Spelling suggestions: "subject:"betekenis"" "subject:"hetekenis""
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Sense and nonsense in the law : towards clarity and plain meaning /Hondius, Ewoud, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Inaugurele rede Universiteit Utrecht. / Met lit. opg.
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Gedeelde ervaringe van orkeslede in die Con Amoré–orkes : ʼn fenomenologiese benadering / Leonora HumanHuman, Leonora January 2015 (has links)
Hierdie transendentale fenomenologiese studie beskryf die betekenis wat die Con Amoré-orkeslede uit hul gedeelde ervaringe put. Die orkes is gevestig by Hoërskool Drie Riviere in Vereeniging en bestaan uit een-en-dertig graad ses tot twaalf leerders woonagtig in die Vaaldriehoek. Die filosofiese wêreldbeskouing van hierdie skripsie is interpretivisties en die doel daarvan is om die gedeelde ervaringe van die orkeslede te beskryf, te verstaan en te interpreteer. Daar is ‟n deeglike literatuurstudie gedoen om die agtergrond van die studie te skets. Dit is ‟n kwalitatiewe studie waardeur data versamel is deur oop-einde onderhoude met die orkeslede te voer. Daarna is die getranskribreede onderhoude deur die navorser op die rekenaarprogram ATLAS.ti 7 ingevoer. Deur die aanhalings uit die onderhoude te kodeer en die kodes te kategoriseer het die volgende ses temas na vore gekom, naamlik omgee, betekenisvolheid, persoonlike ontwikkeling asook ontwikkeling van vaardighede, negatiewe ervaringe, dissipline en genot. Die implikasie van die studie is dat dirigente, orkesbestuurders en onderwysers wat jeugorkeste en ensembles afrig kan baat vind by die navorsing en dat dit kan bydra tot die sukses van die groep. My aanbevelings vir verdere studie is dat ‟n soortgelyke fenomenologiese studie gedoen kan word van die ervaringe van orkeslede in professionele orkeste, die ervaringe van musiekonderwysers wat musiek as vak vir grade tien tot twaalf aanbied, asook die ervaringe van leerders wat musiek as een van hul vakke neem. / MA(Musicology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Gedeelde ervaringe van orkeslede in die Con Amoré–orkes : ʼn fenomenologiese benadering / Leonora HumanHuman, Leonora January 2015 (has links)
Hierdie transendentale fenomenologiese studie beskryf die betekenis wat die Con Amoré-orkeslede uit hul gedeelde ervaringe put. Die orkes is gevestig by Hoërskool Drie Riviere in Vereeniging en bestaan uit een-en-dertig graad ses tot twaalf leerders woonagtig in die Vaaldriehoek. Die filosofiese wêreldbeskouing van hierdie skripsie is interpretivisties en die doel daarvan is om die gedeelde ervaringe van die orkeslede te beskryf, te verstaan en te interpreteer. Daar is ‟n deeglike literatuurstudie gedoen om die agtergrond van die studie te skets. Dit is ‟n kwalitatiewe studie waardeur data versamel is deur oop-einde onderhoude met die orkeslede te voer. Daarna is die getranskribreede onderhoude deur die navorser op die rekenaarprogram ATLAS.ti 7 ingevoer. Deur die aanhalings uit die onderhoude te kodeer en die kodes te kategoriseer het die volgende ses temas na vore gekom, naamlik omgee, betekenisvolheid, persoonlike ontwikkeling asook ontwikkeling van vaardighede, negatiewe ervaringe, dissipline en genot. Die implikasie van die studie is dat dirigente, orkesbestuurders en onderwysers wat jeugorkeste en ensembles afrig kan baat vind by die navorsing en dat dit kan bydra tot die sukses van die groep. My aanbevelings vir verdere studie is dat ‟n soortgelyke fenomenologiese studie gedoen kan word van die ervaringe van orkeslede in professionele orkeste, die ervaringe van musiekonderwysers wat musiek as vak vir grade tien tot twaalf aanbied, asook die ervaringe van leerders wat musiek as een van hul vakke neem. / MA(Musicology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Die lewe en werk van die skilder W.H. Coetzer en sy kultuurhistoriese betekenis (Afrikaans)De Beer, Andre 07 December 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is twofold: firstly, to give a general and broad picture of the painter, W.H. Coetzer as a person and as an artist; secondly, to stress the cultural historic importance of his work. His faithful execution of events in the history of our nation has contributed significantly to the history of South African Art. He inherited his artistic talent solely from his mother. His youth was a time of hardships. His father died when Coetzer was still young. Notwithstanding his duties in supporting his family he turned his back upon a career of wagon-building and dedicated himself with self-assurance exclusively to the art of painting. After numerous initial setbacks his work came to the notice of a few prominent Johannesburg art connoisseurs in 1928. Through their active aid Coetzer could study intermittently at schools of art in London between the years 1925 and 1934, where he received a course aimed at thorough academic training. Returning to South Africa, a period of hardships followed. It was a struggle to have his work accredited. In these years he started feeling it a calling to fulfil a national role as artist. He undertook a thorough study of the history of South Africa and more specifically of the Great Trek. He followed the various routes of the Voortrekkers, making numerous sketches and notes on the way. Con¬sequently, within a few years, he received several commissions from public institutions. To commemorate the historic Trek by wagon (1938) and the inauguration of the Voortrekker Monument (1949), he designed a series of special stamps, dust-covers for publications and various memento's. These brought him acknowledgement as a "national" artist. Coetzer's sketch designs for the historic frieze in the Monument served as the first-indicators and contributed to the unity-existing in the work today. Apart from commissions for portraits of personalities of national importance, public demand for his landscape and still-life paintings increased rapidly. After his marriage in 1942 he came to own, for the first time, a spacious and well-equipped studio. Coetzer's six most frugal years as creative artist were devoted to the designing of the series of tapestries in the Voortrekker Monument. This creation can perhaps be regarded as the climax of his cultural historic art. Coetzer's admiration for the Trekker leader, Louis Trigardt, inspired the creation of his last and biggest mural, "For you, South Africa", painted for the T.P.A. Building in Pretoria. Although known for his works on an historic level, Coetzer is not bound by this theme which required factual rigidity; today he paints according to the inspiration of the moment and for the pleasure it gives him. As a versatile artist adept in handling various media of art, the past forty years have witnessed paintings of divergent nature. His landscapes vary from grandiose, impressive mountain scenes to humble interpretations of Highveld winter lanscapes. It is, however, his Still-life paintings that assert his skill as artist most highly. Today W.H. Coetzer's paintings are resplendent in many public and private collections and will always testify to the history of his nation and will serve as herald to the beauty of his native land. / AFRIKAANS : Die doelstelling met hierdie studie is tweeledig: Eerstens om ‘n algemene en oorsigtelike beeld van die skilder W.H. Coetzer as mens en kunstenaar te gee; tweedens om sy kultuurhistoriese betekenis te benadruk. Met sy uitbeelding van gebeurtenisse uit ons volksgeskiedenis, en die histories-korrekte, realistiese weergawe daarvan, het W.H. Coetzer ‘n groot kultuurhistoriese bydrae tot die Suid-Afrikaanse kunsgeskiedenis gelewer. Hy het sy kunsaanleg uitsluitlik van sy moeder geëerf. Sy jeugjare is gekenmerk deur swaarkry. Sy vader het hulle vroeg ontval. Nie-teenstaande sy verpligtinge om te help met die onderhoud van sy familie, het hy met kenmerkende selfvertroue die wamakery in 1925 laat vaar en hom voltyds op ‘n kunsloopbaan toegelê. Na herhaalde teleurstellings het sy werk in 1928 onder die aandag van ‘n paar Johannesburgse kunskenners gekom. Deur hulle daadwerklike hulp kon Coetzer, met onderbreking, van 1928 af tot 1934 aan Londense kunsskole studeer. Daar het hy deeglike, akademies-gerigte opleiding ontvang en goed presteer. Na sy terugkeer in Suid-Afrika volg ‘n periode van stryd om erkenning vir sy kuns. In hierdie jare ontwikkel by Coetzer die drang om as kunstenaar ‘n nasionale roeping te vervul. Hy onderneem ‘n deeglike studie van die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis, veral die Groot Trek, en maak talle sketse en aantekeninge op sy reise langs die ou Voortrekkerroetes. Binne ‘n paar jaar verwerf hy op hierdie wyse verskeie opdragte van publieke instansies. Vir die Historiese Ossewatrek (1838), en die Inwyding van die Voortrekkermonument (1949), ontwerp hy reekse spesiale posseëls, stofomslae vir publikasies en ‘n verskeidenheid aandenkings. Dit het vir horn erkenning as „volkskilder” meegebring. Coetzer se sketsontwerpe vir die Historiese Fries in die monument het die eerste aanwysing gegee en bygedra tot die eenheid wat vandag in die werk bestaan. Benewens opdragte vir portrette van nasionale figure het die publieke aanvraag steeds toegeneem vir sy landskap- en stilleweskilderye. Na sy huwelik in 1942 beskik hy vir die eerste keer oor ‘n ruim en goedtoegeruste ateljee. Aan die ontwerpe vir die Voortrekkermuurtapisserie vir die Voortrekkermonument het Coetzer ses van sy rypste jare as skeppende kunstenaar gewy. Dit kan bestempel word as die hoogtepunt van sy kultuurhistoriese werk. Coetzer se bewondering vir die Trekkerleier Louis Trigardt het die tema vir sy grootste, en laaste, kultuurhistoriese skildery bepaal, naamlik die muurskildery „Vir jou, Suid-Afrika" vir die Provinsiale-gebou in Pretoria. Wat betref sy persoonlike kuns is Coetzer nie gebonde aan enige beperkende opdrag wat historiese korrektheid vereis nie; vandag skilder hy volgens eie ingewing en vir sy plesier. As veelsydige kunstenaar wat bedrewe is in die hantering van ‘n verskeidenheid kunsmedia, lewer hy oor die afgelope meer as veertig jaar skilderye van uiteenlopende aard. Sy landskappe wissel van grootse, indrukwekkende bergtonele, tot die weergawe van eenvoudige Hoëveldse winterlandskappe. Dit is egter in sy stillewes wat sy kunstenaarskap in hoë mate bevestig word. W.H. Coetzer se skilderye pryk vandag in talle publieke- en privaat kunsversamelings en sal altyd die geskiedenis van sy volk verkondig en die skoonheid van sy land besing. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Visual Arts / Unrestricted
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The exploration of stereotypes within selected South African organisations / Lizelle BrinkBrink, Lizelle January 2014 (has links)
After the first democratic election that took place in South Africa in 1994, numerous changes
occurred within the labour force. The labour force has become increasingly diverse with
individuals from different races, genders and ages now fulfilling various positions within
organisations. Consequently, organisations have become more focused on managing this
diverse workforce and eliminating stereotypes, and consequently discrimination that
accompanies this diversity. Stereotypes that are formed within organisations can be based on
various criteria and, if not addressed, can lead to various negative consequences for both the
individual and the organisation. It therefore seems that stereotypes are an important topic to
research, specifically within the unique South African context.
The objective of this study was to explore the prevalent stereotypes and the experiences
thereof among individuals working in selected South African organisations. Within the social
constructivism paradigm using an emic perspective, qualitative research from both a
phenomenological and hermeneutic approach was employed to achieve the objectives of this
study. Both purposive and convenience sampling was used for the purpose of this study after
utilising a multiple case study strategy. Employees of selected South African organisations
(N = 336) were involved in this research study. These organisations formed part of the
following employment sectors: banking, higher education institutions, mining, municipalities,
nursing, police services, primary and secondary schools, and restaurant industry. Data was
collected by making use of semi-structured interviews, and data analysis was achieved by
means of thematic analysis.
The results of this study indicated that individuals working in selected South African
organisations are familiar with the meaning of stereotypes and that they are consciously aware of the origin of stereotypes. Results indicated that although not all of the participants
have had direct experiences with stereotyped groups, they are well aware that stereotypes are
also caused by indirect sources.
The results of this study also illustrate that various stereotypes exist within selected South
African organisations. It was explored on an out-group and in-group level. It was found that
not only do employees stereotype others (out-group), they are also well aware of being
stereotyped themselves (in-group). The most prevalent stereotypes were based on race,
gender, age, occupation, and other work-related dimensions. Stereotypes based on race,
gender and age were based on the internal dimensions of diversity. Stereotypes were also
based on the external and organisational dimensions of diversity and included occupation,
physical appearance, position, qualification, and duration in organisation. Interesting to note
is that with in-group occupational stereotyping, most employees felt they are also stereotyped
on their internal dimensional characteristics (race, gender and age).
Stereotyped occupations include: academics, administration staff, educators, engineers,
finance, human resources, librarians, mining, nursing, police and restaurant waitrons. The
findings of this study also showed that when individuals experience in-group stereotypes,
they react to these stereotypes on a cognitive, behavioural or emotional level. Results
indicated that participants mostly reacted to stereotypes in a cognitive manner and most of
these experiences were negative in nature. Recommendations with regard to future research
and practice were made. Managers within organisations should eliminate stereotypes from
organisational practices and decision-making by not focusing on irrelevant personal
differences, but rather on performance-related information. Employees should be trained and
educated by the organisation regarding stereotypes and the effects thereof. Employees should
also be provided with an opportunity to interact with diverse people within the organisation. / PhD (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The exploration of stereotypes within selected South African organisations / Lizelle BrinkBrink, Lizelle January 2014 (has links)
After the first democratic election that took place in South Africa in 1994, numerous changes
occurred within the labour force. The labour force has become increasingly diverse with
individuals from different races, genders and ages now fulfilling various positions within
organisations. Consequently, organisations have become more focused on managing this
diverse workforce and eliminating stereotypes, and consequently discrimination that
accompanies this diversity. Stereotypes that are formed within organisations can be based on
various criteria and, if not addressed, can lead to various negative consequences for both the
individual and the organisation. It therefore seems that stereotypes are an important topic to
research, specifically within the unique South African context.
The objective of this study was to explore the prevalent stereotypes and the experiences
thereof among individuals working in selected South African organisations. Within the social
constructivism paradigm using an emic perspective, qualitative research from both a
phenomenological and hermeneutic approach was employed to achieve the objectives of this
study. Both purposive and convenience sampling was used for the purpose of this study after
utilising a multiple case study strategy. Employees of selected South African organisations
(N = 336) were involved in this research study. These organisations formed part of the
following employment sectors: banking, higher education institutions, mining, municipalities,
nursing, police services, primary and secondary schools, and restaurant industry. Data was
collected by making use of semi-structured interviews, and data analysis was achieved by
means of thematic analysis.
The results of this study indicated that individuals working in selected South African
organisations are familiar with the meaning of stereotypes and that they are consciously aware of the origin of stereotypes. Results indicated that although not all of the participants
have had direct experiences with stereotyped groups, they are well aware that stereotypes are
also caused by indirect sources.
The results of this study also illustrate that various stereotypes exist within selected South
African organisations. It was explored on an out-group and in-group level. It was found that
not only do employees stereotype others (out-group), they are also well aware of being
stereotyped themselves (in-group). The most prevalent stereotypes were based on race,
gender, age, occupation, and other work-related dimensions. Stereotypes based on race,
gender and age were based on the internal dimensions of diversity. Stereotypes were also
based on the external and organisational dimensions of diversity and included occupation,
physical appearance, position, qualification, and duration in organisation. Interesting to note
is that with in-group occupational stereotyping, most employees felt they are also stereotyped
on their internal dimensional characteristics (race, gender and age).
Stereotyped occupations include: academics, administration staff, educators, engineers,
finance, human resources, librarians, mining, nursing, police and restaurant waitrons. The
findings of this study also showed that when individuals experience in-group stereotypes,
they react to these stereotypes on a cognitive, behavioural or emotional level. Results
indicated that participants mostly reacted to stereotypes in a cognitive manner and most of
these experiences were negative in nature. Recommendations with regard to future research
and practice were made. Managers within organisations should eliminate stereotypes from
organisational practices and decision-making by not focusing on irrelevant personal
differences, but rather on performance-related information. Employees should be trained and
educated by the organisation regarding stereotypes and the effects thereof. Employees should
also be provided with an opportunity to interact with diverse people within the organisation. / PhD (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Emosionele en spirituele intelligensie in huweliksaanpassing : jong volwassenes met voorskoolse kinders (Afrikaans)Smith, Anna Magrietha 16 May 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie navorsing is die huwelik met voorskoolse kinders in Suid-Afrika aan die begin van die een-en-twintigste eeu ondersoek. Hierdie huweliksfase, met sy vele uitdagings en huwelikstake, word beskou as die fase met die laagste huweliksaanpassing en die hoogste voorkoms van egskeiding. Die sin en betekenis van hierdie uitdagings (spirituele intelligensie of SQ), sowel as die emosionele belewenis, verstaan en hantering hiervan (emosionele intelligensie of EQ), asook die rol wat dit in huweliksaanpassing speel, is ondersoek. Eerstens is ’n vraelys ontwikkel wat SQ-eienskappe kan meet (MMV-SQ-vraelys), naamlik: (i) die vind van sin en betekenis in ’n gegewe situasie, (ii) motiveringsbronne van gedrag, en (iii) die waardes wat uitgeleef word. Data van 198 respondente het gedui op betroubaarheid van subskale wat wissel van 0.47 tot 0.80. Bevredigende konstrukgeldigheid is verkry deur die verhouding tussen die subskale van die SQ-vraelys en waardeskaal te ondersoek (r het gevarieer van 0.15; p ≤ 0.05 tot 0.54; p ≤ 0.01). Sowel kwantitatiewe as kwalitatiewe navorsing is vervolgens gebruik. In die kwantitatiewe navorsing is die MMV-SQ-vraelys, die huweliks-aanpassingsvraelys van Spanier (Dyadic Adjustment Scale), asook die SSRI (Schutte Self-Report Inventory) op 84 deelnemers toegepas. Die deelnemers het 84 getroude persone, waaronder 34 egpare ingesluit. Die verband tussen huweliksaanpassing en EQ is ondersoek deur korrelasies te bereken tussen die subskale van die DAS en SSRI. Dit het geblyk dat ʼn optimistiese gemoedstemming ʼn verband toon met al die subskale van huweliksaanpassing. Die herkenning van die eie en die huweliksmaat se gevoelens, sosiale vaardighede, en die toepassing van emosies blyk verband te hou met hoër huwelikstevredenheid asook huwelikskonsensus. Sosiale vaardighede het ook ʼn verband getoon met affeksionele uitdrukking. EQ het egter nie ’n sterk verband met huwelikskohesie getoon nie. Die verband tussen die subskale van die DAS is vervolgens vergelyk met dié van die MMV-SQ-vraelys. Betekenisvolle korrelasies tussen enkele skale van huweliksaanpassing en SQ het voorgekom, veral wat die motiveringskaal betref: egpaarlede wie se gedrag deur die motiveringsbron bemeestering gemotiveer word, blyk ʼn hoër mate van huweliksaanpassing te hê, terwyl die negatiewe motiveringsbronne, waaronder selfgesentreerdheid, drange en vrees, ’n negatiewe verband met huweliksaanpassing toon. Min verbande is egter gevind tussen huweliksaanpassing, en sin en betekenis (wel tussen meditatiewe bewustheid en huwelikskonsensus, asook tussen empatiese aanvaarding en openheid, en affeksionele ekspressie). Geen verbande is ten opsigte van waardes gevind nie. Verskille tussen mans en vroue se EQ en SQ is ook ondersoek, maar geen groot verskille is verkry nie. Deur ’n meervoudige regressie is enkele verdere biografiese veranderlikes geïdentifiseer wat ʼn verband met huweliksaanpassing toon. In die kwalitatiewe navorsing is verskeie aspekte ondersoek en bespreek: die rolverdeling ten opsigte van kinderopvoeding en huistake, die balans tussen beroep en gesin, persoonlike tevredenheid (SQ) in die huwelik, asook die begrip en hantering van gevoelens (EQ). Die waarde van hierdie navorsing lê veral in die grondleggingswerk van die SQ-vraelys, asook bruikbare inligting ten opsigte van die huwelik met voorskoolse kinders in Suid-Afrika. Leiding aan egpare in die hantering van gevoelens (EQ), asook insig in hulle motiveringsbronne (SQ) behoort dus hulle huweliksaanpassing te verhoog. ENGLISH: In this research, the South-African marriage with preschool children was investigated. This phase of marriage, full of challenges and marital tasks, is regarded showing the lowest degree of marital adjustment and the highest incidence of divorce. The meaning, (spiritual intelligence or SQ), emotional experience, understanding and dealing with these challenges (emotional intelligence or EQ), as well as the relation to marital adjustment, were investigated. Firstly, a questionnaire was developed that could measure the characteristics of SQ, namely: (i) finding purpose and meaning in a given situation, (ii) motivations of behaviour, and (iii) values. Data from 198 respondents indicated the reliability of the subscales, which vary from 0.47 to 0.80. Satisfactory construct validity was obtained by researching the relation between the subscales of the SQ questionnaire and the value scale (r varied from 0.15; p ≤ 0.05 to 0.54; p ≤ 0.01). Next, both qualitative and quantitative research were utilised. In the quantitative research, the MMV SQ questionnaire, the marital adjustment questionnaire of Spanier (Dyadic Adjustment Scale), as well as the SSRI (Schutte Self-Report Inventory) were completed by the respondents. The respondents were 84 married individuals, including 34 couples. The relationship between marital adjustment and EQ was investigated by calculating correlations between the subscales of the DAS and SSRI. It transpired that an optimistic frame of mind showed a correlation with all the subscales of marital adjustment. It also appeared that the recognition of the own and the spouse’s feelings, social skills, and the application of emotions were related to increased marital satisfaction as well as marital consensus. Social skills also displayed a correlation with affectional expression. EQ, however, did not show a strong correlation with marital cohesion. Next, the relation between the subscales of the DAS was compared to that of the MMV-SQ questionnaire. Meaningful correlations between some scales of marital adjustment and SQ occurred, in particular with regard to the motivational scale: couples whose behaviour are motivated by mastering, appear to display a higher degree of marital adjustment, while the negative sources of motivation like self-centredness, craving and fears, display a negative correlation with marital adjustment. Few correlations were found between marital adjustment and purpose and meaning (between meditative awareness and marital consensus; between empathetic acceptance and openness, and affectional expression). No correlation was found with regard to values. Differences between the EQ and SQ of men and women were also investigated, but no major differences were observed. By means of multiple regressions it was indicated that some biographic variables did show a correlation with marital adjustment. Valuable information was obtained in the qualitative research regarding the couple’s roles in child-raising and domestic chores, the balance between career and family, personal satisfaction (SQ) in the marriage, as well as the understanding and handling of feelings (EQ). The value of this research lies in the foundational work of the SQ questionnaire in particular, as well as useful information with regard to South African marriages with preschool children. Guiding couples in their dealing with feelings (EQ), as well as providing an insight into the sources of motivation (SQ), should therefore enhance their marital adjustment. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted
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'n Musikale model van koherensieverhoudings getoets aan die hand van J.S. Bach se Schübler-koraalvoorspele : 'n loodsstudie (Afrikaans)Pelser, Maria Magdalena 17 October 2009 (has links)
In text linguistics coherence is seen as one of the key factors in communication and textual interpretation. Text linguistics, as an inter-disciplinary field of study concerning the textuality of texts in conjunction with coherence, can probably be of great importance in current musicology, especially as the problem concerning musical meaning, is still an ongoing debate. The design of a musical model of coherence relations is a new field of study and can not be connected to present day language models, therefore a new model should be invented. It should be kept in mind that adaptations in text linguistics can be of great influence in musicology today and on music in its relation to language. Musical interlocution forms the basis for musical coherence relations as method of musical communication. Musical communication has its origin in the top/cohesive surface of the musical text and disseminates to the lower/coherensive surface of the musical text. Although there is an interaction between musical cohesion and coherence, coherence relations are more concentrated on the lower level. Musical illocution and musical blended perlocution function within the coherensive musical and word texts. The listener plays a big role in this process, because musical coherence is the platform for musical interpretation. As listeners design a word text around the music text, musical blended perlocution through association results. The addition of associative meaning to the musical text has the result that the linguistic perlocution and the musical perlocution intermix with one another. One must keep in mind that perlocution differs in language and music. It will be indicated that musical coherence relations have a dual character. It will be argued here that the principles of musical textuality, adjusted from those text linguistically practised by De Beaugrande&Dressler (1981) and Carstens (1997, 2000, 2009), as well as the three musical functions, adapted from Austin's (1962) determination in language, figure strongly in J.S. Bach's Schübler Chorales. / Thesis (DMus)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Music / unrestricted
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'n Ondersoek na uitbeeldings van skisofrenie-verwante elemente in geselekteerde kontemporêre videokunswerke (Afrikaans)Luneburg, Nathani 09 December 2011 (has links)
This study focuses on the following schizophrenic related elements to be found in the postmodern society and to be represented in selected contemporary video artworks: 1) creation of an alternative world and 2) disturbance in meaning. To confirm that the creation of an alternative world and disturbance in meaning is present in postmodern society, the following elements are investigated as symptoms of schizophrenia and characteristics present in contemporary society: 1) fragmentation, 2) withdrawal from reality, 3) misinterpretation of memories and 3) the creation of 'word salad'. In order to draw a parallel between schizophrenia and the postmodern society, the postmodern theories of Simon Gottschalk, Fredric Jameson, Kenneth Gergen, Jean Baudrillard, Andreas Huyssen, Gilles Deleuze en Paul Virilio as well as the medical studies involving schizophrenia by the Schizophrenia Foundation of South Africa, the University of Iowa se Department of Healthcare and D Sue, DW Sue en S Sue are used. In both conditions of schizophrenia and postmodern society, reality and meaning are altered. This study concludes that schizophrenic related elements are present in the postmodern society and therefore these elements are represented in the selected video artworks of the artists Eija-Liisa Ahtila and myself.AFRIKAANS : Hierdie studie fokus op die skisofrenie-verwante elemente wat voorkom in die postmoderne samelewing naamlik: 1) alternatiewe wêreldskepping en 2) versteuring in betekenisgewing en wat uitgebeeld word in geselekteerde kontemporêre videokunswerke. Fragmentering, onttrekking van realiteit, waninterpretasie van herinneringe en die skepping van 'woordslaai' word as simptome van skisofrenie en as kenmerkende eienskappe in die postmoderne samelewing ondersoek om die argument te versterk dat alternatiewe wêreldskepping en versteuring in betekenisgewing teenwoordig is in die postmoderne samelewing. Die postmoderne teorieë van Simon Gottschalk, Fredric Jameson, Kenneth Gergen, Jean Baudrillard, Andreas Huyssen, Gilles Deleuze en Paul Virilio sowel as die mediese studies deur die Schizophrenia Foundation of South Africa, die University of Iowa se Department of Healthcare en D Sue, DW Sue en S Sue aangaande skisofrenie, word gebruik om parallelle tussen die postmoderne samelewing en die mediese toestand van skisofrenie in hierdie studie te trek. Daar word vasgestel dat realiteit en betekenis in beide toestande van skisofrenie en die postmoderne samelewing verbuig en hervorm word. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie is dat skisofrenie-verwante elemente wel voorkom in die kontemporêre samelewing en dus uitgebeeld word in die geselekteerde videokunswerke van die kunstenaars Eija-Liisa Ahtila en myself. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Visual Arts / unrestricted
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