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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tambins inverkan på naturligt förekommande pollinatörer

Lindqvist, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
Det här arbetet handlar om tambins inverkan på naturligt förekommande pollinatörer. Min frågeställning berör: tillgången på näring, hälsotillståndet och populationsnivån hos naturligt förekommande pollinatörer i förhållande till tambins närvaro. Det som framkommit av den här litteraturstudien är att introducerade tambin leder till att naturligt förekommande pollinatörer minskar i antal kring bikuporna, en del arter söker föda på andra blommor eller senare på dygnet än tidigare. Den minskade tillgången på föda som denna konkurrens innebär har en negativ inverkan på humlors kroppsstorlek och därmed deras överlevnad. Samt att tambin kan föra över patogener så som varroakvalster, nosemasjuka och deformed wing virus till humlor vilket leder till minskad livslängd och sämre fortplantning. / This study is about the impact of honeybees on native pollinators. My questions concerns: availability of food, the health and population level of native pollinators in relation to the presence of honeybees. What has emerged from this literature review is that the introduction of honeybees lead to a decline in numbers of bee and bumblebee pollinators in proximity of the hives and also alters their behaviour, some species choose to forage on other flowers, or later in the day than before honeybees where introduced. The reduced availability of food that this competition induces has a negative impact on the size of bumblebees body’s and thus their survival. What was also discovered was that honeybees can transfer pathogens such as varroa mites, the microsporidium Nosema ceranae and deformed wing virus to bumblebees, leading to reduced life expectancy and poor propagation.

Analyse et optimisation d'un processus à partir d'un modèle BPMN dans une démarche globale de conception et de développement d'un processus métier : application à la dématérialisation de flux courrier du projet GOCD (PICOM) / Integrating a business process analysis and optimization step using BPMN model in a general process design and development approach : application to a paperless mail flow process

Shraideh, Ahmad 08 December 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse a été réalisée dans le cadre du projet « Gestion et Optimisation de la Chaîne Documentaire », projet labellisé par le Pôle de compétitivité des Industries du Commerce. Le projet a pour but de concevoir et de développer un nouveau workflow et un outil d’aide à la décision. Ce système doit être capable de gérer et d’optimiser le flux complet dématérialisé de contrats reçus à COFIDIS.Nous présentons d’abord le framework retenu dans le cadre du projet pour modéliser et implémenter le workflow. En phase de conception BPMN a été choisi. Pour la partie développement, l’utilisation de BPEL a été préconisée pour implémenter et exécuter l'application finale (services web).Cependant la flexibilité offerte par BPMN peut conduire à des propriétés indésirables du processus telles que blocage et inaccessibilité. De plus, BPMN a été conçu pour fournir des modèles Orientés Process. Les données ou les ressources y sont donc peu représentées. En conséquence, l'analyse de performance sur un modèle BPMN est quasi inexistante.Afin de surmonter ces problèmes nous proposons d’insérer dans le framework deux nouvelles phases. Ces deux phases sont appliquées au modèle BPMN. La première est une phase de vérification et de validation et la deuxième une phase d'optimisation. Ces deux phases sont réalisées en transformant le modèle BPMN vers un langage formel. Notre choix dans ce travail a été d'utiliser les réseaux de Petri. Ce qui nous a permis de vérifier et de valider de bonnes propriétés du process. Quant à l’optimisation, nous avons défini une nouvelle variante du problème d’affectation (bin packing problem) et proposé une résolution à intégrer dans le processus d’aide à la décision / This thesis has been realized as a part of the project GOCD (French acronym for Management and optimization of document life cycle) and within the context of the French competitive cluster PICOM. The project aims to design and develop a new paperless workflow system and decision making tool to replace the current paper based system. The new workflow system must manage and optimize received credit demands at COFIDIS.The first part of this thesis presents and discusses a framework to model and implement workflow systems. The proposed framework allows more flexibility in workflow reengineering process and operational analysis for different business process. The proposed framework uses the most recent and promising language to model and execute workflow the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Business Process Execution Language (BPEL).The flexibility offered by BPMN can also lead to undesirable properties for business process such as deadlocks and unreachablity. More, BPMN notation was designed to model business process, and little consideration was concentrated to represent data and resources. As a result, carrying out performance analysis on a BPMN model is also limited.To overcome these problems, we propose two additional phases in the reengineering process. They are applied to the target BPMN model. The first phase is verification and validation and the second one is optimization. These two phases are realized by transforming the BPMN model to a formal language, Petri nets. As for optimization, a new variant of bin packing problem has been defined. And we propose to integrate its resolution in a decision making tool

Conception et pilotage d'un atelier intégrant la fabrication additive / Design and management of a workshop integrating additive manufacturing

Antomarchi, Anne-Lise 27 September 2019 (has links)
La fabrication additive est un domaine en plein essor. Cependant, les industriels sont aujourd’hui dans une phase d’interrogation sur l’utilisation de ce procédé dans le cadre d’une production de masse. La problématique posée dans le cadre de ces travaux de recherche est : Comment rendre viable, industriellement, le procédé de fusion sur lit de poudre ? Nos travaux abordent la conception et le pilotage d’ateliers intégrant la fabrication additive et le processus complet d’obtention de la pièce selon les trois niveaux de décision : stratégique, tactique et opérationnel. D’un point du vue stratégique, des décisions fortes d’investissement, de sélection de machines et de choix d’organisation sont à prendre avec des enjeux économiques importants. L’objectif est de définir une méthode d’optimisation multicritère pour la conception modulaire d’un système de production intégrant la fabrication additive en présence de données incertaines, optimale sur le long terme et sur le court terme. D’un point de vue tactique, toutes les pièces ne sont pas forcément des candidates pertinentes pour la fabrication additive. Dans ces travaux, nous avons développé un outil d’aide à la décision qui évalue la pertinence ou non de la fabrication additive pour l’obtention des pièces dans une approche globale des coûts. Au niveau opérationnel, nous proposons un outil basé sur la simulation de flux qui permet de passer des commandes aux ordres de fabrication et leur ordonnancement de manière à garantir l’efficience de l’atelier. Ces travaux de recherche sont développés en lien avec des acteurs du monde industriel : AddUp, MBDA et Dassault qui alimentent nos travaux et nous permettent de confronter nos outils à une réalité industrielle. / The additive manufacturing is a field on the rise. However, companies wonder about the use of additive manufacturing for mass production. The problem raised in the context of this thesis is: How to make the process of sintering laser melting industrially viable? Our work focuses on the design and on the management of workshops integrating the additive manufacturing and of the complete process to obtain part according to three levels of decision: strategic, tactic and operational. About the strategic level, strong decisions of investment, machines selection and organization choice are taken with important economic issues. The aim is to define a multicriteria optimization method for the modular design of a production system integrating the additive manufacturing in the presence of uncertain data, optimal in the long term and the short term. From a tactical point of view, not all parts are necessarily relevant candidates for additive manufacturing. In this work, we developed a decision support tool that evaluates the relevance or not of additive manufacturing to obtain parts in a global cost approach. At the operational level, we offer a tool based on flow simulation that allows orders to be placed to production orders and their scheduling in order to guarantee the efficiency of the workshop. This research work is developed in collaboration with companies: AddUp, MBDA and Dassault, who contribute to our work and enable us to compare our tools with an industrial reality.

Approximation algorithms for multidimensional bin packing

Khan, Arindam 07 January 2016 (has links)
The bin packing problem has been the corner stone of approximation algorithms and has been extensively studied starting from the early seventies. In the classical bin packing problem, we are given a list of real numbers in the range (0, 1], the goal is to place them in a minimum number of bins so that no bin holds numbers summing to more than 1. In this thesis we study approximation algorithms for three generalizations of bin packing: geometric bin packing, vector bin packing and weighted bipartite edge coloring. In two-dimensional (2-D) geometric bin packing, we are given a collection of rectangular items to be packed into a minimum number of unit size square bins. Geometric packing has vast applications in cutting stock, vehicle loading, pallet packing, memory allocation and several other logistics and robotics related problems. We consider the widely studied orthogonal packing case, where the items must be placed in the bin such that their sides are parallel to the sides of the bin. Here two variants are usually studied, (i) where the items cannot be rotated, and (ii) they can be rotated by 90 degrees. We give a polynomial time algorithm with an asymptotic approximation ratio of $\ln(1.5) + 1 \approx 1.405$ for the versions with and without rotations. We have also shown the limitations of rounding based algorithms, ubiquitous in bin packing algorithms. We have shown that any algorithm that rounds at least one side of each large item to some number in a constant size collection values chosen independent of the problem instance, cannot achieve an asymptotic approximation ratio better than 3/2. In d-dimensional vector bin packing (VBP), each item is a d-dimensional vector that needs to be packed into unit vector bins. The problem is of great significance in resource constrained scheduling and also appears in recent virtual machine placement in cloud computing. Even in two dimensions, it has novel applications in layout design, logistics, loading and scheduling problems. We obtain a polynomial time algorithm with an asymptotic approximation ratio of $\ln(1.5) + 1 \approx 1.405$ for 2-D VBP. We also obtain a polynomial time algorithm with almost tight (absolute) approximation ratio of $1+\ln(1.5)$ for 2-D VBP. For $d$ dimensions, we give a polynomial time algorithm with an asymptotic approximation ratio of $\ln(d/2) + 1.5 \approx \ln d+0.81$. We also consider vector bin packing under resource augmentation. We give a polynomial time algorithm that packs vectors into $(1+\epsilon)Opt$ bins when we allow augmentation in (d - 1) dimensions and $Opt$ is the minimum number of bins needed to pack the vectors into (1,1) bins. In weighted bipartite edge coloring problem, we are given an edge-weighted bipartite graph $G=(V,E)$ with weights $w: E \rightarrow [0,1]$. The task is to find a proper weighted coloring of the edges with as few colors as possible. An edge coloring of the weighted graph is called a proper weighted coloring if the sum of the weights of the edges incident to a vertex of any color is at most one. This problem is motivated by rearrangeability of 3-stage Clos networks which is very useful in various applications in interconnected networks and routing. We show a polynomial time approximation algorithm that returns a proper weighted coloring with at most $\lceil 2.2223m \rceil$ colors where $m$ is the minimum number of unit sized bins needed to pack the weight of all edges incident at any vertex. We also show that if all edge weights are $>1/4$ then $\lceil 2.2m \rceil$ colors are sufficient.

Heuristics for offline rectangular packing problems

Ortmann, Frank 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Packing problems are common in industry and there is a large body of literature on the subject. Two packing problems are considered in this dissertation: the strip packing problem and the bin packing problem. The aim in both problems is to pack a speci ed set of small items, the dimensions of which are all known prior to packing (hence giving rise to an o ine problem), into larger objects, called bins. The strip packing problem requires packing these items into a single bin, one dimension of which is unbounded (the bin is therefore referred to as a strip). In two dimensions the width of the strip is typically speci ed and the aim is to pack all the items into the strip, without overlapping, so that the resulting packing height is a minimum. The bin packing problem, on the other hand, is the problem of packing the items into a speci ed set of bins (all of whose dimensions are bounded) so that the wasted space remaining in the bins (which contain items) is a minimum. The bins may all have the same dimensions (in which case the problem is known as the single bin size bin packing problem), or may have di erent dimensions, in which case the problem is called the multiple bin size bin packing problem (MBSBPP). In two dimensions the wasted space is the sum total of areas of the bins (containing items) not covered by items. Many solution methodologies have been developed for above-mentioned problems, but the scope of the solution methodologies considered in this dissertation is restricted to heuristics. Packing heuristics follow a xed set of rules to pack items in such a manner as to nd good, feasible (but not necessarily optimal) solutions to the strip and bin packing problems within as short a time span as possible. Three types of heuristics are considered in this dissertation: (i) those that pack items into levels (the heights of which are determined by the heights of the tallest items in these levels) in such a manner that all items are packed along the bottom of the level, (ii) those that pack items into levels in such a manner that items may be packed anywhere between the horizontal boundaries that de ne the levels, and (iii) those heuristics that do not restrict the packing of items to levels. These three classes of heuristics are known as level algorithms, pseudolevel algorithms and plane algorithms, respectively. A computational approach is adopted in this dissertation in order to evaluate the performances of 218 new heuristics for the strip packing problem in relation to 34 known heuristics from the literature with respect to a set of 1 170 benchmark problem instances. It is found that the new level-packing heuristics do not yield signi cantly better solutions than the known heuristics, but several of the newly proposed pseudolevel heuristics do yield signi cantly better results than the best of the known pseudolevel heuristics in terms of both packing densities achieved and computation times expended. During the evaluation of the plane algorithms two classes of heuristics were identi ed for packing problems, namely sorting-dependent and sortingindependent algorithms. Two new sorting techniques are proposed for the sorting-independent algorithms and one of them yields the best-performing heuristic overall. A new heuristic approach for the MBSBPP is also proposed, which may be combined with level and pseudolevel algorithms for the strip packing problem in order to nd solutions to the problem very rapidly. The best-performing plane-packing heuristic is modi ed to pack items into the largest bins rst, followed by an attempted repacking of the items in those bins into smaller bins with the aim of further minimising wasted space. It is found that the resulting plane-packing algorithm yields the best results in terms of time and packing density, but that the solution di erences between pseudolevel algorithms are not as marked for the MBSBPP as for the strip packing problem. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inpakkingsprobleme kom algemeen in die industrie voor en daar is 'n aansienlike volume literatuur oor hierdie onderwerp. Twee inpakkingsprobleme word in hierdie proefskrif oorweeg, naamlik die strook-inpakkingsprobleem en die houer-inpakkingsprobleem. In beide probleme is die doel om 'n gespesi seerde versameling klein voorwerpe, waarvan die dimensies almal voordat inpakking plaasvind, bekend is (en die probleem dus 'n sogenaamde a yn-probleem is), in een of meer groter houers te pak. In die strook-inpakkingsprobleem word hierdie voorwerpe in een houer, waarvan een dimensie onbegrens is, ingepak (hierdie houer word dus 'n strook genoem). In twee dimensies word die wydte van die strook gewoonlik gespesi seer en is die doel om al die voorwerpe sonder oorvleueling op s o 'n manier in die strook te pak dat die totale inpakkingshoogte geminineer word. In die houer-inpakkingsprobleem, daarenteen, is die doel om die voorwerpe op s o 'n manier in 'n gespesi seerde aantal houers (waarvan al die dimensies begrens is) te pak dat die vermorste of oorblywende ruimte in die houers (wat wel voorwerpe bevat) 'n minimum is. Die houers mag almal dieselfde dimensies h^e (in welke geval die probleem as die enkelgrootte houer-inpakkingsprobleem bekend staan), of mag verskillende dimensies h^e (in welke geval die probleem as die veelvuldige-grootte houer-inpakkingsprobleem bekend staan, afgekort as VGHIP). In twee dimensies word die vermorste ruimte geneem as die somtotaal van daardie deelareas van die houers (wat wel voorwerpe bevat) waar daar geen voorwerpe geplaas word nie. Verskeie oplossingsmetodologie e is al vir die bogenoemde twee inpakkingsprobleme ontwikkel, maar die bestek van die metodologie e wat in hierdie proefskrif oorweeg word, word beperk tot heuristieke. 'n Inpakkingsheuristiek volg 'n vaste stel re els waarvolgens voorwerpe in houers gepak word om so spoedig moontlik goeie, toelaatbare (maar nie noodwendig optimale) oplossings tot die strook-inpakkingsprobleem en die houer-inpakkingsprobleem te vind. Drie tipes inpakkingsheuristieke word in hierdie proefskrif oorweeg, naamlik (i) heuristieke wat voorwerpe langs die onderste randte van horisontale vlakke in die houers pak (die hoogtes van hierdie vlakke word bepaal deur die hoogtes van die hoogste item in elke vlak), (ii) heuristieke wat voorwerpe op enige plek binne horisontale stroke in die houers pak, en (iii) heuristieke waar inpakking nie volgens horisontale vlakke of stroke beperk word nie. Hierdie drie klasse heuristieke staan onderskeidelik as vlakalgoritmes, pseudo-vlakalgoritmes en platvlakalgoritmes bekend. 'n Berekeningsbenadering word in hierdie proefskrif gevolg deur die werkverrigting van die 218 nuwe heuristieke vir die strook-inpakkingsprobleem met die werkverrigting van 34 bekende heuristieke uit die literatuur te vergelyk, deur al die heuristieke op 1 170 toetsprobleme toe te pas. Daar word bevind dat die nuwe vlakalgoritmes nie 'n noemenswaardige verbetering in oplossingskwaliteit in vergeleke met soortgelyke bestaande algoritmes in die literatuur lewer nie, maar dat verskeie nuwe pseudo-vlakalgoritmes wel noemenswaardige verbeteringe in terme van beide inpakkingsdigthede en oplossingstye in vergeleke met die beste bestaande algoritmes in die literatuur lewer. Assessering van die platvlakalgoritmes het gelei tot die identi kasie van twee deelklasse van algoritmes, naamlik sorteringsafhanklike- en sorteringsonafhanklike algoritmes. Twee nuwe sorteringstegnieke word ook vir die deelklas van sorteringsonafhanklike algoritmes voorgestel, en een van hulle lewer die algeheel beste inpakkingsheursitiek. 'n Nuwe heuristiese benadering word ook vir die VGHIP ontwikkel. Hierdie benadering kan met vlak- of pseudo-vlakalgoritmes vir die strook-inpakkingsprobleem gekombineer word om baie vinnig oplossings vir die VGHIP te vind. Die beste platvlakheuristiek vir die strookinpakkingsprobleem word ook aangepas om voorwerpe eers in die grootste houers te pak, en daarna in kleiner houers te herpak met die doel om vermorste ruimte verder te minimeer. Daar word bevind dat die resulterende platvlakalgoritme die beste resultate in terme van beide inpakkingsdigtheid en oplossingstyd lewer, maar dat oplossingsverskille tussen die pseudovlakalgoritmes nie so opmerklik vir die VGHIP is as wat die geval met die strookinpakkingsprobleem was nie.

Stockpiling and resource allocation for influenza preparedness and manufacturing assembly

Huang, Hsin-Chan 06 November 2014 (has links)
Stockpiling resources is a pervasive way to handle demand uncertainty and future demand surges. However, stockpiling is subject to costs, including warehousing costs, inventory holding costs, and wastage of expired resources. Hence, how to stockpile in an economically efficient manner is an important topic to study. Furthermore, if the inventoried supply is insufficient for a surge in demand, how to best allocate available resources becomes a natural question to ask. In this dissertation, we consider three applications of stockpiling and resource allocation: (i) we stockpile ventilators both centrally and regionally for an influenza pandemic; (ii) we allocate limited vaccine doses of various types to target populations for an influenza pandemic; and, (iii) we investigate inventory needs for low cost, high usage (class C) parts in an engine assembly plant. First, we describe and analyze a model for estimating the number of ventilators that the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), and eight health service regions in Texas, should stockpile for an influenza pandemic. Using a probability distribution governing peak-week demand for ventilators across the eight health service regions, an optimization model allows investigation of the tradeoff between the cost of the total stockpile and the expected shortfall of ventilators under mild, moderate, and severe pandemic scenarios. Our analysis yields the surprising result that there is little benefit to DSHS holding a significant stockpile, even when those centrally held ventilators can be dispatched to regions after observing the peak-week demand realization. Three factors contribute to this result: positively correlated regional demands, a relatively low coefficient of variation, and wastage of the central stockpile once it is dispatched to the regions. Second, we formulate an optimization model for allocating various types of vaccines to multiple priority groups in 254 counties in the state of Texas that DSHS can use to distribute its vaccines for an influenza pandemic. For reaching the public, vaccines are allocated to the state’s Registered Providers (RPs), Local Health Departments (LHDs), and Health Service Regions (HSRs). The first two allocations are driven by requests from RPs and LHDs while HSR allocation is at DSHS’s discretion. The optimization model aims to achieve proportionally fair coverage of priority groups across the 254 counties, as informed by user-specified weights on those priority groups, using the HSR doses. With proportional fairness as our primary goal, the optimal allocation also counts policy simplicity and regional equity. Sensitivity analysis on the portion of the state’s vaccines reserved for HSRs shows that a small portion can effectively shrink the gap of vaccination coverage between urban and rural counties. Finally, we derive short-cut formulae for estimating the extra inventory needed for managing class C parts in units of bins that an engine assembly plant can use to achieve a desired fill rate at workstations. The plant orders a class C part from its supplier based on the part’s aggregated next-day demand across all workstations. After receiving the part, the plant first stores the supply in the warehouse and delivers the part to workstations in bins whenever the line-side inventory at a workstation is empty. We study four cases of various information availability in the order quantity calculation and derive associated formulae for estimating the extra inventory needed due to demand aggregation and bin delivery. We demonstrate the performance of our short-cut formulae, showing the tradeoff between extra inventory needed and the associated risk of not satisfying all workstation requests. Our sensitivity analysis shows that workstation demand variation and bin size have little or no influence on the performance of our short-cut formulae. / text

The Influence of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger's Death on Xaver Paul Thoma's Composition of Ich bin in Sehnsucht Eingehüllt: Sieben Lieder für Sopran und Klavier, A Lecture Recital Together with Three Recitals of Selected Works of O. Messiaen, G.F. Handel, A. Scarlatti, J.S. Bach, W. Latham, and Others

Rushing, JemmiLou Rye 08 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study is to introduce the contemporary German composer, Xaver Paul Thoma, and his composition, Ich bin in Sehnsucht Eingehüllt on the poems of Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger. This study explores the possible reasons behind Thoma's decision to set the poems, as well as the circumstances and significance of the poets' life and poetry, made known through Thoma's composition. An analysis of each song is included, emphasizing especially the relationship between text and music.

Métodos heurísticos para resolução de problemas de empacotamento unidimensional. / Heuristic methods for solving one-dimensional bin packing problems.

Turi, Leandro Maciel 03 April 2018 (has links)
Os problemas de corte e empacotamento são muito comuns nas indústrias e na logística. Dado um conjunto de N itens com diferentes pesos e um conjunto de M contentores com capacidade C, o problema de empacotamento unidimensional consiste em determinar o menor número de contentores a serem utilizados para alocar todos os itens respeitando a restrição de capacidade dos contentores. Nesse estudo pretende-se resolver o problema com instâncias benchmark da literatura, por meio de sessenta heurísticas diferentes, que são comparadas a quatro limitantes inferiores propostos na literatura com o intuito de avaliar a qualidade da solução heurística. Quatro limitantes inferiores e dez heurísticas construtivas diferentes foram programados em C++ num mesmo ambiente computacional, permitindo sua comparação tanto em termos de qualidade das soluções, quanto em termos dos tempos de processamento. Uma heurística simples de troca de itens entre contentores chamada Diferença-de-Quadrados foi proposta para melhorar as soluções iniciais do problema. A metaheurística simulated annealing foi acionada para melhorar a solução inicial quando o limitante inferior não foi atingido. Os parâmetros dos simulated annealing foram determinados com os dados das instâncias de forma diferente da utilizada na literatura. As combinações entre as dez soluções iniciais, a heurística Diferença-de-Quadrados e o simulated annealing geraram um conjunto de sessenta heurísticas diferentes. Os resultados mostraram que o algoritmo proposto é eficiente para resolver o problema com tempos de processamento adequados a tomada de decisão. / Cutting and packing problems are very common in industries and logistics. Given a set of N items with different weights and a set of M bins with full capacity C, the one-dimensional bin packing problem consists of determining the smallest number of bins capable to allocate all items respecting the capacity constraint of the bins. that impose that the sum of the weights of the items allocated to the bin is less than or equal to their capacity. In this study we intend to solve the problem with benchmark instances of the literature, by means of sixty different heuristics, which are compared to four lower bounds proposed in the literature in order to evaluate the quality of the heuristic solution. Four lower bounds and ten different constructive heuristics were programmed in C++ in the same computational environment, allowing their comparison both in terms of the quality of the solutions and in terms of processing times. A simple heuristic of item exchange between bins called Difference-of-Squares was proposed to improve the initial solutions of the problem. The simulated annealing metaheuristic was triggered to improve the initial solution when the lower bounds was not reached. The parameters of the simulated annealing were determined with the data of the instances differently from that used in the literature. The combinations of the ten initial solutions, the Difference-of-Squares heuristic and the simulated annealing generated a set of sixty different heuristics. The results showed that the proposed algorithm is efficient to solve the problem with adequate processing times for decision making.

Álgebra linear: secções cônicas e aplicações / Irregular bin packing considering loading balancing

Pereira, Robson Edvaldo da Silva 30 June 2017 (has links)
Neste trabalho desenvolvemos o estudo da álgebra linear, secções cônicas e aplicações. Apresentamos os conceitos mais importantes da álgebra linear, estudando os espaços vetorias, subespaços vetoriais, matriz de mudança de base, transformações lineares e produto interno. O principal resultado do trabalho é o teorema espectral que fornece ferramentas para se estudar as secções cônicas não elementares, ou seja, aquelas nas quais uma parábola, elipse ou hipérbole são apresentadas com seus eixos não paralelos aos eixos coordenados do plano cartesiano. Uma vez de posse deste teorema é mostrado um processo prático no qual transformamos uma equação ax2 +bxy +cy2 +dx +ey + g = 0 na equação k1 (x\')2 + k2 (y\')2 + (dx1 + ey1) x\' + (dx2 + ey2) y\' + g = 0 sem o termo misto xy, onde após a eliminação deste, podemos deduzir a equação da cônica identificando assim esta curva. Apresentamos exemplos de cônicas com eixos paralelos e não paralelos aos coordenados do plano cartesiano e utilizamos o software geogebra para visualização. Também discutimos algumas aplicações das cônicas como trajetória de corpos celestes (planeta Terra e um cometa), princípio de reflexão da parábola mostrando o porquê das antenas e dos captadores de ondas sonoras serem parabólicos. Demonstramos um teorema que denominei de identificador de uma curva cônica pois com ele é possível classificar a cônica sem realizar o processo prático, apenas para isso identificamos através da equação ax2 +bxy + cy2 +dx + ey +g = 0, quais os valores de a;b e c e feito isto calculamos o discriminante b2 - 4ac, analisamos os sinais e a nulidade, ou seja, se é maior que zero, menor que zero ou igual a zero, assim é possível classificar a cônica. / The paper develops the study of linear algebra, conic sections and applications. I present the most important concepts of linear algebra, studying vector spaces, vector subspaces, base change matrix, linear transformations, internal product. The main result of the work is the spectral theorem, which provides tools to study the non-elementary conic sections, that is, those in which a parabola, ellipse or hyperbola are presented with their axes not parallel to the cartesian planes coordinate axes. Using this theorem we show a practical process in which we transform an equation ax2 +bxy + cy2 +dx +ey +g = 0 into the equation k1 (x\')2 +k2 (y\')2 + (dx1 +ey1) x\' (dx2 + ey2) y\' +g = 0 without the mixed term xy, where after its elimination we can deduce the conic equation thus identifying the curve we are looking for. I present examples of conic with parallel and non-parallel axes to the coordinates of the Cartesian plane and use the geogebra software for visualization. I discuss some applications of the conic as a trajectory of celestial bodies (planet Earth and a comet), principle of reflection of parabola showing why the antennas and sound wave pickups are parabolics. I demonstrate a theorem that I named the identifier of a conic curve, with it it is possible to classify the conic without realizing the practical process only for this. I identify through the equation ax2 +bxy + cy2 +dx + ey + g = 0, what are the values of a;b, and c and, with this done, I compute the discriminant b2 - 4ac and analyze the signs and the nullity, that is, if it is greater than zero, less than zero or equal to zero, therefore is possible to classify the conic.

UTVECKLING AV ETT VISIONSTYRT SYSTEM FÖR PLOCKNING AV OSORTERADE DETALJER : En tillämpning av bin-picking i plaströrsproduktion / Development of a vision controlled system for picking unorganized products : An application of bin picking in plastic pipe production

Persson, Casper, Åstrand, Ludvig January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis has been carried through at the company Mabema AB in Linköping which offers complete vision based systems for multiple applications. With camera technology and advanced image processing, the company is working mainly in four different business areas; RobotVision, Vision, Nuclear and Wood. Mabema AB has been assigned to develop a vision system for robot guidance for the company Pipelife Sverige AB which is a big supplier of plastic pipes. The vision system is supposed to identify plastic pipes which are transported by a conveyor belt in random order. The pipes are then to be picked by two robots and placed in fixtures for further processing. Through studies of existing similar systems and analysis of suitable hardware, a system that satisfies the customer’s needs was made and alternative systems was presented. The result of the thesis ended with vision controlled system built of two robots and a 3D-scanner that accomplishes the assigned task with high robustness and an analysis of alternative systems was presented.

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