Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biblical teaching"" "subject:"abiblical teaching""
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Job : la souffrance et le mal dans sa relation au divin selon Carl Gustav JungEnia, Cézar. January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Le Deutéronome, la famille et la transmission de la loi en Israël ancienLeblanc, Simon January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Cornelius a Lapide's biblical methodology used in Marian texts and its comparison with a contemporary approachPresta, James January 2005 (has links)
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The principalities and powers in the Pauline corpus : a reconsideration of their identityHird, Cathy L. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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Humanity's rejection of God, the creator, according to Romans 1:18-32Remezov, Anatoly 01 January 2002 (has links)
The author of dissertation considers that dependence of behavior of people on their attitude toward God the Creator is perhaps the first and the most important topic that comes to mind during the study of the present passage of the most fundamental Paul's epistle. We believe it is necessary to explore "false foundations" as we see as Paul opposes to them his ideology -
ideology of worship to God the Creator. We affirm that Paul sees the main reason of immoral behavior in such area of man's activity as thinking that, in its tum, denies the Creator of every living thing of Earth and because of its incapability to rule over human passions is forced to look for an ideological basis for its acts.
This thesis has also practical meaning because it demonstrates Paul's methodology of disproval of false theories of that time revealing their illogicality and senselessness. / Biblical and Ancient studies / M. Th (New Testament)
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Wohin predigen führt: Die Sendungsorientierte Gemeinde als Ziel biblischer Verkündigung = Where preaching leads to the missioncentred local church: the goal of biblical preachingEickhoff, Klaus 30 September 2005 (has links)
Text in German / This dissertation is a contribution in the field of Homiletics, a sub-discipline in the area of Practical Theology. It also touches the subjects of Counseling, Cy-bernetics and Religious Pedagogy. Furthermore, it also is concerned with the other theological disciplines: Theology of the OT and NT, Missiology and Sys-tematic Theology. This work also refers intra-disciplinarily to findings in Ethol-ogy, Management Theory, Neurobiology, Neuropsychotherapy and Socio-logy.
The basic thesis is, "The goal of the biblical message is the mission oriented church to the glory of God, to the salvation and well-being of man." This will be demonstrated from the Holy Scriptures and made applicable to preaching and to church growth and development.
The observation of the church's message results in a new thesis: "The aban-donment of the soteriological message of the church is the main reason for the dwindling of her spiritual power and therewith also of her eschatological and po-litical significance." The abandonment of the mission goes back to a christo-logical crisis. This is grounded on the preaching of less than Biblical messages with negative consequences for the church and for the people whose need for the Gospel remains unfulfilled.
It will be shown that in the OT and NT various missions of the Trinity are ob-servable which are to be understood soteriologically, with the exception of the Creation. The Bible is the written expression of these missions that are evidenced within it. The distinct dynamic of the mission of Jesus is based on His obedience, His struggle against the powers of evil and the dedication of His life for the Salva-tion of the world.
The ministry that preaches reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18) represents the one who reconciled the world to Himself. The dynamic of His mission corresponds to the dynamic role of the ministry of preaching. It is incumbent on the ministry to evangelize and equip the church members for their service in the congregation. The purpose of equipping the church and calling together is to practice missions. The implementation of missions will bring about a basic positive change in the attitude of the church and her pastoral activities. Because of this, we see that our usual understanding of the sermon is based on the ecclesiological misunder-standing to adress the sermon to individuals (the listener) instead to a faithful body of Christ. The church must be obedient in a new way regard to the question of mission. This is a question of life or death. The message that is preached by the church will lead it either to destruction or to the goal-centered, missions-oriented interaction of her charisms - to the glory of God and the salvation of humankind.
Deutsche Zusammenfassung
Diese Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zur Homiletik, einer Teildisziplin der Praktischen Theologie. Dabei berührt sie weitere ihrer Fachrichtungen wie Seelsorge, Kybernetik, Religionspädagogik. Zudem greift sie auf andere theologische Disziplinen zurück: Theologie des AT und NT, Missiologie, Systematische Theologie. Ebenso bezieht sich die Arbeit intradisziplinär auf Ergebnisse der Ethologie, Managementtheorie, Neurobiologie, Neuropsychotherapie, Soziologie.
Die Grundthese lautet: ,,Das Ziel biblischer Verkündigung ist die sendungs-orientierte Gemeinde - Gott zum Lob, dem Menschen zur ewigen Rettung und zeitlichem Wohl." Das wird aus der Schrift nachgewiesen und für die Verkündigung und Gemeindeentwicklung fruchtbar gemacht.
Aus Wahrnehmungen des hiesigen Predigtgeschehen ergibt sich eine Erkenntnis: ,,Die Preisgabe ihrer soteriologisch zu verstehenden Sendung ist die Hauptursache dafür, dass die spirituelle Kraft der Kirche schwindet und damit ihre eschatologische und politische Bedeutung." Die Preisgabe der Sendung geht auf eine Krise des Christusglaubens der Gemeinde zurück. Diese hat ihre Ursache in der an sie ergehenden Predigt mit schlimmen Folgen für die Gemeinde und die Menschen, denen sie das Evangelium schuldig bleibt.
Es wird gezeigt, dass im AT und NT verschiedene Sendungen des Dreieinigen bezeugt sind, die sich, abgesehen von der Schöpfung, soteriologisch verstehen. Die Bibel ist der schriftliche Niederschlag, der in ihr bezeugten Sendungen. Die besondere Dynamik der Sendung Jesu ergibt sich aus seinem Gehorsam, seinem Kampf gegen die Mächte, seiner Lebenshingabe zum Heil der Welt.
Der Dienst, der Versöhnung predigt (2. Kor 5,18), repräsentiert den, der die Welt mit sich versöhnte. Der Dynamik seiner Sendung entspricht das dynamische Predigtamt. Ihm obliegt die Zurüstung und Sammlung der Gemeinde mit dem Ziel ihrer Sendung. Die ,,Sammlung zur Sendung" führt zu grundlegenden, positiven Veränderungen der Gemeinden und ihrer pfarramtlichen Praxis. Es zeigt sich, dass unsere gewöhnliche Predigtauffassung auf einem ekklesiologischen Missverständnis beruht: Statt verbindliche, zielgerichtete Sendungsrede zu sein, ist Predigt individualisierende ,,Seelenbedienung". Adressat ist der einzelne Hörer, nicht die sendungsorientierte Gemeinde als Leib Christi. - Die Kirche steht im Blick auf ihre Sendung vor der Frage des Gehorsams als einer Frage von Leben oder Tod. Ihre Predigt führt die Gemeinden entweder ins Verderben oder zum sendungsorientierten Zusammenspiel ihrer Charismen und Dienste - zur Ehre Gottes und der Rettung und dem Wohl der Menschen. / Practical Theology / D.Th.
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The need for teaching the escatological gospel of both coming of Jesus Christ in the twenty - first century especially if we see the day of his Parousia approachingHebert, David K. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is designed to outline the systematic-theological and theological-historical basis for the Eschatological Gospel of Both Comings of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha Mashiach). This cohesively combines Jesus‘ First Coming (for redemption, reconciliation and restoration) with His Second Coming (for the Rapture/Resurrection of the Church/Body of Christ and judgment at the Day of the Lord/Yahweh) into the complete salvation of the Church. The historical writings of the Patristic, Ante- and Post-Nicene Fathers are examined to ensure the continuity of this Eschatological Gospel message being communicated through their writings to the Early Church. The remainder of Church history is examined to ensure the Eschatological Gospel continued to be communicated by the Church as a part of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Then, in keeping with the eschatological prophetic intent of the Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Weeds) in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, of both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan coexisting and growing until ―the end of the age,‖ the antithesis of the Eschatological Gospel is examined—Satan‘s plan of lies, deception and heresy throughout history, culminating with the explosion of activity since 1948. This satanic plan is described as being not only insidiously deceptive by recruiting converts to the kingdom of darkness in rebellion and opposition to the kingdom of God, but also as preparing the way for the End-time/Last Days‘ ten-nation confederacy to be led by the antichrist. Biblical chronology is used to trace the history of both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness to the present day. Finally, the ―Signs of the Times‖ in modern history are examined, thereby showing the need for the Eschatological Gospel to be taught in the twenty-first century, especially as the day of the Lord Jesus Christ‘s Parousia rapidly approaches. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Weg zum vollkommenen Glauben nach dem Jakobusbrief / Striving for perfect faith according to the Epistle of JamesBöllert, Michael 09 1900 (has links)
German text / In dieser Studie wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob der Jakobusbrief den Weg zum
vollkommenen Glauben zeigt. Dazu wird zunächst die Berechtigung einer solchen
Fragestellung anhand der neueren Forschung aufgezeigt. Dann werden in knapper Form
allgemeine Fragen zum Jakobusbrief behandelt, bevor die beiden Zentralbegriffe dieser
Studie untersucht werden: Glaube und vollkommen. Um eine inhaltliche Definition dieser
Begriffe im Jakobusbrief geben zu können, wird zunächst dargelegt, welche sprachlichen
bzw. inhaltlichen Kontexte in der damaligen Zeit gegeben waren und den Schreiber des
Jakobusbriefes beeinflusst haben könnten. Die so gewonnenen Ergebnisse fließen sodann in
die Untersuchung von Jakobus 2 ein. Dabei werden unter Berücksichtigung des rhetorischen
Aufbaus, der sprachlichen Besonderheiten und der kulturellen Gegebenheiten die Verse
Jakobus 2:1-13 und 2:14-26 untersucht. Hierbei ist das Beispiel von Abrahams Glauben in
Jakobus 2:22 von besonderer Bedeutung. Abschließend wird eine Antwort auf die eingangs
aufgeworfene Frage gegeben. / This thesis examines whether and in what way the Epistle of James shows the way to perfect
faith. A detailed survey of research indicates that this is an important and relevant question
that has, as yet, not been adequately examined. General questions about the Epistle of James
are addressed before a detailed analysis of the central terminology of this study, the language
of faith and of perfection. Assessment of this terminology requires an understanding of
which linguistic and other contexts were prevalent at the time of writing and how these may
have influenced the author. The results of these analyses are included in a detailed exegesis
of James 2:1-26 (which constitutes the main part of the thesis). Close attention is paid to the
rhetorical structure, the linguistic features and the cultural background of the passage. This
thesis argues that the example of Abraham’s faith in James 2:22 is of special significance in
the argumentation of the letter and in the quest for perfect faith. The conclusion confirms the
notion that the Letter of James makes a crucial contribution to our understanding of faith and
its perfection. This thesis also draws out certain implications for New Testament theology,
the contemporary church and society at large. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)
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Predestination in scriptures and reformation traditions : towards deconstructing paradigms for soteriology in a proposed Cameroon Baptist theological treatiseKame, Greg Sako 05 1900 (has links)
In the wake of the 19th century, the protestant reformation in Europe that led to the formation of mainline reformation traditions began impacting and shaping ministry in Africa, through missionary activities. But the clarion call for Africa’s renaissance was also a wakeup call for the African church to move from being consumers of the ‘imported’ theology brewed from a European perspective and take some responsibility in producing her own theology, which can be viewed and understood with an African cultural lens. If Africa must achieve the much needed renaissance, the church certainly has an indispensable role to play. But how can there be a meaningful church praxis in African polities without a solid contextualized theological foundation? Therefore in this project, I justify the need for a biblio-centric African theology by making a case for the Cameroon Baptist Convention in the Republic of Cameroon.
I argue that, to be able to solidify its foundation and enhance its Christian theological praxis in the society, a Cameroon Baptist Theological Treatise is needed in the Cameroon Baptist Convention. One that would contain well delineated and defended theological tenets required of an independent Christian denomination in Africa. Central to the development of this treatise is the development of a soteriology with a cognitive theological understanding of divine predestination. To develop a correct soteriology for this purpose, a process is required, one that would need to use sound theological principles to ensure a biblically accurate and theologically sound doctrine of soteriology as the point of departure. As an evangelical systematic theological research, I attempt in this project to deconstruct biblical and theological paradigms from scriptures and reformation traditions, which the Cameroon Baptist Convention leaders could use as tools in the process of delineating and defending their own tenets on soteriology in the proposed theological treatise. It begins by gathering data from reformation traditions and scriptures on predestination and moves on to construct theories that would not only help the Cameroon Baptist Convention leaders to develop a soteriology but also be fundamental to developing other relevant doctrines needed in the proposed Cameroon Baptist Theological Treatise. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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The influence of the angelology of 1 Enoch on Judaism in the Second Temple period / Influence of the angelology of First Enoch on Judaism in the Second Temple PeriodDingman, Terry William 31 March 2002 (has links)
Angelology emerged under the domination of Jewish groups. Reconstructing a brief history for Jewish groups of the second Temple Period is necessary to ascertain which Jewish group may be aligned with the angelology of 1 Enoch. Moreover, angelology developed within this natural historical context. An exploration of the tradition of angelogy includes angelic origins, their functions in the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint, possible mythical associations, and speculation about why angels surfaced within Israelite religion. Examining the background, structure and contents of 1 Enoch will ensconce the Enochic writings, within the Second Temple Period. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D.Litt. et Phil.
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