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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The adoption of artificial intelligence by South African banking firms: a Technology, Organisation and Environment (TOE) framework

Mariemuthu, Clayton 28 February 2019 (has links)
A research report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce in the field of Information Systems / Artificial intelligence (AI) is the creation of intelligent machines that have the ability to work and act like humans and comprises various technologies. AI-powered technology is having a transformative effect on industries such as banking. This study investigated the adoption of AI technologies by South African banking firms. The investigation into the factors that explain the current extent of adoption was focused through the lens of the Technological, Organisational and Environmental (TOE) framework. Through a review of existing literature and online resources, this study firstly identified a basket of AI technologies perceived as relevant for South African banking firms. Six technologies that represent the basket of AI technologies were identified, namely: machine learning, robotic process automation, expert systems, virtual assistants, natural language processing, and pattern recognition. Secondly, the study aimed to determine the current state of adoption of the AI technologies. Thirdly, the study aimed to determine the factors influencing the adoption of AI technologies by banking firms. A systematic literature review was undertaken to determine the technological, organisational and environmental factors that influence technology adoption. A model using pre-determined TOE factors was developed and tested. The cross-sectional, quantitative study was undertaken via a self-administered, online questionnaire to a sample of 307 respondents from South African banking business units, resulting in 62 responses. Diffusion curves were used to illustrate the current adoption of AI technologies. The results revealed that robotic process automation is the most diffused technology, while natural language processing was the least diffused technology. The results also revealed a significant intention to adopt AI technologies in the next three years. The data was subjected to reliability and validity tests which established that the construct measures rendered consistent and reproducible results, and accurately depicted the constructs they were assigned to measure. Thereafter, correlations analysis was utilised to test the model’s hypotheses, and a multiple and stepwise regression were used as further tests of the model. Results revealed that AI technology skills, top management support, firm size and competitive pressure were positively related to the adoption of AI technologies, while perceived benefits, information technology infrastructure, cost, competitive pressure, regulation and mimetic pressure were not supported. AI technologies is a contemporary topic and is gathering a great deal of attention in both academia and practice. By applying the TOE framework, this study has provided a theoretical contribution and addressed a research gap in existing literature, specifically demonstrating that AI adoption is a function of all three contexts, i.e. technological, organisational and environmental. This study also provides a practical contribution for banking firms as they can understand the current adoption status of the average South African bank. Furthermore, for firms considering the adoption of AI technologies, this study offers insights into the relative influence of the TOE factors, and provides guidance to facilitate benchmarking and processes of adoption. / PH2020

An investigation into the influence of credit ratings on credit risk of the South African banking industry

Choenyana, Kgapyane Samuel 01 1900 (has links)
The financial stability of banks is crucial if they are to fulfil their role in facilitating transactions between borrowers and lenders. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of credit risk on the South African banking industry following a movement in credit ratings by rating agencies. Data from a sample of 11 banks were collected from 2006 to 2015. Econometric regression analysis was used to analyse the data. The results show that inflation, credit ratings, exchange rate, gross domestic product, unemployment rate, capital adequacy ratio and size of the bank are significant factors that determine "non-performing loans". Therefore, it is imperative that banks continuously monitor these factors and adapt their credit policies on "non-performing loans". This action would prepare banks for any adverse effects and ensure that the banking industry remains a sound and efficient contributor to the growth of the South African economy. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

An investigation into the service delivery by commercial banks in South Africa

Botes, Kirsty 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D. Tech.) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2008

Personality type and motivation in a South African Private Bank

Shunmugam, Valencia 06 1900 (has links)
No abstract / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The participation of dedicated banks in the National Payment System as clearing and settlement banks

Geldenhuys, Rian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The National Payment System is currently dominated by uncompetitive banks and there is growing resistance by the South African public over the current fees being charged. The legislature is proposing a new Bill which aims at creating a new category of banks, namely Dedicated Banks. These Dedicated Banks will have lower capital requirements, thus making it more attractive to establish a Dedicated Bank. The aim of the Dedicated Banks Bill is to bring banking services to the masses. The Dedicated Banks may provide banking services to consumers at much more competitive fees. The aim of this study is to determine whether Dedicated Banks will be allowed to participate in the National Payment System as clearing and settlement banks. A detailed review is conducted of the current National Payment System, the framework in which it operates and incentives currently underway to guide the modernisation of the National Payment System. A critical analysis of the legal framework of the National Payment System in conjunction with the Dedicated Banks Bill is undertaken to determine whether there is any legislative scope for allowing Dedicated Banks to participate in the National Payment System. An assessment of the competitive environment of the National Payment System is given to determine whether regulators may consider allowing Dedicated Banks their participation as clearing and settlement banks. The arguments presented are confirmed by the Reserve Bank's 2010 vision for the National Payment System which confirms the conclusions reached that Dedicated Banks may indeed participate in the National Payment System as clearing and settlement banks. The risk which participants may introduce into the National Payment System is investigated in order to determine whether this may pose as an additional barrier to Dedicated Banks' participation as clearing and settlement banks. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Nasionale Betalingstelsel word huidiglik gedomineer deur onmededingende banke en daar is groeiende weerstand deur die Suid-Afrikaanse publiek oor die huidige fooie wat gevra word. Die wetgewer het 'n nuwe konsep wet voorlê wat daarop gemik is om 'n nuwe kategorie van banke daar te stel, naamlik Toegewyde Banke. Hierdie Toegewyde Banke sal laer kapitaal vereistes he, wat dit aantrekliker sal maak om 'n Toegewyde Bank op die been te bring. Die doel van die konsep wet is om bankdienste aan die massas te bring. Die Toegewyde Banke mag moontlik bankdienste aan kliente bied teen meer mededingende fooie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om vas te stel of Toegewyde Banke toegelaat gaan word om deel te neem aan die Nasionale Betalinstelsel as verrekeningsbanke. 'n Omvattende ondersoek word onderneem van die huidige Nasionale Betalingstelsel, die raamwerk waarbinne dit werksaam is en huidige pogings wat onderweg is vir die modernisering van die Nasionale Betalingstelsel. 'n Kritiese analiese van die regsraamwerk saam met die konsep wet word vervat om sodoende vas te stel of daar enige wetlike weg is om Toegewyde Banke toe te laat om deel te neem aan die Nasionale Betalingstelsel. 'n Vasstelling van die mededingende omgewing van die Nasionale Betalingstelsel word weergegee om vas te stel of die regulatoriese instansies dit mag oorweeg om Toegewyde Banke toegang te verleen as verrekeningsbanke. Die argumente wat voorgele word, word ondersteun deur die Reserwebank se 2010 visie vir die Nasionale Betalingstelsel wat die konklusies wat gemaak word ondersteun, naamlik dat Toegewyde Banke wel mag deelneem aan die Nasionale Betalingstelsel as verrekeningsbanke. Die risiko wat deelnemers aan die Nasionale Betalingstesel mag bring word ondersoek om sodoende vas te stel of dit enige verdere hindernis vir Toegewyde Banke se deelname as verrekeningsbanke mag bring.

The legal risks associated with trading in derivatives in a merchant bank

Terblanche, Janet Rene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM (Mercantile Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The research defines derivatives as private contracts, with future rights and obligations imposed on all parties, used to hedge or transfer risk, which derives value from an underlying asset price or index, which asset price or index may take on various forms. The nature of derivatives is that the instruments are intended to be risk management tools. The objectives of derivatives are either to hedge a risk, or to speculate. Derivatives may be classified by the manner in which they are traded, either over the counter (OTC) or on exchange. Alternatively, derivatives may be classified on the basis of structure and mechanisms, i.e. forwards, futures, options or swaps. Risk and risk management are defined in the third chapter with the focus on merchant banking. The nature of risk is that it is inherent in all activities. The nature of risk management is that it aims to ensure that the risks faced by the merchant bank are managed on a daily basis. The objective of risk management is to ensure that losses are minimised and the appropriate level of risk is taken in order to maximise profits. Risk may be classified as operational, operations, market, systemic, credit and legal risk. A comprehensive discussion of credit risk is presented, as it pertains to the legal risk in derivatives in a merchant bank. This includes insolvency, set-off, netting, credit derivatives and collateral. Legal risk is defined as the risk of loss primarily caused by legal unenforceability (i.e. a defective transaction, for instance a contract), legal liability (i.e. a claim) or failure to take legal steps to protect assets (e.g. intellectual property). The nature of legal risk is that it is caused by jurisdictional and other cross-border factors, inadequate documentation, the behaviour of financial institutions, a lack of internal controls, financial innovation or the inherent uncertainty of the law. The objectives of legal risk management in derivatives are to avoid the direct and indirect costs associated with legal risk materialising. This includes reputational damage. Derivatives attract specific legal risks due to the complexity of the instruments as well as the constant innovation in the market. There remains some legal uncertainty regarding derivatives in terms of gaming, wagering and gambling, as well as insurance. The relationship between risk and derivatives is that due to the complexity and constant innovation associated with derivatives, there are some inherent risks to trading in derivatives. It is therefore important to ensure that there is a vested risk management culture in the derivatives trading environment. Chapter four gives an overview of derivatives legislation in foreign jurisdictions and in South Africa. The contractual and documentation issues are discussed with reference to ad hoc agreements, master agreements and ISDA agreements. The practical implementation issues of master agreements and ad hoc agreements are also discussed. The recommendations are that legal risk management be approached in a similar manner to credit, market and other risk disciplines. A legal risk management policy needs to be developed and implemented. The second recommendation is that a derivative to manage the legal risk in derivatives be developed.

A fit between the external forces driving change in the banking industry and the ABSA Group's response to it since 1998

Compaan, Linda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to fit the external forces driving change with the ABSA Group's transformation since 1998; as well as to measure the success of it by evaluating the market's response to the changes. To provide a theoretical framework, a background to the external forces driving change, with specific reference to the South African banking industry is given. It was concluded that the entry/exit of major firms, globalisation, regulation and technological changes are the major forces impacting on the banking industry. There are however, also a number of unique forces driving change that is related to the South African environment. ABSA also had to deal with these factors such as the socio-political change and the domestic economic development. ABSA responded to these challenges by implementing various projects since the merger in 1991. Since 1998 (the time frame within which this study is undertaken), two major projects were initiated and implemented. Both these projects (Project IMPACT and Project ABLE) are two of the biggest transformation exercises ever undertaken in South Africa. ABSA's strategy evolved over time to such a point where the Group is currently focussed on the customer in targeted market segments. Strategic Business Units were established to optimise the focus on the customer. This process is currently still continuing. The success of the ABSA Group's transformation exercises is however, only as successful as the degree to which their changes fit the driving forces and the market's response to it. Against the backdrop of the major external driving forces (Chapter 2), it is concluded that these forces do fit the forces driving change within the ABSA Group. Looking at the cost-to-income ratio, it is evident that ABSA still need to do much more to improve this figure and to bring it more in line with its peer competitors. It is however heartening to see that the Group managed to reduce the ratio constantly year-an-year in spite of the considerable cost of the major initiatives undertaken. A comparison of the price-earnings ratio's of the four major banks over time indicate that the market's trust in ABSA's earnings potential increased and that their response to the changes is therefore in general positive / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die eksterne kragte wat verandering dryf, te pas met die ABSA Groep se transformasie sedert 1998; asook om die sukses daarvan te meet deur te kyk na die mark se respons op die veranderinge. Ten einde 'n teoretiese raamwerk te verskaf, word as agtergrond die eksterne kragte geskets wat veranderinge dryf, met spesifieke verwysing na die Suid- Afrikaanse bank industrie. Die belangrikste kragte wat 'n impak het op die bank industrie is die intree/uittree van groot firmas, globalisering, regulering en tegnologiese veranderinge. Behalwe vir hierdie belangrike kragte, moes die Groep ook verskeie kragte uniek aan die Suid-Afrikaanse omgewing in ag neem, naamlik die sosio-politieke veranderinge en die plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling. ABSA se reaksie op hierdie uitdagings was die implementering van verskeie projekte sedert die samesmelting in 1991. Sedert 1998 (die tydsraamwerk waarbinne hierdie studie handel) is twee groot projekte geïnisieer en geïmplementeer. Beide hierdie projekte (Projek IMPACT en Projek ABLE) was reuse ondernemings en kan beskou word as twee van Suid-Afrika se grootste transformasie oefeninge wat nog onderneem is. Die ABSA strategie het egter onwikkel oor tyd tot die huidige punt waar die Groep gefokus is op die kliënt in spesifieke mark segmente. Ten einde hierdie fokus te optimaliseer, is Strategiese Besigheidseenhede gevestig. Die vestiging en ontwikkeling van hierdie fokuspunt is steeds in proses. Die sukses van ABSA se transformasie oefeninge is egter net so suksesvol soos die mate waartoe dit die dryfkragte en die mark se respons daarop pas. Teen die agtergrond van die belangrike dryfkragte (Hoofstuk 2) is tot die slotsom gekom dat die Groep se transformasie proses wel in pas is met die eksterne dryfkragte Die koste-inkomste verhouding is 'n syfer wat deur beide die Groep en die mark uitgelig word. Deur hierdie syfer te vergelyk met die kompetisie, is dit duidelik dat ABSA nog baie werk het om te doen om hierdie syfer te verbeter. Dit is egter gerustellend dat die Groep daarin geslaag het om die syfer konstant jaar-op-jaar te verlaag, ten spyte van die groot kostes wat aangegaan is met die verskeie inisiatiewe. 'n Vergelyking van die vier groot banke se prys-verdienste verhoudings oor tyd dui dat die mark se vertroue in ABSA se verdienste potensiaal toeneem en dat hul respons tot die verandering oor die algemeen positief is.

Glass ceiling : illusion or reality : an investigation into the banking sector of South Africa

Albertyn, Liezel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was carried out in an effort to determine whether the phenomenon of the socalled 'glass-ceiling effect' is prevalent in the South African banking industry. The major questions asked were whether there are still barriers preventing women from reaching executive management levels in the banking industry and what the main barriers facing these women are. The research method used was that of content analysis. The purpose of the research was to discover the first-hand experiences of the women in the banking industry in South Africa. The aim of the study was not to test hypothesis testing, but an analysis of the experiences of a sample of women in senior management positions within the banking industry. A questionnaire was distributed to six women in senior management positions at four of South Africa's largest banking groups. With the assistance of each banking group's human resources manager, an 83% response rate was achieved. In total, 20 completed questionnaires were received, which served as the sample for this study. Implications of the findings are discussed and the study concludes that although transformation in the country has raised awareness, there is nevertheless gender inequality in companies and progress towards change in the banking sector has been very slow. Career-oriented support structures are being offered to women, but for women with family responsibilities there are very limited, if any, family-support structures. The sample of women identified self-confidence; assertiveness, ambition and a careeroriented mindset as important characteristics for achieving success at managerial level in the banking industry. These women are equipping themselves with the right skills, degrees, and courses and are gaining experience every day, thus making themselves viable candidates for breaking the glass ceiling. Being a woman is not a barrier in itself as it was in years gone by and legislation now provides for the equal treatment of all races and gender. The current culture in the South African banking sector, which is a historic legacy of domination by men and discrimination in the past, seems to be a rnalor barrier. Currently, the focus on achieving racial equity overshadows the importance of attaining gender equity, mainly because of the government's strict requirements of companies in this regard. Taking into consideration the history of South Africa, the majority of the women included in the sample feel it is appropriate for the attainment of racial equity to be addressed first. Most of the women in this sample have considered starting up their own business as an alternative to corporate life, but feel that either their self-confidence or financial requirements present them with major barriers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is onderneem om vas te stel of die sogenaamde glasplafon-verskynsel in die Suid-Afrikaanse banksektor voorkom. Die oorhoofse vrae wat gestel was, was of daar steeds hindernisse bestaan en wat hierdie oorhoofse hindernisse is wat vroue verhoed om uitvoerende bestuursvlakke in die banksektor te bereik. Die inhoudsontledingsmetode is as navorsingsmetode gebruik. Die doel van die navorsing was om eerstehands die ervarings van vroue in die banksektor te ontdek. Die studie het nie 'n hipotese probeer toets nie, maar eerder die ervarings van 'n uitgesoekte groep vroue ontleed. 'n Vraelys is aan ses vroue in senior bestuursposte by vier van Suid-Afrika se grootste bankgroepe versprei. Met behulp van die Menslike Hulpbron-bestuurder by elk van die banke, is 83% van die vraelyste terugontvang. Altesame 20 vraelyste is volledig ingevul en in die studie gebruik. Die implikasies van die bevindinge word bespreek. Die gevolgtrekking is dat transformasie in Suid-Afrika beslis die bewustheid aangewakker het dat geslagsdiskriminasie in maatskappye bestaan, en dat verandering in die banksektor stadig verloop. Maatskappye verskaf loopbaangeoriënteerde ondersteuningstrukture aan vroue, maar vir vroue met gesinsverantwoordelikhede is daar min of geen ondersteuning nie. Die groep vroue identifiseer selfvertroue, stelligheid, ambisie en 'n loopbaangeoriënteerde uitkyk as belangrike eienskappe vir sukses in senior bestuursposte in die bankwese. Hierdie vroue rus hulself toe met die regte vaardighede, grade en kursusse en verwerf elke dag ondervinding om sodoende hulself lewensvatbare kandidate te maak om deur die sogenaamde glasplafon te breek. Om vroulik te wees is nie vandag meer 'n hindernis soos voorheen nie. Wetgewing bepaal die gelyke behandeling van alle rasse- en geslagsgroepe. Die kultuur wat in die banksektor in Suid-Afrika geskep is weens die histories mansgedomineerde en diskriminerende geskiedenis word wel as 'n hindernis beskou. Huidiglik oorskadu rassegelykheid geslagsgelykheid, hoofsaaklik omdat die regering sulke streng vereistes aan maatskappye stel met betrekking tot rassegelykheid. Die meerderheid van die groep vroue voel dat as die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika in ag geneem word, dit gepas is dat rassegelykheid voorkeur geniet. Die meerderheid van die vroue in die groep het dit al oorweeg om hul eie besigheid te begin as "n alterntief vir die korporatiewe lewe. Hulle voel egter dat die gebrek aan selfvertroue en geld hulle verhoed om dit te doen.

Die geskiedenis van die trustmaatskappye en eksekuteurskamers van Boland Bank Beperk tot 1971

Ehlers, Anton. 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The history of the trust companies and boards of executors of Boland Bank Limited represents a case study of the process through which these rural institutions, as part of the broader trust movement in South Africa, established themselves as an integral and respected part of the local financial and social structure of the communities in which they operated. It also represents a case study of the pressures to which these local rural trust companies were subjected by the changing South African financial environment of the 20th century and of the way they reacted to absorb and counter these pressures. Their reactions and counter-measures were attempts, on the one hand, to hold on to and promote, and on the other hand, to get rid of and discard their pasts. The history of Boland Bank Limited to 1971 represents a case study of the trials and tnbulations; the successes and failures of this process. Paarl African Trust Company Limited (PAT) and African Mutual Trust and Assurance Company Limited (AMT), the two leading role players in the establishment of Boland Bank Limited, was founded in 1900 as a result of the anti- British feelings generated among a section of the Afrikaners in the Cape Colony during the Anglo Boer War. These feelings of nationalism manifested in the Afrikaners' aspiration towards greater economic self-reliance which in the case of PAT and AMT led to the establishment of two Afrikaner-controlled local rural trust companies. These two institutions laid the foundation of a mainly Cape based tradition oflocal rural trust companies with a predominantly Afrikaans character. In the first half of the 20th century these institutions established themselves as dynamic local rural financial institutions serving the financial needs of the predominantly agricultural economies in which they functioned. As an integral part of their local communities, they were respected as stabilizing economic and social agents, -a respect demonstrated by the local inhabitants refering to these institutions as "my Kamer" (my Board). The changed nature of the economic system and climate of the post war (Second World War) period in tandem with the tendency towards stricter state control over the monetary and financial system and institutions, pressurized small local :financial institutions like trust companies and boards of executors to show a profit. In this regard PAT and AMT were no exception and together with other similar trust companies were in danger of becoming outdated financialnational monuments. Against this background PAT and AMT took the lead in the early sixties in a successful amalgamation initiative which eventually culminated in the formation of Boland Bank Limited. This process included 17 institutions of which 16 were local rural trust companies and boards of executors and created the potential for regaining their lost dynamic nature. These dynamics would eventually carry them into the 21st century. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die geskiedenis van die trustmaatskappye en eksekuteurskamers van Boland Bank Beperk verteenwoordig 'n gevallestudie van die proses waardeur die plattelandse instellings as deel van die breer trustbeweging in Suid-Afrika hulself as 'n integrale en gerespekteerde deel van die plaaslike finansiele en sosiale struktuur van die gemeenskappe waarbinne hulle opgetree het, gevestig het. Dit verteenwoordig ook 'n gevallestudie van die druk waaraan die veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse finansiele omgewing van die 20ste eeu die plaaslike plattelandse trustmaatskappye onderwerp het en die wyse waarop hulle gereageer het in 'n poging om die druk te absorbeer en te opponeer. Hulle reaksies en teenmaatreels was 'n mengsel van pogings om enersyds die status quo ten opsigte van hulle manier van dink en doen te handhaaf en andersyds dit te verwerp of van ontslae te raak. Die geskiedenis van Boland Bank tot 1971 verteenwoordig 'n gevallestudie van die ervaringe en wedervaringe, die suksesse en ook die mislukkings van die proses. Paarl African Trust Company Limited (PAT) en die African Mutual Trust and Assurance Company Limited (AMT) , die twee hoofspelers in die daarstelling van Boland Bank Beperk, is in 1900 gestig as die resultaat van die anti-Britse gevoel wat deur die Anglo-Boereoorlog onder 'n deel van die Afrikaners in die Kaapkolonie gegenereer is. Hierdie gevoel van nasionalisme het gemanifesteer in die Afrikaners se strewe na groter ekonomiese selfstandigheid wat in die geval van PAT en AMT gelei het tot die stigting van twee Afrikanerbeheerde plaaslike plattelandse trustmaatskappye. Die twee instellings het die grondslag van 'n hoofsaaklik Kaaps gebaseerde tradisie van plaaslike plattelandse trustmaatskappye en eksekuteurskamers met 'n oorwegende Afrikaanse karakter gele. In die eerste helfte van die 20ste eeu het die instellings hulself as dinamiese plaaslike plattelandse finansiele instellings gevestig, wat voorsien het in die finansiele behoeftes van die oorheersend primere landbou-ekonomie waarbinne hulle gefunksioneer het. As 'n integrale deel van hulle plaaslike gemeenskappe is bulle as stabiliserende ekonomiese en sosiale agente gerespekteer. Dit was 'n respek wat gedemonstreer is deur die plaaslike inwoners se verwysing na die instellings as "my Kamer". Die veranderde aard van die ekonomiese stelsel en klimaat van die naoorlogse (Tweede Wereldoorlog) periode in tandem met die tendens van strenger staatsbeheer oor die monetere en finansiele stelsel en instellings het druk geplaas op die windsgewendheid van klein plaaslike finansiele instellings soos trustmaatskappye en eksekuteurskamers. In die verband was PAT en AMT geen uitsondering nie en het hulIe saam met ander soortgelyke trustmaatskappye die gevaar geloop om oudmodiese finansiele nasionale monumente te word. Teen hierdie agtergrond het PAT en AMT in die vroee sestigerjare die leiding geneem in 'n suksesvolle amalgamasie-inisiatief wat uiteindelik in die stigting van Boland Bank Beperk gekulmineer het. In die proses is 17 instellings, waarvan 16 plaaslike plattelandse trustmaatskappye en eksekuteurskamers was, ingesluit en daardeur die potensiaal geskep om hulle verlore dinamika te herwin, Dit was 'n dinamika wat hulle uiteindelik tot in die 21ste eeu sou dra.

Graduate unemployment in South Africa’s banking sector

11 June 2014 (has links)
M. Com. (Development Economics) / In recent years unemployment has received considerable international attention from scholars, policy makers, and labour practitioners, because it has reduced economic welfare, reduced output, and eroded human capital. Researchers argue that South Africa is faced with structural unemployment because of the insufficient demand for low-skilled resources and the sufficient demand for highly skilled resources. However, in terms of highly skilled resources, young South Africans have become better educated over the last decade, resulting in a significant growth in the size of the graduate labour force. This growth emanates particularly from the fact that the majority of the graduate labour force has completed their tertiary education. Despite this growth, graduate unemployment appears to be rising along with the overall unemployment rate. The aim of this study is to sensitise policy authorities to the impact of graduate unemployment on the economy by highlighting the perceived causes of graduate unemployment in South Africa’s banking sector. The research was conducted with the aid of a survey administered to two groups, namely a graduate group and a human resource (HR) manager group. The result derived from the research shows that the quality of tertiary institutions which relates to educational standards and culture, the quality of education, high expectations, a shortage of skills, a lack of work experience, and a lengthy process of application and job search are perceived to be the possible causes of graduate unemployment in South Africa. The study makes several tentative recommendations relating to what can possibly be done to reduce graduate unemployment. Among the recommendations proposed are the improvement of the quality of education and institutions, a well-planned career guidance mechanism, and a graduate recruitment subsidy.

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