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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spokojenost zaměstnanců / Analysis of benefits

Svobodová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The aim of thesis was help with reduction firm's benefits.

Efekty a přínosy informačních systémů v podnicích / Effects and benefits of information systems

Veselý, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deal with benefits of information systems (IS) in companies. It contains of theoretical and practical parts. The main goals of this thesis are to analyze the real information system in SUDOP PRAHA a.s. company and to draw up changeovers in this system and its driving with the main focus to raise benefits of IS. The nearby goals in theoretical part are: to identify the main potential benefits which can be reached using IS and to identify conditions and limitations to which companies have to impeach and which are crucial to maximize the benefits of IS. Theoretical part goes from available literature and electronic resources analysis. Practical part is based on consultations with SUDOP PRAHA a.s. employees and on information provided by developers of their information systems. The benefit of my diploma thesis is in the problematic parts of IS in SUDOP PRAHA a.s. identification. When the company eliminates these problems and enlarge its IS in the parts I suggest, their benefits of this IS should rise. These recommendations are definitely applicable to other specific information systems in nonmanufacturing companies, mainly design, consulting and engineering companies. This thesis could work as the base view of information systems and their driving issue. This fast view is useful for organizations, which haven't any information system yet or whose information system doesn't work great.

Analýza benefitů / Analysis of benefits

Kováříková, Kamila January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with employee benefits in the current labour market, especially from the perspective of young employees. The first part is focused on the theory of motivation and employee benefits also with their tax impact on employee's income. Employee benefits in the current labour market, employee's satisfaction and employer's attitude to this issue are analyzed in the second part of this thesis.

Exploring Alternative Methodologies for Robust Inferences: Applications in Environmental and Health Economics

Kaul, Sapna 24 October 2013 (has links)
Researchers often invoke strong assumptions in empirical analyses to identify significant statistical outcomes. Invoking assumptions that do not sufficiently reflect the occurrence of true phenomenon reduces the credibility of inferences. Literature suggests that the potential effects of assumptions on credibility of inferences can be mitigated by comparing and combining insights from alternative econometric models. I use this recommendation to conduct robustness checks of commonly used methods in environmental and health economics. The first chapter proposes a novel nonparametric regression model to draw credible insights from meta-analyses. Existing literature on benefit-transfer validity is examined as an application. Nonparametric regression is found to be a viable approach for drawing robust policy insights. The second chapter proposes an alternative structural and simulations based framework to understand elicitation effects in survey response data. This analysis explains the structural mechanisms in which response anomalies occur and is important for building credible insights from survey data. The last chapter uses methods in program evaluation to investigate the impacts of institutional child deliveries on long-term maternal health in the context of developing countries. The outcomes of this analysis indicate that institutional deliveries positively affect maternal health in lower socio-economic states. Based on the findings of my three chapters, I recommend that researchers should combine insights from alternative models to mitigate the scope of specification bias in empirical outcomes and inform policy about the potential uncertainty that arises in uncovering the truth using statistical methods. / Ph. D.

En samhällsekonomisk lönsamhetskalkyl för Cykellänken Ryd / A Cost-benefit Analysis of Cykellänken Ryd

Hertzman, Lovisa, Nilsson, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
During the winter of 2018, the bicycle path named Cykellänken Ryd was completed. The path extends from central Ryd to the city center of Linköping. According to the municipality of Linköping, Cykellänken Ryd is one out of two pilot projects which is meant to be evaluated and used to support the decision-making process of whether seven other planned bicycle paths is to be constructed. The municipality politicians have however, already decided for at least one additional bike path to be built, despite the lack of an evaluation of whether the pilot projects have been cost-effective. The purpose of this composition is to create a cost-benefit analysis of Cykellänken Ryd and estimate whether the project has been economically profitable. Based on the result, we have discussed whether another planned bicycle path is likely to be profitable. The bicycle path we will discuss is planned to be built between Hjulsbro and Linköping city center and is currently up for decision. In order to produce a result, an estimation regarding the positive and negative effects of the bicycle path has been made. By using ASEK and GC-kalk we have been able to estimate the monetary effects in order to compare the costs with the benefits. According to our calculations, Cykellänken Ryd is estimated to have a net-benefit of 61 501 142 SEK, and has therefore been profitable. We have also taken monetarily immeasurable effects into consideration. In order for the project to be unprofitable, these effects would have to exceed 61 501 142 SEK. The existing bicycle path between Hjulsbro and Linköping city center is currently used by 639 871 bicycle rides per year. The costs for the new bicycle path to Hjulsbro is expected to be higher than the cost of Cykellänken Ryd. However, due to the increased volume of cyclists it is also expected to produce higher benefits in the cost-benefit analysis. During the composition, we have had to make certain assumptions due to the lack of figures from the municipalities automatic bicycle counters and an absence of other information. Among others we lack the specific number of bicycle rides before the project were initiated, which is important to keep in mind. / Vintern 2018 stod Cykellänken Ryd färdig. Vägen sträcker sig från Ryds centrum till Linköpings innerstad. Enligt Linköpings kommun är Cykellänken Ryd ett av två stycken pilotprojekt som ska utvärderas för att sedan användas som beslutsunderlag för de andra sju planerade cykellänkarna i kommunen. Politikerna i Linköpings kommun har beslutat att minst en av de andra cykellänkarna ska byggas trots att det inte finns någon utvärdering över huruvida pilotprojekten är kostnadseffektiva eller ej. Syftet med uppsatsen var således att genomföra en samhällsekonomisk kalkyl på Cykellänken Ryd för att se om projektet är lönsamt. Utifrån detta resultat resonerades det sedan kring huruvida en annan cykellänk kommer vara lönsam eller inte. Cykellänken som jämfördes med Cykellänken Ryd ska gå mellan Hjulsbro och innerstaden och är beslutsaktuell. För att få fram ett resultat identifierade och kvantifierade vide positiva och negativa effekter som cykellänken har medfört. Med hjälp av ASEK och GC-kalk värderade vi sedan effekterna monetärt för att kunna väga kostnader mot nyttor. Enligt vår kalkyl har projektet Cykellänken Ryd medfört en nettonytta motsvarande 61 501 142 kr och alltså varit lönsam. Det finns även effekter som har varit svåra att värdera monetärt. För att projektet ska vara olönsamt krävs det alltså att dessa effekter utgör en kostnad på minst 61 501 142 kr. Den planerade cykellänken mellan Hjulsbro och innerstaden har ett cykelflöde som uppgår till 639 871 cykelresor per år vilket är mer än dubbelt så många jämfört med Cykellänken Ryd. De planerade kostnaderna är högre för cykellänken Hjulsbro än för Cykellänken Ryd men vi gjorde ändå bedömningen att projektet borde visa ett positivt resultat just för att det höga cykelflödet kommer medföra höga nyttoposter i kalkylen. Under uppsatsen gjordes vissa antagningar i brist på uppgifter från cykelräknare samt övrig information. Det innebar bland annat att vi inte har fått ett exakt antal cykelresor att utgå från vilket är viktigt att ha i åtanke.

Hur ser asylrättsprocessen ut i Sverige ?

Hasth, Evelyn January 2020 (has links)
This essay was focused on how Sweden are processing an asylum for refugees. The purpose of this essay was to examine the jurisdictional requirements that needs to be fulfilled to grant someone asylum. Nine verdicts were analyzed as a foundation for the research to understand what criterias a refugee can claim in the trial of an asylum. Throughout this essay, the concept of well-founded fear, persecution, sur place, benefit of the doubt, assessment of credibility and assessment of genuineness was examined to further understand the trial of an asylum within Swedish jurisdiction. It is Migrationsverket, Migrationsdomstolen and Migrationsöverdomstolen whom decides whether a person is classified as a refugee throughout an oral inquiry. The oral inquiry will contain an assessment of credibility and an assessment of genuineness. The process needs to be as detailed and coherent as possible and can’t include any contradictory information. There are four kind of invocations one can claim to apply for an asylum and international protection. The invocations are sexual preference, politics, gender and religion. The result of this essay was based on nine verdicts, three of which will be politically based, three will be based on gender, two will be based on sexual preference and one will be based on religion. The four invocations are based on different kinds of evidential presentation due to the assessment of credibility being applied differently on each invocation. The invocation of gender was the easiest to prove and to appear most credible, meanwhile sexual preference was more difficult, due to the demands of evidential presentation and credibility. Because of the higher demand of evidential presentation in sexual preference there is a rule of relief to lower the standards of demands. Religion was also an invocation that was hard to prove and therefore there are certain tests applied and assessed to ensure the refugees’ knowledge of the religion.

The Social Benefit of introducing individual metering and charging of heating and hot water in rental apartments / Samhällsnyttan med att införa individuell mätning och debitering i hyresrätter

Pettersson, Viktor January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att skapa förståelse kring effekterna av ett införande av individuell mätning och debitering (IMD) av värme och/eller varmvatten i hyresrätter i Sverige ur ett bredare perspektiv samt att visa på dess samhällsekonomiska nyttor. Med utgångspunkt i en given lägenhetstyp, med antagna initiala förbrukningar av värme och varmvatten samt en given teknisk standard för huset, utfördes en så kallad Cost-Benefit analys för att komma fram hur ett införande av IMD påverkar samhället ekonomiskt. Fokus har i rapporten legat på de tre aktörerna hyresgäst, hyresvärd och fjärrvärmeleverantör samt i viss mån även miljöaspekter. I analysen jämförs tre olika alternativ: alternativ 1 – införa IMD av enbart varmvatten, alternativ 2 – införa IMD av både värme och varmvatten och alternativ 3 – inte införa någon typ av IMD. Analysen gick till så att alla relevanta konsekvenser erhöll ett monetärt värde för att sedan ingå i ett 10-årigt kassaflöde mellan åren 2013-2023. En viktig aspekt i rapporten är fjärrvärmeleverantörens (FVL) roll vid energiproduktionen samt dess rörliga kostnader som inte tycks spegla de rörliga avgifter som kunderna debiteras. En minskning i energianvändandet får därför till följd att intäkter avtar mer än kostnaderna för FVL. I beaktning tas även de miljömässiga konsekvenserna av en minskad energianvändning med avseende på koldioxidutsläpp. Nuvärdena av de tre olika alternativen speglar vidare hur lönsamt respektive alternativ är. Resultatet blev att både alternativ 1 och 2 visade sig vara olönsamma, med negativa nuvärden. Det alternativ som förespråkas i rapporten är därför att inte införa någon typ av individuell mätning och debitering i lägenheterna. I känslighetsanalysen konstateras det dock att lönsamheten är starkt beroende av vissa antaganden som tidigare gjorts och att det är svårt att dra några generella slutsatser utifrån resultatet. Bland annat kan man konstatera att en förändring av initial förbrukning av varmvatten från 60 m 3/år till 70 m3/år gör båda alternativen lönsamma, allt annat lika. Små justeringar hos de ingående parametrarna kan således få avgörande konsekvenser för kalkylen. / The aim of the project is to create an understanding of the effects of introducing individual metering and charging (IMC) of heat and / or hot water in rental units in Sweden from a broader perspective, and to show its social benefits. Based on a given technical standard of an apartment, with assumed initial consumptions of heating and hot water, a 'Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) was conducted to show how an introduction of IMC affects society economically. The focus of the report is on the three actors: tenant, landlord and the district heating supplier. Environmental impacts are also achieved in the report, but only to a limited extent. The analysis compares three different options: Option 1 - introduce IMC of hot water only, Option 2 - introduce IMC of both heating and hot water, and Option 3 - do not introduce any type of IMC. All relevant impacts received monetary values to, thereafter, be arranged in a 10-year cash flow model, between the years 2013 and 2023. Present values of the three options will reflect on how profitable each option is. An important aspect of the report is the district heat supplier’s role in energy production, and its variable costs that do not appear to reflect the consumers’ variable fees of heating. A reduction in energy use can therefore result in revenues declining more than costs of the district heat supplier. The report also takes into account environmental impacts of reduced energy consumption, with respect to emissions of carbon dioxide. The outcome of the CBA was that both options 1 and 2 were shown to be unprofitable, with negative net present values. Thus, the preferred option in the report is Option 3 – not to introduce any type of individual metering and charging in the flats. However, the sensitivity analysis concludes that profitability is highly dependent on certain assumptions made and that it is difficult to draw any general conclusions from the results. Among other things, it can be concluded that a change in initial consumption of hot water from 60 m 3 to 70 m3 makes both options profitable, all else equal. Small adjustments of the parameters can thus have a major impact on the calculation.

Projecting the Impact of a Nationwide School Plain Water Access Intervention on Childhood Obesity: A Cost–Benefit Analysis

An, R., Xue, H., Wang, L., Wang, Y. 01 November 2018 (has links)
Objective: This study aimed to project the societal cost and benefit of an expansion of a water access intervention that promotes lunchtime plain water consumption by placing water dispensers in New York school cafeterias to all schools nationwide. Methods: A decision model was constructed to simulate two events under Markov chain processes – placing water dispensers at lunchtimes in school cafeterias nationwide vs. no action. The incremental cost pertained to water dispenser purchase and maintenance, whereas the incremental benefit was resulted from cases of childhood overweight/obesity prevented and corresponding lifetime direct (medical) and indirect costs saved. Results: Based on the decision model, the estimated incremental cost of the school-based water access intervention is $18 per student, and the corresponding incremental benefit is $192, resulting in a net benefit of $174 per student. Subgroup analysis estimates the net benefit per student to be $199 and $149 among boys and girls, respectively. Nationwide adoption of the intervention would prevent 0.57 million cases of childhood overweight, resulting in a lifetime cost saving totalling $13.1 billion. The estimated total cost saved per dollar spent was $14.5. Conclusion: The New York school-based water access intervention, if adopted nationwide, may have a considerably favourable benefit–cost portfolio.

Ethnic Differences in the Links Between Benefit Finding and Psychological Adjustment in People Living With HIV

Fekete, Erin M., Chatterton, Michael, Skinta, Matthew D., Williams, Stacey L. 01 June 2016 (has links)
Experiencing growth after the diagnosis of a life threatening illness is commonly reported among people living with HIV (PLWH). The links between benefit finding and better adjustment in PLWH have been identified, but it is less clear whether these links vary by ethnicity. Minority stress theory suggests that individuals from minority populations may have unique stress experiences, which can have negative health implications but may also provide opportunity for growth. We hypothesized that the association between benefit finding and psychological adjustment would be stronger for Black (n = 80) than White (n = 87) PLWH. Contrary to predictions, the relationship between benefit finding and better adjustment was significant for White but not Black PLWH. Post-hoc analyses suggested that sexual orientation played role in this relationship. The relationship between benefit finding and psychological adjustment may be complex for Black PLWH, or they may achieve adjustment using other resources.

The Effect of Federal Reporting Regulations on Hospital Investment in Community Building

Escobar, Dorothy Magasis 01 January 2016 (has links)
The role of hospitals as partners in community health improvement is changing, especially for nonprofit hospitals receiving tax exemptions in exchange for providing benefits to the community. There are examples of reported health improvement activities funded through hospitals' charitable donations, but there's a gap in the literature on the effect of policy and legislation on hospitals' investments in community building activities that address the social determinants of health. Grounded in eco-social theory, this quantitative, correlational study compared secondary data from CA's nonprofit hospitals' annual 2009 and 2012 reports to determine what, if any, changes have occurred in the hospitals' investments in community building since the 2010 implementation of the IRS' new community benefit standard. Matched-pair t test and chi-square goodness of fit tests were used to determine if there is a relationship between IRS regulations and how hospitals distribute their charitable dollars. Independent sample t test and ANOVA were run to determine if the characteristics of the hospitals studied were predictive of the changes found. Aside from a shift in the distribution of community building investments by types of activities, this study found no significant change in the use of nonprofit hospitals' community benefit funds to address the social determinants of health. Analysis did not indicate that current public policy supports hospitals' shift from sick-care institutions to institutions that promote population health. Rather, it revealed that CA's hospitals currently make only small financial contributions to activities that address the social determinants of health missing opportunities to leverage their resources to more effectively impact multi-sector efforts to improve population health and reduce health inequities.

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