, as much as ~50% of nodulopeptin 901 was detected in the growth media throughout the duration of experiments. To gain further insight on the effects of environmental stress on growth and production of bioactive metabolites in N. spumigena KAC 66, a range of parameters were investigated which included; temperature, salinity, nitrate and phosphorus. In the present study it was investigated that extreme growth conditions have a considerable effect on biomass and toxin levels by N. spumigena KAC 66. The light intensity ranged from 17.35-17.47 μmol/s/m2, 22°C and 11-20 ‰ of salinity were the optimal growth conditions to obtain maximum biomasses, intra and extracellular peptide contents. At 6.5 mg/L nitrate the maximum growth, as indicated by Chl-a and maximum concentrations of intracellular NOD and nodulopeptin 901 were detected found in week 5 and 4, respectively. Temperature had the greatest effect on peptide production. Whilst growth was similar at 22°C, 25°C and 30°C, increase in temperature had a profound effect on NOD production in that an increase from 22°C to 25°C resulted in a 50% decrease in intracellular NOD levels. At 30°C little or no NOD was detected. In contrast, whilst concentrations of nodulopeptin 901 decreased with increasing temperature, they were still detected at consistent levels suggesting they play an important role. The results from phosphate experiment showed Chl-a, cell biomass and peptide production did not show clear dependency on availability of PO-3 4. This is the first study to evaluate the effects of selected environmental parameters on NOD/nodulopeptin 901 production which ultimately may be helpful to explain the distribution, control of natural blooms and toxin levels of N. spumigena in the Baltic Sea and as well as laboratory based experiments. In an attempt further exploit cyanobacterial diversity, 20 strains were isolated from the Dian Lake and 6 from the Dead Sea. The UPLC-PDA-MS analysis of isolates, Microcystis spp. from Dian Lake, China indicated the presence of several peptides namely MC-LR, cyanopeptolin A and aerucyclamides A-D. These new isolates will be examined for biological activity and chemical characterisation in future studies.

In Their Majesties’ Service : The Career of Francesco De Gratta (1613-1676) as a Royal Servant and Trader in Gdańsk

Salamonik, Michał January 2017 (has links)
This study analyses the administrative and economic career of Francesco De Gratta (1613–1676) as Royal Postmaster, Royal Secretary, and trader within the postal and fiscal systems of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This investigation focuses mainly on his network and career strategies and is based on various sources from a number of European archives and libraries, mainly those situated in Italy, Poland and Germany. The study presents the family De Gratta and the familial social actions that Francesco used in order to root his children and family in the Polish-Lithuanian noble culture. Next, the analysis shows that the career of Francesco De Gratta was inextricably correlated with the establishment of the early modern royal postal system in Gdańsk (the city of Gdańsk fulfilled an important bridging role within the Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth) as well as his close contacts with different Polish kings and queens. The career followed distinct stages, tying him ever closer with the Crown, the nobility as well as the merchants in Gdańsk. It all started with his position as Head Postmaster in Gdańsk, in 1654. In 1661, he became Postmaster General of Royal Prussia, Courland, Semigallia and Livonia. After these initial steps, Francesco immersed in creditor activities and close contacts with the Royal Prussian cities, royal authorities, and not the least different Polish mint masters. He also got involved in the potash trade with his later son-in-law Jan Wawrzyniec Wodzicki, first as his factor and later as a co-owner of Wodzicki’s company. The study finally traces his social and economic advancement by the analysis of Francesco De Gratta’s legacies and their importance for his heirs’ social status. The summary compares the career of Francesco De Gratta with that of other postmasters and mint masters of Italian origin in Poland-Lithuania. / Denna studie analyserar Francesco De Grattas (1613-1676) ekonomiska och administrativa karriär som kunglig postmästare, kunglig sekreterare och köpman i det polsk-litauiska samväldet. Denna undersökning är främst inriktad på nätverks- och karriärsanalys och bygger på olika arkivkällor från en rad europeiska arkiv och bibliotek, främst från Italien, Polen och Tyskland. Studien presenterar familjen De Gratta och de familjära sociala strategier som Francesco använde för att förankra sin familj i det polsk-litauiska samväldets adelskultur. Därefter visar analysen att De Grattas karriär kan förstås mot bakgrund av upprättandet av det tidigmoderna kungliga postsystemet i Gdańsk (Gdańsk hade en viktig överbryggande roll inom Polen-Litauen), liksom hans nära kontakter med olika polska kungar och drottningar. Hans karriär följde olika distinkta steg som möjliggjorde för honom att närma sig kronan, adeln och köpmännen i Gdańsk. År 1654 blev han huvudpostmästare i Gdańsk och 1661 fick han ämbetet som huvudpostmästare för Kungliga Preussen, Kurland, Semgallen och Livland. Senare utvecklade Francesco De Gratta sin kreditverksamhet parallellt med utbyggnaden av sitt kontaktnätverk med kungliga preussiska städer, kungliga myndigheter och inte minst olika polska myntmästare. Han blev också involverad i handel med pottaska (kaliumkarbonat) tillsammans med sin svärson Jan Wawrzyniec Wodzicki, först som hans agent och senare som delägare i Wodzickis företag. Slutligen spårar studien Francesco De Grattas sociala och ekonomiska framåtskridande genom en analys av hans arv och dess betydelse för hans arvingars sociala status. Sammanfattningsvis jämförs Francesco De Grattas karriär med andra postmästare och myntmästare av italienskt ursprung i Polen-Litauen. / Information Infrastructure in the Baltic Area. Nodes, News and News Agents, c. 1650 - 1700

Microbial DNA Sequencing in Environmental Studies

Hu, Yue January 2017 (has links)
The field of microbial ecology has just entered a new era of rapid technological development and generation of big data. The high-throughput sequencing techniques presently available provide an opportunity to extensively inventorize the blueprints of life. Now, millions of microbes of natural microbial communities can be studied simultaneously without prior cultivation. New species and new functions (genes) can be discovered just by mining sequencing data. However, there is still a tremendous number of microorganisms not yet examined, nor are the ecosystem functions these carry out. The modern genomic technologies can contribute to solve environmental problems and help us understand ecosystems, but to most efficiently do so, methods need to be continuously optimised.   During my Ph. D. studies, I developed a method to survey eukaryotic microbial diversity with a higher accuracy, and applied various sequencing-based approaches in an attempt to answer questions of importance in environmental research and ecology. In PAPER-I, we developed a set of 18S rRNA gene PCR primers with high taxonomic coverage, meeting the requirements of currently popular sequencing technologies and matching the richness of 18S rRNA reference sequences accumulated so far. In PAPER-II, we conducted the first sequencing-based spatial survey on the combined eukaryotic and bacterial planktonic community in the Baltic Sea to uncover the relationship of microbial diversity and environmental conditions. Here, the 18S primers designed in PAPER-I and a pair of broad-coverage 16S primers were employed to target the rRNA genes of protists and bacterioplankton for amplicon sequencing. In PAPER-III, we integrated metagenomic, metabarcoding, and metatranscriptomic data in an effort to scrutinise the protein synthesis potential (i.e., activity) of microbes in the sediment at a depth of 460 m in the Baltic Sea and, thus, disclosing microbial diversity and their possible ecological functions within such an extreme environment. Lastly, in PAPER-IV, we compared the performance of E. coli culturing, high-throughput sequencing, and portable real-time sequencing in tracking wastewater contamination in an urban stormwater system. From the aspects of cost, mobility and accuracy, we evaluated the usage of sequencing-based approaches in civil engineering, and for the first time, validated the real-time sequencing device in use within water quality monitoring.   In summary, these studies demonstrate how DNA sequencing of microbial communities can be applied in environmental monitoring and ecological research. / <p>Yue Hu was supported by a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC #201206950024)</p><p>Yue Hu has been publishing papers under the name "Yue O. O. Hu".</p><p>QC 20170403</p>

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