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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estabilidade de hematitas pedogênica e litogênica / Stability of de litogenic and pedogenic hematites

Prudente, Carolina Borges 08 May 2017 (has links)
Há, em ciência do solo, muita informação sobre a estabilidade de hematita e goethita pedogênicas. Entretanto, observa-se uma escassez de informação a respeito da estabilidade da hematita presente em arenitos vermelhos (litogênica). Neste estudo, buscou-se investigar esses dois tipos de hematita quanto à estabilidade ante a dissolução por um agente redutor. Utilizaram-se amostras de rochas areníticas de quatro formações e quatro amostras de Latossolo com caráter férrico derivadas de basalto de diferentes regiões do Brasil. As amostras de rochas areníticas foram moídas separando-se as frações silte + argila para análises mineralógicas. Inicialmente, foi feita a concentração dos óxidos de ferro para o preparo das lâminas, tendo em vista as análises mineralógicas por difração de raios x. Em seguida, foram realizadas quatro extrações sucessivas do ferro mediante dissolução por ação do redutor ditionito citrato bicarbonato de sódio (DCB), realizada na terra fina seca ao ar (TFSA). Paralelamente, procedeu-se à determinação do ferro total (Fet) pelo método do ataque sulfúrico e pela espectrometria de fluorescência de raios x. Os resultados indicam que a melhor definição dos picos de raios x para a hematita litogênica é uma característica que revela melhor cristalinidade e consequente maior resistência à redução (solubilização pelo DCB80) do que aquelas observadas na hematita pedogênica. Nos difratogramas de raios x, observou-se muito pouca variação na posição de reflexões da hematita nos dois ambientes, indicando proximidade estrutural. Os resultados obtidos pela espectrometria de fluorescência de raios x revelaram ser essa uma técnica auxiliar importante no estudo mineralógico. / Much information is available in soil science on the stability of pedogenic hematite and goethite, but not on the stability of litogenic hematite present in red sandstones. This study investigates the stability of these two types of hematite in the face of dissolution by a reducing agent. The study included sandstone rocks from four formations and four samples of ferric, basalt-derived Latosol from different regions in Brazil. The sandstone samples were ground and had their silt + clay fractions separated for mineralogical analysis. Initially, iron oxides were concentrated for slide preparation by using X-ray diffraction for mineralogical analyses. Then, four successive iron extractions were carried out through dissolution by using reducing agent sodium dithionite-citrate- bicarbonate (DCB) on thin air-dried earth. In addition, total iron (Fet) was measured by using sulfuric attack and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The results indicate that the best definition of X-ray peaks for lithogenic hematite is a characteristic that reveals better crystallinity and consequently greater resistance to reduction (solubilization by DCB80) than those observed in pedogenic hematite. In the X-ray diffractograms, very little variation was observed in the position of hematite reflections in both environments, indicating structural proximity. The results obtained by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry proved to be an important auxiliary technique in the mineralogical study. / Dissertação (Mestrado)

Arcabouço estratigráfico da Formação Serra Geral no Vale Principal da Sinclinal de Torres

Rossetti, Lucas de Magalhães May January 2014 (has links)
A Província Basáltica Continental do Paraná-Etendeka registra o intenso vulcanismo do Cretáceo inferior que precedeu a fragmentação do supercontinente Gondwana. Tradicionalmente investigações sobre estas rochas priorizaram a aquisição de dados geoquímicos e isotópicos, considerando a pilha vulcânica como uma monótona sucessão de derrames tabulares e espessos. O presente trabalho propõe a análise das características físicas deste vulcanismo aplicando conceitos de arquitetura de fácies vulcânicas, integrados a estudos petrográficos e geoquímicos. A Sinclinal de Torres é uma estrutura tectônica localizada na porção sul do Brasil onde ocorrem preservadas as sequencias vulcânicas do magmatismo Paraná-Etendeka. Na área de estudo As rochas vulcânicas básicas podem ser divididas em duas unidades: derrames e campos de derrames pahoehoe (Unidade I) e derrames rubbly simples (Unidade II). Geoquimicamente as duas unidades pertencem a serie de baixo- TiO2 e ao magma tipo Gramado. As primeiras lavas pahoehoe são olivina basaltos, mais primitivos. A unidade I é composta por inúmeros derrames pahoehoe que ocorrem sobre os arenitos eólicos da Formação Botucatu. Essa lavas ocorrem como sheet pahoehoe, compound lavas, e lavas do tipo ponded nos vales interduna. O emplacement dessas lavas esta relacionado a baixas taxas de erupção sustentadas por longos intervalos de tempo. A unidade II é formada por espessas lavas simples do tipo rubbly, estas são caracterizadas por núcleos maciços e topos fragmentados (rubbly tops). Essas lavas são formadas por altas taxas de erupção e durante a fase principal do vulcanismo na área. O vale principal da Sinclinal de Torres tem uma evolução formada por derames compostos na porção basal e derrames simples nas porções superiores, siilar a de outras Províncias Basálticas Continentais. / The Parana-Etendeka Volcanic Province records the volcanism of the Earlier Cretaceous that precedes the fragmentation of the Gondwana supercontinent. Traditionally, investigations of these rocks prioritized the acquisition of geochemical and isotopic data, considering the volcanic stack as a monotonous succession of tabular flows. This work provides a detailed analysis of the physical conditions of the emplacement of these volcanic rocks, applying the facies architecture integrated to petrographic and geochemical data. Torres Syncline is a tectonic structure located in southern Brazil and where the Parana- Etendeka basalts are well preserved. The basaltic lava flows in the area can be divided in pahoehoe flow fields (Unit I) and simple rubbly flows (Unit II). Geochemically both units are low TiO2 and Gramado magma type. The first pahoehoe lavas are more primitive and are olivine basalts with higher contents of MgO. The fist unit is build up by innumerous pahoehoe lava flows and flow fields that cover the sandstones of Botucatu Fm. These flows occur like sheet pahoehoe, compound pahoehoe, and ponded lavas in the interdune settings. The emplacement of pahoehoe flow fields is related to sustain low eruptive rates. The unit two is formed by thick simple rubbly lavas, characterized by a massive core and a rubbly top. These flows are associated to high effusion rates and were formed during the main phase of volcanism in the area. The Torres Syncline main valley has a similar evolution when compared with other lips with compound flows at the base and simple flows in the upper portions.

Efeito de adições ativas na mitigação das reações álcali-sílica e álcali-silicato. / Effect of mineral admixtures in controlling the alkali-silica reaction and alkali-silicate reaction.

Flávio André da Cunha Munhoz 03 August 2007 (has links)
A reação álcali-agregado é uma manifestação patológica diretamente ligada à seleção dos materiais (cimento, agregados miúdo e graúdo, água e aditivos) que pode comprometer a durabilidade das estruturas de concreto, uma vez que a interação desses materiais e as condições ambientais é que vão conferir ao concreto determinadas propriedades ligadas à sua vida útil. A reação entre os hidróxidos alcalinos solubilizados na fase líquida dos poros dos concretos e alguns agregados reativos é lenta e resulta em um gel que, ao se acumular em vazios do concreto e na interface pasta-agregado, na presença de água, se expande, exercendo pressão interna no concreto. Ao exceder a resistência à tração do concreto, a pressão interna pode promover fissurações. A reação álcali-agregado requer a atuação conjunta de água, agregado reativo e álcalis. Sua prevenção pode ser feita a partir da eliminação de um dos fatores, ou seja, a partir do emprego de agregados inertes ou de cimentos com baixos teores de álcalis ou isolamento da umidade. Na impossibilidade de eliminar um dos fatores, medidas preventivas devem ser tomadas para o emprego de agregados reativos em obras de construção civil. Entre essas, destacam-se a utilização de cimentos com baixos teores de álcalis ou a de cimentos com adições ativas mitigadoras da reação álcali-agregado: escória de alto-forno, cinza volante, metacaulim e sílica ativa, que foi o objeto de pesquisa do presente trabalho. No programa experimental foram analisados dois tipos de agregado potencialmente reativos com os hidróxidos alcalinos: EDVDOWR e PLORQLWR_ JUDQtWLFR. O primeiro, proveniente de rocha ígnea, tem como constituintes deletérios vidro, clorofeíta, calcedônia (sílica criptocristalina), que dará origem à reação do tipo iOFDOL_VtOLFD. O agregado milonito granítico provém de rocha metamórfica, tem como constituintes deletérios quartzo microgranular, quartzo recristalizado, quartzo com extinção ondulante e quartzo e feldspato deformados, que dará origem ao tipo de reação iOFDOL_VLOLFDWR. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência de adições ativas em mitigar as reações, os agregados foram combinados com 16 cimentos com adições ativas. Escória de alto-forno foi adicionada a 15%, 30%, 45% e 60% e cinza volante, a 10%, 15%, 25% e 35%, teores normalmente encontrados nos cimentos brasileiros. Metacaulim foi adicionada a 5%, 10%, 15% e 20%, e sílica ativa, a 5%, 10% e 15%, teores representativos da faixa normalmente adicionada diretamente a concretos. Todos os materiais utilizados foram caracterizados química, física e mineralogicamente, incluindo a análise petrográfica dos agregados. As barras de argamassa foram analisadas ao MEV, microscópio óptico de luz transmitida, realizaram-se ensaios de porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio e análises térmicas para quantificar a teor de portlandita residual, e determinou-se o teor de álcalis dentro das barras após a realização dos ensaios para verificar a migração de íons de sódio. Os resultados indicam que a eficiência das adições ativas varia de acordo com a composição química e mineralógica das adições, da proporção desse material no cimento, e do grau de reatividade do agregado. / The alkali-aggregate reaction is a pathologic manifestation that can induce the premature distress and loss in serviceability of concrete structures affected. It is directly associated to the selection of materials (cement, coarse and fine aggregates, water and additives), as the interaction between these materials and environmental condition will grant the concrete some of the properties related to its service life. The slow reaction between alkali hydroxides soluble in the liquid phase within concrete pores and reactive aggregates gives rise to a gel that piles up within concrete voids and the aggregate-paste interface. In presence of water, the gel expands and exerts internal pressure in the concrete. When the internal pressure exceeds the tensile strength, cracking may come up as result. The alkali-aggregate reaction requires the action of water, reactive aggregate and alkalis altogether. Prevention can be carried out by eliminating one of these factors, i.e. employing either inert aggregates or lowalkali cements, or keeping the concrete away from moisture. Otherwise, preventive measures must be taken when reactive aggregates are used in civil construction works, such as the use of low-alkali cements or composite cements bearing alkaliaggregate- reaction mitigating admixtures: blast-furnace slag, fly ash, metakaolin and silica fume, which are the object of the present research. The experimental work included the analysis of two potentially reactive aggregates to alkali hydroxides: basalt and granite milonite. The igneous basalt carries deleterious constituents such as glass, chloropheite (cryptocrystalline silica), that will give rise to the DONDOL_VLOLFD type reaction while the metamorphic granite milonite carries micro granular, recrystallized, undulate-extinction-bearing quartz and deformed feldspar grains, that give rise to DONDOL_VLOLFDWH type reaction. Aiming at evaluating how efficient in mitigating these reactions the active admixtures are, these aggregates were mixed with 16 composite cements. The contents of admixtures followed those usually found in Brazilian industrial cements for blast-furnace slag (15%, 30%, 45%, 60%) and fly ash (10%, 15%, 25%, 35%), and those generally added directly to concrete for metakaolin (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%) and silica fume (5%, 10%, 15%). All materials were characterized for their chemical composition, physical properties and mineralogy. Petrography was carried out on the aggregates. The mortar bars were analyzed at the scanning electronic and transmitted-light optical microscopes. Mercury-intrusion porosimetry and thermal analyses were carried out to quantify residual portlandite. The alkali content within the bars was determined in order to verify migration of Na+ ions. The results show that the efficiency of active admixtures varies according to their chemical and mineralogical composition and proportioning in cement, and to the aggregate reactivity.

Arcabouço estratigráfico da Formação Serra Geral no Vale Principal da Sinclinal de Torres

Rossetti, Lucas de Magalhães May January 2014 (has links)
A Província Basáltica Continental do Paraná-Etendeka registra o intenso vulcanismo do Cretáceo inferior que precedeu a fragmentação do supercontinente Gondwana. Tradicionalmente investigações sobre estas rochas priorizaram a aquisição de dados geoquímicos e isotópicos, considerando a pilha vulcânica como uma monótona sucessão de derrames tabulares e espessos. O presente trabalho propõe a análise das características físicas deste vulcanismo aplicando conceitos de arquitetura de fácies vulcânicas, integrados a estudos petrográficos e geoquímicos. A Sinclinal de Torres é uma estrutura tectônica localizada na porção sul do Brasil onde ocorrem preservadas as sequencias vulcânicas do magmatismo Paraná-Etendeka. Na área de estudo As rochas vulcânicas básicas podem ser divididas em duas unidades: derrames e campos de derrames pahoehoe (Unidade I) e derrames rubbly simples (Unidade II). Geoquimicamente as duas unidades pertencem a serie de baixo- TiO2 e ao magma tipo Gramado. As primeiras lavas pahoehoe são olivina basaltos, mais primitivos. A unidade I é composta por inúmeros derrames pahoehoe que ocorrem sobre os arenitos eólicos da Formação Botucatu. Essa lavas ocorrem como sheet pahoehoe, compound lavas, e lavas do tipo ponded nos vales interduna. O emplacement dessas lavas esta relacionado a baixas taxas de erupção sustentadas por longos intervalos de tempo. A unidade II é formada por espessas lavas simples do tipo rubbly, estas são caracterizadas por núcleos maciços e topos fragmentados (rubbly tops). Essas lavas são formadas por altas taxas de erupção e durante a fase principal do vulcanismo na área. O vale principal da Sinclinal de Torres tem uma evolução formada por derames compostos na porção basal e derrames simples nas porções superiores, siilar a de outras Províncias Basálticas Continentais. / The Parana-Etendeka Volcanic Province records the volcanism of the Earlier Cretaceous that precedes the fragmentation of the Gondwana supercontinent. Traditionally, investigations of these rocks prioritized the acquisition of geochemical and isotopic data, considering the volcanic stack as a monotonous succession of tabular flows. This work provides a detailed analysis of the physical conditions of the emplacement of these volcanic rocks, applying the facies architecture integrated to petrographic and geochemical data. Torres Syncline is a tectonic structure located in southern Brazil and where the Parana- Etendeka basalts are well preserved. The basaltic lava flows in the area can be divided in pahoehoe flow fields (Unit I) and simple rubbly flows (Unit II). Geochemically both units are low TiO2 and Gramado magma type. The first pahoehoe lavas are more primitive and are olivine basalts with higher contents of MgO. The fist unit is build up by innumerous pahoehoe lava flows and flow fields that cover the sandstones of Botucatu Fm. These flows occur like sheet pahoehoe, compound pahoehoe, and ponded lavas in the interdune settings. The emplacement of pahoehoe flow fields is related to sustain low eruptive rates. The unit two is formed by thick simple rubbly lavas, characterized by a massive core and a rubbly top. These flows are associated to high effusion rates and were formed during the main phase of volcanism in the area. The Torres Syncline main valley has a similar evolution when compared with other lips with compound flows at the base and simple flows in the upper portions.

Estudo do comportamento mecânico de cilindros de compósito epóxi/fibra de basalto em ensaios hidrostáticos / Study of mechanical behavior of epoxy/basalt fiber composite cylinders under hydrostatic tests

Mauro Henrique Lapena 26 January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento mecânico de cilindros de compósito polimérico reforçado com fibras. Para isso, foram produzidos cilindros com extremidades abertas reforçados com fibra de basalto e fibra de vidro, utilizando a técnica de enrolamento filamentar (filament winding). Estes cilindros foram submetidos a ensaio hidrostático com carregamento circunferencial, ensaio de ruptura de anel (split disk test) e ensaio de resistência ao cisalhamento interlaminar (ILSS). Uma placa do compósito de fibra de basalto foi produzida por enrolamento filamentar, para caracterização por ensaio de resistência à tração. Todos cilindros submetidos ao ensaio hidrostático apresentaram fratura localizada em uma faixa de altura do cilindro, com extensas delaminações das camadas circunferenciais. Os compósitos epóxi/fibra de basalto superaram ou igualaram os de compósito epóxi/fibra de vidro nas comparações entre resultados dos valores das propriedades mecânicas avaliadas, nas porcentagens: resistência à tração aparente de ruptura de anel em 45% e 43% em resistência específica; ILSS, em 11%; resistência/tensão de membrana de ruptura no ensaio hidrostático, em 55%. / The aim of this work was to study the mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced polymer composite cylinders. For this purpose, cylinders reinforced with basalt and glass fibers were produced, with open-ended geometry, using filament winding technique. These cylinders were submitted to hydrostatic test under circunferential loading, split disk (ring segment) test and interlaminar shear strength (ILSS). A basalt fiber composite plate was produced by filament winding for characterization by tensile strength test. All cylinders submitted to hydrostatic test presented fracture located in the height range of the cylinder, with extensive delamination of the circumferential layers. The epoxy/basalt fiber composites overcame or equated the epoxy/glass fiber composites in comparisons between results of the mechanical properties, tensile strength in split disk, in 45% and 43% in specific strength; ILSS in 11%; membrane tensile strength in the hydrostatic test, in 55%.

Caracterização tecnológica das rochas basálticas da Usina Hidroelétrica Canoas I, rio Paranapanema, SP/PR / Technological characterization of basaltic rocks of Canoas I Hydroelectric Power Plant, Paranapanema river, SP/PR

Antonio Marrano 23 April 1997 (has links)
Tipos litológicos basálticos provenientes do maciço de fundação da UHE Canoas I foram submetidas a ensaios de caracterização tecnológica com o propósito do seu emprego como material de construção. Foram determinados os valores dos índices físicos (massa específica, porosidade, absorção d\'água), da velocidade de propagação de ondas ultra-sônicas e efetuados ensaios de compressão uniaxial e diametral, entre outros, além de análises petrográficas. Executaram-se, também, ensaios de alterabilidade acelerada (água-estufa, imersão em etileno-glicol) e de alterabilidade natural, tanto em fragmentos de rocha como em testemunhos de sondagens rotativas. São descritos em maior detalhe, os procedimentos utilizados para a realização do ensaio de alterabilidade natural em testemunhos de sondagens rotativas. Analisa-se a influência de uma feição geológica (caixa de falha com cerca de 10 m de espessura e 20º de ângulo de mergulho), presente na fundação, nas propriedades tecnológicas dos tipos litológicos por ela interceptados. São indicados os tipos litológicos selecionados para a utilização como material de construção. / Basaltic litotypes from the rock mass foundation of Canoas I Hydroelectric Power Plant were submitted to technological characterization tests, in order to verify their suitability as construction material. Physical and mechanical properties (density, porosity, water absorption, ultrasonic velocity, compressive and splitting tensile strength, among others) were determined, besides petrographic analyses. Weatherability tests were also performed, not only through wetting-drying cycles and by immersion in ethylene glycol but by outdoor exposure as well, using crushed and core drilled specimens. Detailed procedures for the weatherability test using core specimens from rotary drilling are given. It is analysed the influence of a geological feature (fault zone, about 10 meters thick and 20 degrees dip), that occurs in the rock mass foundation, on the technological properties of these rocks. Basaltic litotypes selected as construction material are then pointed out.

Recobrimento de sementes de arroz com agrominerais / Coating of rice seeds with agrominerals

Eberhardt, Paulo Eduardo Rocha 26 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Beatriz Vieira (mbeatriz.vieira@gmail.com) on 2017-03-17T12:23:54Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_paulo_eduardo_rocha_eberhardt.pdf: 1985819 bytes, checksum: bed6d72ca6a80b32c05abe648c7fd3d5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-03-17T22:21:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_paulo_eduardo_rocha_eberhardt.pdf: 1985819 bytes, checksum: bed6d72ca6a80b32c05abe648c7fd3d5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-03-17T22:22:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_paulo_eduardo_rocha_eberhardt.pdf: 1985819 bytes, checksum: bed6d72ca6a80b32c05abe648c7fd3d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-17T22:23:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_paulo_eduardo_rocha_eberhardt.pdf: 1985819 bytes, checksum: bed6d72ca6a80b32c05abe648c7fd3d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / Sem bolsa / O arroz (Oryza sativa L.) é um dos cereais mais cultivados, especialmente na Ásia onde concentra 90% da produção e consumo mundial de arroz. A qualidade das sementes é determinada por fatores físicos, genéticos, fisiológicos e sanitários. O objetivo foi avaliar o comportamento de sementes de arroz durante o armazenamento e o uso de pós de rocha no recobrimento de sementes. O trabalho foi conduzido na Universidade Federal de Pelotas no ano agrícola 2013/2014. As sementes foram recobertas por dois pós de rocha sendo um granodiorito e um basalto nas doses de zero, 7,5%, 15% e 30% de pó de rocha e armazenadas por doze meses. A cada dois meses foram realizados os testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, teste de frio, comprimento de raiz, comprimento de parte aérea e teor de água. No mês de outubro, período de semeadura da cultura foi realizado os testes de emergência em areia, índice de velocidade de emergência e matéria seca de plântulas. Pode-se observar que o recobrimento de sementes com pós de rocha proporcionaram maior germinação, melhor desempenho no teste de frio, maior comprimento de parte aérea e redução no teor de umidade de sementes. O recobrimento proporcionou também maiores índices de velocidade de emergência e matéria seca de plântulas em relação as sementes não tratadas. / Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most cultivated cereals, especially in Asia where it concentrates 90% of world production and consumption of rice. The seed quality is determined by physical, genetic, physiological and health. The objective was to evaluate the rice seed storage behavior and the use of rock in the post seed coating. The work was conducted at the Federal University of Pelotas in the agricultural year 2013/2014. The seeds were coated with two rock powders being one granodiorite rock and basalt in the untreated seeds and the doses, 7.5%, 15% and 30% of rock dust, and stored for twelve months. Every two months were performed by standard germination, first count of germination, accelerated aging, cold test, root length, shoot length and water content. In October, crop sowing period was evaluated emergence test in sand, emergency speed index and seedling dry. It can be observed that the coating of seeds with rock powders showed higher germination, improved performance in the cold test, increased shoot length and reduction in moisture content of the seeds. The coating also provided higher speed of emergence index and seedling dry over the untreated seeds.

Development and structural testing of new basalt fiber-reinforced-polymer (BFRP) bars in RC beams and bridge-deck slabs / Étude du comportement structural de poutres et de dalles de ponts en béton armé d'une nouvelle armature à base de fibre de basalte sous charge statique

Elgabbas, Fareed Mahmoud January 2016 (has links)
L'avancée de la technologie des PRF a suscité l'intérêt de l'introduction de nouvelles fibres, comme la fibre de basalte, qui a un potentiel d'offrir une solution efficace, lorsqu’utilisée dans les structures en béton, soit sur la résistance à la corrosion, la durabilité et la rentabilité. En outre, les codes et les guides disponibles, ne fournissent pas de recommandations pour l'utilisation de barres en PRFB puisque les recherches passées dans ce domaine sont limitées. Donc, des travaux de recherche sont nécessaires pour caractériser et comprendre le comportement des barres de PRFB dans les éléments en béton armé. En conséquence, les objectifs principaux sont d'évaluer les caractéristiques à court et long terme des barres de PRFB nouvellement développées, ainsi que d'évaluer les performances structurales de ces nouvelles barres comme renforcement interne dans les poutres et les dalles de pont et d'introduire ce nouveau renforcement dans les codes et les guides de dimensionnement. Les tests expérimentaux ont été faits en trois parties. La première partie porte sur le développement de trois nouvelles barres et tendons en PRFB pour déterminer leurs propriétés physiques et mécaniques. Les performances à long terme et de durabilité ont été réalisées en conditionnant les barres de PRFB dans une solution alcaline simulant les conditions humides dans le béton pour déterminer la compatibilité comme renforcement interne dans les éléments en béton. Par la suite, les propriétés ont été déterminées et comparées avec des spécimens non conditionnés (référence). La seconde partie a porté sur sept dalles de pont en béton armé grandeur réelle avec les bords restreints, simulant les tabliers de pont les plus utilisés en Amérique du Nord, pour évaluer la performance des dalles renforcées de PRFB et d'acier. Les dalles mesurent 3000 mm de long × 2500 mm de large × 200 mm d'épaisseur. Les dalles ont été testées jusqu'à la rupture sous une charge concentrée au centre de celles-ci simulant l'empreinte d'une roue d'un camion. Les capacités en poinçonnement sont prédites en utilisant les exigences réglementaires disponibles, et sont comparées aux résultats expérimentaux. La troisième partie de cette étude portait sur les essais de 14 poutres en béton de 3100 mm de long × 200 mm de large × 300 mm de profond pour examiner le comportement en flexion et les performances en service des barres de PRFB avec deux états de surfaces: fini sablé et crénelé. Les poutres ont été testées en flexion en quatre points avec une portée libre de 2700 mm jusqu'à la rupture. Les résultats sont introduits et discutés en terme : du comportement de la fissuration, des flèches, de la capacité en flexion et des modes de ruptures. De plus, le coefficient d'adhérence (kb) des barres de PRFB est déterminé et comparé avec les recommandations des codes et guides actuels. Les résultats sont introduits et discutés en terme : du comportement de la fissuration, des flèches, de la capacité en flexion et des modes de ruptures. De plus, le coefficient d'adhérence des barres de PRFB est déterminé et comparé avec les recommandations des codes et guides actuels. Les résultats de l'étude concluent sur la viables pour la production des barres de PRFB pour respecter les exigences des codes actuelles. Également, les résultats d'essai indiquent que les barres de PRFB ont de bonnes propriétés mécaniques et peuvent être placées dans la même catégorie que les barres de PRFV, soit grade III. De plus, le comportement des poutres et des dalles de pont renforcées de PRFB est similaire que pour un renforcement en PRFV et PRFC et les exigences réglementaires sont applicables pour les barres de PRFB. / Abstract: The advances in fiber-reinforced-polymer (FRP) technology have spurred interest in introducing new fibers, such as basalt FRP (BFRP), which has the potential to offer an efficient solution when implemented in concrete structure, such as corrosion resistant, durable and cost-effective. Furthermore, the available design codes and guides do not provide any recommendations for the use of BFRP bars since fundamental studies and relevant applications are still limited. Therefore, investigations are needed to characterize and understand the behavior of BFRP bars in concrete members. Consequently, the main objectives of this experimental investigation are to evaluate the short- and long-term characteristics of newly developed BFRP bars, as well as evaluate the structural performance of these new bars as internal reinforcement for concrete beams and bridge-deck slabs to introduce these new reinforcing bars to the design codes and guides. The experimental tests were completed through three parts. The first part was conducted on three newly developed BFRP bars and tendons to investigate their physical and mechanical properties. Durability and long-term performance were assessed by conditioning the BFRP bars in an alkaline solution simulating the moist concrete environment to determine their suitability as internal reinforcement for concrete elements. Thereafter, the properties were assessed and compared with the unconditioned (reference) values. The second part of this study was conducted on seven full-scale edge-restrained concrete bridge-deck slabs simulating actual slab-on-girder bridge-deck that is commonly used in North America to evaluate the performance of concrete bridge-deck slabs reinforced with BFRP and steel bars. The deck slabs measured 3000 mm long × 2500 mm wide × 200 mm deep. The slabs were tested up to failure under single concentrated load acting on the center of each slab simulating the footprint of sustained truck wheel load. The punching shear capacities were predicted using the available provisions, and compared with the experimental results. The third part of this study included testing of fourteen concrete beams of 3100 mm long × 200 mm wide × 300 mm deep to investigate the flexural behavior and serviceability performance of sand-coated and ribbed BFRP bars in concrete beams. The beams were tested under four-point bending over a clear span of 2700 mm until failure. The results are introduced and discussed in terms of cracking behavior, deflection, flexure capacity, and failure modes. In addition, the bond-dependent coefficient (kb) of the BFRP bars was determined and compared with the recommendations of the current FRP design codes and guides. The findings of this study concluded the feasibility of producing BFRP bars meet the requirements of the current FRP standards. Also, the test results revealed that the BFRP bars had good mechanical behavior and could be placed in the same category as grade II and grade III GFRP bars. Moreover, the behavior of the concrete bridge-deck slabs and beams reinforced with BFRP bars was quite similar to the counterparts reinforced with glass- and carbon-FRP bars and the available FRP provisions are applicable for BFRP bars. The beam test results yielded an average bond-dependent coefficient (kb) of 0.76±0.03 and 0.83±0.03 for the sand-coated and ribbed BFRP bars, respectively.

Evolution du magmatisme et du métasomatisme dans une marge passive pauvre en magma durant l'initiation de l'accrétion océanique : exemple de la marge fossile de la Platta (Alpes suisses) et comparaison avec le système actuel Ibérie-Terre Neuve / Evolution of magmatism and metasomatism in magma-poor rifted margin during the initiation of the seafloor spreading : example of the fossil Platta margin (Swiss Alps) and comparison with the present-day Iberia-Newfoundland margin

Amann, Méderic 21 December 2017 (has links)
Les parties distales des marges passives pauvres en magma représentent la transition complexe entre les domaines continentaux et océaniques. Ces zones encore peu étudiées sont pourtant des endroits clefs pour comprendre les processus impliqués durant les premiers stades de l’accrétion océanique, et plus particulièrement ceux du magmatisme et du métasomatisme. Durant ces premiers stades, ces deux processus sont gouvernés par l’exhumation mantellique. L’interaction entre les liquides magmatiques, les roches du manteau et les fluides marins vont affecter le régime thermique de la marge. De par le monde, seulement deux Transitions Océan-Continent (TOC) ont pu bénéficier d’investigations scientifiques poussées et constituent naturellement les deux sites d’études de cette thèse, à savoir, les marges actuelles conjuguées d’Ibérie-Terre Neuve du sud de l’Atlantique Nord ainsi que les marges fossiles de la Platta et de Tasna, fragments de TOCs de la Téthys Alpine Jurassique. En combinant les études de terrain ainsi que les investigations minéralogiques, pétrologiques et géochimiques, nous avons pu contraindre trois processus clefs se déroulant dans les TOCs. (i) La percolation de liquide magmatique imprégnant le manteau sous-continental hérité dans les marges Ibérie-Terre Neuve permet une refertilisation de ces marges distales. (ii) La transition géochimique visible entre les basaltes des TOCs et les basaltes de dorsales océaniques peut s’appréhender par la fusion partielle du manteau sous-continental refertilisé. (iii) Le rôle des fluides hydrothermaux, ayant des températures comprises entre 60°C et 190°C, joue un rôle sur le métasomatisme de la lithosphère en produisant une intense serpentinisation et rodingitisation, respectivement du manteau sous-continental en exhumation et des dykes basaltiques. Ces températures étant cohérentes avec une exhumation mantellique au niveau du plancher océanique. / Distal parts of magma-poor rifted margins represent a complex transition between continental and oceanic domains. These areas remain poorly understood while being a key-place to unravel magmatic and metasomatic processes involved during the first stages of oceanization. At this time, these processes are enhanced by mantle exhumation, and the interaction between melts, mantle rocks and fluids affect the thermal regime of the margin. So far, only two Ocean-Continent Transitions (OCT) have been particularly investigated, namely the present-day Iberia Newfoundland conjugate margins and the fossil analog Platta-Tasna nappes, remnants of the Jurassic Alpine-Tethys OCTs. Studies presented in this Ph.D. thesis have been focused on these two margins. Here, by combining field-works, petrological, mineralogical and geochemical investigations, we have unraveled in OCTs three key-points: (i) The deep porous-flow melt percolation impregnating the long-lived inherited subcontinental mantle in Iberia-Newfoundland margins allow the refertilization of these distal domains; (ii) The geochemical transition depicted from OCT-basalts towards MOR-basalts can be explained by the partial melting of the refertilized subcontinental mantle; (iii) The role of active hydrothermal fluids, on both the exhumed mantle and basalt dikes, lead to the serpentinisation and the rodingitization respectively, at temperature ranging between 60°C and 190°C. These temperatures being consistent with the ongoing mantle exhumation towards near-seafloor conditions.

Arc Crust-Magma Interaction in the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone from Thermobarometry, Mineral Composition, Radiogenic Isotope and Rare Earth Element Systematics of the Azufre-Planchon-Peteroa Volcanic Complex, Chile

Holbik, Sven P 23 May 2014 (has links)
The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) is a vast and complex continental arc that has been studied extensively to provide an understanding of arc-magma genesis, the origin and chemical evolution of the continental crust, and geochemical compositions of volcanic products. The present study focuses on distinguishing the magma/sub-arc crustal interaction of eruptive products from the Azufre-Planchon-Peteroa (APP 35°15’S) volcanic center and other major centers in the Central SVZ (CSVZ 37°S - 42°S), Transitional SVZ (TSVZ 34.3-37.0°S), and Northern SVZ (NSVZ 33°S - 34°30’S). New Hf and Nd isotopic and trace element data for SVZ centers are consistent with former studies that these magmas experienced variable depths of crystal fractionation, and that crustal assimilation is restricted to the lower crustal depths with an apparent role of garnet. Thermobarometric calculations applied to magma compositions constrain the depth of magma separation from mantle sources in all segments of the SVZ to(70-90 km). Magmatic separation at the APP complex occurs at an average depth of ~50 km which is confined to the mantle lithosphere and the base of the crust suggesting localized thermal abrasion both reservoirs. Thermobarometric calculations indicate that CSVZ primary magmas arise from a similar average depth of (~54 km) which confines magma separation to the asthenospheric mantle. The northwards along-arc Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic data and LREE enrichment accompanied with HREE depletion of SVZ mafic magmas correlates well with northward increasing crustal thickness and decreasing primary melt separation from mantle source regions indicating an increased involvement of lower crustal components in SVZ magma petrogenesis. The study concludes that the development of mature subduction zones over millions of years of continuous magmatism requires that mafic arc derived melts stagnate at lower crustal levels due to density similarities and emplace at lower crustal depths. Basaltic underplating creates localized hot zone environments below major magmatic centers. These regions of high temperature/partial melting, and equilibration with underplated mafic rocks provides the mechanism that controls trace element and isotopic variability of primary magmas of the TSVZ and NSVZ from their baseline CSVZ-like precursors.

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