Spelling suggestions: "subject:"basel III"" "subject:"easel III""
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Změny bankovní regulace a dohledu v EU v reakci na finanční krizi / Reaction to financial crisis: changes in bank regulation and supervision in the European UnionAndr, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents changes proposed in the European Union as a reaction to financial crisis. The aim of this thesis is to provide a summary and comment of changes both in organisation of supervision and banking regulation, especially concentrating on Basel III and taxation. The first part contains a description of the structure of supervision both in the Czech Republic and in the European Union. The description includes development in the Czech Republic in last five years. The second part contains a description of causes and development of the global financial crisis, defines systemic risk and financial stability and the ways to measure it. The third part describes new structure of supervision in the EU and impact of the change. It also includes a description of Basel III and CRD IV and its impact, discussion of options of taxation in the financial market. The end of this part is a brief summary of changes applied in the USA and its comparison to changes in the EU. The last chapter contains the CNB's position to these changes.
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Basel III Impact on Czech Banks and Effectivity of Capital Ratios to Predict Bank Distress / Dopad Basel III na české banky a efektivita kapitálových pomerov predpovedať finančnú tieseň bánkMatejašák, Milan January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of Basel III on Czech banks and to compare the effectiveness of capital ratios in predicting bank distress. After a short introduction, in the second chapter we estimate the impact of tightened Basel III capital regulation on lending spreads in the Czech banking sector. In this chapter we conclude that the tightened capital regulation will not lead to more expensive borrowing in the Czech Republic mainly because the banking sector has been well-capitalized. In the third chapter we identify the strategies that Czech banks adopted in order to significantly increase their capital ratios between 2009 and 2013. Our analysis shows that retained earnings have played a major role in increasing the average capital adequacy of Czech banks. In addition, the Czech banks have decreased their average asset risk to further strengthen the overall capital adequacy ratio. In the last chapter, using a dataset on bank distress in European banks during 2008-2012, we compare the performance of risk-weighted capital ratios and simple leverage capital ratios to predict bank distress. Our results suggest that simple leverage ratios can perform better than complex risk-weighted capital ratios when predicting bank distress. While such a finding is not conclusive, it suggests that more complex risk modeling does not always mean better risk modeling.
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Analýza vývoja kapitálovej primeranosti bánk v Českej republike / Analysis of capital adequacy development of banks in Czech republicKrondiak, Ladislav January 2015 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis is the analysis of channels used by Czech banks to increase their capital ratios. We identify the increase in capital as the main channel used. Further, within these channels we find retained earnings to be the main tool used. In addition, growth in the loans volume was the dominant tool within the channel of asset volume. Furthermore, we observe an increase in the use of more advanced capital requirements quantification methods, especially in larger banks. We also identify several factors, other than capital regulation, that might have contributed to the observed developments.
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Basel II vs. Basel III a vliv nové regulace na české bankovnictví / BASEL II vs BASEL III and the Impact of the New Regulatory Rules on the Czech Banking SectorKubíček, Antonín January 2011 (has links)
The aims of this thesis are twofold. Firstly, it aims to analyse the new regulatory rules BASEL III, published in December 2010. These were created as a lesson from the previous crisis and following the developments occurring problem areas included in the regulatory rules Basel II. And secondly, it evaluates their impact on the Czech Banking Sector. Regulatory rules BASEL III contain large number of rules aimed at enhancing the quality, quantity and flexibility of regulatory equity capital, reducing the cyclicality of capital requirements, stricter capital requirements for certain risky assets, intensifying surveillance in terms of significantly important financial institutions and international standards of liquidity. Apart from adjustment of the rules that appear in the Basel II, the regulatory rules Basel III also include rules used for the first time. The analysis of the impact on the Czech banking sector is based on the assumption that the Czech banking sector is well equipped with capital and the impact of BASEL III will therefore not have any significant impact on the functioning of Czech banks. This thesis shows that the impacts depend on the size of the banking institutions. A selected sample of six Czech banks (two from each group of large, medium and small banks) is used, inter alia, to demonstrate this.
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Dopady implementace Basel III na poskytování úvěrů v České republice / Impacts of implementation of Basel III on lending in the Czech RepublicVávrová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis shows the changes the new Basel III banking regulation from the original Basel II regulation in Czech and European legislation. The next section brings the results of foreign studies concerning the effect of changes in spreads on lending rates, gross domestic product and unemployment. These studies are based on various input data and assumptions. The practical part analyzes three selected Czech banks through scenarios and identifies possible impact of the new regulation in lending rates in 2012 - 2019th.
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A STUDY ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF NEW REGULATORY PROPOSALS ON CYCLICALITY OF CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS: THE CASE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC / Studie zabývající se dopady nové bankovní regulace na cykličnost kapitálových požadavků v České RepubliceBartůsek, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This work focuses on new regulatory proposals, primarily Basel III accords and analyzes its ability to create a buffer for recurrent credit bubbles. This paper follows a research made by Lis, Pagés and Saurina [2000]. Their paper has illustrated the cyclicality of loan growth and GDP growth for Spain. This cyclicality is supported by cyclical Basel II regulation. In this paper is examined the ability of new regulatory proposals such as Basel III, statistical provisions and change in the approach to the probability of default, to cope with recurrent credit bubbles. According to my critical assessment, Basel III may not be able to create sufficient capital buffer for exceptional credit bubbles such as the current one. This buffer suggested by Basel III has several drawbacks which may decrease its functionality. Statistical provision is not an appropriate measure either, because it could weaken the fair and true view of financial statements principle. Change in approach to probability of default seems to be rational and effective. The only issue may relate to its recovery mechanisms. It doesn't support economic growth in time of economic recession. The author's proposal of new countercyclical buffer, which would be based on credit-to-GDP ratio and GDP growth to loan growth gap is introduced at the end of this work. Although this measure may have negative impact on GDP growth, it may create an appropriate buffer to systematic credit risk.
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Pravidla kapitálové přiměřenosti: právní a ekonomické aspekty / Capital Adequacy Rules: legal and economic aspectsČasta, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The main aim of this work is to describe and explain the capital requirements of the banking sector. Both economically and legally. The thesis is divided into five main parts. First, I deal with the theoretical description and reasoning behind the banking sector regulation. This part of the work emphasized the relation between financial and business cycle, I illustrate their close relation and mutual interaction. Furthermore, the thesis defines capital adequacy in general, its importance and its most important elements and features. Subsequently, the development of the Basel regulation is described in detail, which despite its legal non-binding nature represents the basic rules for capital adequacy. The main emphasis is put on Basel II and Basel III and its implementation in European and Czech law, where the most important concepts are elaborated in detail to analyze and evaluate them. The main topics I deal with are the structure of capital and measurement of market, credit and operational risk. Particular emphasis is placed on the pro-cyclicality of capital requirements, the implications of this pro-cyclicality, and the tools in Basel III to mitigate this feature. Therefore, I describe in detail the additional capital buffers and liquidity requirements introduced in response to tackle this...
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Kommer svenska högavkastande företagsobligationer att bli ett vanligare placeringsalternativ i Sverige?Bäckman, Jon January 2012 (has links)
Marknadsförutsättningarna för en utveckling av den svenska marknaden för högavkastande företagsobligationer är idag bättre än någonsin. För första gången är bankerna motiverade att hjälpa svenska företag med marknadsfinansiering via exempelvis företagsobligationer. Tidigare har denna verksamhet setts som konkurrerande till bankernas egen lånefinansiering. Regulatoriska förändringar, såsom Basel III, ligger till grund för denna nya viktiga förutsättning. Det händer saker på bred front och mycket sker samtidigt. Nya aktörer och organisationer har bildats, färdiga marknadsplatser för högavkastande företagsobligationer finns nu att tillgå. Fler regulatoriska förändringar har skett och kommer att ske framöver. Syftet med dessa regulatoriska förändringar är bland annat att förbättra transparensen på markanden och öka intresset för ränteplaceringar som alternativ till aktieplaceringar för vissa institutionella investerare. Rapportens resultat motiverar en utveckling av den svenska marknaden för högavkastande företagsobligationer, med fler emittenter och fler emitterade instrument. Den uteblivna avkastningen och det volatila beteendet av den svenska aktiemarknaden de sista 12 åren, motiverar investerare att se sig om efter alternativa placeringar. När marknadsräntorna är rekordlåga blir företagsobligationer ett mycket intressant alternativ. Kunskapsnivåerna behöver dock höjas både hos framtida potentiella emittenter och hos investerare. Större resurser hos befintliga intermediärer och kanske fler aktörer kommer att krävas för att klara av det ökade behovet av obligationsfinansiering hos de svenska företagen. Fler emitterade instrument och en bättre transparens på marknaden kommer att ge investerare bättre möjligheter att utvärdera förväntad avkastning och de risker som finns förknippade med detta placeringsalternativ. Huruvida högavkastande företagsobligationer kommer att bli ett framtida sparalternativ för svenska sparare är lite osäkrare. Fler emissioner av högavkastande företagsobligationer tros komma redan den närmaste tiden, medan det kan ta längre tid för den nya potentiella sparformen att etablera sig bland investerare. En ökning av detta placeringsalternativ hos svenska sparare kommer förmodligen att ske succesivt, men i vilken mån denna sparform på sikt etablerar sig återstår att se.
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Valuation of Contingent Convertible Bonds / Värdering av konvertiblerBack, Alexander, Keith, William January 2016 (has links)
Contingent convertible bonds are hybrid capital instruments, contingent on some form of indicator of financial distress of the issuing bank. Following the financial crisis, these instruments are proposed as a solution to the moral hazard issue of banks too big to fail. With the increased capital requirements of the Basel III directive, contingent capital enables banks to increase their capitalization without issuing expensive equity. Also, in times of historically low interest rates, these instruments might be interesting for investors in search of higher yields, as well as long term investors wanting to implement countercyclical investment strategies. However, due to the high complexity of these instruments, valuation has proven diffcult. The purpose of this thesis is to value instruments contingent on the bank's common equity tier 1 to risk-weighted assets ratio. We build our model upon the work of Glasserman & Nouri (2012), and extend it to include contingency on risk-weighted assets, instant non-continuous conversion to equity, and a combination of fixed imposed loss and fixed conversion price as terms of conversion. We use a capital structure model in continuous time to define asset dynamics, asset claims and the event of conversion and liquidation of the bank. Thereafter we use two important results from Glasserman & Nouri (2012) to value the discounted cash flows to holders of debt and contingent debt. From this, we arrive at closed form solutions for the coupon rates of these securities. / Contingent convertible bonds (villkoradeobligationer) är hybrida kapitalinstrument som beror på någon form av indikator på finansiell instabilitet i den emitterande banken. Efter finanskrisen har dessa finansiella produkter föreslagits som en lösning på dilemmat som uppstår när banker är för stora för att låtas gå omkull. Villkorade obligationer är en väg för banker att ta in kapital och uppfylla de ökade kapitalkrav som ställs av direktiven i Basel III utan att emittera kostsamt aktiekapital. I dessa tider av historiskt låga räntesatser är den relativt höga avkastning, tillsammans med de kontracykliska effekter produkterna ger dessutom intressanta för många investerare. Att värdera dessa produkter har dock visat sig svårt då de är mycket komplexa. Syftet med denna uppsats är att värdera villkorade obligationer som beror på relationen mellan bankens kärnprimärkapital och riskviktade tillgångar. Vi använder omvandling till aktiekapital som förlustabsorberingsmekanism och använder en kombination av fixerade konverteringspris och fixerade ålagda förluster som villkor för konversion. Vi använder en kapitalstrukturell modell i kontinuerlig tid för att definiera tillgångarnas rörelser, fordringar på tillgångarna och händelsen av konversion av kontraktet eller likvideringen av banken. Därefter använder vi två viktiga resultat från Glasserman & Nouri (2012) för att värdera de diskonterade kassaflöden till ägaren av obligationer och villkorade obligationer. Från detta hittar vi analytiska lösningar för storleken av kupongräntorna på obligationerna, villkorade som normala.
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Credit Valuation Adjustment: In theory and practiceFranzén, Dan, Sjöholm, Otto January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is intended to give an overview of creditvaluation adjustment (CVA) and adjacent concepts. Firstly, the historicalevents that preceded the initiative to reform the Basel regulations and tointroduce CVA as a core component of counterparty credit risk are illustrated.After some conceptual background material, a journey is taken through theregulatory aspects of CVA. The three most commonly used methods for calculatingthe regulatory CVA capital charge are explained in detail and potentialchallenges with the methods are addressed. Further, the document analyses ingreater depth two of the methods; the internal model method (IMM) and thecurrent exposure method (CEM). The differences between these two methods areexplained mathematically and analysed. This comparison is supported bysimulations of portfolios containing interest rate swap contracts with differenttime to maturity and of counterparties with varying credit ratings. Oneconcluding observations is that credit valuation adjustment is a measure of centralimportance within counterparty credit risk. Further, it is shown that IMM has someimportant advantages over CEM, especially when it comes to model connection withreality. Finally, some possible future work to be done within the topic area is suggested.
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