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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Value-chain of Biochar : Case developement and value validation for providers and customers from an environmental, economic and social perspective

Eriksson, Markus, Engel, Samuel January 2024 (has links)
The growing need for climate mitigation solutions has contributed so thatbiochar has gained significant interest. Primary for its ability as a carbon sinkbut there is also a growing interest due to several other aspects within industriese.g. substitution effects, increased resource efficiency, an enabler forindustrial symbiosis, and its beneficial properties when put in soil that can increasegrowth. Previous studies of biochar have been dominant within the environmentalperspective of biochar, analyzing detailed characteristics of its propertiesand carbon sink potential. Some studies have a holistic perspective reflectingon countries specific energy mix and the different benefits of producingbiochar. However, previous studies are far too few to determine the value-chainof biochar. Hence previous studies have knowledge gaps within the holistic lifecycle approach from a provider or customer perspective of biochar, not reflectingon demand for quality requirements in different utilization areas and markets.The need for validation of the environmental and the economic performanceof biochar has to be established, and the economic perspective of biochar hasmajor knowledge gaps since previous studies are scarce. The study aims to establish the value-chain of biochar by evaluating theenvironmental, economic, and social perspectives through life cycle thinking.The core of the study is to distinguish value, which first has to reflect thebiochar quality requirements from providers and customers, captured throughinterviews and literature research. The quality requirements enable a goal forproducing biochar and determine what processes and biomass are needed fordifferent markets. This is evaluated through a case development which considersthe different quality requirements. Life cycle assessment (LCA) with acradle-to-grave perspective and life cycle costing (LCC) with a cradle-to-gatewere then used to distinguish biochar´s environmental and economic performance. The interviews and researched literature resulted in three cases being developed,biochar application in electric arc furnaces in steel production, agriculturalapplication, and commercial application through biochar-macadam. Thesteel industry has higher quality requirements due to the need to have a similarcomposition as fossil coal, resulting in biochar produced from wood being theonly option. The limitations for agricultural application are more related tothe allowed amount of phosphorus per ha and thus all the researched biocharapplies to different degrees. Biochar application in biochar-macadam is similarto agricultural application, however limited due to the EBC certification notallowing the production of biochar from sludge. The generated results from the LCA show that the climate performance isvastly different depending on what biomass was utilized and the different markets.Biochar produced from park and garden, and wood results in a higher climateperformance due to the higher carbon sequestration compared to biocharproduced from straw and sludge, however depending on how the biocharis utilized, the performance varies. During biochar application in electric arcfurnaces, the majority of the produced carbon sink is destroyed which resultsin worse climate performance, instead the majority of the reduced emissionscomes from the substituted fossil coal. Compared to biochar application inagricultural and biochar-macadam where the carbon sink stays intact, steel applicationstill has worse climate performance even when including substitution.Biochar-macadam production results in more emissions compared to agriculturalapplication due to the need to mix biochar with stones and compost,thus biochar in agriculture is the best option from a climate perspective. The economic aspects are generated through the conducted LCC which resulted inbiochar produced from park and garden, and sludge being more beneficial dueto the absence of acquisition costs. Production of biochar from wood provesto be difficult when considering a larger time frame, with the market for steelproduction not returning the investment. Biochar produced from straw hasa positive return on investment when considering the agriculture market, butnot for the production of biochar-macadam. The results show that the marketof biochar is very uncertain due to being considered immature and a futuremarket. The major uncertainty is connected with the immaturity of the market.The quality requirements are not reflected in the market pricing which isone of the major reasons for biochar utilization in the steel industry not beingeconomically beneficial. The value chain of biochar is a combination of many different economic,environmental, and social values. The conducted LCA shows that there areclimate benefits due to carbon sequestration, and a possibility to replace fossilreferences. Other than biochar there are also by-products such as heat and oilwhich can be utilized, improving the climate performance further. The multipleproducts also have economic benefits due to the potential of creating multipleproducts. The carbon sink can be sold as carbon credits, and the heat can beutilized in district heating. For providers, the creation of biochar is an enablerto reduce environmental impact, utilize products already within the system,and create value from waste. The structure of biochar generates a lot of valuefor customers. The porosity enables water storing capabilities which increasesthe efficiency of watering. This reduced the amount needed for soil applications,while also securing the harvest from drought and flooding. Even though thevalue chain of biochar shows that there is a lot of potential, it is still uncertainhow it will be integrated into society, and how the market will be shaped in theyears to come.

Verktyg för uppskattning av bioenergipotential i kommuner i mellersta och södra Sverige / Bio-energy potential estimation tool for counties of middle and southern Sweden

Vega Norell, Pia Carola January 2009 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete utförs på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen i Östergötland och Avdelningen för Teknik och Miljö vid Linköpings Universitet med syfte att skapa ett verktyg för att synliggöra de möjligheterna till den årliga bioenergitillförseln i olika kommuner i södra och mellersta Sverige. Avsikten är att bidra till den kommunala planeringen och effektiviseringen av miljöarbetet just inom energisektorn. Verktyget består av en handbok och ett beräkningsprogram. Den första innehåller information om kartlagda biobränsleresurser som är uppdelade i tre kategorier; Åkerbränslen, trädbränslen samt avfalls- och restprodukter. För varje biobränsleresurs finns information om: faktorer som kan påverka den mängd biobränsleresurser som man kan räkna med till bioenergiproduktion; allmän data om resurserna som energiråvaror; data som kommunen kommer att behöva mata in i beräkningsprogrammet, och information om och förslag på datakällor.</p><p>Handboken verkar främst som grund inför användningen av beräkningsprogrammet och bedömning av dess resultat. Beräkningsprogrammet är ett lättanvänt Excel dokument som omvandlar inmatade data till Megawattimme (MWh). De data som har använts som beräkningsunderlag till kalkylerna kommer delvis från den genomsnittliga mängden (ton/ha) på normskördar i Östergötland 2004-2007. Avsikten har varit att ha en representativ region att relatera och jämföra resultaten till. Resultaten ska ses som vägledande men inte absoluta. Kartläggningen av biobränsleresurser samt information kring dessa har genomförts utifrån ämnesrelevanta hemsidor såsom miljöportaler, myndigheter och universitet, samt via samtal med aktörer inom miljö- och energibranschen. Följaktligen har verktyget validerats innan det provtestats av Norrköpings miljöstrateg Enver Memic som bidragit med sina synpunkter om handbokens tydlighet och beräkningsprogrammet praktiska användning genom att mata in ungefärliga siffror. Förutom detta har man läst en artikel om miljöbeslut samt identifierat andra liknande beräkningsverktyg. Dessa synpunkter och jämförelser har använts som underlag till diskussionen och avslutande reflektion. Man har kommit fram till att verktyget kan bidra till den kommunala planeringen och effektiviseringen av miljöarbetet inom energisektorn så länge nämnda avgränsningar uppmärksammas. Slutsatser:</p><p>- Det utformade verktyget är en stödjande del i processen om att fatta beslut inom energisektorn. På grund av sitt relativt lättförståeligt innehåll anses det kunna öka möjligheter till större deltagande i beslutsprocesser</p><p><strong>- </strong>Handboken är ett informativt underlag med förståeligt innehåll som underlättar användningen av ett lättanvänt beräkningsprogram. Å andra sidan kan handbokens stora omfattning hindra en mer djupgående studie om varje biobränsleresurs. Verktyget avses främst för människor som är insatta i miljöfrågor och som kan hitta sätt att dra maximal nytta av beräkningsresultaten</p><p><strong>- </strong>Ett sådant verktyg skulle vara ännu effektivare om det skapades för de kommunerna i varje enskilt län. Ett beräkningsprogram med regionalstatistik som beräkningsunderlag skulle bidra till mer objektiva resultat. Resultaten skulle fortfarande vara vägledande. Kommunerna är fortfarande ansvariga för att eventuellt effektivisera data insamling och databassystem</p><p><strong>- </strong>Avfalls- och restprodukter omfattar ett flertal avfallskategorier, lagar som rör dess användning, aktörer som tar hand om det samt svår tillgängliga data. Det rekommenderas en specifik undersökning av området för att sedan skapa ett verktyg som räknar ut den mängd energi i MWh som kan utvinnas från det</p><p><strong>- </strong>Den metod som har använts för att ta fram detta verktyg kan användas igen som mall till effektivisering eller ny utformning av liknande verktyg</p> / <p>This master thesis is made by commission of Östergötlands County Administrative Board and the Department for Techniques and Environment at the University of Linköping with the purpose of creating a tool which shows the possibilities for the annual bioenergy production in municipalities located in the south and middle of Sweden. This is intended to contribute to the municipal planning and efficiency development of the environmental work within the energy sector. The tool consists of a handbook and a calculation programme. The first one contains information about surveyed biofuel resources which are organized in three categories; field biofuels; forest biofuels and waste fuels and rest products. For each biofuel resource is there information about factors that might  affect the available quantity biofuels for energy production; General information about these resources as sources of energy; Data that has to be fed into the calculation programme; Information about and ideas for data sources</p><p>The handbook is mainly a foundation preliminary to use of the calculation programme and the assessment of its results.  The calculation programme is an easy-to-use Excel document which transforms data into megawatt per hour (MWh).  The calculation programme is partly based on the average amounts (ton/ha) of vintages in Östergötland 2004-2007.  The purpose has been to have a representative region to relate and compare the results with. The results are to be considered rather as guidance than as absolute numbers.</p><p>The survey on biofuels and the information about these has been performed on the basis of subject relevant internet homepages such as environmental portals, public authorities and universities as well as conversations with actors within the environmental and energy sector.</p><p>As next step has the calculation programme been validated before being tested by Norrköpings environmental strategist Enver Memvic who commented the legibility of the handbook and the practical usage of the calculation programme. For this, he typed in rough numbers.  Moreover, an article about tools for environmental decision making has been read as well as three similar calculation tools have been identified. These commentaries and comparisons have been used as basis for the discussion and final reflection. It has been concluded that the created tool can contribute to the municipal planning and efficiency development of the environmental work within the energy sector as long as the mentioned limitations are considered. Conclusions:</p><p>- The created tool is a supportive part of the decision making process within the energy sector. Due to its understandable content, it is considered to increase the possibilities of participation in decision making.</p><p>- The handbook is an informative foundation with an understandable content which simplifies the usage of the easy-to-use calculation programme. On the other side might the handbook's broad extent hinder a more detailed study of each biofuel. The tool is mainly intended to be used by people who deal with the environmental problematic and who are capable of finding ways to take the best advantage from the calculation results.</p><p>- A tool such as this one would be more effective if it was created for the municipalities of each county. A calculation programme with regional statistics as basis for calculations would contribute with more objective results. These results would still be as guidance. The municipalities would still be responsible for eventually developing the collection of data/ database system.</p><p>-  Waste- and rest-products are not yet considered suitable to be included in such a tool due to the big range of involved actors, waste categories, waste treatments, end-uses that there is a lack of sufficient data for. Such a tool is most suitable for field and forest biofuels resources.</p><p>- The used method for creating this tool can be used again as a pattern for developing the efficiency of it or creating a similar one.</p>

Brännkammare för träpulver : Teoretisk analys och praktisk försök / Combustion chamber for pulverized wood : Analyses and experiments

Pettersson, Jens January 2008 (has links)
The thesis describes a completely new biofuel system to generate particle-free heat from combustion of ash-containing biofuel particles at high temperatures. The suggested system gives opportunities to introduce biofuels in new areas. Main components in the suggested system is a heat radiating combustion chamber intended for pulverized wood, combined with regenerators to extract heat from flue gases and simultaneously preheating the combustion air. The thesis contains a description of the suggested system, theoretical considerations, calculations regarding the combustion, and includes results from tests performed. The results from calculations and tests performed concludes that the system is workable and possible to apply. / Uppsatsen beskriver ett helt nytt system för att åstadkomma partikelfri värme och höga temperaturer från biobränslen. Det föreslagna systemet ger goda möjligheter att använda biobränslen inom helt nya områden. Systemet består huvudsakligen av en brännkammare för träpulver, utförd som en hålrumsstrålare, samt regenerativa värmeväxlare mellan avgående rökgas och inkommande förbränningsluft. Uppsatsen innehåller en beskrivning av det föreslagna systemet, teoretiska överväganden, beräkningar rörande förbränningen, samt redovisar resultat från gjorda försök. Resultat från beräkningar och genomförda försök visar att det föreslagna systemet fungerar och är praktiskt möjligt att tillämpa.

Skogsbränslemarknaden : En inledande översikt

Nalin, Evald January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar olika aspekter av skogsbränslemarknaden mot bakgrund av biobränslets ökande betydelse i den svenska energiförsörjningen. Biobränslets andel av den totala svenska energitillförseln har ökat stadigt de senaste två decennierna. Ökningen hänger mycket samman med att värmesektorn, och då i främsta hand värmeverken, har ökat användningen av biobränslen och en stor andel av denna utgörs av skogsbränslen, dvs avverkningsrester och biprodukter från skogsindustrin. Skatter på fossila bränslen har varit en viktig drivkraft. Uppsatsen gör en beskrivning av vilka aktörerna på skogsbränslemarknaden är och hur kedjan från skogen till slutanvändare ser ut. Analysen är baserad på egna intervjuer av såväl säljare och användare av skogbränslen men också på sekundärdata av olika slag. Statistiken är bristfällig. Trenden för priser på skogsbränslen är uppåtgående och såväl säljare som användare väntar sig att priserna ska fortsätta upp i reala termer. Skogsbränslemarknaden ser ut att vara en fungerande (effektiv) marknad trots att den är förhållandevis ny och stadd i kraftig förändring. Många aktörer gör att konkurrensen är påtaglig i alla led. Det finns konkurrens både på säljarsidan och användarsidan. Dessutom sker viss import och export. Import av pellets är särskilt viktig. Men det sker också import av flis och samt rundved (för flisning). Det finns ett element av regionalisering förknippad med höga transportkostnader för lastbilstransporter. / I discuss various aspects of the market for wood fuels against the background of the increasing importance of bio fuels in the Swedish energy system. The use of bio fuels as a share of total energy supply in Sweden has increased considerably during the last couple of decades. Taxes on fossil fuels explain the increase in use of bio energy. It is district heating (fjärrvärme) which is the main user of wood fuels (outside the paper and sawmill industries themselves). The supply chain from the cutting of logs to the end user is described. I base the description/analysis on interviews with suppliers and users of wood fuels as well as secondary sources. Statistics on wood fuels are generally deficient. Prices on wood fuels have increased in real terms and market actors (producers as well as users) expect prices to continue to increase in the medium term. The market for wood fuels appears to be an efficient one despite the lack of standards and the despite the fact that it is a “new” market. There are a fairly large number of producers as well as users and there are no barriers to entry. The market is also “contestable” in the sense that wood fuels are imported. There is though an element of regionalisation of the wood fuel market due to high transportation costs.

Brännkammare för träpulver : Teoretisk analys och praktisk försök / Combustion chamber for pulverized wood : Analyses and experiments

Pettersson, Jens January 2008 (has links)
<p>The thesis describes a completely new biofuel system to generate particle-free heat from combustion of ash-containing biofuel particles at high temperatures.</p><p>The suggested system gives opportunities to introduce biofuels in new areas.</p><p>Main components in the suggested system is a heat radiating combustion chamber intended for pulverized wood, combined with regenerators to extract heat from flue gases and simultaneously preheating the combustion air.</p><p>The thesis contains a description of the suggested system, theoretical considerations, calculations regarding the combustion, and includes results from tests performed.</p><p>The results from calculations and tests performed concludes that the system is workable and possible to apply.</p> / <p>Uppsatsen beskriver ett helt nytt system för att åstadkomma partikelfri värme och höga temperaturer från biobränslen.</p><p>Det föreslagna systemet ger goda möjligheter att använda biobränslen inom helt nya områden.</p><p>Systemet består huvudsakligen av en brännkammare för träpulver, utförd som en hålrumsstrålare, samt regenerativa värmeväxlare mellan avgående rökgas och inkommande förbränningsluft.</p><p>Uppsatsen innehåller en beskrivning av det föreslagna systemet, teoretiska överväganden, beräkningar rörande förbränningen, samt redovisar resultat från gjorda försök.</p><p>Resultat från beräkningar och genomförda försök visar att det föreslagna systemet fungerar och är praktiskt möjligt att tillämpa.</p>

Skogsbränslemarknaden : En inledande översikt

Nalin, Evald January 2008 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen behandlar olika aspekter av skogsbränslemarknaden mot bakgrund av biobränslets ökande betydelse i den svenska energiförsörjningen. Biobränslets andel av den totala svenska energitillförseln har ökat stadigt de senaste två decennierna. Ökningen hänger mycket samman med att värmesektorn, och då i främsta hand värmeverken, har ökat användningen av biobränslen och en stor andel av denna utgörs av skogsbränslen, dvs avverkningsrester och biprodukter från skogsindustrin. Skatter på fossila bränslen har varit en viktig drivkraft.</p><p>Uppsatsen gör en beskrivning av vilka aktörerna på skogsbränslemarknaden är och hur kedjan från skogen till slutanvändare ser ut. Analysen är baserad på egna intervjuer av såväl säljare och användare av skogbränslen men också på sekundärdata av olika slag. Statistiken är bristfällig. Trenden för priser på skogsbränslen är uppåtgående och såväl säljare som användare väntar sig att priserna ska fortsätta upp i reala termer.</p><p>Skogsbränslemarknaden ser ut att vara en fungerande (effektiv) marknad trots att den är förhållandevis ny och stadd i kraftig förändring. Många aktörer gör att konkurrensen är påtaglig i alla led. Det finns konkurrens både på säljarsidan och användarsidan. Dessutom sker viss import och export. Import av pellets är särskilt viktig. Men det sker också import av flis och samt rundved (för flisning). Det finns ett element av regionalisering förknippad med höga transportkostnader för lastbilstransporter.</p> / <p>I discuss various aspects of the market for wood fuels against the background of the increasing importance of bio fuels in the Swedish energy system. The use of bio fuels as a share of total energy supply in Sweden has increased considerably during the last couple of decades. Taxes on fossil fuels explain the increase in use of bio energy. It is district heating (fjärrvärme) which is the main user of wood fuels (outside the paper and sawmill industries themselves).</p><p>The supply chain from the cutting of logs to the end user is described. I base the description/analysis on interviews with suppliers and users of wood fuels as well as secondary sources. Statistics on wood fuels are generally deficient. Prices on wood fuels have increased in real terms and market actors (producers as well as users) expect prices to continue to increase in the medium term.</p><p>The market for wood fuels appears to be an efficient one despite the lack of standards and the despite the fact that it is a “new” market. There are a fairly large number of producers as well as users and there are no barriers to entry. The market is also “contestable” in the sense that wood fuels are imported. There is though an element of regionalisation of the wood fuel market due to high transportation costs.</p>

Biochar in the Höganäs sponge iron process – techno-economic analysis of integrated production

Olofsson, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
Biomass-based reducing agents have a potential to substitute fossil reducing agents in the steel industry. However, the industrial use of biomass-based reducing agents is currently in an early stage of development and has not yet been considered as a means to reduce fossil CO2 emissions, even though the use of fossil-based reducing agents for the iron and steel making cause the highest share of CO2 emissions. This master thesis presents a techno-economic analysis of a 10 MW biochar production plant integrated with sponge iron production in Höganäs. In this study, a steady-state process model was developed, where state-of-the-art research and development in biochar production for increased biochar yield was applied and adapted, using the principle of bio-oil recycle. The developed process model was used to evaluate the biochar production plant, in terms of conversion efficiency, production costs and CO2 emissions, for different process configurations. The results show that bio-oil recycle with 20 wt.% bio-oil increases the energy yield of biochar with 14%. However, it was found that bio-oil recycle increases the required heat input of pyrolysis which led to reduced plant efficiency with 4%-units and increased biochar production costs of 500-1000 SEK/ton biochar. It was found that system integration with Höganäs can reduce the production cost of biochar from over 5000 SEK/ton to under 2000 SEK/ton, where the most significant integration aspect was flue gas integration. The sensitivity analysis showed that the cost of biomass feedstock and total capital investment were the most sensitive input parameters. It was found that system integration with Höganäs was essential to achieve production costs of biochar below the price of fossil reducing agents. It was also found that co-produced bio-oil becomes a main product, essential for the economic performance of the biochar plant, even though the intended main product was the biochar.

Mesophilic anaerobic digestion conducted in single unit reactor at increasing ammonia concentrations

Yang, Fan January 2011 (has links)
The use of mesophilic anaerobic digestion for treatment of organic wastes is a growing biotechnology for sustainable energy supply. Ammonia inhibition is a major problem in anaerobic digestion mainly when digestion of nitrogen-rich substrates such as livestock wastes and manure occurs. This paper provides a summary of research conducted on ammonia inhibition of the anaerobic process. An experiment with mesophilic digestions of swine manure was conducted in single unit reactors, which were controlled under different ammonia concentrations by addition of NH4Cl in different amounts. From the experimental results, it was shown that NH4Cl could be an effective chemical agent for removing foam and scum in the digester. Methane production was decreased with the increasing NH4Cl addition until a collapse was observed between 11.2 g NH4+-N/l and 13.2 g NH4+-N/l. Contrary to the findings in thermophilic digestion, a dysfunction of acidogenesis was also observed since both gas and methane production was delayed with increasing NH4Cl addition. These findings suggest different ammonia inhibition principles in mesophilic and thermophilic digestion. It was further indicated that methanogenesis could produce a high percentage of methane although gas production was inhibited.

Redistribution of Welfare from the Biodiesel Production Chain in Argentina : Growth to Distribute or Distribute to Growth

Pérez Martín, Joaquín January 2012 (has links)
In view of the dimension of its agricultural production, the biodiesel development policies adopted and the increasing global demand, Argentina became in the last years an important actor of the biodiesel market. The industrialization of the primary production within the agricultural sector is a strategic action towards adding value to the great exported volume allowing economic growth while boosting development and social welfare. Using Welfare Economics as a theoretical background, this study analyzes the socio-economic gains resulted from the biodiesel production chain, their distribution in regional and individual terms and the role of this industry as a driver to increase social welfare in Argentina. The recent development of the biodiesel industry has contributed to a general improvement of the society´s welfare adding an extra value to the great existing volume of soybean oil, by an average of USD 94 per produced ton in 2010. Moreover, although it is not a labor intensive industry, it has also contributed to the reduction of the unemployment rate creating direct and indirect job positions. While the big-scale biodiesel industries are mainly export-oriented the state has guaranteed market to the small-scale actors through local consumption quotas, however until now there is no redistribution scheme towards the geographical deconcentration of the income.

Framställning av syntetiska bio-drivmedel från förgasad biomassa : En studie i potentiell värmeintegration / Production of synthetic biofuels from gasified biomass : A study in process integration

Pogosean, Ararat January 2013 (has links)
Fossila bränslen har sedan de upptäcktes konkurrerat ut biomassa som den huvudsakliga energikällan. Framförallt i trafiksektorn har drivmedel som härstammar från fossil olja varit dominerande. Främst på grund av deras fördelar mot biomassan såsom tillgänglighet, pris, energidensitet och enkelhet att användas i en förbränningsmotor. Men dessa drivmedel innehåller kolatomer som inte längre är en del av det naturliga kretsloppet och vid förbränning leder detta till nettotillskott av koldioxid till atmosfären. Utsläpp av koldioxid utgör den största antropogena inverkan på den accelererande växthuseffekt världen upplever vilket kommer att medföra förödande klimatändringar. Det är mot den bakgrunden nödvändigt att istället framställa drivmedel från en förnybar källa, som innebär en koldioxidneutral förbränning, nämligen biomassa. Samtidigt måste även hänsyn tas till vilken typ av biomassa som används, produktion av biodrivmedel får inte konkurrera med livsmedelproduktion. Därför är det viktigt att ”träaktigt” biomassa används som råvara vilket inte utgör någon konkurrens. Ett lovande sätt att omvandla biomassa till drivmedel är via förgasning där biomassa upphettas tills dess att en gas erhålls, bland annat bestående av kolmonoxid, vätgas, metan och diverse spårämnen. Denna gas genomgår sedan rening och bearbetning där partiklar, tjäror, alkalimetaller och spårämnen renas till dess att gasen endast består av kolmonoxid och vätgas, kallat syntesgas (ofta förkortat som syngas). Syngasen kan sedan i en process omvandlas till en rad olika bränslen, såsom bensin och metan. När gasen renas och bearbetas uppstår stora mängder termisk överskottsenergi. Om anläggningen är fristående kan överskottsenergi inte nyttjas vilket innebär relativ låga verkningsgrader. Men om anläggningen integreras mot till exempel ett massa- och pappersbruk kan överskottsenergi komma väl till pass och på så vis erhålls högre verkningsgrader. I arbetet presenteras en sammanställning av renings- och bearbetningsmetoder. Utifrån denna sammanställning har åtta processlösningar simulerats i processmodellerings-programmet CHEMCAD. De åtta fallen som ingår i studien är för produktion av bensin, diesel, metanol och metan, samtliga med rening vid relativ låga temperaturer (kall gasrening) respektive vid relativ höga temperaturer (het gasrening). Utifrån simuleringsresultateten har det varit möjligt att genomföra en så kallad Pinch-analys där det är möjligt att grafiskt avläsa potential för värmeintegration mot ett typiskt massa- och pappersbruk. Slutligen har en utvärdering av samtliga fall gjorts utifrån olika verkningsgradsberäkningar. Klart står att möjligheterna till värmeintegration är stora, på användbara temperaturnivåer, och uppgår i vissa fall till nästan 40 MW för en 100 MWth–anläggning. Verkningsgraderna är definierade på fyra olika sätt vilket möjliggör djupare tolkning och utvärdering av resultaten men samtidigt kräver det en viss försiktighet från läsaren. Dock framgår det tydligt ur resultaten från verkningsgradsberäkningar att totala effektiviteten för processen kan öka med 10-tals procentenheter om värmeöverskotten tillvaratas.   Resultaten framhåller vikten av värmeintegration och indikerar samtidigt möjligheten till effektivare produktion av bio-drivmedel. Detta innebär med stor sannolikhet också ett ekonomiskt sundare alternativ som i sin tur ökar intresset för investeringar på förnybara bränslen. Investeringar av denna typ är en absolut nödvändighet för en hållbar drivmedelskonsumtion i framtiden. / Fossil fuels have since their discovery replaced biomass as the main source of energy. Especially in the transportation sector, fuels derived from fossil oil have been the dominant source of energy, mainly due to their advantages compared to biomass such as availability, price, energy density and easiness of use in an internal combustion engine. Unfortunately these fuels contain carbon atoms that no longer are part of the natural cycle and combustion leads to net addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide has the largest anthropogenic impact on the accelerated greenhouse effect that the world is experiencing, which will lead to devastating climate changes. In this context it is necessary to instead produce fuel from a renewable source, which means a carbon neutral combustion, namely biomass. At the same time it is necessary to also take into account the type of biomass used, the production of biofuels should not compete with food production. Therefore it is important that “woody” biomass is being used as the raw material, which poses no competition. A promising way to convert biomass into fuels is with gasification where biomass is heated until a gas is obtained, mainly consisting of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane and various trace elements. This gas then undergoes purification and processing, where particles, tars, alkali metals and trace elements are purged until only a gas consisting of carbon monoxide and hydrogen remains, called syngas (synthesis gas). The syngas can then be converted into a variety of fuels such as petrol and methane. When the gas is being purified and processed large amounts of excess thermal energy are released. If it is a stand-alone plant, excess energy cannot be utilized, which leads to relatively low efficiencies. But if the plant is integrated with, for example, a pulp and paper mill, the excess energy can be utilized, thus resulting in higher overall efficiencies. This work presents a compilation of purification and processing methods. This compilation was used as the basis for the modelling of eight process solutions that were simulated in the flow-sheeting program CHEMCAD. The eight cases included in the study aim to produce gasoline, diesel, methanol and methane, all with purification at relatively low temperatures (cold gas cleaning) or at relative high temperatures (hot gas cleaning). Based on simulation results, a so-called Pinch analysis has been carried out where it is possible to graphically read off the potential for heat integration with a typical pulp and paper mill. Finally, overall assessments of the eight cases have been made based on different efficiency calculations. The results clearly show that the potential for process integration is great, with useful temperature levels, and amounts in up to almost 40 MW when the biomass input is 100 MWth. The efficiencies are defined in four different ways allowing for deeper interpretation and evaluation of the results, but require a certain amount of caution from the reader. However, it is evident from the results of efficiency calculations that overall efficiency of the process can be increased by 10's of percentage points if surplus heat is utilized. The results emphasize the importance of heat integration and simultaneously indicate the possibility of increased efficiency in production of biofuels. Which most likely also means a more economically sound alternative, which in turn increases the interest from investors in renewable fuels. Investments of this type are an absolute necessity for sustainable fuel consumption in the future.

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