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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation et maîtrise de la prolifération microbienne dans des produits biosourcés pour des bâtiments sains et durables / Characterization and control of microbial proliferation on bio-based products for healthy and sustainable buildings

Simons, Alexis 04 April 2018 (has links)
Les impacts de la construction sur l'environnement et sur la santé des habitants sont aujourd'hui des enjeux prioritaires. Les matériaux en terre crue connaissent un essor important pour de nombreuses raisons (écologique, économique, etc.), mais des questions se posent sur leur sensibilité à la prolifération des moisissures vis-à-vis de la qualité de l'air intérieur. Au cours de ces travaux, les flores bactériennes et fongiques présentes sur des supports en terre crue, biosourcés ou non, au sein d'habitations, ainsi que dans les matières premières, ont été caractérisées selon des méthodes par culture et par métabarcoding. Les champignons détectés sont similaires à ceux présents dans les habitations conventionnelles. L'ajout de fibres végétales ne modifie pas la structure des communautés fongiques mais rend le matériau plus sensible à la prolifération. Celle-ci n'intervient qu'en condition d'accident hydrique. Des approches de lutte biologique à partir de bactéries ont été initiées pour inhiber la prolifération fongique sur ces matériaux. / Impacts of building on environment and on health of inhabitants are nowadays priority issues. The interest for earthen materials is increasing for many reasons (ecological, economical, etc.), but some questions are raised about their fungal proliferation sensitivity considering the quality of indoor air. This work consists in characterizing by cultural and metabarcoding methods the fungal and bacterial communities on the surface of earthen building materials, biobased or not, and raw materials. Detected fungi are related to those which are identified in conventional buildings. The addition of vegetal fibers don't modify the fungal communities structure, but make the material more favorable for proliferation. The fungal development appears only under water damage condition. Biocontrol methods with bacteria have been initiated in order to inhibit the fungal proliferation on these materials.

Identification et caractérisation de candidats d'origine naturelle à action herbicide pour contrôler les adventices / Identification et characterization of microorganisms acting as natural herbicide to manage weeds

Triolet, Marion 08 July 2019 (has links)
Un projet visant à identifier des mycoherbicides pour lutter contre les adventices a été initié entre l’UMR Agroécologie de Dijon et la société DE SANGOSSE® (Agen). Trois volets ont structuré ce projet à l’issue d’une collecte de prélèvement de 475 plantes représentatives de 23 espèces d’adventices symptomatiques et asymptomatiques en Bourgogne et en Beauce. Le 1er volet reposait sur une approche de type metabarcoding (technologie Illumina), pour évaluer et comparer la diversité des communautés fongiques endophytes des plantes symptomatiques et asymptomatiques. 542 genres fongiques ont ainsi été identifiés. Des taxons associés aux plantes symptomatiques ont été identifiés. Parmi ceux-ci, certains sont des pathogènes connus, d’autres non et ils constituent des pistes à exploiter pour la recherche de candidats mycoherbicides. Le deuxième volet repose sur une approche conventionnelle de microbiologie et pathologie. Une collection de 194 champignons associés aux symptômes des adventices a été constituée. La pathogénicité de ces isolats a été testée grâce à une série de screenings de plus en plus sélectifs qui ont abouti à la sélection de cinq souches, identifiées par séquençage de l’ITS ou d’autres marqueurs taxonomiques. Une souche appartient à l’espèce Boeremia exigua var exigua, une autre à l’espèce Alternaria alternata, deux appartiennent à l’espèce A. penicillata et la dernière au genre Alternaria. Le troisième volet visait à identifier le mode d’action d’une souche par une double approche, métabolomique et microscopique. La souche de B. exigua var exigua secrète des métabolites phytotoxiques mais également infeste et semble détruire les tissus végétaux sous-épidermique de la plante hôte.Ce projet exploratoire a fourni des pistes de taxons fongiques associés à des symptômes observés sur adventices en analysant la diversité par une approche moléculaire et a fourni des souches fongiques, mycoherbicides potentiels, par une approche microbiologique dont on voit bien qu’elle reste une méthode incontournable, malgré ses limites, pour obtenir des candidats fongiques à action herbicide. / A project aiming at identifying mycoherbicides to control weeds has been initiated between the UMR Agroécologie (Dijon) and the company DE SANGOSSE® (Agen, France). Three axes structured this project after a sampling collection of 475 plants representative of 23 species of symptomatic and asymptomatic weeds was carried out in Burgundy and Beauce. The first part was based on a metabarcoding approach (Illumina technology), to evaluate end compare the diversity of endophytic fungi communities of symptomatic and asymptomatic weeds. 542 fungal genera have been identified. Taxa associated with symptomatic plants have been identified. Of these, some are known pathogens, others are not, and both constitute avenues to exploit for the research of mycoherbicide candidates. The second axe is based on a conventional approach to microbiology and pathology. A collection of 194 fungi associated with weed symptoms was established. The pathogenicity of these isolates was tested through a series of increasingly selective screenings that resulted in the selection of five strains that were identified by sequencing of ITS or other taxonomic markers. One strain belongs to the species Boeremia exigua var exigua, another species Alternaria alternata, two belong to the species A. penicillata and the last to the genus Alternaria. The third axe aimed at identifying the mode of action of a strain by a dual metabolomics and microscopic approach. The strain of B. exigua var exigua produced phytotoxic secondary metabolites but also infested and apparently destroyed the sub-epidermal plant tissues of the host plant.This exploratory project provided tracks to exploit fungal taxa associated with observed weeds symptoms, by analyzing the diversity, by a molecular approach and provided fungal strains, potential mycoherbicides by a conventional microbiological approach that we can see it remains an unavoidable method, despite its limitations, to obtain fungal candidates with herbicidal action.

Etude des mécanismes daction impliqués dans le biocontrôle dune souche dAureobasidium pullulans (De Bary) Arnaud vis-à-vis de Penicillium expansum Link sur pommes en post-récolte/Study of mechanisms of action involved in the Biocontrol of a strain of Aureobasidium pullulans (De Bary) Arnaud against Penicillium expansum Link on postharvest apples

Krimi Bencheqroun, Sanae 01 March 2010 (has links)
Lagent de lutte biologique Aureobasidium pullulans souche Ach1-1 a présenté une grande potentialité dans le contrôle de Penicillium expansum, lagent causal de la pourriture bleue des pommes en conservation. Les mécanismes daction qui sont les plus impliqués dans son activité antagoniste ont été analysés, au cours de ce travail. Daprès des essais de protection réalisés sur pommes blessées, il apparaît que lefficacité de cette souche nest pas liée essentiellement à la sécrétion des métabolites toxiques dans le milieu ou à linduction de la résistance de fruit. Par contre, le mécanisme de la compétition pour la nutrition semble jouer un rôle important. Dans les essais in vitro, la souche antagoniste Ach1-1 a eu un important effet inhibiteur de la germination des conidies de P. expansum dans des milieux de jus de pomme à des faibles concentrations. Mais cet effet était réversible et les conidies inhibées étaient capables de germer une fois remises dans des conditions favorables en éléments nutritifs. Sur pommes blessées, leffet protecteur de la souche Ach1-1 vis-à-vis de P. expansum a été significativement affaibli par lajout dans les blessures de concentrations élevées des principaux composants des pommes en sucres, en vitamines et particulièrement en acides aminés. Il apparaît que lantagoniste exerce une activité fongistatique plus que fongicide vis-à-vis de P. expansum et agit par une compétition efficace pour les éléments nutritifs des blessures des pommes sans affecter la viabilité des conidies du pathogène. Une application exogène des acides aminés des pommes avec des concentrations croissantes dans les blessures a progressivement réduit lactivité antagoniste de la souche Ach1-1 sans altérer son développement dans les blessures, montrant que la compétition pour les acides aminés joue un rôle important dans la suppression de P. expansum. Ce résultat a été appuyé par lanalyse biochimique de la cinétique de lépuisement des acides aminés dans les blessures des pommes qui a montré que ces composés et particulièrement la sérine, la glycine et lacide glutamique sont mieux métabolisés par la souche antagoniste que par le pathogène. Lajout en excès de ces trois acides aminés en groupe ou individuellement dans les blessures des pommes a fortement réduit lefficacité de la souche Ach1-1 vis-à-vis de P. expansum. De plus, la présence de la sérine et la glycine avec des concentrations élevées dans des milieux synthétiques ne présentant aucune source azotée, a réduit leffet inhibiteur de la germination des conidies de P. expansum par la souche Ach1-1. Ainsi, ces acides aminés semble être parmi les éléments les plus limitants dans le mécanisme de la compétition./The biocontrol agent Aureobasidium pullulans strain Ach1-1 was very effective against Penicillium expansum, the causal agent of blue mold on stored apple. Modes of action that could be involved in its biocontrol activity were analysed in this work. According to some biocontrol trials on wounded apples, it appears that neither the production of metabolites nor the induction of fruit resistance were the principal modes of action of this strain. However the mechanism of nutrient competition appears to play an important role. In in vitro assays, the strain Ach1-1 had an important inhibitory effect of conidial germination of P. expansum in apple juice at low concentrations. However this inhibitory effect was suppressed when inhibited conidia were placed in favourable nutrients conditions. On wounded apples the protective activity of strain Ach1-1 against P. expansum was significantly reduced by adding, in the wounds, high concentrations of major apple compounds of sugar, vitamins and most particularly amino acids. It appears that the antagonist exerts a fungistatic rather than fungicidal activi ty on P. expansum as it can deplete limiting nutrient available at the infection site and inhibit conidia germination without affecting their viability. Moreover, an exogenous application of increasing apple amino acids concentrations in wounds had progressively reduced the antagonist activity of strain Ach1-1 without altering its development in wounds, suggesting that competition for apple amino acids by strain Ach1-1 plays an important role in suppressing P. expansum. This finding was strengthened by a time-course analysis of wounds amino acids during apple incubation in witch the strain Ach1-1 was able to assimilate apple amino acids better than P. expansum, most particularly Serine, Glycin and Glutamic acid. Exogenous additions of these three amino acids at high concentrations on apple wounds as a mixture or individually, strongly lowered the Biocontrol activity of strain Ach1-1. Moreover, the existence of amino acids serine and glycin at high concentration in synthetic media, without any nitrogen source, was able to reduce the inhibitory effect of conidial germination of P. expansum by the strain Ach1-1.Therefore these amino acids could be among the most limited nutrients in the mechanism of competition.

Antifungal Spectrum Determination Of The K5 Type Yeast Killer Protein On Fungi Causing Spoilage In Citrus Fruits

Kepekci, Aysun Remziye 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Some yeast strains under certain conditions secrete polypeptide toxins which are inhibitory to sensitive fungal cells into the medium. These yeast strains are termed as killer yeasts and their toxins are designated as killer proteins or killer toxins. Killer proteins are classified into 11 typical types (K1-K11). These toxins have different killing mechanisms on sensitive cells. Some of them hydrolyze major cell wall component, beta-1,3- glucans. As mammalian cells lack cell walls research and development of novel highly selective antifungals are mostly focused on the agents which target the components of the fungal cell wall. K5 type killer protein was characterized in our labarotory previously. This protein is an exo beta-1,3-glucanase which is stable at pH&amp / #8217 / s and temperatures appropriate for its biocontrol usage. Beta-1,3-glucan hydrolyzing activity of the K5 type killer protein highlighted the potential use of this protein as a selective antifungal agent. According to CLSI methodology, antifungal activity of the K5 type yeast killer protein was tested against 6 fungal strains causing postharvest spoilage in citrus fruits and found to be effective on Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium digitatum, Penicillium italicum whereas non effective on Colletotrichum gloeosporoides, Phythophythora citrophthora, Alternaria citri. The MIC values of the toxin for B.cinerea, P.digitatum, P.italicum were found to be 16 mikrogram/ml while IC 50 values of the toxin were 2.12, 3.31, 2.57 mikrogram/ml respectively. The results showed that K5 type yeast killer protein would be used as a novel and selective agent against B.cinerea, P.digitatum and P.italicum.

Potential of Oecophylla longinoda (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for management of Helopeltis spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) and Pseudotheraptus wayi (Hemiptera: Coreidae) in cashew in Tanzania / Moses Iwatasia Olotu

Olotu, Moses Iwatasia January 2013 (has links)
Cashew, Anacardium occidentale Linnaeus, is an economically important cash crop for more than 300,000 rural households in Tanzania. Its production is, however, severely constrained by infestation by sap-sucking insects such as Helopeltis anacardii Miller, H. Schoutedeni Reuter and Pseudotheraptus wayi Brown. The African weaver ant (AWA), Oecophylla longinoda Latreille, is an effective biocontrol agent of hemipteran pests in coconuts in Tanzania; but its efficacy for the control of sap-sucking insects, especially Helopeltis spp. and P. wayi, has not been investigated so far in cashew crops in Tanzania. Field trials were carried out at the Coast region of Tanzania to evaluate the effect of seasonality and abundance of AWA on Helopeltis spp. and P. wayi. Results showed that AWA abundance expressed, as number of leaf nests per tree, and colonization of trails on main branches varied significantly between cashew-seasons and off-seasons. There was a negative correlation between numbers of nests and pest damage. AWA-colonized cashew trees had the lowest shoot damaged by Helopeltis spp., 4.8 and 7.5% in 2010 and 2011, respectively, compared to 36 and 30% in 2010 and 2011, respectively, in uncolonized cashew trees. Similarly, nut damage by P.wayi was lowest in AWA-colonized trees with 2.4 and 6.2% in 2010 and 2011, respectively, as compared to 26 and 21% in 2010 and 2011, respectively, in uncolonized trees. Interaction between AWA and dominant ant species, namely big-headed ant (BHA), Pheidole megacephala Fabricius, and common pugnacious ant (CPA), Anoplolepis custodiens Smith, was examined because of the implication that the dominant ant species may have on the efficacy of AWA in its control of sap-sucking pests of cashew. Abundance of AWA was significantly negatively correlated to BHA (r(39) = -0.30; P < 0.0001) and CPA (r(39) = -0.18; P = 0.01) at Bagamoyo in 2010. A similar trend was also observed at Mkuranga. The presence of these ant species may therefore hinder effectiveness of AWA to control sap-sucking pests in cashew in Tanzania. Therefore, suppression of these two inimical ant species should be emphasized for effective control of the sap-sucking pests in cashew fields. It was therefore also important to establish the abundance and diversity of ant species occurring in cashew agro-ecosystems. Results from pitfall traps revealed the diversity and abundance of ants in cashew agro-ecosystems: a total of 14001 ants were trapped belonging to six subfamilies, 18 genera and 32 species. The ant species diversity was high in the cashew fields at two of the four sites, namely Mkuranga A and Kibaha during both seasons. CPA was the most abundant ants in the pitfall traps. It is an important aspect that should be addressed for effective control of sap-sucking pests in cashew fields with AWA, since the correlation between AWA and CPA abundance was found to be negative. The effect of alternative fungicides to sulphur dust used for powdery mildew disease (PMD) on AWA was also investigated. No significant difference could be found in the effect ofthe different fungicides on the number of leaf nests and colonization of trails. In order to develop AWA as a component of cashew integrated sap-sucking insect management, strategies for their conservation during cashew off-seasonswas evaluated. The use of fish and hydramethylon (Amdro®) as baits increased the number of leaf nests and colonization trails of AWA over the control during off-season; however, the increase was significantly high when both fish and hydramethylon were used together. Fish and hydramethylon can therefore be used for conservation of AWA during off-season. It can therefore be concluded that AWA effectively controls sap-sucking pests on cashew and can be conserved during off-season using disposal waste such as fish intestines. Fungicides used for the control of PMD did not have detrimental effects on AWA abundance and can therefore be integrated as a component of cashew IPM. / PhD (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Potential of Oecophylla longinoda (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for management of Helopeltis spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) and Pseudotheraptus wayi (Hemiptera: Coreidae) in cashew in Tanzania / Moses Iwatasia Olotu

Olotu, Moses Iwatasia January 2013 (has links)
Cashew, Anacardium occidentale Linnaeus, is an economically important cash crop for more than 300,000 rural households in Tanzania. Its production is, however, severely constrained by infestation by sap-sucking insects such as Helopeltis anacardii Miller, H. Schoutedeni Reuter and Pseudotheraptus wayi Brown. The African weaver ant (AWA), Oecophylla longinoda Latreille, is an effective biocontrol agent of hemipteran pests in coconuts in Tanzania; but its efficacy for the control of sap-sucking insects, especially Helopeltis spp. and P. wayi, has not been investigated so far in cashew crops in Tanzania. Field trials were carried out at the Coast region of Tanzania to evaluate the effect of seasonality and abundance of AWA on Helopeltis spp. and P. wayi. Results showed that AWA abundance expressed, as number of leaf nests per tree, and colonization of trails on main branches varied significantly between cashew-seasons and off-seasons. There was a negative correlation between numbers of nests and pest damage. AWA-colonized cashew trees had the lowest shoot damaged by Helopeltis spp., 4.8 and 7.5% in 2010 and 2011, respectively, compared to 36 and 30% in 2010 and 2011, respectively, in uncolonized cashew trees. Similarly, nut damage by P.wayi was lowest in AWA-colonized trees with 2.4 and 6.2% in 2010 and 2011, respectively, as compared to 26 and 21% in 2010 and 2011, respectively, in uncolonized trees. Interaction between AWA and dominant ant species, namely big-headed ant (BHA), Pheidole megacephala Fabricius, and common pugnacious ant (CPA), Anoplolepis custodiens Smith, was examined because of the implication that the dominant ant species may have on the efficacy of AWA in its control of sap-sucking pests of cashew. Abundance of AWA was significantly negatively correlated to BHA (r(39) = -0.30; P < 0.0001) and CPA (r(39) = -0.18; P = 0.01) at Bagamoyo in 2010. A similar trend was also observed at Mkuranga. The presence of these ant species may therefore hinder effectiveness of AWA to control sap-sucking pests in cashew in Tanzania. Therefore, suppression of these two inimical ant species should be emphasized for effective control of the sap-sucking pests in cashew fields. It was therefore also important to establish the abundance and diversity of ant species occurring in cashew agro-ecosystems. Results from pitfall traps revealed the diversity and abundance of ants in cashew agro-ecosystems: a total of 14001 ants were trapped belonging to six subfamilies, 18 genera and 32 species. The ant species diversity was high in the cashew fields at two of the four sites, namely Mkuranga A and Kibaha during both seasons. CPA was the most abundant ants in the pitfall traps. It is an important aspect that should be addressed for effective control of sap-sucking pests in cashew fields with AWA, since the correlation between AWA and CPA abundance was found to be negative. The effect of alternative fungicides to sulphur dust used for powdery mildew disease (PMD) on AWA was also investigated. No significant difference could be found in the effect ofthe different fungicides on the number of leaf nests and colonization of trails. In order to develop AWA as a component of cashew integrated sap-sucking insect management, strategies for their conservation during cashew off-seasonswas evaluated. The use of fish and hydramethylon (Amdro®) as baits increased the number of leaf nests and colonization trails of AWA over the control during off-season; however, the increase was significantly high when both fish and hydramethylon were used together. Fish and hydramethylon can therefore be used for conservation of AWA during off-season. It can therefore be concluded that AWA effectively controls sap-sucking pests on cashew and can be conserved during off-season using disposal waste such as fish intestines. Fungicides used for the control of PMD did not have detrimental effects on AWA abundance and can therefore be integrated as a component of cashew IPM. / PhD (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Évaluation de suppléments alimentaires pour deux espèces d’acariens prédateurs, Amblyseius swirskii et Neoseiulus cucumeris (Acari: Phytoseiidae) pour l’optimisation du contrôle biologique du thrips des petits fruits (Frankliniella occidentalis) en serriculture

Faucher Delisle, Julie 01 1900 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche a examiné le supplément alimentaire comme technique pour accroître l'efficacité de deux espèces d’acariens prédateurs, Neoseiulus cucumeris et Amblyseius swirskii contre le thrips des petits fruits Frankliniella occidentalis. Des tests en laboratoire ont vérifié l’adéquation de trois espèces de pollen – de quenouille, de maïs et de pomme – ainsi que des œufs de la pyrale Méditerranéenne de la farine pour les acariens prédateurs à l'étude. En termes de valeur rm, les œufs de pyrale et les pollens de quenouille et de pomme étaient de qualité égale pour A. swirskii, tandis que le pollen de pomme s’est distingué pour N. cucumeris. Lorsque nourris d’oeufs de la pyrale, les deux espèces ont complété leur développement avec des valeurs de rm élevées. Le pollen de pomme est apparu comme étant un supplément alimentaire accessible et adéquat pour les deux prédateurs. À court terme (période de 24h), l’influence du pollen de pomme sur les interactions trophiques (larves de F. occidentalis comme proie) et intraguildes (entre les espèces de prédateurs) sur chrysanthèmes standardisés a été examinée. La présence de pollen a considérablement réduit la prédation de N. cucumeris sur les thrips ainsi que la prédation intraguilde pour les deux prédateurs. L'impact du pollen de pomme sur les populations de thrips et sur la rétention des prédateurs dans une culture de chrysanthèmes a été évalué sur une période de 4 semaines. L'introduction de A. swirskii avec pollen a permis le meilleur contrôle des populations de thrips tandis que N. cucumeris ne s’est pas établi dans la culture lorsqu'il a été introduit seul. Le pollen de pomme a amélioré la lutte au thrips par A. swirskii dans une culture de chrysanthème via une réponse numérique de la proie et la rétention des prédateurs dans la culture. Le plus bas taux de dommages importants a été observé lorsque les deux acariens prédateurs étaient utilisés de concert. / This research investigated supplemental food source as a technique to increase the efficiency of two species of predatory mites, Neoseiulus cucumeris and Amblyseius swirskii against the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis. Laboratory assays aimed to assess the suitability of three pollen species – cattail, maize and apple – and eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth as supplemental food source for the predatory mites under study. In terms of rm value, flour moth eggs, cattail pollen and apple pollen were food sources of equal quality for A. swirskii, while apple pollen appeared to stand out for to N. cucumeris. Maize pollen was a less suitable food source for both species. When fed flour moth eggs, A. swirskii and N.cucumeris completed development and showed high rm values. Apple pollen appeared to be an accessible and suitable food source for both predators. Short term (24h period) influence of apple pollen availability on trophic (F. occidentalis larvae as prey) and intraguild (between the predator species) interactions on standardized chrysanthemum was examined. It significantly lowered predation on thrips by N. cucumeris and led to a decrease in intraguild predation for both predators. Following this, the impact of apple pollen on thrips populations and predator’s maintenance on chrysanthemum greenhouse crop was assessed over a 4 weeks period. The introduction of A. swirskii with pollen provided the best control on thrips while N. cucumeris did not remain on the crop when introduced alone. Apple pollen improved thrips control by A. swirskii in chrysanthemum crops through prey numerical response and retention of predators on plants. The lowest rate of heavy dammages were observed when both predators were used together. / Projet réalisé en cotutelle avec Jacques Brodeur et Les Shipp

Characterization and mechanism of action of the biological control agent Pantoea agglomerans EPS125

Moreno González, M. del Carmen 27 November 2006 (has links)
La soca EPS125 ha mostrat ser un efectiu agent de control biològic de diferents patògens fúngics de postcollita en diferents fruits. Degut a la seva elevada eficàcia, es va plantejar desenvolupar aquesta soca comercialment i per aquest motiu en el present treball es plantejà complementar la informació necessària pel seu registre. D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts mitjançant proves fenotípiques i genotípiques, la soca EPS125 queda inclosa dins l'espècie Pantoea agglomerans (Enterobacter agglomerans-Erwinia herbicola). En relació a la utilització de fonts de carboni, en el perfil i contingut d'àcids grassos cel·lulars i en el polimorfisme en la longitud dels fragments de macrorestricció genòmica (MRFLP), la soca EPS125 mostrà trets característics que la diferencien d'altres soques. Els dos marcadors moleculars (125.2 i 125.3) específics per la soca EPS125 dissenyats en el present treball mostraren ser semiespecífics per la seva detecció mitjançant la tècnica PCR i Real Time PCR. Quedant pendent l'anàlisi d'especificitat de l'ús combinat dels dos marcadors moleculars en una reacció PCR multiplex. P. agglomerans EPS125 ha mostrat ser molt efectiva en el control de Penicillium expansum en poma amb una dosi efectiva mitjana de 2.7x105 a 7x105 ufc/ml, i una ratio de 25-101 cèl·lules de la soca EPS125 per inactivar una espora del patogen segons el model de saturació hiperbòlica. Segons les aproximacions fenotípiques i estudis genotípics realitzats, sembla que els mecanismes de biocontrol utilitzats per la soca EPS125 contra P. expansum en poma estan directament relacionats amb la capacitat de formació de biofilm per aquesta soca. / Strain EPS125 has shown effectiveness against a wide range of fungal pathogens in a large variety of fruit. However, to develop this strain as commercial biopesticide an extensive characterization is essential. For this reason, the objective of this PhD thesis was to complete the necessary information for its future registration.According to morphological and biochemical tests, strain EPS125 pertain to Pantoea agglomerans (Enterobacter agglomerans-Erwinia herbicola) species. This strain showed typical traits different from other bacteria in relation to the ability to use several carbon sources, the fatty acid profiles and the macrorestriction fragment length polymorphism (MRFLP) pattern. The two DNA molecular markers of P. agglomerans EPS125 (125.2 and 125.3) obtained in the present work were semispecific in the detection of strain EPS125 by means of PCR and Real Time PCR. However, the combined use of the two primer sets in a multiplex PCR reaction would be specific. P. agglomerans EPS125 was highly effective against P. expansum in apple fruit having a median effective dose from 2.7x105 to 7x105 cfu/ml and a ratio of 101 and 25 EPS125 cells to inactivate one pathogen spore according to the hyperbolic saturation model. Biocontrol mechanisms used by P. agglomerans EPS125 against P. expansum in apple fruit may be related with the ability of biofilm formation by this strain as show phenotypic approaches and genotypic studies.

Multi-Species Interactions in Weed Biocontrol: Carduus nutans as a Case Study

Groenteman, Ronny January 2008 (has links)
Classical biocontrol systems are sometimes treated as an exercise in community assembly. As such, they include multiple species interactions. This thesis explores multi-species aspects in classical weed biocontrol, using thistles as a case study. The abundance, phenology and impact of three biocontrol agents were followed on their target host, Carduus nutans L. and are described, for the first time in New Zealand for two of them (Urophora solstitialis L. and Trichosirocalus horridus sensu (Panzer)). Composition in New Zealand of the recently revised Trichosirocalus weevil species complex was surveyed nation-wide. One species only was found, albeit exhibiting a wider host range than anticipated from the published revision. Interspecific interactions and individual and combined effect of multiple biocontrol agents on C. nutans were tested in cage setups; the effect on the weed population was then estimated by manipulations of an existing matrix population model for this weed in New Zealand. The potentially better seed predator (U. solstitialis) was outcompeted by the worse seed predator (Rhinocyllus conicus (Froehlich)) which has similar niche preference. Urophora solstitialis was also adversely impacted by the crown-root feeder (T. horridus). Trichosirocalus horridus affected C. nutans survival, even at the medium density used, and significantly reduced potential seed production by 33%; in field densities, T. horridus is likely to affect C. nutans even more. Urophora solstitialis was estimated to destroy about 28% of the remaining seed in the absence of the other agents, and about 17% in the presence of T. horridus. The estimated combined effect of T. horridus and U. solstitalis on C. nutans population growth rate was greater than the effect of either agent alone. In the face of growing weed invasions, multiple thistle species were used to test ‘multi-targeting’ as a novel approach to target groups of ‘sleeper weeds’. Both in a field experiment and in a field survey, the seed predator R. conicus was found to attack and damage some ‘non-target’ thistle species more in the presence of the target species (C. nutans) than in its absence; however, levels of attack on non-target species were always modest. The ultimate goal of biocontrol is to reduce weed populations. A field survey revealed that current population densities of multiple thistle species in Canterbury are not obviously lower than in the mid 1980s, when only R. conicus was present. This may be because successful biocontrol has reduced the management input required to maintain the same thistle density.

Efeito da aplicação de fitorreguladores em rizobactérias isoladas de diferentes variedades de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.), no município de Araras - SP

Meneghin, Silvana Perissatto [UNESP] 29 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-04-29Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:43:45Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 meneghin_sp_dr_rcla.pdf: 500401 bytes, checksum: 1dbb48df89774c8c8a05446c822888e1 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / Nas usinas, no início da safra, a obtenção de matéria-prima de boa qualidade é maximizada com a aplicação de fitorreguladores, os quais aumentam o teor de sacarose da cana-de-açúcar. Em áreas onde eles são aplicados, tem se observado melhor desenvolvimento e perfilhamento das plantas. Avaliou-se aqui o efeito da aplicação dos fitorreguladores Ethrel e Moddus sobre o crescimento da cana-de-açúcar, de forma direta e indiretamente, através da modificação da microbiota rizosférica. Além disso, objetivou-se também avaliar o uso de rizobactérias, isoladas dos experimentos com fitorreguladores, para o biocontrole de doenças e seus possíveis mecanismos de ação. Os efeitos dos fitorreguladores sobre os microrganismos do solo foram avaliados em meios de cultura acrescidos de Ethrel e Moddus em concentrações de 0 a 1000 ppm. Estes fitorreguladores foram aplicados via foliar e via solo para análise do desenvolvimento da cana-de-açúcar (variedades RB72454, RB835486 e RB855156) em casa-de-vegetação, utilizando-se solo sem tratamento e tratado com brometo de metila. Após dez meses, foram avaliadas a brotação, altura e matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes das plantas cultivadas. Rizobactérias foram isoladas dos solos contidos nos vasos e avaliadas in vitro quanto à capacidade de controle de fungos fitopatogênicos (Thielaviopsis paradoxa, Fusarium spp. e Hendersonina sacchari), e in vivo, quanto à capacidade de promoção de crescimento de plântulas de cana-de-açúcar. Alguns mecanismos de ação das rizobactérias foram também estudados, como produção de ácido indol acético, ácido cianídrico, sideróforos e solubilização de fosfato inorgânico. Constatou-se que as populações de fungos foram mais sensíveis à adição dos fitorreguladores do que outros grupos de microrganismos, com redução... / For sugar and alcohol industries, at the start of harvesting, to obtain good quality raw material is potentially possible with the application of plant regulators, which have a role in natural sugar cane maturation, increasing sucrose content. In areas where they have been applied, better plant development and shooting have been observed. The aim here was to evaluate the application of plant regulators Ethrel and Moddus on sugar cane growth, not only in a direct way, but also indirectly, through the modification of rhizosphere microorganisms. Besides, this work also aimed the evaluation of rhizobacteria isolated from the experiments using plant regulators upon the disease biocontrol and their action mechanisms in this respect. The effects of plant regulators upon the soil microorganisms were verified in culture media where Ethrel and Moddus were added in concentrations ranging from 0 to 1000 ppm, while the effects of these substances (applied in leaves and in soil) upon the sugar cane development (varieties RB72454, RB835486 and RB855156) were surveyed in greenhouse, using soil without treatment and treated with methyl bromide. After a ten-month period, the experiments were finished, and sprouting, height and aerial part and root dry matter were analyzed. Soil samples were taken from the pots for rhizobacteria isolation, which were evaluated initially in vitro regarding their ability to control plant pathogenic fungi (Thielaviopsis paradoxa, Fusarium spp. and Hendersonina sacchari), and in vivo, regarding their ability to promote sugar cane growth. Some action mechanisms were also studied, as indol acetic acid, cyanide acid and siderophore production and inorganic phosphate solubilization. It was verified that the fungi populations were more sensitive to the addition of plant regulators than other microorganisms, reducing their colony-forming unit (CFU)...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below)

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