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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The changing Brazil Current system between 23°S-31°S: vertical structure and mesoscale dynamics / O variável sistema Corrente do Brasil entre 23ºS-31ºS: estrutura vertical e dinâmica de mesoescala

Tiago Carrilho Biló 04 August 2015 (has links)
We use hydrographic and direct velocity observations from two quasi-synoptic cruises in conjunction with a primitive equation linear instability model, to investigate the Brazil Current (BC) downstream change effect between 23°S-30°S on the temporal mixed instabilities properties. The quasi-synoptic data revealed that the BC is ∼400-500 m deep to the north of the so-called Santos Bifurcation (26°S-28°S) and extends down to 1000 m to the south of it. We estimated that the BC receives at least 7 Sv from the Santos Bifurcation, which drastically alters the BC\'s velocity vertical structure and meanders characteristics as it flows poleward. Based on direct velocity measurements, we computed the mixed-instability properties at three different latitudes (24°S, 26°S and 30°S). The instability analysis revealed unstable current systems to mesoscale perturbations with maximum growth rates of 0.12, 0.19 and 0.06 day-1 at 24°S, 26°S and 30°S respectively. The corresponding downstream phase speeds are -0.19, -0.24 and -0.26 m s-1. The analysis of the mean-to-eddy energy conversion terms show that the barotropic instability drains 60-90% less energy from the background state than the baroclinic instability. Nevertheless, the maximum growth rates are at least the double in magnitude when both instabilities occur simultaneously. The topography presents a stabilizing effect for both kind of instabilities along all the BC path. At the vicinities of the Cape Santa Marta (28°S), we explored the the recurrent cyclonic meanders of the BC. Combining a wide range of observations, we provided a overview of such features and the relations between its velocity patterns, the water properties (temperature, salinity, nutrients), chlorophyll-a distribution and the BC variability. The top-bottom quasi-synoptic velocity measurements depicted cyclonic meanders over the continental slope with diameters larger than 100 km and vertically extending to approximately 1500 m depth. Moreover, the observed eddies seems to trap and recirculate a small portion (∼1.5 to 4 Sv) of the BC main flow (-13.16 to -17.89 Sv), which is consisted of Tropical Water (TW), South Atlantic Central Water (SACW), Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW). Additionally, we presented observational evidence that the meanders actively influence the transport of nutrient-rich shelf waters to the open ocean enhancing the primary productivity at the photic zone over the continental slope. Satellite imagery show that these cyclonic events occur 5-6 times per year and are generally associated with wave-like perturbations on the flow with mean wavelength of ∼219 km. Finally, Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) analysis computed from an array of mooring lines show that more than half of the along-isobath velocity variance on the continental slope is explained by the BC mesoscale activity. / As propriedades de instabilidade temporal mista da Corrente do Brasil (CB), entre 23°S-30°S, foram investigadas combinando dados hidrográficos e medições diretas de velocide com modelagem numérica. As observações revelaram uma CB com ∼400-500 m de profundidade ao norte da Bifurcação de Santos (26°S-28°S). Em contrapartida, a CB ao sul da bifurcação se mostrou muito mais profunda (> 1000 m) devido ao aporte de aproximadamente 7 Sv de águas em profundidades intermediárias (∼500-1500 m) oriundas do ramo sul da Bifurcação de Santos. Baseado-se nas observações, experimentos numéricos foram conduzidos em três latitudes (24°S, 26°S and 30°S), com o intuito de se estudar as propriedades da instabilidade geofísica da CB. Tais experimentos mostraram que o sistema de correntes é instável para perturbações de mesoescala com taxas de crescimento máximas de 0,12, 0,19 and 0,06 dia-1 nas latitudes de 24°S, 26°S and 30°S, respectivamente. A análise das taxas de transferências de energia das correntes médias para as pertubações revelou que a instabilidade barotrópica é de 60 a 90% menor que a instabilidade baroclínica. No entanto observou-se que as propriedades das instabilidades da BC são altamente sensíveis à presença de instabilidade barotrópica. A topografia demonstrou possuir um efeito estabilizador ao longo de toda trajetória da CB. Ao largo do Cabo de Santa Marta (28°S) os meandros ciclônicos da CB tiveram suas características exploradas do ponto de vista observacional. Combinando uma grande variedade de observações, foi obtido uma visão geral de tais feições, assim como as relações entre seus padrões de velocidade, propriedades da água do mar (temperatura, salinidade, nutrientes), distribuição de clorofila A e a variabilidade da BC. As observações quasi-sinóticas de velocidade em toda a coluna mostraram que os meandros possuem diâmetro superiores à 100 km e extensão vertical de aproximadamente 1500 m. Desta forma, observou-se feições que recirculam uma pequena parte (∼1.5 à 4 Sv) do eixo principal da CB (-13.16 à -17.8 Sv) composta por Água Tropical, Água Central do Atlântico Sul, Água Intermediária Antártica e Água Circumpolar Superior. Além disso, evidências de que tais meandros influenciam ativamente no transporte de águas da Plataforma Continental, ricas em nutrientes, para regiões profundas do Talude Continental foram encontradas. A análise de imagens de satelitárias indicaram que essas feições são efetivamente recorrentes na região e ocorrrem entre 5 a 6 vezes por ano. Para concluir, registros correntográficos indicaram que aproximadamente metade da variância da componente da velocidade ao logo das isóbatas, sobre o talude continental, é devido à atividade de mesoescala da CB.

L'onde de Kelvin équatoriale océanique intrasaisonnière et les événements El Nino du Pacifique central / The intraseasonal equatorial oceanic Kelvin wave and the central Pacific El Nino phenomenon

Mosquera Vasquez, Kobi A. 03 July 2015 (has links)
Le phénomène El Niño est le mode dominant de la variabilité du climat aux échelles de temps interannuelles dans le Pacifique tropical. Il modifie considérablement le climat régional dans les pays voisins, dont le Pérou pour lequel les impacts socio-économiques peuvent être dramatiques. Comprendre et prévoir El Niño reste un enjeu prioritaire pour la communauté climatique. Des progrès significatifs dans notre compréhension du phénomène El Niño et dans notre capacité à le prédire ont été réalisés dans les années 80, en particulier grâce à la mise en place du système d'observation dans le Pacifique tropical (programme de TOGA, en particulier, ainsi que l'émergence de l'ère des satellites). À la fin du XXe siècle, alors que de nouvelles théories scientifiques ont été proposées et testées, les progrès réalisés dans le domaine de la modélisation numérique et de l'assimilation de données ont conduit à l'idée que le phénomène El Niño pourrait être prévu avec au moins deux ou trois saisons à l'avance. Or, depuis le début du 21ième siècle, les manifestations du phénomène El Niño ont réduit cette expectative: un nouveau type d'El Niño est a été découvert - identifié par des anomalies de température moins intenses et localisées dans le centre du Pacifique équatorial. Ce phénomène, connu sous le nom CP El Niño pour El Niño Pacifique Central ou El Niño Modoki a placé la communauté scientifique devant un nouveau défi. Cette thèse est une contribution à l'effort international actuel pour comprendre la dynamique de ce nouveau type d'El Niño, dans le but de proposer des mécanismes expliquant sa présence accrue au cours des dernières décennies. Plus précisément, l'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier le rôle des ondes longues équatoriales dans le Pacifique tropical sur la dynamique océanique et la thermodynamique associées au phénomène El Niño de type Pacifique Central. Cette thèse s'intéresse tout d'abord au premier CP El Niño du 21ième siècle, le phénomène El Niño 2002/03, à partir des sorties d'un modèle de circulation océanique général. Ensuite, nous documentons les caractéristiques des ondes équatoriales de Kelvin aux fréquences Intra Saisonnières (ISKw) sur la période 1990-2011, fournissant une statistique de l'activité des ondes ISKw durant l'évolution des événements El Niño de type Central Pacifique. Nos résultats montrent que l'onde ISKw subit une forte dissipation dans le Pacifique Est, qui est interprétée comme provenant de la dispersion des ondes lorsqu'elles rencontrent le front zonal de la stratification dans l'Est du Pacifique (i.e. la pente de la thermocline d'Ouest en Est). Une réflexion partielle de l'onde ISKw en onde de Rossby équatoriale de près de 120°W est également identifiée, ce qui peut expliquer le confinement dans le Pacifique central des anomalies de température de surface associées aux événements El Niño de type Central Pacifique. Nous suggérons que la fréquence accrue au cours des dernières années des événements CP El Niño peut être associée à l'état froid - de type La Niña - observé dans le Pacifique Equatorial depuis les années 90 et les changements dans la variabilité saisonnière de la profondeur de la thermocline depuis les années 2000. / The El Niño phenomenon is the dominant mode of climate variability at interannual timescales in the tropical Pacific. It modifies drastically the regional climate in surrounding countries, including Peru for which the socio-economical impacts can be dramatic. Understanding and predicting El Niño remains a top-priority issue for the climatic community. Large progress in our understanding of El Niño and in our ability to predict it has been made since the 80s thanks to the improvement of the observing system of the tropical Pacific (TOGA program and emergence of the satellite era). At the end of the Twentieth century, whereas new theories were proposed and tested, progress in numerical modeling and data assimilation led to the idea that El Niño could be predicted with at least 2 or 3 seasons in advance. The observations since the beginning of the 21st century have wiped out such expectation: A new type of El Niño, known as the Central Pacific El Niño (CP El Niño) or Modoki El Niño has put the community in front of a new challenge. This thesis is a contribution to the current international effort to understand the dynamics of this new type of El Niño in order to propose mechanisms explaining its increased occurrence in recent decades. More specifically, the objective of the thesis is to study the role of the oceanic equatorial waves in the dynamic and thermodynamic along the equatorial Pacific Ocean, focusing on the CP El Niño. This thesis first takes a close look at the first CP El Niño of the 21st century of this type, i.e. the 2002/03 El Niño, based on an Oceanic General Circulation Model. Then it documents the characteristics of the IntraSeasonal Kelvin waves (ISKws) over the period 1990-2011, providing a statistics on the ISKws activity during the evolution of CP El Niño events. We find that the ISKw experiences a sharp dissipation in the eastern Pacific that is interpreted as resulting from the scattering of energy associated to the zonal contrast in stratification (i.e. sloping thermocline from west to east). Partial reflection of the ISKw as Rossby waves near 120°W is also identified, which may explain the confinement of CP El Niño warming in the central Pacific. We suggest that the increased occurrence of CP El Niño in recent years may be associated to the La Niña-like state since the 90s and changes in the seasonality of the thermocline since the 2000s.

The Influence of Mesoscale Eddies on the Internal Tide

Dunphy, Michael January 2009 (has links)
The barotropic tide dissipates a well established estimate of 2.5 TW of energy at the M2 frequency. Bottom topography is responsible for part of this dissipation, and the generation of the internal tide is also partly responsible. The fate of this energy is largely described by a cascade from large scales to small scales by non-linear wave-wave interactions where it gets dissipated. This thesis aims to investigate how the presence of mesoscale eddies (vortices) in the ocean affect the internal tide. Previous work has looked at the interaction of the barotropic tide with eddies. Krauss (1999) found that the interaction can produce a modulated internal tide, however a scaling analysis suggests that the effect may not be as strong as reported. The MITgcm is used to simulate internal wave generation by barotropic flow over topography and comparisons are made with Dr. Lamb's IGW model. Baroclinic eddies are analytically prescribed and then geostrophically adjusted also using the MITgcm. Finally, the two are combined, and the internal tide field is analysed with and without the presence of eddies of various magnitude and length scales. The results of this investigation do not find a strong transfer of energy between modes; the modal distribution of energy in the internal tide remains the same when an eddy is added. However, focusing and shadow beams of internal waves are produced in the wake of an eddy as the internal waves pass through it. The beams show very strong variations in intensity, vertically integrated energy flux can reduce almost to zero in the shadow regions and increase more than double in the focusing regions. Modal decomposition of the horizontal flow field reveals that mode 2 and 3 waves are most strongly affected by the eddies and contribute strongly to the formation of the beams. Mode 1 appears to be less affected by the eddy. The larger wavelength and faster group velocity of mode 1 supports the notion that the eddy interacts with it less.

The Influence of Mesoscale Eddies on the Internal Tide

Dunphy, Michael January 2009 (has links)
The barotropic tide dissipates a well established estimate of 2.5 TW of energy at the M2 frequency. Bottom topography is responsible for part of this dissipation, and the generation of the internal tide is also partly responsible. The fate of this energy is largely described by a cascade from large scales to small scales by non-linear wave-wave interactions where it gets dissipated. This thesis aims to investigate how the presence of mesoscale eddies (vortices) in the ocean affect the internal tide. Previous work has looked at the interaction of the barotropic tide with eddies. Krauss (1999) found that the interaction can produce a modulated internal tide, however a scaling analysis suggests that the effect may not be as strong as reported. The MITgcm is used to simulate internal wave generation by barotropic flow over topography and comparisons are made with Dr. Lamb's IGW model. Baroclinic eddies are analytically prescribed and then geostrophically adjusted also using the MITgcm. Finally, the two are combined, and the internal tide field is analysed with and without the presence of eddies of various magnitude and length scales. The results of this investigation do not find a strong transfer of energy between modes; the modal distribution of energy in the internal tide remains the same when an eddy is added. However, focusing and shadow beams of internal waves are produced in the wake of an eddy as the internal waves pass through it. The beams show very strong variations in intensity, vertically integrated energy flux can reduce almost to zero in the shadow regions and increase more than double in the focusing regions. Modal decomposition of the horizontal flow field reveals that mode 2 and 3 waves are most strongly affected by the eddies and contribute strongly to the formation of the beams. Mode 1 appears to be less affected by the eddy. The larger wavelength and faster group velocity of mode 1 supports the notion that the eddy interacts with it less.

Rôle de la rotation différentielle sur le spectre basse fréquence des étoiles en rotation rapide / Role of differential rotation on low-frequency oscillation spectra of fast-rotating stars

Mirouh, Giovanni Marcello 18 October 2016 (has links)
Les étoiles massives sont les principaux contributeurs à l'enrichissement du milieu interstellaire. Ce sont généralement des rotateurs rapides, dotés d'une enveloppe radiative dans laquelle l'interaction de la stratification et la rotation génère une rotation différentielle. Celle-ci peut alimenter divers phénomènes de transport et l'évolution rapide de l'étoile. Nombre de ces étoiles sont par ailleurs des pulsateurs classiques. Cette thèse s'intéresse en premier lieu à l'interaction entre la rotation différentielle et les pulsations à basse fréquence dans l'étoile : celles-ci sont des modes gravito-inertiels dont la force de rappel est une combinaison de la force de Coriolis et de la poussée d'Archimède. Ils sondent les couches profondes de l'étoile, et sont étudiés suivant deux méthodes : dans la limite non-dissipative par la méthode des caractéristiques, et dans le cas dissipatif par la résolution du problème complet par une méthode spectrale. Nous mettons en évidence différentes singularités (attracteurs, latitudes critiques, résonances de corotation, piégeage en coin) et des modes réguliers. Certains modes sont excités par des instabilités baroclines, qui, si des effets non-linéaires provoquent leur saturation, permettent l'existence d'un mécanisme d'excitation nouveau dû à la rotation différentielle. Dans un second temps, nous avons associé le code de structure ESTER au code de calcul d'oscillations TOP. Ces deux codes calculent les quantités dans une étoile en deux dimensions et les modes associés en tenant compte des effets de la rotation de façon complète. Nous utilisons visibilités et taux d'amortissement des modes pour sélectionner dans le spectre synthétique les meilleurs candidats à l'identification des modes observés. Nous présentons une application au rotateur rapide Rasalhague (aOph), pour lequel de nombreuses observations sont disponibles. Nous n'avons pas obtenu une identification des modes univoque, mais le problème est maintenant mieux cerné et diverses pistes de progrès ont été identifiées. / Massive stars are the main contributors of the interstellar medium enrichment. These stars are usually fast rotators, with a radiative envelope in which the interaction between stratification and rotation gives rise to a differential rotation. This can trigger transport phenomena in the star, and affect its fast evolution. Besides, many of these stars are classical pulsators. This work focuses first on the impact of a differential rotation on the low-frequency oscillation spectrum which contains gravito-inertial modes. These modes are restored by the combination of buoyancy and Coriolis force and probe deep layers of stars. Our study is twofold : we compute the paths of characteristics in the non-dissipative limit, and solve the fully-dissipative eigenvalue problem numerically using a spectral decomposition. We find various singularities (attractors, critical latitudes, corotation resonances, wedge-trapping) and regular modes. Some of these modes are excited by baroclinic instabilities that may saturate through non-linear effects. If so, we have discovered a new excitation mechanism for these modes, driven by differential rotation. Aside of this theoretical work ; we have considered the case of Rasalhague (aOph), which is a well-known fast rotator. We studied this star by associating the ESTER structure code with the TOP oscillation code. Both of these codes use a two-dimensional structure, taking rotation effects fully into account. We use the mode damping rates and visibilities to filter the best candidates for observed modes identification out of the synthetic spectra. Even though we could not reach a satisfactory identification of the observed frequencies, we improved our understanding of the problem and identified the next steps to be taken.

Turbulence barocline : effets couplés de rotation, stratification et cisaillement / Baroclinic turbulence : coupled effects of rotation, stratification and shear.

Pieri, Alexandre 23 November 2012 (has links)
La finalité de cette thèse est de fournir une meilleure compréhension de la turbulence homogène anisotrope soumise à un forçage barocline. À cette fin, nous utilisons une approche numérique pseudo-spectrale basée sur la transformation de Rogallo. L’utilisation d’un tel algorithme nous permet de considérer une asymétrie des fonctions de probabilité en faveur des évènements négatifs est observée. Le lien entre la distribution de vorticité potentielle et celle d’un scalaire passif est également étudié. Il est montré qu’à faible nombre de Richardson, c’est le mode vortex (à vorticité potentielle nulle) qui contient les plus importantes fuctuations de scalaire. Un écoulement homogène dans les trois directions de l’espace. Plusieurs simulations numériques directes (DNS) sont effectuées dans un contexte assez proche des écoulements géophysiques que l’on retrouve entre autre dans la stratosphère, où un gradient constant de vitesse zonale vient se coupler à un gradient constant de densité dans un repère tournant. Les résultats obtenus s’articulent autour de quatre axes principaux. Tout d’abord, une étude linéaire à temps fini est présentée en vue de compléter les résultats existants sur la dynamique linéaire asymptotique. La solution linéaire est décomposée en une partie ‘onde’ (qui se propage) et une partie dite ‘vortex’(stationnaire). L’étude analytique est complétée par un modèle synthétique de turbulence (Kinematic Simulation ou KS) basé sur la théorie de la distorsion rapide(RDT). Nous montrons qu’une distribution initiale non nulle de vorticité potentielle linéarisée peut conduire à d’importantes croissances transitoires. Ce résultat pourrait s’étendre à des modélisations du climat ou météorologique, où la distribution initiale de vorticité potentielle semble avoir autant d’importance que la distribution initiale de température ou de vitesse. Ensuite, nous consacrons une partie de notre étude à l’analyse paramétrique et à la stabilité de l’écoulement. Plusieurs DNS sont effectuées pour différents taux de rotation et stratification. Le diagramme de stabilité obtenu montre que pour de faibles taux de rotation, la limite de stabilité est identique à celle connue des écoulements sans rotation. À plus faible nombre de Rossby — lorsque la baroclinicité devient importante — la limite linéaire de stabilité Ri = 1 relative à l’instabilité symétrique est confirmée. La coexistance de l’instabilité barocline avec l’instabilité symétrique est également clarifiée. Une analyse énergétique détaillée mène à la conclusion suivante : la stratification doit être suffisamment importante (Ri ' 1) pour que l’instabilité barocline soit dominante i.e. que la conversion d’énergie potentielle soit la source principale d’énergie cinétique turbulente. Dans le cas contraire, l’instabilité symétrique — qui tire son énergie de l’énergie cinétique de l’écoulement moyen et non de son énergie potentielle — domine la dynamique de l’écoulement. Le troisième axe d’étude concerne la turbulence à proprement parler. En conséquence de l’ajustement géostrophique, le vent thermique force la turbulence d’une manière naturelle, en opposition à d’autres méthodes de forçage stochastique. L’émergence de structures dans le contexte barocline est approfondie. Des statistiques Euleriennes sont présentées afin de fournir une caractérisation fine de l’anisotropie de l’écoulement. Enfin, nous étendons notre étude à la caractérisation de la vorticité potentielle turbulente. Les fonctions de probabilité de la vorticité potentielle d’Ertel montrent que des anomalies sont présentes dans les configurations instables. En particulier, une asymétrie des fonctions de probabilité en faveur des évènements négatifs est observée. Le lien entre la distribution de vorticité potentielle et celle d’un scalaire passif est également étudié. Il est montré qu’à faible nombre de Richardson, c’est le mode vortex (à vorticité potentielle nulle) qui contient les plus importantes fuctuations de scalaire. / The main objective of this thesis is to provide a better understandingof homogeneous turbulence dynamics under an external baroclinic forcing.To achieve this goal, we use a pseudo-spectral code based on the Rogallo transformation.The use of such an algorithm allows to assume homegeneity in the threespatial directions. Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) are done in a context representativeof geophysical baroclinic flows in the middle atmosphere: superpositionof a uniform mean zonal flow with stable vertical stratification and frame rotation.The results we obtained are then presented along four axes.First, a finite-time linear analysis is done to complete previous asymptotic results.The linearized flow is decomposed into a propagating (wave) and stationary (vortex)part. The analytical work is completed by a Kinematic Simulation (KS) modelbased on Rapid Distortion Theory (RDT). It is shown that the linearized potentialvorticity mode can produce dramatic transient growth of the kinetic energy if nonzeroinitially. The consequence of such a result is then of capital interest in climatemodelling, where the initial distribution of potential vorticity seems to have moreimportance than other eulerian quantities (temperature or velocity).The second axis is dedicated to a parametric analysis of the flow stability. SeveralDNS are done for different rotation and stratification rates. The derived stabilitydiagram shows that at low rotation rates, the stability bound for purely shearedstratifiedflows is recovered. At higher rotation rates — when baroclinicity is dominant— the linear bound for the so-called symmetric instability is confirmed. Thecoexistence of baroclinic and symmetric instabilies is also clarified. A complete energeticanalysis leads to the conclusion that stratification must be sufficiently highto enhance potential energy release through baroclinic instability. If not, symmetricinstability — driving its energy from the kinetic energy of the mean flow and notfrom the potential energy of the mean flow — is found to dominate the dynamics.The third axis is devoted to a characterisation of homogeneous turbulence submittedto an external baroclinic forcing. As coming from the geostrophic adjustment,the thermal shear allows an organic forcing of turbulence, in opposition to ad-hocarticificial forcing. The structures associated with the simultaneous presence of rotation,stratification and shear are investigated. Eulerian statistics are gathered togive a sharp characterisation of the spatial anisotropy of the flow.Finally, we open our work to the study of turbulent potential vorticity. Probabilitydensity functions of Ertel’s potential vorticity show that potential vorticityanomalies are present in unstable configurations. In particular, an asymmetry ofthe probability density functions toward negative events is observed. An attemptto link potential vorticity dynamics with scalar mixing in baroclinic flows is donethrough joint probability functions analysis.

Sloping convection : an experimental investigation in a baroclinic annulus with topography

Marshall, Samuel David January 2014 (has links)
This thesis documents a collection of experimental investigations in which a differentially-heated annulus was used to investigate the effects of topography on the atmospheric and oceanic circulation. To this end a number of experiments were devised, each using a different topographic base to study a different aspect of the impact of topography, motivated by the most notable outstanding questions found in a review of the literature, namely exploring the effects of topographic resonance, blocking via partial barriers, and azimuthally differential-heating via thermal topography. First of all, whilst employing sinusoidal wavenumber-3 topography to extend the experimental parameter space of a similar study, namely Read and Risch (2011), a new regime within a region of structural vacillation was encountered. Denoted as the ‘stationary-transition’ regime, it featured periodic oscillations between a dominant stationary wavenumber-3 flow and axisymmetric or chaotic flow. An investigation into topographic resonance followed, keeping the wavenumber-3 base, but with a sloped lid to add a beta effect to the annulus. This acted to increase the occurrence of stationary waves, along with the ‘stationary-transition’ regime, which was discovered to be a near-resonant region where nonlinear topographic resonant instability led to a 23 to 42 ‘day’ oscillatory structure. The base was then replaced with an isolated ridge, forming a partial barrier to study the difference between blocked and unblocked flow. The topography was found to impact the circulation at a level much higher than its own peak, causing a unique flow structure when the drifting flow and the topography interacted in the form of an ‘interference’ regime at low Taylor Numbers, as well as forming an erratic ‘irregular’ regime at higher Taylor Numbers. Lastly, this isolated ridge was replaced by flat heating elements covering the same azimuthal extent, in order to observe whether thermal topography could be comparable to mechanical topography. These azimuthally-varying heating experiments produced much the same results as the partial barriers study, despite the lack of a physical peak or bottom-trapped waves, suggesting that blocking is independent of these activities. Evidence of resonant wave-triads was noted in all experiments, though the component wavenumbers of the wave-triads and their impact on the flow was found to depend on the topography in question.

Energetics, baroclinic instability and models of vertical structure in the Brazil Current region (22S-28S) / Energética, instabilidade baroclínica e modelos de estrutura vertical na região da Corrente do Brasil (22S-28S)

Rocha, César Barbedo 03 July 2013 (has links)
We use four current meter mooring records and quasi-synoptic hydrographic observations in conjunction with a one-dimensional quasi-geostrophic (QG) linear stability model to investigate the downstream changes in the Brazil Current (BC) System off the southeast Brazil (22°S-28°S) as well as its implications. The dataset depicts the downstream thickening of the BC: Its vertical extension increases from 350 m at 22.7°S to 800 m at 27.9°S. Most of this deepening occurs between 25.5°S and 27.9°S, and it is likely linked to the Santos bifurcation. To the south of that bifurcation, the BC transport is increased by at least 5 Sv. Moreover, the analysis of the water column average kinetic energy (IKE) and its barotropic/baroclinic partition show that the Santos bifurcation is associated with a substantial increase in the barotropic component of the BC System: The IKE is, on average, 70 % baroclinic to the north and becomes 63 % barotropic to the south of that bifurcation. The water column average eddy kinetic energy (IEKE) and its ratio to the IKE quantitatively reveal the conspicuous mesoscale activity associated to the BC off the southeast Brazil; accordingly, the IEKE accounts for (30-60)% of the IKE. The linear stability model predicts southwestward-propagating fastest-growing waves [~(180-190) km] within 25.5°S-27.9°S and quasi-standing most-unstable waves (~230 km) at 22.7°S, roughly consistent with observations and previous work. We also assess the ability of the QG modes and surface QG (SQG) solutions to represent the vertical structure of the sub-inertial time-varying flow in the southwestern Atlantic. At two moorings, which present a sharp near-surface decay in the vertical structure of the 1st empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of current meter time series, the SQG solutions are consistent with the data, accounting for up to 85 % of the 1st EOF variance. The SQG solutions are nonetheless indistinguishable from a four QG mode representation. In contrast, at a third mooring that do not present such sharp-decay, the vertical structure of the 1st EOF is fairly well-captured by the traditional barotropic/1st baroclinic mode combination, which accounts for 91 % of its variance. We argue that such vertical structures may be associated with the type of instability experimented by the mean flow in each region. \"Charney-like\" or surface-intensified \"Phillips-like\" instabilities may rationalize the observed SQG-like vertical structures depicted at two moorings. Mid-depthintensified \"Phillips-like\" instabilities are consistent with a two QG mode representation at a third mooring. / Séries temporais correntográficas, observações hidrográficas quase-sinóticas e um modelo linear quase-geostrófico (QG) são combinados com o propósito de investigar as transformações no Sistema Corrente do Brasil (CB) ao largo da costa sudeste (22°S-28°S) e suas implicações. O conjunto de dados revela o espessamento vertical da CB, que ocupa os 350 m superiores da coluna de água em 22,7°S e atinge 800 m em 27,9°S. Parte significativa deste espessamento ocorre entre 25,5°S e 27,9°S, provavelmente relacionado à Bifurcação de Santos. Ao sul desta bifurcação, o transporte da CB é pelo menos 5 Sv superior. Ademais, a análise da energia cinética média na coluna de água (ECM) e sua partição entre componentes barotrópica e baroclínica revela que a Bifurcação de Santos está associada ao aumento significativo da componente barotrópica do Sistema CB. A ECM é, em média, 70% baroclínica ao norte da bifurcação, tornando-se 63% barotrópica ao sul desta. A análise da energia cinética turbulenta média na coluna de água (ECTM) corrobora o importante papel da atividade de mesoescala do Sistema CB ao largo do sudeste do Brasil: A ECTM é responsável por (30-60)% da ECM. O modelo de estabilidade linear prevê ondas com maiores taxas de crescimento [~(180-190) km] que se propagam para sudoeste entre 25,5°S-27,9°S. Em 22,7°S, as ondas mais instáveis (~230 km) crescem essencialmente sem propagação, consistente com as observações e também com informações presentes na literatura. A habilidade dos modos QG e das soluções QG superficiais (QGS) em representar a variabilidade subinercial no Atlântico Sudoeste também é investigada. Em dois fundeios, a estrutura vertical da 1ª função empírica ortogonal (FOE) apresenta um decaimento agudo. Este decaimento é consistente com soluções QGS, que contêm até 85% da variância da 1ª FOE. No entanto, estas soluções convergem para uma representação por quatro modos QG. Por outro lado, a estrutura vertical da 1ª FOE em um terceiro fundeio não apresenta tal decaimento marcante. Consequentemente, a 1ª FOE é bem representada pela tradicional combinação dos modos barotrópico/1o baroclínico. Argumentamos que estas estruturas podem estar associadas ao tipo de instabilidade experimentada pelo escoamento médio em cada região. Instabilidades tipo \"Charney\" ou \"Phillips\" (intensificadas em superfície) são consistentes com estruturas verticais tipo QGS presentes em dois fundeios. Instabilidades tipo \"Phillips\" (intensificadas em meia água) são consistentes com a representação por dois modos QG em um terceiro fundeio

O meandramento ciclônico da Corrente do Brasil ao largo do Cabo de Santa Marta (∼28,5ºS) / The Brazil Current cyclonic meandering off Cape Santa Marta (28,5°S)

Sato, Ronaldo Mitsuo 15 December 2014 (has links)
O meandramento da Corrente do Brasil (CB) ao sul da Bifurcação de Santos é investigada por meio de imagens satelitárias, dados quase-sinóticos, análise de funções ortogonais empíricas (EOF) de correntômetros de fundeios e um modelo analítico semi-teórico. A análise das imagens satelitárias revelam que em média 1,2 meandros ciclônicos de grande amplitude são formados anualmente nas vizinhanças do Cabo de Santa Marta (∼28,5°S). Os meandros parecem ser geostroficamente instáveis e a taxa de crescimento típica estimada é de 0,05 m s-1 . Eles ainda se propagam para sul com velocidade de fase de 0,07 m s-1 . A seção de velocidade, como a inferida por perfis de L-ADCP obtidos durante cruzeiros hidrográficos, revelam que os meandros do Cabo de Santa Marta possuem estrutura de velocidade distinta daquelas observadas em Cabo Frio (23°S) e Cabo de São Tomé (22°S). Os meandros alcançam profundidades maiores que 1400 m e recirculam Água Tropical, Água Central do Atlântico Sul, Água Intermediária Antártica e Água Circumpolar Superior. Ocasionalmente, a estrutura do vórtice se funde com a camada subjacente da Corrente de Contorno Oeste Profunda. O padrão geostrófico horizontal dos meandros foram mapeados usando dados de temperatura e salinidade de cruzeiros históricos e foi obtido que a estrutura ciclônica do meandro possui número de Rossby (∼0,07) e número de Burger (∼0,06) pequenos. Portanto, vorticidade de estiramento parece ter papel importante na dinâmica de meandramento e, consequentemente, instabilidade baroclínica é o fenômeno primariamente responsável pelo crescimento do ciclone. O número de Burger pequeno também sugere que a dinâmica do meandro é influênciada pela topografia. A análise de EOFs bidimensionais conduzida no transecto WOCE 28°S de fundeios históricos dos anos 90 mostram que o primeiro modo seccional explica cerca de 54% da variância das séries e está relacionado ao meandramento da CB. A amplitude do meandro ciclônico é aproximadamente 200 km uma vez que cruza o transecto e a onda de vorticidade baroclínica associada tem tipicamente 26 dias. Finalmente, um modelo de Dinâmica de Contornos idealizado de 2 camadas é construído para isolar o mecanismo de instabilidade baroclínica e para investigar as razões do crescimento e velocidade de fase para sul. A estrutura do fluxo básico do modelo é construído baseado no ajuste por mínimos quadrados das funções teóricas à média das observações nas espessuras das camadas. A simulação mostrou que o meandro evolui e se desenvolve devido ao fechamento de fase da camada inferior mais lenta relativo à camada superior mais rápida. Além disso, a propagação de fase para sul ocorre como uma consequência direta da componente barotrópica robusta, adquirida pela CB devido o ramo sul da Bifurcação de Santos. / The Brazil Current (BC) meandering south of the so-called Antarctic Intemediate Water\'s Santos Bifurcation is investigated by means of satellite imagery, quasi-synoptic data, empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of currentmeter moorings and a semi-theoretical dynamical model. The analysis of the infrared imagery revealed that on average 1.2 large amplitude cyclonic meanders are formed annualy in the vicinities of Cape Santa Marta (∼28.5°S). The meanders seem to be geophysically unstable and the estimated typical growth rate is of 0.05 days-1 . They also propagate southward with phase speed of 0.07 m s-1 . The sectional velocity distributions, as inferred from L-ADCP profiles obtained during hydrographic cruises, revealed that the Cape Santa Marta meanders have a very distinct vertical structure from those observed off Cape Frio (23°S) and Cape São Tomé (22°S). The meanders reach much depths of 1400 m and recirculated Tropical Water, South Atlantic Central Water, Antarctic Intemediate Water and Upper Circumpolar Waters. Occasionally, the eddy structure melds with the underlying Deep Western Boundary Current. Geostrophic horizontal patterns of the meanders were mapped using T-S information from historical cruises and it is obtained that the meander is a low-Rossby number (∼0.07) and low-Burger(∼0.06) number cyclone feature. Therefore, stretching vorticity seems to play a major role on the meandering dynamics and, consequently, baroclinic instability is the phenomenon primairily responsible for the cyclone growth. The low-Burger number also suggests that the meander dynamics is influenced by the topography. The two-dimensional EOF analysis conducted on the historical 28°S WOCE mooring transect from the 90s shows that the first sectional mode explains about 54% of the series variance and is related to the BC meandering. The amplitude of the cyclonic meander is roughly 200 km as it crosses the transect and the associated baroclinic vorticity wave period is typically 26 days. Finally, an idealized 2-layer Contour Dynamics model is constructed to isolate the baroclinic instability mechanism and to investigate the reasons for the growth and the southward phase speeds. The model\'s basic flow structure is built based on least-square fits of the observations averaged within the two layer\'s vertical extensions. The simulation showed that the meander evolve and grow due to the phase-locking of the slower lower layer relative to the faster upper layer. Also, the southward phase speed occurs as a direct consequence of the robust barotropic component acquired by the BC due to the southern branch of the Santos Bifurcation of the Antarctic Intemediate Water.

The evolution and breakdown of submesoscale instabilities

Stamper, Megan Andrena January 2018 (has links)
Ocean submesoscales are the subject of increasing focus in the oceanographic literature; with instrumentation now more capable of observing them in situ and numerical models now able to reach the resolution required to more fully capture them. Submesoscales are typified by horizontal spatial scales of O(1 − 10) km, vertical scales O(100) m and time-scales of O(1) day and are known to be associated with regions of high vertical velocity and vorticity. Occurring most commonly at density fronts at the ocean surface they can control mixed layer restratification and provide an important control on fluxes between the atmosphere and the deep ocean. This thesis sets out to better understand the fundamental physical processes underpinning submesoscale instabilities using a number of idealised process models. Linear stability analysis complemented by non-linear, high-resolution simulations will be used initially to explore the ways in which submesoscale instabilities in the mixed layer may compete and interact with one another. In particular, we will investigate the way in which symmetric and ageostrophic baroclinic instabilities interact when simultaneously present in a flow, with focus on the growth rates and energetic pathways of previously unexplored dynamic instabilities that arise in this paradigm; three-dimensional, mixed symmetric-baroclinic instabilities. Further, these non-linear simulations will allow us to investigate the transition to dissipative scales that can occur in the classical Eady model via a multitude of small-scale secondary instabilities that result from primary submesoscale instabilities. Finally, observational data, taken aboard the SMILES project cruise to the Southern Ocean, helps to motivate the consideration of a new dynamical paradigm; the Eady model with superimposed high amplitude barotropic jet. Non-linear simulations investigate the extent to which the addition of such a jet is capable of damping submesoscale growth. The causes of this damping are then investigated using linear analysis. With this approach eventually demonstrated as being unable to fully explain growth rate reductions, we introduce a new framework combining potential vorticity mixing by submesoscale instabilities with geostrophic adjustment, which relaxes the flow back to a geostrophic balanced state. This framework will help to explain, conceptually, how non-linear eddies control the linear stability of the flow.

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